What do men want? Choosing the right gift for the New Year. A gift for a man for the New Year: creative and original presentations

Any man by nature is a man who longs for strength and greatness. Those of them who possess these qualities in real life are charismatic personalities, attracting everyone's attention to themselves. Including your accessories. An expensive, elegant lighter, an elegant tie clip, stylish cufflinks - all this creates that attractive image, thanks to which people make their careers.

An excellent reason to make an excellent gift to the boss, brother, father or spouse is the New Year holidays. These days, in the souls of people, an elevated emotional mood is especially felt, ideal for this kind of sign of attention. Therefore, a gift for a man for the new year must be meaningful. He should carry your attitude towards him: respectful, trusting, loving. At that hour, when champagne is poured into glasses and invocative speeches and toasts are heard, when prospects for the whole year ahead are made, it's time to present a present that will tell about your feelings more and more confidentially than at any other time!

Choose the original thing in advance

See how many of the most diverse gifts we have prepared as options for your New Year's present right now. This will allow you to slowly deal with all the features of the catalog, new products and the best ideas. It is especially convenient to buy here everything you need in advance if these are collective corporate gifts. However, an original gift for a man for the new year, something exclusive, should also be chosen in advance. Such a choice is worth making so as not to rack your brains in torment when, due to the huge number of cases, such a responsible choice is left for later, when there are only a few hours left before the chiming clock. Particular attention must be paid to originality. Men, like women, love attention and understanding. Therefore, unusual gifts for men for the new year are so popular. It’s not easy to choose them, so it’s better to be puzzled by this right now ...

The most interesting gifts below.

So what do you get your boyfriend for Christmas?

So, 2019 is the Year of the Pig (Boar). Starts February 5. Astrologers say it will be a good year! Positive changes will be in all signs of the zodiac. Well, let's see what the coming year has in store for us. A pig is a domestic animal, so nothing human is alien to it. What are the qualities of the Yellow Pig? She is economic, practical, hard-working, hospitable and friendly. And, by the way, very clean. Loves and attracts money. (Remember the most popular piggy banks). In short, everything will be fine!

Personal life will also present surprises. Positive! The pig is a sociable, loving and prolific creature. Astrologers promise queues at registry offices. It is, of course, a lyric. In the meantime, we are preparing for the New Year and are actively looking for gifts. You can safely put a pig under the Christmas tree - the young man will not be offended. So look below for very good options for inexpensive gifts. Men are practical people, so look for something useful. There are a lot of interesting things here!

Gift for a guy for the New Year

Thermoglass (tumbler). From 590 rub. Winter themed gift. It's cold outside and you want to warm up with hot coffee? That's what tumblr is for. This is a miniature thermos that can easily fit into the pocket of a backpack or jacket. What is convenient? The lid is leak-proof and has a convenient valve. The structure is two-layer. Heat is retained for a long time. An active guy who does not sit at home, your gift will come in handy many, many times. Well, the donor, of course, will not be forgotten.

Thermo mug. From 410 rub. It differs from a thermo glass by the presence of a handle. But, not a fact. Maybe without it. All presented models are very high quality and beautiful. Surely, there is one that will attract your attention the most. It's also a good Christmas present. It's cold outside, and you wish your young man not to freeze and warm himself with hot coffee. Nice touching gift. The "I care about you" thing, and men love it.

Flying levitron. Cool toy. One of the most mysterious to date. All you need is manual dexterity, and this small disc with a diameter of 16 cm begins to soar in the air, change its flight path, hover, spin. Levitation has been known since very ancient times. This is the ability of an object without visible support to soar in space, overcoming the force of gravity. Contradicts the basic laws of physics, but, nevertheless, it exists! Watch the video and read the reviews. A New Year's gift is just super!

Heated scraper. And the young man after the next snowfall will remember you with great gratitude. And the thing is really cool. Operates from a cigarette lighter. Cord length 3 meters. Heats up in 10 seconds. Instantly melts frost on windows without damaging them. The built-in rubber strip will help to finally remove moisture. What do we want when choosing a gift? Right. To be used. And if the guy was asked what he likes more: a heated scraper or a figurine, there is no doubt what he would choose.

Heated scraper with telescopic handle and light. A little more expensive than the previous model, but the benefits are clear. The handle will help you reach the right places without any problems, and the backlight will be needed in the dark. Powered by a cigarette lighter, heats up in a few seconds, the ice melts instantly. With the help of a rubber strip, residual moisture is removed from the glass. A very handy item. It takes much less time to clean the car. And everything that is convenient, high-quality and fast, men especially appreciate.

New Year's Cedar in a jar. 239 rub. An actual option for a young man who needs to do three things in his life. Let him build the house himself, his wife (or future wife) will help him give birth to a son, but planting a tree is not a question. Give him this jar! It contains nutrient soil and cedar seeds. All you need to do is open it up and don't forget to water it. Germination time from 20 days. That, in fact, is all: one of the three points can be considered fulfilled!

"Cedar named" in the bank. 399 rub. The same, only personal. And the jar is more interesting. New Year is a happy holiday. And you need to give each other only positive! A young man will definitely like your idea with a tree. The jar already has special soil and seeds. You just need to open, water and do not forget to do it further. After a few weeks, a small sprout will appear. What to do next is not a problem. What is special about this gift? And the fact that "the very year of the birth of the cedar" will never be forgotten, and even more so the donor.

Nice mug. From 295 rub. Lots of great options for guys. Read the inscriptions carefully and you will definitely pick up what you need. A cool text can be related to his work, studies, hobbies, or just ... for a good mood. A personal mug will cost a little more. But the thing will turn out to be unique!

Personalized gift with engraving. Young people really like personalized personal items.

Attention! Engraving is applied by you online. You can immediately see how it will look when finished. Try it, it's interesting.

Name mug with your congratulations. If you order "chameleon", you will get a surprise, because the color image will appear only when heated. In the usual cold state, the mug is black. A great inexpensive option for the New Year. There are many mugs, but yours will be unlike any other. Guys generally like personal items. Try typing right now and see how great it turned out. The version of the New Year's surprise is very original, although not expensive.

Surprise photo mug. You will need a photo that will be transferred to the mug. Which? Or maybe where you are together? And even if it is not a New Year's theme, it will still turn out great. Surprise is a chameleon mug. Imagine how surprised your young man will be when he pours hot tea into it! Namely, then both the photo and the inscription will appear. In general, decide: choose, upload the best photo, write the text and admire the result. If you like it, he will like it too.

New Year's name poster on the wall. You can originally wish your loved one a Happy New Year. Self-adhesive posters, size 42 cm x 30 cm. Available with or without a photo. But, of course, the photo poster is much better. The quality is excellent, the paper is thick, the picture is bright. You can create a collage of several photos. There are a lot of interesting options. Probably, for all of us, it is not the price of the gift that is important, but its originality. The poster is a good idea. It's definitely not boring or trite.

Named thermos. From 1990 rub. Nice winter gift! A young man will be warmed not only by hot tea or coffee, but also by warm thoughts about you. A gift is awesome! Thermoses are different: black, white, red. But this one is the most original: it is personal! There are models on which you can engrave not only the name, but also write a short text. Take a look, you might like something. And you can not be afraid that the thermos will be somewhere in the far drawer. Will not be. Volume from 0.5 liters. The quality is just great. Want to surprise your boyfriend with a gift? Surprise!

Unusual lamp. He is truly extraordinary! In the dark, only the drawing and engraving glow. Wireless: battery operated. Switch on the back of the stand. Several options are presented, but for a guy, the "Medal" lamp would be suitable. Surely there is something for it? Maybe he is good at sports? Or maybe he's the best at something else? Think up! He will definitely like your gift. From any kind of souvenirs, of course, there is little sense. And this one is very useful! Men, without exception, love to be praised, and even more so rewarded. They love it!

Name glass for whiskey. Personal rock is great. And it doesn't have to be New Year's. If you search, you will definitely find what suits your young man. And if he understands whiskey, give another set of pebbles for cooling. After all, this drink should be drunk undiluted and chilled. Well, and, of course, not in such doses as in the picture. The engraving will not be erased or deteriorated even in the dishwasher. Young people like this kind of thing. Judging by the reviews, even very much.

Personal beer mug. There aren't any! About 100 options for all occasions: for a fan, a musician, a driver, for a loved one, and so on. A real man's gift. You will like the mug: the volume is 0.5 liters, a thick bottom, a large handle and transparent glass. What are the advantages of mugs over glasses? They are much more convenient to wash if this does not happen in the dishwasher. Personalized beer mugs are popular with men of all ages, which is why they are one of the most popular gifts. It doesn't matter what holiday.

Personalized chocolate bar or with a photo. And it's not true that men don't like sweets. How they love it too! Give, share. And on the wrapper you will write congratulations and wishes. You will get a pleasant surprise. Milk chocolate "Alenka". Weight 100 g. A trifle, but nice! After all, New Year's is not a birthday. And you can congratulate the guy with a very inexpensive, non-binding gift. And let the whole year 2017 be as sweet as this chocolate bar!

Cool gifts. From 190 rub. A large assortment. One can only marvel at the imagination of the authors. What just do not come up with? In general, the New Year is the most universal holiday. You can give anything that will cause a smile and positive emotions. A cool gift from this series. There is little sense from him, "but the mood has improved!" And if your young man is surprised and smiles, then you guessed it.

All for a car. Cool and useful things which will pleasantly surprise you. Nominal and not only. From 350 rub. In winter, car thermo mugs and heated scrapers powered by a cigarette lighter are especially relevant. Sold out quickly, recipients are happy. What else? Personalized covers for documents with many compartments and transparent files. There are also medals! Of course, with personalized engraving. In general, the young man will surely like it, because the car is practically a second home.

Name keychain. From 190 rub. It seems to be a trifle, but nice. On several presented key rings, you can write a short text. For example, the keychain "My house" in the form of a house. And write on it: "The keys to the apartment where the money is." Cool! Only the address of the apartment is not necessary to write.) Guys like such things. New Year is not a birthday. You need to give each other nice little things. Why not an engraved keychain?

Named external battery. From 1690 rub. It will be more expensive than a keychain, but it will be much more useful. If your young man does not part with his smartphone day or night, then this is an option. Very good model "Charge of cheerfulness" (as in the picture). The charger is equipped with suction cups that hold the smartphone in a comfortable tilted position. Yes, and named. Who wouldn't like such a thing? There are solar chargers. They're great, but they cost more. If there is a financial opportunity to give a guy such a gift, do not hesitate: he will like it.

personalized flash drive. Look! There are very cool flash drives. For example, "Shustrik". Nominal "Key" and "Color Show" are in demand. Flash drives have one not very good quality: they get lost and disappear. "To whom did you give it, when? - I don't remember" and "Whose flash drive? - I don't remember." If it has a name on it, there will be no problem. She will find her master very quickly. Well, you can also give a flash drive with a surprise. Throw on her a photo that your boyfriend does not have. Or make a short video. He will surely like your idea.

Engraved pen. They say about such things: a memorable gift. It is unlikely that the person who made such a surprise will be forgotten. Just a pen is trite and uninteresting. But the personal one is great. Such a problem will be "carried away by accident." Well, even if this happens, she will quickly return to the owner. And especially your young man will be pleased to know that you prepared in advance and really wanted to please him. It costs a lot.

Diary with engraving. Or a notebook. It would be where to write down, but something will always be found. Not all men use diaries. This, as a rule, is an attribute of a leader or an office worker. Even if your boyfriend does not use a diary, give it anyway. He will definitely use it. How can such a cool personal item lie idle? And as a surprise, put something very personal between the pages. Such unexpected finds always bring a smile and good memories.

Personalized gift calendar. Or a calendar with your photos. New Year's Eve! You will easily find the 13 best shots. Every month there will be a new photo plus the main thing on the cover. The creation process will take some time, but the result will exceed all expectations. This will be a real surprise for your boyfriend. The name calendar is great too. The name is not only on the cover, but also on the page of each month. Everything is as simple as 2x2. TRY RIGHT NOW.

Personalized champagne glass. Surprise gift. How to organize it? If you plan to celebrate the New Year together, discreetly replace an ordinary glass with this engraved one. And when the champagne is poured, turn the glass to the other side. Your boyfriend will see his name only when the "champagne" is in his hands. Can you imagine his surprise? Yes! Dreams are starting to come true! In what mood you meet the New Year, so you will spend it.

Fortune cookies for 2019 and a personalized inscription on the box. A lucky ticket is hidden in each cookie. All predictions are the best! For example: "You will become a gift of fate for someone", "Luck in money matters awaits you" or "Travel awaits you, or ... a lot of other good things. And besides the name, you can write something personal on the box. Weight 200 d. Reviews are only positive, because such a surprise will bring a lot of joy, like the same Christmas tree from the forest.

Clock with any photo. Or maybe it will be the very first wall clock given to your boyfriend? Probably so. Choose the best photo, upload it and see how it will look on the watch face. Everything is simple. And the version for the New Year is very original. You always want something to please and surprise a loved one. Do you think he will be surprised? For all 100%. And the watch itself is very high quality, with a guarantee for 5 years. Give! Rejoice! And be happy!

T-shirt with any photo and inscription. Haute couture. Your gift will be the one and only T-shirt in the world. You can't buy this in a store. No problem, the photo that you upload to the site will be printed on knitwear using a textile printer. Choose the size according to the plate. The T-shirt will be packed in a cardboard box. How do you make him enjoy wearing it? Guess from the photo and he will not only walk in it, but also sleep. Joke, of course. And the New Year's surprise option is very good.

Inexpensive cool t-shirts. 100% cotton. Big choice. There are gift sets. There are no extra T-shirts for guys. There must be many. Get him another cool one. And you can also set in a beautiful bag. There are many options here. And you can choose a T-shirt according to your interests, for almost all professions and hobbies. You will definitely like this one. In general, carefully look at the catalog.

Engraved wine box. New Year, the very holiday when you can’t do without a bottle of champagne. Without this drink, the chimes will not start to beat. A joke, of course. But seriously, give a bottle of good alcohol or champagne in such a personalized box. Yes, and with wishes. The bottle, of course, will not last long, and the cool box will remain for a long time. These things are not thrown away. Attention: for champagne you need to choose a box "large". And if you want to see how your inscription will look, try it right here and now.

Keychain finder for keys "Doggy". Looks like a doggy. He responds to whistles and claps with a cheerful "woof-woof!". Hooray! The keys have been found! But if there was a keychain-finder of money, then they would not give it, but leave it to themselves. Joke. New Year's. Do you want to make a cool surprise for your boyfriend? And buy some other gift, attach a keychain to it and ask the guy to whistle. Can you imagine his surprised eyes when he hears "woof-woof!"? New Year's Eve is a fairy tale. And may all your dreams come true! A great option!

Car mug with engraving. Operates from a cigarette lighter. The text will be long, so write what you want! Very comfortable. Most importantly, men love it. Your young man is no exception. He is unlikely to buy one for himself, but he would receive it as a gift with great pleasure. Lots of good reviews. Such things are, first of all, a concern: to be comfortable in the car, so that you can always warm yourself with hot tea. And in order not to fall asleep, I made myself coffee stronger. The option is absolutely in the winter theme.

Car mug without engraving. The option is cheaper than the previous one. It will be absolutely not superfluous item in the car. If the drink in the mug is cold, you can warm it up, and if you need to heat cold water, then it’s also no problem. The maximum heating temperature is 80 degrees, because with a tightly closed lid, water cannot be brought to a boil. 80 is enough. Reviews about the mug are only good. The price is quite available.

Socks in cases and gift boxes. From 5 to 100 pairs. Will be happy and grateful! End of the daily quest "Find a Clean Sock". Producers: Russia, Belarus, Latvia. Quality assurance. Any material: 100% cotton, cotton with additives, bamboo. The more cotton, the better. In general, in the New Year with brand new socks! A briefcase or box with essentials is much better than a stupid souvenir. If your young man is also with humor, then do not hesitate. By the way, you can report whatever you want to the case.

Nominal multitool. 6 tools in the case: knife, saw, scissors, file, bottle opener, Phillips screwdriver. Your boyfriend will need it. This little "thing" with a length of only 9 cm will come to the rescue more than once. This is especially true for young people who often travel: be it a business trip or competition. Yes, actually, it's something else: in personal engraving. After all, the multitool was ordered specifically for him? Nice? Very.

Utility knife with engraving. Leather case. In addition to the knife, there is an adjustable wrench, pliers, a saw and two screwdrivers. The option is just great. The guy will use it for a long, long time, if he does not lose it. And engraving exists in order to quickly find the owner. A good male gift for a young man. He wouldn't buy one for himself. Your text will be on the metal plate. There are already ready-made options.

Gift set. Italy. Belt and cufflinks. For a loved one, nothing is a pity. And the option is just cool: a branded gift box, and in it a leather belt 125 cm long and cufflinks in the same style as the buckle. The package is not for one year. Every self-respecting man should have such accessories, even if they are not used often. The black belt matches any color shirt. A set, rather than for work, but for special occasions.

Inexpensive engraved dishes. Well, here's what to buy for him, so that both as a keepsake and inexpensively? Anything engraved is a memory. And it will definitely not be forgotten from whom and when. And there are a lot of good dishes here: whiskey glasses, beer mugs, ordinary mugs, cognac glasses and metal flasks. There are even sets. Champagne and vinniki for girls. In short, the case for the night. It's time to be determined. If you like something, order immediately. Don't delay.

Engraved men's wallets and purses. The inscription is not erased, does not fade and does not crack, thanks to the latest method of application. Own production, quality assurance. Material: eco leather. In terms of its properties, it is in no way inferior to natural analogues. Wallets are very roomy, have many pockets and compartments. Convenient loop strap. Several engraving options. Also look out for small wallets that are perfect for jeans pockets.

Games and jokes for cheerful companies. Do not miss! Lots of cool stuff. New Year is the holiday when you can have fun from the heart. And there will be nothing for it. So, what do we have so that the company is not bored: beer helmets of different colors, books with a secret flask, games for those who are already ripe, roulettes "drink to the bottom" and other fun things. In short, if a guy has everything, here you can find what he does not have. The idea won't stick. Everything will definitely be tried.

Personal sweet gifts. This is for romance! For a sweet guy from a sentimental girl. Pay attention to fortune cookies, of course, only with good ones. And there are personalized chocolates, New Year's sets of sweets and more. Book it, it's cheap. And the store does not sell personal sweets. Moreover, he will share with you. And that men do not like sweets is complete nonsense. Candies are given to mothers, and their sons carry them. Think, choose and order.

Romantic gifts from 300 rubles. Large selection: personalized sweets, glasses, breakfast tables, games for two, textiles, dishes, souvenirs, T-shirts, unusual watches and cool things. Be sure to check everything. A romantic evening is a good occasion to express your feelings. The atmosphere itself is conducive to romantic surprises, even small ones. A man does not need to be embarrassed by expensive gifts. Men subtly feel sincerity and falsehood. When choosing a surprise for him, listen to your heart.

Whiskey glass "Happy New Year 2019!" 590 rub. Cool New Year's version with high-quality engraving: year, symbol and wishes. And the one who gave it will never be forgotten. That is you. Each drink has its own tableware. Christmas Rocks is awesome. The guy will definitely drink from it. And it doesn't have to be whiskey. The glass, in general, is universal. Suitable for everything.

Personalized thermostat. Inexpensive, useful and memorable gift at the same time. Subtext: "I care about you." The most suitable option for winter. A convenient small thermo glass will help out a young man more than once. But still, the most pleasant thing is a beautiful inscription. All men, without exception, have a special attitude towards personal things: they are valued and cherished. In general, do not hesitate for a long time and order a glass for him. Do you want to know what will come of it? Please.

Nominal textiles (towels). 100% cotton. 140 x 70 cm. Beautiful box. Well, just a great option for him on NG. A personalized towel donated by you will immediately go into the category of untouchable things. Let someone try to take it! In general, young people really like such gifts. Knowing that someone has worked hard for you is very rewarding. Well, besides towels, here you can find something else interesting. Look, what if?

Personalized set of sweets "From Santa Claus". And who said guys don't like sweets? How they love it too! 365 g of good sweets in a bright cardboard tube. Producer "Red October". But this is not the main thing. And most importantly, Grandfather Frost prepared a personal gift for him. And not just like that, but for good behavior. In short, let the guy climb on a stool and read a rhyme. Just don't give it away. And let him share, otherwise they (guys) are like that ... In general, no one canceled sweet gifts!

Leather wallets from 1000 rubles. Famous Italian, German and Russian brands. Models without additions, the so-called "in a bill", in one addition "bifold", in two additions "trifold". With or without coin pocket. Sizes: S small, M medium and L large. When ordering, you need to take into account the habit of a man: that is, where he wears it. Large purses are not suitable for pockets. If you have already seen and know the preferences of a man, try to choose a similar model.

Perfumes for men by Antonio Banderas, CalvinKlein, HugoBoss, Gucci and so on. Cologne, toilet and perfumery water. These three types of perfumery differ from each other in the percentage of essential oils they contain. According to the durability of aromas, perfumes are in the first place, perfumery water is in the second, toilet water is in the third, and cologne is in the fourth. Prices range from 500 to 12,000 rubles. Do you want to please your boyfriend with a good perfume? Search here. Promotions and discounts.

And many more gifts under the Christmas tree. And it doesn't matter what it is. On New Year's Eve, we are happy with everything! Because the mood is excellent, because it's a holiday, because it's the New Year. And even a small souvenir cockerel! In general, there is not much time left.

Happy New Year!!! Health, love and kindness!!!

Adult men no longer believe in Santa Claus, but they always dream of receiving a useful and pleasant gift for the New Year. How can you please your relatives, friends and acquaintances on New Year's holidays?

Universal gifts for men for the New Year

Leading in the list of universal gifts - alcoholic beverages. Manufacturers produce special gift versions for the New Year, complete them with glasses, glasses and other small gifts - it’s not a shame to give a solid box to your boss, doctor or just a good friend. Almost every modern man actively uses a computer, so a present such as a USB flash drive will never be unnecessary. You can make a very useful surprise to a relative or a good friend if you put a suitcase with a year's supply of socks under the tree. An unfamiliar person can buy one of the playful alcohol games as a gift, for example, a fun roulette. As a small present, a man can be presented with an original corkscrew, a folding clothes brush or a flashlight keychain.

New Year's gifts for motorists

The easiest way to choose a gift for a person who has a car. A good friend can be presented for the New Year with a kettle or coffee maker powered by a cigarette lighter, a set of travel utensils, a car table or sun shades. If you want to buy an inexpensive but useful gift, it is recommended to pay attention to the organizers for small items mounted on the back of the seat, an adapter for charging USB devices with a flashlight, a braid on the steering wheel, a hanger for outerwear, a notebook with a suction cup handle, an ashtray on a magnet, holder for jar, glasses, phone or CDs. As a playful, but very useful gift to a good friend, you can present a car toilet - a special sealed bag that allows you to solve urgent problems on the road.

What to give a fisherman for the New Year

For a man who is fond of fishing, there are also a lot of interesting options for gifts. Giving fishing rods, spinning rods, tackle and other essentials for successful fishing is appropriate only if there is at least a little knowledge in this area. In other cases, it is better to buy something that will brighten up the fishing process and make your stay in nature more comfortable. A nice gift will be a set for cutting fish, consisting of several knives, or a cooler bag for storing and transporting the catch. A fisherman will definitely need a powerful lantern, a sleeping bag, a tent or a hammock for outdoor recreation. You can also buy a soup pot, a small folding table, a camping chair, a folding barbecue or a small smokehouse as a gift. If you need an inexpensive New Year’s gift for a fisherman, then you should pay attention to grill grates, a compact folding sink made of waterproof fabric, a thermo mug, a thermos, metal glasses in a case, a key chain or a bracelet with a built-in device to repel mosquitoes and other insects. For comfortable winter fishing, you need to give a loved one warm woolen socks, and a familiar man to buy warming insoles for shoes that will generate heat for several hours. As a playful gift, you can buy a singing wall fish, an ice mold with fish notches, or an ice stack freezer mold that can be used to make glasses right on the fishing spot in winter.

Gift for a wealthy man

Surprising a man who has everything is a little more difficult, but even here the list of potential surprises is in the dozens. A whiskey lover can be presented with special cooling stones for the New Year, which, unlike ice cubes, do not dilute the noble drink with water. A wealthy person will most likely like an unusual bottle holder or heated cognac set. Most often, busy people do not find time to relax, so they will definitely need relaxation items: table Japanese gardens, miniature aquariums, unusual projector lamps, original aroma lamps in the form of teapots or other interesting figures, murmuring fountains with water circulation or a chocolate fountain that fills room with great fragrance. If you need an inexpensive gift, then you should pay attention to useful and pleasant computer trifles powered by USB, which hardly a man has ever heard of: warming coasters for mugs, vacuum cleaners for keyboards or miniature refrigerators for cans of drinks.

Rida Khasanova

On the eve of the most magical holiday of the year, a very exciting moment - selection of Christmas gifts. It is especially difficult to give a gift to a man. I want the present to be cute, pleasant, necessary and remembered for a long time. His task arouse surprise and admiration donee, so you need to show maximum ingenuity, and approach the issue of choice at least a couple of weeks before the solemn moment.

Creative New Year gifts for men

When deciding what gift to give a man for the New Year 2019, one should take into account the inclinations and preferences of a person, his age. And you also need to take into account your financial capabilities and do not forget that the main goal of the surprise is carry the holiday spirit.

Expensive gift for a man for the New Year

Usually expensive gifts are given to a boss or a wealthy person who is not surprised by anything special. good collective present for manager can be alcohol in an engraved box, a painting, antiques, original office decor: an expensive figurine, a wall clock, a globe bar, a home planetarium. When choosing a gift, keep in mind that it must be of high quality.

An important aspect is in what relationship the donor is with the recipient of the gift, because some gifts are made only to very close people.

From expensive trinkets a rich man will be pleased with: a retro player for an iPhone or iPad, natural stones and illuminated whiskey glasses, relaxation items (a home fountain, a night sky projector, a still life or landscape made by a professional artist, a bonsai tree), a coffee machine on the sand , a world map made of semi-precious stones, a bio-fireplace, a cigar box.

As an expensive nominal gift, a wealthy man can be presented with: a book in a leather cover with his biography and photographs, a bust made from a photograph to decorate a personal office, a business card holder or a transformer laptop.

If a man has a sense of humor and is not afraid to stand out, you can give him cufflinks made of an unusual stone, valued among collectors - variscite.

Silver cufflinks with variscite, SL(price link)

Inexpensive New Year's gift for a man

The gift doesn't have to be expensive., its main task is to be useful, necessary, and not gather dust on a shelf next to other trinkets. You can buy a thing that a person will certainly never buy for himself, and received as a gift, will be pleasantly surprised.

Ideas for original New Year's gifts for men:

  • a device for the simultaneous preparation of toast, coffee and scrambled eggs - for those who like to sleep longer;
  • television remote control combined with a sofa cushion;
  • nominal bathrobe, purse, glass;
  • shower radio;
  • running alarm;
  • original umbrella.

Many men love to adorn themselves, just like women, only, of course, with special, masculine jewelry. And they don't have to be expensive. You can give a stylish leather bracelet with steel elements.

Leather bracelet; steel bracelet, all SL (prices on links)

Useful New Year's gifts for men

The list of such gifts includes interior items, household appliances, clothes, books, accessories, dishes and other necessary things. However, it should be borne in mind that it is inappropriate to give a tea set to a person whose cabinets in whose house are lined with cups and glasses. And when choosing a literary novelty, you should ask if a man likes works of this genre.

Hobby Gifts

The easiest way to choose a gift, given the person's hobbies. If a man spends a lot of time at the computer, he will be happy with the original keyboard, USB flash drive, wireless computer mouse or mat for it, virtual reality glasses.

As an original present, you can present a mini-vacuum cleaner for dusting work surfaces, a stand or a table for a laptop

Motorist a car gift will come in handy: a compact kettle or coffee maker powered by a cigarette lighter, an organizer for small items, a non-spillable thermo mug, a massage cape for a car seat, a car table, a holder for a mobile phone or sunglasses, a braid on the steering wheel, an adapter for charging equipment, an ashtray on a magnet .

Travel lover you can present, for example: a New Year's tour, a digital photo frame, a phrasebook, a guidebook, a diary, a travel bag. It will be creative to present him with a scooter suitcase with a special footboard.

If a person prefers outdoor activities: fishing, hiking, hunting, then he should be presented with a portable battery that allows you to simultaneously charge several devices and weighs only about 200 g; functional lamp, charged from the mains and car cigarette lighter; navigator; waterproof bag.

Cyclist will be delighted with LED wheel attachments that create more than a dozen images, have a built-in speedometer and allow you to drive safely on a dark track.

Universal Christmas gifts

Gifts that will always be appropriate include things that are indispensable in work and life. These are gift sets of gourmet products, good chocolate, essentials, care products, stationery and much more.

A beautifully designed bottle of good champagne, cognac or wine in combination with fruit or chocolate will come in handy if a gift is being prepared for a male boss or colleague

You can also give him a sweet gift: a businessman's chocolate set, chocolate chess, or a computer keyboard with a mouse. You can also donate a Parker pen or a stationery stand with an electronic clock.

Among universal and original presentations: a warm blanket with sleeves, heated slippers, a salt lamp, E-Tip gloves for using gadgets in cold weather, board games (checkers, chess, backgammon and others).

Christmas gift for the man who has everything

It would seem that you can give a man who has everything? Here you will have to show miracles of ingenuity, however, having an impressive amount, you can automatically increase the chance to give something original and unforgettable.

  • If the representative of the stronger sex "stayed up" in the office, it would be a good idea to surprise him in the form of a certificate for wind tunnel flight or paragliding, skydiving or sports car riding.
  • Those who do not like extreme gifts can be presented with a real star - that is, a certificate for assigning the name of a particular man to a celestial body. Looking into the night sky, he will look for his name star and remember who gave it.
  • You can also visit a sommelier's master class with a man: immerse yourself in the world of creating strong drinks and wines, take part in tasting and become a true connoisseur of winemaking.

List of creative gifts that will not leave indifferent the representative of the stronger sex:

  • New Year's photo session for two;
  • a tango or Broadway jazz lesson;
  • a range of services in the spa;
  • pottery lessons;
  • participation in the quest;
  • recording a single in a professional studio;
  • riding lesson;
  • cynological show;
  • Knight Tournament.

DIY present

Showing creativity and imagination you can create a surprise with your own hands. Such a symbolic gift is usually given to a loved one: a self-knitted scarf or sweater with a touching inscription; a massage mat for feet or a napkin for cutlery, made of sea pebbles glued onto a dense base; a collage of joint photographs; handmade toy; "male cake" - a composition of alcohol (vodka, wine or cans of beer) surrounded by snacks (good chocolate, chips, nuts or fish); comfortable personal pillow. It is inexpensive, but very valuable for the one who accepts the gift.

New Year's gift for a young man

A useful gift for a young man will be: an unusual stand for a smartphone, an original piggy bank in the form of a safe or an animal that devours banknotes, portable speakers that can be connected to a phone, tablet, laptop, a 3D lamp with an imitation of “imprinting” into the wall.

A cool gift for a kid is a now fashionable ant farm that can easily fit on the table, serve as a decoration for the house and become an interesting object for observation.

A young man can also be presented with an e-book, a radio-controlled helicopter or plane, a trip to a paintball club, a walk on a segway or an easy glider, a quest game, or riding a quad bike.

Unusual gifts will be: a parking space signed with his name, a star map, an unusually designed perpetual calendar, a laser pistol with a target.

What to give for the New Year to an adult man

It is quite difficult to choose an interesting gift for an adult man for the New Year, because it is difficult to surprise him with anything. However taking into account age and social status, you can still choose a suitable present. No one, for example, will remain indifferent to a subscription to a good gym or swimming pool, a certificate to visit a sauna or a spa, or a weekend tour.

Middle age is a kind of milestone when it is customary to sum up certain life results, to try something that was previously unknown. Therefore, the best gift for a 40-year-old man will be a certificate associated with reaching another peak (snowboarding, diving, water skiing, jumping, extreme driving).

What gifts are better not to give men

Some New Year's gifts for men are inappropriate, they cause a feeling of embarrassment and annoyance. These are symbols of the year, vases, souvenirs from warm regions, hygiene items that indicate the shortcomings of things, medicines. Only a spouse can give a married man a tie, cufflinks, hand-made gizmos, homemade cakes. Under the ban are any piercing and cutting objects: knives, forks, scissors, as well as mirrors, an empty wallet. Socks and underwear will be completely out of place. And, of course, it is better not to give money for the New Year, this shows the indifference of the giver to the choice of a gift.

A gift presented can become creative and original due to unusual, original packaging. Having thought through everything to the smallest detail, having beautifully decorated his present, a person puts a piece of his soul into it, which he passes along with a gift box.

Original, creative gifts will help create a festive atmosphere, become a great surprise for the New Year's Eve. This is 50 percent of the successful meeting of the New Year, which we are all waiting for.

You can find out some more original gift ideas for men if you watch this video:

December 26, 2017