Navka gave Peskov a watch for 37 million. Did Navka give all this too? Incomplete collection of watches by Dmitry Peskov. Navalny's wedding gift to Peskov excited Navalny

Last Saturday, August 1, Russian presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov married Olympic champion Tatyana Navka. The wedding took place in Sochi and expectedly attracted a lot of attention.

However, it was not the bride's dress and who got the bouquet that caused the most discussion among Internet users; not high-ranking and famous guests, and not even a wedding cake.

Most of all, a modest men's accessory aroused interest - a wristwatch with a skull.

The Anti-Corruption Foundation drew attention to them and found out that they are very similar to the Richard Mitte RM 52-01 watch, the cost of which can reach 37 million rubles.

According to the fund's calculations, the press secretary of the president cannot afford such an expensive accessory: his income is just over 9 million rubles a year. If the watch were donated, then the civil servant would be obliged to notify about such a gift and deposit it, or redeem it at the market price.

After publication on the network, numerous versions of the appearance of this watch on Peskov's hand began to appear. The former significantly reduced the cost of the accessory and hinted that the watch might be a fake. Others claimed that the clock was borrowed, rented, for a wedding.

Dmitry Peskov himself said that this was a gift from his wife Tatyana Navka. The Olympic champion in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda confirmed this information. Declaring that "he works very hard and can afford it."

“Naturally, the price that everyone is discussing now, of course, is not true. And it doesn't matter at all. Why, by the way, can Olympic champion Evgeni Plushenko give his wife an expensive personalized ring in honor of the wedding, for example, while another Olympic champion does not give her husband? Navka explained.

Without explanation, there was a photograph taken long before the wedding. On it, Dmitry Peskov hugs his daughter, and he has the same or very similar watch on his hand.

Moscow. Last weekend, in one of the most expensive hotels in Sochi, the celebration of the wedding of Putin's press secretary Dmitry Peskov and Russian figure skater Tatyana Navka took place.

The celebration did not pass without scandal. Oppositionist Alexei Navalny saw in the photographs from the holiday on the groom's hand an exclusive watch worth about 37 million rubles. The question arose: how can he afford such an expensive accessory, if the press secretary of the head of state, following the results of 2014, registered an income of 9 million rubles. Later, commenting on the whole situation, Peskov said that it was his wife's wedding gift.

Tatyana Navka also confirmed that it was she who presented this expensive watch to her husband. According to her, being an Olympic champion, she "works very hard and can afford to give a good gift."

“Naturally, the price that everyone is discussing now, of course, is not true. And in general, it does not matter. Why, by the way, the Olympic champion Evgeni Plushenko can give his wife an expensive personalized ring in honor of the wedding, for example, while another Olympic champion does not give her husband? Navka explained.

On his Facebook page statesman and writer Alfred Koch noted that he was looking forward to the income declaration of the athlete.

"Shah, boys! Quiet! We are waiting for Navka's income statement. Until May 1, 2016 - she must submit it (I'm sure she did this before) and, as the wife of the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation, she is obliged to publish it. Then we'll see how hard she worked in the summer, ”Koch wrote.

“Listen! Why are you clinging to Peskov's watch? You ask how much his wedding cost! Three years ago, my family and I lived at the Rodina Hotel. And here's what I plant for you: this is one of the most expensive hotels in my life, ”Koch wrote.

According to him, this hotel belongs to Oleg Deripaska. The writer also said that renting this entire hotel during the season, even for 2 days, costs several hundred thousand dollars.

“Total, we have at least 600 thousand dollars that were spent on this wedding. And in reality, I think, no less than a million. So: is it a bribe or not? And if not, where does Peskov get the money from? - said the politician on his Facebook page.

Alfred Koch did not forget about another expensive present. In 2014, Dmitry Peskov gave the figure skater a Bentley for 11 million rubles. The reason for this was the birth of their daughter.

According to, the new vehicle, which Tatyana used exclusively for utilitarian purposes, for example, to travel to her favorite bakery, turned out to be just in time. The previous car, also an expensive Lexus, a gift from President Putin for sporting achievements, was smashed by the athlete's mother. The same fate befell the skater's personal Porsche, which had to be restored after an accident.

Internet users are convinced of the financial well-being of Navka not for the first time. Last year, bloggers actively discussed an athlete who buys products prohibited by sanctions in Paris. On Instagram, she posted a photo with the caption: “I took the opportunity to buy at the Christmas Fair, cheese and sausage products banned for import into Russia, poor French farmers.”

Taking the opportunity, I bought at the Christmas Fair, cheese and sausage products banned for import into Russia, poor French farmers

People discussed Tatyana's words from the position that the skater is wrong, telling subscribers about her obvious wealth. The expressions “forbidden cheese and sausage” and “poor farmers” were especially outraged.

According to the same Koch, there is nothing wrong with "digging" into the incomes of civil servants.

“They came up with a bunch of rules about declaration and transparency there. Over the past three years, they have raised their salaries many times (so that they can live a normal life). Let him report to the people according to these rules of his own. Otherwise, no one can forbid me to think that he is a thief,” he wrote on Facebook.

Scandalous hours of Peskov raised the ears of many public figures. Users demand clear explanations - where does a public servant get such savings from? And statements like “this does not concern anyone” are not appropriate here, bloggers are sure, since the incomes of officials and their family members should be absolutely transparent.

Tatyana Navka said that the Richard Mille watch was her wedding gift to Dmitry Peskov. And one of the guests of the party claims that the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation simply borrowed a watch from a friend to laugh at the journalists.

“Naturally, the price that everyone is discussing now, of course, does not correspond to reality. And in general it does not matter. Why, by the way, Olympic champion Evgeni Plushenko can give his wife an expensive nominal ring in honor of the wedding, for example, and another Olympic champion to her husband - no?" - she added.

At the same time, politician Oleg Mitvol, who was a guest at the wedding ceremony, claimed that D. Peskov borrowed this watch to "pose" and play a trick on journalists.

“During the wedding, Peskov understood that he would be photographed, and the cards would then scatter over the Internet. During the preparations for the wedding, there were also so many rumors that the guests had something to discuss and something to laugh at later. In this case, the newlyweds decided to play a joke. Peskov I borrowed a watch for a while from one of my friends who were present at the celebration. I posed with them. We waited for the journalists to react to this duck. And they were not mistaken. The next day, everyone began to calculate how much the watch cost, and how the official could acquire such a luxury with his modest salary?"
- O. Mitvol commented to "Moskovsky Komsomolets".

It is known that a similar watch was on the hand of D. Peskov in photographs taken several months ago (including those posted in Instagram his daughter Elizabeth).

The official income of the press secretary of the head of state for 2014 amounted to 9,184,358 rubles. He has been in public service since 1989 - immediately after graduating from the Institute of Asian and African Countries.

The impudent, and I would even say, the demonstrative lie of the head press secretary Dmitry Peskov is terribly annoying.

He continues to insist that this is his wife's wedding gift, despite the fact that we have clearly established that he appeared in this watch at least three months before the wedding.

Besides, there are strong doubts that Tatyana Navka, although she was an Olympic champion, has enough income for such gifts.

And not so long ago - a month ago - Tatyana Navka herself reported on television that she does not have enough money to pay for utilities. It is clear that slightly exaggerated, but nonetheless.

In general, I urge everyone, especially journalists, to put pressure on the topic. It is of fundamental importance for society. It is important to remember that the same Polish minister who resigned due to non-declaration of a watch worth 5.5 thousand dollars did not do it because he wanted to, but because the media forced him to.

Well, in order to provide our journalists with additional arguments, the Open Source Anti-Corruption Foundation compiled an incomplete collection of other watches of civil servant Peskov.

There are 3-4 more specimens that we have not yet been able to identify.

But even what is worth a total of $ 154,000 or 9.5 million rubles, which is more than Peskov's annual salary.

Can you imagine that Peskov does not eat or drink, but only buys watches? So I can’t, which means we are again dealing with illicit enrichment.

By the way, when you talk about Peskov's annual income (9 million rubles), it is worth remembering that he must give a third in the form of alimony to his ex-wife for two minor children. And if he doesn’t give it back, then let him tell it to the women from Navka’s favorite site, and in a rage they will tear the press secretary to shreds.

Beloved Richard Mille

Classic Rolex.

As we were told, such watches usually come "complete" with a Ferrari. Some salons even give them to the client when buying a car. Encourages thought.

Can a civil servant have such a collection of watches? Is this ethical for an official from Russia, where 23% of citizens are “poor”, and 17% are officially below the poverty line?

If these are gifts, then who makes them and for what services? Why is the rule banning gifts for civil servants worth more than 3,000 rubles being violated?

All these questions need to be answered by society.

Journalists, please help.

P.S. We are pleased to invite specialists to join the process by the clock. If we suddenly identified something incorrectly or did not notice, write in the comments, we will correct it.

The press secretary of the president assures that Navka gave him the accessory for the wedding. A friend of the newlywed - a politician - tells a completely different story.

A scandal around the prohibitively expensive Richard Mille watch, seen during his wedding with Tatyana Navka, is gaining momentum on the Web.

One of the first elite accessories was noticed by the opposition member Alexei Navalny, who hastened to report that the decoration costs “more than your apartment” - 37 million rubles (and it was previously reported that 9 million) with a hint of the “illegal enrichment” of a civil servant, which should be punished by law .

Meanwhile, while memes dedicated to Dmitry Peskov’s watches are multiplying on the Internet, two “official” versions have already appeared about how the multimillion-dollar Richard Mille, worth like a newlywed’s declaration salary for a year, ended up on his hand.

So, the wedding guest - politician Oleg Mitvol - assured journalists that they "fell for the bait", believing that the watch really belongs to the hero of the occasion. In fact, Peskov and his comrades decided to "poke fun" at the media in order to check how soon the news about the expensive "toy" of the press secretary will leak to the press. To do this, Peskov borrowed jewelry from one of the wealthy wedding guests.

During the wedding, Peskov understood that he would be photographed, and the cards would then scatter over the Internet. During the preparations for the wedding, there were also so many rumors that the guests had something to discuss and something to laugh at later. In this case, the newlyweds decided to play a joke. Peskov borrowed a watch for a while from one of his acquaintances, who was present at the celebration. Posed with them. We were waiting for the journalists to react to this duck. And they weren't wrong. The next day, everyone began to calculate how much a watch costs, and how could an official acquire such a luxury with his modest salary? .. - Mitvol said.

At the same time, Peskov himself tells the media a “touching” version, according to which the ill-fated watch was presented to him by none other than the bride, and now his wife, Tatyana Navka.

This is a gift from Tanya. Indeed, the watch is very expensive. But they cost significantly less than some comrades indicate, - said the newlywed, adding that his wife bought them for her own money, - and no one cares which ones.

Almost immediately, “old” photos of Peskov with his daughter Lisa appeared on the Web, where a similar watch flaunts on his hand.

Thus, either Mitvol is deceiving journalists, just continuing to “check” them, or he was “shielding” his comrade, not knowing the main version, or is it Peskov, as he sometimes likes, continues to “troll” the media and the opposition, with with a serious face, claiming that it was not even he, a civil servant, who bought the incredibly expensive watch, but his wife, an incredibly popular and sought-after figure skater, but clearly not an oligarch.