Congratulations to a woman of 50 years wishes for happiness. What do you wish, my dear man

The fiftieth birthday is a significant date in the life of every person. Entering this fairly mature age is never ignored and seems to indicate that life has not been in vain.

Beautiful congratulations on the anniversary of 50 years to the woman, the hero of the occasion, will become for her both words of respect, and a source of good mood, and a reminder of the happily lived years.

Congratulations for everyone

The female “golden” anniversary for the relatives and friends of the birthday girl precisely determines your role in her life: someone will prepare beautiful words for her beloved wife, someone will make a congratulation for 50 years to her mother, someone will have to prepare wishes for sister, girlfriend or colleague. Of course, these types of congratulations differ from each other and have their own specifics.

Congratulations on the anniversary of a woman from her husband are words of love, gratitude and respect. In them, you need to elevate your chosen one, who went hand in hand with you for many years, gave birth and raised your children, and at the same time remained the same mysterious woman with whom you never want to part. However, be careful: you should not say too much, because today is her holiday, her anniversary, and not your wedding anniversary.

Congratulations on 50 years to mom - a moment of sincerity. You have to tell the dearest and closest person about your love, thank you for a good upbringing, apologize for long-forgotten childhood pranks, wish you long and happy years of life. Do not be surprised if you suddenly see tears on your mother's face, because this is a symbol of joy and pride for you.

Congratulations on the "golden" anniversary of the sister should also be filled with sincerity. Try to say in verse, or in prose, or in your own words, how you love her and how glad you are to see her as a truly mature and happy woman. You can remember funny moments from your childhood, thank you for your help in life, because it probably helped you out.

Congratulations on the anniversary of 50 years to a female colleague must fully correspond to her age and position. Be courteous and as correct as possible, because you see this person every day at work.

In addition to wishes for happiness, health and long life, say that you appreciate her as a good employee who is a pleasure to work with. For originality, you can present this congratulation to a woman in verse.

At the age of 50, a friend can say and wish a lot, because the birthday girl is almost your sister. However, remember that the anniversary is a fun holiday, so short funny poems based on real events, as well as simple but pleasant wishes for all the best, will be appropriate.

Secrets of choosing congratulations and a little about organizing an anniversary

For a woman, 50 years old is exactly the birthday that is full of joy. The positive is not only that the birthday girl becomes the center of attention and receives flowers and gifts from all sides, hears congratulations on her 50th birthday, best wishes and toasts to a woman’s 50th birthday.

She is surrounded by loving people, has a lot of experience and many pleasant memories, although in her heart she is still, if not a girl, then the same young and cheerful girl as she was 30 years ago.

Congratulations on your 50th birthday should emphasize that the birthday girl is young at heart, that a mischievous light still burns in her eyes and a desire to live is much greater than that of any teenager. In this case, nothing bad will happen if your birthday greetings are slightly embellished, because in this case a little lie is only for good.

Each toast for 50 years to a woman should be special in order to remain in the memory of the birthday girl for a long time. The same applies to all other kind words: congratulations for 50 years should be pronounced brightly, emotionally and sincerely, they should touch the thinnest strings of the soul of the hero of the day.

You can also try to find an original approach to the heart of the hero of the occasion. The fact is that, having read even the most beautiful poems to a 50-year-old woman, you may not be remembered, as if you said something “on duty”, thought up hastily. But if, under your congratulations on the anniversary of a woman of 50 years old, a birthday cake or a gift is brought into the hall, then the effect will be the one you need.

When choosing congratulations for 50 years to a woman in prose or poetry, be sure to consider the temperament and character of the birthday girl. If she loves humor and is a cheerful person by nature, then such a woman will like cool quatrains, and she will also be pleased with short but sparkling jokes, funny SMS.

Thus, for 50 years, congratulations can be:

  • Poems found on the Internet or written personally.
  • Solemn prose in honor of the birthday girl with a lot of pleasant wishes.
  • Humorous verses or quatrains, such as ditties.
  • Funny sms.
  • Toast.

Congratulations in prose:

SMS messages:

The choice of congratulations on the 50th anniversary should be done based on the characteristics of the character of the woman and your relationship with her.

As for the organization of the celebration, when planning this sincere holiday, it is important to sort everything out: make a list of guests, send out invitations, arrange a banquet hall and come up with an entertainment program for people who will come to congratulate the birthday girl at her fifty years old.

There should not be random people on the list of invitees. Only relatives, colleagues and friends who will prepare cool congratulations and congratulations on the 50th anniversary of a woman in prose for the hero of the day. So all the words will be said sincerely and from the heart, no extras are needed.

When decorating a banquet hall, try to make sure that it is saturated with the atmosphere of the holiday even before it starts. Use bright garlands for this, make several posters on which congratulations on the anniversary of the 50th anniversary of the woman will be written, place a photo chronicle of events from the life of the hero of the day on one of the walls.

Think carefully about your holiday plan. Highlight the official part, which includes congratulations on the woman’s birthday and presenting gifts, the start of the feast, when fiery toasts will be pronounced on the woman’s 50th anniversary, poems will be recited, life achievements will be mentioned, and don’t forget about contests and quizzes for those invited.

As you can see, the 50th birthday is one of the most important in everyone's life, but if the hero of the occasion is a representative of the beautiful half of humanity, then your task is to make her very happy that evening. On the anniversary of 50 years, a woman will hear poetry no less pleasant than wishes of happiness and health, and a sparkling joke or a good toast will cause a sincere smile on her face. Author: Ekaterina Voskareva, sources:,

It's time to prepare for the holiday and accept congratulations for 50 years.

What do you wish, my dear man?

Agree, any anniversary is worthy of once again remembering the best moments in the life of the hero of the day. Therefore, congratulations for 50 years must be prepared carefully, choosing words with meaning so that they resonate in the heart of the birthday man. Do not read banal words from a store postcard. It is better to prepare a short poem, which you can compose yourself or order from the appropriate company, after sending data about the birthday person.

People say that to live life is not a field to cross, so there is no need to regret kind words:

  • if congratulations are being prepared for 50 years to a woman, a close relative, then it is worth noting her qualities of a good housewife and loving mother, for example;
  • a colleague is pleased to hear about what professional merits he possesses;
  • for your beloved mother, you need to choose the most tender words, because she is waiting for them and deserves them;
  • many roads have been traveled with a girlfriend or friend, so there is something to remember and tell a poem on occasion.

And if the congratulation is created from the heart and pleasant compliments sound in it, then it will leave a pleasant impression for a long time, will delight the heroes of the day. There are not enough wishes on this day!

What not to say on an anniversary

Etiquette must be followed in everything. If the congratulators are really prepared correctly, then they will not focus on the age of the woman, even when it is congratulations on the anniversary of 50 years. It is more appropriate to talk about the life core and virtues of the birthday girl, her life principles and achievements.

There are many patterns in our life. But if on ordinary days they are invisible, then on an anniversary you need to forget about them. It’s not worth talking for the hundredth time that the life of the hero of the day is just beginning ... It’s better to tell the guests about the bright moments that await the birthday boy in the next part of his life.

You should not give advice to anniversaries if they are wiser than you. Tell us how their advice helps in life. But the wishes of health on this day will never be superfluous.
If you connect fantasy and do not turn off logic, then creating an original congratulation is easy!

They say that at forty-five
Baba is a berry again.
But I will say, at fifty
Baba is a real treasure!
Knows how to build a husband
Prepare a delicious dinner
Children will give sensible advice,
The house in her hands is like new.
May your family take care of you
And respect all friends.

The birthday girl is beautiful as always!
And no one will give you your years.
And let you be fifty today
But the eyes, just like in youth, burn.

Happy anniversary! Peace, happiness and kindness,
Endless warmth.
Interest in life, loyal friends,
Bold, bright, unexpected ideas!

On your lips the sweetest smile,
And the young look shines with enthusiasm,
Maybe some mistake
What are you, sister, 50?!

Accept, dear, congratulations,
Be loved, happy, young,
May good luck, joy and luck
Hand in hand go always with you!

Our life is such a thing

You were young yesterday
And today you are babysitting your grandson,
Here are the things!

I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Never lose heart
It's easy to live without knowing worries
And hope for joy!


Half a century has flown by, so it seems like a lot ...
Everything was on your hard way,
Life was good-natured and strict with you,
And you were able to find happiness!
Achieve what you once wanted
They managed to give birth to wonderful children,
And if you still didn’t have time for something -
There are many more opportunities ahead!
Now your grandchildren will be a joy to you,
Take care of yourself for them and for us,
The smiles of relatives will be the best reward,
And let's continue the celebration with a glass now!
We wish you not to give up in the future,
How to illuminate us with a smile,
To be the happiest - no more, no less
And life will not be lived in vain!


We wish you such prosperity
So that there was nothing to even dream about!
May the whole world become comfortable for you,
Painted in azure colors.
May good luck meet you generously everywhere!
But even if something is suddenly wrong,
That's for such a beautiful, wise lady
Any business, in essence, a trifle!
After all, the date of the anniversary is golden,
Like the sun on an open path.
And you are so young now!
And so much happiness awaits you ahead!


50 years - this is the anniversary!
From the bottom of our hearts we congratulate you!
Live long - long, do not get sick!
Everything will be fine - we know for sure!
Forever let spring bloom in the soul,
Age makes you even more beautiful
And a glass of good wine
We will fill the cup of this life!


At 50, probably not by chance
The anniversary is called golden!
Little is left a secret for you,
But the look is still young!
The years flew by unnoticed
Flickered like a brief dream!
Don't be sad that summer is over!
Velvet season is on the doorstep!
Everything is now available, everything is clear,
The sun is warm, but no longer burns!
Let happiness be immense!
And only joy awaits you ahead!

Women's age, they say
It's not worth discussing!
In the jubilee fifty
You do look younger!

How not to say it
Wonderful birthday girl!
I want to wish you:
Be as interesting!

Let anxiety go away

It will be an easy road

Well, we are your friends

Will always be there!

Your magical beauty will easily drive you crazy -
Shine eyes, smile, beloved wife!
Gorgeous age, 50, added gloss charm,
I will lay down the treasures of the world at your feet!
Attachment and tenderness are getting stronger every day,
Enthusiastically, a little timidly, we always go forward.
Let's find there a starry eternity, a sparkling waterfall...
In love with you, like youth, and there are no barriers to love!

Happy anniversary, dear!
I'm not afraid to say - fifty,
After all, I look and again I wonder
You are the same as ten years ago.

Be a friend, as before, beautiful
Don't be sad, have fun, light up
Let there be patience and strength
Help all family and friends.

Let the eyes be kind and bright
The light that you carry through the years
Many songs, flowers and gifts,
May they always be present in life!

You, friend, do not be shy -
Yes, a significant anniversary,
But in the soul, after all, eighteen,
So don't you dare relax.

Dancing sparks in the eyes -
So there will be a sense in business.
There is enough tenderness in the soul -
So the heart is not bored.

Gunpowder is in powder flasks -
We only dream of knowing peace.
Forget the number fifty
And always be happy!

Serpentine of original ideas for women's anniversary

If a congratulation is being prepared for a woman, then it must be targeted, take into account the tastes of the birthday girl, profession and age. The beautiful half of humanity always appreciates attention and sincere attitude, which can be expressed with kind words.

Here are some ideas that you can use and prepare original congratulations for 50 years:

  • 1. Starfall of wishes. It can be created directly at the holiday, when guests are given blank stars on which they write their congratulations. To the music, the guests throw the stars up, and the birthday girl catches them and reads aloud. From the compiled congratulations, a star necklace for the birthday girl is created.
  • 2. Comic heartfelt congratulations from male guests can also be prepared directly at the holiday.
  • 3. Congratulations from friends can sound like ditties. It will be fun and funny.
  • 4. A portrait of a birthday girl can also be written in verse and supplemented with collective work on canvas. Everyone can take part in it.

The main thing in any congratulation is the mood, and this should always be remembered. The anniversary is a special holiday that nothing should overshadow, so you need to try hard on this day.

What congratulations for 50 years will a man definitely like?

The strong half of humanity loves humor and cool congratulations. Such options will amuse not only the birthday man, but also all guests. What could be better than a cheerful positive mood that short poems create.

Somehow everyone thinks
At 50 - half a life away.
The house is built, the garden is planted,
Raised a son and a daughter...

And everything is in order with a career:
You are the boss (and big!)
But you get more
Just don't get old!

You have one way: up,
Forward, without further ado!
Without a doubt, be to accomplishments,
Ready for new adventures!

And half a century later
Among loved ones and friends
Mark your cheerful
Your centenary!

Such a beautiful date
Should be doubly enjoyable.
Be strong, healthy, rich,
And always on horseback!
Good luck, goodness and prosperity.
Fun and new victories.
Let there be enough energy for everything!
And we wish you
Always be as successful
And, that's how it is now, young!
And the best feelings, of course,
Gift to all your friends and family!

Great age - fifty!
We hasten to congratulate you on your birthday,
Wish you health, happiness,
Only good mood.
To have prosperity in the house,
Friends have always surrounded you.
To be forever young
Easily and simply achieved goals.
And let the fire in your eyes
It won't go out for a minute!
You have an anniversary today
And life is as beautiful as ever!

Fifty is a real anniversary!
Middle of the road!
You made it through the half!
There is so much more to go!

Today there is for celebration
Reason is solid -
You are half a year old
Our boss is amazing!

May health every hour
Happy Siberian,
Added to the shoulders
The strength of a hero.

In the heart is the flame of love
Burning brighter
And the fate of your yachts and pitchforks
Trying to give!

And let your path be simple
to new achievements.
Be happy our boss
Every moment!

anniversary years,
You will never catch up
They fly by like comets
Hitting wires.

Time, time, how to be here
Don't forget, don't forget
Maybe just look around
And slowly move on.

The years lined up
A lot, a little fifty,
purple bell,
Congratulations are ringing.

Husbands line up
Wives, children, sons,
Congratulate you with the whole crowd,
A friendly family came out.

You are our helmsman, captain,
You are, for sure, given to us by God,
May there be so much health
So as not to knock down a drunken glass.

Give it, God, so that everything comes true,
The haze of plans has grown together,
Abundance from the horn
To pour on you.

And of course, a couple of words
Outlining in the eye not in the eyebrow,
A cup full of luck
And live to be a hundred years old.

They are easy to remember, so they will be pronounced easily and cheerfully:

  1. The boss will be pleased to hear creative poems that will emphasize the individuality and resourcefulness of colleagues.
  2. Dad is the main person in life, like mom, let him feel it in a special way on this day.
  3. A colleague will appreciate the song that was composed for him in the team.

It should be noted that any person on an anniversary deserves kind words, which you can always pick up yourself or compose together with everyone, directly at the holiday, turning it into a fun contest. The mood is guaranteed to everyone, and individuality, sincerity and originality are always welcome.

50 is dawn time
New female great beauty.
Time of happiness, smiles and light
And a simple but beautiful dream.

50 is the start time,
Start time for the female soul
Sometimes you don't even notice
As relatives need her hands.

Congratulations on your anniversary.
You are beautiful, courteous, kind.
And we wish you success
And spiritual warmth.

Happiness in life, good health
And more cloudless days.
We congratulate you with love
On your fiftieth birthday.


What a rich date
We congratulate you with her!
We wish you health and happiness
On such a golden anniversary!

You are fifty - this is joy!
We wish you love and kindness
To enjoy life to the fullest
To be the happiest!


They say that at forty-five -
Baba berry again.
But I will say, at fifty -
Baba is a real treasure!
Knows how to build a husband
Prepare a delicious dinner
Children will give sensible advice,
The house is like new in her hands.
May your family take care of you
And respect all friends.


Luxurious woman on a beautiful anniversary
I wish you a lot of sincere happiness,
Let there be a smile on your lips often
And love loved ones over the years all the stronger!

This fiftieth birthday
Let it bring good changes
Much success to you every day,
In all matters, good luck and luck!


Fifty years is a good time!
And there's no need to be sad
Let another half a century pass
You don't just have to get old.
And on this glorious bright day
We congratulate you
Health, happiness and kindness
With all our hearts we wish!
We want to live as long
And forget about sorrows.
Beautiful, bright, peaceful days
We wish you a Happy Anniversary.
Let the years flow slowly
May your grandchildren bring joy to you.
And here is our main covenant,
Live healthy up to a hundred years.


We are celebrating a good anniversary today.
And pour me some wine in a glass.
I want to tell you a small toast
And with all my heart I wish you happiness.

Let your salary be enough
All good spending.
Let there be money that "chickens do not peck",
And comfort always reigns in your house.

So that all things are beautiful and fashionable,
And she entered freely into the right dress.
So that wrinkles are not visible on the face,
And the men watched with admiration.

In business and work - crazy success,
And tears roll down only from laughter.
Health is getting stronger day by day
And the children help and listen to you.

Husband loves, cherishes and fries cutlets,
And every day gives flowers and sweets.
May your luck never end
After all, life begins at 50.


50 is a lot and a little
This is the path of life.
There were not always roses on the road,
But there is no turning back from her.

It was hard, but you didn't give up.
It hurt - you didn't whimper.
And you've always been yourself
And sometimes dreams come true.

We want you to be
Many years, many happy days
Happy birthday to you,
Be healthy, do not grow old in soul!


Can you even think
What are you now 50?
Do not believe the evil passport:
He composes everything.

Happy birthday
And we wish you today
So that your spirit is, as before,
Close to 30 years old.

To make children happy
Husband carried in his arms
And with the radiance of beautiful eyes
Everyone around admired.


Today is fifty
So let everything, always lucky!
May beauty forever be remembered
The second youth will come.

I wish you happiness and luck
Incredible kindness
Love, health, inspiration,
Spring warmth in the soul!


We ask you to confess
How many years in a row
Look at all seventeen
Does it work at fifty?

Become a girl - just spit
Like many years ago
We wish to save youth
Despite fifty.

Happiness female, earthly
Wish everyone and everything:
You are a little old
Well, only fifty.


Years gone do not return
And people are sad for a reason.
We didn't have time to look back
And behind - 50.

Your life experience is rich
Not weakened and not faded,
And we are today with this date
We heartily congratulate you.

Years fly, but it doesn't matter
You don't have to worry about that
No wonder Vakhtang sings the words:
"My years are my wealth"!


You turned 50 today
Understand it's only half
And you don't bring anything back
There is a way out - conquer more peaks!

Do not be afraid of pits and bypass all ditches
After all, you managed to achieve a lot,
You will meet more problems along the way,
But you walk through this life boldly!

After all, your holiday is rightfully golden,
And a heart of gold in your chest.
Let half the road behind you -
But there's still half to come!


Celebration makes a woman so beautiful
Take the compliments
After all, fate promised you
Only bright moments.

your wonderful anniversary
Let it color the starry rain
Be sure to be at 50
It will be everything you are waiting for!


Happy Anniversary! Today is your golden date, so we wish you life's treasures - golden health for many years, golden relationships and understanding of all the golden achievements in your career. Let love be as bright as gold, and gold coins cannot be transferred in your wallet!


Has all its meaning -
And the course of time, and the course of things.
Great anniversary!
Let's raise our full glasses
For your finest hour to come,
To keep love warm,
Hope filled you.
You look amazing to everyone
Beautiful wise clear look.
We wish you a beautiful life
Easy second fifty!

Anniversaries are the most significant dates in a person's life. The celebration of "round" birthdays is important not only for the birthday man himself, but also for his loved ones. After all, this is a special occasion to show your love and feel the joy of communication. The 50th anniversary is treated differently. For some, this is another reason to enjoy life, to gather in a warm family circle. For others, it is a reminder of the passage of time. The proposed statements will help congratulate a woman on her 50th birthday in an original and sincere way. But the main thing is to remind about the importance of this person for her family and friends.

Beautiful congratulations to a woman on her 50th birthday

"Beads are woven from birthdays. You already have 50 of them. Happiness has been and will be in life. You just need to love your days and yourself! Stay beautiful, like a bright rose, tender, like a lilac branch. You are worthy of poetry and romance in prose. Cavaliers kneeling before you."

"Mom, beloved, daughter and sister - you are always on top in all your roles. Caring, attentive and understanding ... It's cozy and warm with you. We are so happy that fate ordered us to be familiar with you. Thanks to both her and you!"

"No matter how many kind words you hear today, don't be embarrassed! After all, you deserve a hundred times more. Your anniversary is another starting point on the path of life. This is the beginning of new victories, this is the time to get results, this is another reason to love your life! Remember that we are with you. What is ahead is only the best!"

A few congratulations in verse

It is not difficult to compose congratulations on the 50th anniversary of a woman in verse. The following lines can be taken as a basis:

  • "At 50, everything just begins. Joy is brighter, love embraces everything. You are beautiful, as before, you fall more and more in love with life. Describing you all is just not enough words. At 50, fate flourishes, female strength, wisdom and experience. At 50, it dawns in the soul. This is the morning of love and the beginning of victories. We wish you to be in harmony - with the world, loved ones and yourself. Be healthy, blooming, affectionate, like yesterday, like today ... We are with you!"
  • "Wonderful, bright, sunny days. Warm words and love in everything - in every action, word, emotion. Joyful everyday life and affectionate words. You have already implemented many plans and strive to achieve no less. We wish you to receive all the awards that you should receive."
  • "We will gather with joy today, hug tightly and shake off a tear. There are no words in the whole world to describe the picture of love for you. You are the best wife and mother, you are our sun and star in the night. You are a musical lyrical scale, the keys to the family castle. Your anniversary is our common holiday, because every moment with you is grace. Dear, you are a heavenly messenger. We are ready to give everything for you."

Congratulations on the 50th anniversary of a woman in verse is an additional way to surprise your beloved. Especially if earlier the congratulatory message was reduced to a few lines in prose.

Short congratulations on the 50th anniversary of a woman

"I wish every day to be different: one is happy, the second is cheerful, the third is calm. Remember that life loves you!"

"Kind, bright, gentle, glorious! No matter how old you are, this is not the main thing. You are beautiful at 50, just like at 30. Be the happiest in life!"

"Let your home always be cozy, children's laughter sounds and smells of pies. At work, let the smiles of colleagues and the gratitude of customers meet you. Let well-being reign in life, and a whirlwind of positive emotions turn your head."

"On this day, the sun shines brightly. On the faces of loved ones - joy and love. Let the children rejoice on your anniversary, and there will not be enough vases for the presented flowers!"

"On your anniversary, do not be sad about the past, because life is still capable of surprising. You have achieved considerable success, but you still need to go through the same. May your future path not be thorny, and the choice will be easy. We believe in you!"

A short congratulation on the 50th anniversary of a woman can be sent via SMS, written in a postcard or note. It is important to be able to fit in a few lines all the warmth and sincerity of the message.

Congratulations in prose

Congratulations on the 50th anniversary of a woman in prose is both a simple and complex option. On the one hand, this does not require special poetic talent. On the other hand, even lines in prose should beautifully and logically express an idea. We suggest choosing a congratulation on the 50th anniversary of a woman in prose, which can be taken as a basis or modified at your discretion:

  • "A wonderful date - bright congratulations. To the hero of the day - the most sincere words. More easy days, good thoughts and joyful events for you. It is impossible to be better than you! Therefore, take care of yourself, to the delight of us all!"
  • "Today is a special date: a time of achievements and even greater plans, a time to rejoice in the love of loved ones and bestow them in return, a time to believe in yourself and in a miracle. Let everything remain in harmony. Let what is, be appreciated, and hope for the best never fade away. Happy anniversary!"
  • "Being such a bright and reliable person throughout your life is a great dignity. You cope with difficulties with honor, you know how to enjoy the little things. Therefore, today I would like to wish you simple life blessings: good news from children, attentive friends and unshakable faith in yourself!"

Anniversary greetings for colleagues

Congratulations on the 50th anniversary of a female colleague should be more official than words for a loved one. But to avoid sentimental and tender phrases is generally not worth it. After all, this is still not a professional, but a personal holiday:

  • "Our friendly team wishes a huge amount of luck. Let the heart ignite with passion again, and only eyes cry from happiness."
  • "Dear colleague! They say that it is difficult to work in women's teams. But this has nothing to do with you. After all, it is always fun and comfortable with your appearance here. Let me express our common sincere admiration for you. Blossom, delight and inspire!"

Congratulations on the 50th anniversary of a female colleague can describe not only her labor merits. The most pleasant words will be those that reflect the attitude of the team towards this woman as a person, express gratitude and respect. The same approach is acceptable in the case of leadership. Congratulations on the 50th anniversary of a female director may look like this:

  • "Our dear and beloved ... On this touching and significant day, we do not want to talk about what a wonderful organizer and wise person you are. Indeed, according to our desire to go to work, this is already so noticeable. I would like to note your humanity and the feeling of comfort that you give us. Such a wonderful person deserves the brightest events in life, the most devoted friends and the strongest happiness in the family. May all the dreams that you have ever thought about come true. Sincerely yours..."

Scene-congratulations on the anniversary

You can congratulate a woman on her 50th birthday in an original way not only in verses or lines in a postcard. For a celebration in the circle of close people, you can prepare a scene, playing which, you will be able to celebrate the holiday brightly and unforgettably.

Someone changes into a doctor's costume and reads from the beautifully designed sheets the "Medical record" of the hero of the day.

Text: "Name. Date of birth. Age: full 50 years in the prime of life. Condition of the heart and blood vessels: blood with milk, is in full swing, so the pulse is unstable. Sense organs: vision allows you to notice changes in the mood of loved ones, smell catches where and with whom the husband was, hearing - like a cat.

Conclusion: revealed chronic love for life. Recommendations: share a good mood, tune in to the good and work only of your own free will.

Scene for a family holiday

A beautiful congratulation to a woman on her 50th birthday can be prepared by children and other relatives. The following scene is suitable for this.

A person disguised as a fortune-teller enters the room with a box or hat filled with colorful notes. Approaches the hero of the day and says:

"Oh, beauty! I came to tell you fortune, tell the whole truth about the future. You are a smart woman, so you know that not all dreams come true. Fate affects us, but we make decisions ourselves. Now you have to decide for yourself what falls into your hands. What you catch will come true!"

With the last words, the fortune teller abruptly throws up the contents of the box, the leaves fly apart. The hero of the day must catch the maximum number of sheets on which wishes are written according to the type: “tomorrow a stranger will bring you good news”, “you will wake up in a good mood”, “you will have a new friend” and so on.

Scene for celebrating an anniversary at work

It is a good tradition to congratulate the hero of the day in the work team. A beautiful congratulation to a woman on her 50th birthday can also take the form of a skit prepared by colleagues.

To conduct such a production, you need to pick up impromptu costumes in Chinese, Brazilian and French styles. They wear 3 men. In the midst of the holiday, they enter and in turn turn to the hero of the occasion:

Chinese: "Good afternoon, great Russian woman!"

Frenchman: "Madame, let me kiss your hand! I am a monsieur from the very center of Paris!"

Brazilian: "Alloha! Hello, beauty! I come from the land of carnivals and colorful parties!"

Chinese: "I have a very important message for you. Our leader of the Communist Party will be delighted with your merits and invite you to work for us day and night, set an example for others."

Frenchman: "I beg your pardon, but what a labor? This woman's hands are designed to hold cutlery in the best French restaurant! I invite you to come with me, madam!"

Brazilian: "Why work and stuffy restaurants? Better with me - enjoy life on the beach with cocktails!"

Chinese man: "But I insist that you work with us to improve productivity!"

Brazilian: "She's working hard enough already. It's better with me - to hot Brazil!"

Frenchman: "Gentlemen, this woman will go with me to the land of love!"

"Dear colleagues! All these offers are very tempting. But our women are used to making decisions on their own. And they just love flowers! (Gives a bouquet.) Next to our hero of the day, any bouquet withers with envy of her beauty!

Touching congratulations on the anniversary

A touching congratulation on the 50th anniversary of a woman will be most welcome on such a day. After all, usually not a single anniversary can do without tears of joy, slight sadness, gratitude and love:

  • "Dear mother, congratulations on your anniversary! I wish you to be as affectionate. The sweetest, tender, beautiful! Like a spring ray, happy. Mom, at 50 everything will just begin, life smiles in a new and brighter way. I still look at you with a childish look, dear. And I love you so much!"
  • "You already have adult children, even grandchildren are running away from school. Do not be sad, dear, this date. These years protect your wisdom. We will grow old together, but it will definitely not be now. You are a faithful companion in life, where every day is like a song. So let it be so for many more years and times!"
  • "Happy anniversary, our dear man! We would collect all the flowers of the world at your feet, but you are too kind to trample them. We would give you many gifts, but you strive for love, not material wealth. There is simply no one like you. We appreciate and love you very much!"

Cheerful congratulations on the anniversary

How else to present a happy birthday message to a woman in an original way? On the 50th anniversary of a loved one, you can congratulate with humor! This is the easiest way to cheer up the hero of the day and cheer the guests at the feast:

  • "We congratulate ... so that she lives 200 years old! So that she has enough health to sign up for ballet. So that her daughter is called nothing more than a sister. And so that in life there is happiness, joy, wisdom and peace."
  • "Darling ... Today you are entering a wonderful age. Now any mistake can be called a wise choice. Any flaw in appearance is an opportunity not to outshine the young. Rejoice in your abilities. They only grow!"

Congratulatory toast options

An obligatory pleasant condition for a feast of any format is toasting. How to say "Happy Birthday" to a woman in this case? The following toasts will help to congratulate the 50th anniversary:

  • "Friends, it seems to me that this woman is deceiving us. She cannot be 50! After all, her eyes are burning like at 18, the blush on her cheeks is like at 20, and her spirits are like at 30! Dear liar, we are ready to be surprised at you for more than one anniversary in a row. Let's raise our glasses to the amazing ability of women to get better every year!"
  • "Today you will receive many flowers, the most beautiful, like yourself. I want to wish you to receive bouquets from fate: from roses of love, foliage of tenderness and with the aroma of harmony. Be happy!"

A beautiful congratulation to a woman on her 50th birthday is, of course, an important part of the holiday. But it’s even better to remind your loved ones of their importance every day, regardless of the season, mood and for no reason.

What a rich date
We congratulate you with her!
We wish you health and happiness
On your golden anniversary!
Let there be joy in the soul
We wish you love and kindness!
So that you enjoy life
And she was the happiest! rating: 43 ↓

Raising a glass for you
We wish the years
They only gave, but did not take away.
So that you are always healthy,
Spring has always blossomed in my soul,
Happy anniversary, we congratulate you!
Be the happiest ever! 19 ↓

Do not try to frown, mope,
Do not multiply either gray hair or wrinkles.
Let them try to give more often
You attention beloved men.
Stay healthy young
Beautiful - for the heart and for the eye,
Hospitable, kind, unearthly,
Able to make everyone happy at once! 33 ↓ - Anniversary 50 years for a woman

May true friends be
And every moment is filled with happiness
Let the family be healthy
Protected by God from bad weather! 34 ↓

Happy anniversary! A wonderful, round, golden date, from which a new stage in life begins! Much has been achieved by you thanks to your energy, life potential, and how much more lies ahead! May the joy of life never leave you and your entire wonderful family!
More congratulations in prose → -60 ↓

With age, a woman is wiser,
And there is another beauty in it,
And proud gait, and stateliness
Full of charm.
I want to keep it longer
Quite happy to live,
Don't worry, don't be sad
Be cheerful and healthy! 31 ↓

My dear! I wish you
Soul to get younger every year!
To be the same luxurious woman,
Beloved, and madly in love with her husband!
May the anniversary year fulfill your dreams
You will always be the happiest! 29 ↓

Always stay young at heart
Who knows how to appreciate the moments of life!
So that there is a desire to sing and love,
And there were reasons to be proud of yourself! 29 ↓

Happy anniversary! With a beautiful, golden date! I wish you to take care of yourself more, let your loved ones support you in this, as you support them! Let beauty and attractiveness always remain your companions, health does not fail, there will be order in the family, comfort in the house, and you will always be satisfied with life and fate! 24 ↓

The sun shines through your windows
Rays of happiness fly to you.
You are in great shape
Queen, - at fifty!
And we, with a wonderful anniversary
Congratulations today!
Let wrinkles and sorrows shadow
Never cloud your eyes! 31 ↓

your beauty to glow
Decades to come!
"She's always in her early thirties!" -
Whispers a bouquet in my hands.
And let the years fly
But stays forever
Your charm, and mind, and beauty,
And unearthly kindness! 25 ↓

beautiful and happy days
We wish you a happy anniversary!
Let the years flow slowly
Health is carried with joy.
And here is our main covenant -
Live happy until a hundred years old! 34 ↓

Someone said that fifty -
Is this mature age?
The one who did not see you
Everyone is toasting to you today!
You are energetic, mischievous
Slender, extremely smart.
The best in the world - for you
We speak honestly!
stay forever
Bright and beautiful.
Let the years go by
You always be happy! 42 ↓