How to lure a man: psychology and rules of temptation. Women's tricks. How to seduce a man

How to attract the attention of a man you like and seduce him? Elena Kuznetsova, a family psychologist, consultant on interpersonal relations, director of the Me and You dating agency, tells.

So that he does not guess

If we are talking about a normal man who himself likes to conquer women, and not about infantiles who prefer the initiative to come from the ladies, then we must act carefully and subtly. I don't like it when they are openly engaged. There should be a subtle unobtrusive game here.

There is no need to look at the man point-blank, because this is usually done by women who “remove” the gentleman. Their look says: "I like you, I want you, come here." This is heavy artillery. When seduced, a woman should behave femininely. Be soft, look playful, maybe even languid. Clothing - appropriate: a dress or a skirt with a blouse, but all this should not be too frank, otherwise you will simply be mistaken for a girl of easy virtue.

Watch your manners: harshness of movements, curses and rude laughter will only scare a man away.

time and place

Much depends on where the action takes place. If you are trying to seduce a stranger in a situation where there is little time for this, in a store or at a gas station, then you should immediately proceed to the action yourself, do not wait until the object notices you. Start an unobtrusive conversation. Your best bet is to ask for help. So you draw attention to yourself and establish contact with a man. While the man is looking at you, be the charm itself: (just don't overdo it). Do not forget to give the representative of the stronger sex a light compliment: “What would I do without you”, “You are so kind”, and so on.

“You must make it clear to the man that you like him. In the end, you can even thank the representative of the stronger sex for help and give him a hand: “Thank you very much! You are the first man to help me today.” Or: “Today you gave me just a holiday of the soul” - anything, but really a compliment that shows the significance of this man at the moment, ”the psychologist emphasizes.

Next - look at the reaction of the counterpart. If he “pecked”, then he will definitely make “alaverdi”: he will voice a compliment in return, introduce himself and ask you to give your name, ask for a phone number, and so on. If it seems to you that, but he is just indecisive, try saying something like: “Thank you very much when you say goodbye. We need to meet more often, in the same place at the same hour. A light joke, but an interested man will “hook” for it and will definitely ask when exactly the next meeting will take place. If the hint went unnoticed, then, most likely, you just didn’t like the man. Do not insist on a date and do not offer to “see you” yourself, because if a man is self-sufficient and confident in himself, then he is used to making decisions himself.

sexual provocation

A little more erotica can be used when seducing a man at a party. There is much more time to attract the attention of the gentleman and chat with him, so it’s worth starting the game with a light flirtation from a distance.

It is considered a classic scheme of seduction, such as straightening hair, demonstrating the neck and wrist, twisting the legs of a glass between the fingers, shoes, which the young lady either takes off or puts on. These methods may be effective, but, according to Elena Kuznetsova, they are somewhat outdated for the modern world, when, with the general “nakedness” of women, you can no longer surprise a man with bare ankles or wrists.

If you have your hair loose, that in itself already looks sexy. If you pull them, then with an additional movement you really attract attention. But if this trick of yours is not supported by a look directed at the chosen one, it means nothing.

“All these seduction techniques: hair, wrists, etc. are needed to attract the attention of a man you like. But if he noticed you, and at the same time you look to the side, then your plan failed, because. As soon as you make eye contact with a man, “shoes and hairstyles” fade into the background,” the psychologist is sure.

The most provocative sexual techniques, according to Kuznetsova, are those that evoke erotic associations: a tube through which a woman drinks a cocktail, eating ice cream, and so on.

Mood and self-confidence

In order to seduce a man, a woman must be tuned in to the right wave. Without this, nothing will come of it, as well as without a good deal of self-confidence. A self-confident woman simply because such a young lady is more understandable to a man.

Helpful information

Elena Kuznetsova, director of the Me and You dating agency, family psychologist. Phone 8-920-909-62-35.

“Since a man is a pragmatist, he and her desires. And if a woman is not sure about something, and first of all about herself, the corresponding vibes come from her. It’s difficult for a man, he won’t understand in any way whether a woman likes it too, and what she wants from him, so she will prefer a clearer option, ”explains the director of the dating agency.

According to her, a woman's insecurity is manifested, first of all, in the fact that the lady constantly pulls her clothes, she has a shifty look, loud hysterical laughter, and so on.

If you have questions for psychologist Elena Kuznetsova, you can ask them by writing a letter to the editorial office of AiF-Vladimir: [email protected]

“Guys are lucky,” young girls sometimes think. - Did you like the young lady? There is no need to suffer, suffer." And indeed, from the outside it looks like this: he approached, met, offered to go on a date, and only then everything depends only on the male fantasy. A bouquet of roses, a cup of coffee, a romantic walk, a few compliments and good puns - it seems that sympathy is guaranteed, which means that innocent flirting can turn into something more serious. Is it so? Not always, but there is some truth in this statement.

It is more difficult for girls, because even now it is widely believed that sweet and modest young ladies should not take the initiative in relations with a man. However, waiting for the weather by the sea is also not an option, because a miracle (in the form of the appearance of a representative of the royal family on a white horse) may not happen.

If you have been puzzling over the question of how to attract a guy for a long time, read the following recommendations from experts.

A fair question: why do men follow some girls, while the opposite sex does not pay attention to other, prettier ones? It turns out that to attract male interest, you need at least two components, which we will talk about.

Rule #1

Common truth: women love with their ears, and representatives of the strong half of humanity - with their eyes. So psychologists agree with this statement, pointing out that the first impression of us is based primarily on appearance, and only then the interlocutors pay attention to speech and spoken words.

To attract male attention, it is absolutely not necessary to be a fashion model with imposed and practically unattainable parameters.

The main condition is naturalness and harmony. Clothing, hairstyle and manicure should be “natural”, neat and not cause rejection.

War paint is not recommended. Yes, overly bright shades in makeup can attract the attention of a handsome young man, but they are unlikely to really interest him.

Rule #2

A girl who is pretty to herself will definitely like the people around her. Self-confidence does not mean arrogance and snobbery at all. Adequate self-esteem helps to live in peace with yourself and really treat your capabilities.

Show that you are confident. The easiest and most obvious way is a beautiful posture. She not only paints the girl, but also gives the happy owner of a majestic gait external confidence. How to achieve it? Keep your back straight and your chin slightly raised. To this it is worth adding a smile and cheerful "lights" in the eyes.

If one of your features is modesty, do not despair. Firstly, many young people prefer modest young ladies. Secondly, to give confidence and help certain psychological exercises.

Several effective methods

So, the object of adoration is chosen, you need to start specific steps - attracting attention, getting to know each other and the first communication. How can you attract a guy? With the help of the following simple and effective, and, most importantly, time-tested and other girls methods.

  1. Try to get past it. To get noticed, go towards your girlfriend, acquaintance, to something that “interested” you. This is necessary so that the young man can appreciate your cute outfit, beautiful posture and attractive smile. When passing by, do not slow down, behave naturally.
  2. Meet your eyes. Of course, you should not stare at him for hours, just catch his eye and not look away for a few seconds. So the guy will understand that you like him. You can smile a little to show some interest.
  3. P make a good impression. Take care of the positive first effect. If the guy you like comes up to you, you should not giggle, play pranks, and generally behave unnaturally. A pleasant smile and a few meaningless phrases will be enough. In general, demonstrate your own friendliness.
  4. Connect "body language". All your gestures should speak of confidence and the desire to communicate (in no case should you behave unleashed). Try to keep your head straight, do not slouch, do not fiddle with beads, watches or the hem of your blouse. On the contrary, lean towards the man, but do not touch him.
  5. Flirting is a must. Flirting is a non-committal behavior that only indicates your disposition towards a guy. It should not be confused with obsession and vulgarity. Just keep chatting fun and easy. Your naturalness will say more than specific words about sympathy.
  6. Watch out for his personal space. According to psychologists, all people have a personal space, the observance of which guarantees psychological comfort. If a man lets you closer than a meter, you are doing everything right. At this stage, you can already gently touch him and understand how much he likes you.

Men overreact to certain gestures. So, licking a girl's lips and touching her hair are considered quite bold and attractive signals. They can be used when communicating with the man you like, but dosed.

Rules for the first communication

If the task of how to lure the guy you like to yourself is solved, you should proceed to the next stage - positive communication.

We think every girl will agree with the statement that attracting male attention is only half the battle. It is extremely important to consolidate the result obtained without spoiling the impression of yourself during communication.

Good manners are as follows:

  1. Be sincerely interested in what your interlocutor is talking about. It's great if you find common interests, this will help build further communication. But in a conversation, do not "go too far", asking the young man for things, let's say, of a personal nature.
  2. Wanting to embellish themselves, the girls begin to invent absolutely incredible stories about their person. Imagine if your relationship gets further development, and the lie (embellishment) is then revealed. A man may decide that cheating over nothing is a feature of your character.
  3. Do not pull the “blanket” of the conversation over yourself. In fact, the representatives of the stronger sex love to talk about themselves, so give this opportunity to your interlocutor. Listen carefully, trying to remember the information. A few memorable facts about a guy that you say at your next meeting (if there is one) will show your interest.

It is easy to spoil the dialogue that has begun, since you are just opening up to each other. To ensure that communication continues to flow in the direction you need, avoid things such as:

  • memories of a former lover and old relationships;
  • comparison of the interlocutor with the former cordial friend;
  • complaints about life's troubles;
  • vulgar buzzwords and, especially, profanity.

There are a lot of tips on how to please a guy. But love is so mysterious and inexplicable that it is absolutely impossible to reduce it to certain rules and recommendations. Feelings between a boy and a girl can flare up suddenly - after a single phrase, look or touch. However, if you liked a young man, you can and should try the available methods of drawing attention to your person.

Hello, I'm Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully studied at SUSU as a special psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and advising parents on raising children. I apply the experience gained, among other things, in the creation of psychological articles. Of course, by no means do I pretend to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.

Seducing a man is an art that you can’t quickly learn on your own. Therefore, we want to offer you some effective lessons on seducing adults and mature candidates, young people. You will learn what tricks exist to cause sexual attraction to yourself, what to do if a young man is much younger or old for you, correct or wealthy. We will share the secrets of geisha who can seduce any man.

Some gestures have literally magical powers. With their help, you can influence the subconscious of a man and cause insane passion.

  • Hair. Depict thoughtfulness and slowly play with the ends of your hair. Sometimes a mesmerized guy will literally pass out watching you play. Turn on his consciousness again, straightening his hair with a careless gesture. All gestures should be done slowly, hinting to the man that you are relaxed and not in a hurry.
  • Lips. Slightly parted lips, paired with relaxed eyes, have an added appeal. At the same time, lightly lick them with the tip of your tongue, but do not forget about naturalness.
  • Wrists. This part of the hand subconsciously attracts special attention. Demonstration of the inside of the thinnest part of the arm causes an irresistible desire in a man. Use a bracelet for this. Casual play with them or wristwatches will increase your chances.
  • Legs. The classic crossover does not need further clarification. Such a gesture is associated with a guy with passion and the desire to receive pleasure.
  • Facial expression. Languid looks with slightly relaxed upper eyelids will make a lasting impression on a man. Practice in front of a mirror.
  • Touching your body. Touch your nose, neck, hands. This is where the mirror effect comes into play. Both the elderly and the young will subconsciously understand that a woman expects such touches from him.

You can choose any of these gestures or combine two or more at once!

How to dress for the plan to work

Real geishas take non-revealing outfits (mini-skirts and tops, lingerie). Their trump card is the ability to gracefully walk: wag their hips, keep their back straight, look only forward. All movements must be smooth. To make them interesting, you need to choose flowing clothes, from shiny, iridescent fabrics, without a deep neckline. Openness no longer attracts anyone, the Internet is full of naked bodies available at any moment.

Avoid patent leather over the knee boots, they look awful and tasteless! In them you will look like a runaway from the panel or a brothel. Balance between the overtly sexy and the casual with sandals or high wedges.

Do you want to know all the secrets of seducing men? We advise you to look free video course Alexey Chernozem "12 laws of seduction for women". You will receive a 12-step step-by-step plan on how to drive any man crazy and keep his affection for years to come.

The video course is free. To watch, go to this page, leave your e-mail and you will receive an email with a link to the video.

Word magic: quick seduction in a minute

If we are talking about a person you already know, tell us how your body reacts:

  • I'm on fire;
  • you cause a pleasant shiver;
  • I would like to feel your touch;
  • your look excites me;
  • everything in your body drives me crazy;
  • you seem to penetrate me.

Use special words to address a man:

  • you are my gentle;
  • affectionate;
  • Darling;
  • Expensive;
  • sexual.

Words relating to your feelings should be pronounced especially softly and gently. Do not forget about facial expressions and other gestures.

Do not miss the opportunity to call a man by name. This has an amazing effect on the male subconscious. You can fix the result with the help of unobtrusive compliments. Praise his skin, muscular torso, the beauty of his face, his pleasant voice.

The conversation should use direct calls to action. Gently and playfully, about a minute or two after using the gestures, tell the guy you want to get close to him using the word "want."

Secrets and techniques of seduction

Most of the information we receive through vision. At all times, women have successfully used their eyes to seduce men. A long and close look speaks not only of your interest, but also of your readiness for something more than just a friendly conversation. Also use "shooting" eyes. Practice in front of a mirror and intuitively determine how fast you need to do it.

All gestures and actions should look natural, but do not forget about confidence. Inner doubts can spoil all efforts, so leave uncertainty at home.

Take a natural pose, while avoiding symmetry. An even position (standing and sitting) can evoke associations with school or correctness. Sit opposite the guy, turning slightly sideways to him, while crossing your legs and leaning forward with your chest.

Each gesture individually produces a much smaller effect than the use of combinations. Curve your back seductively. Try to depict movement towards the interlocutor.

You can also use items of clothing or accessories - play lazily with a half-removed shoe on your foot or finger seductively. Choose one or another combination depending on the situation and the mood of the interlocutor. Use your innate sensuality and ability to intuitively understand a man.

The Importance of Massage

Don't forget about the look, here's how to look to make it magical:

Very important . Read here: how to look, what should be the look and behavior, what can and cannot be done.

Help to establish communication. Here it is written how you can and cannot behave, what should be done so that you are not seen through.

Trying to seduce a guy, you need to follow his gestures. We have described here. You will be able to correctly assess the facial expressions and behavior of the interlocutor.

Have you been assigned? Read here about how not to fail it: how to overcome fear, what to wear, how to please, what to talk about, what mistakes to avoid.

In case of online dating, we have tips on how. Is it realistic to do this, what to write, how to understand that he pecked? All the answers are there!

Approach to men of different types

Upbringing, education, age and social status leave an imprint on the minds of guys and determine their tastes and preferences.

If he is much older than you

Those wise by life experience prefer sincere girls. It is not difficult for them to recognize a clear attempt at manipulation. If you want a long-term relationship, try your best not to seem frivolous. An older man understands perfectly well that he will have to deal with your young competitors, so he must see at least some hope for a serious relationship. You can give it if we talk about serious things: family, children, business, career, self-development, politics.

What to do when the "victim" is younger than the woman

If the age difference is noticeable to the naked eye, then a candidate’s long-term relationship is driven by internal uncertainty or the desire to learn something new from an experienced partner. In this case, it is better to emphasize your maturity. Wear a formal skirt suit, talk about serious topics (business, career, work). Guys are attracted to older women who know their worth. Frivolity and too obvious flirting, on the contrary, can scare away.

If it's a wealthy candidate

Seducing such candidates is very difficult. This is due, first of all, to the fact that they always have enough fans. They are aware of the attractiveness of their position and try to weed out too materialistic natures. If a woman is counting on a long-term relationship, then she should let the man know that she is not frivolous, and that money is not the main thing for her in life. You can do this if you order an inexpensive dinner in a restaurant and do not accept gifts on first dates.

How to tame the right one

Seducing the right guy with casual flirting isn't going to be easy. "Correctness" extends to all areas of life, so it's important not to seem frivolous. In conversations, it is best to emphasize how important family values ​​\u200b\u200band self-development are to you. Sometimes such men suffer from excessive pedantry, so your appearance should be appropriate (tidy, clean, if not fashionable clothes, washed and combed hair).

Avoid Mistakes

Choose a behavior model, focusing on the situation and type:

  • Appearance. All men are disgusted by a sloppy look, so untidiness will always be perceived negatively. Clothing must be ironed and clean.
  • Accessibility demonstration. For short-term relationships, she will fit just fine, but if a woman is counting on something more, then she will have to demonstrate her seriousness. Try to talk calmly, do not chatter and do not laugh. You can only giggle and smile sometimes.
  • Vulgarity. Swearing, drinking alcoholic beverages (including wine), frank talk about intimacy will repel a serious candidate. Therefore, be modest: do not sit on the "victim's" knees, do not hug her by the neck. Avoid such close contact.
  • A lot of words. If you talk a lot, the interlocutor will become bored and uninteresting in your company. Be quiet and listen to him.
  • Elena Gamayun "Woman in great demand" . The author of the book is a well-known psychologist and expert in interpersonal relationships.
  • Spivakovskaya Oksana "Real women do not sleep alone". The book will help overcome fear in dealing with men and gain many admirers.
  • It will be useful to watch the release of the TV show "Everything will be kind." Here, the presenter, together with a psychologist, understands the reasons why a man ceases to be interested in a woman and how to deal with it:

    When trying to learn how to seduce, it is important not to skip a single step!

The topic of our today's research on the website is how to lure a man. In this article we will tell you about the power and possibilities of female charm, where cunning, resourcefulness and artistry play an important role.

How to attract a man?

Before taking action, you need to collect as much information as possible about your "victim": about his tastes, preferences, skills, hobbies. In this case, any detail, trifle or unpleasant story is important. After all, in the future it will help you and protect you from failure or actions that can ruin everything. It is advisable to do this very carefully, without attracting too much attention to yourself. Because if your passion finds out about this, then the outcome can be unpredictable. Men are all different, and many of them are no less bitchy than women. One, having learned about this, can, without betraying the fact that he knows everything, just laugh. Another may come up directly and offer intimacy, a relationship, or explain that your efforts are groundless. There are a lot of options for decoupling, and each has its pros and cons. If you like you and came up with a proposal for communication, then you don’t need to rack your brains on how a woman can lure a man. If you laughed and mocked, then draw conclusions. So it's up to you to decide.

Now let's talk about what you should do after collecting information. First of all, you need to get into the field of view of a man. This can be done in any way available to you:

  • You can join his company, with the help of third parties;
  • You can regularly attend events that he attends, as well as any other institution: a gym, an auto repair shop, or a grocery store. Here is the information collected earlier to help you;
  • You can go for a run at the same time as him or just start visiting a common smoking room at work.

In general, the method of rapprochement depends only on your imagination and on the information you have about his pastime.

You should not immediately, once in sight, make contact or throw languid glances in his direction. This will help you not only avoid exposure, but also create an artificial effect of casual acquaintance: lure a man, ignoring him at first, before you start taking action. In addition, getting into the field of view, but not showing interest at first, you get time to prepare for the right dialogue. During the conversation, you must be on top.

As for clothes, then it is better to give preference to a dress or a skirt with a blouse. And definitely in heels. Also important is the neckline. Indeed, with the help of good underwear and the right outfit, you can decorate the breasts of any woman. Makeup should not be defiant, but only emphasizing: translucent shadows, colorless lip gloss. The same goes for spirits. Hairstyle can be any, except for the ponytail or bun.

When contact is established, it is important not to spoil everything: do not reproach, do not criticize, do not condemn, but gently give weighty arguments about his mistakes and show with your whole appearance how much you care about him and his reputation. Indeed, for many men, authority among friends plays an important role. Therefore, in some situations, it is enough to hint that he will be condemned or laughed at. It is also important not to compare him with the former, not to talk about them. And talk about the family in passing: of course you want to get married, have children, and then how it will turn out. You should not talk about this only if you are thinking about how to lure a man into bed. In such a situation, it is easy enough to hint or say directly. After all, do not forget that men are mostly straightforward, so sometimes they simply do not understand and do not notice hints.

After good relations are established, it remains to transfer them to the next stage, armed with all the information collected. For example, to prove yourself as a good hostess, and as a caring and attentive woman, and as a friend, and as a lover. To finally convince a man of his indispensability, charm and pricelessness. Over time, you will find his weaknesses, by influencing which you can not only manipulate him, but simply always get what you want.

We hope that the site helped you answer the question of how to lure a man in the right way. However, do not forget that everything is up to chance and circumstances.