How to decide to confess your love to a girl. And is it love? Examples of sincere declarations of love

Declaration of love

The transitional age for many children becomes very difficult period. At this time, I want to feel independent, independent and adult. Teenagers begin to show sympathy towards each other and demonstrate feelings of love. But very often, girls and boys at the age of 10-13 make mistakes and cannot fully draw conclusions from complex situations. They make mistakes because of their ignorance, which leads to serious problems. Recognition of feelings is the first conscious step on the way to adulthood. You need to know how not to push the girl away from you with your innocent confession.

The eternal struggle of children and fathers begins during the maturation of the child, when he wants to feel independent from his parents. At this moment, the most innocent and vulnerable feeling comes to him - love. There are situations that even for most adults, feelings for a stranger cannot bring joy and love, so a boy at the age of 10-13 needs to be able to properly cope with his emotions and confess his feelings to a girl. This is the most touching and exciting moment for all children.

Declaration of love

Most boys in transitional age they ask a very important question for them: how to confess your love to a girl? This humble question can torment children all over. teenage years especially when you like a classmate. I so want to approach her, hug her, pull her pigtails and kiss. First love usually flows airy, at ease and reverently. I constantly want to look at a person and confess my love to him. As an option, you can write poems to your beloved girl, dedicate your work to her. She will definitely appreciate your desire to be together and expressed sympathy.

It is very difficult for teenagers to confess their love. They begin to feel insecure in their abilities, constantly think that he is not good enough, that the girl likes another boy from a parallel class, etc. This is normal, everyone is tormented by such thoughts

Time and place for a declaration of love

In order to express sympathy, you can say pleasant words beloved girl in an intimate setting. This means that after school you can invite her to walk home or invite her to watch an interesting movie at home. You can innocently take the girl by the hand and tell her about your feelings. The time for declaring love must be chosen the most suitable. The best time will be after a short close communication. If you've only known each other for a few days or weeks, then feel free to show your feelings. After all, in the end, it will become much easier for you. You can also send SMS to your beloved girl on your phone and express your sympathy in a beautiful wish!

When feelings are overflowing, the world changes beyond recognition. Suddenly, the simple question “how to confess to a girl in love” raises a lot of doubts - from the very method of confession to reflections, but is it worth doing it at all. And here tips will come in handy that will help to dot the i's.

You should not hit the girl with the effect of surprise and report the news from the bay. She needs to be prepared, that is, to demonstrate sympathy. The most standard methods are suitable here: compliments, flowers, interest in her opinion and life events. The lady will definitely notice and appreciate the attentive attitude. Choose the right moment. The girl must be relaxed good mood. For example, you are alone in a pretty romantic atmosphere. Nothing around can interfere with recognition. You name her virtues or just hold her hand and look into her eyes, and then, when she has completely captured her attention, say the most important words. Another option will appeal to girls who love to be in the center of events and shine in front of an enthusiastic crowd. Tell her about your feelings from the stage at any holiday, organize a themed flash mob or play out an unexpected situation for her with a final confession. Such an act will make an indelible impression on the chosen one and add a few points to her sympathy.

Speaking of love, you should not beat around the bush or pick up loud epithets. Be direct, but confident and gentle. Show that you are ready for serious relationship that you value her. sincere words capable of melting even the Antarctic ice. When you are about to open up with your one and only, avoid common mistakes:
  • You can not do this by phone, sms, skype. Live contact will not replace anything, and satellite communication will pretty much blur the impression.
  • Do not confess if you are not 100% sure of the purity of your feelings. It is worth thinking twice here.
  • Don't start a conversation in a noisy or hectic environment. In such circumstances, the conversation may end in mid-sentence, which will further complicate the situation.
  • Don't try to boost your courage with alcohol. The girl, seeing your intoxication, most likely will not take the confession seriously or refuse to conduct a dialogue at all.

If you doubt reciprocity and these fears make it difficult to admit, you need to change your train of thought. Keeping your secret behind seven locks, you get absolutely nothing, not even a hint of a relationship. And having told the girl about emotional experiences, you drop a huge burden from your shoulders. And, more importantly, you get a chance to build love, because every new day can be happy!

28.12.2013 |

Today, not every man knows. And, above all, this is due to the erroneous identification with seduction. And in practice, the latter completely replaces all aspects of the relationship between a man and a woman from their initial stage.

Many psychologists believe that a man's success in seducing a woman depends on the first experience. Subsequently, he either easily feels in society beautiful women, flirts with them and, ultimately, seduces, or, on the contrary, loses self-confidence, acquiring numerous complexes.
As a result, seductive men, who are popular with many beautiful women, are well aware how to confess feelings to a girl. More precisely, their experience of communicating with the fair half tells them what a woman wants to hear from a man, at what moment and in what form. Such a man acts according to a template he has already developed, which he uses as a tactic to seduce a girl.

As for inexperienced men who are not confident with girls, because of their shyness, inexperience and awkwardness, they initially present themselves in an unfavorable light in front of the girl they like. This can be expressed in a phrase that is said out of place, giving the “wrong” gift, etc. Girls feel such men in best case will agree only to friendly relations with them.

Similar patterns of behavior in both men and women are laid down on genetic level. Therefore, it is no secret to anyone that only successful men able to conquer beautiful women, and the latter, in turn, are always interested in those men who are in the center of attention of many women. essence female logic simple. If many women like a particular man, perhaps there really is something special about him, so everyone thinks that such a man will do exactly to her. It is also impossible to exclude sports interest, the desire to succeed in love and get around your rivals.

Therefore, you are unlikely to know the case when women, however, this also applies to men, will begin to pay attention to a man who is not popular with other women.

How to confess to a girl in feelings if a man is not experienced enough in dealing with women and feels insecure.

To attract the attention of a man, it is enough for a girl to have an attractive appearance. In men, the situation is somewhat different, and appearance does not play a decisive role. After all, the first thing that will attract a woman is a bright male charisma, a certain inner core in character, charm, and only then an elegant appearance and image. However presentable appearance men, too, cannot be ignored, because this is a significant component the first impression that he will make on a girl when meeting.

If a man is beautifully dressed, but still feels internally embarrassed, then maybe he should think about how to interest a girl via SMS. This method can be used in the first couple to overcome embarrassment, because he will be able to calmly think over what he will write without seeing her at the same time. This will make you feel more confident, especially if the girl responds to his SMS in a manner that is conducive to communication.

After that, you can proceed to the next stage - the knowledge of the technique of seducing women. And the first step in this direction will be the recognition of the girl in his feelings. This must be done according to a pre-developed plan, taking into account the character and temperament of the girl. And, if a man managed to do everything right and the girl sympathizes with him, then this is not yet a success. He still has a lot of work to do.

A man should continue to build relationships with a girl stage by stage. They must develop. And, most importantly, he should always be interesting to his chosen one, delight her with his unique masculine charm, give a sense of security and reliability, mutual understanding and friendship. This is a difficult task. After all, it is important not only to seduce a girl, but also to continue relations with her, counting on the long term. It is relationships, and not one-time, non-binding flirting, that will contribute to the accumulation of valuable experience in communicating with women. Thus, seduction is only a tactic that promotes the beginning and gives impetus to the development of a romantic relationship between a man and a woman. Using this technique with numerous women for the sake of sporting interest will bring dubious pleasure.

How to prepare a girl for confession?

Modern society has defiled the word "love" so much that you can't believe it when you are told this sincerely. We are used to the fact that everyone defends their interests, not taking into account the wishes of the partner. Normal human relationships that begin with the head, then descend to the lips, and only then lower - have become a fairy tale. Everyone is in a hurry somewhere, they want to snatch everything at once, and then love exhausts itself, and the relationship ends as quickly as it began. But, nevertheless, in this society there are guys who dry their heads over how to confess to a girl in love, and not drag her into bed. By the way, you, dear ladies, this also applies. We equally use each other. But, based on practical experience, we can say that to hear cherished words pleasant at any age and even the most cynical people.

How to tell a girl about your love so that she remembers this moment for the rest of her life?

First, prepare her for it. Otherwise, surprise can cause an ambiguous reaction. Pick one romantic place: the best place is where you experienced a lot of emotions together and were truly happy. Before confessing your love to a girl, make sure that you are alone and no one interferes. It would be nice to coincide with such an event on some date: her birthday, Valentine's Day, March 8, the anniversary of a relationship or acquaintance. In such a place, and even under the influx of memories from the past days, you will immediately understand how to say love to your girlfriend. It may sound pompous, but I advise you to listen to your heart. It certainly won't let you down.

How to talk about feelings?

Start by talking about your relationship. Focus on how much she means to you. Mention how the relationship started. Girls really appreciate this (because there is an opinion that guys don’t even remember key dates). And most importantly: compliments, compliments, compliments. You know girls love with their ears. How to confess to a girl in love without compliments? No way. Don't just talk to her about beautiful eyes or a smile - it's so predictable and formulaic. Your loved one will definitely not be impressed. Tell her you love her laugh when she wrinkles her nose or raises an eyebrow. Most importantly, say what you love, not what you like. Pay Special attention the qualities that she values ​​in herself. And, of course, physical contact is important: take her hand, hug her waist, run it through her hair, put her hand on your heart.

Look into the eyes of your beloved. And don't look away! Otherwise, she will think that you are indecisive. When all the previous things have been done, the question of how to confess love to a girl will no longer scare you so much. The atmosphere will be so exciting that the desired words will fly out of your mouth. Then wait for her reaction. If she is positive, kiss or hug. Kissing is a more intimate process, but strong hugs evoke trust and a sense of calm. It's just general scheme recognition! And each case is unique in its own way!

Instead of a conclusion

Don't prepare your speech ahead of time. Because it will sound insincere because of your experiences: have you said everything, have you forgotten anything. Best words Those are the ones that get emotional. So you tell her how you feel this moment!

Dating & Pickup

How to confess love to a girl

Sooner or later, there comes a moment when a girl appears in the life of any guy, unlike everyone else. She is much more interesting, attractive and desirable than anyone else. And naturally, the instinct of the conqueror wakes up in the guy, who orders him to take this girl for himself at any cost. But…

We all understand perfectly well that the times when you could approach with a club, hit a girl on the head and drag her to you in an unconscious state have already passed. Now the only way"conquest" is the sympathy and approval of the girl herself. What a guy often manages to achieve at the cost of incredible efforts. And many of the guys admit one big mistake, which at first glance is definitely not.

How to confess your feelings

Many guys believe that the first and only right step to win a girl is to reveal their feelings and sympathies. In other words: "Come up and directly tell the girl that you like her." And although there are a small number of girls who take it with some enthusiasm, most of them will back off and break your heart. What needs to be done to prevent this?

Feeling of freedom. The time has already come when you can freely communicate with people from the other side of the planet, receive parcels from another country in a couple of days, and also have the opportunity to get acquainted with any information. All this gave people a certain sense of freedom, which cannot be replaced by anything else.

Therefore, when a guy confesses his love for a girl, he kind of makes her understand: "I want you to reciprocate, I want you to become only my girlfriend." The guy thinks that by doing this he shows his love, as well as reliability and decency. He thinks it's good!

The girl sees the following in these words: “I want you to stop talking and walking with others, I want you to sit at home and wait for meetings with me. You can't do anything else." But this is very bad!

In other words, the guy is encroaching on the girl's personal freedom, and we all know that people are ready to do anything to stay free. Therefore, it is impossible to make an open declaration of love for a girl! For many girls, this will be tantamount to imprisonment, although there seems to be nothing wrong with a relationship with a guy.

Gradual steps. The best way to prove your love to a girl and win her heart is consistent steps and a neutral attitude towards her. This can be called a game where the intentions and motives are obvious, but each side is in no hurry to call everything in their own words.

So, for example, it is much better to invite a girl for a walk, or ask her to help in some business, rather than telling her about your feelings and expecting a response from her. Now let's look at this in detail.

How to confess to a girl in love - instructions

Communication and rapprochement. If you just start doing something near unfamiliar girl or one that practically does not communicate with you, then the result will be zero. First you need to start talking to her, correspond with her, take an interest in her affairs, penetrate into her world. Perfect condition you can call a situation where a girl almost every day can not live without communicating with you.

All this is achieved in just one way: the ability to listen and support the girl's thoughts. You will not believe it, but many girls love it when guys are interested in their affairs, problems and thoughts. Especially if the guy is at least a little versed in the subject of speech. Therefore, to begin with, start chatting and talking with the girl without any ulterior motive.

However, remember that you should not discuss with the girl her boyfriends or exes. This is the topic that will put an end to any attempts to win it.

Walking and socializing alone. After you win the girl's trust, you can start dating her. For starters, ordinary meetings, walks without any purpose are suitable. If there is some kind of common company, then things can go even better.

The task at these meetings is to achieve with a girl tactile sensations. So you need to behave confidently, relaxed and calm, but at the same time hint to the girl about her sexuality and your interest in her. So day by day increase your interest in her and look at the girl's reaction. If for some reason she does not like you, then you will feel a certain “stop” from her. But if she demonstrates her consent, then it will be possible to move on to meetings in private.

The girl shows some interest in you, you stop constantly spinning in the company, and start spending more and more time alone with the girl. How would you consolidate this interest and develop a desire in a girl.

Sex and intimacy. Will you have sex? It's hard to say, it all depends on your age and the decency of the girl. But if there is no sex for the first six months of a relationship with a girl before the age of 20, this is acceptable. Therefore, there is no need to break loose and freak out because the girl does not want or cannot. Everyone has their cockroaches and some internal conditions. Sooner or later, the girl will be torn off anyway, and she herself will say “Yes”.

victory and recognition. And now, only after all these steps and several months of communication and relationship with a girl, you will be able to hug her, kiss her and tell her that you love her. And she, like a satisfied cat, closes her eyes and reciprocates. Then she will be glad that you have become a part of her life.

Notice that you don't have to deal with sweaty hands and excited sighs, you don't have to deal with shyness and embarrassment, you just need to say "Hi" to her in one moment and start talking. It's easy and simple! And most importantly, completely safe!

If you are interested in examples beautiful proposals girls, you can find them in other articles of our portal.