Vladimir dougan about how easy it is to win a man's heart. How to win a man's heart Dovgan how to win a man's heart read online

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D 58
The book is published in the author's edition
Dougan W.
D 58 How to win a man's heart - Kaluga:
GP Oblizdat,
2010. - 128 p.
BBK 74.200
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the copyright owner.
ISBN 978-5-89653-235-4 © Dovgan V., 2010

Friendly address to a beautiful stranger
My book is the world's first simple and understandable
instructions - how to win the heart of a beloved man.
I am happy to pass on to you the most important knowledge, how to fill
thread your home with warmth, wealth, love, happiness
and joy.
I have been collecting this knowledge for 27 years. I have studied and continue
learn from the greatest masters of Tibet, Japan, America,
China, Europe, India.
Throughout the book, I will be your trusted
guide in the secret labyrinths of the male soul, therefore
I ask permission to call you "my dear". you act-
especially for me, dear, wonderful reader. That,
that you are reading my book proves: you are a thinking,
wise, intelligent woman. There are so many empty ones in the world today
narrow-minded women that every woman aspiring to
knowledge is really dear to me.
This book fell into your hands not by accident. How to say-
said the ancient sages, "accidents are not accidental." You met
stuck with this book because they are ready for success.
Forward to knowledge!

Table of contents
Chapter 1. The way to a man's heart 7
Chapter 2 Thanks Dr. Erickson............... 27
Chapter 3 Never, never, never give up! 41
Chapter 4 Become a "tasty anchor" .......................... 52
Chapter 5. Not all men are goats! ............................... 63
Chapter 6 Stop complicating!!! .................... 75
Chapter 7 You have to live up to your dreams.... 82
Chapter 8 The inner light is brighter than the outer brilliance... 106

Chapter 1
The way to a man's heart
Most women sincerely believe that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Since I am a representative of the male half of humanity, I declare with full responsibility:
The way to a man's heart is through his mind, soul!
Especially when it comes to a wealthy man.
A modern man, if he earns decent money, goes to lunch or dinner in decent restaurants. Probably, in our time it is impossible for a housewife to compete in the culinary arts with a professional chef,
who has devoted his whole life to this occupation and who has at his disposal unique ingredients, equipment and endless daily practice. And if we are talking about Chinese, Japanese, Mexican, Italian cuisines, then, you see, it is simply impossible for one housewife to compete with all the cooks of these cuisines.
Dear, beautiful beauty, smart girl, I am writing this book just for you, because stupid women never read smart books, they will never buy this book.

Yesterday in the pool I saw a typical story: a pleasant woman was sitting in a sun lounger, wrapped in a warm terry bathrobe, and her husband was swimming nearby, in the pool. We men always want to look like heroes. Especially in front of your women. And here is a typical situation: a man makes an extra effort and in one breath swims a twenty-five-meter pool under water. For him, this is a feat, his personal achievement. And his "half" absolutely does not notice this. A man, like a child, asks his wife: “Well, how? Did you see? Did you see that I just swam the whole pool?
The woman raises her bored eyes and answers in a colorless, insipid voice: “Yeah, I saw it.” And yawns at the same time.
A man expects praise, admiration from her,
declarations of love, he continues to knock on her heart: “Well, how? Cool? Really cool? I swam the whole pool!” The big child does not let up and is already openly asking for praise. "Yes",
- the lady says in a dry boring voice.
I watch this scene not just as an observer, but as a big child. And I sincerely feel sorry for this man. I want to shout to her: “Well, what is it worth to you? Well, praise him, he really is a fine fellow!”

I'm already starting to get nervous with the man.
Just like him, I would expect admiration, sincere praise from my beloved! And this woman did not even understand that at that moment she had caused a huge offense to her man. She does not understand how it is necessary to fill a man's heart with warmth,
love, joy, light energy.
At such moments, I want to shout to all women on Earth: “Dear ladies! Please,
praise us often, admire us, applaud us, exalt us. And we will conquer the whole world for you!” These are not big words. Great
Napoleon Bonaparte liked to say: “Everything that I have achieved in my life is only thanks to women and for the sake of women!”
When, dear women, you set yourself the task of winning the heart of a man, win his soul, win his mind. And for this one delicious borscht or fried potatoes with chicken,
believe me, very little.
We live in a very difficult, gray, cold time. Streams of black, negative, empty, meaningless information literally bombard our consciousness, our tired hearts from morning till night. We live in a very negative

environment. I have worked a lot in America, Germany, Japan, Switzerland and I know exactly what I am writing about. Russia, I am sure of it, is one of the most morally negative countries in the world. Even in poorer Vietnam, I saw more happy, smiling faces than in our more well-fed
Mother Russia. Believe me, in material terms, we live not so badly - there are very few starving people around us. But all of us, especially men,
We experience emotional hunger. AND
Only smart, conscious women can help us.
My dear reader, no matter how much
You are old, no matter what education you have - give the man with whom you live or whom you want to win as much warmth as possible,
as much emotional positive energy as possible!
I myself, in my youth, was a victim of misunderstanding,
unconsciousness of my beloved women. I remember well - they sincerely loved me, they sincerely, kindly, warmly treated me, and our feelings were mutual. But! They did not know "the main rule of managing a man."
They didn't know which buttons to press and how often. They didn't know what strings to pull.

And therefore, which is very sad, our communication - the communication of two people in love - gave me a lot of pain, discomfort and suffering.
What didn’t women give me, and what don’t most women give to their men? Attention, remember and write down!
We miss your praise, exaltation, your constant declaration of love. Yes, yes, my dear! It's a declaration of love.
For some reason, most women sincerely believe
that they, women, “love with their ears” and men should constantly tell them: “You are the most beloved in the world. You are the most beautiful. You are the most charming. You are the most amazing." But, dear women! We also need a declaration of love. We men also “love with our ears.”
Every man needs to constantly hear the same words from his woman: “You are the most beloved! You are the smartest! You are the most beautiful! You are the most amazing! You are the best, I believe in you! I sincerely believe that you will achieve great success!”
In order for you to realize how important this is, I will tell a story that happened to

one of my students. I will immediately brag about the positive results: many students of my success trainings have found the most beautiful, richest, most loving husbands in the world. If it were not for such a huge number of positive results, I would not write this book.
So, an instructive story from my coaching practice. One of my students, to tell the truth, was very ugly. Her physical shortcomings were so pronounced that they even jarred me a little. I, as a success coach, understood
that in any man, looking at these physical defects, a genetic block will work: “I don’t want my offspring to be sick.”
The beauty of a woman at the level of nature, genetics symbolizes the health of a woman. A beautiful, which means a healthy woman can give birth to a beautiful healthy child. As the people say, "oranges will not be born from an aspen."
Working with my student, I realized that her shortcomings are extremely conspicuous. But her incredibly beautiful, pure, bright soul, her industriousness and her wonderful lively mind instilled in me faith in success. My student met

a very wealthy owner of one enterprise. I understood, and she too, that for him it was just another entertainment. Like most single, wealthy men, he had an endless number of beautiful young girls. He was spoiled by female attention.
My student, in terms of external parameters, lost a lot to all the beautiful applicants. But only on the outside. Because her soul and mind - compared to these empty, stupid women - were out of competition.
You and I know, my dear, that accidents are not accidental. Stupid people, due to their unconscious simplicity, think that everything in the world happens by chance. They can't believe that success
the happiness that awaits us ahead is formed in our thoughts, in our imagination. People do not understand that it is our high expectations,
big dreams, goals and belief in them determine our future destiny.
But back to our real story. If my student had not been engaged in self-development and the study of the philosophy of success, she would not have had a single chance. She would just be another toy in the life of a rich single man -

played and threw away, forgot about it. But unlike her competitors, she knew exactly what men wanted ...
I, in turn, constantly set my student to achieve the goal. I asked her to praise and admire her beloved man as often as possible. We both understood with her that he treats her like a toy, like entertainment, like another tick that he, as a male hunter, will put in his endless love diary. But at the same time, unlike the others, my student knew the key to a man's heart. She sincerely admired him, she sincerely, continuously praised him, exalted him.
It's sincere! If you insincerely admire a man, believe me, he will immediately feel it. Insincere admiration, insincere
false praise is like a spit in the soul, like a slap in the face.
When you sincerely admire a man,
when you believe that he is truly outstanding, talented, hardworking, smart, amazing, you give a man a continuous flow of energy, a continuous flow of power. Admire him, expect noble deeds from him.

kov, expect great things from him - this is the biggest thing you can give a man!
Not only during the period of winning his heart, but throughout his life. Just do it sincerely.
Imagine that an interesting man is courting you and at the second meeting he gives
You have a precious necklace. You are delighted, you are in tenth heaven. But you come home and suddenly find out that it is a fake, a fake.
Agree that it is difficult to come up with a greater insult, a greater insult. In exactly the same way, sincere admiration, which comes from the depths of the heart, differs from flattery. Flattery and sincerity are as different as a $10 million gem from a counterfeit.
which is worth nothing.
I repeat, in the process of fighting for the heart of a rich fiance, I constantly inspired my student with joking words, I told her: “Praise him and his car, everything that he likes, everything that he is proud of, admire him. Ride with him in the car -
praise his driving style: “... Oh, how cool you drive! At
you super skills! Yes, you are a professional! How hard do you turn the steering wheel. I have never traveled with such a professional in my life.” Farted your air

lover, tell him: “What a wonderful fart you are. The Japanese and Germans consider such a fart a sign of health (this is indeed the case). I have never seen men fart so hard.
You are a real, born leader, you are a lion, you are a king. You are a real hero!" Your lover sneezed, immediately sincerely admire him: “How cool you sneeze! How strong you are, how beautiful you are. What a beautiful nose you have. Only such a beautiful nose can sneeze so gracefully, royally. You have not just a sneeze, but a sneeze of a real king, a sneeze of a real lion.”
Through sincere praise, you charge your beloved man with super energy! In such a playful way, I inspired my student that she should admire her beloved as often as possible.
As expected, having played enough with my student, as with another toy, the man forgot about her and switched to another woman. For some long-legged fashion model. My student
Naturally, she was upset, to which I said: “Wait, he will come back to you.” “No, no,” she protested.
He will never come back to me. I understand it.
Especially when I look at myself in the mirror. I reassured her: “Wait, wait…”

Sexual intercourse does not last that long, and a man does not have sex with a woman during the whole daylight hours. And the life of a man consists not only of bed comforts. I consoled my student: “Pay attention to how many of our mutual acquaintances,
far from beauties, married to such fine men. Pay attention to how many of my students get married already at the age of 40, 50, 60
years. Beautiful men are found, and long-legged fashion models jump from bed to bed. They have fun with them, but for some reason no one marries them.” I comforted my student not for
to make it easier for her to survive the separation, I knew for sure that she had a bright soul, she was smart, and she did everything right - she admired her man to the maximum, whose heart she wanted to win.
Everything happened exactly as I predicted:
the man played with another fashion model, excuse me for being rude, with another “dummy”, and then he just needed energy ...
Sincere exaltation, praise, sincere strength that smart women give, constantly exalting their men. Notice, my dear, the word "permanently." Not only at the time of courtship, the signing of a marriage certificate - but CONSTANTLY.

Our rich fiancé jumped and jumped, played and returned again to my student. Certainly,
at that moment he thought, “Well, let's just have lunch together one more time. I'll drink coffee, chat - that's all. But I knew for sure - he was attracted to my ward by the energy that smart, noble,
pure woman. The energy that no fashion model will give, even if she has legs “from the ears”, huge, incredibly beautiful breasts and all the personal belongings of the “human model”. Naturally, I warned my student that this man would leave her again and again engage in sexual entertainment. AND
will return to her anyway. And so it happened.
He left her again, again carried away by the young, beautiful, long-legged, full-breasted. But time has passed
- and he returned again, not understanding himself why he was returning to my student, because she is not a beauty, and he definitely does not want to have children from her. After all, there are many beautiful young women around who are ready to run with him to the registry office. But he only has fun with them, because they do not give him the main thing -
they do not give him energy, exaltation, understanding. I am not afraid of this word, namely exaltation. Even the smallest man, even the smallest person in his heart dreams that someone would believe in him, that someone would expect great results from him, that someone would exalt him. Any psychologist will tell you this.

And now, my dear reader, the natural, expected, predictable denouement has come.
Our rich fiance jumped and jumped and married my student. They live the most wonderful life. They already have two healthy and beautiful children. His heart and soul forever belong to my disciple. Because she gives him
that not a single dummy, not a single stupidity can give.
When I watch how women communicate with men, I grab my head. I always want to shout: “Lord, where were you brought up? Who taught you?
Perfect psychological illiteracy,
psychological ignorance is a characteristic feature of most women. Stupid women somehow pay great attention to their bodies.
How many grams did she gain, how many grams did she lose weight, where should she pump and how much silicone, what hairstyle should she do, what dress should she wear. Stupid women do not understand the most important thing: a modern man is looking for more than just a body.
Many men who have sexual experience have long understood that even with the most beautiful girl who has no mind, no soul, it is impossible to communicate more than once or twice.

When I was a young guy, I had a brief relationship with an incredibly beautiful girl. She was 18 years old, she was perfect in body.
All the men were at her feet. She drew attention to me, and when we began to meet with her, already on the second date I became uninteresting with her. Especially when she opened her mouth. I wanted to say: “Shut your mouth, fool. Take some smart book, read it. Gather your mind, mind, otherwise your life will pass like the life of an empty doll.
Because in addition to sex, a man urgently needs communication, intellect, intelligence, exaltation,
support from a smart, thinking woman. But these, unfortunately, are few.
Why am I so sure that, despite the huge shortage of normal, rich, smart men, in the overwhelming majority of cases, men marry smart, thinking, sincere girls, and not beauties? This is a fact - look among your acquaintances, friends. Especially if a man marries for the second or third time, he definitely pays attention to the mind, the soul of his beloved.
Obviously: the way to the heart of a worthy man lies through the mind.

For entertainment, men very often choose the most long-legged, outwardly beautiful women. But for living together, for raising children, this is not enough. Men need a friend, comrade-in-arms,
need a source of light energy. Become, my dear, the source of this energy! What needs to be done for this? It's very simple: read as many wise books about success as possible. Their authors are
Hill Napoleon, Stephen Covey, Anthony Robinson
Dale Carnegie and many other great sages,
philosophers of success, whose books should become your reference books.
Perform the first elementary exercise: write on a piece of paper how you could praise your man, what cases you could admire, what actions you could be proud of, what words you could give him light energy. Remember my dear
that your words, sincere words of praise are the ships in the holds of which you transfer vital energy directly to the heart of your man.
After you write down all the words that will be pleasant, understandable to your loved one,
learn these words by heart, learn how to use them. Learn to convey all your love, all your faith, all your expectation through them. And on-

believe me, not just a man, but a coach of success,
psychologist with great experience, that there are not many bright words of admiration, there is not much love, there is not much warmth. Today we are all experiencing a catastrophic shortage of light,
warm energy.
Do not be greedy, give, give, give - after all
It costs you nothing!
And one more very important law that will determine your entire future life. This law is called the "Law of Great Expectation": the more you expect from your future, the more you expect from your beloved man,
husband, chosen one, the more he will give you. I understand that each of us has a negative experience of communication. Maybe you have already been deceived, betrayed,
robbed, humiliated 10 or 20 men who
You have entrusted your love, your heart. But that was in the past. This is no longer there. And we are building the future today. Bright, bright future. Remember that today you are where yesterday's thoughts took you, tomorrow you will be where today's thoughts take you.
Therefore, expect from your fate only a beautiful, bright man, expect from the man you meet, bright, noble,

smart, smart actions. And don't get upset
if there is no man next to you that you need. All the same, wait, expect from the fate of the prince. And don't settle for less. Don't be afraid to be alone.
The fear of being alone makes you flawed, makes you vulnerable. Your fear of being alone, which is in your heart, is written on your forehead, in
your eyes. This fear is very easy to count. Imagine that you have a luminous line running on your forehead or in your eyes: “I am afraid to be alone. I am inferior.
I am ready for anything, if only some man would pay attention to me. Believe me, we, men, read your fears very easily. And if there is no pride in your eyes, no self-respect, self-love,
then you will never get it from a man. He will use you, but he will never marry you. He will never give you his heart for eternal storage. Believe me, this is a man telling you.
The "Law of Great Expectation" determines your future. It is the Great Expectation. Scientists have conducted experiments many times, which many times ended with the same result: if the teacher expected excellent grades from the class, if he was inspired that exceptionally gifted children study in this class, by the end of the

years, this class gave incredible, fantastic results, even if they were ordinary schoolchildren. It has been proven that if parents expect great results from their children at the level of the heart, at the level of the soul, their children achieve great results in life. The same applies to your relationship with a man. Expect big results from a man, expect big growth, big career, big money, big salary, fame,
success. Your sincere expectation is another important source of energy, without which we, men,
we just can't.
I am 46 years old, I am married for the third time. Fortunately, the most beautiful, smartest, kindest and most beautiful woman in the world. I sincerely admire the intelligence of my wife. Perhaps this is one of the few women in the world who is constantly learning, reading smart books, developing herself, attending courses and seminars. As far as I know her, my wife is constantly developing. Therefore, I am interested in her, her opinion is always important to me. Therefore, on
I trust her 100% with the upbringing of our wonderful children. I am absolutely sure that, having studied the works of all the outstanding child psychologists on Earth, having studied all the progressive methods of child development,
my wife gives our children all the best. Everything that the greatest mother can give.

children? Does she have intelligence, intelligence, knowledge,
for our children to be the smartest, most educated, most competitive?” Today, intellect, mind, sincerity are the main wealth of a person, the main advantage.
Admire, admire and admire again! This is the only way to a man's heart.

How to win a man's heart

You met him and fell in love! And he? Is this man of your dreams not paying any attention to you? The main thing is not to get depressed! Any man can be conquered. How do you ask? Simple - using simple rules in practice. From this book you will get the necessary information and the laws of seduction, and then not one of the representatives of the strong half of humanity will be able to resist you. You will become even more beautiful, you will learn how to seduce him and whether it is worth doing something about him at all.

M. N. Demkina How to win the heart of a man

All rights reserved. No part of the electronic version of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including posting on the Internet and corporate networks, for private and public use, without the written permission of the copyright owner.


As you might guess, this book is about men, about how to seduce a man in record time. There are a great many men in the world, and if one of them does not want to succumb to your charms at all, then do you need him, think for yourself? The best thing is to look for someone who will be happy with your caresses. But you must answer this question yourself, and we, in turn, undertake to help you, regardless of what you have chosen: if you want to become charming and seductive for men, please, we will try to teach you how to do it.

Just do not expect a miracle from this book - if you dress casually and make up tastelessly, if you do not try to monitor your appearance and manners, then my Rules are unlikely to change anything. It will not turn out, as with a wave of a magic wand, to turn you from Cinderella into a princess ... It is only in our power to show you how you can make this transformation yourself!

We wish you success and remind you that your task, while applying the rules in practice, is to remain yourself! Naturalness and lightness - this is the key to your success with men! And, of course, a little bit of coquetry, playfulness, a bit of seriousness and a sea of ​​sincerity - and what kind of man can resist you then?!

Forty-nine rules to help you win a man's heart!

Chapter 1

If you want to consider yourself an attractive woman (and be one), then there are some important rules that you must follow. Of course, no one will force you to do this, but if you have a desire to please men, then listen to the Rules that we are going to give you. Some of the recommendations are natural requirements for any normal member of society (like observing the rules of hygiene), something is the “secrets” of men. Read all the points carefully, perhaps something will seem new to you, but something will surprise you.

Rule #1

All men agree that a woman's makeup should always be in order, wherever she is: on the street, at home, at a party, even in the forest or fishing! After all, the sight of mascara smeared on the cheeks or “peeling” nails will scare away any, even the most persistent man. And those women who blame cosmetics manufacturers are wrong - men don’t care what quality your varnish or mascara is, they only see the result, and this is your problem. If it comes to that, then it is up to you to choose good quality cosmetics so that it does not create any worries and inconveniences for you!

The only exception to this rule is a woman crying on a man's shoulder. It happens, you understand, and if this happens rarely enough, then the man will be happy because you trusted him and gave him a chance to calm and comfort you. And such trifles as mascara flowing from the eyelashes will not be of interest to him at this solemn moment, and maybe even touched, as they will emphasize your defenselessness and his strength. So if you cry in a man's arms, you can forget about makeup ... until you cry. That's when you remember about your cosmetics.

By the way, this is a very important point: men cannot stand it when women, not in the least embarrassed by their presence, begin to correct their makeup, tint their lips and eyelashes, smear their cheeks with foundation, powder and paint their nails. It irritates them terribly. Why? Because all the movements with which a woman puts on makeup look insanely attractive, they seem to be filled with some kind of erotic power, and a man cannot help but notice this. However, when a man attempts to approach and hug her, kiss her, and so on (and this is a natural reaction of a man to a sexual appeal!) The woman responds with a sharp, displeased voice, screams and scolds the man, pushes him away. Of course, a man feels insulted and deceived, because you seem to have specially attracted him, and then “rejected him”.

Of course, men may have another reason for dissatisfaction: some women (I hope this does not apply to you!) Do not know how to hold back in cosmetics and apply it in the same thick layer as plaster on a wall. Or they simply do not know how to make up, they make up their eyes and blush their cheeks so ridiculously and ugly that they begin to look vulgar or unnatural. Of course, not a single sane man will like to watch the process of this fanaticism, but if he tries to intervene and tries to give you the Rule, then you will raise such a cry that it will be worse for him. Although women wear makeup for men, so they could listen to their words!

Rule number 2. Choose the right clothes

It's no secret that men prefer stylish, well-groomed and self-confident women. Confidence and appearance go hand in hand. Watch what you wear. After all, if you are wearing elegant shoes, an original dress and well-chosen accessories, your gait becomes appropriate, and you feel different than in worn jeans, sneakers and a stretched T-shirt.

Fashion - what could be more changeable than it? Keeping up with fashion is impossible, but you must follow it. You have probably heard the expression: being fashionable is not the same as being stylish. To become stylish, a woman learns to combine clothes from different directions, different designers, different companies. She seeks to choose for herself clothes that suit her figure, which distinguishes her from others and at the same time she will feel light and free.

The trends of recent years are leaning towards the image of a sensual woman. This is achieved by combining incompatible: fur and chiffon, lace and tweed, velvet and nylon. Sexy, slightly heavy fur and the purity of airy silk can kindle a fire in the heart of any man.

Translucent fabrics, soft flowing silks, elastic lycra, muslins, crepes and organdies can make your chosen one's imagination work. Modern fashion provides unlimited opportunities to open something, and, on the contrary, to chastely cover something, but so that from time to time, at the right moment, something that attracts the eye flashes (the neckline of the dress is slightly open, or the leg is effectively outlined under a thin fabric etc.).

The art of seduction is based on the innocent game of hide and seek. The main thing for a woman is not to get lost at all, seduction should be subtle, like lace on a dress, it should cause a thrill. This is magic - the magic of subtle analogies, conjectures and comparisons, the attractiveness of which is hidden in the curiosity, interest of a man: what is there, under the cover of airy clothes?

“Everything looks mysterious in the dark, and it is precisely this uncertainty that fascinates us,” said Oscar Wilde.

Do not be afraid to experiment, and you will be able to achieve what you want!

Rule #3: Choose your accessories wisely

A woman will not be a woman without jewelry and all kinds of accessories. Jewelry can be worn with any dress, in any situation, of course, observing the measure. It is important to remember that the choice of jewelry is not an indicator of a woman's material capabilities, but of her culture and taste.

There are many simple rules that every self-respecting lady needs to know and remember. For the most part, a man will never be able to say which of these prescriptions you have violated, but he will definitely see the flaws in your appearance and draw appropriate conclusions. Do you need it? Isn't it easier to never forget about the little things, so that not a single mosquito will undermine your nose? ..

Gloves, handbags, shoes should match in color to each other and be in harmony with the color and style of clothing.

Silver and gold jewelry can be actively combined, but only by carefully considering the combination. For example, gold and silver chains as a necklace can spice up an outfit, but you don't need to wear a gold bracelet along with a silver necklace. When two or three rings are worn, it is preferable that they be of the same metal, and the colors of the stones do not interrupt each other.

Glasses, like jewelry, can be a kind of detail that emphasizes the style of clothing. They can turn you into a femme fatale and Brigitte Bardot-style sexy-girl.

Sunglasses are also deliberately lurid, shocking and extravagant, downright stunning and evening.

But, unfortunately, not everyone can play the change of images. Nearsighted and farsighted must follow certain rules that limit the flight of fantasy. Nevertheless, glasses, if taken seriously, can be an interesting decoration for both the face and the outfit, so here are a few rules of thumb for your consideration.

Women with a round face can further emphasize the gentle curve of the line with a round frame or choose a solid, massive, cheekbones-covering, “strict”, which will make the face stricter. Glasses with a thin and narrow frame do not go to a round face.

Light, large and thin frames suit a triangular face. The most advantageous style is one in which the line from the center (bridge of the nose) to the temples falls slightly, and does not rise, like butterfly wings - such a frame will further lengthen the triangular face.

Square-shaped frames are best suited with rounded corners to make the face appear smaller and softer. If you are the owner of such a face, then you are not recommended small frames with rectangular lines, as well as those in which the line descends from the bridge of the nose to the temples.

An oval face goes with glasses in almost any frame, so you can give free rein to your imagination: today take the form of a serious business woman, and tomorrow - a windy prankster.

Rule #4

Which of the women does not want to conquer men's hearts with "silk and velvet" skin? Not an easy task, but nevertheless doable. The main thing is a healthy lifestyle and properly selected cosmetics. At the end of the 20th century, developments in the field of cosmetology reached their peak. The use of only natural ingredients for the manufacture of creams, oils, lotions makes the products of any company of high quality. If you have any doubts about anything, it is better to contact a beautician who will recommend certain skin care products for you.

The skin serves as a kind of indicator of the physical and mental well-being of your body. If you are seriously ill or suffer from unrequited love, then this will immediately affect the skin. Rest, walks in the fresh air, daily exercises and sleep are important to preserve beauty. Gloomy mood, tears, anger, tantrums worsen blood circulation and deepen wrinkles. Specialists have more than twenty skin types and offer their own care for each. When choosing cosmetics, seasonality, stages of care (cleansing, toning, nutrition and protection), individual characteristics of your body, for example, an allergic reaction to something, are also taken into account.

A universal remedy for a woman's skin is a mask. It nourishes, moisturizes, cleanses, brightens, relaxes, rejuvenates the skin and does not require any effort from you.

For oily skin with large pores, cleansing masks and peels are very suitable, as well as masks with a brightening effect that weakens its earthy tone.

Soothing and refreshing masks are suitable for all skin types.

Do not abuse masks with the effect of rejuvenation and smoothing wrinkles. For those who are not yet twenty-five, it is better to refuse them for now. In any case, a woman who decides to use a mask or other cream must strictly follow the instructions.

It is said that a woman's age is easiest to determine by looking at her hands. In addition to the main enemy - time, the hands still have a lot of ill-wishers - homework, cold, sun, water and wind. It is for these reasons that hand cream should become the main part of your cosmetic bag, the main component of your personal care, especially in winter. Apply it to your hands before bed and, if possible, wear cotton gloves. They will help the cream to absorb faster, and make the skin of the hands smoother and more tender.

Rule #5

One of the components of the whole appearance of a woman is makeup. If many men have a very good idea about fashion, then make-up for them is a complete mystery, and a woman must certainly use this to “disarm” her chosen one.

The make-up color palette changes every year, so you should be interested in this, but besides this, you need to remember the existence of day and evening make-up: what is applied during the day will not have the desired effect in the evening, and vice versa.

Daytime make-up is the most natural, feminine and romantic, it is a combination of delicate, pastel tones, matte and shiny. No riot of colors, just light tones. You can pick up shades of one gamut, say, blue: turquoise, purple, aquamarine; or pink: dried rose, begonia, fuchsia, lilac; or golden brown: coral, caramel, melon, honey, beige.

Evening is a contrasting make-up: brightly highlighted eyes and lips and a barely underlined cheekbone line. The main thing is to combine colors correctly: for the eyes - the shadows are black or dark gray, or dark brown; for lips - lipstick in bright orange-brown, dark red and burgundy tones; for the cheekbones - a peach-brown or warm pink blush.

Now let's look into the handbag of any woman. What will we find there?

Powder is a woman's little helper. It will save you from small troubles on your face: redness, age spots, pimples, refresh your makeup and give your skin a natural tone. In addition, with the help of powder, you can create the effect of a real tan and protect delicate skin from the harmful effects of sunlight.

Lipstick is also an important detail, it gives women's lips an extraordinary appeal. This is quite understandable and understandable. Psychologists believe that men are attracted to the bright and slightly damp lips of a woman not at all because it is just beautiful and nothing more. There is a clear sexual connotation here: as you, I think, know, in an aroused woman, the lips, breasts and genitals become a little larger and redder, as blood rushes to them. Using lipstick, women seem to imitate excitement, that is, they give a kind of impulse to the brain of a man - if the lips want love, then the genitals are ready for it. And do not think that this is a modern discovery, women have been using lipstick for thousands of years to seduce the stronger sex, and men could not resist this cute female weapon, which, by the way, you need to be able to use, and this, by the way, also needs to be learned.

As we have already noted, skillfully executed make-up can not only favorably set off your natural virtues, but also correct, “obscure” any shortcomings.

Eyeshadows and eyeliners are designed to enhance the natural color of the eyes.

You should never use shadows of the same shades as your eyes, but otherwise, let your imagination run wild.

Rule #6

The most exquisite addition to the toilet, which not only favorably sets off the outfit, but also reveals the woman's ability to dress, is considered to be perfume. Magic fragrances are created on the basis of rose oil, jasmine, ylang-ylang, citrus, spices, musk, vanilla, exotic fruits, sandalwood, iris, geranium, tomato leaves. But it is unwise to purchase any perfume just because that scent is trendy this season. They may not suit you personally.

It is best to have a set of perfume and toilet water. The same perfume should not be used day and night. Lighter, simple in composition are suitable for everyday use, and complex and tart - for the evening. The same kind of perfume cannot match your state of mind and mood all the time or go with all the outfits at once. It must be remembered that the smells of very good and expensive perfumes can change under the influence of not only external factors, but also the individual chemical characteristics of the body. Carefully select smells to the type of your appearance, figure. Well-chosen perfumery will turn anyone's head, and a pleasant or intoxicating aroma will contact you and only you in the minds of men, and for this you can try.

Perfume should only be applied to the skin, not clothing. The most suitable places for applying perfume are the earlobes, areas behind the ears, the pit on the neck, the wrists, between the breasts, the folds of the arms. Ancient women believed that only those places where a vein pulsates should be strangled, so that the aroma not only penetrates the skin, but, as it were, comes from it in jolts, light waves.

Perfumes are divided into exotic, refined, with a light or heavy smell, tart, extravagant.

The smell of peach and apricot, mandarin and black currant, pomegranate and orange, raspberry and melon, papaya and plum, lemon and orange blossom, blueberry smell are fruity aromas.

Lily of the valley, jasmine and ylang-ylang; chamomile, narcissus and cloves; rose and jasmine - this flower waltz will give you real pleasure.

The combination of lemon smell with oak moss; the smell of moss and tree resin; orange, lemon and mint; smells of herbs and violets - all this will remind you of a light breeze on a hot night or drops of morning dew.

Sandalwood, iris and scents of wood oils; spicy spices, lavender and sandalwood; the smell of mint and Amazonian bamboo are considered masculine, but some women also like to use them. The smell is somewhat heavy, but there is a certain charm in it, perhaps it is in its astringency.

When choosing a perfume, it would be nice to know what smell your lover likes in order to kill two birds with one stone at once: to please yourself (what woman does not want a charming aroma to emanate from her!), And a man.

Rule #7

I want to give a real example from the life of one of my friends. Perhaps her warnings will be useful to someone, at least listen to her opinion.

And now, getting up in the morning, she does not frantically rush to combs and hair sprays. The girl now adheres to the wise rule that the French came up with: clean hair is already a hairstyle. And if something is wrong, then you can get the comb once again, it's not so hard.

We say all this not at all in order to convince you not to use hair dryers, mousses, hair foams and other novelties. The only rule: trust only yourself and your feelings, you can listen to the advice of friends and acquaintances, but you should not blindly follow them. What is good for one is not good for another.

So, having decided to find your image, a new image, do not rush to extremes and remember that the main thing is you yourself, your individuality. If you like yourself, then men will be interested in you! ..

Chapter 2

Any woman, if she wants, can become the center of attention for at least one man (even for a short time!). But after all, we are faced with a completely different task - we don’t just want to be able to charm one of the male representatives, no, we need to be so attractive that several men “peck” at you at once. Any woman should be able to choose a man to her liking! Charm in this case is extremely helpful. But in order not to start a conversation about charm in general terms, I will first go directly to the specific details that make it up.

Again, focusing on men, since it is they who determine in practice whether a woman is attractive, or whether something is missing in her (some kind of zest).

Rule #8

For some reason, first of all, men remembered the voice of a woman. At first, they described for a very long time and in detail how a woman with charm should not have it: firstly, shrill, secondly, smoky, hoarse and deaf, thirdly, too childish or old lady. It should sound melodious, not quiet, but not too loud, that is, so that a man does not have to strain himself, so that he can easily hear a woman and so that he does not want to plug his ears from her decibels.

So if you want to make your voice sexually attractive to men, then try to go to the desired metamorphosis gradually, carefully. A sharp change in image will look unnatural. And indeed, imagine how surprised the people around you will be if your commanding bass suddenly transforms into a hoarse whisper for no reason! Yesterday you were alone, and now you have become completely different ... this is good for hair, dress, makeup, that is, for your appearance, but not for behavior, gestures and habits! It will look very ridiculous and funny, but you want to achieve a completely different effect, don't you? Therefore, try to stretch the process of "transformation" for a while, to make it more invisible to others.

To begin with, you will have to get somewhere a voice recorder or a recording tape recorder, insert a blank cassette into it and say a lot of stuff on it. It does not matter what text you will pronounce, most importantly, do not be afraid to experiment with intonations, play with your voice, pronounce the words at an accelerated pace, then in slow motion, then loudly, then quietly. You have no one to be ashamed of, you need to be completely honest with yourself, otherwise you will never achieve anything. Then listen to the tape. Well, do you like your voice? If not, then try to understand what exactly annoys you about it. Well, now proceed directly to the process of remaking-reforging your voice!

Rule number 9. and ... whisper!

A woman's whisper works flawlessly on men. In principle, as well as on women - a man's whisper. Everything is clear here - a muffled voice brings an intimate touch to the conversation, in addition, talking in a whisper allows a woman to come very close to a man, touch his ear or cheek with her lips, and so on. Who here can remain indifferent?! Just be careful, do not lean too much on whistling consonants - if your “s”, “z” and “ts” stand out sharply from the general context, then the effect will be exactly the opposite: instead of excitement, irritation will take over. You don't need this, do you?

In moments of excitement, a person involuntarily begins to speak in a higher, sonorous voice, often breaking into falsetto or screeching. If you want to give the impression of a confident woman, then remember this: instead of succumbing to the excitement that overwhelms you, take three deep breaths and consciously lower your voice an octave lower. A low voice will show your strength, people will consider you a very calm, balanced person, even if you are just dying of fear at this moment! And besides, there is a subtlety here: having given yourself a confident look, you will be surprised that the excitement in your soul has gradually subsided! Feedback.

Do not believe women's novels, in all such books there is a complete exaggeration! There you can subtract something like this: “Her voice was like a breath of breeze, a song of waves beating on coastal sand, a fairy tale inspired by the coolness of the night ...” Can you imagine this voice? Most likely, the authors of such maxims have a sick fantasy! In the end, if you express all this pseudo-poetry with a sound range, you get a terrible picture: the breath of the wind, for that matter, is more like a howl and whistle, the waves beat on the sand with a roar and rumble, and from the coolness of the night people have a tooth on the tooth is missing. Is that the voice of a woman?

However, even if you find a more or less acceptable description, it will still be lifeless: the voices of men in women's novels are always hoarse with passion, fraught with a threat, and in women they are high and sweet, although in moments of passion they also become hoarse . Frankly, this is terribly funny: a woman who diligently imitates the heroines of these novels, talking to men only in a hoarse voice, is more likely to arouse pity, as she is very similar to a patient with chronic bronchitis.

Rule number 10. How do you laugh?

And, of course, we must not forget about laughter. A lot of men say a huge number of pleasant words to the glory of female melodic laughter, what comparisons do they use to emphasize its beauty and tenderness! However, one should not think that all women laugh equally well - unfortunately, laughter can be very different, including rude, harsh, shrill, unpleasant.

Your task is to try to look at yourself from the outside and understand whether your laughter can please the ears of a man, or whether it is not as beautiful as you would like. In the latter case, you need to work on yourself.

Indeed, clumsy, rude laughter can negate the most pleasant impression of a woman that a man has.

How do you laugh? Psychologists believe that you can tell a lot about a woman by the way you laugh, but now we are not interested in your psychological portrait; the object of our attention is your attractiveness to the opposite sex. Have you ever been told that your laughter is like the sound of a bell or the murmur of a river or something like that? Have you ever noticed how others look at you when you laugh? Do men like to make you laugh? These are very important questions: if you can answer them, you will know what impression your laughter makes on those who hear it. In fact, if men are happy to tell you jokes and jokes, then this indicates that they are pleased to see (and hear) you laughing. No normal man would make a girl who laughs with a rude and unpleasant laugh laugh.

Rule #11: Don't be afraid to express your feelings.

If you think that your facial expressions can in no way affect the opinion of a man about you, then you are greatly mistaken. Of course, men, when talking with you, do not fix all their attention on your face, they are interested, as you might guess, in what is a little lower (chest, legs, and so on). But still, on a subconscious level, they perceive the information that you involuntarily give them - all your mines and displeased expressions, mimic wrinkles and deep wrinkles on the forehead or at the mouth, cutesy grimaces and contemptuous smirks - all this can tell a man about you very much. and a lot.

Mimic wrinkles openly demonstrate to others your nature: after all, these same wrinkles appear because you often show certain emotions. If you frown all the time, then mimic wrinkles will lie between the eyebrows, if you are dissatisfied with everything and are constantly angry, then you will certainly have wrinkles at the mouth. Laughing women can be recognized by the characteristic "crow's feet" around the eyes. Of course, from a female point of view, all wrinkles are equally bad, you need to get rid of all of them at all costs, but men have their own opinion: many of them say they don’t see anything wrong with crow’s feet, because this is a sign of a cheerful, easy nature!

Now take a closer look at your mimic wrinkles. Now you know what emotion overwhelms you most often!

It goes without saying that a woman can always mask unnecessary wrinkles and other imperfections of her face with foundation and powder well. But do not forget that during a conversation you will nevertheless use your usual facial expressions, that is, frown, mockingly bend your lips or raise your eyebrows and wrinkle your forehead. As you can guess, some facial gestures can look attractive and interesting, but some can disfigure your appearance, even make it repulsive. Of course, the first must be preserved, and the second - try to get rid of at all costs! Do you want men to look at you not with a shudder, but with pleasure? So, watch your facial expressions!

Unfortunately, there is a clear injustice here: young girls can be more relaxed in facial expressions than older women, and beauties are allowed much more than everyone else. It's a shame, right? But this is life, and such injustices are constantly encountered in it, you need to come to terms with this.

Rule #12

Probably everyone is well aware of the famous saying: “The eyes are the mirror of the soul!” In other words, looking into the eyes of the interlocutor, you can determine what kind of person he is: kind or evil, cunning or simple, smart or stupid. And indeed it is! True, not everyone knows the art of “decoding” the information received, because the eyes are the mirror of the soul, but in this mirror you still need to be able to see what you need, and this is not given to everyone!

And this, to be honest, is very good: just imagine what would happen in the world if people could recognize each other's most intimate secrets at a glance! But what about the desire to appear better, more beautiful, smarter than you really are? It's not a crime, everyone wants to look their best!

However, I repeat: very few people can “look into the mirror of the soul” for nothing, so feel free to bet that a man will not be able to figure you out from the first minutes of your acquaintance. Of course, if your eyes sparkle with rage or narrow with irritation, he will definitely notice this and draw conclusions (I think not in your favor). So just try (at least for the duration of your conversation with a man) to forget about the negative feelings that are eating you up: all these emotions will spoil your look and will certainly affect your facial expressions (we already talked about this above!). Let your eyes shine with happiness, pleasure, joy - this will magically affect men, they will flock to you like moths to a flame! It is quite understandable - a woman who radiates positive emotions and love of life is much prettier than a disgruntled grump.

A woman's secret weapon is cosmetics. Skillfully lined eyes are an advantageous background for your look, like a beautiful setting for a diamond. It seems to be about cosmetics, but along with the manner of painting, women tend to adopt the views that are characteristic of the one they copy. Remember the famous "long" looks from under the eyelashes of Marilyn Monroe! All of America (why, there is only one country - the whole world!) raved about these views, women indiscriminately painted “under Marilyn”, just like her, they covered their eyelids and threw languid glances at those around them through their eyelashes. But did it all turn out as beautiful and attractive as the great actress? Of course not, because it's not about cosmetics at all, but about Monroe's personality! For her, these views were natural, she did not pretend, which cannot be said about those who copied her. Marilyn Monroe did not fake any standard, on the contrary, she introduced her own! She was just herself. Therefore, remember: in everything to be natural and honest. You have a lot of your own virtues, you do not need to try on other people's masks.

Rule #13

Do you have intuition? Think before you answer this question in the affirmative! Of course, all women want to believe that they have a wonderfully developed sixth sense, that they are able to easily guess the thoughts and actions of a man, that no one can ever deceive them. But are you really intuitive, or do you enjoy thinking about yourself?

For some reason, intuition in the representation of people has become something of an indispensable accessory: every self-respecting woman is simply obliged to have it, otherwise she will lose a certain part of her attractiveness (at least the woman herself is sure of this!). But such a view of intuition seems, at best, ridiculous, and at worst, criminal. Why? To clarify: intuition is not an evening dress, which is designed to decorate a lady and give her a special chic. Intuition is the ability to catch the fluids hovering in the air, quickly and accurately analyze them and issue them in the form of a final product - a clearly expressed foreboding, knowledge. If you have a well-developed intuition, then you will be able to avoid many dangers, which, of course, is very cool. But if your intuition is at zero, then there is absolutely no point in telling everyone right and left that you have it. It is much better and wiser for you to compensate for the lack of intuition with acquired prudence and observation. Do you get my point?

Vladimir Dovgan is currently one of the best success coaches in Russia. Many people remember his name. In the 90s, a huge wave of advertisements for Dovgan products made him one of the most famous entrepreneurs in Russia. In the late 90s, Dovgan attended the training of the famous Anthony Robinson, which literally changed his life. He decides to devote his life to studying and teaching people the most important branch of human knowledge - the art of being happy. To date, Dovgan has become a world-class star in this field. He was able to help tens of thousands of people change their lives in a positive way (including the author of these lines, who created the site "Astrology and Psychology of Love"). Dougan is the author of the wonderful book How to Win a Man's Heart. Below I propose to get acquainted with the most interesting excerpts from this book.

Yesterday in the pool I saw a typical story: a pleasant woman was sitting in a sun lounger, wrapped in a warm terry bathrobe, and her husband was swimming nearby, in the pool. We men always want to look like heroes. Especially in front of your women. And here is a typical situation: a man makes an extra effort and in one breath swims a twenty-five-meter pool under water. For him, this is a feat, his personal achievement. And his “half” absolutely does not notice this. A man, like a child, asks his wife: “Well, how? Did you see? Did you see that I just swam the whole pool? The woman raises her bored eyes and answers in a colorless, insipid voice: “Yeah, I saw it.” And yawns at the same time.
A man expects praise, admiration, a declaration of love from her, he continues to knock on her heart: “Well, how? Cool? Really cool? I swam the whole pool!” The big child does not let up and is already openly asking for praise. “Yes,” the lady says in a dry, boring voice.
I am watching this scene not just as an observer, but as a big child. And I sincerely feel sorry for this man. I want to shout to her: “Well, what is it worth to you? Well, praise him, he’s really done well!” I'm already starting to get nervous with the man. Just like him, I would expect admiration, sincere praise from my beloved! And this woman did not even realize that at that moment she had caused a huge offense to her man. She does not understand how it is necessary to fill a man's heart with warmth, love, joy, light energy.
At such moments, I want to shout to all women on Earth: “Dear ladies! Please praise us more often, admire us, applaud us, exalt us. And we will conquer the whole world for you!” These are not big words. The great Napoleon Bonaparte liked to say: “All that I have achieved in my life is only thanks to women and for the sake of women!”
When, dear women, you set yourself the task of winning the heart of a man, win his soul, win his mind. And for this, one delicious borscht or fried potatoes with chicken, believe me, is extremely small.

We live in a very difficult, gray, cold time. Streams of black, negative, empty, meaningless information literally bombard our consciousness, our tired hearts from morning to night. We live in a very negative environment. I have worked a lot in America, Germany, Japan, Switzerland and I know exactly what I am writing about. Russia, I am sure of this, is one of the most morally negative countries in the world. Even in poorer Vietnam, I saw more happy, smiling faces than in our more well-fed Mother Russia. Believe me, in material terms, we live not so badly - there are very few starving people around us. But all of us, especially men, experience emotional, mental hunger. And only smart, conscious women can help us.
My dear reader, no matter how old you are, no matter what education you have - give the man with whom you live or whom you want to win as much warmth as possible, as much emotional positive energy as possible!
I myself in my youth was a victim of misunderstanding, unconsciousness of my beloved women. I remember well - they sincerely loved me, they sincerely, kindly, warmly treated me, and our feelings were mutual. But! They did not know "the main rule of managing a man."
They didn't know which buttons to press or how often. They didn't know what strings to pull.
And therefore, which is very sad, our communication - the communication of two people in love - gave me a lot of pain, discomfort and suffering.

What didn’t women give me, and what don’t most women give to their men? Attention, remember and write down!
We miss your praise, exaltation, your constant declaration of love. Yes, yes, my dear! It's a declaration of love.
For some reason, most women sincerely believe that they, women, “love with their ears” and men should constantly tell them: “You are the most beloved in the world. You are the most beautiful. You are the most charming. You are the most amazing." But, dear women! We also need a declaration of love. We men also “love with our ears.” Every man needs to constantly hear the same words from his woman: “You are the most beloved! You are the smartest! You are the most beautiful! You are the most amazing! You are the best, I believe in you! I sincerely believe that you will achieve great success!”
When I watch women interact with
men, I grab my head. I always want to shout “Lord, where were you brought up? Who taught you?
Many men who have sexual experience have long understood that even with the most beautiful girl who has no mind, soul, it is impossible to communicate more than once or twice. For entertainment, men very often choose the longest-legged, outwardly beautiful women. But for living together, for raising children, this is not enough. Men need a friend, comrade-in-arms,
need a source of light energy. Become, my dear, the source of this energy! What needs to be done for this? It's very simple: read how
more wise books about success. Their authors are Napoleon Hill, Stephen Covey, Anthony Robinson, Dale Carnegie and many other great sages, philosophers of success, whose books should become your reference books. Perform the first elementary exercise: on
write on a piece of paper how you could praise your man, what cases you could admire, what his actions you could be proud of, what words you could convey to him light energy. Remember, my dear, that your words, sincere words of praise, are ships in the holds of which you transfer vital energy directly to the heart of your man.
After you write down all the words that will be pleasant, understandable to your loved one, learn these words by heart, learn how to use them. Learn to convey all your love, all your faith, all your expectation through them. And believe me, not just a man, but a coach of success, a psychologist with great experience, that there are not many bright words of admiration, there is not much love, there is not much warmth. Today we are all experiencing a catastrophic shortage of light, warm energy.
Do not be greedy, give, give, give - because it costs you nothing