Lettering tattoos on private parts. Tattoos on women's intimate places are not a revelation for everyone (photo)

Few people today can be surprised by a tattoo applied to their body. The location and size chosen for it may be much more unusual. If small drawings on the arms, back, and ankles are treated with more or less restraint, then large color drawings (and even affecting intimate areas) can even shock.

History of tattoo

Since ancient times, people have been applying drawings, patterns and texts to their bodies. They were given special significance (even to the point of hierarchical division in society). Different nationalities brought a certain meaning to the process of getting a tattoo. For some it was a way of self-expression, for others it was a talisman; tattoos on intimate places could only be tattooed in certain cases, for example, by geishas or residents of tropical islands.

It is noteworthy that the concept of “intimate” meant not only the genital area, but also all closed areas of the body: breasts, buttocks, hips, sacrum. To get an idea of ​​what it looked like: small scars were applied to the body and dyes were added there. This method was considered one of the primitive tattooing techniques.

In Orthodoxy and Islam, it was considered a sin to make writings and incisions on the body. Most likely, this is why in modern Russian society tattooing is treated with wariness and hostility.

The meaning and size of an intimate tattoo

Most of those who put patterns or text on their bodies do so for the purpose of self-expression. What are images of animals and birds of prey used for? In this case, special importance is attached to the semantic load of the design; it is believed that by doing this the owner of the tattoo is trying to convey to others information about his fortitude, endurance, grace and even courage.

Recently, intimate tattoos have begun to be used for role-playing erotic games. Places of application are usually: inner thighs, lower abdomen, sacral area, buttocks. Most often, small-sized drawings are applied. Since the area of ​​application belongs to a zone of high sensitivity, small tattoos are perceived less painfully. It is believed that if a person shows a tattoo in the intimate area, then this is a special sign of favor and favor towards the partner.

Fashion models often resort to body painting. This is how they want to stand out in the photo. Intimate tattoos in this case also serve as special marks that indicate that they belong to this particular person. The size and location of the tattoo can be different; the images can occupy a significant area of ​​the body, move from the back to the stomach or from the lower back to the buttocks. At the same time, special attention is paid to the drawing, which is drawn individually. Often this is a whole series of drawings, lines, patterns, and inscriptions in Latin. Tattoos in the form of insects, such as butterflies, are often found.

Stomach tattoos

Most often, this area is chosen to hide physical imperfections and scars. If we talk about women's tattoos on intimate places, then the reason for application may be a mark from a cesarean section, stretch marks, or a scar from an excised appendicitis. In this case, the woman tries to hide the defect and at the same time stop being ashamed of her body. Despite the pain and high degree of sensitivity, the result is justified. Naturally, if we are talking about a master who knows his business.

Most often they use patterns, ornaments, flowers, and sakura branches. Depending on the complexity of the execution and the customer’s requirements, the master can apply a 3D drawing or a pattern with a shadow. However, it is worth considering that the more complex the sketch, the longer it takes to complete it, and the more time you will have to spend in the salon.

Tattooing process

The procedure for applying a pattern to leather is similar to using a sewing machine. Using one or more needles, ink is injected in drops under the skin. As a rule, they do without anesthesia and anesthesia. If the design is large, then the process of applying an intimate tattoo may take several hours.

If a person cannot stand the sight of blood, then it is not recommended to monitor the progress of the master’s work. Since the paint is injected into the deep layers of the skin (the dermis), the release of drops of blood is inevitable. A professional craftsman always uses disinfectants, and all work is done with gloves.

In advance (before starting the procedure), it is necessary to clarify information about the composition of the ink. Particular attention should be paid to red paint, which they like to use when applying intimate tattoos for women, since the coloring pigments included in the composition can cause an allergic reaction.

Temporary tatoos

For those who are just coming to terms with the idea of ​​having a permanent tattoo on their body, a temporary one can be a good alternative. Its main difference is the composition of the paint and the process itself. One of the most popular recently is mehendi, or henna tattoo. You can buy it in a store and apply it with a regular brush or by squeezing it through the bag in which it is sold.

It is noteworthy that this method is excellent for intimate tattooing, since no unpleasant pain symptoms will arise in such a delicate area. The tattoo lasts for about a month.

Another way is airbrushing. A more professional technique that requires special equipment (airbrush) and water-based paints. Lasts a little over a week.

Caring for tattoos in delicate areas

Due to the fact that the skin in this area is especially sensitive and thin, it is important to properly care for the tattoo after it is applied. Care should be taken immediately after application. As soon as the master has finished the work, he applies a sterile bandage that will prevent infection from entering the wound. It will need to be changed after 20 hours. To relieve the itching that appears as the wound begins to heal, use moisturizing creams or ointments with antibiotics.

After taking a bath, you should not immediately wipe the area where the tattoo was applied. It is necessary to let the skin breathe and then gently wipe the skin with a napkin or waffle towel using blotting movements.

You should avoid staying in the sun for a long time for the first 1-2 months. If such a need arises, the tattoo should be covered or a cream with a high degree of protection should be applied. It is not recommended to visit the solarium for the first month.

Being in captivity of the modern world, the art of tattooing develops and lives one life with society. And it is becoming, like society, more and more relaxed and, to some extent, vulgar. Now we will talk aboutintimate tattoo, photos that you can find and view on our website. These tattoos are designed to decorate intimate areas with beautiful designs and meaningful symbols. As you know, it is mainly women who resort to intimate tattoos; this is almost not typical for men. The subject of modern intimate tattooing is quite wide and varied, and depends solely on the wishes that a woman wants to embody, or the goals that she wants to achieve.

Did you know that tattoos on women's private parts have been popular since ancient times. For example, in the fourth millennium BC. Residents of ancient Mesopotamia often decorated their chests with drawings of cosmic objects: the sun, moon, stars. Floral ornaments and mysterious symbols were painted on the stomach and below, and this was a common and integral part of decorating the female body.

Intimate zones today are considered to be: the chest area, lower abdomen, buttocks and butt, pubic area and below the lower back.

If we talk specifically about pubic tattoos, they should be purely erotic and partly symbolic in nature. Flowers, cats, butterflies and scorpions enjoy women's attention.

The flower, which is depicted on the intimate area, is often selected for a woman according to her horoscope. The rest are classic female symbols, emphasizing beauty, femininity and sexuality.

Intimate tattoos for women serve mainly to add zest to relationships, to add spice or something. To intrigue a man and add variety to sexual relationships.

If you decide to get a tattoo on an intimate place, then you should forget about all prejudices and doubts, because such a tattoo is not intended for contemplation by prying eyes. And you can safely embody all your deepest desires and extraordinary ideas in it. And our website can help you in selecting possible options or compositions, the catalogs of which contain many photos of tattoos on intimate places.

But, in order to remain completely sincere, I want to warn you that women’s intimate areas are very susceptible to deformation over time, and the tattoo can also become distorted and “deteriorate.” And it is possible that in a few decades, or maybe very soon, you will become ashamed of your past actions and decisions. For this reason, I advise you to make tattoos on intimate areas temporary, so that in the future you will not be ashamed of your past.

Drawings applied in the pubic area have undergone changes. Previously, flowers predominated, but now such designs are very diverse. More often than not, such tattoos do not have an erotic context at all. For many, the ornament reflects a hidden meaning. Girls emphasize their sexuality with patterns by choosing floral patterns.

Tattoo and Zodiac

There is some relationship between the different colors for different zodiac signs. Primrose is suitable for Pisces, snowdrops are chosen for Aquarius, and holly is better for Leos and Capricorns. Chrysanthemum is suitable for the Sagittarius sign, but for Scorpio it is better to choose hops. For Libra, bindweed looks harmonious, but for Virgos it is better to wear hazel. And finally, it is better for Cancers to apply an oak leaf as a tattoo, and hawthorn for Geminis. Taurus chooses daisies, and Aries chooses violets.

Intimate drawings applied to the pubic area are more likely to have an erotic meaning. Here they choose flowers, inscriptions, images of insects and animals, portraits and cartoon characters as drawings. Among the most popular and at the same time very revealing tattoos are the following designs:

Butterflies usually symbolize a kind of rebirth, true beauty and sensual tenderness, and in ancient times they signified purity against the background of immortality. Images can give girls courage and a certain determination. By adding flowers to the sign, you can get a symbol of fidelity.

Cat tattoos represent sexuality and charm. If a cat is wild, it means love of freedom, inner strength. When a man's portrait is depicted on the pubic area, it represents intense love for him. Such erotic tattoos are often presented by girls as a gift to their lover.

Male opinion

At the same time, men remain adherents of a strong opinion - the body of their girls is not a place for intimate tattoos. For many members of the male community, such tattoos make them think of depravity. At the same time, men explain their rejection by the fact that years later, after giving birth and gaining excess weight, such a tattoo will become completely unflattering.

However, there are men who enjoy looking at the sexual ornaments of a very revealing tattoo applied to the pubic area. Girls, before deciding to apply an intimate tattoo, should remember that the selection of an image is a rather important point in the procedure, since individual drawings are perceived as symbolism for very easily accessible women!

Tattoos on intimate places have gained popularity a long time ago - so today we will talk about this delicate topic.

You will learn about the meaning of tattoos and their influence on fate.

How to prepare for the procedure of applying a body pattern, for which diseases and conditions of the body they are contraindicated.

Tattoos are done not only for the sake of aesthetics and to impress others, but for the purpose of self-expression, influence on the closest circle, sexual partner.

Tattoos on intimate places indicate a person’s dissatisfaction with his personal life and the desire to find sexual harmony.

Each tattoo carries a special meaning that influences character and destiny (carefully choose the area where the tattoo is applied and the energy of the image itself).

The right tattoo helps to activate strong personality traits and character.

In the case of intimate tattoos, this concerns increasing libido, sensuality, sexuality and, at the same time, reducing and mitigating its shortcomings.

Therefore, if you want to get a tattoo in the intimate area, then take the time to find a professional artist and select an image (study the meaning of the picture).

When choosing intimate tattoos, avoid vulgarity and create a truly romantic and sexy image.

Original tattoos on intimate places for girls

Tattoos on intimate places have a certain meaning:

Your loved one's name or initials. Very cute and touching, but there is one “but”... In the event of a breakup and separation from your current partner, you will have to spend time and money on removing or covering it with another design.

Therefore, take such a step only if you have 100% confidence in the strength, strength, and stability of the relationship.

Flowers. One of the most popular types of tattoos among the fair sex. Create a romantic and feminine image.

Meaning - fragility, softness, tenderness.

Abstractions. Abstract patterns in the pubic area and buttocks indicate that their owner is in search.

The choice of such tattoos indicates that the girl has not figured out her personal relationships or has not yet met her chosen one.

Scorpios and cats. Not inferior in popularity to floral ornaments. The main meaning is to convey the passion of the hostess’s nature, temperament, sexuality.

Such tattoos activate libido, thereby making the girl relaxed and energetic in bed.

Butterfly. Recently, this symbol was tattooed exclusively on girls of “easy virtue.” Now the butterfly signifies rebirth, sophistication, lightness and freedom.

Japanese style tattoo (combination of scorpions with flowers, sakura). It is considered a symbol of fidelity, immortal love, long and prosperous family life.

Tribals. They do not carry any special meaning, but they allow you to increase the area of ​​the intimate zone and add a touch of piquancy to sexual relations.

Star. Denotes the desire for something new, knowledge of life, thirst for success.

An asterisk in the area of ​​the pubis or buttocks indicates the young lady’s desire to increase self-esteem and gain greater popularity among the stronger sex.

Orchid. Symbolizes passion and sexuality. This symbol adds new bright colors and emotions to the intimate life of its owner.

Snake. Symbolizes flexibility and sophistication. Outwardly, a tattoo looks sexy, but subconsciously it can repel a partner, causing him to feel wary and dangerous.

Heart. One of the most popular tattoo options, symbolizing passion, love and devotion.

Kakushi-boro. It is applied to the body through small incisions by rubbing in rice powder.

It appears only during periods of sexual arousal or when water gets in (rarely done due to the pain and complexity of the technique; it used to be popular among Japanese geishas).

Male symbolism of tattoos on intimate places

Representatives of the stronger sex do not often get tattoos in the intimate area.

As a rule, such a tattoo is a sign of the manifestation of feelings and emotions towards a partner or a desire (sometimes subconscious) to change something in your intimate life.

What are the most popular men's tattoos on intimate places and what is their significance?

Pinocchio, snakes, elephants. They are made in the groin area, and the natural continuation of the design is... the genital organ.

With this, a man shows sexuality, boasts of his masculinity, or, on the contrary, gets rid of hidden complexes.

The Dragon. A symbol of strength, power, might. Indicates the presence of leadership qualities in a person’s character.

Tongues of fire around the penis. They talk about the passion of nature, aggression, contribute to the activation of male libido and make a man more active, temperamental, and dominant in sex.

Lizard. Brings good luck and gives wisdom (regardless of where applied).

Scorpion. Although it is popular among the fairer sex, it is initially considered a masculine sign, symbolizing true strength.

Tiger. Attractive to powerful, decisive individuals who want to emphasize their importance and physical strength.

Rabbits. Symbol of sexuality, temperament and fertility.

Tattoos in the form of bunnies from Playboy magazine are popular, but in some countries this kind of tattoo is a symbolic designation of representatives of non-traditional sexual orientation.

Hieroglyphs, runic signs. They carry a serious meaning and radically change a person’s life.

They are applied to the intimate areas by respectable, wealthy men, who, due to their status and social status, do not have tattoos in open areas.

Date of birth, barcodes, names of lovers. Characteristic of original, creative individuals.

Bumblebees, bees. They denote sexuality, the subconscious desire to enjoy the nectar of carnal pleasures.

Men's tattoos on intimate places are a way of expressing one's own sexuality, increasing attractiveness for a lover or potential partners.

Advantages and disadvantages of tattoos on intimate places

Not every person will decide to get a tattoo, especially in the intimate area. However, there are a large number of admirers of this trend.

The advantages of tattoos include the following.

The opportunity to bring aesthetic pleasure to your partner, to bring a touch of piquancy and eroticism to the relationship.

Tattoos in intimate places are hidden from the public; they will not affect the image in any way, since only those for whom they were made will be able to see them.

Relative painlessness due to the presence of a fatty layer in intimate places.

The opportunity to express yourself and raise self-esteem.

Correction of certain character traits, behavior and even life in general (with the correct choice of symbol and sincere faith in its action).

The disadvantages of tattoos are the following points.

For a person with a low pain threshold, getting a tattoo will be painful.

Manifestation of allergic reactions.

Disappointment due to poor design quality and rapid fading.

Age-related changes that negatively affect appearance (a tattoo in old age looks unaesthetic and unattractive).

Loss of relevance - when choosing a drawing, you need to think about how useful it will be after 5, 10, 20 years.

Pregnancy - a tattoo after childbirth stretches and loses its shape (subsequently, by actively taking care of yourself and putting your figure in order, you can get rid of this drawback on your own, without turning to a tattoo artist).

In addition, representatives of the stronger sex note that they consider a tattoo on an intimate place to be sexy, but do not want to see it on the body of their chosen one.

What intimate places are tattooed on?

Tattoos on intimate places require a particularly responsible and delicate approach. First of all, you need to figure out which places are considered intimate.

Tattoo artists include the following body parts as such:

  1. breast
  2. groin area
  3. buttocks
  4. genitals
  5. hypogastrium
  6. pubic area
  7. lower lumbar region

The skin of the intimate areas is distinguished by its thinness, tenderness, and increased sensitivity.

Therefore, a good master, proper preparation for the procedure and subsequently following the recommendations regarding the care of the application area are especially important.

Only in this case can you achieve the desired result - a beautiful, seductive design, without compromising your health.

When not to get a tattoo

This question is especially relevant for the fair sex.

You should not get tattoos in intimate places in the following cases.

During critical days (due to an increase in the pain threshold).

While waiting for the baby (the procedure will provoke serious consequences, including miscarriage, spontaneous termination of pregnancy, premature onset of labor).

During breastfeeding (if a woman gets a tattoo during lactation, the paint pigments will get into breast milk - the baby will experience serious allergic manifestations).

In summer, heat and excessive sweating will slow down the healing and restoration processes of the skin.

While intoxicated (alcohol will increase blood pressure, causing paint pigments to be pushed out from under the skin, forming a blurry pale spot instead of a bright, distinct pattern).

Therefore, get a tattoo while in excellent physical shape and a stable psycho-emotional state (after preliminary consultation with a specialist).

How to prepare for the tattoo procedure

Proper preparation for a tattoo is half the success.

Decide on the location of the procedure and the choice of specialist.

Study informational advertisements, websites, and social media pages of tattoo parlors.

Check out the work, pricing policy, read customer reviews.

Give preference to an experienced master with work experience (even though the services are more expensive than those of a beginner, but you will be able to get a positive result and avoid a number of undesirable consequences and complications).

For two weeks before the procedure, refrain from consuming alcoholic drinks, anticoagulants and medications that reduce blood clotting.

Maintain a drinking regime (a few days before the session, drink at least 2 liters of liquid throughout the day - this will contribute to better absorption of paint by the skin).

Do not get a tattoo on an empty stomach (the goal is to increase physical endurance and reduce the pain threshold).

The day before the procedure, depilate the area where the pattern is applied.

During the week before the session, refrain from visiting the solarium or sunbathing (ultraviolet radiation dries out the skin - this will affect the quality of the tattoo).

Get enough sleep, avoid overwork and psycho-emotional shocks (getting a tattoo is already a lot of stress for the body).

Use moisturizers daily (especially for dry and sensitive skin).

Do not make a decision to apply a tattoo in intimate areas hastily and spontaneously - think about the drawing and sketch in advance.

How does the tattoo procedure work?

It all starts with choosing a design. Then the specialist will make a sketch, transferring the drawing onto the skin using special paper.

In case of increased sensitivity, local anesthesia is used. For these purposes, lidocaine and anesthetic creams containing novocaine are used.

The tattooing process includes several sequential stages.

Preparatory. Leather processing, sketching, preparing tools.

Basic. Printing a pattern along a previously outlined contour. This is the longest and most difficult stage, taking several hours.

Final. After applying the tattoo, the skin is treated with antiseptics.

A special ointment is applied to them to promote accelerated regeneration, restoration, and wound healing, after which a sterile protective bandage is applied.

Caring for a tattoo in the intimate area

Caring for a tattoo in the intimate area is important not only to maintain the aesthetic result, but also to prevent possible complications.

The sterile bandage applied in the salon is not removed during the first day (avoid contact with water).

After removing the bandage, the skin is washed with warm water without detergents and gently blotted with a soft cloth.

During the first week, the tattoo area is treated with antiseptics, moisturizers, and wound-healing ointments, individually recommended by a specialist.

Avoid visiting a solarium, exposure to sunlight, and prolonged exposure to the sun (ultraviolet rays cause fading of paint that has not yet been fully absorbed).

Tanning dries the skin, which is not useful after recently undergoing a rather traumatic procedure.

At the site where the tattoo was applied, crusts form during the healing process (do not pick or scratch as this will lead to scarring).

Wear underwear made from natural materials (silk, cotton) to avoid irritation.

For 2–2.5 weeks, refrain from using scrubs, peeling, shaving, depilation, taking a hot bath, or going to the bathhouse or sauna.

To prevent infectious and inflammatory complications, take care to strengthen the immune system and activate the body's natural defenses.

Vitamin and mineral complexes, immunomodulators, and diet therapy, including fresh fruits, vegetables, and herbs, are suitable.

Video: tattoo care using DERMALIZ film.

If all the rules are followed, the healing process of the tattoo site takes about a week.

However, it is better to observe the listed restrictions for at least 2 weeks to allow the skin to fully recover.

Renewal and removal of intimate tattoos

Even a well-made tattoo begins to fade over time and fade under the influence of sunlight.

Tattoos on intimate areas are hidden under clothing, so they are renewed once every 6-7 years.

On average, a tattoo is replaced every 5 years. Then the drawing will always look attractive and fresh.

Much depends on the quality and color of the paint. The most durable colors are considered to be black, brown, and blue.

How to get rid of a tattoo

A complex and painful process that is not possible in all cases.

Since the paint is driven deep into the epidermal layers, it (with high-quality material and the work of a specialist) remains throughout life.

Getting a tattoo on an intimate place is a serious step for life.

And if you are not sure about the decision, try decorating your skin with mehendi (the dye used is henna; the designs last for about 2-3 weeks, after which they are gradually washed off).

Is it possible to get rid of a tattoo forever?

Experts and professionals in the field of tattooing claim that it is impossible to completely get rid of tattoos, even using a modern and expensive laser method.

The laser tattoo removal process requires 8 or 10 sessions.

In this case, there is a high probability of complications such as scarring of the skin and the formation of unaesthetic scars.

Tattoos in hard-to-reach, intimate places are especially difficult to remove.

A selective tattoo removal method is proposed, which is considered the most gentle and safe (allows you to reduce the risks of possible scarring to a minimum), as well as skin lightening sessions (they are safe, but at the same time ineffective).

Even after going through a course of procedures, it is unlikely that you will be able to completely get rid of the tattoo, especially if it was done professionally with high-quality inks.

Contraindications for tattoos

In some cases, tattooing is prohibited and causes serious harm to health.

Doctors identify the following contraindications for tattoos.

Diabetes mellitus (with accompanying pustular lesions of the skin).

Reduced blood clotting rates (hemophilia, thrombocytopenia) will provoke severe bleeding and prevent the pigment from being driven under the skin, which will make the drawing poor-quality and short-lived.

Weakened immune system.

Tumor neoplasms of a malignant nature.

HIV infection.

Mental disorders.

Epileptic syndrome.

Read about the signs and treatment of schizophrenia.

The listed pathologies are absolute contraindications for tattooing. However, there are also relative time constraints.

These include the following:

  • infectious, respiratory, colds that occur in acute form
  • febrile state
  • acute inflammatory processes
  • bronchial asthma during exacerbation
  • conjunctivitis
  • increased tendency to allergic reactions
  • traumatic injuries, violations of the integrity of the skin in the area of ​​intended impact

If you have any health problems, consult your doctor before going to the tattoo parlor.

Complications from tattoos

In some cases, getting a tattoo can lead to the development of severe, dangerous complications.

The following adverse effects of tattoos may develop:

  • infection
  • blood poisoning (sepsis)
  • allergy
  • phlegmon
  • abscesses
  • inflammatory skin lesions
  • infectious endocarditis

The listed consequences arise when using low-quality materials and improper care of the tattoo in the first days after the procedure.

From the video you will learn what to do:

  1. if the tattoo has become pale
  2. how to care after drawing
  3. why do we need a wound healing film?

There are also high risks of infection with dangerous diseases (from hepatitis and syphilis to AIDS) due to improper and insufficient processing of instruments.

To avoid such complications, pay attention to the composition of the paint. Tattoo inks should not contain toxic components such as mercury, cobalt and chromium.

An unsuccessful tattoo will not only disappoint and lower self-esteem, but also endanger your health and even life.

Tattoo cost

The difference in pricing policy is big.

The cost depends on many factors - the respectability of the salon, the quality of the paint, the professionalism, experience and qualifications of the craftsman.

Preliminary consultations are carried out completely free of charge, which allows the client to make a choice and make an informed decision.

You should not save on a tattoo, because it is a matter of appearance and physical health. The minimum cost of a tattoo on an intimate place is at least 2 thousand rubles.

If you ultimately want to get an original drawing, you will have to pay another thousand (minimum) for the production of an individual sketch.

The price includes paint (customers are usually offered several options) and painkillers, if their use is necessary.

Tattoos on intimate places are an original way to add zest to sexual relationships, add confidence, increase self-esteem, and maybe change your destiny for the better.

Today we focused on the following points in detail:

  1. popular intimate tattoos
  2. the secret meaning of body designs
  3. tattoo procedure
  4. care rules, contraindications, methods of tattoo removal
  5. dangerous complications

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Best regards, Tina Tomchuk

What are intimate tattoos? These are drawings that are made in places hidden from prying eyes. Only a select few can see the beauty of the ornament. Such areas on the body include not only the pubis, but also the buttocks, tailbone, chest, and lower abdomen. The pictures here can be unexpected and original, defiantly sexy, or, on the contrary, very funny and bright.

Who has a secret under their clothes?

The world of art is imprisoned by the modern world of fashion. This can be seen in every canvas of artists and creations of tattoo artists. Every day people become liberated and relaxed, which immediately affects their actions. As a result of these sequences, the intimate mehndi craze is gaining popularity. Photos with ornaments are presented in numerous galleries and portfolios. Women who want to give a memorable gift to their lover resort to similar patterns. The subjects of images and stylistics are very diverse; in this matter, everything depends on personal preferences and goals.

Tattoos in hidden areas were popular long before our era. Inhabitants of Mesopotamia back in the fourth millennium BC. they painted the moon, sun, stars on the chest, decorated the lower abdomen with floral ornaments, and the pubis was hidden under the “king’s house.” In those distant times, patterns were a mandatory accessory for girls.

Today, the main goal of a henna tattoo placed on the pubis, buttocks, and chest is to attract the attention of your chosen one to your personality, interest him and add zest to sexual relations.

Another popular reason for this step:

  • self-expression;
  • self-affirmation;
  • manifestation of hidden sides of character.

Choosing a place for an ornament is a responsible matter, because your lifestyle and passion for water sports can greatly affect the appearance of the temporary picture and distort it. To avoid regretting your decision, carefully consider all possible accommodation options.

Thanks to intimate henna designs, girls increase their sexual attractiveness; the presence of the pattern has an impact on a psychological level, helps to become more free in relationships with men and changes behavior. If you are too shy and don’t see anything attractive in yourself for the opposite sex, then start a little secret in a sensitive area and see how much it will affect you.

Mehendi in the pubic area is especially popular among young people. By the way, many Hollywood celebrities support this fashion trend and are not shy about experimenting with their bodies. If you decide to get an intimate tattoo, then choose a sketch from the photo and feel free to go to the artist’s salon. The artist will help you bring even the most complex ideas to life.

Popular options for henna patterns on intimate parts of the body

In mehendi, the themes of such ornaments are very diverse. The choice depends on the goal being pursued. An intimate tattoo with natural henna is not always erotic in nature. Typically, drawings in these places symbolize uniqueness, individuality, femininity and purity. Floral themes are especially relevant for such cases. She fills in the photo gallery of the masters. The pattern is selected in accordance with the horoscope:

  • bindweed for calves;
  • primrose for fish;
  • violet for Aries;
  • hop flowers for scorpions;
  • oak leaves for crayfish;
  • hawthorn for twins;
  • snowdrop for Aquarius;
  • chrysanthemums for Sagittarius;
  • daisy for Taurus;
  • holly for capricorns.

In any case, flowers are a symbol of celebration, beauty and tenderness. There is a popular belief in the tattoo world that images in the chest area are dangerous for women. But this is nothing more than a simple fiction. If there are no diseases or pathologies, then the original henna design is not capable of causing harm to health. By the way, this is the place most often liked to be decorated by girls with an ideal neckline shape, which is confirmed by numerous photos. The only thing you really need to pay attention to is the age of the client - if there are age-related changes, sagging, small skin folds, then you should not paint on such an imperfect canvas. The pattern may look sloppy and illegible.

If you want to make mehendi with an erotic or symbolic meaning on the pubic area, then you can choose cats, butterflies or scorpions.

Since ancient times, graceful representatives of the cat family personify the unpredictability, sexuality, wisdom and self-sufficiency of their owner. Wild cats have always been associated with strength, courage and freedom. At different times, attitudes towards them changed from hatred and fear to respect and admiration. Some peoples believed that these animals are connected between two worlds. Therefore, at one time they were often burned at the stake along with their housewives suspected of witchcraft. In Egypt, the cat is one of the most revered animals. She is loved and revered. Often seen in photographs depicting ancient emperors and deities.

Scorpio is also an ambiguous figure, but nowadays it is more often interpreted as a sign of courage. If he is depicted in a duet with flowers, then this speaks of a woman’s strong love and loyalty to her lover, of the desire to live a long, happy married life.

The butterfly has long been considered the seal of prostitutes. Intimate insect patterns with henna today acquire a deep artistic meaning, which has helped craftsmen return to images and symbols the original meanings that their ancestors endowed them with in ancient times. As a result of these transformations, the butterfly tattoo has become a symbol of freedom, rebirth, refined taste and beauty. People endow this floating insect with the most beautiful qualities and associate it with immortality and the human soul.

In the last year, a special trend has been observed - realism in intimate mehndi henna is developing. In the photo there are unusual images transferred from the portrait of a loved one, husband. Such ornaments are the best way to talk about your feelings and special attitude. This is not just a picture, it is a symbolic sign of loyalty and devotion. Such a drawing will definitely become an exclusive and unforgettable gift for a man.

When getting a tattoo in a delicate place, forget about prejudice and judgement; jewelry of this kind is not intended for strangers, so you can safely bring your desires and ideas to life.