Merry Catholic Christmas cards: animation Merry Christmas greetings, pictures, gif cards. The best Catholic Christmas greetings and cards in verse and prose Congratulations on Catholic Christmas, in verse, in prose, beautiful

Catholics celebrate Christmas according to the Gregorian calendar, that is, on the night of December 24-25. For Westerners, Christmas is the most important holiday of the year.

Every year on December 25, Catholics and Protestants accept congratulations and give each other gifts. Not a single relative, close friend or just acquaintance can be left without a present.

The history of the appearance of Catholic Christmas

Previously, people worshiped pagan gods, who were the personification of various natural phenomena. Among such deities was the Luminary, which Catholics celebrated in December. People tried in different ways to appease higher powers so that they would not be angry, even making sacrifices.

After Christianity came, church ministers tried to discourage all people from old customs. Thus, a day appeared that symbolizes the birth of the Savior.

How to celebrate Catholic Christmas

Every year the holiday is celebrated on December 25, this date remains unchanged. They prepare for the holiday for a whole month. This period is called Advent. This time is intended for spiritual cleansing, so people try to repent of all their sins, confess and pray.

Should know The last day before the holiday is called Christmas Eve. It is on this day that the Christmas tree and manger are installed. The essence of this action is to once again remind all people how Jesus Christ appeared.

After the first star appears in the sky, the family sits down to celebrate the appearance of Jesus. This evening they put sochivo, cranberry jelly and unleavened bread on the table.

The meal begins with the reading of a prayer by the owner of the house. After this procedure, dinner comes. The first to eat is juicy. After dinner, everyone goes to church for service, this condition is mandatory for all Catholics.

During the service, the priest places the figure of Jesus in the nativity scene, this indicates that Christmas has come.

Traditions of Catholic Christmas

On the last day of Catholic Christmas, strict fasting must be observed. On Christmas Eve, 12 Lenten dishes are placed on the table. And the meal should begin with sacred unleavened bread, which is placed in the center of the table.

The bread is thin slices made from waffle dough, they are also called Christmas wafers. Dinner begins with the clouds. Each family member treats each other with bread, and they wish each other all the best.

It is customary for Catholics to dress up as biblical characters on the holiday, walk around the courtyards and sing carols. Catholics decorate the Christmas tree for Christmas, and gifts are placed in Christmas stockings.

On Catholic Christmas it is forbidden to do any physical work; this time must be devoted to everything spiritual. During the fasting period, embroidery and sewing are prohibited. At this time, hunting is prohibited, guessing, swearing and quarreling are not allowed. On this day, Catholics put on new clothes.

Catholic Christmas 2018: congratulations in prose for those closest to you

Everyone knows when Christmas is celebrated in Ukraine. Yes, exactly January 7th. But now, starting from last year, we celebrate Catholic Christmas on December 25th.

This holiday became official only in 2017, but despite this, many Ukrainians celebrated it anyway. Indeed, despite the fact that there are slight differences in faith, Catholic Christmas is one of the most important Christian holidays of the year.

By the way, this is also an official day off in Ukraine.

On this occasion, we have prepared for you the best Merry Christmas greetings in prose. So that you can beautifully congratulate your loved ones and wish something to your friends.

Happy Catholic Christmas greetings in prose

Happy Catholic Christmas greetings in prose are perfect for congratulating all your loved ones, or emphasizing some interesting wishes, expressions, or quotes to write someone a letter, or even an SMS greeting Merry Christmas.

From the bottom of my heart I wish you a Merry Christmas. May this bright and kind holiday bring joy, happiness, comfort and harmony to your home, may there be many wonderful days that will delight you with cheerful family gatherings, sincere conversations and pleasant surprises.

From the bottom of my heart I wish you a Merry Christmas. I wish you wonderful emotions and bright joy, strong friendship in life and sincere love, unquenchable faith and good hope, a cheerful family holiday at a large and tasty table.

Merry Christmas. I wish you delicious and satisfying Christmas bread on the table, merry carols in the yard, an unquenchable fire in the fireplace, inexhaustible love in the heart, an atmosphere of comfort in the house, good blessings in the family, great joy in the soul.

Today all Catholics celebrate the magical holiday of Christmas. Let me congratulate you and wish you all the best. May your home be a full cup, may there be comfort and peace in families. Let misfortune pass by, and luck always choose you. We wish you good health, prosperity, prosperity and good mood. Let hope, faith and love help you in life. Do good, and it will definitely come back to you in kind. Peace and all the best to you, great happiness and self-confidence.

Short greetings on Catholic Christmas

And such a holiday greeting may well pass as an SMS or just a message on social networks. Perhaps even as a status, or a regular post.

From the bottom of my heart I wish you a Merry Christmas. May this bright and kind holiday bring joy, happiness, comfort and harmony to your home, may there be many wonderful days that will delight you with cheerful family gatherings and sincere conversations.

Merry Christmas. May love and joy, generosity and luck, prosperity and happiness, kindness and love come to your home along with this holiday.

Happy Catholic Christmas, a wonderful and good holiday. I wish you comfort in your home and in your soul, the wonderful aroma of spruce and sincere hope of your heart, good luck along the way and great happiness in life. May the bright star in the sky always give joy and faith, may fate be generous with gifts and good news.

On the holiday of Catholic Christmas, I wish you the wonderful aroma of the festive spruce, good health to the whole family, good luck on your life's journey, a delicious table and a large company of dear people at this table.

Funny greetings on Catholic Christmas

Funny holiday greetings are perfect for congratulating your friends and closest relatives. In addition, it is best to address young people with these wishes.

I want to wish you a Merry Christmas and sincerely wish you good, heroic health, fun and joy, let problems and adversity run away from you, and let there be so much money that you won’t know what to spend it on. Let your head spin not from wine, but from sincere and mutual love.

On the bright holiday of Christmas, I wish you peace in the family, comfort, family peace, and true friends. May there be many joyful days in your life. Let the magic begin this night and fill your hearts with warmth! Let the winter blizzard sweep away all adversities, and let the blizzard bring good luck, love and wealth. Merry Catholic Christmas to you!

Beautiful congratulations in prose

Of course, all our congratulations here are beautiful, but we have selected the best ones so that you can use them for those closest to you.

We congratulate all Catholics on the magical holiday - Merry Christmas. Let the Christmas star shine brightly over your homes and let this light fill your souls with warmth and joy. Merry Christmas to you.

In the round dance of December worries, take a few minutes away from the everyday bustle and welcome Christmas with your soul and heart. May this holiday give you the charm of a winter fairy tale, filled with good intentions and a feeling of near happiness! I wish you good luck and a warm relationship with your opportunities!

Congratulations on Catholic Christmas and I want to wish that on this bright holiday the heavenly light will send grace into your home and joy into your heart, that a good miracle will happen to you and the people close to you, that beautiful gifts will be found under the elegant fragrant spruce, and the smiles of your loved ones will shine at the table .

On this bright holiday of Christmas, I wish you peace in your family, preserve comfort and family peace, true friends, may there be many joyful days in your life. Let the magic begin this night and fill your hearts with warmth! Let the winter blizzard sweep away all adversities, and let the blizzard bring good luck, love and wealth. Merry Catholic Christmas to you!

Catholic Christmas will be very soon, so it wouldn’t hurt you to prepare for this holiday in advance, especially now you know how to congratulate on this holiday in prose.

Happy Catholic Christmas greetings, in verse, in prose, beautiful

Christmas has come to your home, the holiday is knocking on your door. Let's wish magic - Let it happen!

May the Lord bless and strengthen you in faith. This evening let the bright spirit come to your door.

Do good to others and it will come back. And then Happiness will surely smile.

The guiding star will add Joy, Pure white snow will add Joy.

*** On December 25, candles and lights are lit everywhere. Christmas has come, it's time for magic. On this wonderful winter night, I want to wish you happiness, new emotions, interesting and pleasant interlocutors and discoveries. May this year be special, incredible, sensual and unforgettable for you. I wish you all the best, bright and amazing! Merry Christmas, a new fairy tale and a new life!

Catholic Christmas, The snow is quietly spinning, People believe in magic, And faces brighten.

The soul froze in anticipation, Life throws up fairy tales, How good it is!

May light be shed on everyone Joy, warmth, Much happiness and love to you on the holiday of Christmas.

On the bright holiday of Christmas, I wish you peace in the family, comfort, family peace, and true friends. May there be many joyful days in your life. Let the magic begin this night and fill your hearts with warmth! Let the winter blizzard sweep away all adversities, and let the blizzard bring good luck, love and wealth. Merry Catholic Christmas to you!

*** Today is the bright holiday of Christmas for everyone who is looking forward to it in December. So let him give a lot of goodness! And only the light will come to you now!

Let him shine the lights of hope, Just as the star shone in Bethlehem! And may the Spirit of Christmas always, without fail, protect you as before!

Happy Catholic Christmas! I wish that there is peace and quiet, harmony and prosperity in every home. Let miracles and wonderful events happen, filling life with delightful moments, happy smiles and the kindness of human hearts. Love, well-being and prosperity!

On a wonderful day - Christmas, Congratulations to you, friends! I want to wish love, So that the Years barely flow like a lush river, And you are proud of your fate, Grateful to heaven, Visit God's Temple! Be sincere with your soul, And always be honest with yourself, Long, long life without illnesses and without troubles!

On the eve of Catholic Christmas, Western Christians celebrate Christmas Eve on December 24 each year. On this day, Catholics fast and try to visit church to confess. For dinner, grain porridge with fruit and honey is prepared - “sochivo”. Catholics try to celebrate Christmas and everything connected with it, in accordance with all traditions, without deviating from them as much as possible.

You can congratulate Catholics on Christmas Eve with warm words and beautiful pictures, because for them December 24 also plays an important role in life. With the appearance of the first star in the sky, the Nativity fast for Catholics ends.

The traditions between ours and Catholic Christmas are rather arbitrary, although of course they exist.

But the most important thing that people do on these two holidays is to congratulate their loved ones, good friends and just acquaintances. That is why we decided to write and make Merry Christmas greetings for you in the open.

There will be options here for both children and adults, loved ones and ordinary acquaintances. And, of course, we will dilute these cards and animations with congratulations in verse and prose on Catholic Christmas.

Catholic Christmas is always filled with warm and sincere words, children's fun and agonizing anticipation of a miracle. In addition to the custom of exchanging gifts and decorating courtyards and rooms, Catholics are very fond of giving cards.

This tradition is strictly observed on the twenty-fifth of December, so in all families and offices people send beautiful pictures on Catholic Christmas with winter images. Let the electronic picture that your friends, family and colleagues receive give them a feeling of solemnity and homely warmth.

Options for beautiful pictures for Catholic Christmas

Beautiful pictures for Orthodox Christmas free download

The joyful holiday of the Nativity of Christ is shrouded in an atmosphere of light and sincerity, which you so want to share with your loved ones. This is easy to do by downloading a free beautiful Orthodox Merry Christmas picture and writing a few warm words for your friends and relatives.

The good tradition of exchanging Christmas cards has been around for a long time. But even now people continue to please each other by sending and presenting beautiful pictures for the Orthodox Christmas, which you can download for free from our selection.

Christmas cards have an ancient history, so it’s especially nice to receive beautiful old pictures with kind and sincere wishes for Christmas. Now we don’t have to stand in line at the post office - to send news to loved ones, friends and family, you just need to download beautiful old pictures for free and add heartfelt congratulations to them.

A selection of beautiful old Merry Christmas pictures

The easiest way to briefly and beautifully express your wishes is to write them in poetic form. And if you add a funny Merry Christmas picture to your greeting, a wonderful mood will be guaranteed. On our website you can find funny pictures for Christmas with congratulations in verse, which you can simply send out to please your friends.

Options for funny pictures with the holy holiday of Christmas

Catholics are preparing for one of the two biggest Christian holidays - the Nativity of Christ. It will be celebrated tomorrow, December 25, 2018. However, they begin to celebrate this evening - December 24th is Christmas Eve.

For Westerners, Christmas is the most important holiday of the year.
Every year on December 25, Catholics and Protestants accept congratulations and give each other gifts. No one is left unattended. Gifts are given not only to family and friends, but even to acquaintances.

Preparations for Christmas begin a month in advance - this time is usually called Advent. During this period, believers must go through the path of spiritual purification and repent of their sins. You definitely need to visit the temple and confess.

Catholic Christmas, like Orthodox Christmas, is considered a holiday with a clearly defined date. However, if in Orthodoxy Christmas begins from January 6 to 7, then in Catholicism from December 24 to 25. Thus, today all Catholic people will be able to celebrate the most important holiday. Catholicism considers Christmas the most revered day and that is why Catholics do not work on Christmas. According to traditions, Christmas was created to become closer to God and to celebrate the birth of His Son, Jesus Christ.

Interestingly, scientists have not yet found a logical explanation for the fact that Catholics celebrate Christmas on December 25th. For many years, scientists tried to find at least some clues related to December 25 in ancient scrolls, but in the end nothing useful was found. At the moment, people have stopped wondering why Christmas is celebrated on December 25th. Instead, Catholics simply gather with their families and celebrate lavishly.

On Christmas Eve, the family always sits down at the table. As a rule, people start having dinner after the first star appears in the sky - it is believed that it announces to the world that the Son of God will be born on earth. On Christmas Eve, Catholics, like Orthodox Christians, place Lenten dishes on the table. Be sure to have sochivo, which is made from boiled wheat, as well as cranberry jelly and unleavened bread. There should be a total of 12 lenten dishes on the table. And on Catholic Christmas itself, they always bake a turkey.

After the head of the family reads the prayer, everyone sits down at the table. The first to eat is juicy. After dinner, everyone goes to church for service, this condition is mandatory for all Catholics.

During the service, the priest places the figure of Jesus in the nativity scene, this is already evidence that Christmas has come.

In Russia, few people are Catholics and celebrate Christmas on December 25, 2018. However, many have relatives, friends or acquaintances who live abroad and adhere to traditions. They should definitely be congratulated on the holiday. The most popular way now is to send a short SMS congratulations on the holiday or a Christmas card via instant messenger or email. Before a beautiful animation or image, you can add congratulations in prose or poetry.

“On the holiday of Catholic Christmas, I wish you the wonderful aroma of the festive spruce, good health to the whole family, good luck on your life’s journey, a delicious table and a large company of dear people at this table.”

“We congratulate all Catholics on the magical holiday - Merry Christmas. Let the Christmas star shine brightly over your homes and let this light fill your souls with warmth and joy. Merry Christmas to you."

Traditions of celebrating Catholic Christmas

In the Russian Federation, the most important and favorite holiday is the New Year. People are starting to put up the Christmas tree in advance, buy gifts and think about the festive table. For Catholics, the New Year is not considered such an important day and its place is completely taken by Christmas. It is on December 25 that Catholics gather with their families at the festive table and have a meal in a family atmosphere.

It is worth noting that not all Catholics strictly adhere to the Nativity Fast, which lasts 5.5 weeks. Many people begin to fast only a few days before Christmas in order to cleanse themselves spiritually before the holiday itself. It is customary to break the fast, as in Orthodoxy. This is why the dinner before Christmas is called Christmas Eve. On Christmas Eve it is customary to start preparing holiday dishes that will appear on the table on December 25th.

Also, do not forget that it is customary to sing carols at Christmas, but church representatives do not support this, because this tradition dates back to paganism. Previously, people dressed up in animal skins and sang songs, trying to scare away evil forces and attract good ones. In true Catholic culture there is no such tradition as caroling, so the church has been trying to eradicate it for many years.

If we talk about traditional dishes, they are different in every country in the world. If we talk about America, it is customary to bake turkey there. In Germany, special cupcakes and gingerbreads are baked. In Norway they serve lamb ribs and so on.

Christmas Eve has arrived - Christmas evening,
I want to wish you happiness and goodness,
Let there be no sorrows and troubles in life,
And the soul will be filled with warmth and light.

This bright evening gives us warmth,
From the bottom of my heart I wish you to always be lucky,
May Christmas Eve give everyone tenderness and comfort,
Surprise your guests today with a variety of dishes. Christmas Eve, we are waiting for miracles and gifts,
Let your soul become hot from love,
Christ, he shows concern for everyone,
I wish you joy, peace and happiness. I congratulate! Christmas Eve has arrived
May everything you dreamed of come true,
Let happiness fall like a mountain stream,
For everyone who is very close and dear to you.

Short poems for SMS

It's time to congratulate
Happy Christmas Eve everyone,
I want to wish you
Only pleasant things in fate.

Happiness, joy and fun made their way through the spruce forest,
To cheer us all up this Christmas Eve,
Let them settle in your warm house,
It was so that every day you have a bright color. Winter painted the streets with pastels,
An angel looked through the window to visit on Christmas Eve,
Congratulations friends and wish you happiness,
Never know sadness, sadness and bad weather. The bad weather has subsided on the eve of Christmas,
I wish you, my friend, that you don’t know the number
Admiration and delight, the most vivid impressions,
Christmas is almost here, accept your gifts quickly. I congratulate you today on Christmas Eve!
And I wish you to be healthy and live to be a hundred years old,
So that you succeed in everything, so that you are calm and happy,
They avoided all the storms and misfortunes.
Quatrains SMS happy holiday wishes Smoking oozingly on the platter,
The sacred star lit up
The birth of Christ is coming! I congratulate you on Christmas Eve on this glorious evening.
Happiness, joy, good luck, so that your dreams come true on time,
So that the clear-eyed baby rewards with strong faith,
Everything in the world is in our power and we have enough strength for everything. Let twelve dishes decorate the table,
The house will sparkle with celebration,
Happy Christmas Eve, dear people,
Happy magical winter evening. On the eve of the Christmas miracle
Everyone will gather at the table,
I want to congratulate you on Christmas Eve
I am every Orthodox home. Christmas Eve brought together the Orthodox
At the festive dinner again,
I congratulate you with joy,
Let love knock on your heart! Happy Christmas Eve to you, with dinner on the festive table,
With great bright joy that God gives to the earth,
With beautiful children, with prosperity in your home
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart and wish you all good health. So Christmas Eve has arrived,
I congratulate you, new strength,
I wish you love and joy,
And let faith inspire you. Children run with carols,
There is tinsel and pine cones on the Christmas trees,
Happy Christmas Eve my friends
Let the family be happy. Girls tell fortunes on Epiphany evening,
Carols and jokes are heard.
Happy Christmas Eve to you, Christmas is coming,
Appreciate life and the moments of happiness in it! Today is Christmas Eve
I congratulate you on Christmas Eve,
I wish you happiness and joy
Filled my soul to the brim.

Cool greetings for Christmas Eve

There's a little time left until Christmas,
Let's ask Jesus Christ,
For happiness, health, success and joy,
So that our decisions are not a burden to us.
On Christmas Eve I wish to pray and love,
To envious people, forgive everything on this holiday,
I hope we can live as a community,
It's time: anger, resentment - let go to hell. ©

There are grace and candles in the temple,
Only joy and goodness
And Christmas Eve this evening,
Drives away evil from us.
The country celebrates Christmas
We hurry with a smile,
Congratulations to everyone along the way,
Knocking out the wedge of sadness.
There will be more health
Joy and love in the family,
Let the mood last longer
Gives inspiration. ©

On the sixth of January, Christmas Eve,
We prepared cookies for the little kids,
Men pour glasses for health,
And the women languish and keep their fast stubbornly.
I wish on this day for everyone,
May laughter visit you on holiday,
When we are happy and glad,
Then you are rich in feelings. ©

The first star lit up in the sky,
The table is set and waiting for you,
We must taste twelve Lenten dishes,
We are so pleased to gather with our family.
I sincerely congratulate you on Christmas Eve,
I wish you health, joy, goodness with all my heart,
Let your life flow like a full and long river,
We wish you well-being and family warmth. ©

Christmas Eve - Christmas Eve,
The whole family is gathered at the table,
The first star shines brightly,
Lenten kutia smells delicious.
I congratulate you on the holiday,
I wish you a long and happy life from the bottom of my heart,
May your wishes always come true,
Joy, success, good luck to you. ©

How nice it is to get the whole family together,
And wish each other happiness and good luck,
Like in childhood, it’s fun to start carols,
Twelve dishes will be enjoyed to boot.
May Christmas Eve bring goodness to everyone,
Let the house ring with beautiful children's laughter,
Let good luck and warmth reign in the family,
Let health be a tough nut. ©

With the arrival of Christmas Eve, we return to childhood,
It’s as if we’re meeting again with magic,
We admire our large and friendly family,
And we all enjoy the delicious juice together.
I congratulate you on this great and beautiful holiday,
I wish you great happiness and love,
Peace, joy, health to the whole family,
May the Lord protect you always and everywhere. ©

Christmas Eve gathered everyone to the festive table,
12 Lenten dishes in beautiful design,
Carolers sing beautifully outside the window,
Everyone is in a great mood ahead of Christmas.
I want to wish you well,
Prosperity, prosperity and good luck,
May the earth please you with a huge harvest,
And may you always have good luck in everything. ©

This sweet greeting
He rushes to the holiday of childhood.
Where is “Excellent” for luck -
We can be proud!
Where are the gifts and love?
Tenderness and smiles,
Where the blood boils with happiness,
And they don’t scold you for mistakes.
We are on Christmas Eve, we are tender there,
And always like children,
We must believe in fairy tales
So believe me!

On Christmas Eve
Let your dreams come true
After all, of course everyone believes:
And me, and him, and you!
So let the happy moment come,
Will cover your head
Avalanche of joy and happiness,
He will come straight to our home!
Hugs with a big paw
Whispers "I'm with you"
Will stay for a long time
With you, dear!

On Christmas Eve
We are waiting for the star to appear,
Kutya is prepared,
We are all sitting in anticipation,
There are children singing in the yard,
We hear carol songs,
Be happy dears,
Always be loved!

Christmas Eve

Congratulations on Christmas Eve in verse

When is Christmas Eve
Catholic Christmas Eve - December 24
Orthodox Christmas Eve - January 6

Everyone knows - it’s no coincidence
Christmas is shrouded in mystery
And Christmas Eve is that moment
What gives people light!
On this day long ago
A deity has appeared to us
In the form of a boy saint,
With a kind, simple heart,
We congratulate you on Christmas Eve,
We bless you for good!
Merry Christmas! Great love,
Life is easy and simple! Merry Christmas greetings
When the house is filled with magic,
On the eve of bright events,
I wish you a Merry Christmas
I congratulate you with an open heart.
I wish you good and warmth for the year ahead,
Hope, love, prosperity.
So that on the night when a star lights up in the sky
Your wishes have come true! Beautiful and sincere congratulations on Christmas Eve
Star beads on the carpet of heaven,
Since ancient times scattered by the creator,
Shimmered with a wonderful radiance,
Decorated with a crescent moon.
And under this airy canopy,
Drowning in blue snow,
The dense hero is simple-minded
He hung his beard on the trunks.
Shackled hands of flowing rivers
numb in icy captivity,
And covered with snowdrifts, for sure
Rolled up into a large sheet.
They are dozing, spreading the edges of the tablecloth,
The blizzard lulled the field,
And she, knocking over the trees,
The entire area was covered with snow.
And on this white towel
In a silver robe of snow,
Timeless baby,
He is ready to descend for us again.
He comes without time, without place,
He is above everything and everything comes only from Him,
And the earth-bride humbly awaits
Christmas of your salvation.
(Sergey Dukov) Merry Christmas Poems
The holiday will come to us soon,
Wait a bit,
Quietly Christmas
Knock on the window
It's almost Jesus
The little one was born
Waiting for him
The world cheered up!
Happy New Year, friends!
Congratulations to everyone!
I have great love and happiness
On this day I wish! Poems for Christmas Eve
The first star will rise
Foretelling miracles.
Snow will sweep away adversity.
Heaven will send you peace!
May Christmas Eve give you
Feelings of warmth and clarity of thought!
Pray to heaven
This Christmas Eve.
May God hear you
And he will repay you a hundredfold.
Happiness will arrive on the threshold,
What is more valuable than all awards! Funny Christmas Eve greetings
Every year at Christmas
Without being lazy or embarrassed,
May good things come to you,
Embodied in your happiness.
May good luck and success
Every day yours will be soaked,
Laughter brings you joy,
Let life play with colors! New greetings for Christmas Eve
Waiting for miracles
People's hearts froze.
The forest is covered with snow
And the frosts are getting stronger.
Only in the heart is warmth.
Christmas comes to the house.
The vanity is forgotten -
We are waiting for the feast of the saint.
May your home be illuminated
Happy Christmas feeling!
And let it soar in our hearts
Good fairy tale magic.

Congratulations on Christmas Eve in prose - congratulations in your own words

Christmas Eve has arrived, which means Christmas is coming soon.
Let, despite the swirling snowflakes and frosty air outside the window,
your home, my dear friend, will have a warm atmosphere filled
happiness and love. Congratulations on a wonderful holiday!

Here comes Christmas Eve. It's time to meet your family and
celebrate the upcoming holiday of Merry Christmas together. After all, the most
What is important in the life of each of us is his loved ones. Not worth it
remember grievances, but it’s worth remembering only happy days. Happy holiday!

The night before Christmas is the triumph of the forces of light over evil.
We wish you goodness, joy, prosperity and good luck! And let it be in yours
hearts will also make a choice in favor of responsiveness, patience and
sympathy for everyone around you.

The dawn lit up in the winter sky... The family gathered near the festive
table... The time has come to rejoice at the arrival of our
heavenly teacher. Let carols be heard from every window, because
when, if not now, to sing and glorify the Son of God. We wish
so that your home is filled with children's laughter, and your health stays strong

Christmas Eve, congratulations on Christmas Eve in prose

On Christmas Eve I want to wish from the bottom of my heart that
you were not afraid of any obstacles on the way, so that you would always be near
there were true friends and beloved relatives, so that she would be shrouded in happiness
your soul, so that on the eve of the holiday your heart gets rid of everything
bad and sad and prepared for a new flowering of strength and happiness.

On Christmas Eve I wish everyone to open their hearts and enjoy
closeness of family and friends. May the bright star of hope and
love burns over your home. And in the soul there is always a place for
forgiveness. Comfort, goodness and God's blessing to you.

On Christmas Eve I wish you a bright and present world
kindness, peace of mind and warmth, a sensitive heart and sincere love,
happy holiday in the house and true happiness, heavenly grace and
good hope.

On Christmas Eve, on the coming bright holiday of Christmas
I wish that the star of great happiness and good luck always shines in the sky,
so that your home maintains comfort and an atmosphere of joy, so that on a good evening
the soul opened to great hopes and great achievements, and the heart
gave loved ones her love and tenderness.

On Christmas Eve, may the house be bright and clean, may
the gathering will be a friendly family and close people, let it burn in your soul
a spark of happiness and hope, may your heart be full of love and joy.

On the eve of the greatest Christian holiday, you really want to wrap yourself in
woolen blanket, pick up a cup of hot tea and listen to the crunch of snow
outside the window to return to those distant times when over Bethlehem
the star lit up. It was a star of hope, a star of joy - a vow
salvation and redemption for all. On Christmas Eve I wish
everyone with warmth and love to enjoy and rejoice in simple
everyday little things, with faith in your heart, accept every day as
an invaluable and great gift. Happy holiday, dear Christians!

On Christmas Eve I want to wish you generosity and kindness
heart, sincere love and good happiness, heavenly grace and bright
a guiding star, a rich table at which all loved ones and
Dear people.

On Christmas Eve I sincerely wish you generous gifts and
good joy, prosperity in the home and bright blessings, family health and
peace, great luck and love, unquenchable hope of the soul and sincere
mercy of the heart.

May inspiration for good things come on Christmas Eve
creation and the desire to continue writing the story of my life on pure
sheets, without blots or errors. I wish you a sense of freedom and sensation
happiness, feelings of love and a sense of everything beautiful. Let it be bright
the holiday will give you a fairy tale and real faith in miracles.

On Christmas Eve, on the eve of the bright holiday of miracles and
I wish you well to leave behind all grievances and anxieties, to mix in your soul
sincere feelings and feelings of happiness, to give your loved ones true
love and open your heart to pure prayers. I wish you grace
life, strong support in it and good news.

Catholics are preparing to celebrate Christmas Eve

On the eve of Catholic Christmas, Western Christians celebrate Christmas Eve on December 24 each year. On this day, Catholics fast and try to visit church to confess. For dinner, grain porridge with fruit and honey is prepared - “sochivo”. Catholics try to celebrate Christmas and everything connected with it, in accordance with all traditions, without deviating from them as much as possible.

  • Catholic Christmas Eve 2018
  • Merry Catholic Christmas cards 2018
  • Beautiful pictures for Catholic and Orthodox Christmas 2017-2018
    • Options for beautiful pictures for Catholic Christmas
    • Beautiful pictures for Orthodox Christmas free download
  • Beautiful old pictures for Christmas (can be downloaded for free)
    • A selection of beautiful old Merry Christmas pictures
  • Funny pictures for Christmas with congratulations-verses
    • Options for funny pictures with the holy holiday of Christmas
  • Congratulations on Christmas Eve: beautiful cards and animations of Merry Christmas 2018


You can congratulate Catholics on Christmas Eve with warm words and beautiful pictures, because for them December 24 also plays an important role in life. With the appearance of the first star in the sky, the Nativity fast for Catholics ends.

The traditions between ours and Catholic Christmas are rather arbitrary, although of course they exist.

But the most important thing that people do on these two holidays is to congratulate their loved ones, good friends and just acquaintances. That is why we decided to write and make Merry Christmas greetings for you in the open.

There will be options here for both children and adults, loved ones and ordinary acquaintances. And, of course, we will dilute these cards and animations with congratulations in verse and prose on Catholic Christmas.



Catholic Christmas is always filled with warm and sincere words, children's fun and agonizing anticipation of a miracle. In addition to the custom of exchanging gifts and decorating courtyards and rooms, Catholics are very fond of giving cards.

This tradition is strictly observed on the twenty-fifth of December, so in all families and offices people send beautiful pictures on Catholic Christmas with winter images. Let the electronic picture that your friends, family and colleagues receive give them a feeling of solemnity and homely warmth.



The joyful holiday of the Nativity of Christ is shrouded in an atmosphere of light and sincerity, which you so want to share with your loved ones. This is easy to do by downloading a free beautiful Orthodox Merry Christmas picture and writing a few warm words for your friends and relatives.

The good tradition of exchanging Christmas cards has been around for a long time. But even now people continue to please each other by sending and presenting beautiful pictures for the Orthodox Christmas, which you can download for free from our selection.


Christmas cards have an ancient history, so it’s especially nice to receive beautiful old pictures with kind and sincere wishes for Christmas. Now we don’t have to stand in line at the post office - to send news to loved ones, friends and family, you just need to download beautiful old pictures for free and add heartfelt congratulations to them.



The easiest way to briefly and beautifully express your wishes is to write them in poetic form. And if you add a funny Merry Christmas picture to your greeting, a wonderful mood will be guaranteed. On our website you can find funny pictures for Christmas with congratulations in verse, which you can simply send out to please your friends.


Let the Merry Christmas 2018 pictures give your friends, loved ones and colleagues a feeling of the atmosphere and fullness of the holiday. We wish you to be enveloped in good wishes on this day. Let your friends be delighted to receive beautiful, old and modern funny pictures with congratulations in verse for the Catholic and Orthodox Christmas, which can be downloaded for free. Happy holidays!