Abstract of the lesson in the second junior group on the development of speech "Journey to the land of fairy tales" - Speech development - Preschool education - Methodological developments - Samara school portal. Features of working with children in the classroom


1. To form the ability to listen to speech, to finish words and phrases.

2. Clarify, expand and generalize children's ideas about toys.

3. Educate careful attitude to toys, develop the emotional responsiveness of the child.

There is a knock on the door, Mashenka enters.

Masha: Hello. My name is Masha. I brought you a beautiful box.

caregiver : Hello, Masha! Thank you! Where is your box?

Masha whispers in the teacher's ear.

caregiver : What? Did you hide her? And where? Do we need to find her?

caregiver (turns to the children): Guys, do you want to find a box?

Children : Yes!!!

caregiver : Then let's look for her! And you, Mashenka, come to visit us.

The teacher with the children finds the box.

caregiver : Look what beautiful box. And here it says “Children who love and cherish their toys. (Signed) Mashenka.

caregiver : Thank you Masha!

Masha : What do you think is in it?

Children offer their options.

Masha: You can see what's in it.

caregiver : Now I will open the box and take out what is in it. Want to see? Then sit comfortably on the carpet.

caregiver : Our favorite toys are in the box! (shows first toy) Who is this?

Children : Bear.

caregiver : Do you like this toy?

Children : Yes!

caregiver : Look what Mishka has?

Children : Eyes, ears, paws...

caregiver : Do you know the poem about the bear?

Children recite poems “Clumsy Bear”, “They Dropped the Bear on the Floor”

caregiver : What do you think, if our Mishka really had his paw torn off, would he smile?

Children : No.

caregiver : Certainly! He would be offended. What happens when you get offended?

Children : Yes.

caregiver : Show how offended you are.

Children show how offended they are

caregiver : But we will not offend Mishka?

Children : No.

caregiver : Look, Mishka smiled at us! Let's smile back at him.

Children smile at Mishka.

Bear: I like to play the game "The bear walked through the forest » .Do you want to play with me?

Children : Yes!

The game "The bear walked in the forest"

caregiver (sits Mishka): Sit down, Mishka, rest.

caregiver : I wonder what other toys are in this box.

The teacher shows the second toy.

caregiver : Who is this?

Children : Bunny!

caregiver : What does the bunny have?

Children : Long ears, short tail, fluffy fur ...

caregiver : Do you know a poem about a bunny?

Children recite poems "The hostess threw the bunny."

caregiver : Oh, how his mistress did not do well. He must have been quite cold in the rain. Show how the bunny sat wet in the rain.

Children show.

caregiver : Do you want to cheer up the bunny?

Children : Yes!

caregiver : Let's all turn into hares now and play.

The game "The gray bunny is sitting"

A gray bunny sits and moves its ears.

Like this, like this, he moves his ears.

It's cold for a bunny to sit, you need to warm up your paws.

Like this, like this, you need to warm your paws.

Bunny is cold to stand, you need to warm your legs.

Jump jump, jump jump, you need to warm your legs.

caregiver : Bunny's ears warmed up?

Children : Yes.

caregiver : Did you warm the Bunny's paws?

Children : Yes.

caregiver : Bunny smiled! Let's promise him that we will not leave him and that we will be friends and play with him.

caregiver (seats Bunny next to Mishka): Sit down Bunny next to Mishka.

An audio recording of a rooster crowing sounds.

caregiver : Who is this?

Children : Cockerel.

caregiver : And let's praise the cockerel.

Children : You have a golden comb. Olive beard. You have a beautiful multi-colored tail. You have legs and spurs on your legs.

caregiver : Who will tell us a nursery rhyme about a cockerel?

caregiver : In his family, the cockerel is dad. And who is mom?

Children : Chicken.

caregiver : And the kids?

Children : Chickens.

caregiver : Let me be a chicken mom, and you be my baby chickens.

Logorhythm "Chicken with chickens"

The hen went out for a walk

Pinch fresh grass

And behind her are the guys - yellow chickens.

Ko-ko-ko, ko-ko-ko

Don't go far.

Row with your paws, look for grains

They ate a fat beetle, an earthworm,

We drank a full trough of water.

Where - where? Where - where?

Come on, come on, everybody here!

Well - ka to my mother under the wing!

Where - where did it take you?

caregiver : We will promise the cockerel that we will love and take care of him?

Children : Yes.

caregiver : Sit the cockerel next to other toys.

caregiver : And here's another toy!

Children : Airplane.

caregiver : Just like a real one. He has (showing, children call) wings, nose, wheels.

Do you know who is flying the plane? (children's answers). The pilot is flying the plane.

What are the wheels on an airplane called? (children's answers). The wheels of an airplane are called landing gear.

caregiver : Do you want to fly like airplanes?

Children : Yes.

Fizminutka "We put our hands in expansion"

We put our hands up,

Got a plane.

Let's build the plane ourselves

Let's fly over the forests.

Let's fly over the forests

And then back to mom.

caregiver : Who else is hiding in the box?

Children : Elephant.

caregiver : It is not at all like other animal toys. Look at his ears. Big or small? What is an elephant's nose called?

Children : Trunk.

caregiver : And now I want to read a poem to you. Want to?

Children : Yes.

It's time to save, the bull fell asleep,

He lay down in a box on the barrels.

Sleepy bear went to bed

Only the elephant does not want to sleep.

He nods his head -

He sends a bow to the elephant.

caregiver : Show the elephant how to sleep.

Children show how to sleep.

caregiver : That's right, hands under the cheek, eyes closed.

The teacher puts the toys back in the box.

caregiver : Our toys are a little tired. Let them sleep in the box for a while, and then we will play with them. Do you remember what toys are in this box?

Children : Bear, Bunny, Cockerel, Airplane, Elephant.

caregiver : Toys really like to play with you if you don't offend them, don't throw them and don't forget them. How do you deal with toys?

The children answer the question.

caregiver : And now let's say our magic words how we will play together.

We will play together

Don't offend anyone.

Masha: I believe that you will love toys and play with them carefully. I want to give you my toys.

From the author

Successful implementation of program objectives depends on a number of factors and, above all, on the way of life preschool, the atmosphere in which the child is brought up, from a specially given, thoughtful developmental environment.
The effectiveness of education and training is achieved through the painstaking work of teachers who work directly with children, and all employees of a preschool institution who communicate with preschoolers during the day.
The system of work on teaching children the native language, familiarizing them with fiction presented in the works of V. V. Gerbova “Development of speech in kindergarten”, “Introduction of children to fiction” (M .: Mozaika-Synthesis, 2005).
Manual "Classes on the development of speech in the second junior group kindergarten”, written within the framework of the “Program of Education and Training in Kindergarten”, edited by M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Gerbova, T. S. Komarova, complements the recommendations in the most important direction pedagogical activity- purposeful and systematic teaching of preschoolers in the classroom. The practical purpose of the book is to give educators approximate guidelines for planning classes (determining the topics and goals of training, ways to implement them).

Features of the development of speech in children of the fourth year of life

In the fourth year of life Special attention given the need to express oneself.
Toddlers speak with the aim of informing, explaining, asking for something, and also accompany game actions with speech. Their messages and explanations consist of one-third of complex sentences, which makes it possible to improve the syntactic side of children's speech.
By the age of three there is speech analysis ability. The child, not knowing how to pronounce the words correctly, catches when someone else pronounces them with errors. Children can distinguish similar-sounding words (Sashulka - icicle). However, it is too early to talk about the speech perfection of hearing (coherent speech is more difficult to perceive by ear than individual words).
At this age, children begin to catch by ear and reproduce some intonations (joyful, instructive, interrogative).
Although the fourth year is a period of intense sound acquisition, along with their correct pronunciation in the speech of children, there is a skip, replacement, assimilation and softening of sounds (the pronunciation of soft sounds is easier for a child than hard ones).
The correct pronunciation of sounds in a child is easily disturbed by fatigue, illness, and communication with poorly speaking young children.
Defects in pronunciation make it difficult to assimilate grammatical structure speech, prevent the child from communicating with peers, since his statements are incomprehensible to others.
In children 3-4 years old, breathing is interrupted, and the pace of speech is accelerated (less often - slow), so it can be difficult to listen to them. In this regard, the content of the work on the education of the sound culture of speech includes exercises to improve breathing, strength, voice pitch.
Problem vocabulary formation also many aspects. It is known that in the third year of life, children easily recognize individual objects (vegetables, furniture, utensils, etc.), but they are not always correctly called. By the age of three, babies perceive objects, trying to characterize their signs, qualities, actions with them.
Understanding some of the questions of an adult regarding familiar objects can cause difficulties for children, in particular, when the object acts as an object of action. Children, looking at the picture, unmistakably answer the question "Who (what) is this?" (girl, doll, pants, needle, thread) but to the question “Who does the girl sew panties for?” some of them answer “The bear is sewing” (most recently, the teacher sewed up the pants for the bear cub).
Significant quantitative fluctuations are recorded in the vocabulary of children of the fourth year of life, which are explained by individual features toddler development.
Unfortunately, until now, researchers rely on the data of E. Arkin on the composition vocabulary in children of the fourth year of life, published in 1968. (It is possible that modern child other quantitative characteristics.) So, according to E. Arkin in the child's dictionary: nouns and pronouns make up 50.2%, verbs - 27.7%, adverbs - 5%, adjectives - 11.8%.
Children quite successfully master the so-called everyday vocabulary, which helps them communicate. In addition, it is necessary to help children learn words denoting parts and details of objects, their qualities. Some generic concepts should be introduced into the dictionary, otherwise the children group objects, focusing on random, and not on essential features.
At this age, there is an intensive development of prepositions, conjunctions, interrogative words (the basis for improving syntax) by children.
Vocabulary work is closely related to work on improving the grammatical structure of speech(word formation, inflection, etc.).
Children distinguish words, focusing on the prefix, suffix (came - left - went in, a cup - a cup). Toddlers learn the agreement of past tense singular verbs with nouns, correct forms genitive and accusative plural nouns (boots, mittens, foxes), possessive adjectives (hare, fox); begin to use adjectives and adverbs in the comparative degree.
It is known that the development of the grammatical structure of speech occurs especially quickly in the second half of the third year of life. (According to researchers, up to three and a half years, and according to some indicators even up to four years, speech does not change significantly.)
In the fourth year of life gradually the number of simple common sentences increases, complex sentences appear.
At this age, children ask questions that are not related to their direct experience. (“This is a rabbit. And what is his last name?” “At night the sun turns into the moon?” “What kind of relative are you?” (Turns to the teacher.))
In the second half of the year, the number of questions aimed at clarifying cause-and-effect relationships increases.

Features of working with children in the classroom

With preschoolers of the fourth year of life, special classes are planned for the development of speech and fiction. In these classes, work continues to improve the sound culture of speech, the grammatical correctness of speech, to foster interest in the artistic word and the accumulation of literary baggage.
In the second younger group, classes are most often organized, consisting of one part (reading fairy tales to children, working out a clear and correct pronunciation of sound, etc.). In these classes, in addition to the main one, many other tasks are solved in parallel. For example, introducing children to new fairy tale is the leading task of the lesson, but on the same material, the teacher forms the intonational expressiveness of speech in kids, activates the dictionary, improves sound pronunciation, etc.
With children of 3-4 years old, combined classes are also held, consisting of two independent parts. The most different variants combinations:
reading a work of fiction and practicing the ability to conduct a dialogue;
reading (memorizing a poem) and improving the grammatical correctness of speech;
consideration of the plot picture and the game (exercises) to enrich and activate the vocabulary;
didactic game for the formation of sound pronunciation and games (exercises) for improving the grammatical structure of speech, etc.
How to achieve the optimal "density" of the lesson, to ensure maximum organization and discipline of children, while maintaining the atmosphere of spontaneity and emotionality necessary for their age - this question often arises in the course of work with preschoolers. The solution to this problem is:
alternating teaching techniques (such as explanation, showing a sample or method of action) with games. For example, the teacher tells the children about the song of the hedgehog, teaches them to clearly and correctly pronounce the sound f(by imitation) and practice the pronunciation of the sound using the didactic game "Hedgehog, do you want milk?";
the alternation of choral and individual responses of children (both verbal and motor), which diversify the lesson, help to involve all the kids in the work, significantly increase speech activity each of them;
use of various demonstration materials(toys, objects, pictures, figurines table theater and so on.). Their appearance pleases children, helps maintain sustained attention;
the use of tasks, when performing which children can change their position, move around (look under the chairs, looking for a “hidden” dog; show how an important goose stretches its neck, etc.). The playful nature of such tasks encourages the child to accept an imaginary situation. This brings revival to the lesson, prevents the occurrence of fatigue; teaches children how to play. However this technique it will be effective only if the adult himself acts enthusiastically and cheerfully, infecting children with his mood;
specially organized communication of the educator with the children immediately after the lesson. At the invitation of the teacher, the kids examine the toys that were used in the lesson, talk with the teacher, continue the game that ended the lesson. Inactive children are more willing to answer the teacher's questions at this particular time. Such moments allow you to consolidate the program material with individual children or a group of kids (3-4 people) within 3-5 minutes.
The success of the lesson is largely determined by how the children sit: they must see the teacher and the material being demonstrated well. In some classes, it is more convenient for children to sit at tables that stand separately from each other; on other babies it is more expedient to seat in a semicircle; on the third, it is more convenient for younger preschoolers to study at tables arranged in a row, etc. Children should be seated so that they do not touch each other (especially when imitating actions, movements). It is desirable that balanced, not capricious peers sit next to excitable kids. Do not invite three-year-olds to raise their hand to show a willingness to answer, or to stand up when answering a question, this is difficult for toddlers and is associated with a significant investment of time.
The whole way of kindergarten life contributes to the development of children's speech.
Work to enrich the knowledge and ideas of preschoolers in all areas of their activities (playing, household, educational - classes visual activity, musical, on the formation of elementary mathematical representations etc.) and the development of speech are inextricably linked.
Accurate terminology learned by preschoolers in a timely manner, based on specific ideas, significantly increases the level of their speech development, improves the culture of speech communication.
As in the previous age level, the following are used in the second younger group: vocabulary work techniques:
examining the subject, establishing its purpose; telling children the name of the object, showing characteristic actions with it;
naming the details of the subject and their qualities to children (at the kettle a long nose), characterization of appearance features (lid on top, handle on the side);
using action questions. These questions allow you to find out if there is right word V passive vocabulary child;
a combination of displaying an object with the active actions of the child to examine it (feeling, listening to, distinguishing by taste, smell). For example, a teacher shows a ficus leaf and says: “Look what big leaves at ficus. It seems to me that they are larger than Andryushin's palm. Let's check? And even more than my palm!”;
repeated repetition by the child of a new word: after the teacher; when answering a teacher's question; when memorizing rhymes, etc.
In the second younger group, didactic games are planned to group objects familiar to children: dishes, clothes, toys, furniture, vegetables. Younger preschoolers master and learn to use generalizing words in their speech, name specific objects that are part of a group, and point to a sign that allows you to combine certain objects that are different in name and appearance.
Commonly used when working with children next sequence. First, the teacher, using the right moment, shows a group of objects, explains how and why they can be called in one word. Further, he clarifies, concretizes and enriches the children's ideas about the objects included in this group, conducts exercises to activate the dictionary, and, finally, offers tasks for grouping objects.
The acquired knowledge is consolidated in the classroom and in independent activity children.
Many classes, especially in the first half of the year, end with the didactic game “Make no mistake!”, Which is carried out as follows. The teacher approaches the child and asks to complete the task: “A pear, an apple, an orange is ... (fruits)","Name any vegetable ... (any item of utensils)", etc.
For the correct answer, the child receives a reward - some small object: Christmas tree, chip, nut, pebble, acorn, etc.
At first, the teacher waits for the child to answer the question, but in the second half of the year, accustoming the children to work at a certain pace, he takes them to answer certain time(for example, quietly counts up to five with the children (later - up to three)).
Outside of class, these exercises are carried out during ball games (the child must catch the ball, and while the children count to five (or up to three), answer the question).
By clarifying the spatial representations of children, you need to help them master concepts such as beside me, behind me, in front of me. This goal can be served by the didactic game "What has changed" and various didactic exercises. For example, the teacher says to the children: “Very quickly today you put the chairs and got ready to listen. Who sits with whom today? Olechka, who is sitting next to you? Who is on the left? On right? Behind? ahead? And so on.
Mastering the color younger preschoolers experiencing certain difficulties. They confuse blue and green colors, make mistakes in determining shades, etc. In the process of observing, examining toys, pictures, clothes, the names of colors should be clarified and activated in children's speech. This manual provides an example of such a lesson - "At the matryoshka - housewarming."
One of the complex program tasks is to teach children to use nouns in the form of the plural of the nominative and genitive cases in speech. To solve it, household processes provide rich opportunities. For example: “So, you got dressed,” the teacher says to the children. - Look, what items of clothing are the most today? (Fur coats, jackets, overalls, hats, scarves, mittens…) What is one? (My coat.) One? (Olina sheepskin coat.) Alone? (Dimin's gloves.)" And so on.
In accordance with the "Program of Education and Training in Kindergarten" in the second junior group, four classes are allotted for the development of speech and familiarization with fiction.
This guide provides lessons on:
education of sound culture of speech. The volume of speech material that is used in these classes allows you to simultaneously solve problems of activating the vocabulary of children, the formation of dialogic speech;
acquaintance with fiction (reading to children of Russian folk tales, poems, exercises in dramatization, memorization);
consideration plot pictures. These activities include didactic games and exercises, viewing book illustrations, dramatization games.

Education of sound culture of speech

In this age group children work out a clear pronunciation of almost all sounds mother tongue. Only hissing ones are excluded (w, w, h, w) and sonorants (p, l) the most difficult sounds to pronounce.
Most children in the fourth year of life clearly pronounce all vowels and many consonants. Then is it worth spending time practicing the pronunciation of these sounds? In answering this question, let us analyze some methodological provisions.
The clear pronunciation of vowels and the simplest consonants in articulation in many cases contributes to the appearance of sounds that are more complex in articulation in a child. So, in order for speech to be distinct and clear, children must learn to open their mouth well, which is achieved, in particular, by the correct articulation of the vowel sound. A; close lips tightly - this is facilitated by a clear pronunciation of sounds m, p, b and so on.
There is much in common in the formation of some vowels and consonants, for example, sounds And And h. In both cases, the front of the tongue is tense and raised, air passing through a passageway created by the tongue and palate (forming a vowel) or by the tongue and alveoli of the upper teeth (forming a consonant). Or: when pronouncing sounds t, d, n the tongue is behind the upper teeth, as with sounds w, w. The position of the tongue with vowels and, uh similar to the position of the tongue during articulation s, h.
Clear pronunciation of sounds OU largely determines the appearance of hissing in a child w, w, h, u; pronunciation f, v - whistling h, s and sonorant l; t, d, n- hissing and sonorous r, l.
Education of the sound culture of speech is not only working out the correct pronunciation, although this task is one of the main ones. When practicing sound pronunciation, the ability to distinguish sounds is improved, that is, phonemic hearing, speech breathing, speech rate, strength and pitch of voice, diction, etc. All these tasks are easier to solve if you use sounds that the child pronounces well.
The formation of sound pronunciation is carried out in three stages: preparation articulation apparatus; clarification of sound pronunciation; consolidation of sound in words, phrasal speech. Let's take a closer look at the last two stages.
Sound pronunciation refinement(working out the pronunciation of an isolated sound and in onomatopoeia). Almost all vowels (except O) and some consonants (v, f, s, h, c) easy to correlate with any real object: ah-ah-ah - babbles Small child, woo - the locomotive honks, fff - the hedgehog snorts. This greatly facilitates the work on sound pronunciation, makes it possible in an entertaining way to explain to the child the need for the next repetition of the sound. For example: "Let's learn to growl as well as a big bear (uh-uh); let's remind the song to the little bear cub who has forgotten it; we will help the bear cub to call the bear, ”etc. A variety of techniques increases the efficiency of children, maintains interest in the material being mastered.
Consider the techniques that are used to form sound pronunciation:
a combination of choral repetition with individual (3-4 repetitions). For example, the teacher says: "U-u-u- the locomotive beeps. How does he signal? (Choral answer.) And now let's listen to how Olin's engine is signaling ... Sashin ... Natashin ... ";
the use of didactic games such as "Clockwork Toys". In this game, children depict squirrels (airplanes, mosquitoes, foals). The teacher "turns on" the squirrel-child with a "key". "Ts-ts-ts", - squirrel says. (If the baby is silent, you should not seek an answer, you can explain to the children that the toy is broken.)
Children also play these games outside of class, repeating familiar songs (sounds);
use of the magic cube. Pictures are pasted on the faces of the cube (10–15 cm in size): baby Alyonushka, a steam locomotive, a steamer, a foal, etc.
"Spin, spin, lie down on your side!" - the children say, while the teacher turns the cube from side to side. One of the pictures is offered to the attention of the children, and the kids sing the corresponding song in chorus or individually (if there is an airplane in the picture, the children say in-in-in; water faucet - s-s-s; mosquito - z-z-z). The faces of the cube are filled with pictures gradually, as the children get acquainted with new sounds. By the end of the year, 2-3 cubes are used (alternately) in the classroom.
It is necessary to single out a group of techniques in which the development of sound pronunciation acts as a secondary task, and the main thing is the development of speech breathing, speech tempo, intonation expressiveness:
performance by children of "long songs". Practicing the pronunciation of vowels and whistles (s, h) sounds, it is advisable to offer the child a long time (for 2-3 seconds) to pronounce the sound on one exhalation. You can use the "string pull" technique (hands are in front - at chest level, large and index fingers hands are closed. The child pronounces a vowel sound and at the same time spreads his arms to the sides, as if “pulling the thread”). At the same time, you need to monitor the baby’s posture: often, “pulling the thread”, children lower their heads;
performance of songs (vowels and whistling sounds) with different voice strengths. The song of a large steam locomotive (steamboat) should be sung in bass, and a toy one should be sung in a higher key (thinly).
Pronunciation of consonants m, b, p, n, t, d, k, d, x younger preschoolers master by practicing onomatopoeia. Techniques that allow children to be active and ensure their performance with repeated repetition of the same onomatopoeia are the same as for practicing the pronunciation of an isolated sound. So, in chorus and one by one, the kids pronounce onomatopoeia, playing clockwork toys (mice - pi-i-pi-i, bells - ding dong and so on.). The "magic cube" is also used. Ko-ko-ko (koh-koh, kudah-tah-tah)- children say if a chicken is depicted on the edge of the cube.
It should be emphasized that at this age stage onomatopoeia is not so much a means of activating the speech of children - this task was leading in groups early age, - how much convenient material for educating the sound culture of speech.
When exercising children in the distinct pronunciation of onomatopoeia, it is easy to provide tasks for distinguishing them ( don-don And ding dong), on the formation of the tempo of speech, its intonational expressiveness ( quoh-quoh-quoh- the hen cackles softly, guarding the chickens, where-where-where - she cackles loudly, alarmed by something).
Consolidation of sound in words and phrasal speech. At this stage, their own teaching methods are used. Let's take a look at their characteristics.
Staged games. In the course of the performance, the children repeat words and phrases in which the mastered sound is often found. At the same time, work is being done to form the intonational expressiveness of speech: children pronounce interrogative and exclamatory sentences with intonations of sadness, edification, joy, etc.
Speech material for dramatization games should be selected taking into account the following points:
- a word containing a sound that the child learns to pronounce clearly and correctly should be at the beginning or at the end of the phrase;
- sounds that are difficult to pronounce should first be worked out in words in which syllables are built according to the principle “consonant + vowel”, and not “consonant + consonant + vowel”, since the latter are difficult for a three-year-old child;
- words should be selected so that the paired sound being practiced is hard in some cases, soft in others ( Mila - soap, umbrella - zebra);
- the vowel, the pronunciation of which the child masters, must be stressed.
The use of verses. The teacher reminds the children of the passage, then repeats it 2-3 times with them. Repetition can be done in game form. For example, children “bake pancakes and say: “Oh, patties, patties, let’s bake pancakes” (fixing the sound A).
The teacher specifies from which book (fairy tale) the passage read, recalls its title. (This technique allows you to repeat program works with children without additional expenditure of time.)
Reading small new software works in class on sound culture speech. After reading, the teacher quotes excerpts from it, saturated with words with a practiced sound, and the children repeat. For example, to fix the pronunciation of a sound With it is advisable to use the folk song "Geese you, geese", sound X- a poem by V. Berestov “Merry Summer” (“An amazing rooster - feathers on top, fluff on the bottom; a sly tail curls, it doesn’t give in the teeth; the girl laughs, she wants to laugh,” etc.).
Repetition by children of words from the story of the teacher. For example, fixing the pronunciation of a sound P, the teacher “introduces” the children to three mice (toys, pictures) - Peak, Pak, Pok. The teacher sings or pronounces a song of mice, and the names Peak, Pak, Pok that occur periodically in it are pronounced by children.
The repetition of words. Clean tongues are widely used in working with children. Their effectiveness is beyond doubt. However, in order to educate children's taste for a good literary language, one should be stricter about the choice of tongue twisters intended for teamwork with kids.

Integratable educational areas:





Program tasks:

Educational- expand the vocabulary of children, develop coherent speech. Strengthen the ability to describe the toy. Form the correct pronunciation of the sound "B". Strengthen the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper.

Educational- develop the ability to use accumulated knowledge in a conversation. Develop visual and auditory attention, fine motor skills hands

Educational- to cultivate a careful attitude to toys, responsiveness, the ability to listen to each other.

Preliminary work:

Reading and learning poetry , conversation (my favorite toy). Solving riddles. Role-playing games"Toy store, kindergarten."


Toys (dolls, cars, balls, constructor, Stuffed Toys, musical toys, toy soldiers, matryoshka, steam locomotive, etc.); a basket tied to her handle balloons; cards "What is superfluous"; distributing small nesting dolls, multi-colored sheets of cardboard with yellow and blue circles pasted on them.

Lesson progress:

Educator: Guys, do you like to visit?

Children: Yes, we love.

Teacher: Who do you visit? Do you like it when guests come to you? Why? Who came to visit you? But guests must be able to meet. You hear the bell rang, maybe guests have come to us (the children go to meet the guests). Today, toys from a neighboring group arrived to visit us. Meet them. (A large basket of toys is brought in with balloons attached to the handle of the basket). Educator: Guys, how should you greet guests?

Children: Hello, we are very glad to see you, please come in!

Didactic exercise"Let's get acquainted".

Educator: Guys, let's get acquainted. You need to give your name and say what toys you like to play with the most. For example: “My name is Zoya Alexandrovna. I really like to play with the ball and the constructor. Now, introduce yourself to our guests.

Children name themselves and their favorite toys.

Teacher: Well done guys. Now everyone is in a circle.

Greeting: Hello friend. (Establishment of emotional contact.)

Come to me, friend.

Let's all gather in a circle.

We will all take hands.

And we smile at each other.

Hello Friend. Hello Friend. Hello, our whole friendly circle!

Didactic exercise "Name the toy."

Educator: Guys, now you take one toy for yourself. Just be sure to name which toy you took. "I took a soft fish." Children name their toys.

The teacher shows pictures of objects.

Guys, this picture shows objects. Count how many there are. Four. But one of them is redundant. Which? Why? All items are toys, and one is not a toy (an item of dishes, furniture, a tool, a food product, a plant, etc.) Didactic game"The Fourth Extra".

Educator: You know that toys are both large and small. Let's play. Each of you will tell about your toy: “The big one is a fish, and the small one is a fish.”

Big doll, little doll.

Big ball, small ball.

Big car, small car.

Big hare - little hare.

The big drum is the small drum. Didactic exercise "Big - small"

Educator: Guys, we've been sitting too long. Let's play, we'll train our arms and legs.

Guys, look at these toys (5-6 pieces) and try to remember. Now close your eyes. (The teacher removes one toy). Open your eyes, look and tell me which toy is missing. (It is carried out, and then the toy is not removed, but rearranged. Children answer the question: “What has changed”).

Didactic exercise "One - many"

Educator: It's good when there are a lot of toys: there is enough for everyone, you can choose. Let's play a game. From one toy with words we will do a lot. For example: "One fish - many fish." (Children name the singular and plural of their toy).

Teacher: Well done guys. They did a good job.

Didactic game "Put the matryoshka in the right place."

Educator: Guys, put sheets of cardboard in front of you and pick up a small nesting doll. (While the children are getting ready for work, the teacher asks them what color their sheet of cardboard is). The children answer. Now listen carefully and do the task.

Matryoshka stood between two circles.

Matryoshka stood near the yellow circle.

Matryoshka went downstairs.

Matryoshka stood in the middle of the sheet.

Matryoshka went up.

Educator: Guys, I see toys in our basket. Yes, not simple, but musical.

What do you tell me. Listen carefully.

Oh, she's ringing, she's ringing

Makes everyone happy with the game

But only three strings

She needs music.

What's happened? Guess what!

This is our ... (Balalaika).


She sings very cheerfully if she pouts

Doo-doo-doo, yes-yes-yes. This is how she always sings.

Not a stick, not a tube, but what is it? (Pipe).

Educator: All the tools were guessed. Do any of you have any musical instruments. Children list.

Boom-boom, tra-ta-ta!

The drum is beating in the morning.

Prepare your index fingers - “drumsticks”, now we will drum them on the table and say:



"Boom Boom Boom".


Didactic exercise "Drum".


Teacher: This concludes our lesson. Now you can play with toys. These toys were given to us by the guys from the neighboring group, and they will be upset if we return some of the toys to them broken. Please tell us how to play so that the toys do not break and please the children for a long time.

Children: Do not throw them on the floor, they may be stepped on. Don't throw toys. Put it back after playing.


  1. T. M. Bondarenko " Complex classes in the younger group of kindergarten "TC Teacher. Voronezh 2009.
  2. E. E. Kravtsova "Wake up the magician in a child" Moscow, Enlightenment 1996.
  3. N. P. Anikeeva "Education by the game" Moscow, Enlightenment 1987.
  4. V. N. Volchkova, N. V. Stepanova "Summaries of classes in the second junior group of kindergarten."

Lesson in the second junior group speech development(and applications) "Let's help Masha"

Author: Klintsova Rima Sergeevna, teacher of the 2nd junior group, MBDOU Krasnopolsky kindergarten "Malyshok", work experience 1.7 years, higher pedagogical education.
Target: creation of a social situation for the development of children in the process of forming the child's active speech included in communication.
1. Create conditions for familiarization and clarification of knowledge about the features of the seasons, about forest inhabitants (cognitive development).
2. To promote the development of children's interaction skills, the skill of expressing their point of view (socio-communicative development).
3. Provide conditions for development artistic creativity children.

Course progress.

Educator:- Hello children!
Children: - Hello, Rima Sergeevna!
Educator:- Oh, what kind of box did we have in the group?!
- What can we do with it? (Children: - Open, see what's in it.)
- What box?
(Children: - Big, light, colorful, bright, something is knocking in it.)
- Shall we open the box, children? (Children: - Let's open it!) Oh, what's in the box? Misha with a letter. Guys, what should be done with the letter?
Children: - Read!
- Who will read? Who can read?
Assumptions, attempts of children ...
They try to read, the children fail.
- Let's try to do exercises for the lips and the tongue, maybe later it will be possible to read.
Articulation gymnastics:"Elephant", "Hippo", "Frog", "Clock", "Snake". Next, the teacher invites the children to try to read again - it doesn’t work.
- Maybe I'll try to read it! Misha writes: “Help, guys! Masha went for a walk in the forest in the spring, picking mushrooms and berries. In the spring, there are no berries and mushrooms in the forest, she is now crying because she did not find mushrooms and berries. And she woke me up with her crying.
Educator:- Children, how does Masha cry?
Children: - Ah-ah-ah!
Educator:- Can we help Masha find mushrooms and berries? (children's guesses).
- Let's go to the forest to Misha and play with him the game "At the bear in the forest" ?!
The game "At the bear in the forest."
- Did we find mushrooms and berries in the forest in spring? Of course not.
- Children, we saw animals in the forest. I will give you riddles, and you guess and show how someone screams.
Curled up into a ball underfoot
On the back with three mushrooms,
He wakes up in the spring
What is the name of the thorny beast?
Children: - Hedgehog! F-f-f!
Very thin buzzing
And it circles above us.
Take care young and old.
Everyone sucks blood...
Children: - Mosquito! Z-z-z!
This bird has no nest
But this is not a problem at all.
And on the trees at the edge
Who sings "ku-ku" to us?
Children: - Cuckoo! Ku-ku-ku!
Educator:- Children, can we make mushrooms and berries for Masha ourselves?
Children: - Yes, we can!
Educator:- And what can be done?
Children: - From plasticine, from paper.
- Look, I have prepared two baskets for you. We will put mushrooms in one and berries in the other! Optionally, choose who will sculpt from plasticine, and who will stick mushrooms and berries out of paper.
Children share at will. We do exercises for the fingers so that they work well “Two Centipedes”.
Educator:- Well done boys! Now we can send a parcel with mushrooms and berries to the forest for Masha. Who delivers our packages? That's right, postman. I will take the parcel to the post office and send it to the forest for Masha.
- Guys, did you like helping Masha with Misha?
- What exactly did you like?

is a complex of systematic exercises aimed at enriching the child's vocabulary, the ability to coherently express their thoughts. Classes should be held regularly, at least two or three times a week. The second younger group is the age of children in the range from four to five years. It is this period in modern psychological science is considered the most favorable for replenishing the passive and active vocabulary. In this article, we will look at several cognitive exercises that will bring tangible benefits to your child.

Story by picture

The teacher lays out the pictures in front of the children and gives the task to compose a story based on the illustration. During the response, the child is allowed to look at the picture, which creates a sense of self-confidence in him. After all, even if the baby forgets something, then, looking at the picture, he will be able to remember and continue his story. Drawing up a story based on a specific illustration perfectly develops memory, trains the imagination, and contributes to the development of speech.

Just think about it: before you start talking, the child needs to mentally prepare for the answer. He will definitely start looking. the right words to look in the eyes of the teacher and classmates as a smart, knowledgeable boy or girl. The development of speech in the second younger group of kindergarten begins with a conscious desire to perform well and the desire to do it as best as possible. Often it is proposed to compose a coherent story at pedagogical commissions and various open classes when the possibility of evaluating the child by adults is created.

"The Fourth Extra"

This is a wonderful game that you can play at home with your child. It is also used in kindergarten classes. The development of speech in the second younger group is not complete without comparison, analysis and synthesis. The essence of the exercise is as follows: images of animals, birds, objects or people are laid out in front of the child, three pictures of which can be logically classified as one group, and the fourth remains superfluous. As options, illustrations of three domestic animals and one wild animal, pieces of furniture and clothing are perfect.

Synonyms and antonyms

Although young children as young as four or five do not yet know these terms, they can be taught in a way that good example introduce them to these concepts. The development of speech for younger groups is built primarily on proper organization and approach to work. Since children are still small enough to learn the Russian language, naturally, they are introduced only to those components that arouse their interest and are easy to remember. For example, the teacher can name the word “white” and give the task to choose the opposite meaning (“black”) for it. When the children understand the essence, it is advisable to invite them to come up with their own words with the opposite meaning. The kids will love this activity!

The formation of the ability to select synonyms and antonyms for words is an important component in working with preschoolers. The development of speech in the 2nd junior group contributes to the overall mental well-being of the child, the formation of the ability to think analytically, resort to comparison, and synthesis of objects.

Amazing craft

This exercise can be performed only if the children are given the task in advance to make something with their own hands. It can be a craft made of cardboard, colored paper, fabric or plasticine. At home, it is necessary to write a coherent story together with your parents: why this thing is needed, what is its use, where it is used, etc. It is desirable to discuss the topic in advance, but it is possible to leave the children the right to choose. Then the story will turn out to be more lively and natural.

As a rule, children are very happy to talk about their favorite toys when they bring them to kindergarten. You don't even have to ask them for it! Use this method. If you see that the baby does not let go of the plush hare or car, go up to him, ask him to tell about it. You will see with what readiness he will begin to share his impressions with you.


Surely your pupils have some kind of animal at home. Give a weekend task to watch your four-legged friend: how and what he eats, when he goes to bed, what kind of attention he requires. Maybe the child, inspired by this idea, will immediately compose a whole story for you, in which he will definitely mention the habits of his pet and extraordinary abilities.

The development of speech in the second younger group takes place on the enthusiasm shown by the interest in the world around. Even without conducting a special lesson, you can find a reason to talk with children about a particular subject.

What are the professions?

Children often like to imagine themselves as brave sailors embarking on dangerous and exciting adventures. Subject professional occupations for them more than interesting, because it belongs to the world of adults. Everyone knows how popular doctor, hairdresser, driver games are. An attentive teacher will always be able to find for each child individual approach: learns about his hobbies, interests, dreams, aspirations. You can ask the baby what he is going to be in the future. This is what speech development is. The second junior group is a great opportunity to learn something new, both for the children themselves and for those who take part in their upbringing. Be closer to the guys, share their joys and failures, then they will trust you.

Thus, the development of speech in the second younger group is a complex and highly organized process of interaction between an adult and a child.