What do you want on the road by car. Wishes on the road to a loved one in your own words

When loved ones go on a long journey, our heart does not find a place for excitement. A lot can happen along the way, both good and bad. Realizing this, people have long been trying to find a way to save their friends from harm. For example, saying kind words to a traveler on the road.

Ancient amulets and conspiracies

In Rus', long journeys were not uncommon. So merchants had to travel from one city to another to find the right product. Ordinary peasants often went to fairs in neighboring provinces in order to buy the necessary tools for farming. What can we say about the soldiers who were on campaigns much more often than in their own home!

But the road in those days was much more dangerous. Wild animals, bad weather and robbers could wait for the traveler in what seemed to be the quietest corners. In this regard, the Slavs often looked for right ways how to protect yourself and your loved ones on the road.

Before sending a person on a long journey, he was given a special amulet - a travel guide. It was a charmed piece of fabric wrapped in hemp rope. People believed that as long as the cord was intact, trouble would not touch its owner.

At the same time, there were also wishes for the journey. For example, many said goodbye "tablecloth path." This meant that the traveler was wished a good road, so that he quickly reached his goal. But now this expression has acquired a completely different meaning, and to use it in similar cases no longer worth it.

Wishes on the road: sincerity is the basis of everything

Few now believe in mystical power words, because science has greatly pressed folk rituals and beliefs. And yet, seeing off relatives on a long journey, people still strive to say goodbye to them a few warm words. Perhaps this is due to those ancient traditions that are rooted in our minds, or maybe it's just an intuitive desire to take care of native person. But the fact remains: without a good parting word, even in our time, they are not allowed to go on the road.

But what about goodbye? You should start with the fact that all wishes should come from pure heart. Only then will they be pleasant to the traveler and will be able to warm him throughout the journey. Yes, and as they say: God hears only a sincere prayer, and therefore empty phrases cannot be useful.

How to choose the right words?

Oddly enough, but in order to wish Have a safe journey, you can use any styles and shapes. The traveler will be pleased to hear how ordinary " Lucky road”, and a small farewell monologue. But it would be better to present wishes on the road to your beloved in the form of poems - this will win his heart and make him smile.

You can also use both a strict style and use humor, but without overacting. In general, everything possible must be done so that farewell does not evoke sad memories, but gives positive emotions. After all, words are tools that can influence the atmosphere.

Wishes on the road: examples

In conclusion, I would like to give a few simple examples, able to clearly show how to see off loved ones on the road. So, simple phrases:

  • Neither a nail nor a wand is a favorite expression of all motorists.
  • Break a leg. An old expression, in which the traveler must answer "to hell."
  • Bon voyage - a simple wish that can show the warmth of a relationship.
  • Roads without potholes, without potholes and without potholes!
  • Favorable wind! Suitable for any farewell, but more common among sailors.

In addition, you can make a more original and warm farewell. For example: "In life there are different roads: some are light, others are dark. But both can lead us to unexpected discoveries. I hope that at the end of your journey you will find something new and pleasant for yourself, no matter what path you take.”

It has long been believed that wishes on the road - especially from loved ones and dear people- should have come true. Going on a journey, a person risks a lot. He could not return, various troubles could happen to him. In addition, often people went on the road for work, for a better life.

Therefore, wishes on the road had to play the role of a kind of amulet. "Let everything work out", "let your dreams come true and you will achieve your goal" - that was the message.

Bon Voyage!

kind and good wishes on the road, they were also mixed with an old prejudice: "in order not to jinx" - that is, to prevent the black forces from seizing us, hindering happiness - one should only brush them aside, but not thank them. Luck is a capricious lady. It was often believed that she could turn her back on someone who relies on her too much. The wish for an easy road was part of the farewell ritual. In addition, it was believed that it was imperative to sit down and only then hit the road. In principle, it had a psychological justification. IN last minutes before parting and parting, the departing person could still think about the purpose of his trip. I could decide on the most important and necessary things in my life.

What wishes can you come up with on the road now?

"Good luck" is one of the most common. It is interesting that - an expression that, in theory, means positive wish- now used as ironic. So you can speak to someone whose return is undesirable for the speaker. "Green road" or "green light", "so that the spare tire is not useful" - these are wishes for motorists on the road. Similarly, you can use the metaphorical - "neither a nail, nor a rod", that is, so that the tires are intact, and no one stops along the way. outside the window" - for those who go by train. And "so as not to get sick" or "fair wind" is wished to those who sail by sea.

"Good luck getting there" is a universal expression. We still usually ask relatives and friends to call as soon as they arrive at the place. "Good fellow travelers" - an actual wish to someone who travels in a compartment or After all, it is there that we often have to spend more than one day in the company of strangers. Although just there you can hear enough interesting stories and even make new friends.

Scheduled landings can be wished to those who set off on a journey by air. "Take care of yourself" and "God bless!" we usually talk to the most beloved and dear people.

When expressing your wishes, you should always remember about your relatives. Many of us on own experience know how difficult it is to see someone off. The one who goes on the road has new impressions, acquaintances, prospects ahead. Those who stay often experience the pain of returning to an empty house. That is why many, especially impressionable and vulnerable people, do not like to see them off to the platform or to the airport. It hurts too much to watch the train leave, the plane taking off with the person you love. Even if parting is familiar to you, remember that loved ones and relatives are always waiting for you, always hoping for a speedy return. "Happy Journey" is also a request not to forget about those who remained.

Wishes V road- in prose

CongratulationsImportant events→ happy way→ in prose. Wishes V road- in prose. I wish you an easy roads! Let it pass quickly and imperceptibly, kind and sympathetic people will meet. May the guardian angel be always there and help in any situation.

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Which wishes V road can you think of it now? "Happy way"- one of the most common. It is interesting that "tablecloth road" is an expression that, in theory, denotes a positive wish- now used as ironic.

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Happy way, roads without obstacles I want to wish, my beloved, to you! Meet V road only success, good luck, happiness, And let there be no place for Kindness and words beautiful, Like dewdrops on flowers, And miracles, happy minutes, As in captivating dreams! Wish № 6094.

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From time immemorial, there has been a custom to say parting words to a person who is going on a journey. They served as a talisman for the traveler, which averted misfortunes from him and bad people. This is due to the fact that in ancient times people quite often disappeared without a trace. After all, they could be attacked by robbers, wild animals. However, in our civilized age, this custom has not lost its relevance. Let's talk about what they usually say on the road.

Wishes for a person on the road

As a rule, there are no clear instructions on what you can wish a person on the road. The main thing is that the words are sincere and come from the heart. In this case, they will really protect the person and nothing bad will happen to him. Universal wish the phrase "Happy journey!" is considered, so you can safely use it regardless of how far the person is going.

What to say if a person goes to look for work?

As in the old days, a person quite often goes looking for a job, most often this is an interview with a future employer. In this case, the person should say the following words:

  • "Let It Work"
  • "May your dreams come true and you can easily get a job"
  • "May Luck Lead You"

Words for those who go on a long journey

If a person was to long road, then they wished him not only a happy journey. In the old days, at parting, they said the phrase "Good riddance." This expression meant that the path would be easy and the person would quickly reach his destination. However, these days this phrase is considered ironic and is rarely used for fear of being misunderstood. Instead, you can use more modern expressions, for example, "Happily (successfully) get there."

There is also a custom to sit on the road. It was believed that then the path would be easy and without unpleasant adventures. Modern psychologists explain this rite by the fact that a person is given time to think about his trip and decide whether to go on it. Also in these seconds, the brain determines the main goals of the trip and looks for ways to bring them to life, because it is in a kind of stressful situation, so all processes go faster.

Wishes on the road to motorists and travelers

It is very important for motorists that the road is successful. In this case, they can say the following phrases:

  • "Green Road"
  • "Green light"
  • "So that the spare tire is not useful"
  • "Neither a nail nor a wand"

If a person goes on vacation or on a business trip by train, then you can wish him "Beautiful scenery outside the window." If a steamboat, a yacht or a boat will act as a transport, then in this case it would be appropriate to say: "So that it does not get sick", "Fair wind". As a universal phrase, you can advise "Happily arrive."

For those who are on their way to air transport, you can say "Take care of yourself" or "God bless you!". It is not worth thinking about the bad before a person leaves, because thoughts are material and you can thus invite trouble. It is best to draw joyful pictures of meeting a person from a trip in your imagination. In this case, everything will go well. You can also read a cheerful rhyme to a departing person:

  • I wish you before the long road
  • Wake up in the dawn of all forces.
  • To make the trip seem like a raspberry
  • To make the whole world seem nice.

These words will cheer you up, and the traveler will set off on the road with with a light heart. You can compose your own poems, a person will be pleased, and he will not forget such a farewell. Now you know what you want on the road, and you can put your knowledge into practice.

My soul curled up in a fluffy ball and yearns for you. Come back or I'll release my claws!

You are carried away from me by the stormy course of separation, I will wait for you on the shore of our love day and night until you return with a fair wind.

Don't forget me away
Keep love and my image,
I'm really, really looking forward to you
How the shore awaits the surf!

My life without you is gray and dull. Dip the brush in the golden paint of love and paint my being with the gold of happiness.

I'm waiting for you, like the grass is waiting for the first summer rain, like daisies in the meadow are waiting sunshine like a bird waiting to meet the sky!

In my heart is emptiness and anxiety,
You are not with me, you are on the road again,
May love warm your soul
May you come back soon!

Separation hit us with a tornado of distances. Let's hold hands so that the wind of change will throw us ashore of quiet family happiness.

The meeting after parting is like a collection wine - expensive, intoxicating, with a delightful bouquet of caresses and tender kisses.

The blizzard swirled us apart,
We could not resist, our hands unhooked,
My dreams promise us a meeting
Honey, come back, I miss you!

You took with you all the sparks that lived in my eyes, and my eyes went out. Only you can bring back the happy spring radiance to my eyes.

I will write on the blue canvas of the sky with rainbow paint of my feelings and fantasies: “I love you!” Remember, after the rains of parting, the sun will come out and a rainbow of hope will appear.

The flowers withered without you
The sun hid in the clouds
Sad days have come
Tears in my eyes again
Come back soon
Bring me a ray of happiness
I will warm your soul
I will give a flash of passion.

With delicate rose petals I will line your path to me so that the return is gentle and pleasant.

The strings of my soul are anxiously ringing the melody of separation. Come back and play on them a tender song of devoted love.

I paint with bright colors
Your amazing portrait
You can't imagine how sad
When you are not with me!
I whisper with hope, falling asleep:
"Come back, darling, dear,
I suffer alone without you
Come back, please, my dear!

I collect on a thread of memories all our happy moments, affectionate kisses, sincere confessions. Only this occupation helps me to wait out the disturbing separation from you, my heart! I wait and miss

I am lost in the terrible dark forest of separation and cannot find the path to peace of mind. Shine the flame of your love on me so that I can find the way to your heart!

The stars in the sky sing about you
Where did you find shelter today?
Where will you sleep today without me?
Why won't you take me with you?
I miss dreaming of your caress
Come back soon to your little one!

The snow-white lilies on my window withered when you left. Only by returning, you can fill my house again delightful flowers pleasure.

I am sending you a fresh morning greeting, so that even in separation you feel the crystal dew of my love!

Mentally kiss and caress
I've been dreaming about you since morning
The head is spinning from separation
Come back dear friend!

Blowing you a kiss, let it cover all distances and sweeten your gentle sponges apart.

For every minute spent without you, I impose a fine in the amount of one passionate caress. The bailiff-love is already knocking at your door.