How to seduce a man when you are overweight. Choose a romantic place for seduction. Rules of conduct during seduction

June 12, 2015

There is not a single girl in the world who would not want a guy to fall in love with her. Some girls have an innate talent, while others need to learn more so as not to be inferior to talented ones. It is about the methods of temptation that we will talk about.

In fact, every guy has his own tastes about girls. Some love the bright representatives of the fair sex. And others love more modest girls. That's why the main task girls stand out and get the guy's attention. It is also worth knowing that without exception, all guys love it when a girl flirts with them. This is what you need to use when seducing a man. But flirting is just one of the methods, and there are many.

Remember, when seducing a guy, you need to transfer the initiative into his hands. Men love to be in charge. Therefore, you only need to correct the guy's behavior.

Now let's talk about the most important thing. Consider the methods of how to seduce a guy:

1. Look. You need to look into the guy's eyes for 1-2 seconds longer than usual. At the same time, the eyelids are slightly lowered and the look is insinuating. You can also look at the guy carefully and askance. This is the so-called eye flirting. With him, the guy at the psychological level receives a signal that he needs to act.

2. Smile. Guys really like it when a girl smiles. Actually a girl's smile is like green color at the traffic light. The guy is fascinated by this, and he wants to at least come up and talk.

3. Shake your hair. When girl goes and shakes the hair from the face back, it can't help but hook the guy. If the hairstyle is short, then it can be easily corrected. But at the same time, do not forget that you are concentrating his attention on the hair, and therefore they must be flawless.

4. Understatement. The girl must remain a mystery. Then the guy looks at the girl and understands that he has to learn and learn about her. Understatement intrigues the guy, and he focuses his attention only on you.

5. Flirty. This is the carrot and stick method. During the conversation, you get closer to the guy, and then move away from him. And guys tend to grab everything they like. And when you intrigue him, he seems to want to grab you and bring back the moment when the conversation was on the same wavelength. When he tries to bring the relationship back to the previous level, give him a little restraint and watch his efforts. It is advisable not to get carried away with this technique. For over time, such a game the guy gets bored.

6. Flattery. Well what could be more beautiful than that how you are elevated. Guys are rare bouncers. And very, even when they are undeserved.

7. Gait. Beautiful and tripping girl makes a guy pay attention to her. Also, when walking, you need to swing your hips. Sometimes, in order to seduce a guy, you can even say nothing. It is enough to walk near him, smile and linger for one reason or another, giving him the opportunity to take advantage of the moment to get to know each other.

8. Clothes with taste. Guys love to look at a girl's legs, hips, and breasts. But if you have problems with this or that, then you should not focus on this. It may be necessary to cover these parts of the body with appropriate clothing. That way you intrigue the guy. He begins to wonder what is there. Very often, not thin girls flaunt their tummy. And arguing this by the fact that it is so fashionable. Yes, I agree, fashionable, but for those who have an attractive tummy. Therefore, I advise you to reconsider your image.

Using these methods of seduction, you are sure to make the guy pay attention to you. Take advantage of your feminine qualities and do not leave him a single chance to resist you.

Every woman should master the art of seduction, because such a feature is inherent in the weak half of humanity. Suffice it to recall geishas, ​​courtesans, sirens, sexual seductresses knew a lot about conquering even the most sophisticated representative of the male population.

Seduction requires permanent job above yourself, you need to be moderately liberated, vulgar, bitchy, but at the same time have a sense of tact, weakness and humility. Only by combining such character traits, a woman will be able to seduce a partner.

Step #1. Take care of yourself

Of course, every man first of all pays attention to appearance. You should not assume that the representatives of the strong half sink into the soul, this delusion is extremely erroneous. Even the most cordial lady will not be able to seduce a partner if she is groomed.

Men prefer girls who smell good, take care of their appearance, put on make-up (not necessarily catchy). At the same time, it is important to keep your nails and hair in proper condition, dress beautifully.

It is not at all necessary to apply the entire contents of the cosmetic bag to your face in the morning, use basic products: mascara, eyebrow pencil, Foundation, powder, blush. The main thing is that the face is always well-groomed and fresh. Do not neglect masks, do not forget about pedicure and manicure several times a month.

Separately, it is worth thinking about epilation. Many men love it when everything is smooth in the bikini area. Others prefer light unshaven, it all depends on personal preferences. You can visit the master and make a drawing in intimate area or remove excess vegetation cleanly.

Step #2. Choose the right fragrance

Perfume plays an important role in every woman's life. It should not be cloyingly sweet or, on the contrary, oriental (bitter, tart). choose fresh flavors, which after 2-3 hours become barely perceptible. A man should smell from a distance of 40-50 cm, and not from two meters. Explore all kinds of fragrances, visit perfume shops regularly to find exactly "your".

Spray toilet water the hairline behind the ears (do not cover the skin with perfume), as well as the wrists. At the same time, you need to use perfume 30-40 minutes before the intended meeting.

You also need to pay attention to body odor. Make it a habit to regularly take a bath with bombs, add sea ​​salt, essential oils. Use a cream soap or shower gel with scented additives such as ylang-ylang, patchouli, lavender, honey, almond, etc. After water procedures use a body lotion that will make the skin velvety and smooth.

Open your closet, review your wardrobe, eliminate clothes that don't fit perfectly. At the stage of seduction, the emphasis should be on femininity, while it is not necessary to dress like a call girl. Give preference translucent blouses, which leave room for fantasy at the sight of a translucent lace bra. Over a miniskirt, choose a dress with a thigh-high cut that allows you to see the edge of the stockings when you walk.

As for tops, let them expose part of the abdomen and back, while the shoulders should be closed. Choose the clothes that emphasize your femininity. shoe on high platform and heels like girls from a strip bar, prefer sexy stilettos with closed nose. Wear tight jeans, be sure to accompany them with a belt to highlight your hips. In the autumn-winter period, wear boots made of suede above the knees or made of leather, but up to the knees.

If you and a man are at an above average level of communication, purchase in a sex shop sexy lingerie, take a picture in it, send a picture. Ask a simple question: "In what color is it better to buy a combination - in black or red?". Wait for the other person's reaction.

Step number 4. Gain confidence

Certainly there is certain type men who are attracted to such shy girls. However, most of the strong half love confident girls, which operate on the principle of "came-saw-tempted".

To gain self-confidence, you need to pay attention to primary factors, such as hair color, haircut, weight. Change your hairstyle to a more stylish one, discard braids and ponytails. If you don't like the reflection in the mirror, drop a couple extra pounds or sign up for a gym. It is important to put yourself on full alert before taking decisive action.

To create an image of a confident and lustful female, give people a reason to talk about you. For example, tell your friends that you had sex with a hot man the day before. Dissolve gossip at work, let colleagues know that you are dating a brutal macho older than you. Intrigue, but don't look easily accessible.

Step number 5. Desire it and be indifferent

After you got in shape, revised your wardrobe, became an order of magnitude more confident, it's time to act. Seduction includes anticipation of pleasure, so you need to act slowly. Play with your mood in “you want, but you won’t get it”, that is, first be available, and then abruptly become indifferent. The main thing is to mislead a man, fueling interest and bewilderment.

An example of a game is the following: during the next telephone conversation let your partner know that you want to spend the night with him. Do not talk about it openly, flirt, hint at possible development events. After a certain time, end the conversation first, referring to important matters. At the same time, promise to call back only if there is free time.

Step number 6. cause jealousy

Following the intrigue, you can start flirting. When meeting, focus on femininity: throw your hair back, lift the dress to the stocking line so that the lace is slightly visible. At the same time, it is important to look natural, uncomplicated.

For example, a partner invited you to drink, sit down at the bar or table, raise forefinger up with the words "waiter". After the employee pays attention to you, move your hand behind your neck and seductively walk it down to your chest. Do not look at the man who accompanies you, the actions should be natural. You can also cross your legs, then continue to communicate with the waiter, making an order.

Such a game will arouse the admiration of a man, he will show a little jealousy. From the side, the satellite will observe your femininity, which manifests itself in ordinary things such as ordering a drink. Don't try to be sexy, vulgar, vulgar. Act like a sweet girl with a passionate spark inside.

Stick to a certain line of conduct, lead interesting conversations, but at the same time, take your time to expose your personal and sexual experiences with men to the public. You should hint to the partner that at this stage you are interested in him specifically, and not in that one. sexy guy, which with desire glances in your direction.

Step number 7. Be open

A man is attracted not only by beautiful and passionate natures, but also by girls who are open to dialogue. Do not try to drag your companion into bed, make him crave it himself. The sexual aspect takes place not only in terms of physical, but also spiritual intimacy.

Let your companion know that you are similar to him. Talk passionately funny stories from life, be open and comprehensively developed. Older men are especially interested in ladies who can keep up the conversation on absolutely any topic, be it history or politics.

Watch the timbre of your voice, do not squeal, do not shout certain phrases loudly. The voice should be deep, penetrating, and laughter should be sincere. Treat the interlocutor with respect, listen to his stories with enthusiasm, but do not rush to agree on everything. Recalcitrant girls are much more interesting than quiet gray mice.

To seduce a man, you need to make it clear that he means a lot to you. Try to get into the soul of the interlocutor and provide a couple good advice that will solve the problem right away. Be positive, friendly, sincere and open, but don't overdo it.

Step number 8. flirt

No seduction is complete without flirting. The ability to cast a piercing glance or a seductive smile and at the same time wink comes with experience, it must be constantly practiced.

Seduce a man playfully: first look over his shoulder, as if not noticing, then slowly look at his eyes. Hold at this point for 3 seconds, start smiling slowly. Bite your lip, curl your hair around your finger, wink, and start walking away slowly. The result will not keep you waiting.

After a man stops you, focus on him. Coquettishly say hello, start an entertaining conversation. At the same time, jump from one topic to another, creating intrigue. Try to use body language, respond to compliments, but don't be easily approachable.

It is important to let the interlocutor know that you are open to the next step. For example, if a man invited you to dinner, agree with the hint that later you will drink champagne in a cozy atmosphere. Be proactive, but don't overtly want to have sex.

Step number 9. Use non-verbal cues

Experienced seductresses know that non-verbal signs can conquer anyone. Such gestures unconsciously make the partner understand that the lady is interested in the further development of events.

Show a man your indifference by biting lower lip or winding a curl around a finger. Sitting in a cafe, you can cross your legs and play with your shoes in a simple way, lowering it onto your toes.

After you catch an interested male look, make an inconspicuous gesture that emphasizes sexuality. Pull your hair back, then gently run your palm along the opposite shoulder or neckline (the blouse should be with a cutout). Such a move will rivet the attention of the interlocutor to the seductive part of your body.

You can also sit and casually stroke your thigh, drawing your eyes to the sexy legs. On an instinctive level, a man will follow your movements. Later, he will dream of the velvety skin of seductive thighs clasping him during lovemaking.

Step number 10. Shift to frank conversations

Nothing turns a man on like female revelation. Each representative of the stronger sex wants to know what the girl is thinking about at a certain moment. Start with simple things, share your innermost thoughts and desires regarding vacation or the future.

At this stage, it is important to get close to a man in order to have more entertaining conversations later. For example, you can say that you want to have a small cozy house by the sea, and then specify "in order to swim naked at night." Such a move will push the man to respond, he will become more liberated.

In the next step, you can go to sexual conversations by phone. Choose for a conversation at night, when all emotions and desires are as full as possible. Play the honest answer game: take turns asking each other questions, agree to answer them frankly. In turn, ask about something provocative, whether it's a favorite position in sex or a preferred place for intercourse.

It is easy to seduce a man if you constantly practice and have sufficient knowledge regarding psychology. Take care of yourself, pick up the scent of perfume, review your wardrobe. Stay confident, flirt, flirt.

Video: how to seduce a man

It is generally accepted that usually guys try to woo girls, but the situation may be different. Perhaps you liked a young man who does not start active actions against you, then you have to take matters into your own hands and try to seduce the guy yourself.

The art of seduction or how to seduce a man beautifully

Behave in the company of the object of sympathy as naturally and relaxed as possible. If a man sees that you are comfortable in his company, that you like communicating with him, then this will move him to take further steps in your relationship. Listen to him carefully, look intently into his eyes, sometimes embarrassedly looking away, smile mysteriously. You can also barely notice when talking to stroke your wrist, play with a bracelet. Likewise, a lot important role appearance plays a role in seduction. Of course, guys have different tastes, but it’s worth recognizing that most of them still pay attention to a certain female type considering him sexually attractive. So, what should you pay attention to first of all?
    Hairstyle. hair play importance in the appearance of any woman. Of course, each man has his own preferences in hair color, but it is desirable that it is still natural. Guys also like it when the girl's hair is loose, falling down in a beautiful waterfall (straight) or lying on her shoulders in exciting curls (wavy). Of course, while the hair should be clean, well-groomed and shiny. They can play an important role in seduction, twist the strands around your finger when talking with a guy, or just shake your hair, throwing it away from your face and so on. Advantages of the figure. Be sure to emphasize the dignity of your figure suitable clothes. Think well which part of your body looks the most advantageous, perhaps this beautiful breasts, booty, long slender legs or a thin waist. Wardrobe. If you want to seduce a guy, then choose a wardrobe that will make you look as feminine as possible. At the same time, avoid frankly vulgar outfits - men prefer intrigue during appearance women. A knee-length dress can be called seductive, which covers both the neckline and the woman’s hips, but at the same time fits all the “bulges”. Also pay attention to tight trousers, clothes with ruffles. That is, the guy must “finish” some parts of your body in his imagination. Of course, sometimes it will not be superfluous to wear an outfit with a seductive neckline, but at the same time let the other elements of the wardrobe be more restrained. Makeup. Too much bright makeup, of course, can attract and interest a guy, but still, most male representatives are somewhat wary of "war paint". It is enough to make profitable accents on the lips or eyes. If you are dating in the evening, red lipstick on the lips would be quite appropriate (choose a shade that suits you). IN daytime(however, as in the evening) you can use a translucent or transparent lip gloss. Also, do not forget about competent eye makeup - sometimes for the most positive effect it is enough long eyelashes and clear arrows. If you are sure that you know how to use shadows (in many cases, girls do not know how to choose the right tone and simply shade them correctly), then you can apply them too. With all this, your skin should look healthy and radiant.

By correspondence on the Internet

Do not complain about any problems, communicate exclusively on "easy" topics. Also pay attention to the various publics in social network, send the guy ambiguous pictures and posts from them. Do not forget about jokes on the topic of intimacy - this turns on many interlocutors. In addition, you can send a selfie or a recent photo, let it be not vulgar, but clearly seductive.

By correspondence via SMS

SMS does not involve voluminous texts, and sometimes this can play into the hands! Late in the evening, you can write to your chosen one something like: “I want to be next to you”, “I want to see you”, “I miss you very much now”, “Now I would like to cuddle up to you”, “Your touches are not enough, it would be faster see you." Most guys will be able to see in these words a clear hint of intimacy.

Seduce a man with words

Compliment his figure, hands, voice. For example, you can say that he has a very exciting voice, from which you get "goosebumps" all over your body. It can also be noted that he has very beautiful man's hands, to which "you involuntarily want to touch." Pick up compliments that are right for your chosen one, most men are no less greedy for flattering words than women.

When talking on the phone

Control the tone of your voice - speak softly and affectionately. Your laughter should be melodic, and by your intonation, the guy should understand that there is a smile on your lips. Avoid negative topics and complaints - talk about something pleasant, joke.

Seducing a guy in a car

Of course, it is important that the active stage of seduction does not take place in a moving vehicle. Show your seduction skills during one of the stops during the conversation. Stroke the guy’s hand, look at him gently and thoughtfully, adjust some wardrobe items (dress in the chest area, top straps), slowly run your fingers along your neck, willingly respond to his touches, kisses.

Seduce a guy in bed

If you find yourself in the same bed, then, of course, the matter remains small, because there is no longer any doubt that you are really interesting to the young man. Now it is enough to cling to your beloved with your whole body, stroking his shoulders, chest or back. In this case, it is possible and desirable to initiate a kiss. Most likely, after this, any guy will understand what you want. If you are liberated enough, then it will not be superfluous to take the initiative to have sex yourself - undress and help the young man do it. Undoubtedly, such determination will turn him on.

Seduce for sex

If you want to seduce a guy for sex, then first of all try to avoid some serious mistakes. A guy who likes you will probably want to be intimate with you, and you can show him " green light simply by avoiding certain activities. So what are we talking about?
    Rudeness. Some girls try to look bold in the eyes of a guy, believing that this betrays them with a special charm. In some situations, this happens, but often, novice seductresses confuse cute insolence with overt rudeness, which repels the vast majority of guys. With such a special person not only do not want to have sex, even normal conversation with her is a burden. Of course, you can find a man who will turn on such behavior, but don't count on such luck too much. Aggression. Also, many seductresses try to play the role of an impregnable person, knowing that impregnability attracts a considerable number of men. Yes, this is true, but it is important to be sure that you look like an impregnable, unapproachable, and not an aggressive and inadequate hysteric. Vulgarity. What many girls consider seductive, in fact, looks vulgar and vulgar. Yes, thongs sticking out of trousers, a transparent T-shirt under a miniskirt cracking at the seams and many other similar attributes can cause lust in a certain contingent of men or during intimate games with a beloved guy, but most often such persons repel.

    Loquacity. Often, women beat off any desire for intimacy solely with their talkativeness. In moments of seduction, it is better to be a little mysterious than talker, if you do not want the guy's only desire to be a quick escape from you. Tightness. Undoubtedly, modesty is an adornment for many girls, which, alas, cannot be said about excessive tightness and stiffness. Try to relax when talking with a guy you like. Seeing that you are trying to move away from him and do not particularly react to his jokes or other words, not every guy will understand that the matter is in your complexes - many may think that you simply do not want to communicate.

    lure home and seduce

    Invite the guy over for a cup of tea after a walk, or initially offer to spend a date at your place, for example, watching an interesting movie. Of course, for most guys, the mere invitation to a girl’s house is already a direct allusion to intimacy. However, it is possible that your chosen one will not be sure whether he understood you correctly. Therefore, so that there is no doubt, tell the guy that you are tired during the day and would not refuse a massage, most likely he will not refuse you this, and the matter will smoothly move into a new stage.

    How to seduce your ex boyfriend

    One way is to invite him to your home. The suggestion could be important conversation, or ask him to pick up or bring some thing. When a young man is in your apartment, meet him in seductive clothes, you probably know what you like ex boyfriend. Be calm, a little mysterious, say you missed him. If he does not have a new lover, then most likely he will respond correctly to your actions. However, the very fact that he ended up at your house indicates that he, at least, does not have acute hatred for you and wanted to see you - otherwise he would have found a way to avoid meeting.

    I want to learn how to seduce guys in 2 minutes, is it possible

    It is quite possible to seduce a guy in two minutes, but with important condition- You must like him. If you like this person, then almost any of your female tricks have a disarming effect on him. The easiest way to just start a topic about intimacy is to voice some kind of provocative joke. You can also invite the guy to your house or simply try to kiss him. Any of these tricks will work instantly if you arouse interest in young man. Otherwise, the matter will not be limited to only two minutes.

You love?

See how you can seduce your beloved boyfriend or seductive man: Taurus, Leo, Gemini, Virgo, Pisces, Aries, Aquarius, Capricorn, Scorpio, Libra, Cancer, Sagittarius.
By the way, it is not necessary to know his zodiac sign. It is enough to have an idea about the psychology of "males" and use it correctly in real life.

Use this:

  • Acquaintance

With those who you like, try to meet first. The coolest way to meet is a huge, important request. By the way, if he fulfills it, you will understand how he treats you.

  • Touches are random...

You talk to him... And you touch then, for example, when you say or notice something important. That he was distracted (turned away). You can not touch so that it was very noticeable. The effect will not be the same!

  • Inaccessibility

Men are attracted to girls - touchy. If you've never been like this - pretend like this! Your tactics are as follows: you take one step forward (in actions, in communication) and immediately take a few steps back. So, to attract, and then "remove".

  • "Seductive" lips

Lick or bite them lightly. Not constantly, but periodically. So that it was both noticeable and imperceptible at all. Turn on all the seductiveness! By the way, it is not necessary to paint lips with lipstick or gloss.

To begin with, look at your beloved with slightly sideways glances. Cautious…. After "turn" the look into a straight line. Look directly into his eyes without looking away. Let shyness participate in the look.

  • Using finger rings

If you have them, pull them coquettishly on your fingers. Or turn over from time to time, looking at the "subject of love." He will notice this - the first step to victory is in your hands.

  • own hair

Fix them. Don't think it's some kind of show. Your hair is a way to attract attention. Or perform tempting operations with hairpins. Unless, of course, you love hairpins and you have them in stock.

  • Cloth

You have an idea of ​​how to dress to make guys go crazy. Look what's in your locker. Choose, combine, fantasize. If there is no vulgar or revealing clothes- focus on the compatibility of clothing attributes. There is another opinion that is completely opposite. In order to seduce a guy, cover all your innermost parts of your body with clothes. The more accessible they are, the more chances you have for win-win seduction.

  • Confidence

What kind of weapon is this! It will blow anyone away. A man should feel your confidence. Feel clearly! Let your confidence be read in your every step, in every part of your body. Let confidence knock at the heart! Shyness and complexes scare away men.

Choose a romantic place for seduction

This is where it would be nice, cozy and beautiful. Everything can be arranged in advance. Buy candles, decorations, various items interior. Buy everything, taking into account the chosen place and atmosphere. Many women believe in Feng Shui. If you are his fan - arrange everything exactly according to Feng Shui. But don't get "overwhelmed".

  • Femininity

Don't forget her for a second! It should be reflected in appearance, and in voice, and in behavior. Guess what and why? Good girl! Ingenuity is also a small part of femininity.

  • flirt

Just flirt, showing that he is not so indifferent to you. All girls and women know how to flirt, flirting. Flirting is very easy. Easily! And you don't even need to learn it. Flirting, one might say, comes from the soul.

  • Healthy and beautiful skin

Yes! Men really like girls whose skin is clean, smooth. In order to keep your skin in this condition, you will definitely have to change all your bad habits. If you smoke - quit, if you like beer - do not abuse it. Use scrubs and lotions to keep your skin looking great. Your features must be more beautiful than roses!

  • Solidarity with a guy (with a man)

You only have to start agreeing with him in everything, develop all his thoughts, support him .... - Consider that you won the guy! Well, the seduction has already happened .... It's just waiting convenient moment to get out.

  • Style of communication with a guy

They can attract everything male population any city. You just need to be talkative, do not climb into your pockets for words. Guys admire sociable girls. If they still have a pleasant tone of voice ... .. Incredible happens to them.

  • Scarlet or bright red lipstick

This lipstick color is very attractive to men. But don't overdo it with cosmetics. Measure is needed in everything. Even if you do not know where this measure begins.

  • Lip gloss

With him, just, you can forget about the measure! Well, if the lip gloss is saturated. Glossy lipstick welcome. Turn on the charm with this combination! All that is most important is to choose the right lipstick and gloss.

  • Skin scent

This is not about the sea of ​​perfume or perfume with pheromones. It's about about a woman's skin. Men are very turned on by its natural aroma. And so it has always been. You can use perfume, but do not pour the whole bottle on yourself, so as not to interrupt all naturalness.

Seductive Breath Synchronization

Adjust your breathing so that it "lasts" in time with the breath of the subject of seduction. Gently touch his hand when you feel that your breath is fully synchronized.

  • Intelligence

You remember that not only appearance can seduce. Use and intellectual ability! Have you thought about how important this is? Well, if intelligence is skillfully combined with appearance.

  • Sense of humor

Jokes are a must. Know how to joke! Banal jokes won't attract guys. They need extraordinary humor! One where they have never met anywhere.

  • Fashionable fishnet stockings or lycra tights

Men like to "watch" such clothes on female legs. Make sure that there is no extra vegetation on your lovely little legs. men adore smooth skin legs of the opposite sex.

Continuation. . .

I fell in love -

Men are inherently straightforward. Their way of seeking a woman, most often, is primitive, open and transparent. For women, the opposite is true: winning a man's favor is a whole game, flirting, hints, tricks. Every girl has a few of her sure secrets of seduction up her sleeve, but there are a few general advice on seduction, which may come in handy.

Appearance plays huge role whether a man will pay attention to you or not, whether he will like you. And it's not about natural data, not about the density and length of the hair, not about the thinness of the waist and the plumpness of the lips. Beauty is a broader thing. men appreciate well-groomed women, with self-respect. Therefore, be sure to monitor the condition of your hands, hair, teeth, skin and clothing. Get manicures, pedicures and hair removal regularly. Do not be lazy to use creams, oils, balms, serums and masks - this will certainly bear fruit. Cleanliness of clothes and shoes should also be impeccable. When a girl is well-groomed and neatly dressed, she feels confident, and this cannot but attract male attention. In cosmetics, it is better to observe naturalness, emphasizing the eyes and eyebrows. For lips, a gloss of natural tones is suitable. Brightly painted lips run the risk of looking vulgar, and not everyone dares to kiss them. Dress or skirt should be preferred in the outfit, this will emphasize your femininity. Open one of your virtues - bare your knees, shoulders, back or neckline, a man will definitely not be able to resist. Even if your figure is impeccable, it is important not to overdo it with the demonstration - it may give the impression that you are easily accessible and not modest. According to all surveys, men do not like high and loud female speech. So in a conversation with the subject of seduction, make your voice low, languid, quiet, this will intuitively make the man listen to you, moving closer, and add mystery to the conversation.

But, despite this, try to talk a little, listen more, support his topics of conversation, ask questions. It will bribe any gentleman. Feel free to compliment. Men don't need it fewer women. Praise the things that are important to him: a reliable car, excellent figure, great taste or a wonderful sense of humor. Use non-verbal artillery. The main subject of temptation are gestures, facial expressions and tactile contact. Thus, you not only attract male attention, but also give a sign that he is also interested in you. Look into the man's eyes and sometimes at the lips, sometimes lowering the eyelashes so that the look does not seem too direct and predatory. Smile and try to keep the smile mysterious and alluring. Laugh at his jokes, even if they don't sound very funny to you. A man will definitely appreciate it. Gestures are the main non-verbal technique. Women with young years know that on a date you need to throw your hair back, showing off your neck and collarbones, quietly run your hand over your shoulder and chest, thereby unobtrusively drawing attention to this part of your body. In the same way, put your hand on your thigh, throwing your leg from one to the other. But do not catch the male gaze at the same time - he may be embarrassed, and you will give out the true purpose of your actions. Step over tactile contact, touches have great importance in the process of seduction. During the conversation, by the way, put your palm on his. Reaching for something, lightly snuggle up to male shoulder, straighten his tie or hair, lightly touch your foot under the table. If a man already feels sympathy for you, then these actions will turn his head.

Remember, seducing a man does not mean going to bed with him that very evening, this is just not a big deal. To seduce means to make you think of you, want to see you again, hope for a kiss, and so on. But if a man from the very beginning is extremely categorical or in this moment already in love and happy, it is unlikely that he will succumb even to the most skillful tricks and tricks. In this case, the girl should find herself another, more accessible goal.