Congratulatory speech to kindergarten graduates. Parting words to kindergarten graduates from the teacher and from the parents. Congratulations to kindergarten graduates from kids

Within the walls of a warm and cozy kindergarten, children spend most of their time on the first steps of their long life journey. There, for the first time, they learn to respect adults and make friends with their peers, get the basics of knowledge, acquire useful habits and skills in caring for themselves, animals, and plants. A competent teaching staff will always be able to discern talents in children, lay the foundations for self-realization and gently push them towards society. But alas, everything beautiful ends sooner or later, and a carefree childhood is replaced by a more adult and responsible period of schooling. At the border of these two levels, preschoolers are waiting for an important official event - graduation in kindergarten. In addition to gifts, entertainment and treats, he will bring a lot of pleasant wishes and words of thanks to graduates and employees of the preschool educational institution. Like beautiful outfits, it is better to prepare congratulations for graduation in kindergarten in verse and prose for parents, educators and staff in advance.

Touching congratulations on graduation in kindergarten from a teacher to children

In just a few years, the kids have become native to every kindergarten employee. Teachers, like mothers of a huge family, see off their wards with anxiety and sadness. The nannies mournfully wipe away tears, imagining long moments of nostalgia. Health workers are trying for the last time to remind about health and prevention. The headmaster carefully looks over the entire group of graduates. The music director proudly plays the last children's song ... And, be sure, each of them has something to say goodbye to the guys. But only educators will say the most touching congratulations to the children at graduation in kindergarten. In warm instructions there will be warnings about upcoming difficulties, and a wish to easily overcome them. Touching congratulations on the graduation in kindergarten from the teacher to the children is the last parting word of the teacher to his beloved students.

A collection of touching congratulatory poems for children from educators at graduation

Congratulations guys
Happy first graduation!
We are happy for you, of course.
But we are a little sad.

Don't come to the kindergarten anymore
New things are waiting for you
But toys and cribs
You will always be remembered.

We wish that at school
You studied all the "five".
And, of course, with warmth
Remember Kindergarten!

Today we congratulate children

With this bright and joyful day.

We wish them knowledge, health,

We'll all go to school together soon.

We will work there, study,

We learn many different rules.

Let's strive for new heights

Don't forget your kindergarten.

The years went by quickly
Kindergarten behind.
You have become very big
It's time for you to go to school!

You are no longer a preschooler
You are going to first grade!
Congratulations guys
Let dreams come true!

We wish you victories
Life is fabulously beautiful.
Let the green light burn
In a children's and happy fairy tale!

Kindergarten is already behind -
First graduation ever!
We accompany you to school
We wish you only fives.

So that you learn with joy
To make parents proud.
Happiness, perseverance, patience
And a little more luck.

Little your world in the garden
Became tight for you.
A big new world awaits you.
Happy graduation guys!

Wish in the new world
joyful discoveries,
Bright days, good friends,
Lots of events.

Do not get sick and do not be naughty
Promise us.
And my favorite kindergarten
Visit more often!

Beautiful congratulations in prose to children from parents for graduation in kindergarten

When organizing a graduation party, parents forget that the main heroes of the occasion are their own graduate children. This means that any indents, congratulations and words of thanks to teachers and staff should not take up much holiday time. In recent years, stylized parties based on a favorite cartoon or preschool fairy tale have become popular. Therefore, all competitions, demonstration performances and beautiful congratulations in prose to children from parents at graduation in kindergarten should correspond to the general theme. If the parent committee cannot come up with suitable wishes in verse, it is worth stopping at pleasant lines “in your own words”. In addition, it will be much easier for parents to adjust prosaic congratulations to children under the general style of graduation in kindergarten.

A selection of beautiful prose congratulations to kindergarten graduates from parents

For the past few years, you have illuminated this kindergarten with your irrepressible energy and love of life. Saying goodbye to the kindergarten today, do not forget those who worked here and tried to tell you as much as possible about the world. Entering a new, amazing stage in your life, sometimes think about your kindergarten, because it was here that you first learned what friendship and mutual assistance are.

So your first graduation has come, you are leaving kindergarten and there are many new and interesting things ahead of you. With your graduation, baby, I wish you a good study at school, perseverance, responsibility, joy, new successes, find many new friends at school, health, new interesting knowledge and skills, may everything always work out!

Today is a significant day, today our children have their first graduation in their lives! Soon they will change their toys for books, notebooks, pens and rulers. It is very sad to say goodbye to a carefree childhood. Here, in kindergarten, everyone loves you, here teachers and nannies have invested their love in you, taught you to sing, dance, recite poems, make friends and show character. Thanks to them for this, and also for devoting so many years to this difficult but very important cause. I want to wish the kids not to forget what they taught you in kindergarten, and I wish you to study excellently and please your parents.

Today is a very important event for our children - graduation in kindergarten! Congratulations, our kids, on the holiday! We wish you a great mood, a lot of energy and activity, a craving for knowledge and always ringing and sincere laughter. Let your first steps in school life be easy, understandable and interesting. Good luck and great success!

Dear children, today is your first prom in your life! We heartily congratulate you. You have become adults, you are leaving your favorite kindergarten, but you will love school no less. School everyday life, new friends, discoveries, knowledge await. Try, learn. Only then everything in your life will work out!

Sincere congratulations on graduation in kindergarten from children to educators

Do not forget: graduation in kindergarten is not only an important event in the life of children, but also a touching evening for kind teachers and caring nannies. Children and parents should responsibly approach the preparation of sincere congratulations to educators, fully reflecting the depth of feelings on the occasion of the kindergarten graduation. In such a case, the main thing is not to write a beautiful verse, but to present it correctly. So, moms and dads can make a memorable photo poster (the administration will certainly want to hang it in a conspicuous place in the hall of the preschool educational institution), and graduates will demonstrate it, reading heartfelt congratulations on graduation in kindergarten from children to teachers. You can also organize thematic dramatizations, learn a congratulatory song or shoot a video clip with wishes from each child to all garden workers.

A collection of sincere congratulations in verses to educators from kindergarten graduates

Our educators spent a lot of energy,
So that worthy citizens grow from us.
They taught us kindness, fed us with a spoon,
And they took care of us the best they could.
And in response, thank them at this hour of farewell
With a sense of gratitude, we want to say.
Thank you for your concern, thank you for your attention.
You gave everything for us that you could give us.

With you we have become big,
From pacifiers to books
They jumped and played together
Years flew by in a flash.
First big school
Our favorite kindergarten
So many happy days
Crying in the morning.
With us you are the second mothers,
Worked day after day.
And now we are in first grade
Let's go hand in hand together.

You got hard work -
He needs a lot of attention
After all, everyone understands himself
Children what does education mean.
While the working day dragged on -
You have replaced the mother of the children.
And now everyone wants
THANK YOU for everything!

You every day and every hour,
Dedicated to hard work,
One thought of us
You live with one concern.
So that the earth is famous for us,
And so that we grow up honest,
Thank you nannies, educators,
Thanks for all the good stuff!

There is no position more important -
Deputy of our mothers!
He knows and knows everything:
How to settle the mess

Make fun or comfort
Answer questions...
Walls in the hall, snow attendants
And dress up the girls...

Our teacher,
Forever we remember you!
And let everyone know that your
Position is great! Top class!

Official congratulations in prose to educators from parents at graduation in kindergarten

Every year, composing official prosaic congratulations to kindergarten teachers for graduation, parents make the same mistakes:

  • they overdramatize the moment, forcing both the heroes of the occasion and all the guests of the holiday to be sad;
  • they invent too long a speech, taking away the last minutes of a fun time spent together by children with educators;
  • allocate only a few teachers and workers from the entire staff of the kindergarten, thereby leaving an unpleasant aftertaste for the disadvantaged.

To avoid such troubles, you should use our preparations of thanksgiving speeches. Official congratulations in prose to educators from parents at graduation in kindergarten from the following selection can be used without changes, only by writing in the right places the exact number of the kindergarten, as well as the name and patronymic of the teacher.

A collection of official prose congratulations from parents to teachers for graduation in kindergarten

Dear and respected educators, today your pupils, glorious and wonderful children, are leaving the kindergarten walls. Congratulations on finishing. Let the moments of parting be both joyful and sad, but still time does not stand still, it is time for the children to continue their journey and strive for something new, and new pupils are waiting for you, to whom you will give your care and love. Thank you for the wonderful upbringing of children, for the first and important knowledge, for interesting and vibrant hobbies. You helped children overcome fears and self-doubt, taught them to go all the way and achieve their goals. This is your merit, and you should be proud of it. We wish you many years of successful activity, wonderful children and great happiness every day.

Dear and respected educators, we congratulate you on the holiday - on graduation! Let this day be remembered by touching children's smiles and sparkling eyes. You gave our children a piece of yourself, surrounded them with care and love. Thank you, sincerely and from the bottom of our hearts. We wish you health for many years, happiness and unbridled vitality. Thank you!

Dear teachers, today your children are leaving the garden and leaving these walls. Thank you for always being reliable friends and faithful helpers for aunts, for giving the children a fairy tale and faith in miracles, for teaching everything new and interesting. Your children will always remember the happy and kind moments that you gave them. May your work always be successful, and work honorable and truly respected.

Dear and respected educators, congratulations on this graduation. Today you send your pupils, wonderful and obedient children, to school life. Together with them you took the first steps, you showed how to learn, what to strive for and how to achieve everything. Thank you for the warmth of your hearts and the wonderful upbringing of children. We wish you many years of patience, health, happiness and joy from your profession.

Dear educators, we sincerely congratulate you on the next graduation, let your pupils confidently go through life, let pride in their achievements warm your soul. Thank you for your kindness, affection, wisdom and patience, for your dedication and love for our children. Be healthy, loved, prosperous.

Funny congratulations on the graduation in kindergarten from children to the staff and employees of the preschool educational institution

Not only teachers, but also other kindergarten workers will be happy to hear cheerful congratulations at graduation from children. Words of thanks are traditionally composed by parents, and the children distribute poems among themselves and learn them from memory. But even the most talented mothers, exhausted by preparations and excited by the upcoming event, find it difficult to compose funny poetic lines dedicated to every “worker of the invisible front”. To alleviate the plight of parents, we have compiled a selection of funny congratulations for graduation in kindergarten from children to the staff and employees of the preschool educational institution. Read them and choose the best ones.

A selection of funny congratulatory poems for kindergarten staff from children at graduation


From dawn clear to dark
She is in our garden.
Who will bring us lunch
And take the dishes?

Our group is not better.
Clean and light all around!
Maybe our nanny
And not two, but ten hands?

Muses. leader

"Fa" from "salt" is not distinguished,
Talent is not given to everyone
But it doesn't bother us
There is a musician in the kindergarten.

On mother's day and on father's holiday,
At Christmas or New Year's
Even the furious prankster
Liho sings a song.

Fizkult. employee

We have long understood
What is a healthy mind in a healthy body.
Muscles grow in children,
Sports and physical education are in honor here.

More and more we began to notice
We started falling behind the kids.
Will have to keep up with the children
We have to do sports ourselves.

drawing teacher

Children, as usual,
They love to draw very much.
But they used to have to
Explain the drawings to us.

But over the years we see
Amazing progress.
Among them, we know for sure
There are levitans too.

Of course, for the entire period of children's education in kindergarten, parents most often contact with educators. But within the walls of the beloved preschool educational institution there are other professionals in their field: affectionate nannies, talented cooks, inventive physical education teachers, hardworking laundresses, caring nurses, resourceful music leaders, experienced methodologists and speech therapists. Some of them may never have been seen by their parents. But all these workers daily ensured the full and uninterrupted operation of the kindergarten. So, at the graduation party, parents should say solemn, prosaic congratulations from the bottom of their hearts to all kindergarten staff. For everyday work on a common cause, for the warmth given to the children, for affection and care, for everything, everything, everything ...

For examples of solemn congratulations in prose to staff from parents at graduation in kindergarten, see the last section of our article.

A collection of solemn congratulatory speeches from parents of graduates to employees of the kindergarten

On behalf of the parents of today's graduates, I want to say a huge thank you to all the staff of Kindergarten N. You all tried your best to ensure that our Masha and Petechka, Vanechka and Katenka were always well fed and warmly dressed, so that they could do exercises and sing songs so that they would not get sick and slept sweetly. You really invested a part of yourself in our kids, and today we are leaving our truly native kindergarten N, knowing that we managed to find kind, caring and hardworking allies in the difficult task of education. From the bottom of my heart I express to all of you, dear ones, our gratitude and wish that your noble work will always be appreciated!

On behalf of all the parents of our “Name” group, let me express my deep gratitude to the head of the kindergarten N full name, the teachers of our group full name and full name, as well as the entire staff of this preschool educational institution. We, parents, never worried about leaving children in the garden, because we knew that they were in good hands. And our kids enjoyed going to N, and isn't this the best proof of your care for them? We are glad that all these 5 years you have been with us and our children - experienced teachers, skilled cooks and laundresses, kind and caring nannies. For your selfless work, for your sensitive attitude not only to children, but also to us, for your high professionalism - thank you all very much!

We, the parents, want to sincerely thank all those who have raised, taught, fed, put to bed and wiped away the tears of our babies over the past 5 years. Our children today leave the garden and move into a new stage of their lives, and it was you who helped them become a little more mature and independent. Let the years pass, but we will always remember you with infinite gratitude. For your selfless work and love for our children, for your care and kindness, for your contribution to the future of our kids - thank you so much!

The ship is commanded, of course, by the captain, but only the well-coordinated work of all members of the team will allow him to fearlessly sail even on the most stormy seas. Our kindergarten N is, in a sense, also a ship, and every kindergarten worker is a member of a large close-knit team that, under the skillful guidance of our esteemed head full name, easily copes with any difficulties and hardships. All together you managed to give our children the best, and every day our kids came here and received not only new knowledge and skills, but also affection, care, love. Thank you so much for everything!

Children's graduation is an important and memorable event. The task of the organizers is to make the holiday touching and fun at the same time. At this time, the children will remember both the farewell party itself and the bright moments from kindergarten life. And in order for the holiday to become unique and unlike others, parents need to prepare beautiful congratulations on graduation in kindergarten for teachers and children in a timely manner, as well as official congratulatory lines in prose for all employees and staff of the preschool educational institution.

From an early age, we go through the stages of learning, which play a key role in the formation of not only cognitive skills, but also personal qualities. Upon completion of absolutely each of these stages (kindergarten, school, university), we gain vast experience and knowledge. A peculiar feature that sums up this experience is the graduation party. And it’s not so important whether it’s the last bell or a graduation ball in grades 9-11, a farewell party in the 4th grade of elementary school or a matinee in the kindergarten. Absolutely any of the above activities makes children look back and take stock of the past path. But in addition to graduates who experience mixed feelings of pride and sadness, such holidays are also important for adults - parents, educators, teachers, class teachers. After all, graduation is an excellent occasion for them to express their love, support and respect to the heroes of the occasion. For example, with the help of beautiful and touching congratulations in verse or prose, which are so important for children to hear at such events. Next, the best congratulations to 2018 graduates of all ages await you from parents and teachers, including the first teacher.

Touching congratulations to graduates of 2018 in kindergarten from parents

Few of us remember well our graduation party in kindergarten. But the majority probably only have the warmest and most pleasant memories of this period of life in their souls. Therefore, one should not think that a farewell holiday in kindergarten is unimportant for today's graduates and will not leave a bright mark in their hearts. It is much better to do everything to ensure that this event takes place in the most positive and joyful atmosphere. And for this, you should certainly prepare the most touching congratulations to the 2018 kindergarten graduates from parents in verse or prose. Such congratulations will surely cheer up young graduates and give them moments of support and pride in their successes.

Options for touching congratulations from parents to kindergarten graduates in 2018

The years went by quickly
Kindergarten behind.
You have become very big
It's time for you to go to school!

You are no longer a preschooler
You are going to first grade!
Congratulations guys
Let dreams come true!

We wish you victories
Life is fabulously beautiful.
Let the green light burn
In a children's and happy fairy tale!

Kindergarten is already behind -
First graduation ever!
We accompany you to school
We wish you only fives.

So that you learn with joy
To make parents proud.
Happiness, perseverance, patience
And a little more luck.

Congratulations on your first graduation. Today it is time to say goodbye to kindergarten and set off on a new path along the roads of new knowledge and hobbies to the countries of unknown sciences and discoveries. I wish you not to lose interest in everything new, I wish you to find wonderful and kind friends, I wish you to overcome the path to your childhood dreams with great enthusiasm and confidence.

Beautiful congratulations from the teacher to 2018 graduates in kindergarten in verse

Like parents, teachers at the graduation party in kindergarten want to express words of love and support to the kids. Therefore, they often prepare beautiful congratulations in verse, which are especially pleasant for graduates of the garden to hear from the lips of the educator. Unlike moms and dads, teachers say goodbye to their students forever. Therefore, it is so important for them to say a few touching words and at least slightly smooth out the sad atmosphere of the event.

The most beautiful congratulations in verse for kindergarten graduates 2018 from educators

In the next selection you will find the most beautiful congratulations to kindergarten graduates in 2018 from educators in verse.

Cars, dolls and bears
Already left behind.
Now notebooks, pens, books
You are expected ahead.

Happy last day in the garden
Today we congratulate you.
Good luck, interesting
Let every class in your school.

That's how you got older
The school will welcome you soon.
Letting go with regret
How are we without your eyes?

How now without your jokes,
Without mischievous smiles
We miss the minutes
To remember you family.

We wish you good health
Rest more in summer
To with new interest
Gain school knowledge.

The first graduation in your life.
Kindergarten will say goodbye to you.
Matinees, games, daytime sleep -
It's all memories now.

The school will gladly open its doors to you,
And the teacher will meet you at the doorstep.
Preschool children will not be at this moment -
Children will be called students.

There is a lot of luck ahead of you.
Books are waiting, tasks, equations.
We wish you victories in everything,
Let learning be given with ease.

The best congratulations to graduates of grade 4 in 2018 from the first teacher

Graduation in the 4th grade is often underestimated, considering this holiday superficial and financially costly for parents. But in practice, such an event with the opportunity to adequately thank and say goodbye to the first teachers is important for children. And for the teacher, who for 4 years has been a mentor and assistant for each of his students, it is also very important to express good wishes to the graduates. The most convenient way to do this is in the format of touching congratulations to graduates of the 4th grade of 2018 from the first teacher, the best of which we have collected in the next selection.

The best examples of congratulations to graduates of grade 4 from the first teacher

The best congratulations to the graduates of 2018 from the first teacher will be found below.

Thank you for inviting
On your holiday, a wonderful graduation,
I remember you funny kids
Timid boys, girls with a scythe,
Well, today you have become more mature,
It's time for you to leave school
Accept from the first teacher
You wish: troubles, do not know problems!
Be honest, smart and fair
Know how to distinguish lies from truth,
I want each of you to be happy
I wish you no big worries.

You came to me in first grade
I remember each of you
And today before us
Graduation is your friendly class,
You children grew up fast
Not by days, but by hours,
I'll tell you how in the first grade:
Do you believe in miracles
There will be happiness in your life
Dreams will definitely come true
Don't be lazy, don't give up
I wish you kindness!

My dear guys, time has passed quickly, and now you are graduates. I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart with the passed route of the first stage of the knowledge of life. As your first teacher, I remember you as cheerful, cheerful, kind children. I want to stay the same throughout my life. May each of you find happiness and love, respect and good luck, well-being and striving for your dream.

Congratulations from parents to graduates of grades 9-11 on the last call of 2018

The last call for graduates of grades 9 and 11 is a kind of rehearsal of farewell to the school before graduation. And despite the fact that high school students will still have a real farewell party ahead, it is also important for them to receive words of approval and wise instructions, in particular, from moms and dads. That is why parents of graduates of grades 9-11 should not neglect beautiful congratulations on the last call of 2018. With their help, they can support their children and help them cope with sad emotions.

Options for congratulations to graduates of grades 9-11 from parents on the last call of 2018

You will find original versions of congratulations for graduates of grades 9-11 from parents on the last call of 2018 in poetry and prose in the following selection.

Our dear children
How precious you are to us.
Congratulations on your certificate
We are all gathered now!

We wish you good luck
To bring success
Let it spread more
Young, perky laughter!

We want you to learn
To get diplomas.
Honest, Righteous and True
To live on our planet!

Our beautiful daughters!
Our grown sons!
So you've reached the point
Your school bench.

Kudos to the teachers!
He gave you a lot.
Lots of knowledge and wisdom
At the cost of my gray hair.

And now the way is open for you
Into adulthood ahead.
Now there are many choices
Turn on the right path!

Graduation is a solemn, long-awaited and reverent event for any person! On behalf of the parents, I wish the graduates a happy journey! May the path you choose lead you to true happiness and satisfaction. Remember that the foundation that the teachers laid in you will be with you all your life. Great success and incredible achievements to you!

Cool congratulations to graduates of 2018 from parents for graduation party at school

Among the touching and beautiful parting words at the graduation party at school, high school students lack a little humor that could relieve the stress lines of all those present at the holiday. You can try to cope with this task with the help of cool congratulations to 2018 graduates from parents who will definitely make graduation party at school more fun. For example, you can use short quatrains with humorous wishes, consisting of youth slang. If, at the same time, parents also perform in funny outfits, then graduates will definitely like and remember such congratulations for many years to come.

The coolest congratulations on the graduation party 2018 from parents to graduates

You will find options for the coolest congratulations from parents for graduates of 2018 for a farewell evening in the following selection of poems.

You're graduating today
Our child, you are big now.
On the threshold of a new life you stand
We hope you surprise us!

To achieve great things in life
You will need to work hard.
Can you reach great heights?
And a new star will rise in the sky!

We wish you to be persistent
Clever bold sometimes agile.
Choose your right path in life
We wish you - do not turn!

Graduation is a double holiday,
It contains both joy and sadness.
The little prankster has become an adult,
Mom and dad are a little sorry.

We wish our child
Choose the right path in destiny.
Good friend, let him be near
And you are lucky in everything.

May the wide road
It will be flat, without stones.
In a whirlwind of life's emotions,
Remember - there is no more important family.

And the tears flow again stubbornly.
You are older and more mature.
I'll tell you, I'm still a mother.
I know a lot of little things.

I wish you all great love
So that happiness is forever.
The salary was immodest,
Learning is not forever.

Touching congratulations in verse and prose to 2018 graduates from the class teacher

Particular attention at any farewell party at school is occupied by touching congratulations to graduates from the class teacher in verse or prose. This is exactly the kind of wishes that every high school student listens to with trepidation. After all, for many years the class teacher was for his students both a teacher, and a wise mentor, and a good friend. Therefore, it is not surprising that at the last bell or graduation party it is his parting words and kind congratulations that the whole class is waiting for. In addition, this is one of the ways for the teacher to say goodbye to their beloved students in a beautiful and touching way at the same time.

Examples of touching congratulations in verse and prose from the class teacher to 2018 graduates

Here are some examples of congratulations in verse and prose for high school graduates from the class teacher.

How I remember that day today
How we met for the first time.
You were so small
And they stood next to their mothers.

The years have gone by very quickly.
You have become completely different -
A series of problems awaits you
And another life, because they have matured.

Over the years, everything between us was:
Resentment, pain, victory, defeat.
I remember every happy moment
After all, I loved you like my family.

I wish you all the implementation plans,
So that all your wishes come true!
And remember, no matter where you go,
Try to make a decision with conscience.

Do not bend before a difficult life,
You always look forward proudly.
Stay yourself forever
How do you stay young for me.

How quickly time has flown by
More recently, mothers
With flowers timidly and timidly
Led by the hand in the fifth grade.

Today I am not a stranger to you.
And giving you a part of the soul,
I accompany you with pain in my heart
In a big life, in the adult world.

And you send me telegrams
About and just like that.
I became your second mother
And this, children, is not a trifle.

I will worry about you
And from the heart to experience
Now promise:
Call me more often, write.

So many feelings mixed up in my soul at once,
After all, my guys are graduating today!
I can't forget how I took you in the fifth grade
Over the years we have become one family!

Trips, holidays, concerts, KVNs -
There were many amazing moments!
You will remember them, guys, by all means,
May they always live in your hearts!

You have passed your thorny path to the heights of knowledge,
And I wanted to be your friend!
And our pride is 2 successful medalists,
Decorated the school with our cheerful, friendly class!

It's not so easy for me to let you go today,
You are the first issue, you are doubly dear to me!
I wish you to live with dignity, nobility,
After all, humanity, conscience, honor - always in the price!

Strive for goals and love your loved ones,
Don't forget school, class, teachers!
May life be full of accomplishments and discoveries,
Walk joyfully, confidently along it!

You have been with them since childhood. Together you learned to eat with a spoon, go to the toilet and much more. You have had many good days. You met so many holidays together and held so many concerts. And now it's time to say goodbye. After all, children grow up, and now they have to go to school. Do you know what to say to your beloved kids on their last day of kindergarten? Look at parting words to kindergarten graduates from educators, which they may not remember, but they will definitely be pleased to hear them. Parting words in prose and poetry, they are touching and parents will be delighted with them.

My dear kids!
You are already quite adults, you have become real schoolchildren. School is waiting for you in just three months. She will open her doors for you. But this does not mean that the kindergarten will be closed for you forever. You can come to me after classes at school. We will talk with you, you will tell me about your academic progress. And together we will remember how good it was in kindergarten.
And in kindergarten, we all had a good time. We played, practiced, rehearsed and learned a lot. I remember every day when each of you first opened the door to our group. You timidly looked at everything in the district. Your little eyes ran from side to side, examining the walls of the kindergarten group.
At first, each of you cried, but after a while you all got used to it and began to happily resort to kindergarten. And now I'm crying. After all, over the years that we spent together, we became a family. I am very attached to you, and you to me.
I want to tell you that you go to school with joy and study there with interest. Life goes on, and we will definitely see you again and definitely talk!

There are many stages in a person's life. And kindergarten is one of them. Today this stage comes to an end. Today you are real kindergarten graduates. You will always remember this day. And I will always remember the day when you first came to my group. I will remember how you first opened the door, how timidly and barely audibly said hello.
Today you are leaving kindergarten. But he will always be in your hearts and memories. After all, we spent many great days together. Together we played, studied and learned a lot of new and interesting things.
Today I will not tell you - goodbye. Today I will tell you again - goodbye. And I'm sure we'll meet and talk. And you will brag about your grades!

Everything that you had for the first time, it was all in kindergarten. These are the first lessons and classes, and the first matinees and the first days without parents. Here you learned polite words, learned how to speak correctly. In kindergarten, you have become completely independent and ready for a new, more adult life.
Today is your graduation. This is the first graduation in your life. You see, even graduation is your first time in kindergarten! Next up is school. Then you will have a slightly different life, to which you will quickly get used. But I know for sure that you can never forget kindergarten. After all, kindergarten is a happy childhood that cannot take and disappear from the heart. Happy holiday to you, with your first graduation!

Graduation in kindergarten, as a rule, consists of several traditional blocks that can be interchanged. These blocks have historically developed and include the main meaningful moments of graduation in kindergarten, without which, of course, it is impossible to do without.

  • introduction;
  • memories of how the kindergarten path of today's graduates began;
  • congratulations of graduates with kids;
  • "passing the baton" from kindergarten graduates to younger comrades;
  • checking the readiness of kindergarten graduates for school;
  • the gratitude of the children to their educators and all the pedagogical and attendant staff of the kindergarten;
  • gratitude of parents;
  • parting words of kindergarten staff to graduates.

What not a single graduation in kindergarten can do without is without poetry. Poems will create the appropriate mood for graduation in kindergarten: where necessary - cheerful (for example, when talking about the childhood of graduates), where necessary - lyrical (when talking about how graduates do not want to leave kindergarten). Poems will make graduation in kindergarten even more vivid, emotional, help both children and parents remember it for a long time, keeping memories of kindergarten for a long time.

It is important to place the accents in the use of poetry in such a right way in order to build the correct emotional outline for graduation in kindergarten: somewhere to laugh with the children and parents, and somewhere to grieve, so that both children, parents, and teachers can feel the importance of this wonderful segment of life - preschool education.

In this material, you will be presented with poems to choose from for various thematic graduation blocks in kindergarten.

In fact, these verses can also become a ready-made script if you add prose links to them - the words of the leader.

Block "Introduction"


The sun shines in the window
And the birds are singing.
They probably already
They also know about the holiday!
The birds have flown and are sitting
And look out the window at us
Like it's here now
About our kindergarten cinema!
As if we are on the screen
Let's see all our way
My friend, you are never a kindergarten
Beloved, don't forget!
Today we will remember
How did we get here
As if the birds flew by
weeks and years.
We will say goodbye, friends,
It's time for us to go to school!
Childhood goes by
And, alas, the game is over!


Oh, is this the day
Did he come anyway?
Last holiday, Graduation,
Still found us!
Well, maybe just wait.
And don't let them go?
How are we going to live without them?
For now, don't understand...
Came here at the age of three
And they were good
So smart already
Even though they are kids.
They knew how to eat and drink,
They were still able to sleep.
How to read and how to count
We were able to find out here.
Now they can draw
Read and sing songs
And so they know how to eat quickly,
To be in time for lunch!
How did you grow up right here
In front of our eyes.
No wonder here they are, the eyes,
Look - everyone is in tears! ..
You are graduating today
You have grown, friends!
And no matter how much we want
You cannot be left.
We send you on your way now
We'll collect your luggage
But everyone will know for sure
That he is OUR graduate!

Block "Memories of the first steps of graduates"


I was three years old.
Mom told me
Since I myself did not know about it,
That from Monday I will go to kindergarten
And I will find true friends there!
At first I held on to my mother for a long time,
Then somehow he broke away from her,
And with crying, and with a roar, I went into the group!
And there ... I found a lot of toys there!
Our teachers were there!
Probably, there are no more beautiful educators!
Can we take you to school with us?
And we'll take our babysitter!
She comforted us just wonderfully,
When we wept, she sang songs to us,
And the kids are unhappy
Instantly became calm!
What if we accidentally get a deuce at school?
No one will comfort us nannies better!
How we will be without you - we still do not know
We do not represent, we do not understand!
Can we bring toys with us?
And, if possible, more pillows?
What if I want to sleep at school?
Can I take my bed with me?
How we don't want to part
Say goodbye to our beloved garden!
Probably good at school
But I really want to go to kindergarten!


When we brought the children
Here for the first time in my life
So worried at the door
And the kids got used to it!
At first I didn't want my mother
Let go son
And soon my mother could not
Find a son
He was so busy playing
With your favorite teacher!
You were always like this
Caringly attentive!
Like our miracle - kids

They have grown over the years!
Recently, they just came to the garden,
And then we went to school...
How it will be there - we do not know,
But thank you
For giving everything to children
Perhaps, like family!

Block "Congratulations of graduates with babies"


Oh how big you are!
You are almost up to the ceiling!
And call you babes
No hand will be raised.

They took you on sleds
And carried in their arms
Now stand firm
You are on your own feet!

We want big like you
Hurry up to become already
Live like you, not on the first
And on the top floor!

We promise worthy
We will replace you, friends,
After all, without you, that is, without the elders,
You can't do it in the garden!

We promise that the toys
We won't break here.
And we won't be each other
Never offend here.

In a quiet hour we will sleep quietly
And eat up the whole dinner,
And we can learn at school
Four and five!

We'll grow up very soon
Let's go to school too!

Block "Transfer of the baton" from kindergarten graduates to younger comrades"

Relay our
We deliver to you!
We will tell you in words
And we'll sing a song for you!

Get in the garden
you useful knowledge,
To go to school
You without delay.

We learn everything at school
Then we'll tell you.
We hope the program
You will be on the teeth!

Keep all toys
Don't break them
Just in case you
Save them for us.

Suddenly we'll miss it
And want to play?
It's hard work -
Get fives!

We will run to the garden
To expensive cars
To dolls and bears
Beloved and family!

Let's go back for a minute
We are golden in childhood
Good and light
And such a good thing!

Graduates sing a song about toys to the motive "Tired toys are sleeping ...".

1. Funny toys are waiting,
The books are waiting
Well, when are the kids to them
Will they come again?

Let the lessons end
Feet will bring them to the garden,
To play
Here again.

2. Babies, you stay
Here without us
We will go to study
To the first class.

Well, you live together
You need to grow up
To take you
First class!

Block "Checking the readiness of kindergarten graduates for school"


How much knowledge there is on the planet!
You can't even count them all at once!
We will now check how you read,
How do you write and how do you think?
At school, you need to know the numbers firmly,
To understand your grades!

The host reads the quatrain, the children answer in unison within the meaning of “Yes” or “No” or the word that fits the meaning. The host confuses the children by offering them “wrong” rhymes.

Poem-game "Marks"

The school has a mark of five.
Will we receive it?
Do we always enjoy it? (Yes!)

Get doubles more often
And besides, do not be discouraged.
It's not a secret at all.
Is this the right advice? (No!)

If the deuce is not a problem,
Is it just nonsense? (No!)

Does knowledge give us light? (Yes!)
And good in our world
The rating will be four.
Mom happy and proud? (Yes!)

Better than a deuce
A score of three counts.
And I give you guys advice:
After all, better grades (Yes!)

Don't be lazy at school
It's always good to learn
Always be excellent? (Yes!)

Well done! I think you will be very good students!

Riddles with a choral answer in school subjects

We want to write numbers -
We take it in a box ... (notebook).

We want to write letters -
We take in a stripe ... (notebook).

Draw a huge house
Want. I take a big ... (album).

I draw simply, without a pointer.
Help me with a drawing ... (paints).

Cool at school there is a lesson:
There, like hares, jump and jump
We jump and jump
And we drive ... (ball).

This is not literature
This is our ... (physical education).

And beloved, of course,
We will have ... (change).

I'm not used to kindergarten
Get grades ... (in the diary).

What is behind the shoulders?
Do not pick it up and mom!
Weighs eight kilograms
How much are they asking us!
I take it this way and that,
This is my school ... (backpack).

It has pens and pencils
Get them and know, write.
And although it is very small,
We really need ... (pencil case).

You can get a double
And not to get fives,
If at the right time
You will not learn ... (lesson).

We go to school to study
Work behind the desks
We won't go with you
If there is ... (day off).

I really need a chalk in my hand,
When you go out ... (to the blackboard).

There are boards and old ones,
And there is ... (interactive).

It's cool to learn from them
And they need ... (computer).

To know the subject well,
We will study on ... (excellent)!

Block "Gratitude of children to their teachers and all the pedagogical and service personnel of the kindergarten"

Before reading a gratitude poem, you can name the kindergarten employee to whom gratitude is intended by name and patronymic.

Thank you everybody,
native teachers,
So beloved and precious!
you taught us
Everything that they could
We played with you
They laughed and sang.
Probably sad
Without us, you alone ...
Today we are for you
Thank you!

We are our educators
Thank you here now!
You were able to teach us
How to put on your own coat
And tie your shoelaces
They also taught us
And now we can go
Also themselves - in the first class!

Head of our
Thank you for your attention,
For all-all-all problems
Such understanding!
Our kindergarten is the coolest
We know it for sure
And you of all the managers -
The best in the world!

Without a methodologist at all
You can't in the kindergarten
It will definitely say
All my friends.
So it was interesting
Here we are to do
What from our occupations
We can't get away!
Maybe you will go
And to school with us too?
There skill is yours to us
Learning will help!

Thanks for the music
Our teacher!
'Cause everyone's better now
We sing and dance!
And the school can be
They will take us to the school choir!
We'll make sure
There is a sensation in the choir!

Charging with us did
You every day in the morning!
Our teacher
Physical training! Hooray!
Have you thought about health?
And you tempered us
How to take care of yourself
We learned from you.

You don't get sick either
In the garden without us!
For us, you are a health worker -
Simply top class!

Beloved cooks!
How will we be without you?
Tasty food
We will never forget!
Can we from school
We will come
So that you sometimes
Were you able to feed us?

We speak in chorus!
For everything, for everything, for everything

Block "Gratitude of parents"

Such a kindergarten
Definitely not anywhere else.
We will not disappear with you
On land and even in water!

How you always were tremulous
With our kids!
you painted with them
Paints, pencils,

You sang songs with them
Dances you danced
With you so cheerful
They never got bored!

We'll part ways soon...
We will be very bored.
For those who were not here in the kindergarten,
Maybe we don't understand...

Only we will tell them
How great it was for us!
Very very children
They love their second moms!

You really were
Real moms:
So good, kind
Talented and brilliant!

You taught them a lot:
Play together and make friends
And get big
And in general it is right to live!

We'll be parting soon.
The kids will go to school.
But in kindergarten they are favorite
Always find a way!

So don't be sad
They will come running to you
After all, they know that in the kindergarten
Teachers are always waiting!

Block "Parting words of kindergarten staff to graduates"

Here you are leaving us, what a pity we are!
The doors will close soon...
And when we start talking
Maybe no one will believe!

We will talk for a long time
And, interrupting each other,
Talk, talk about you
Remembering your names...

To all friends, acquaintances, colleagues,
Who did not know you, we will tell about you.
How did you get on with the band.
They danced like waltzes together.

What smart kids
We went to this group - let's say!
Everything you did, we remember
Because everything is important to us.

We loved you very, very much
They knew everyone - who loves what,
Someone porridge, and someone cutlets.
We won't forget it now.

And now you're leaving us.
And we won't see each other again.
Of course, we will be a little upset,
And maybe we'll shed a little.

But all summer in all those who meet
On the way to work children
We will recognize the features
Yours, the best children in the world!

All autumn we will worry:
How are you there without a quiet hour?
How are you without our parting words,
Without support, without our affection?

The New Year will come - and the same:
How without a holiday in kindergarten?
You please each tell us:
"I'll come to your kindergarten!"

Of course, the kids will come to us
The day you go to class.
Dreamers and rascals...

You, beautiful and naughty,
You, who are no more,
Go around the whole beautiful world,
All our huge white light!

Goodbye dears!
You are going to fly.
You are just very dear to us.
May you always be lucky in life!

What words to say goodbye to preschool children, seeing them off to school? What do you wish them goodbye? Remember funny or good? Poetry, song or prose to express feelings? Everyone must decide for himself. The most important thing is that kindergarten graduates come from the heart. Where to start, how to finish, what to start from in preparing a solemn farewell speech? If these questions are before you, then this article is designed to help. It contains poetry and prose, exemplary words and speeches, as well as advice to everyone who congratulates preschoolers on the end of kindergarten.

The children of the kindergarten are graduating, we really need to congratulate them!

The end of kindergarten is a touching and solemn date in the life of children and parents. From very tiny kids, preschool children have grown to first graders. During this time, they learned a lot, read, counted, drew, played, sang, sculpted and glued. The teachers have become close friends for the kids and, saying goodbye to the children, they will solemnly say parting words to the kindergarten graduates. On this day, future first-graders will hear kind words from their parents, garden workers and, of course, from the headmaster.

Give teachers the floor to see them off to school

Every day there were educators near the children, who sometimes know more about the kids than their parents. They are witnesses of successes and failures, ups and downs, assistants and senior comrades. Their kids respect and love. Together with them, the children have come a long and interesting way, so at the farewell party, parting words to kindergarten graduates from the teacher traditionally sound. You can recall interesting moments, statements of the guys, their discoveries and successes, wish them successful studies and new good friends in a poetic or free form.

Poetic speech of the teacher

My dear preschoolers!

Oh, how big you have become!

You go to first class

And I remember crumbs of you.

How did you come to the group timidly,

He did not sleep, but this one did not eat,

Almost everyone asked for hands,

And now…how you have changed!

How many books have we read

You probably don't remember!

And according to fairy tales, we understood life,

Where is good and where evil is distinguished.

Blots with a brush put clearly

But they learned to draw well,

And everyone admired the work,

We also placed them in competitions!

We fought with mathematics for a long time,

We took knowledge for a walk,

Cones, trees, steps were counted.

How much did you love music?

They clapped loudly and marched.

And now in the music room

You sang and danced!

It's easy to be friends with physical education,

If you can run and jump,

Jump with a skipping rope

And, of course, play ball.

We became a sports group

And more than once others won!

Every day started with a charge,

So that health is in order!

My dear guys!

Before you were a preschooler,

But go to first class

I'm sorry to let you go!

You try to study at school,

And I'll be proud of you

Don't forget kindergarten

Report your successes!

All that we learned, keep,

Cherish your friendship,

Be patient, pay attention

Good luck, friends, goodbye!

Need a hint, so be it, so as not to forget the words!

A parting word to kindergarten graduates from a teacher can also be heard in prose. Then the teacher selects the words that, in his opinion, will reach the hearts of the children. In any case, the congratulations must be prepared in advance and preferably placed on a beautiful postcard. Even if you plan to speak by heart, at such an exciting moment, words can simply fly out of your head, and, having lost your bearings, it will be difficult to continue the speech. And a small, beautifully designed "cheat sheet" in your hands can, in this case, help you out great.

The administration of the garden for kids is happy to try

The first person to meet the kids and their parents in the garden is the head of the kindergarten. It is from a meeting with her that the child’s life begins, accepting documents, distributing them into groups, organizing meals, cleaning, repairs and other moments. Solving hundreds of important issues every day, this person creates all the conditions for a child to live comfortably in the period of preschool childhood within the walls of a preschool institution. Parents and children are sure to invite the leader to a farewell party, thank you for the difficult and hard work, and in response, parting words to kindergarten graduates from the head traditionally sound. And it is very good at the same time to choose not pompous and official words, but those that will come from the heart.

As has traditionally been the custom, the teaching staff annually prepares parting words for kindergarten graduates. In prose or in verse it will be pronounced, it does not matter. Most importantly, children will hear words of love and wishes for further success. Leaving the walls of the preschool institution, they will take with them the warmth and care with which they were surrounded.

Congratulations from the relatives (pronounced by dads and moms)

Leaving the kindergarten, the children say goodbye to his team. The only ones who always stay close are moms and dads. It is with their help that future schoolchildren will begin to storm the heights of knowledge, begin to do homework and receive their first grades, so it would be logical to hear parting words from parents for kindergarten graduates at a festive event.

Dear our children!

You go to first grade

And on a day like this, of course,

We are very happy for you!

We used to be very afraid

Even to bring you to the garden.

What if your daughter starts crying?

Will the son suddenly become sad?

But then we realized:

It's comfortable here for the guys,

A cheerful laugh will tell us

That the child is happy to be here.

Are you going to school

We worry. Oh oh!

Educator and nanny

Can't you take it with you?

Suddenly the teacher will be strict?

Does the child understand something?

And they will cook in the dining room

Compote, but he doesn't drink it?

But those torments are in vain,

Children go to first grade

Get knowledge there

And they grow up healthy.

You guys try

To behave,

So that not only dad and mom,

And don't let your garden down.

Our children grow up

In this, in general, the whole point.

Educators - thank you

Well, children - good luck!

Here is a treat for the ears - the wishes of the little ones

Today is not an easy day -

Joyful, cheerful.

Today is your graduation

You are going to school.

We remain for you

To play with toys

Let's drive the truck

Put dolls in pillows.

You collect in portfolios

Pens and notebooks

And bookmarks in it,

And take away for breakfast

Dough pie.

Is it for a toy?

Can't find a place?

But I'll grow up a little

Just don't be lazy!

To distinguish letters

Make friends with them.

Somehow I became a cow

Got three first

And then I decided that five.

For problem solving

You look more carefully

Do you remember that the cow

Four legs, not three.

In general, do not be bored at school,

Visit our kindergarten!

How to prepare a farewell speech?

It is better to start wishes with some kind of appeal that attracts the attention of children. Often speakers exclaim how children have grown up and how beautiful they are today. You can express surprise: “Are these the same children who a few years ago cried and called for mommy?”

Each group has its own characteristics, its own traditions, its own successes. This “highlight” should be remembered on such a day. For example, if the children were distinguished by artistry, then remind them of their best performances or performances, some kind of event or award. If the group is sports, then you should name the best athletes and remember victories in competitions and tournaments. We can talk about children with creative abilities as future soloists of the big stage and great artists. The mention of specific deeds and merits of the group will enliven the farewell to kindergarten graduates, make it targeted, prepared for specific children, and not just faceless, taken from the Internet.

The next point of speech should be wishes. Traditionally, graduation from the walls of the garden aims children at school, so there are calls to study well, to be diligent, attentive, polite, to find new friends and not forget old ones, to remember everything that kindergarten has taught.

Parting words to kindergarten graduates usually end with the words: “Good luck!”, “Good hour!”, “Congratulations!”


We examined the exciting moments associated with preparing for the solemn moment of graduation from a preschool institution, told how to write parting words for kindergarten graduates, gave examples of congratulations and wishes. We hope our article will help you adequately send future first-graders to school.