Ribbon bow 5 cm wide. How to make a ribbon bow with your own hands? How to make a classic satin ribbon bow

Satin ribbon bows. Master class with step by step photo

Shabanova Marina Gennadievna, primary school teacher, MBOU Sarasinskaya secondary school, Sarasa village, Altai district, Altai Territory
Material Description: This material will be useful to teachers, teachers of additional education, parents. Work can be done with children of middle and high school age. Handmade jewelry is exclusive and very popular. Bows in the modeling technique with the addition of a flower in the kanzashi tsumami technique are easy to make, the product can be completed in one session.
Target: improving skills in the technique of tsumami kanzashi.
Tutorials: to form skills and abilities in the manufacture of jewelry using the kanzashi technique.
Developing: develop attention, creativity and aesthetic taste, fine motor skills and eye.
Educational: foster a caring attitude towards work.

To work we need the following materials and tools:
- white satin ribbon 2.5 cm wide - 70 cm;
- satin ribbon 1 cm wide with polka dots / any color - 40 cm;
- white satin ribbon 1cm wide - 9cm;
(The length of the tape is given based on for one bow!)
- rubber bands - 2 pieces;
- acrylic half beads - 2 pieces (can be replaced with a button, beads, bead);
- sewing threads;
- sewing needle;
- lighter (candle);
- ruler;
- scissors;
- tweezers, clamp;
- thermal gun.

Rules for labor protection when working with scissors:
1. Scissors should have blunt, rounded ends.
2. Work with well adjusted and sharpened tools
3. Put the scissors with the rings towards you, and with the closed blades away from you.
4. Do not leave cutting tools open.
5. Watch the blades move as you cut.
6. Pass the scissors rings forward, holding the closed ends.
7. Do not play with cutting tools, do not bring to the face.
8. When working with scissors, do not walk around the office. Work at the table.
9. Use these tools only for their intended use.

Rules for labor protection when working with a needle:
1. Store the needles in a specific place (special box, pad). Do not leave them at the workplace (table), in no case leave them in the fabric, do not take needles, pins in your mouth.
2. Pieces of a broken needle are collected and handed over to the teacher. If the needle breaks at home, then its fragments must be wrapped in paper and thrown away in a safe place.
3. Pass the needle in the needle bar and with thread.
4. Do not stick the needle into clothes, soft objects, walls, curtains.
5. Do not sew on upholstered furniture (armchairs, sofas, etc.) at home. Do not leave a needle in the product.
6. Do not be distracted while working with the needle.
7. Know the number of needles, pins taken for work. At the end of the work, check their number, be sure to find the lost needle, pin.
8. After finishing work, the product is neatly folded and stored in a specially designated place.

Rules for labor protection when working with a candle and matches, a lighter:
1. Remove loose hair.
2. Do not lean low over the flame of a candle or match.
3. The candle should be in a glass or tin container.
4. Do not throw burnt matches into the trash, but put them in glass, tin dishes.

Rules for labor protection when working with a thermal gun:
1. Do not leave unattended.
2. During operation, place the heat gun on a stand, and do not lay it on its side.
3. Work only with a serviceable tool.
4. Do not touch the tip of the gun and touch the hot glue.
5. At the end of the work, turn off.

Prepare pieces of satin ribbon in the following sizes:
- white satin ribbon 2.5 cm wide - 2 pieces 20 cm long,
- satin ribbon 1 cm wide with polka dots / any other color - 2 pieces 20 cm long;
- satin ribbon 2.5 cm wide - 6 pieces 5 cm long.

We impose a ribbon with polka dots on a white satin ribbon 20 cm long in length. Let's focus on the middle. We process the edges of the tape over the fire of a lighter or candle, soldering the tapes together.

We do two things.

There are many ways to make a bow. In order for the work to move faster, I connected the elements of several.
We put the edges of the tape on top of each other with a slight smell and sew with a basting seam. Thread in two additions.

Without cutting the thread, we also sew the second part. Both parts of the bow are on the same thread. We do not cut the thread!

By bending the ribbons in half, we outline the middle of each.

We connect the fold line and the seam line. We pass both tapes with a basting seam in the reverse order.

We tighten the thread, make two or three turns along the seam line and fasten with a few stitches. Cut the thread with scissors. It turns out such a bow.

For a flower, you will need 6 pieces of satin white ribbon 2.5 cm wide. We fold the segment at a right angle, we try to make the sides of the angle equal.

We turn the workpiece by connecting the points AA and BB. I solder the petal blank in the corners to make further work easier.

We fold the petal in half along the length with the satin side inward.

Bend each side lengthwise outward. We solder the edge with a lighter or over a candle fire.

It turns out here is such a petal.

We make 5 more petals. Only 6 petals.

Apply hot glue to the base of one of the petals, attach the second, fix the tweezers.

Sequentially glue the rest of the petals. We fasten the first and last together with hot glue.
The flower is ready. We add the middle.

On the reverse side of the bow, we fix the elastic band with hot glue.

A piece of white satin ribbon 1 cm wide and 9 cm long is fixed with hot glue in the middle of the bow on the front side.

We make a double turn and fix the edge of the tape with hot glue.

We fix the flower in the middle of the bow with hot glue. Our bow is ready!

Bows are everywhere. Mothers tie their daughters' hair with them. They serve as accessories for clothes and shoes.

Bouquets of flowers decorated with them look more impressive. Gifts, beautifully packaged and tied with an openwork ribbon, will not leave anyone indifferent. For the manufacture of bows, a wide variety of materials and techniques are used, depending on what result you want to achieve.

How beautiful to tie a bow from a satin ribbon

Satin ribbons look very beautiful on their own, and in combination with an interesting shape, they contribute to the creation of a bright and unique image.


The classic version of the bow has the simplest structure and does not require much experience for its execution.


  • satin ribbon;
  • scissors.

Figure #1.


  1. Cut the tape to the desired length;
  2. Fold the strip in accordance with what is shown in Figure No. 1, point (a);
  3. Cross the ends of the material (b);
  4. Pull one end of the tape into the resulting loop (c);
  5. Knot - tighten, and the tape - straighten.


A more sophisticated option that allows you to combine beauty with rigor is a great addition to the office style.


  • satin ribbon (base);
  • satin ribbon (finishing);
  • fabric glue;
  • scissors.

Figure #2.


  1. Measure the required length and cut off the appropriate part of the tape;
  2. Fold the strip in the form of a circle, connecting the ends;
  3. Fasten the place of contact of the ends with glue and press the joint to the opposite side of the circle;
  4. Gently, without leaving bubbles and folds, smooth the material at the connecting point;
  5. Using a finishing tape, wrap the joint (picture No. 2);
  6. Glue the ends of the trim as well.


The decoration is simple in execution and, at the same time, original in appearance.


  • two satin ribbons of different colors and different widths (but they must be in harmony);
  • glue;
  • scissors.


  1. Cut off the parts of the wide and thin ribbons so that they have the same length;
  2. Put a thin strip on top and along a wide one exactly in the middle, glue the ends of the two tapes adjacent to each other;
  3. The opposite ends of the tapes are also fastened with glue, forming a circle, and then press the joint to the opposite side of the tape;
  4. Cut off a small piece of a narrow strip and tie it across the bow, overlapping the connection point, tighten;
  5. Remove excess cross tape if necessary.

How beautiful to tie a bow around your neck

A neckerchief with the right selection will fit into any situation and will suit any outfit. To add charm to the image, you can give this accessory the shape of a bow. A bow can be laconic and small, reminiscent of a male butterfly, or lush and bright, drawing attention to itself.

For such a "decor" you will need a scarf of small width and thickness. It must be folded into a thin strip and proceed to the design of the butterfly.

  1. Put the resulting "harness" on the neck so that one of the hanging ends is longer;
  2. Cross the ends of the strip, placing the long side on top, and then stretching it through the bottom into the resulting loop;
  3. Give the short side the shape of a half-bow, and lower the long side over the central part of the decoration;
  4. From the long end, fold the second half bow and pull the element through the loop behind the first half bow;
  5. Tighten the "butterfly";
  6. Straighten the halves of the decoration, achieving their symmetry.


This option is performed with a regular width scarf and, despite the simplicity of execution, looks extremely impressive.

  1. Wrap a scarf around your neck;
  2. Give the ends of the accessory the shape of loops;
  3. Weave the loops, tying them into a knot;
  4. Straighten the resulting bow, making it as lush as possible.

How beautiful to tie a bow on a dress

Bows attached to a dress can be an ordinary decoration, or they can draw attention to advantages or hide flaws. All these qualities will be in the hands of any lady.

You can place a figuratively tied ribbon on any part of the dress. Lush jewelry options are more suitable for tight-fitting outfits, while neat and modest ones are more suitable for looser ones.

Depending on the placement of the tape, you can focus on the belt, chest (décolleté), shoulders and other attractive curves of the female body. In many cases, fashionistas buy ready-made bows and attach them in the right place.

One of the options for self-production of such an element is as follows:

  1. Fold the two ends of the ribbons of the necessary material in the form of loops and cross with each other;
  2. Fix the central part with a brooch or pin with decorations;
  3. Sew an accessory to any part of the dress where needed.

Bow with one loop

Very simple, but aesthetic and timeless option.

A bow from one loop is made as follows:

  1. As in the classic version, you need to start with two loops;
  2. One of the ends must be circled around the second and stretched ½ into the knot;
  3. The second end must be threaded into the knot to the end, leaving it to hang freely.

How beautiful to tie a bow on the belt

A classic bow in the belt area can be considered a universal accessory for a dress of any style:

  1. Fold the ends of the belt in the form of loops;
  2. Cross the resulting loops;
  3. Skip one of the elements into the loop formed by the crossed ends;
  4. Gently tighten the resulting knot and straighten the bow.

How to tie a beautiful ribbon bow on chairs

Usually bows on chairs appear during the preparation of premises for various solemn events. Before fixing the decoration, it is customary to cover each chair with a cover of a harmonizing color, but this is not necessary.

In addition, the use of such an accessory implies compliance with the following rules:

  1. Do not break the festive concept with out-of-print colors or inappropriate bow design;
  2. To stiffen the shape, use organza ribbons;
  3. Make sure that the edges of the ribbons are neatly processed and do not create an untidy impression.

As in any other case, the most commonly used bow for decorating chairs is the classic one.

If there is no cover on the chair, then you can do the following:

  1. Fold the ribbon for the bow in half;
  2. Hang the strip on the back of the chair so that a “loop” hangs from the inner (which the seated person touches) side of the back, and two tails from the other;
  3. Under the crossbar, thread both tails into a loop and tighten the tape a little;
  4. If you wish, you can stop at this, or you can wrap the adhesion point with the ends of the tape (initially you need to direct them in opposite directions) and also tie the decoration.

The bow can be lowered and raised along the back, adjusting the height of its location. It is also allowed to place several such strips side by side.

How beautiful to tie bows on September 1

In order for the day of knowledge to leave behind a lot of good impressions and a charge of vivacity for the next academic year, it is necessary to properly prepare for it. Last but not least, the girls associate the training with a brand new uniform and beautiful white bows in their hair. There are several ways to bring this idea to life.

Method number 1: Pleated bow

This option is usually preferred by teenage girls as it looks very cute and romantic.


  • wide nylon ribbon;
  • a thin elastic band (preferably to match the hair).

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Using an elastic band, fix the hair - this is the basis;
  2. Tie the ribbon around the hair, distributing it so that one of the "tails" is approximately 2/3 of the total length;
  3. Fold the longer end three times, and tie the resulting layers short;
  4. Straighten the fabric, making it voluminous and lush.

Method number 2: Four petals

Lush decoration, great for school celebrations.


  • long corrugated tape.


  1. Wrap the hair taken in the tail with a fabric strip and tie a knot in such a way that the remaining ends are of the same length;
  2. Fold the loops of the "tails" and tie with each other in the form of a bow;
  3. Repeat the same with the remaining long ends;
  4. Unfold all loops.

Method number 3: Lush flower

Exquisite DIY satin ribbon decoration: quick and easy.


  • long satin ribbon;
  • thread (to match the color of the tape);
  • thin hair band.


  1. Skip the thread along the middle of the tape;
  2. Move the satin as far as possible along the thread, collecting it into an "accordion";
  3. Roll up the resulting assembly like a snail, fix the base with a thread;
  4. Sew a fabric flower to the elastic band.

Options for a beautifully tied bow on a gift box

The gift is good and important in itself, but it makes the right impression only with the appropriate design. First of all, this applies to the bows decorating the gift box. They can take on completely different forms.


Its other name is multilayer.

This is a win-win option that allows you to achieve the desired effect.

  1. Fold the satin ribbon several times;
  2. Make cuts as shown in the picture;
  3. Fold the satin so that the incisions are in the center of the strip, tie this point with a small piece of ribbon;
  4. Pull out all the petals one by one (taking them out to the right, then to the left), moving from the inner to the outer, and fluff them well;
  5. If necessary, process the edges of the bow (so as not to crumble).


This decoration is made of three ribbons of different widths and colors.

It creates a very cozy impression and is especially suitable for the Christmas and New Year holidays.

  1. Fold a medium-width strip of fabric 4 times so that each next layer goes exactly on top of the previous one;
  2. First, give the widest ribbon a similar shape, and then straighten the layers so that they lie crosswise relative to each other;
  3. Put the first element on top of the second, and drag everything in the center with a thin ribbon.

When tying a bow, you should always take into account its compatibility with surrounding objects, materials and purpose of use. Of the materials, it is better to prefer denser ones, since silk does not hold its shape well enough, which negatively affects the appearance.

Two ways to tie the simplest satin ribbon bows are in the next video.

Good day, my dear friends! When the time of the holidays approaches (especially the last calls and September 1), such an item as a ribbon bow becomes especially relevant. This accessory is so popular with schoolchildren, mothers and just needlewomen that I could not get around it and decided to dedicate a whole post to bows.

In fact, various kinds of bows are found in our lives so often that we don’t even notice it - in jewelry, clothes, even used as an element of a school uniform ... In general, if you want to learn how to make bows from a variety of types of ribbons, then welcome !

Beautiful do-it-yourself ribbon bows: master classes

In fact, learning how to tie even the most complex bows yourself is not so difficult. Instructions with a large number of photos, which I have prepared for you in abundance today, will help with this. There will be both selections from the Internet and unique master classes specially prepared for you.

How to make satin ribbon bows: step by step instructions

Satin ribbons are the most popular material for creating small masterpieces. Smooth, shiny, relatively inexpensive ribbons have always attracted the attention of needlewomen from all over the world. The material has found application in various fields of creativity, not an exception for steel and decorations based on various kinds of bows.

To create accessories, you can use ribbons of different widths, but it all depends on the chosen design and execution technique. Let's start with the simplest types.

The simplest classic bow

A basic bow that any beginner should learn to make is shown below. For him, you can take both a narrow and a very wide tape - it will turn out from any.

Work process:

  1. Fold the ribbon over the two halves of the ribbon over the index fingers of both hands.
  2. Cross the halves and slip one into the other.
  3. Tighten the product. Ready!

On the basis of such a bow, you can make a chic decoration. It will be enough just to fill it with waterproof glue or shiny acrylic varnish, then attach the rings to which the chain will be fastened.

It will not be difficult to tie the same bow on a fork, with its help it will turn out to be more accurate and even (although you can create a very beautiful accessory on your fingers). There is also a limitation for such an “assistant” - it is useful only when creating very small bows, for larger products you will have to resort to the traditional method.

double tape

The double bow is performed in a slightly different way from the previous one. Two rings of tape and a separately created center, obtained by sealing the edges, are useful for it.

Fold two rings in the middle and sew or glue so that they are in contact with the side parts. After that, the middle is closed with a pre-made part. The design can be attached to a hairpin or elastic band.


For this accessory, you need to take a medium or wide ribbon; such beauty will not come out of a thin, narrow material. If your choice goes to a width of 2.5-5 cm, then this will be the ideal solution.

A variation of such a bow of two ribbons can be such an analogue: in this case, two rings are superimposed in the middle on each other. You can also experiment with colors - for example, create a red or green bow, or even combine one or more shades in one product.

Try to make more than two layers, take ribbons of different widths and textures. Thus, from one scheme for creating a bow, you can create a wide variety of accessories.

Layered puffy bow

A great option for schoolgirls and not only. Such a bow is easy to put on a hairpin or comb to attach to your hair. It is based on two simple bows discussed earlier.

To fold this, you will need to make a base of two overlapping layers. From the ribbons folded in this way, the back will be obtained. The front is similar to the simplest first bow. At the end, they must be connected with glue or thread. Everything is held together by a central piece.

In this way, you can get more voluminous accessories, like the white bow below. There is one difference here - the basis is not two layers, but three.

Romantic and sophisticated, this addition to the image will please any graduate who wants to indulge in nostalgia. But this option, unlike jewelry for girls, is more adult and feminine, and this is exactly what is needed in such cases.

Twisted bow of 3-4 ribbons

Very beautiful bow, which is well suited for decoration on the head. To do this, three or four (or even more) pieces of tape of the same width, but of different lengths, must be sewn with an infinity sign and put one into the other. Draw the middle as in a few microns earlier.


Many beautiful bows are made using the kanzashi technique. This type of creativity came, as you might guess, from distant Japan. There, in this way, magnificent details are created to complement not only everyday, but also festive outfits.

Bow flower

Making such a flower is not difficult, but painstaking. You will need at least 12 petals, which will need to be pre-cut from a ribbon 2 and 4 cm wide (you can take a different width, but not less than 1.5 cm).

First, make the first layer by stringing six wide petals and pulling them together. Put some kind of decoration between the layers and attach the second layer made in the same way. Don't forget the bead in the middle.

Another variation of simple but beautiful petals is located below. Here the flowers come out more pointed.

A more elegant white flower is created below. In the step-by-step photos, you can see that the petals for the flower are made by twisting the ends inside the middle. Such a bow can consist of either a pair or five or six layers gradually increasing in number of elements.

Bow for discharge from the hospital

Newborns (and children in general) deserve the best! That is why I have found for you a beautiful bow that will suit both girls and boys. For it, you will need a sufficiently long tape (at least three meters).

In the middle, make a winding of several layers and then a knot as in the photo. After that, you will need to pull out a few petals formed by previously folded rings.

Why leave such long ends around the edges? The fact is that you will need to tie them around the long-awaited bundle, leaving a beautiful center in front. At one time, I generally purchased a five-meter ribbon - the nurse imposed such beauty from it that we still remember with a smile with the whole family.

How to tie a ribbon bow

Rep ribbon is good because, unlike satin, it is less prone to various kinds of damage. Satin should only be hooked once and that's it - the appearance of the bow is spoiled. With reps, such a trick will not work, but it also costs more.

Baby bows

The combination of several types of tapes looks very interesting. In this case, colors are also combined, which, nevertheless, look very organic. The polka dot ribbon is just perfect! Such a bow will decorate the girl's head for a holiday and in everyday life. For him, you will need to connect two tucked parts, as was seen earlier in the master classes. The top will be decorated with a classic variation.

On an elastic band

Collecting a magnificent bow on an elastic band is not difficult. To do this, you will need several layers of bows, decorated as we did earlier. The number of layers is limited only by your imagination and common sense. The difference of this accessory is that under it there is a semblance of crosses with serifs at the ends.

You can connect all this splendor with ribbons 1 cm wide, bandaging the middle. You can attach a bow to the elastic with a glue gun or something similar.

A bright school-themed bow explodes early ideas of what a school accessory should be. It's just a bomb!

Butterfly bow

With the help of rep ribbons, you can even make a semblance of a tie! Yes, the butterfly will turn out small, but very effective. To create it, fold the ribbon, bending the edges under each other, as in the photo below. You will need three of these layers. Under them, attach a longer ribbon so that you can tie it at the back. In MK it is very short, in this form it can be left for a simple accessory.

And here is another fun variation of a bow tie. Nothing more or less bird feathers are used here, connected by a ribbon in the middle. An interesting interpretation of the standard butterfly, isn't it?

By the way, a butterfly bow can also be made from fabric, a master class on this below.

Bows for gift boxes

To tie a bow on a gift box, you will need not only ribbon, but also different types of wrapping paper.

big bow

A very large accessory for a very large gift. Such a bow can be made from a ribbon, but it is better to use wrapping paper, which will take a lot for such a work.

Insert a small box into the base of the decorative element. It may be a surprise or it may just be the basis for such an accessory. Place it in the center of the square, which close its edges at the top and bottom. Tuck the free edges as in the photo below (as if wrapping an envelope). Press the middle and wrap it with a small piece of paper of sufficient length. Straighten the edges to make them as fluffy as possible.

This bow can be used on its own or as a decorative piece for a huge surprise.

Beautiful for a gift

The next fluffy bow has an incredible Christmas mood. They literally breathe from him! For this, you will need to fold the ribbon as shown below, overlapping and tying several layers together.

Place a few bows on top of the structure, folded as shown below. Decorate the middle with a beautiful bear in a cap or any other decorative element.

Paper bows: simple, cheap, original. All master classes describe their creation in great detail.

Do you want even more bows for a gift? Read about it in another article.

Nylon bows

Nylon ribbon is traditionally used for graduates and hair decoration. But for other purposes, such bows can be used.

A simple bow on a fork is created in just a couple of minutes. To do this, you take a fork, thread a thin ribbon in the middle, thicker on top of it. Wrap the thicker ribbon around the tines of the fork many times, forming a braid. A thinner ribbon becomes the central part of such a flower.

A semicircular metal template will help to “cut” the petals with a small resemblance of a soldering iron. To do this, two ribbons - nylon and satin - must be folded as shown below. After that, the middle is bent inward and you will need a lot of such petals. They merge into one layer, then another, and so on, until you get a fluffy layered bow that can be used to decorate hair.

In the next accessory, nylon ribbon is used only as an additional accessory, decorating the base made of fabric. You can create such beauty in a few minutes, and decorated with a nylon ribbon, it will look even richer.

The next bow belongs to the gift category, but I decided to put it in this section, because it is made of nylon ribbon. For it, you will need to fold the tape in many layers, and make an incision in the middle, which will need to be tied with a thin fishing line, around which the ends should be tied. The most important step is coming: you need to pull out all the ends of the folded tape to get a very magnificent design.

Such a bow will decorate a Christmas tree or simply decorate an apartment.

A similar accessory can be made from a denser ribbon and even from burlap. It will be more difficult to pull out the ends, but the effect will turn out to be more unexpected and extraordinary.

Photos of other beautiful bows

How are they not made out! In the form of elegant brooches, bracelets and much more. For example, the accessory below will be an interesting addition to a festive outfit.

Another lace bow with a bead inside.

In general, thanks to lace, even the simplest design begins to look more original and festive.

Just look how you can spruce up your pen by adding layers of lace and satin ribbons to it.

A bow on the rim will turn an ordinary girl into a doll hurrying to the ball.

Roses as bows. Great, isn't it?

The bow on the dress looks very impressive and original.

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoreva

Posted On 02.11.2017

Ready-made jewelry for a gift or beautiful packaging tapes are not always at hand. What if you want to make gift wrapping beautiful? Make a bow yourself from improvised materials, namely from paper. How to make a paper bow with which you can decorate a gift? It just takes a little patience and effort.

Curly hair can be not only on the crown

Do original cascade of curls you can, having acquired plain paper, preferably very thin. We cut a sheet of paper into thin strips, up to 1-1.5 cm, and then with the blunt side of the scissors we give them the shape of curls, drawing along one of the sides of the paper. Curls form instantly. For this purpose, you can use ordinary wrapping paper. Having made the required number of curls, we fasten them with a stapler and attach them to the gift, gluing or similarly fixing them. Curls can be located both along the perimeter of the box and fall from the central part.

How to make a paper butterfly

To make a butterfly bow, you will need two types of paper. One is denser and brighter (it can be a photograph from a magazine), the second should be one and a half to two times smaller and depict the body of a butterfly. We make the most ordinary fan from a larger sheet. From a small one, we similarly make a fan, trying to make the folds the same. The fan is divided into three parts and slightly cut on the right and left sides, retreating from the edge by 2-5 cm (depending on the size of the sheet). We impose a smaller sheet on a larger sheet: in such a way that the folds coincide and in the central part we press and tie the two parts together. Carefully straighten, giving a magnificent shape - and the butterfly is ready. To make the product more catchy, it makes sense to use old magazines with pictures, fashion catalogs and others that have bright colors on paper.

Bow Dior

An unusual bow can be made by preparing four rings of decreasing diameter. The smallest should be such that it takes up no more than 50% of the width of the last ring. The rings must be slightly overlapped, the upper and lower central parts should be glued in the same way. The rings also need to be glued, laying one in the middle of the second, and connected across the perpendicular with a narrow paper tape, thus obtaining an original decoration. The tape is taken in one color, but to give some contrast, it is worth taking a transverse paper piece of a different shade.

As for the Dior bow, you can connect its two halves together, getting a more lush and voluminous inflorescence. It will look very beautiful and unusual.

Original paper chrysanthemum

To get an original and lush chrysanthemum, you need to take paper of a bright or light color (for example, pink or bright red) and cut out ten to fifteen polygons. They should be in the form of hexagons or be similar to flags, but so that everything is fastened together. We stack the cut out figures on top of each other and stab them on top with a pin or a needle with a tip, the top of which can be shaped like a pestle by pushing a white or yellowish cap. It turns out gorgeous paper flower.

Combinations with paper ribbons and curls

Can be done quickly and easily original decoration with curls. We cut out four strips of paper in the form of thin and long ribbons, the ends of which we give an unusual shape, for example, like a flag, in the form of the letter “V”. We put two ribbons side by side on a box or a package with a gift (with a small interval), cover them on top in the same way with two of the same ribbons and glue them at the junction. On top of the glued tapes, we attach other pieces of paper, similar in width, placing them perpendicularly. There will be four sections in total. We draw the blunt edge of the scissors along the last attached pieces of paper tapes, giving them the shape of a curl. Everything: the decoration is ready.

In the same way, you can experiment with the color of ribbons, using, for example, white and scarlet pieces of paper, creating compositions from thin and thick curlicue rings. Or by putting such curls into rings of a larger diameter.

How to make a simple and original bow?

A beautiful multi-colored paper bow is obtained by taking eight pieces of paper of three shades of the same length but different widths. Colors can be taken as follows, for example: the widest stripe is blue, the narrower one is purple, and the top one is pale pink. Glue the strips of paper on top of each other. We bend the edges of the strips in the form of an envelope, connect them together and form two inflorescences in the form of a trefoil. We connect them together. In the central part of the decoration we attach thin bows. They should be done like this: cut very thin strips as thick as a straw, which should be glued into a ring and then additionally connected in the center, getting a thin bow.

To the resulting decoration, you can glue a thicker ring on top of thin bows, which will crown the central part. From below, you can attach two ribbons, from the wrong side.

Most importantly, when creating paper jewelry, don't be afraid to experiment. After all, you can create compositions by unusually combining curls, ribbons, diamonds and irregular polygons, bows and fans. The main task of such jewelry is to add a certain zest to the presented gift, interior, and even fancy dress. A little strength and patience - and everything will work out!

How to make (tie) a gift bow (bows) from ribbons

DIY satin ribbon bow for decoration

DIY satin ribbon bow for a gift

How to make a beautiful bow DIY gift

How beautiful to tie a bow. classic bow

HOW TO TIE A BOW master class, diagrams with photos

DIY two-tone ribbon bow. simple, strict and

Home Hobby

Is it hard to imagine a solemn moment without decorating or decorating with elegant bows? Lush and strict, elegant and frivolous - they create a special mood at the holiday. Making a hairpin or a bow tie for an evening dress from satin ribbons is not difficult if you follow the instructions.

How to make bows from satin ribbons

Jewelry assembly technology requires ribbons of different colors, special widths according to your idea. You will need a minimum set of tools and materials for manufacturing. In the case of passing the master class, you will not have a question about how to make a bow from a satin ribbon. The proposed step-by-step instructions will turn the work process into a pleasant and understandable one.

How to tie a ribbon bow

You will need:

  • lighter;
  • scissors;
  • threads;
  • needle;
  • ruler;
  • glue or heat gun.

Depending on the purpose of the bow, there are various options for manufacturing technologies. He can be:

  • small, made using a fork - suitable for decorating a postcard;
  • magnificent, elegant - in the style of kanzashi - for a holiday in kindergarten;
  • a strict bow tie - for an important banquet;
  • double - for decorating hair, attached to a headband or hairpin,
  • solemn - on a gift box.

Satin bows can be made in the form of an original flower. If you choose the right color and shape, they will become unique decorations:

  • elegant evening dress
  • frivolous sundress;
  • styled hair;
  • in the form of a bracelet on the hand;
  • stylish handbag;
  • bridesmaid dresses;
  • elegant blouse;
  • as a pendant around the neck;
  • furniture in the interior;
  • stylish prom dress
  • curtains in the apartment.

How to make a classic satin ribbon bow

The most popular and simple, this bow is used to decorate clothes and interiors. Even a modest gift, decorated in this way, becomes elegant, solemn and attractive. To tie a bow you will need:

  • take a workpiece 20 cm long;
  • burn the edges
  • fold in half with the smooth side inward;
  • bend the edges outward again;
  • pick up, so that each has a loop at the top, and a bend between them at the bottom;
  • cross the folded parts in front, forming a ring under them;
  • pass one loop through it, tie.

Strict beautiful do-it-yourself satin ribbon bow

You can tie a strict stylish bow for a special occasion. It will decorate a lady's bag, dress or gift. Here it is important to choose the right colors for crafts so that it looks elegant. How to make a bow from a satin ribbon, for example, such as in the photo. Prepare scissors, glue, material of three colors for work. You should:

  • take a blank 30 mm wide with a length of 18 cm;
  • roll into a ring;
  • connect the edges with glue.

The next steps to assemble the decoration are:

  • fold the ring so that the seam remains at the bottom in the middle;
  • iron;
  • take a ribbon of a different color of the same width, with a length of 7 cm;
  • wrap a ring around the workpiece across;
  • fix with glue;
  • prepare a tape of a contrasting color of the same length, but thin;
  • wrap around, in the middle of the previous ring;
  • seal;
  • iron.

Two-tone beautiful bow from a satin ribbon with your own hands

A stylish and very elegant decoration can be assembled from blanks of two colors. Ease of manufacture does not mean that it will look modest. Elegant and spectacular, it will decorate the hairstyle and the original dress. You will need a wide and narrow blank. To make jewelry:

  • measure 2 pieces 15 cm long - one narrow, the other wide, cut off;
  • put one on top of the other;
  • roll into a ring;
  • fix the joint with glue;
  • iron;
  • tie a bow in the middle with a narrow ribbon, closing the junction, forming a knot;
  • cut off the ends;
  • glue.

DIY gift bows from satin ribbons

An anniversary or birthday gift box will look much more impressive if you decorate it with a bow. It can be, depending on the situation, small, elegant or voluminous and lush, for example, like this. It is very easy to tie it - you can quickly learn, even without a master class, following the instructions:

  • take a workpiece two meters long;
  • wrap it around the open palm of your left hand;
  • remove carefully;
  • leave the end free.
  • on a workpiece folded in several layers, cut off both corners on one side, by about 5 mm;
  • burn it so that it does not bloom;
  • repeat operations on the other side;
  • fold the workpiece so that the cut parts are aligned in the middle;
  • tie with the free end of the ribbon;
  • straighten each petal, giving it volume.

A lush bow made by yourself can please a young beauty if it is woven into her hair or becomes a decoration for a gift box. For its manufacture, you will need 6 blanks 12 cm long, 5 cm wide, the same number 11 cm long and 30 mm wide. First, they need to be burned around the edges. You will also need elegant thin braid, small beads and a piece of felt. Next, you need to do this:

  • take wide blanks;
  • fold in half;
  • sequentially collect on one thread;
  • pull, fasten;
  • repeat the process for narrow ribbons;
  • cut a circle with a diameter of 40 mm from felt;
  • stick a large blank on it;
  • take pieces of thin braid 12 cm long - 6 pieces;
  • fold each into a ring;
  • glue on the front side by laying on the petals;
  • fix the workpiece from a narrow ribbon on top;
  • pour glue, approximately 10 mm in diameter, onto a piece of fabric;
  • lay the beads on it tightly in a circle;
  • cut in a circle;
  • glue the decor in the middle of the decoration.

If you want to decorate your holiday card with a tiny bow, try using a fork. The process will go like this:

  • take a fork in your left hand;
  • loop a ribbon over it so that the edges remain on the right;
  • throw the far end behind the fork through the lower one in front;
  • insert it in the middle between the teeth and bring it back;
  • enter the remaining tip of the ribbon on the right into the same gap, but from above;
  • turn the plug over and tie both ends with two knots;
  • remove the bow;
  • cut the ends, singe.

DIY openwork satin bow

Do you want to learn how to wrap gifts like at Dior? The technology will not cause difficulties, and the view will be unusual and original. For manufacturing, you need satin blanks 25, 20, 16 and 10 cm long. To make such an ornament:

  • burn the edges of the ribbons;
  • roll the longest into a ring;
  • glue the ends;
  • repeat operations with other blanks;
  • stack all the rings on top of each other, starting with the larger one, place the glued sections from below;
  • pass an additional ribbon on top of the rings (as an option, it can pass inside the small element);
  • fasten on the back.

If the process of making jewelry according to the attached instructions seems complicated to you, watch the video tutorials.

You will understand how to make a flower bow with your own hands without special tools, learn how to collect decorations for gift boxes, learn how to tie a voluminous two-color accessory for a hairpin for a holiday, understand that making bows yourself is a simple and exciting process. Needlework will help you look original and unique, make your image attractive and stylish.

How to make a beautiful satin ribbon bow in the shape of a flower

Ribbon gift bow

How to tie a beautiful satin ribbon bow

Festive Headband/How to Make Beautiful Kanzashi Headband

How to make a beautiful bow from a satin ribbon with your own hands

How to make a large, fluffy and beautiful ribbon bow on

How to make a bow from a satin ribbon with your own hands with a photo

Bow - Masters of Needlework

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    1. How to finish the edges
    2. Classical
    3. Bicolor
    4. Extravagant
    5. Openwork
    6. Lush

    Lush festive bow is traditionally used to decorate gifts, hairstyles, envelopes, as well as elegant accessories for any outfit. A cute handmade ribbon bow will be a wonderful decoration for gift wrapping or postcards, the main thing is to choose the right shape and material.

    How to finish the edges

    To make the ends look neat and not crumble, they should be processed. First, cut them with sharp scissors at an angle of 45 degrees. On openwork designs, a V-shape in the form of a dovetail looks great.

    Then take a lighter or match and singe the edges, keeping the fire at a distance of a centimeter from the fabric.

    How to make a bow from a satin ribbon with your own hands

    This method is ideal for any synthetic materials.

    The easiest way is to cover the ends with PVA glue. This method does not look very aesthetically pleasing, so it is only suitable for designs in which the tips will be hidden under the folds.


    The gift box will be decorated with a classic do-it-yourself ribbon bow, a simple step-by-step master class will help you make it in just 5 minutes:

    1. Lay the ribbon face down on the table and cross the ends in the middle so that a loop forms on each side.
    2. Lay the formed loops on top of each other crosswise.
    3. Wrap the left loop around the right loop, then pass it through the center loop formed and tighten the bow.

    From thin and airy fabrics, the product will turn out to be lifeless and sluggish in appearance, so use dense satin, rep or crepe satin for its manufacture.


    An unusual two- or three-color bow will be a wonderful decoration for a hair clip or hair hoop. You will need stripes of different colors, and each new one should be narrower than the previous one.

    1. Lay out two stripes of contrasting colors on the work surface so that the narrow one is on top.
    2. Roll the workpiece into a ring and fasten it with glue.
    3. Iron the workpiece with an iron through a sheet of thick paper.
    4. Bandage the middle and straighten the edges.

    You can combine more colors with each other, the main thing is to select stripes of different widths in order to demonstrate all the color layers of the product.


    A large lush bow made of satin ribbons, made by yourself, will decorate a hoop, hairpin or headdress. For this master class, you will need 115 centimeters of wide tape and a piece of thin wire.

    1. Measure 20 centimeters from the edge and make the first loop, holding its base between your fingers.
    2. Wielding the long end, make a similar loop next to the first.
    3. Then make another loop, but on the opposite side.
    4. Continue to form the structure, alternating loops on different sides. As a result, you should get a blank in the shape of a butterfly.
    5. A piece of wire should be wrapped around the center of the workpiece and cut off the excess with scissors.
    6. Take a short strip of fabric in a contrasting color and wrap it around the center of the piece to mask the wire.
    7. Straighten the loops and give the product a rounded shape so that it looks like a lush flower.

    Organza, satin or silk is suitable as a material for this master class. The airy structure can be additionally decorated with a decorative cord or a beautiful plastic brooch can be glued to the center.


    How to make an elegant openwork ribbon bow with your own hands? Very simple, you just need to prepare two meters of satin, a glue gun and transparent tape in advance.

    1. Take a box decorated with wrapping paper and wrap the tape around it, after smearing it with glue.
    2. Two long ends should remain on the lid of the box, take one of them and twist a large loop, gluing its edge to the center of the lid.
    3. Then the loop must be assembled, making several smaller loops out of its folds and fixing their bases with glue.
    4. Then repeat the same with the other end.

    Remember that the volume of the future product depends on the number of small loops. To make the design more voluminous, make the loops as small as possible.


    For curvy shapes, it is better to use rigid materials that hold their shape well, such as velvet. To clearly see how to make an elegant ribbon bow with your own hands, use the instructional video with a visual master class.

    1. Take a long ribbon and wrap it around your palm a few times.
    2. Trim the corners of the workpiece from each edge.
    3. Dissolve the workpiece and twist the same number of turns again, but so that the cut corners are in the middle.
    4. Bandage the middle and begin to carefully pull out each turn and straighten the petals, twisting them along the axis.

    Now the decoration remains only to fluff up and attach to the gift using double-sided tape.

    On the basis of classical techniques, you can make designer bows, complementing them with beads, sequins or perforations, and use them to decorate handmade candles or hairstyles for September 1 - the scope for imagination is limitless. Do not be afraid to experiment with materials and colors, an original color scheme or an unusual fabric will only decorate the product, making it unique and exclusive.

    Little tricks in the arsenal of every housewife are designed to greatly facilitate and decorate our lives. In this article we will talk about an important accessory for a festive mood. How to make a ribbon bow and beautifully decorate a gift or the interior of your home with it - all the information is given below.

    How to make a bow out of paper or ribbon

    You can make beautiful bows from different materials, but paper and various ribbons are considered the most popular. Let's take a look at the most popular manufacturing methods from these materials below.

    paper technology

    Graceful and unusual "jagged" decorations will appeal to anyone, and if you master the technique of execution, you can make such a miracle yourself.

    For manufacturing it is necessary to prepare:

    • paper of sufficient density (old posters are perfect);
    • scissors;
    • glue or stationery stapler;
    • ruler.

    How to make a paper bow:

    • Cut strips of paper of the same thickness.
    • Using a ruler, measure pieces of different lengths.
    • Roll each piece at an angle without deforming the paper.
    • Fasten two pieces together to make a kind of "eight".
    • In total, three large and medium "eights" are needed, as well as two small ones.
    • Make the last figure simply in the form of a circle.
    • Starting from the longest "eights", lay out three pieces in the form of a circle, then fasten them in the middle.
    • The average length of the "eight" is also fixed in the form of a circle.
    • Lay out the middle “circle” on a large figure so that the teeth fall in a checkerboard pattern.
    • The remaining two “eights” of small size are fixed crosswise and set on top of the resulting figure.
    • The “top” of our bow will be a paper circle laid on its side.

    To illustrate the process of assembling a paper bow, there is a photograph illustrating the process in an accessible way.

    An original and very delicate bow is obtained in a different way. To do this, it is enough to cut out curly parts from colored paper (it is better to do this according to a template) and fasten them together, as shown in the photo. For variety, you can use several colors, as well as paper with drawings. Having shown due ingenuity, you can independently come up with new figures for an exclusive model.

    Ribbon manufacturing technology

    The most suitable material for creating such a decor are ready-made tapes, the range of which is constantly increasing.

    There are many types, the most common of them: satin, guipure, silk and translucent organza.

    At the same time, you should also take into account the huge selection of colors, shiny varieties and the ability to choose stripes with a pattern. In general, there is room for fantasies to roam, the choice of suitable products will depend solely on your aesthetic taste, but we will tell you how to make a ribbon bow with your own hands.

    Manufacturing technology can be conditionally divided into stages of complexity. Having successfully mastered one option, you can complicate the task a little and proceed to the next.

    A simple DIY satin ribbon bow

    To do this, a strip of sufficient length is taken, and the principle of the knot itself is shown in the photo.

    To make the knot neater, you can use the following master class on how to tie a bow from a satin ribbon. At first, this method will seem too complicated, but with due diligence and training, everything will turn out purely mechanically.

    Several options for ribbon bows

    To create such a decor, it will be enough to choose stripes of different thicknesses and colors. A monochromatic bow will lose significantly in aesthetic terms, so it’s better to choose a more interesting option.

    To make such a bow, three strips of different lengths should be cut off, combined with each other and pulled together with a smaller segment. The edges can be made jagged, as well as simply tucked - this will add volume to the product.

    The second option will be no less pretty, as well as easy to perform.

    Gift Bow - Simple Recipes

    To do this, circles are formed from suitable strips of different widths, but of the same diameter. Having attached the tapes to each other, the middle is fixed with another segment. The resulting decor can be used not only to create hair ornaments, but also all kinds of ideas, a list of which you will find below.

    How to tie a bow on a fork

    You can try to use improvised means. A simple and very attractive way to beautifully tie a ribbon bow is presented by an original method using an ordinary table fork.

    The step-by-step instructions in the picture will help you master this technique; for convenience, the ends of the tape are signed with letters.

    Such decorations are extremely attractive and suitable, for example, for decorating clothes. With their help, you can even color a nondescript turtleneck with new colors.

    You can complicate the process a little and make two-tier bows from ribbons with your own hands. Decorate the central part with a bead, and additionally make an organza base from below. An example of such a creative is shown in the photo as a sample, so be inspired for your own projects.

    Step-by-step instructions for making

    A simple technique for making bows on a fork can be slightly modified. For this, a step-by-step instruction for a do-it-yourself ribbon bow and corresponding illustrations are presented.

    How to tie a ribbon bow on a fork:

    • Push the tape - fasteners between the middle teeth of the fork.
    • Skip the main tape alternately between the teeth in a checkerboard pattern.
    • Fix the beginning of the strip in your hand, the rows alternate to the very top. The more there are, the more magnificent the product will turn out.
    • Tie the resulting loops with a fastener tape, cut off the ends and scorch a little with fire so that they do not bloom.
    • Alternation of stripes of different colors, sizes and surface textures.
    • Use of ribbons with a pattern.
    • Threading will make the figure more voluminous.

    Various variations:

    The main improvement may concern the dimensions of the product.

    Large satin ribbon bows can be made using a suitable size cardboard template or your own fingers.

    Options for decorating flower bouquets

    Bouquets are fastened with similar decorations, and you can make bows from paper and fabric ribbons. Both options are quite nice, and brief diagrams will show how you can complete such a decor as quickly as possible.

    Do you want something interesting?

    Option number 1:

    • Wrap the tape around the palm of your hand or any suitable object.
    • Trim the ends of the edges for a more comfortable fit.
    • Align the cut parts to each other (now they will be in the middle of the tape).
    • Fix and straighten the "petals".
    • The more turns there are, the more magnificent the bow will turn out.
    • Fix in the middle.
    • "Fluff" the coils of the tape.

    Option #2:

    • Fold the tape several times with a “figure eight”.
    • Fix in the middle.
    • "Fluff" the coils of the tape.
    • Trim the ends neatly and the bow is ready.

    Option #3:

    • Fold the bow according to the principle of the first option.
    • Make cuts along the edges of the fixed tape.
    • Fluffy bow will have a more voluminous and interesting look.

    Option #4:

    • The tape is twisted at the attachment points.
    • "Petals" are formed right in the hand. Thus, you can control the volume of the bow, which is very convenient for decoration. You can make the ends of different sizes.
    • After the desired size and type of product have been achieved, secure in the middle with the end of the tape.

    Do-it-yourself original bows from satin ribbons can be made using the following technology:

    • Wind a satin ribbon between two fixed knitting needles.
    • Lay a line in the middle.
    • Remove the ribbons and pick up the thread.
    • Fix the thread, cut the ends - the bow is ready.

    American design options

    American bows got their name not entirely deservedly, because similar patterns can be found in various countries. The main requirement when decorating such a decor is to show imagination. The creation of such a decor is based on the use of several varieties of products at once, so there will be a lot of options. This type can be called a traditional option; our master class will describe in detail its creation.

    How to make an American-style satin ribbon bow:

    • "Eights" are formed from a thin ribbon.
    • Separate parts in two or three pieces are fastened together.
    • From below, you can make a base of several straight ribbons fastened in the middle.
    • For additional decoration, you can make the edges jagged.
    • Fasten the two parts together, you can glue a bead or a simple smaller bow on top.

    Individual elements can be seen in the photo.

    The end result should be something like this.

    For children's hairpins, it is better to take a more durable rep tape. Now they sell products of interesting design, for example, favorite cartoon characters.

    What can be decorated with homemade bows:

    • Decoration of clothes, belts and shoes.
    • Sofa cushions.
    • Cutlery before serving to guests.
    • Napkins, towels and kitchen curtains.
    • Newborn envelope.
    • Cases for bottles of champagne.
    • Wedding glasses, cars, ribbons of witnesses and other holiday attributes.
    • Hair ornaments.

    Decorating the Christmas tree with bows is gaining more and more popularity. You can buy ready-made ones without problems in any suitable store, but it will be much more interesting to make such an ornament yourself, especially if children help you with this. It will also be a great gift idea for your loved ones for the holidays.

    New Year's bows on the Christmas tree

    A simple and incredibly attractive decor will come from the tips below. To make bows for the Christmas tree, you will need a variety of materials: paper, felt, organza, and even lace. Several successful examples are given in our article, they can be used as a model for independent inventions.

    DIY bows for the Christmas tree made of felt

    This unique material is highly demanded in needlework. Its main advantage is a dense "plush" structure, the edges of which will not crumble, which means that they do not need additional processing.

    A simple bow for a Christmas tree is made approximately as shown in the photo. At the same time, the upper part can be additionally decorated with beads, beads and just a bright ribbon of a contrasting shade.

    You can make rounded edges, you get a completely different model.

    A more complex model of such a decor needs a detailed description, the whole process is clearly shown in the photo.

    New Year's decor with your own hands:

    • Felt cut into strips of arbitrary thickness.
    • Fold the strip in half and sew the edge of the fabric with small stitches.
    • Cut the fold points at regular intervals, without reaching the edge.
    • Gather the thread carefully to make a circle.
    • Trim and fix the edge.
    • Decorate the top as you wish.

    How to make a ribbon bow for a Christmas tree

    The above options are perfect for New Year's decor, especially since you can pick up ribbons with the appropriate pattern. Red is traditionally used, but if you do not have specific color preferences, you can choose multi-colored options.

    In order to understand how to tie a bow from a ribbon, just look at the above photo. With some skill, such decorations can be done quickly enough.

    With beautiful spirals, you can not only decorate a Christmas tree bow from a ribbon, but also use the idea to create hair ornaments.

    Technology for the execution of spiral elements:

    • Wrap satin ribbon on wooden skewers.
    • Secure the edges with pins.
    • Put in the oven at about 180º C for five minutes.
    • After cooling, the tapes will acquire beautiful and uniform bends.

    Original decoration from tulle

    The unusual look of this tulle bow can also be used to create New Year's decor. To do this, you need to take an organza or cut off a small strip of tulle. The algorithm of actions is shown in the photo and resembles the process of creating pompoms.

    There are enough examples of use, ranging from gift wrapping to curtain decoration. We have considered the most successful options for creating bows in our article, but the final result and possible variations will depend solely on your imagination.

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  • The range of satin ribbons is striking in its diversity. Ribbons have different widths, colors, patterns, finishes. This material is affordable and easy to use, while you can make very beautiful products from satin ribbons with your own hands. In this article, we offer several master classes on creating both simple bows for every day, and elegant, festive bows.

    Consider, first, the simplest ways to tie a bow. Although, at first glance, it seems that tying a regular bow is very easy, there are still some tricks in this process. We will consider a method that will allow you to get an even, symmetrical bow with a beautiful center. To do this, you only need a satin ribbon and scissors.

    1. We take a piece of tape of the desired length.

    2. Fold the tape as shown in the figure.

    3. In the resulting loop below, we skip one of the ears and tighten the knot.

    4. This is what should happen.

    This simple bow is perfect for decorating hair for every day.

    How to make a beautiful satin ribbon bow?

    For example, to diversify a regular ponytail or spikelet with a bright ribbon.

    Satin ribbon bow flower. How to do it yourself?

    And now consider the festive options for satin bows. Making them will be a little more difficult, but the result is noticeably more effective. Lush bows for hairstyles from satin ribbons can be easily made by yourself. At the same time, the cost of the product is several times less than the price of a store bow. The diameter of the finished product will be 14 cm, if you want to get products of a larger or smaller diameter, then proportionally change the size of the tape segments.

    So, to make such a satin bow with your own hands, you need:

    Six cuts:

    Satin ribbon 5 cm wide, 14 cm long;

    Tapes 2.5 cm wide, 10.5 cm long;

    Silver ribbon 0.3 cm wide, 15 cm long;

    Silver ribbon 0.3 cm wide, 8 cm long;

    A circle of felt with a diameter of 5.5-6 cm;

    Decoration for the middle of the bow;

    Threads in tone, needle, scissors;

    Lighter or soldering iron, glue gun or moment-crystal glue;

    Elastic band, hairpin or clip for the base.

    Before assembling the bow, be sure to process the edges of the cut pieces with a lighter so that they do not crumble during work. Fold 6 five-centimeter pieces in half and collect them on a double thread, pull the thread so that you get a flower and fasten.

    In the same way, make a second flower from pieces of ribbon 2.5 cm wide. Then make ears from pieces of silver ribbon, as shown in the figure. Glue the ends with glue or a glue gun.

    On the large flower, glue large silver ears, one per petal, so that they peek out nicely from under the top flower.

    Glue the second flower on top and, on it, smaller ears according to the same principle. Close the core with the prepared decoration. A bead, a button, a medallion will do.

    On the reverse side, glue a felt circle to the bow, and attach an elastic band to it, for example. If you will use a clip or hairpin, then pre-paste them with rep tape to match.

    Your bow is ready. It took less than an hour to make an elegant satin bow with your own hands.

    Lush satin ribbon bow decorated with rhinestones

    We will teach you how to make this wonderful decoration with your own hands in a master class. This version of an elegant bow, which you can make yourself, will delight any first grader. An elegant unusual bow is made very simply, but it will take more time to complete it, since it consists of a large number of details. Please note that you need to carefully complete each blank, since the overall appearance of the bow depends on how well each element is made. If you do not have the skill to work with satin ribbons, prepare materials for 5-7 extra blanks.

    Materials for work:

    Tape 2.5 cm wide and 6 meters long;

    Rhinestones or beads with a diameter of half a hundred meters;

    Lighter or soldering iron, scissors, moment-crystal glue, ruler, pencil;

    A circle of felt with a diameter of 5 cm, fastening - an elastic band or a hairpin.

    We cut about 50 pieces of tape eleven centimeters long, process the edges of the pieces with a lighter.

    Fold each piece in half, satin side inward, drip a small drop of glue on the satin side at a distance of 2-3 centimeters from the fold in the middle and press with your fingers. When the tape sticks well, turn it inside out with the satin side out. It turns out here is such a detail.

    Then we fold this part in the form of a bow, so that the glued area is in the center, and the edges of the tape are bent to it from the back side.

    We decorate the blank with a rhinestone or a bead. We make at least fifty such details. This is the most important stage of work, if a neat workpiece did not work out right away, we advise you to practice a little before performing the “finishing” parts.

    When the details are ready, we collect the bow. On a felt circle, we begin to glue blanks in a circle with a slight overlap. Should fit 11-14 pieces in the first circle.

    We glue the second and subsequent circles in a similar way, slowly moving towards the center of the felt circle, the number of elements in a row will decrease as it approaches the center. So you should get several circles, gradually decreasing in diameter.

    The more elements, the more magnificent the bow will be. After all the blanks are glued, we attach an elastic band or a hairpin with glue or a glue gun, you can add ribbons for tying. A bright lush bow is ready.

    These bows are sure to please your little princesses. You can decorate your hair with them both on weekdays and on holidays; with these accessories, novice fashionistas will look elegant and neat. And you will save on the purchase of hair accessories. You can, for example, please a first grader with such a necessary and beautiful gift for the first of September, or make a birthday present.

    How to make a ribbon bow? Several ways to make decorative bows

    Home / Lifehacks

    Hello dear needlewomen! Sometimes, to decorate a gift or form your handicraft, you may need to make a beautiful bow and decorate your creation with it.

    There are two proven ways to make such a bow from a satin ribbon or from any other ribbon in general.

    We immediately warn you that from the first, and possibly from the second and third times, it may not be possible to perform such a bow, as shown in the video. Don't be discouraged, it's just a skill that is acquired through practice.

    But when your hands create the first cute bow, you will forget about your early failures :) It will be interesting to see who succeeded, so don't be shy and send photos of your work.

    Ribbon bows can be used anywhere. Their use will add originality to everyday life, decorate gifts for the holidays, help create a unique hairstyle. There are many options for tying bows, from the simplest to the most complex and incredibly beautiful.

    Bows are made from specially designed ribbons.

    Tape materials:

    • atlas;
    • organza;
    • tulle;
    • reps;
    • capron;
    • paper;
    • lace;
    • cotton material.

    Table of features of materials for tapes:

    Material name Positive sides Flaws
    • strength;
    • durability;
    • with proper care, the material does not lose shape;
    • completely safe;
    • absorbs moisture;
    • not electrified.
    The fabric is heavy, shrinks when washed in hot water, the raw edge crumbles rapidly
    • strength;
    • dimensional stability;
    • tissue deformation is completely excluded;
    • rich appearance;
    • does not require special care.
    • it costs expensive;
    • unpleasant to the body;
    • does not pass air well;
    • working with such a fabric is quite difficult.
    • elastic fabric;
    • light and durable;
    • does not wrinkle;
    • keeps heat well and passes air;
    • dries quickly;
    • affordable.
    The material does not tolerate high temperatures, electrifies
    • strength;
    • density;
    • keeps its shape well;
    • passes air and absorbs moisture;
    • does not wrinkle.
    Cotton fabric shrinks when washed in hot water, silk and woolen fabrics should be washed by hand only and dried in a horizontal position.
    • strength;
    • ease;
    • smoothness;
    • the material repels pollution;
    • does not deform;
    • does not wrinkle.
    • fully synthetic material;
    • fades in the sun;
    • does not absorb moisture;
    • does not warm.
    Paper A wide variety of colors, glossy shine, the material is easy to work with Wrinkles and does not smooth out, easily damaged
    Lace Elegant appearance, elasticity, the fabric is breathable Requires special care: do not squeeze, do not overdry
    cotton material Natural, warm, durable, pleasant to the touch fabric. Easy to wrinkle, difficult to smooth, shrink, fade after washing


    To make your own ribbon bow, you will need:

    • ribbons as the main material;
    • ruler for measurements;
    • well-sharpened scissors;
    • tweezers for fixing the ends of the tape;
    • a source of fire for singeing the ends;
    • glue.

    beads and rhinestones are used for decoration

    Before making bows from ribbons, the following nuances should be considered:

    • for a correctly made product, the front side of the tape should be visible, the wrong side - hidden;
    • slices must be singeed;
    • in order not to spoil the shape of the material, it is not recommended to leave the ribbons tied for a long time;
    • if the bow will be used as a decorative element for clothes, the material of the bow must be compatible with the material of the clothes in its texture;
    • to determine the correct length of the ribbon for wrapping the box, you need to make 2 turns of the ribbon around the box and add at least 60 cm for the bow;
    • when tying a bow, it is important to leave the free ends of the ribbon as long as possible, and then shorten it with scissors;
    • You can shorten the ends in one of 2 options: cut diagonally or in a V-shape.

    for gift boxes and bouquet arrangements, it is more convenient to use a ribbon with a wire inside, the product will retain its original appearance for a long time.

    How beautiful to tie a bow from a satin ribbon

    How to tie a bow from a satin ribbon in a classic variation:

    • determine the middle of the tape;
    • put the tape on the index fingers, the loops should be equal, the bottom of each loop is clamped with the thumb;
    • cross loops;
    • pass one loop into another;
    • tighten the knot.

    To make a strict bow from a satin ribbon, you must:

    • lay out a strip of material on the table and determine the middle;
    • each edge of the tape is fixed with glue in the middle of the tape (with the correct addition, the side view resembles an infinity sign), smooth;
    • a small piece of tape (you can use a different color) wraps the joint;
    • glue the ends on the back of the bow.

    To tie a double bow, you will need 2 ribbons of the same length.

    1. The ribbons are folded together.
    2. Throw 1 loop on the index fingers.
    3. Cross the loops.
    4. Pass one of the loops into the ring formed from below, tighten.
    5. Smooth out the finished bow, straighten the ends of the ribbon, you can hide them inside the bow loops.

    The double bow can be done in a different way, and it will look a little different:

    • take wide and narrow tapes of the same length;
    • place a narrow tape on a wide one, glue the ends;
    • fold the tape around, fasten the ends;
    • the junction of glued opposite ends is located in the middle of the bow, the junction is fastened to the parallel part of the future bow;
    • wrap the place of contact with a thin tape.

    On the neck

    You can tie a bow in the shape of a butterfly around your neck from a ribbon in one of 2 ways:

    1. Throw the ribbon over the neck, cross the ends.
    2. Pass up the right end of the tape, lower it down. The right side of the tape should wrap around the left side before crossing.
    3. Now the left half of the tape wraps around the right, which is in a horizontal position, and is passed into the loop. At the end, the knot is tightened.
    4. Position the ribbon around your neck so that its ends are of different lengths. Cross (and the longer part should be on top).
    5. Grasp the short part of the tape with this part and lower it down.
    6. Fold the short end in a semicircle.
    7. The long part is located in front and also folds in a semicircle.
    8. Pass through the loop behind the 1st half bow.
    9. Tighten, straighten.

    A voluminous bow around the neck is tied like this:

    • wrap the neck with a ribbon;
    • form loops;
    • weave and tie;
    • straighten the bow.

    On the dress

    How to tie a ribbon bow on a dress:

    • the ends of the decorative strip are folded in loops, crossed;
    • the place of crossing is fixed with glue (in this case, rhinestones are glued on top) or with a decorative pin;
    • attach the accessory to the dress.

    On the belt

    To beautifully tie a bow at the waist, you must follow this procedure:

    • wrap a ribbon around the waist;
    • fold the ends with 2 loops, cross;
    • skip 1 element into the formed loop;
    • tighten.

    An original solution for decorating the waist would be a bow with one loop.

    Order of execution:

    • the tape wraps around the waist, its ends should be different in length;
    • a loop is formed from a long piece of tape and crosses with a short end;
    • the loop goes down, wrapping around the short end of the tape;
    • drags on;
    • the length of the tape ends is adjustable.

    How to tie a beautiful ribbon bow on chairs

    Recently, it has become fashionable to decorate the backs of chairs with bows. The decoration of chairs should be treated very carefully: the color of the bow should match the nature of the event. In order for the bow to retain its shape for a long time, it is better to choose hard materials (organza), the edges of which must be well processed.

    Most often, the backs of chairs are decorated with classic bows.

    It ties like this:

    • wrap the back of the chair with tape;
    • make 2 loops at the free ends, cross;
    • with one loop wrap the other with a movement towards yourself;
    • tighten, stretch.

    Another option for tying a ribbon on the back of a chair involves placing the decoration under the top bar.


    • the tape is folded in half;
    • hang the tape on the upper crossbar, while the loop is located on the inside;
    • the tails are threaded into the loop, tightened.

    How beautiful to tie bows on September 1

    You can tie it in one of 3 ways:

    • pleated bow;
    • 4 petals;
    • luxury flower.

    For the 1st option, you will need a wide ribbon and an elastic band.

    1. The hair is gathered together and tied with an elastic band.
    2. Then the hair is wrapped with a ribbon, one edge of the ribbon is left long, the other short.
    3. The long end is folded several times and tied with a short one. The bow is ready.

    Bow "4 petals" is done like this:

    • the collected hair is wrapped with a ribbon and tied into a single knot, the ends of the ribbon should be the same;
    • loops are folded from the tails and tied with a classic bow;
    • the remaining ends are also folded and tied.

    Before creating the next hairstyle, the tape must be prepared:

    • sew the tape along the center;
    • assemble with an accordion;
    • give the ribbon the shape of a bow or flower and sew.

    Attach the bow to the elastic band, gather the hair together, pull it off with an elastic band.

    Bow on a gift box

    Volumetric bows will always be appropriate on gift boxes.

    Making a bow-ball:

    • fold the tape in several layers;
    • cut the corners of the resulting rectangle;
    • move the slices to the center by gently moving the tape;
    • tighten the narrowest part of the tape well;
    • pull out all the loops in turn, forming a ball.

    To create a lush bow, you will need 3 ribbons of different widths.

    1. Lay a strip of medium width in 4 layers, the layers should be located one above the other.
    2. Also fold a wide strip and arrange the tiers crosswise.
    3. Place the 1st bow on top of the 2nd.
    4. Pull the center with a thin tape.

    Large fluffy ribbon bow

    To create a large bow, you will need a very wide ribbon, from which a square is cut first.

    1. It is necessary to place the base (a small strong box) in the center of the square.
    2. Top and bottom cover the base with the edges of the tape.
    3. On the short sides of the resulting rectangle, make several folds.
    4. In the middle, where the base is located, collect the tape and tie it.
    5. Straighten the loops of the bow.

    Wide ribbon bow

    A bow made of a wide plain ribbon will look very beautiful and original if a narrow strip with an ornament runs along the central line along the entire length.

    Bow creation scheme:

    • lay out a wide strip of tape on the table;
    • along the middle line and along the edges, attach a narrow bright strip or a strip with a pattern with hidden stitches;
    • wind the finished strip of fabric around your hand;
    • tie;
    • remove from hand and straighten.

    From thin tape

    For lush bows, a decorative strip of thin fabric is more suitable.

    How to tie a bow from a ribbon is clearly shown in the photo

    For crafts you need:

    • lay a strip of fabric over its entire length in turns, the turns should be located one above the other. The more turns, the more magnificent the bow;
    • tie tightly in the center;
    • straighten;
    • arrange the rings in a circle.

    From a narrow band

    How to tie a small ribbon bow in the shape of a flower:

    • cut the tape of the desired length (at least 100 cm);
    • measure 20 cm from one of the ends and form the 1st loop about 3 cm long;
    • Make the 2nd loop in the same way from the opposite end;
    • Make the 3rd loop from the opposite side near the 1st, continue until the entire strip of fabric is involved;
    • carefully tie the center of the folded strip of fabric with a special wire;
    • wrap the wire with tape;
    • spread the loops around.

    From kapron tape

    To make a magnificent bow from kapron, the ribbon must first be well ironed and treated with fire.

    1. Now the tape is folded along the center line and sewn with small stitches along the fold. In this case, the thread should be strongly tightened.
    2. Twist the stitched tape spirally.
    3. Sew the edge gathered with an accordion.
    4. Attach the finished bow to the elastic.

    A voluminous nylon bow can simply be tied on the hair.

    For this you need:

    • collect hair in a ponytail and wrap it with a ribbon;
    • tie a single knot (cross the ends of the ribbon, wrap the upper end of the ribbon with the lower end);
    • make loops at both ends of the nylon strip, leave both free parts of the tape long, tie;
    • form one more loop from the remaining long ends, tie.

    From paper tape

    To make a bow "Star" from paper tape, you must do the following:

    • cut the tape like this: The 1st 3 will be the longest, the 2nd 3 stripes will be a little shorter, the 3rd will be just as short as the 2nd stripes;
    • each strip is folded into a figure eight, the ends are fixed;
    • the first three largest elements are stacked in a circle, making up the lower tier;
    • a tier of medium-sized elements is laid on it in exactly the same way, the petals should be staggered, in the center the tiers are fastened together;
    • small petals are attached last in a similar arrangement.

    wrap a small piece of tape in a ring and attach in the center of the craft.

    How to make a bow from a ribbon for an extract

    In order for the ribbon bow to look elegant, it is better to use ribbons of several matching colors and decorative elements. Such a bow will be multi-tiered.

    Manufacturing instruction:

    • work begins from the lower tier, the tape is cut into pieces 20 cm long, the ends of each piece are singeed and sewn together;
    • the petals are laid out in a circle and connected to each other;
    • for the petals of the next tier, cut off strips 15 cm long, also make petals out of them and fasten in a circle;
    • place the upper circle of petals on the lower one, sew at the center point;
    • decorate the middle of the flower-bow with beads and rhinestones.

    The plot of creating a bow for a newborn boy:

    You can make a bow of 3-4 tiers. It is important to remember: the higher the petals, the smaller they are.


    To make a two-color bow, you will need 2 multi-colored ribbons of different widths. A wider ribbon will form the basis and background, it should be solid. A narrow ribbon can be taken bright with an ornament.

    Work process:

    • cut 2 pieces of the same length of a wide and narrow tape;
    • place a narrow tape on a wide one along the center line, fasten the ends;
    • roll into a ring;
    • glue the joint;
    • smooth out;
    • pull the bow in the middle with a narrow ribbon, hiding the joint under it, tie;
    • adjust the ends.

    Openwork "Dior"

    The Dior bow is somewhat different from other ribbon crafts with loops and knots. It is a semicircular half of the bow, lying in the same plane. For its manufacture, you can choose any ribbon, including lace.


    • rings are made from ribbons of different lengths;
    • rings are superimposed on one another from largest to smallest;
    • in the middle they are fixed with a stapler, so each ring takes the form of a figure eight;
    • the smallest ring is superimposed on top, fixed;
    • hide the fixation point under the tape that passes through the small ring.

    With a fork

    To make a bow on a fork with your own hands, you will need a ribbon with a length of 15 cm and a table fork with 4 prongs.


    • wrap the tines of the fork with a ribbon, cross on the inside;
    • determine the length of the ends of the tape, one of them should be much longer than the other;
    • stretch the long end through the middle gap between the teeth;
    • the same end is brought up between the 2nd and 3rd teeth;
    • the resulting small loop does not need to be tightened yet;
    • the tape is threaded into the loop inside;
    • pull the end of the workpiece out of the loop, tighten the knot;
    • remove the finished bow from the cutlery;
    • adjust the ends.

    Kanzashi technique

    How to make a ribbon bow using the kanzashi technique:

    • first you need to cut the ribbon into small rectangles, the more rectangles (for example, 15), the more voluminous the bow, a petal will be made from each rectangle;
    • put the tape on the table face down;
    • bend the upper corner to the bottom line and fix with a safety pin;
    • flip the rectangle
    • on the front side, bend an acute angle to the bottom;
    • hide the end
    • fix with a pin;
    • do the same on the opposite side;
    • fold the workpiece so that the bent corners are inside;
    • sew the bottom edge, tighten the thread;
    • turn over, straighten;
    • perform all the petals in a similar way;
    • for the lower tier, put on a thread and close 7 petals in a circle, for the middle - 5, for the top - 3;
    • glue the base to the middle of the lower tier from the wrong side;
    • on the front side, glue the middle one to the lower tier, then the upper one.

    decorate the middle with a large bead.

    From rep ribbons

    How to tie a bow from a rep ribbon:

    1. Fold the ribbon into a figure eight, secure the ends with pins.
    2. Bend the middle of each loop to the middle of the bow, fix it, you get 4 small loops.
    3. Both bows are stitched in the center, the thread is tightened, the place of the stitch is wrapped with a thread, the thread is fixed.

    From ribbons of different materials, you can create a wide variety of bows to decorate clothes, gifts and interior items with them. The technique of tying bows is extremely simple, anyone can handle it.

    Article formatting: E. Chaikina

    A useful video clip on how to make a beautiful bow yourself

    How to make an elegant two-tone bow can be found in this video: