Postcards wedding congratulations cool. Wedding day cards

They say that there are no trifles in preparing and celebrating a wedding. Starting from the tailoring studio and the reputation of the restaurant, ending with the freshness of the flowers and the memory capacity of the presenter, everything must be perfect. In this case, the same applies to gifts for the newlyweds and their relatives. Take at least the simplest - postcards. You can get by with just a congratulatory text. Or you can approach the matter more thoroughly and with more love and make a musical postcard. Add to it not only a congratulatory text, but also photos, pictures or a collage. To impose a favorite song of the newlyweds or a musical accompaniment suitable for the occasion, even if it is Mendelssohn's march. Or insert a video into a postcard. Then a link to it is easy to send by mail or post on a social network. And if you don't know where to start, look at the wedding musical cards on the site - the best of them are in this section.

A wedding is the birthday of a new family. And I really want everything to be perfect on this day. After all, this is a special day and the future life of a new family depends on it. There are no trifles here, even ordinary postcards play a big role. We offer you a selection of beautiful and "correct" postcards.

"Dear friend, be happy!" With these words, you can give a wedding card. The card will bring success and good luck to the bride, as in the picture the girl climbs up the stairs, and this is a symbol of inapplicable success and prosperity. A huge cake with swans is a symbol of mutual love. Delicate postcard for the newlyweds. Hearts, flowers, butterflies - a symbol of love, beauty and longevity.
Beautiful, unusual and at the same time "correct" postcard. The spikelet is a symbol of fertility (there will be children in the family) and prosperity. A red poppy symbolizes beauty and modesty.
On the wings of love, the balloon with the newlyweds rushes to a happy future. Everything around promotes harmony in the senses and soul.
A very favorable card for the newlyweds. The tree is their family tree, healthy flowering, as is their relationship. If the newlyweds are given such a card, then in their family there will always be love, prosperity, longevity, mutual understanding, beautiful and happy children. All the dreams of the newlyweds will come true. Cool card for a beloved friend.
The bride with doves is a symbol of purity and deep love.
Cheerful postcard in orange tones - love, happiness, lightness and mutual understanding. Cute card with pandas - bride and groom.
Postcard with happy newlyweds - simple and tasteful. A fun postcard where children pull the bride's veil. Not every bride will like it. If you decide to give such a card for a wedding, then you need to be sure that the bride has a sense of humor and she will not be offended when she sees your card. A wedding by the sea is the dream of many newlyweds. Give them a dream, even if only in the picture. Love, love, love can be wished looking at this postcard. Wedding cake and happy newlyweds. Cutting the cake together symbolizes respect and mutual understanding. Gentle and warm views of the newlyweds on the background of mighty mountains. A symbol of stability, prosperity, well-being. Passionate kiss of the newlyweds. The newlyweds walk looking at each other with happy eyes.

Do you want to congratulate the newlyweds on their wedding day in a beautiful and unusual, bright and unhackneyed way? An exquisite bouquet for the bride, a gift for the newlyweds - this gives off an official style. Present a postcard made with your own hands, writing warm, sincere wishes for love and happiness. Prose or poetry is not so important. The warmth of the soul, with which the phrases of parting words for a happy life from parents are saturated, will warm you with warmth in difficult moments; congratulations (comic and not so) from friends will become a guarantee of support. How to sign a wedding card to convey all the warmth of feelings for the young?

Rules for the design of congratulations in a postcard

The tradition of giving small postcards-envelopes for solemn dates with banknotes inside is not a reason to refuse another nice gift. The wedding card, which the friends and relatives invited to the wedding signed with their own hands, will be a pleasant surprise, will keep the best moments of the wedding day in the memory of the newlyweds for a long time. When choosing, consider the following features:

  • Celebration style. A themed wedding involves not only the appropriate decor and entourage, but also sets a high bar for the guests. Look for an unusual greeting card that repeats the style of the wedding ceremony.
  • Size. A small or huge wedding card is not the best choice. The first is easy to lose in the turmoil of the celebration, and the second, perhaps, will have nowhere to store because of its size. A medium-sized postcard is ideal.
  • Bride and Groom Preferences. Creative people are pleased to receive congratulations from relatives and friends signed on a hand-made wedding card. Fans of refined, high style will like an exclusive gift, stylized as an old manuscript, or a parchment scroll. Young people will love a beautiful typographic card, chosen with love.
  • Presence of printed text. There will be no problems with such a postcard, because the unknown author invented everything for you. But it is more pleasant to receive congratulations on the wedding, written by the hands of the donor with soul and tenderness.

How to sign wedding cards correctly so that young people feel pleasant, exciting, after many years, to open a yellowed leaf and remember the solemn wedding day? The formatting rules are:

  1. It is not customary to sign a postcard-envelope. If you want to emphasize the name of the donor, sign the envelope briefly.
  2. The closer you know the newlyweds, the more warm, affectionate words and phrases are used to write.
  3. Beautiful words on the sheets of an unusual wedding card, decorated in a certain style, will make a splash if they are written in pen and ink.
  4. It is better to sign a wedding card concisely.
  5. A comic form of congratulations will always be appropriate, but try not to overdo it.
  6. Create a structure for the greeting text so that it is easy and quick to read.

Text structure

The text of congratulations for the newlyweds, which you sign on the wedding card, is conditionally divided into four parts:

  1. Appeal to the young. It is preferable to address the groom with the bride by name. For parents, the following phrases will be correct: “Dear children!” "Our golden..." Relatives, friends sign the appeal with the words: "Beloved ...", and distant acquaintances - "Dear ...".
  2. Congratulations text indicating the reason for the holiday. It is appropriate to use: "With great joy ...", "From the bottom of my heart ...".
  3. Main part. Parting words, warm wishes, affectionate phrases, humorous appeals - it all depends on your imagination.
  4. Signature. A reminder of the donors will be an elegantly signed wedding card, which many years later will bring pleasant memories.

What style to sign congratulations?

The remoteness of kinship, close communication, long-term friendship are factors that influence the choice of style for signing a wedding card. If unfamiliar work colleagues, “necessary” people or very distant relatives buy a standard printed greeting card, then relatives and friends will make every effort to come up with something creative and exclusive.

If the guest is a close relative or acquaintance

Signing a wedding card with comic jokes, a share of humor from relatives, close friends is quite appropriate. Family ties, close relationships predetermine affectionate words of love and care, sincere feelings of joy and pride. Beautiful poems, full of warmth, will decorate the congratulation. Cool jokes-congratulations, full of laughter and fun, will emphasize the atmosphere of the holiday.

If the guest is practically unfamiliar with the newlyweds

Guests unfamiliar to the newlyweds, invited to the wedding celebration, or distant relatives whom the bride or groom have never seen before the wedding day, should be more restrained in showing emotions. In this case, standard, classic phrases and appeals will be appropriate. The wish words in the text will also become more traditional: “long years of a happy life”, “strong love”.

Examples of beautiful texts for wedding congratulations

How can you beautifully congratulate the newlyweds by signing a wedding card? The bride and groom will be happy to read warm words, wishes that convey the sincerity of feelings, emphasize the tender attitude towards the young spouses. Compose your own, exclusive version of congratulations using the examples below.

Congratulations from the parents of the bride or groom:

“Our beloved children!

On such a solemn and magical day, we want to congratulate you on joining the union of two loving hearts! May this day forever remain in your hearts, souls, warming with the warmth of love, giving sunshine of happiness, joy!

We want to wish the fulfillment of cherished dreams, consent, understanding. Do not forget that going through life hand in hand is not an easy task. Only mutual feelings, support, great love will help overcome any obstacles; patience and care will be a reliable rear for new achievements. We wish you that the house was a "full bowl", pleasing with children's voices, laughter!

Your dad and mom

How to sign a congratulation on a wedding card from colleagues in prose:

“Dear (name of the bride) and (name of the groom)!

We want to congratulate you on a significant event - your wedding day!

We wish you high feelings, hearts embraced with love, warmth, comfort for many, many years! Let happiness illuminate the path, smiles and good mood do not leave the soul. Appreciate the joyful moments of communication, often say tender words to each other, then the joint life of two hearts in love will turn into an endless holiday.

your colleagues"

Congratulation poems from relatives:

On this solemn holiday

We sincerely, young, wish

To never distrust the shadow

Love has not faded. And so that you always

A guiding star in life, a luminary,

So that happiness shines, so that they live long.

So that wisdom and patience are enough,

And to always cherish each other.

To give birth to pretty kids,

They nursed their adorable grandchildren.

And never to bad days

You have not met in your joint life!

Congratulations on the wedding card from grandparents:

From now on, you, the bride and groom,

Be happy forever together.

Get the kids, and so that never to the court

Problems, troubles did not nail,

So that happiness settles in the house.

And never about the rocks of life

The family is not to be broken.

Wishes from family and friends:

Let the beautiful road

Your life will go on.

Let happiness keep pace

Protects. Good time!

Let fate give you

Children - love flowers.

May all wishes come true

The wildest dreams.

Wedding congratulations from friends in verse:

We wish the family a young

Survive until the wedding is golden.

Always give each other happiness

Have a cozy bright house,

For the kids to live in.

We also want to live together

To be able to forgive, to believe, to love.