How to give a comic cake with words. Congratulations on the money wedding cake

Step-by-step instruction how to make a cake from banknotes yourself. We also offer you a few original congratulations for weddings, birthdays and anniversaries.

Almost everyone associates the holiday with fun, joyful smiles, pleasant words, and, of course, original presents. By using the right gift you can express your love and respect to the hero of the occasion, and show him how dear he is to you. Unfortunately, modern man it’s quite difficult to surprise with something, because we live in a world where everyone can buy whatever they want.

That's why Lately people stopped bothering and started giving money to each other. And although such a gift has a right to exist, it will not leave a pleasant trace in the life of the hero of the day. For this reason, if you want to give money to the hero of the occasion, but strive to make it as original as possible, then try to make a beautiful money cake for him.

How to make a cake from banknotes with your own hands step by step?

Instructions for making a cake from money

Money in a gift envelope has long been unfashionable and uninteresting. In view of this, if you want your present to be remembered for a long time, then spend some of your time and make a cake out of money.

In this case, you will only need to decide what size your masterpiece will be and change the money in advance, for example, with a face value of 100 rubles. In addition, stock up on scissors, soft cardboard and paper clips.


  • Take the cardboard and cut out circles of 25 and 15 centimeters from it. These blanks will be the basis of our money cake.

  • Next, measure two more strips and glue a circle out of them, the diameter of which will match the diameter of the cardboard base. Using glue, fasten these blanks together and set aside to dry.

  • At the next stage, we begin to prepare banknotes.

  • We take and carefully fold them into a tube and fix them in this position on a cardboard frame paper clip. We continue to attach money tubes to paper frame until they cover all the cardboard tiers of ours. .gift cake. After you are done with this activity, cut out another circle and close it with the topmost opening of your present.

  • Next, we take our blanks and fasten them together with glue. This must be done very carefully, because if you stain bills with adhesive, the birthday boy is unlikely to be able to use them for their intended purpose. Let the money cake fix well and start decorating it.

  • You can decorate such a gift in different ways. Everything here will depend solely on your imagination. you can use satin bows, Natural flowers, air balloons, chocolate figurines.

Do-it-yourself money cake for a wedding

Cake from money for a wedding celebration

wedding is enough an important event in a person’s life, so the money cake in this case should be as large and beautifully decorated as possible. If two tiers will be enough for a regular holiday, then in this case you simply have to make at least three.

If you are not constrained in finances, you can use large denomination banknotes or, in general, dollars to create your masterpiece.

  • We start, like the previous time, with the manufacture of the frame of the wedding present. To do this, cut out three circles from cardboard with a diameter of 10, 20 and 30 centimeters.
  • We put these blanks aside for a while and begin to measure the height of the banknotes that will be used to decorate the cake.
  • We cut out a sheet of paper of measured width and glue it into a circle. The diameter of this ring should be slightly less than the radius of the round base.
  • We fasten all the blanks together (you should get three tiers of the cake of different sizes) and begin to attach money to them.
  • You can, just as in the previous version, twist them into tubes and attach them to a cardboard base, or you can try to create more original decor in the form of money bags.
  • To do this, you will first need to fold the bills into an accordion, and then tie them in the center with steel wire or a thin satin ribbon.
  • Next, you will only need to straighten the ends of the bow and use the same paper clip to attach them to the cardboard base.
  • When the decoration of the cardboard base is finished, we cut out the top of our cake from money and carefully connect all the details together.
  • A money present for a wedding is best decorated with swans, satin ribbons, bright scarlet hearts of different sizes.

Congratulations on a wedding money cake

Original wedding greetings

It is clear that even such original gift, as a cake made of money must be handed over to the newlyweds as solemnly as possible. Therefore, it would be better if you think over the words and parting words that you tell the heroes of the occasion in advance.

You can try to rehearse your speech and the intonation with which you will pronounce it at home. Be sure to play with the money cake theme and present it as a small start-up capital for a young family.

Congratulations examples:

  • Dear newlyweds! From all of our big family I want to congratulate you on this joyful event in your life. I would like to wish you all the best and most beautiful that only exists on our vast planet. At this moment, your feelings are the most important value of your small family. Therefore, keep them carefully, and even when you pout at each other, remember what you experienced on your wedding day. Take care of each other, love forever and always strive for comfort, peace and joy to reign in your home. Even the smallest difficulties do not arise in your life path. Remember that from this moment you are one, therefore, in any, even the most difficult situation you should be supportive of each other. May your love overcome all difficulties and hardships and live forever. Bitterly!
  • The main secret family happiness are mutual understanding and respect for each other. Happiness is pleasant words, minutes spent together, sweet kisses, warm smiles, compliments light as butterflies. Try to have all this always present in your life. And since love needs support, we give you this money cake and wish you that our financial injection into your family budget brought you a lot of positive and joy. We congratulate you on your marriage and wish your union to be strong and happy!
  • Dear bride and groom, on this significant day for you, I want wish you great happiness, financial prosperity, mutual understanding and, of course, the most important thing, the fruits of your love. Try not to waste those feelings that brought you to the altar and make your family nest cozy, warm and hospitable. Do not be discouraged if difficulties appear on your life path. Always remember that you are a friend of a friend and in case of failure, turn your shoulder to your loved one. I wish your young family a billion rainbow sunny days filled with the warmth and love of your hearts!

Do-it-yourself money cake for birthday

Cake from banknotes in the form of bows

A money cake can be a wonderful gift for a birthday too. In this case, you can afford even a single-tiered present, everything will depend solely on the amount that you will give. How more money you are going to present to the birthday man, the wider and higher your surprise should be.


  • Prepare cardboard, scissors, paper, paper clips and small denomination bills in advance
  • Cut out blanks from paper for the base and sides (do everything as we said a little higher) and glue the frame out of them, to which banknotes will be attached.
  • A little higher, we have already introduced you to information on how to make a cake using money tubes and bows. If these two methods seem very complicated to you, then try decorating the present with a simpler method.
  • But keep in mind that in order for your gift to look perfect, it is extremely important that the height of the tier matches the width of the banknotes perfectly.
  • Carefully, in a circle, wrap the blanks with money and fix everything with decorative gift ribbons.
  • Next, take any small sweets and fill them with the top of the cake and those places where you can see the white cardboard. If a money cake is repurposed for a child or a sweet tooth, complete it with chocolate figurines.

Birthday congratulations for money cake

happy Birthday
  • My dear man! On your birthday I present to you as birthday cake this original cash gift. Although you are unlikely to be able to eat it, I know for sure that it will bring you a lot of positive and good impressions. I wish that you are always given gifts that will make your wallet thicker and your pocket wider. I hope that my present will brighten up your working days and give you a fun and exciting weekend! May all your undertakings bring you prosperity, and success in personal life exceed all expectations!
  • Today you are older whole year. And that means you have increased wisdom, patience and positive. I wish your life to continue to be filled with the warmest and brightest colors, so that you walk through life boldly, without being distracted by troubles and envious glances. Always stay young, beautiful and full of energy! Strive to conquer new heights, to be healthy both in soul and body. Let only the kindest and most funny people and your house will be like a full bowl. Accept this cash cake as a gift from us and please yourself with the most long-awaited surprise!
  • On a birthday, it is customary to wish health and a joyful life. Since everything you already have it, then I wish you that this year all your innermost dreams come true, and your financial condition allowed you to think about everything new and new. So let's raise our glasses so that happiness, luck and love are always present in the life of our beloved friend. Let fortune be favorable to you in everything and always. Always remain so sweet, kind, cheerful and hospitable. We are very pleased that in our life there is such an open and sincere person. We wish you never lost positive aspects his character and always remained for us the closest and beloved friend!
  • My closest, dear and beloved person, I congratulate you on your day birth! I want to say that you are like the sun for me, only with you I feel like myself. beautiful woman on the ground. Always be so kind, considerate and caring. And for my part, I always and in everything support you and be a reliable rear for you. I sincerely wish you to be healthy, successful and self-confident. Dear guests, let's drink to a real man!

Anniversary money cake

Anniversary money cake

An anniversary is a special date, so a gift in this case should emphasize the status of a person. If you are going to present a “piece of capital” to the hero of the day, then forget about paper envelopes and please the hero of the occasion with a cake made of money with your own hands. How to make this original present we described in detail in the first paragraph of our article.

And if you were attentive, you already know that in order to make this original present, you first need to make a cardboard frame for it, and only then attach bills to it.

Since you're going to be tough celebratory event, and the anniversary, it will be better if you tinker a little and decorate the frame of the cardboard cake with money butterflies. We will now tell you how to do them correctly.


  • To make one butterfly, you will need two banknotes of the same size. One of them will need to be folded with an accordion and subsequently shaped into a bow.

  • First, fold the other bill into a kind of triangle, in which top part two times smaller than the bottom.

  • Then fold this blank with an accordion too.

  • Next, connect the two parts of the butterfly together and secure them with a rubber band or wire.

  • If you want your butterflies to resemble live insects as much as possible, then attach wire antennae to it. After fixing the money butterflies on a cardboard frame, decorate your present satin bows, natural flowers and sparkling artificial stones

Anniversary money cake congratulations

Anniversary congratulations
  • As a person who has come a long way in life, you surely you know what normal life In addition to health and happiness, money is also needed. Moreover, there should be enough of them to be enough not only for food and payment utilities but also for entertainment and pleasant shopping for your beloved. Of course, we won’t give you a million, but our beautiful money cake will still be able to fulfill at least one of your dreams. In addition, we wish you to live a lot more happy years and always stay young in body and soul!
  • Anniversary is the same birthday, but decorated with a round solid number. That's how it is in our world, but round dates we attach special importance. On this day, we seem to be summing up what we have already done and, of course, making plans for a happy future. To your future life was calm and financially secure, we present you with this money cake. And let him not buy expensive car or a house by the sea, for some reason we are sure that it will help you conquer another height. Once again, we congratulate you on your anniversary and wish that your life will continue to shine with bright colors and be filled with the cheerful laughter of your loved ones!
  • Dear hero of the day, today you are celebrating a rather significant date- you are 50! We know you as a person who is still young at heart and strives to learn something new all the time. We want you to continue to have a youthful attitude in your life, and you can afford to do the craziest things. And in order for your dreams to always come true, we give you a charm from poverty - a chic cake made of money. Let our present make you happier and bring even more unbridled fun and warm memorable moments into your life!

Do-it-yourself money and candy cake

Money and Candy Cake Ideas

Since sweets are heavier than paper money, it is best to use foam to make the frame. If you don’t have one, then just glue two sheets of cardboard, let them dry, and only then cut out blanks from them, from which you will make the base of a monetary present.

  • Buy foam plastic of maximum thickness at any hardware store, use a compass to draw circles of the desired diameter on it and carefully cut them out with a wallpaper knife. If the resulting height is still not enough, then glue together two blanks of the same diameter.
  • Then take a color corrugated paper and glue the frame of the future cake. When the paper is completely dry, it will be possible to proceed to the assembly of the structure.
  • In this case, you will first need to glue all the tiers of the cake together, and only after that put sweets on them.
  • Twist a banknote into a tube of the desired diameter, fix it with a paper clip and insert a candy inside. Continue these manipulations until there are enough candy and money blanks to close all the tiers of the cake.
  • After that, put the sweets along the edge of the frame of the present and fix them with a ribbon.
  • The top of such a cake can simply be filled with chocolate icing or also decorated with sweets.

Video: How to make a CAKE out of MONEY with your own hands at home?

Nowadays, no one is surprised by the usual gift wrapping with bright paper and a cute bow. by the most the best solution to congratulate a loved one will be a cake made of paper and accessories! It consists of several pieces in which you can conveniently hide whatever you want: sweets, gifts, money. Surprise your friends with an original and pleasant congratulation!

  • Paper cake is a special type of packaging for solemn events and holidays, which you can present to a dear person
  • It gives you the opportunity to give not one, but several (up to twelve) gifts at once, hidden in each piece of cake
  • Few people know that giving this gift is not the most pleasant, the most pleasant thing is to make it with your own hands.
  • In order to make a cake with your own hands, you will need a set of completely uncomplicated tools: cardboard (it is best to use cardboard, not paper), scissors, glue and decorative elements
  • Absolutely everything is decorative elements: colored paper, ribbons, lace, beads, beads, coffee beans, rhinestones, bows, flowers
  • All decorative elements can be easily found in any modern hardware department.
option paper cake for wishes and gifts

A paper cake can be created to contain individual wishes, or it can act as a wrapping for your personal gifts. Its design will delight anyone and give a lot of pleasant emotions.

Paper cake is perfect for any event:

  • for a birthday- most the best option, because the cake is traditionally considered a symbol of this particular holiday (be sure that with such a gift your present will be the best of a thousand!)
  • for a wedding - great gift idea for young people sum of money in each piece, where you indicate what it is desirable to spend it on
  • for the anniversary - such packaging will become not only original, but also beautiful way give the hero of the day all the warm wishes
  • on New Year and Christmas holidays Probably the best way to give a few small items of varying significance. The cake will give a festive impression and leave pleasant memories.
  • for Valentine's Day - cake will original way confess your love and put your loving wish and a symbolic gift into each piece
  • on March 8 - and give your beloved a few small pleasant surprises, because all women appreciate gifts, originality and beautiful things
  • on Defender of the Fatherland Day - to emphasize how much your beloved man means to you and give him a few pleasant things
  • for a professional holiday to make it clear to a person that he is very appreciated at work and loved. Such a cake can serve as an excellent packaging for various inexpensive (or, conversely, expensive little things)

Video: “Do-it-yourself paper surprise cake”

How to make a cake out of paper or cardboard with wishes?

Paper cake is enough simple craft, which can be easily made by an inexperienced, but neat person. In order for your product to look especially beautiful and stylish, you should carefully consider the design of the cake and each piece. When creating this package, you should pay attention to the original, that is, to a real cake and imitate it.

paper cake with wishes, simple packaging

A few tips for making a wish paper cake:

  • Try to chase one color scheme when making a cake, or combine those colors that do not resonate. To help can be a table of compatibility of colors and shades
  • Too bright and colorful cakes - most likely suitable for children, if you plan to give it to an adult at an event - you need to make your cake exquisite beauty
  • Do not be afraid to spend a lot of time creating a cake, the more painstaking your work is, the more beautiful and pleasant the result will be. A beautiful cake, even after opening each piece, you will not want to throw it away and it will be stored for a long time by the one to whom you presented it
  • Tie all the pieces of the cake with a satin ribbon - this is an inconspicuous, but stylish and beautiful fastener. It will literally “rally” all triangular pieces into a circle and will give them one necessary shape.
  • Decorate each piece of cake both outside and inside. This will make the cake look realistic, as if each piece is carefully cut with a knife.

wish cake, paper craft DIY for any occasion

If you use a real plastic box to pack this cake, then it is quite possible to achieve a “surprise effect”, because such a cake can really be mistaken for a real one.

Video: "How to make a paper cake with your own hands?"

Schemes and a template for a wish cake, how to make a cake?

In order to create such a cake with your own hands, you can’t do without a template. There are two main options for displaying it:

  • personally- this means that each piece, focusing on measurements, personally measure and draw on each sheet of paper, align the curved edges, apply them to each other so that they are the same
  • print on printer- the best option for creating all templates. So you can be absolutely sure that each piece will match the other 100 percent and you will significantly save your time for measuring, drawing and drawing

If, nevertheless, you do not have the slightest opportunity to download the image and print it on a printer, use these template options to draw it on each individual sheet and cut it out:

template diagram for creating a paper cake

If you use a printer, you can print the dream template on colored stationery with confidence. This is a special type of printer paper that can be purchased individually or in bundles at the store. Such paper can sometimes come with a ready-made pattern or simply in a wide range of colors.

Based on the color, you can easily adjust the look of your cake: chocolate (brown), vanilla (yellow), strawberry (pink) and so on. The size of the template can be adjusted by placing the image in Word and then clicking "print".

template-scheme for printing on a printer, creating a paper cake according to the scheme

Printable cake template

If your paper has a pattern or color, you won't have to worry about coloring and patterning the cake. After you have cut out the template, focusing on the diagram, follow all the recommendations:

  • Bend the paper at the folds, press with scissors or a fingernail to make the paper stand as desired
  • Certain places are intended for gluing. IN this case It is best to use dry glue, that is, a glue stick. It will not leave wet marks and will instantly hold the paper together.
  • The last square part, which literally “closes” the cake, should not be sealed - you will do this when you put your gift or wish inside. Leave this piece open

When all the work of cutting and gluing triangle pieces is finished, it's time to decorate the cake. Here you should pay attention to the examples and create your design based on them.

children's paper cake option for any holiday

Children's paper cake suggests the presence of different bright decorative elements:

  • colorful paper flowers
  • ruffles made of serpentine
  • rainbow of colored paper and ribbons
  • images of your favorite cartoon characters
  • images of sweets: muffins, sweets, chocolates, lollipops
  • paper and ribbon bows
  • colorful beads

paper cake for kids

In the fabric and accessories store, as well as in the departments of creativity and souvenirs, you can always ask about the availability of various decorative elements that will decorate your cake and give it a special charm and significance.

cake decorating option for any occasion: birthday, anniversary, private event

If you are proficient in quilling techniques, you can decorate the cake with colorful patterns of flowers, fruits, vines, grapes and other elements. You can buy everything you need for quilling in any department for creativity: special paper, glue, patterns.

two-story paper cake for congratulations

If you decide that the number of cake pieces that you got is not enough for you, you can easily make two-story and three-story cakes:

  • you can fasten such a cake with a ribbon, tying them both horizontally and vertically
  • you can glue a few pieces so that the cake is “strong” and does not break on occasion
  • multi-storey cakes - a great gift option for a wedding or anniversary

Ribbon flower cake decoration

You can effectively decorate the cake with roses made of ribbons. The technique for making tapes can be easily found on the Internet. To make them, you only need tape and glue (hot). Refinement and tenderness will be added to the cake by pearl beads, which will match the whole cake.

paper cake decoration appliqué

If you have enough time, you can try to make a stylish application in the style of your cake: flowers, hearts, butterflies and so on. Try to apply from quality materials, combine it with fabrics and ribbons and then the result of the work will surely please you.

decorating a paper cake in the spirit of "minimalism"

You can't spend at all. a large number of time to decorate the cake. Make it "in the spirit of minimalism": choose a quality color scheme, focus on important elements and use very few decorative elements. Decorate the cake, for example, with a bouquet of paper roses, which is very simple to make: cut a serpentine from a round piece of paper and twist it into a bud.

crochet paper cake decorating option

There are several winning ways to decorate a paper cake:

  • wrap white lace around each piece of cake throughout its entire volume, it will only decorate it, but also create the feeling of white cream (or any other shade, but preferably light)
  • wrap over the lace satin ribbon, which will be much less than the width of the lace. It will symbolize the filling in the cake (choose contrasting colors so that they do not merge together)
  • On each outside piece, tie a ribbon bow, so your cake will become magnificent, elegant and festive
  • each piece of cake should be decorated with something interesting that will look like a cream: a rose, a butterfly or just a bead

Video: "Do it yourself surprise cake"

Happy birthday cake: photos of finished cakes

A paper cake is the best surprise that you can give a birthday person. So you can really surprise and please him, because it is unlikely that anyone other than you will decide on such needlework. Moreover, if you do everything carefully, then the thought that this "amateur" will not arise at all.

handmade paper birthday cake

Delight your child with a colorful present, in the middle of which you can put his favorite sweets:

  • candies
  • chewing gum
  • lollipops
  • cookie
  • bars

Each piece is intended for some separate sweetness, so there is no need to mix them. Opening each piece, the child will be intrigued by what he will see inside.

It is quite possible to hide small toys in such pieces:

  • Kinder Surprise
  • small racing cars
  • small figurines and dolls
  • constructor
  • key chains
  • small flashlight and so on

paper cake as a birthday present for a loved one

For the older generation, sweets are not entirely appropriate, and therefore, you need to create a kind of "assortment" of pleasant little things and important things for a person, or follow a good saying that I once said Winnie the Pooh: « best gift of course, honey. It's about about money! So, even the smallest amount you can break into several pieces and in the end there will be a LOT of money!

Video: "Master class: a box in the form of a piece of cake"

What to put inside a paper cake? Cake with surprise and wishes

If you are at a loss and don’t know exactly how to fill your already made cake, the following options can help you:

  • bright and colorful candies M&M's without packaging- as a symbol of a bright and colorful life in the future. You can also leave such a note with a wish: “Buddy! I wish you the same colorful life as these sweets. Do not be sad and eat them with pleasure!
  • small model car as a symbol of the car that you wish the birthday man with the wish “I wish you to buy a new foreign car! In the meantime, you have not done this, I give you this car for transportation!
  • seashell (on a keychain or decorative) - as a symbol of a vacation or a pleasant trip with the wish: “I wish you to fulfill your dream and go far, far to the sea, to the snow-white sand and relax there for your pleasure!”
  • stick of strong black coffee with a hint of vivacity and strength and a wish: “I wish you a lot of strength and good spirits to accomplish all those things that you have planned and do not have time to finish!”
  • stick of sugar (or candy) - a hint of a sweet life and a wish: “I wish you sweet life without bitterness or sourness. Let every day in pleasure and joy!
  • Tick-Tock packaging a hint of "freshness" and a wish: "I wish you only fresh thoughts in your head and new ideas so that you can move on!"
  • heart (keychain, toy, figurine) — with a hint of love and a wish: “I wish you to meet great love in your life and find real feelings!”
  • kinder surprise (egg) a hint of surprise and a wish: “I wish that every day gives you many surprises and good news!”
  • a few small colored pencils a hint of paint and a wish: “I wish you many colorful days filled with events and meetings, and if life suddenly seems gray to you, color it with these pencils!”
  • dice (real, keychain or toy) - a hint of good luck and a wish: “I wish you great luck and utter luck, which will glorify you and make you happy!”
  • emoticon (magnet, keychain or figurine) — a hint of a good mood and a wish: “I wish you Have a good mood and only positive in life, do not get upset over trifles!
  • ascorbic acid (you can buy at the pharmacy) - a hint of health and a wish: “I wish you wellness and good health! Every day, take a vitamin and don't forget about your friends!
  • mirror (small pocket) a hint of beauty and a wish: “I wish you youth and unearthly beauty! Stay as beautiful and unique!”
  • money (any bill) - a hint of well-being and a wish: “I wish you prosperity and financial well-being enough for any little things and red caviar!
  • ring (jewelry for a wish or jewelry for a proposal) - a way to make a marriage proposal to your beloved girl or wish prosperity, beauty to a woman: “Be always irresistible and please yourself with pleasant little things!”

Video: "Cake with wishes made of cardboard"

Everyone invited to the wedding wishes to please their relatives and friends of the newlyweds. amazing gift. I would like to come up with something original that is not a shame to give and be on top at the time of congratulations. A wedding cake made of money is a great option for such a gift.

Money as a traditional wedding gift at all times

Even in not too long ago Soviet times an ordinary book was considered a unique wedding gift. Ideas for wedding gifts it wasn't that much. To date, store shelves are crammed with all sorts of various gifts for all occasions. And the expanses of the Internet are full of master classes for making gifts with your own hands.

But, despite such a huge selection of gift souvenirs, people prefer to give newlyweds as a gift money hidden in a beautiful envelope. This is the most practical gift, under which both parties are satisfied. A young family spends this money on personal needs, and the giving party does not suffer from a headache, wondering whether the young people will like the gift or not.

Indeed it is very convenient option, but more refined money will look in the form of some wedding accessory, for example in the form of a money cake.

Making a money cake with your own hands

To make a money cake with your own hands you will need:

  1. Several boxes after cakes of different sizes.
  2. White paper.
  3. Glue and paper clips.
  4. Decor elements for decoration. It can be ribbons, artificial flowers and bows.
  5. And most importantly, money. Preferably exchanged to look more voluminous.


Wedding cake called a suitcase with money

A real edible suitcase with money is a godsend for guests who want to stand out at the moment of presenting gifts. Of course, it will take a lot of skills in its manufacture, especially culinary ones, but it's worth it. These can be ideas such as a case of money or a bag of coins. The cake is made entirely from food and also requires expert decoration.


  1. Square-shaped cakes are being prepared.
  2. Cakes are smeared with cream.
  3. The cake is placed in the fridge to chill.
  4. Along the perimeter, the cake is visually divided into two parts and the mastic is rolled out.
  5. With the help of crumpled foil, a relief shape is given to the cakes.
  6. Identical strips are cut out of the mastic layer, which are attached to the cake with sweet syrup along the transverse line.
  7. They also make locks and belts.
  8. Decorate the suitcase with banknotes.

Cream and dough for cakes are made at the discretion of the hostess.

In the same way, a purse with money, a bag or a chest is made.

How to make a cash cake with sweets?

Making a cake from money and sweets will bring great pleasure, both from the process of work and from the result. There are a huge number of ideas for making this wedding souvenir. The most important thing is your desire and creative approach to business. Banknotes and sweets are selected at your discretion. A master class on making such a cake can be viewed on the video:

What words to say when handing a cake?

Any gift presented requires in addition to say beautiful congratulations. Money cake is no exception.

Here are some tips on how to prepare your speech during the presentation of a gift:

  1. You can pick up any author's congratulation with the wish of love, happiness and good luck.
  2. You can write your own verse. Let it little rhyme but it will pour from the soul.
  3. You can buy ready wedding card and read the wish already written on it.
  4. Build your speech on wishing young people financial well-being, and a money cake will back up your words.

Wedding Cash Cake Ideas

The money cake will surprise and delight not only the bride and groom, but also all the guests gathered for the gala banquet. How to make unusual wedding cakes look at the photo:

Video on the topic of the article.

What to say when giving a gift.

Have you been looking for a suitable gift for a loved one or just a very good friend, and bought, as you think, exactly what he needs. But how to present a present so that the presentation is original and memorable?

Which congratulatory speech would be most appropriate? The article contains congratulations for the most common and valuable gifts. You can use them as they are or add your own.

The most important thing is that the congratulations sound sincere, and the hero of the occasion accepts your valuable gift as a sign of warm and cordial relations.

Words for a bank gift with money in verse and prose

What is the most practical gift? Of course, money! Even if you visited a dozen stores on the eve of the celebration and did not find what the birthday man or colleague would really like, then you always have a win-win- donate money.

We invite you to present a jar or other glass vessel with money, accompanying the moment of presentation with a comic quatrain or a simple but original congratulation.

A birthday present should be original, useful, beautiful and evocative. positive emotions. All these requirements are met by such a present as money.

How can you give money so that the gift does not look official and is remembered for a long time?

  • Roll up a jar of money and write a funny label. For example, "dried greens", "cauliflower".
  • Present a sealed jar with money and hand it over with the words: “I am giving you a bank account.”
  • Hand over a jar of money and a printed instruction that details how to stamp money.

What words to decorate a cash gift?

accept my my sincere congratulations! Let it be good health May good luck accompany you in all your endeavors. So that everything in life goes smoothly and well, so that in the morning you want to sing merrily, I give you this jar of money. I think with them you are guaranteed smiles and vivid impressions.

I congratulate you and wish you warmth and comfort, to sunlight kept warm in any weather. May your wishes come true. I'm giving you a jar of money to start this process faster!

Bank - almost like, as a gift, a pot.
You give - and immediately everything is fine.
There is where to put and where to put.
Life immediately becomes easier.

Everything goes to its place
And nothing just falls apart.
The jar is the most useful item in the world.
There is no better gift, of course.

Bank - not a simple subject,
And universal.
accept the gift
This one is unique.

She will solve a hundred problems
In one moment
Because it was created
Just for filling.

Ideal for water
Milk and juice
Becomes a flower vase
Good for wine.

Suitable for loose
For cereals and semolina.
And most reliable
Save money in the bank.

If there's something you want
Urgently buy for yourself,
Our gift will help here
All dreams come true!

Words for a gift "bank of money"

Money in the bank is cool
You accept from us soon
With a round sum in a stash
Live warmer and more fun.

I give a big jar
It contains the initial contribution.
Replenish your piggy bank.
Let the coin rattle.

Money for a big deal
I wish to accumulate.
Let there be strength and faith
Anything you want to buy.

I'll put money in the bank
I will close the lid.
Here is a present
I'll arrange for you.

For good deeds only
Let the penny go.
If you need
Break the jar!

I want to donate today
Money in the bank for you!
Let them help you achieve your goals.
Take them from me.

I'm sure you know
Where do you need them.
I sincerely wish you
Buy whatever you want.

In honor of a significant day
I want to congratulate you
I wish you success
And it felt the best
To bypass
Any sorrow and misfortune
So that peace reigns in the soul,
May God always be with you
To health never
Nothing hurt
Paperwork, like from me,
May you have more.

Video: How to give money in an original way for a wedding, birthday or anniversary (money bank)?

Words for a car gift in verse and prose

Not everyone can donate a car. But if you have prepared such an impressive present, then you just need to supplement the congratulation with a comic wish.

  • Congratulations on your birthday! I won't tell you standard wishes. Your guests did it for me today. Today I will fulfill one of your dreams: accept a car as a gift. I think this brand suits you. Follow the rules and be lucky on the roads!
  • Happy Birthday! Let fate surprise you pleasant surprises. For example, such as today: accept this car as a gift! good man It is always nice to give a valuable gift, because you will cherish it and will not turn up your nose! With such a machine, you will always and everywhere appear on time!
  • Happy Birthday! I wish you all the best the best: health, good luck, fulfillment of all your cherished desires. May fate pamper you and give you only memorable gifts. For example, a car! Now you can also be congratulated on the purchase of a foreign car! Build new plans already with the car, because the accumulated money can be spent on another desire!

To be fashionable and stylish
And everywhere to keep up
Take the car
He's just right for you.

Becoming the owner of the wheels
Don't hold your nose high
Don't drive on the road
Follow all the rules.

Let the car become a friend
Rushing through life circle after circle.
Hold the steering wheel firmly in your hands
And cherish the gift.

Everywhere to be in time and do a lot,
Now you can confidently, boldly.
And you won't get tired anymore
He will solve almost all problems.

Beautiful and fast, not a fairy tale, but a true story,
I give you this car.
May it always serve you flawlessly
And so that the gas tank is never empty!

My love for you cannot be measured
There are no words to describe her
I want to entrust my modest gift,
I hasten to hand over the keys to the car.

Drive carefully, don't drive too hard
Take care of your life and health
Enjoy the ride.
Green light is always on the way!

You are quite big now
Our man, our hero!
You deserve a car
All bolts are included.

Just drive carefully
Skip if possible
Still responsible for you -
We worry about children.

Any purchase holiday -
Double car purchase!
I send wishes of different
It's easy to ride.

The road was so smooth
In the traffic police only friends and relatives.
Machine, like lightning
And so that not a day is under repair.

Words for the gift "car"

Words for a gift with a cake in verse and prose

A traditional birthday present is a cake. It’s good if the pastry is made to order or it says interesting wish for the birthday boy. Then the offering of a sweet treat will not look trite and boring.

And if not? How to present one required elements celebrations? Accompany his presentation with a comic commentary or verse.

  • Happy birthday! I wish you health, prosperity, much money and sweet life. Let this cake make you happy today and decorate all your dreams in the same pink color like ribbons on a box. Let life consist only of white stripes, like these white roses on a cake.
  • Happy birthday and I want to sweeten this one for you joyful day with a sweet treat! Cut it only with good thoughts and may everything that you have long dreamed of come true. When it starts to melt in your mouth, let your soul be filled with endless joy.
  • Happy birthday! May you have enough of everything: and friends and money and warm days, and smiles, and success, and love. And so that your life is filled with sweetness, I give you a cake with Best wishes from confectioners. Sweet love to you, sweet kisses and more luck!

You won't find a better gift -
He's great, he's great!
He makes people shiver
He is so relevant today.

Wonderful cake like a dream:
It is fresh and unbelievably tasty.
It was made slowly
And just for you!

I give you this wonderful cake,
So that all your wishes come true.
To always be always - the highest grade
Your long, sweet life!

Let it be airy and gentle, just like him,
There will be every new night.
And let you dream the most fabulous dream,
How all misfortunes go away!

I wish you a sweet life
And so the gift is a cake!
May good happiness steal away
Enter your life with love!

I wish you a lot of positive
So that every moment is a parade of luck,
Let all problems rush past
How fast the horse gallops!

My gift is the sweetest.
In fact, top notch.
So that everything in life is smooth,
I'm giving you a cake today.

He will cheer you up
He heals sorrow
For effective treatment
Take it with tea.

And increase its properties
A circle of friends helps
All sadness will pass instantly
And more fun to heal.

Pour more tea
Yes, and cut the cake into pieces,
So that on sadness and sorrow
We'd better put an end to it.

On holiday, we want to wish the best:
Treasured dreams to fulfill,
To be in motion and to go to the goal,
Good people on your way!

Let life be happy every sunny day
And happiness will settle in your world,
Good luck, prosperity, strength and love!
Accept the most delicious sweetness from us.

Let this cake give pleasure,
Tastes of refined satisfaction,
Will please the zest and beauty,
And will do more joyful holiday is yours!

He is elegant and pleasant
And it tastes incredible!
And give pleasure.

My present is a cake.
You know a lot about sweets -
This is a holiday for the soul.
Hurry up and bring it to the table!

We wish you a sweet life
Like this cake.
We wish you prosperity
And life without hassle.

Let everything be fine
May you always be lucky
Let troubles forget you
Let Life is going for takeoff.

Words for the gift "cake"

Words for a gift with flowers in verse and prose

You can express your feelings by giving beautiful bouquet. Flowers complement the feeling of celebration and bring the aroma of a miracle to the celebration.

Accompanying the presentation of a gift with a comic verse or warm wishes, you will certainly bring joy and spiritual sweetness to the culprit or hero of the occasion.

Happy Birthday! May your life be like this as bright and colorful as a rainbow. May there be a lot of positive and good emotions in your life. Inexhaustible energy for the fulfillment of your cherished desires will be added by this bouquet saturated with aromas and shades. I wish you to walk on roads strewn with flower petals!

Words for the gift "flowers"

Happy holiday! I wish you to be as beautiful as these flowers, and delight the eye with charm!

Happy birthday! I wish you the fulfillment of all your wishes that luck is always there, and you bloom like these flowers!

Flowers are the perfect gift for any occasion.

They broke their heads for a long time
What is the best gift to give?
Express as admiration
And pleasant surprise?
Although the gift is not new,
What a holiday without flowers!
And with a bouquet - a wish:
Be beautiful like a flower
Please our eyes with charm.
And let there be no worries!

Let it be hard to surprise
They (flowers) have long been familiar:
Thought to revive feelings -
Give flowers you, as usual!
Touch the petals with your hand
But they are such a charm!
All gray hair off the temples,
She will return, our courage!
When it's time to give a bouquet ...
... and this is already cool -
Take a chance, luck awaits in the morning
Success will come again to someone!
I give you these flowers
After all, only you are the best in the world.
Let it bring you joy
Their wonderful smell.

Let the fun cause,
And filled with a feeling of affection.
Let dreams come true
And everything will be as you want!
For you as a gift
I'll bring flowers
Delicate petals
You touch with your hand.

clear and understandable
We are the language of flowers,
Let them about feelings
They speak without words.

Comic and funny words of congratulations for gifts

If you are not lazy and prepare comic wish or a poem for the hero of the occasion, you can make an unforgettable impression on him.

Gifted by you close person appreciate your creativity and will remember the words you said for a long time. The selection below will help you find the right words.

May you have more reasons to drink. So that you Today, both Lamborghini and Ferrari wished that their wishes come true. So that you can afford vodka, whiskey and even a cup of tea on your birthday. Be healthy and happy!

Happy birthday! I wish you a lot of everything: happiness, joy, good luck, warm days, good neighbors and understanding colleagues. Let a stream of dollars and euros rush to your house! When there are too many banknotes, you will wave your hands and shout: "That's enough!"

Our dear birthday boy!
Although you already [and not] fifty dollars,
Still joy for friends -
Birthday, anniversary!
After all, any of the birthdays -
It's also a reason to donate.
Because - see for yourself! —
We have come here with gifts.

Birthday boy, dear!
We are here for you with all our heart!
But first, pour it.
Get drunk, respect people!
No, we don't need alcohol
We would like such a drink
Just to clear your throat!
And we'll give you
Everything we took with us.
It's still a lot of work...
After all, there are a lot of gifts!
Dear hero of the day
We are generously pleased to give.
And without asking for a reward
Let's get started. Is everyone ready?
We are for a dear friend
Haven't regretted anything
Barely dragged.

(On these words endure big box, in which all the prepared gifts are stacked, and they begin to take out each item from it in turn and read cool poems for each gift

Gift number 1.

Look here:
It says "WATER".
And although there is no water,
Let's highlight this point:
After all, the bottle, even if empty,
But what a beautiful one!
Suitable for everything at once.
Well, first of all, it's a vase.
Secondly, the dishes are
And not only for the bouquet:
For water and compote,
And for tea with bergamot.

(in these words they present an empty water bottle - plastic)

Video: Happy Birthday! Joking congratulations!

Gift No. 2

Here's another hello:
Pack of cigarettes.
And "hello" - from childhood he:
Do you remember - summer, the stadium ...
A hundred meters on a physical ...
Sitting in the yard…
Cigarettes were also
Will you still deny it?
Even if you don't smoke for a long time
We give a pack anyway.
It only takes a glance
To understand: smoking is poison!
And why, you ask, a pack? —
You will hide a stash in it!

(in these words they present a pack of cigarettes - preferably empty)
Gift No. 3

Look how beautiful
This beer can!
You can make a rattle
Very nice toy
Throw some coins in there!
What is not the joy of the hero of the day?
Rattle - isn't it?
And a coin box.

(on these words they present an empty tin can out of beer)

Gift No. 4

Here's another present for you
Under the name Eurocent,
If simply - a penny
Made from excellent stainless steel.
For what? So it's not a secret:
From donated coins
Happy birthday!
We will not take the present back!
It's money, and besides,
Our modest contribution to this dinner.

(they present a coin and throw it into the already donated beer can)

Gift No. 5

Here's another surprise
Not a whim, not a whim:
This is a candy wrapper.
And why, you ask, is this?
We want to infect with an example:
Become a collector!
This is the first copy.
Do you understand, jubilee?
Who buys paintings
Who collects coins...
Fanfiction is more reliable though:
After all, paintings are more expensive!
And, giving candy to friends,
Remove fanfiction at the same time.

(at this place they present a candy wrapper)

Gift No. 6

And from refractory steel
We give you a pin.
You ask: why all of a sudden?
For gum! Got it, friend?
You might say, “What is it?
After all, now the underwear is different -
From "Trussardi", from "Dior" ... "-
What kind of conversation?
But take it, do not torture your friends,
Just like that - just in case!

(on these words they present an ordinary steel pin)

Gift No. 7

Look here mate:
It's a matchbox!
You say, little thing? No not like this:
It's not empty at all.
Even if you are not a tourist,
Not an avid climber
But from now on you can
Light a fire in your soul!

(in these words they present a box of matches)

Gift No. 8

We are happy to give you
This tube of lipstick.
And although it is completely empty,
But beautiful female lips
He keeps touch.
Hey tube! A feast for the eyes!
And I can give advice:
Throw it in the enemy's pocket!
Revenge him in full
For you his wife!

(an empty tube of lipstick is presented at this place)

Gift No. 9

Look what a beauty:
At least while the jaw is in place,
Behind the teeth - an eye for an eye!
We give ... Now, now ...
(rummaging through the box)

The hero of the day is ready to accept
This dental floss?
Oops, looks like they screwed up...
But we hardly repent -
The thread is simple, ordinary
Somehow act more habitually.
And they made a mistake - it does not matter:
They will always come in handy!

(on these words they present a coil ordinary thread, maybe not new)

Gift No. 10

And now seriously
We will solve the "dental issue".
This is pasta. Yes, a tooth!
Such a fragrant one!
We know, we've tried...
True, we doubt gnaws:
Is it worth giving?
Because buy a new one
We didn't make it today.
But we will give - in fact!

And now it's time for all of us
Rang a friendly "cheers"!

Video: words for wedding gifts