The most beautiful breasts in the world. The formula for the perfect female breast. Miss Most Beautiful Breasts - Madonna

Beautiful female breasts have always attracted envious female and lustful male looks. But not only the size depends on the beauty of the breast. Today, according to polls, the ideal breast is one that retains its shape when moving, and this is possible only if a woman has firm and high breasts. Therefore, in order for the chest to be considered ideal, beautiful and attracting the eyes of strangers, it must always be in good shape.

No one hides the fact that it is quite difficult and even almost impossible to increase breast volume without mammoplasty. But don't be upset. Absolutely any woman can raise her breast tone on her own, making it much more attractive. Here you probably have a question "Where to start?" or "What's the first thing to do?".

A very tight bra will constantly squeeze the flesh of your breasts, making it difficult for tissue nutrition and blood circulation. A loose bra, on the contrary, does not support the breasts well, contributing to the appearance of stretch marks on it and its sagging.

Try to keep your posture at all times.
A straight back and straightened shoulders give a woman's gait lightness, and her breasts - beauty. If you slouch, then your most attractive forms will be hidden.

Read also: Breast augmentation is easy.

Mammologists around the world recommend not to get carried away with tanning without a top (topless), since the skin of the chest, losing water under the direct sun, becomes less elastic, which accelerates its aging. Also, the sun's rays seriously increase the risk of tumor formation not only on the skin of the chest, but also on other parts of the body.

Read also: Breast augmentation.

In an effort to lose weight, keep in mind that the chest loses weight faster than other parts of the body.
Breast size is largely dependent on the amount of fat accumulated in it. Therefore, in matters of weight loss, it is necessary to adhere to the measure, that is, to do it correctly, because. it is the breasts that lose weight the fastest, and accelerated weight loss leads to flabbiness of the skin on the chest.

Advice for new mothers.

After childbirth and especially after breastfeeding, the breasts become less elastic, and sometimes even stretch marks appear. To avoid this, while pregnant and during lactation, take good care of your breasts.

Techniques for preserving the attractiveness and youthfulness of the breast.

Cool shower It has a great effect not only on the female breast, but also on the human body as a whole. Such a shower can not only improve blood circulation in the human body, but also increase the elasticity of the skin, in particular, the skin of the chest.

Water massage- the most useful procedure for any breast. Water chest massages are recommended to be done in circular motions for 2 minutes a day.

Irrigation of the body with a spray bottle - a great replacement for souls. Do this daily by adding a decoction of chamomile to the water. The water in the spray bottle during the first irrigation should have your usual temperature, and with each subsequent procedure it must be lowered, gradually bringing it to 12-14 0 C. It is recommended to rub the breast after each irrigation with a soft towel.

Read also: Breast augmentation exercises.

Loss of moisture for the female breast is undesirable and even fatal. In order to avoid moisture loss, it is advisable to lubricate the chest with special creams (moisturizers), as well as apply cosmetic masks to it and make special wraps that strengthen the skin and create a lifting effect. All this is aimed at saving moisture in the female breast and eliminating braces. Apply the cream on the chest, neck and décolleté after each bath and shower. Do it with gentle and light movements.

Armed with the tips and applying the recommendations described above, you are guaranteed to increase the tone of your breasts, which will contribute to the long-term preservation of its beauty, volume and shape.

There are no two identical people in the world, for this reason every woman can have different types of breasts. Each person is unique, and differs from another both externally and internally. No person should be classifiable on any grounds. But still, in some cases, people are distinguished by some similar features of appearance, and according to the principle, types of body parts are formed.

And even if every woman is unique, nevertheless, some patterns are distinguished in the structure and body. For example, they distinguish different types of figures, which, by the way, is very convenient, especially when it comes to choosing clothes and accessories. In the same way, there are different types of forms of the female breast.

Breasts are classified scientifically and they are named according to what they look like the most. Most often, body parts are identified with fruits and vegetables or with geometric shapes.

The scientific classification of the forms of the female breast is determined by their external similarity with fruits and vegetables, landforms and more. Classification units have an artistic, figurative name that fully characterizes a separate chest shape and its distinctive features. In this article, we will give a short overview of each of the forms of the female breast. They are all different, but based on the listed signs, you can easily determine your breast shape. And already by the shape of the chest, you can determine the features of your temperament. Don't believe? And check.

  • Snow mounds. This type of bust is characterized primarily by a small volume. Most often, owners of this type wear bras of the size of one or even zero. The halo usually has a wide diameter, light. The nipples are cone-shaped, slightly pointed. For the owners of this breast shape, the richness and diversity of the inner world, an extensive worldview, dreaminess are very characteristic features, they are often idealistic.
  • Globe. In shape, such a breast is really very close to a ball. The breasts are round, most often medium or larger than average in size. The nipples and areolas are characterized by a wide radius and are often dark in color. All forms are correct and well defined. Women with such breasts often have a strong and strict character, their behavior is characterized by a certain challenge. These women go through life with their heads held high and looking down on men. They are wonderful seductresses, skillful lovers, but impregnable and principled. These women know how to achieve goals, they are independent, demanding of themselves and others, and what is called "fatal women".
  • Renaissance. The name of this type was “given” by the paintings of the famous Renaissance artist Rubens, or rather, the nude or semi-nude women depicted on these canvases. This breast shape is characterized by a fairly large volume, it is soft to the touch and seems fluffy. The skin of the chest is very light, almost transparent, covered with small but noticeable moles. Areoles are well defined, but small in size. The nipples and areolas are dark and very well defined.
  • Chloe. The owners of this type of breast are characterized by elastic breasts of small volumes. Halos are not very wide, nipples are very elastic. About the character traits of the owners of such breasts, we can say that such girls are "eternal children." They need to be looked after, taken care of, patronized. Often they are very naive, gullible, they, like children, are easy to deceive. They trust anyone who is kind to them. But when the deception is revealed, they take it hard. Women of this type are extremely vulnerable and painfully perceive deceit and betrayal in their direction. In a sense, they are irresponsible and frivolous, you will not be able to make them think about the future, but she will easily allow everything to be decided for her. Often there is such a feature as self-doubt and self-doubt.

  • African savanna. As a rule, women with such breasts are very hot, sexy, feminine and spontaneous. This breast shape is primarily characterized by dark skin color, hence the name. They also have fairly wide and well-defined nipples and areolas. The size is medium or larger than average. For men, such a woman is a real find. In it they will find the embodiment of femininity and sexuality, fidelity, beauty, sublimity, and at the same time, these women are seductive and desirable. They become good mothers, smart and attentive wives.
  • Turkish eyes. This is a rather large breast, it has nipples sticking out in different directions with pointed tips and not very wide areolas. The skin of the chest is swarthy. You have to be very careful with these women. They are cunning and prudent. They are very good at lying and throwing dust in the eyes. Men should be especially careful with them - if you deceive a woman with such a breast shape, she will certainly take revenge on you, and revenge will be cruel beyond measure. These women are secretive, and I know how to hide their true motives and feelings from the world. Who knows what thoughts are running through the head of this mysterious woman? Her eyes say one thing, her smile says another, and her words say another, but they all lie.
  • Water surface. Women with such breasts are the best wives and mothers. The size of the chest is quite large, and it is slightly "blurred" - it has lost its shape a little. Although the chest is not so elastic, it has very beautiful outlines, and the opposite sex really appreciates just such a shape. The nipples are wide and do not stick out.

Features of the water surface

They say about the character of such a woman that this is exactly the person who will come to the aid of anyone who needs her. Women with "water surface" breasts are sensitive and gentle natures, open and sincere.

The body composition of such women is often quite dense. Although if a woman takes care of her figure, she will remain sexy for many years.

These women rarely ask for help, preferring to deal with problems on their own. Since they help everyone, and they rarely ask for help, they may feel injustice against them and start to worry about it, and it’s completely unfair, because if you don’t hide your problems, someone will definitely respond and help.

Most often, they are completely devoid of career ambitions, but at the same time they are excellent housewives, and can make a career in a field related to household affairs - for example, a chef.

  • Circe. This form is considered the most perfect of all. Therefore, this breast shape has a good average size - the "golden mean" between large and small. Its shape is really according to the best canons of ancient sculpture. The geometric shape is spherical, even, taut. The chest is quite elastic and remains so for many years.
    Speaking of character, it is worth saying that these women are independent, or at least strive to be independent. They work hard and strive for a better life for themselves. Often these women are successful both in their careers and in the family. In bed with them it is interesting, each time they strive to achieve a feeling of some kind of novelty, which, no doubt, is attractive to the opposite sex.
  • Lady fingers. Probably everyone knows what the shape of the grape looks like, after which the name of this shape of the female breast was given. This chest has an elongated shape, just very similar to grapes of this shape. The skin on the chest is light and smooth, but the nipples and areolas, on the contrary, are dark. Such a woman has an easy character, she is simple and pleasant in communication, smart and witty.

They are soft, supple, slightly naive, able to keep up the conversation on absolutely any topic.

In a career, they are successful solely due to diligence and commitment. They rarely go about their business - they prefer to follow orders than to be responsible for something and make independent decisions.

  • Alma mater. This is the shape of the female breast that men love the most. And indeed, she looks very seductive - large, nipples almost always stand out well, the skin is elastic and toned, light and smooth, and the breasts themselves are soft to the touch.

And the name in this case rather characterizes not the shape of the breast, but the qualities that are characteristic of women who have such a shape. The thing is that such ladies strive to patronize everyone in everything, both children and their soulmate. Their maternal instinct exceeds the instinct of all listed species. This is not always good. Of course, there is nothing wrong with the fact that a mother takes care of her children, but sometimes this care is too much, which is why children do not grow up independent.

  • Breasts "Fox noses". In shape, these breasts really resemble fox noses - stretched forward, small, with pointed little nipples.

What can be said about the character of women with this kind of breasts? First of all, they are ideal women for marriage - they know how to find an approach to a man, adapt to him, seduce and praise. You won’t get bored in bed with them - they are impatient, active, love experiments.

In their careers, they strive for more, but very often laziness interferes with them. Perhaps, if they were not lazy, they would have reached the heights in big business, but it often happens that they lack the initiative or desire, and they do not even start doing something that could bring success and money.

  • The next breast shape is pear-shaped. In women with this form, the size of the breasts is usually medium, the nipples and areolas are small, the nipples protrude forward and the breasts are slightly pointed. The skin is elastic, the chest itself is soft.

Their character is strong, they are independent, intelligent and cunning. Men will have a hard time building relationships with such a woman, because she will argue with you, show an independent disposition, which not every member of the stronger sex will like.

And who knows, maybe this sly-eyed beauty is just leading you by the nose? Women with pear-shaped breasts are careerists, purposeful individuals who relentlessly follow their goal.

  • "Lemons" - as a rule, not very large breasts, with large nipples, protruding in different directions. The nipples are light, most often pink. About the nature of these women, we can say that they are playful, sexy, seductive, charismatic, witty. These are notorious adventurers, leaders, such a woman, no doubt, can become even a man's best friend. But building a love relationship with her is not always easy, because they are fickle in love, change partners often and almost without hesitation.

They are lucky in their careers, and often they manage to build a business or make a career out of just their ability to spin and get out of any situation. But do not underestimate them or consider them stupid because of this - they have more than enough intelligence and resourcefulness, but they prefer to hide it for profit and to splurge on you.

  • Pineapples. This, as you may have guessed, is a large and oblong chest. The nipples are medium in size, pink in color and show through well. As for the character, they are capricious, spoiled, selfish. But at the same time, they often show signs of striving for something more than a successful career or a happy family.


In the end, it is worth saying that the shape of a female bust does not necessarily determine her character, but such patterns are indeed present.

Yes, and every woman will be interested to know what the shape of her bust can mean. Also, this topic may be of interest to men who learn something new about the nature of their soulmate.

The most beautiful breast shape in the photo was recently published by the American publishing house InTouch. According to the magazine, actress and singer Jessica Simpson received the palm.

This is the result of the fashionable American rating. Is there a more objective photo with the ideal shape of the female breast? What is the “correct” and what is the wrong shape of the breast? Are there any objective criteria other than those created by the fashion industry (and, by the way, also differ from edition to edition)?

Controversial question. But we'll try to figure it out.

What breast shape do men like?

No one can appreciate the charm of female forms as much as a man. Naturally, who should appreciate beauty, if not those for whom it is intended to seduce.

It is believed that guys like big breasts. But this is a delusion. Men are attracted when everything is in moderation: the third size is the most popular. In second place - the second and fourth. The rest are less popular, but also have fans. And as for what the correct and ugly shape of the breast is, most likely, it will not be possible to achieve a definite answer.

Moreover: if a man is strongly indifferent to a woman, then even the unusual shape of the chest in the photo or in real life is not able to embarrass him.

True, you can go for a little trick: get into your lover’s computer and look at the beautiful breast shapes in the photo, which, for example, are on the “wallpaper” on the desktop. Unless, of course, the woman conducting the “test” is not touchy and jealous.

So. The statistics of men's opinions did not give a clear answer about whether there is a better breast shape for women in pictures or in life.

Well, it's time to ask the doctors this question.

What determines the shape of the breast

What do professional mammologists and cosmetologists say? Medicine knows exactly what the shape of the breast depends on:

1. Different forms of the female breast in the photo are mainly due to hereditary factors. This is transmitted genetically in the same way as, for example, the shape of the ears.

2. Endocrine factors. By the age of 12 - 14, the girl begins to secrete sex hormones, which regulate breast growth. By the age of 25, breast augmentation ends.

3. The shape and size of the female breast is largely determined by the presence of adipose tissue in it. Each mammary gland contains the same amount of glandular tissue. But the fat layer affects both the size and the shape.

4. Connective tissue (ligaments) is the frame of the breast. Therefore, the types of breast forms are determined by the strength and structure of connective tissue fibers.

5. The mammary gland as a whole is supported by muscle tissue. Therefore, breasts of various shapes from the photo differ depending on the strength and development of the muscles.

6. If there is any pathology of the mammary gland, then this also violates its shape and size.

Medicine describes in general terms what forms of female breasts are, but also does not give an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ideal. There should be two glands, they should have a normal internal structure, there should be normally formed nipples.

Among doctors there is the concept of "norm", but there is no concept of "ideal".

The most beautiful breast shape: the ingenious discovery of scientists from Palermo!

And yet, the purely anatomical shape of the breast was adjusted to modern ideals of beauty! And this was done not so long ago by Italian scientists from Palermo. They came up with a universal formula that allows you to evaluate different breast shapes. Look at the image below:

The calculation of the shape of the female breast in the picture is presented. It is not difficult to find out if a correction of the shape of the breast is required. Just calculate three sizes as shown in the picture.

Then divide ac in half, and divide the resulting value by bc or ba.

If in the end it turned out 0.4 - 0.6, then you have an almost ideal type of breast shape.

Less than 0.4 - the mammary glands sagged, correction of the shape of the breast is required.

More than 0.6 - the glands are too high, in this case, changing and improving the shape of the breast is more difficult.

Let's evaluate some more indicators. Here it is, the "gold standard":

  • the gap between the nipples is 20 - 21 centimeters;
  • distance from the navel to the nipple - 24 - 25 centimeters;
  • the distance from the jugular notch to the nipple (in the picture ba and bc) is 17 - 18 centimeters.

If you do not fall under the standards, then you should not immediately think about how to change the shape of your breasts. A small difference doesn't matter. In addition, there are men who like women's breasts of an unusual and non-standard shape.

Below we will talk about what happens and how to determine the shape of the breast from the photo. But first, let's talk about a simple test that you can use without going into details.

Just place a simple pencil under your chest. Does it fall to the floor right away? Preliminary diagnosis: your mammary glands are perfect. Does the chest “pinch” and “do not let go” of the pencil? It's time to think about how to bring the chest into shape.

Classification and types of shapes and sizes of the female breast with visual photos

Let's see what breast shapes are. Of course, the bust of each woman is unique and unrepeatable. But it is difficult for men to navigate the world of the mammary glands, which is why they come up with all sorts of classifications.

Below are generalized photos with types of breast forms. Each form of female breasts and breasts of girls has a name, sometimes funny, but accurately reflects the essence.

The classification appeared in Spain and initially performed ... a fortune-telling function! It turns out that the fate of a woman was determined by the shape of her breasts! Today, the ancient division of breasts has been adopted by psychologists and sexologists.

The fox nose breast shape is a name that speaks for itself. Very characteristic. It is believed that such women are faithful in marriage and inventive in bed. As a variety - a bust in the form of a teapot.

The shape of the chest in the form of an apple is a classic rounded one. Such women are not always faithful and often change partners.

Goat chest shape. In fact, this is a triangular-shaped chest, which for some reason received such a peculiar name. Another name for it is tubular breast shape, conical breast shape (a more general term). For these women, there are no complexes and rules in the intimate sphere.

As a variety, one can note the chest in the form of an oar - it is also cone-shaped, but the nipples are widely spaced, “look” in different directions.

Pear-shaped breasts - these women are quite capricious and scandalous. The pear-shaped variety of female breast forms promises adventure for both its owner and her partner.

Peach breast shape. Such women are sensual, tender. They are just made for sex.

Lemon breast shape. Daring. Self-ironic. But these women do not like changes in the usual environment and surprises.

The melon breast shape is large and rounded. Such ladies can be good mothers or very capricious narcissistic young ladies.

Eggplant is not the most beautiful breast shape, but such women are very strong-willed, they are excellent bosses.

The teardrop shape of the breast is most often given with the help of silicone implants.

Oranges - the shape of such a breast can also be represented by association. These women are ticking time bombs. With age, when other women think about how to shape their breasts, the appetites of the owners of "oranges" only grow.

Saucers. Not the most perfect bust. But its owners rarely think about how to improve the shape of their breasts. They patiently endure the hardships of life and know how to bring what they started to the end.

"Bee stings" - the smallest breast size. Such representatives of the fair sex are stubborn and rarely change something in life. Some of them are complex and think about how to make a beautiful breast shape.

Pancakes and "spaniel ears" are flat shapes that may be an individual feature or the result of breasts losing shape after pregnancy and childbirth.

Cranberries are small spherical. A smaller version of apples, like potatoes.

There are other classifications and types of shapes and sizes of the female breast with a photo. We have given the most common and universal. In principle, the classification can be complicated ad infinitum.

It can be seen above that the shape of the female breast and the character of its owner are closely related.

What happens to the breasts during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

Women often ask questions about how to get their breast shape back after childbirth. In order to answer correctly, we first look at how the shape of the breast changes during pregnancy.

The shape of the breast during pregnancy becomes more magnificent. The female body is attacked by a mass of hormones that lead to the growth of glandular tissue. Both the skin and the connective tissue, which is the skeleton of the organ, are stretched.

Breast shape undergoes even stronger changes after breastfeeding. When the glands begin to secrete a lot of milk, they swell and stretch even more.

After lactation and breastfeeding, the shape of the breast is always disturbed. The level of hormones decreases, the volume of glandular tissue decreases. Overstretched soft tissues and muscles cause flabbiness of the breast. Gradually, the restoration of the shape of the breast after childbirth occurs independently. But not always to the original form. How to stay charming? How to restore the shape of the breast after childbirth? Read about this below, under the heading "How to return the breast to its previous shape."

And here we will talk about effective prevention. So, during pregnancy and breastfeeding you need:

1. You will not be faced with the question of how to restore the shape of the breast after feeding, if you perform her massage and gymnastics (how - a gynecologist will be able to tell you about this).

2. Careful and proper personal hygiene is also of great importance.

And now let's see how the breast shape is restored after feeding and after age-related changes.

How to correct the shape of the breast?

Pregnancy and age can greatly disrupt the shape of the mammary glands. Until the age of 25, the problem is most often not relevant for a woman. And then problems can arise.

  • Protect the mammary glands from injury, excessive sunburn and other harmful effects.
  • Proper diet is another answer to the question of how to give a beautiful breast shape. A diet with an abundance of milk, vegetables and fruits, vitamins A, E, C will definitely benefit. At the same time, prolonged hunger strikes are a great test for the body, and primarily for the mammary glands.
  • Massage with the help of a shower and cold douches are a kind of exercise to improve and maintain the shape of the breast.
  • You can not slouch - so you "spoil" the bust.
  • Physical exercises to restore a beautiful breast shape is another important point.

And how to correct the shape of the breast, if violations have already occurred or it is not very beautiful initially?

A full restoration of the shape of the breast is possible only after getting acquainted with the scalpel of a plastic surgeon. When anatomical changes take place, alas, other methods are ineffective.

Is it possible to change the shape of the breast in other ways? There is an alternative - this is corrective underwear:

  • the shape of the breast and the bra are closely interconnected: with the purchase of high-quality underwear and its correct selection, real miracles can be performed;
  • you can use a corset to improve the shape of the breast, as well as a lot of other means: bustier, grace, etc .;
  • stickers and silicone forms are also used to maintain the breasts.

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natural bra

Let's start with some anatomy. The breast consists of the mammary gland and the fatty tissue surrounding it, which gives the bust volume. The one and only muscle that supports the chest is the subcutaneous muscle of the neck. That's why the beauty of the bust depends on the condition of the triangular area from the base of the chest to the chin. It just does not contain a single muscle and is weakly attached to the chest. But it is he who holds the breast in a certain place, for which he received the name "natural bra".

Breast skin needs to be taken care of no less carefully than facial skin.

This concept was introduced by Jacques Courtin, founder of Clarins. Under the influence of gravity, as well as various factors (sudden weight gain or loss, pregnancy, puberty), the breast skin stretches, loses its firmness and elasticity. Therefore, the skin of the bust must be looked after no less carefully than the skin of the face.

Daily care

Apply every day to the "natural bra" area(from the base of the chest to the chin) moisturizer. You can use a special tool for the décolleté area or the usual face cream. Exfoliate once a week with a scrub (for face or body). Apply it with light smoothing movements. This stimulates blood circulation, removes toxins and promotes bust skin renewal, helping it to maintain elasticity and youth. Massage your breasts daily with cool water in a circular motion after showering. It strengthens tissues and stimulates microcirculation.

How to choose the right bra?

How do you know if a bra is right for you? It should sit literally like a second skin: not to cause discomfort, not to cut into the skin and not leave marks. The bra should fit the chest, but not press it to the chest. Wear a different bra every day. They can be pitted or not, as you like. Only the balconette model is best reserved for special occasions. It sits too tight and has a deep neckline.

As soon as the bra stretches, get rid of it.

As soon as the bra stretches, get rid of it. Don't get carried away with push-up models. They compress the upper chest, which can lead to thinning of the skin. Do fitness only in sports underwear. During active training, the skin on the chest is stretched, a special top will support the bust in place and reduce the load on it during exercise. Choose models with crossed straps on the back. They support the chest better and do not slip off during sports.

chest exercises

These three exercises will not take much time and will help to strengthen the "natural bra".

Exercise #1

Hold two books under your arms, press your elbows to your body, lift your forearms forward with your palms up. Spread your forearms out to the sides, keeping your upper arms close to your body so that the books don't fall out. Hold the position for 10 seconds to engage your back muscles. Return to starting position. Repeat 10 times.

Exercise #2

Try to smile as wide as possible, so as to cause contraction of the subcutaneous muscle of the neck. Yes, yes, it is possible. Try it and feel for yourself. Repeat 15 times. With regular performance after some time, you will notice that with each contraction of the neck muscle, the chest rises. You just need to practice a little.

Exercise #3

Connect the palms at the level of the nose. Spread your elbows out to the sides and keep them parallel to the floor. Squeeze your palms tighter for a couple of seconds. Repeat 10 times. This exercise helps to develop the pectoral muscles, especially when combined with the previous one.

7 tips for beautiful breasts from Dr. Olivier Courtin-Clarence

  1. Apply the care product in accordance with the "natural bra". For example, circle your right breast with the palm of your left hand, moving from outside to inside.
  2. Keep your back straight, as if an invisible thread is pulling you by the top of your head. Correct posture is important for a woman. Imagine yourself as an actress on the red carpet in front of hundreds of cameras.
  3. Try not to sleep on your stomach. To maintain a beautiful breast shape, it is recommended to sleep on your back.
  4. Don't take long hot baths. This leads to loss of skin elasticity. Hot showers are also better not to abuse.
  5. Harmful to the breast and sudden changes in weight.
  6. Don't sunbathe topless. The sun's rays adversely affect the delicate skin of the bust. In the summer, be sure to apply a product with the highest sun protection factor to the décolleté area.
  7. Check your breasts regularly. If something worries, urgently make an appointment with a mammologist. In any case, it should be visited at least once a year.

About the expert

Olivier Courtin Clarins is an orthopedic surgeon by profession. Since 1995, he has been the CEO of the cosmetics company Clarins Group, where he continues his father's work. For the 60th anniversary of the company, he wrote the book “Doctor, I want to be the most beautiful” (“Docteur, je veux être la plus belle!”, Clarins, 2015), in which he collected useful tips and recommendations for face and body care.

A lot of roads are open before a beautiful woman. Before smart and attractive - those ways that bring power and prosperity. Be that as it may, an appetizing and seductive bust will not interfere with both a beautiful and smart young lady. Erin Brockovich's very good answer to one question comes to mind: Why did you think you could go in there and find everything we need? Explain to me. Because I have beautiful breasts". And she was right, because the bust is the real weapon of a woman.

The most beautiful female breast

In ancient times, it was believed that the ideal breast is the one that fits in the male palm. Given the current data, it turns out that the most attractive breast size ranges between 2 and 3. Indeed, the bust of such volumes looks as harmonious as possible, and also retains elasticity and freshness longer.

Scientists, in turn, have calculated that the most beautiful natural breasts can only be considered the one whose lower and upper halves are in the ratio of 45/55%. In this case, the nipple should stick up. Nothing is said about the size of such a bust, so ladies with magnificent forms may not be upset. Among the star ladies, the owners of gorgeous breasts are:

- the most beautiful chest in Russia

A gorgeous puffy beauty is known not only at home, but also in a good part of the world. is not shy about her natural forms and skillfully emphasizes them with a decent neckline. The growth of a seductive lady is 165 cm, chest, waist and hips: 105-76-109 cm. As the well-known showman said: “A woman should be magnificent, in whose arms one wants to die.” According to him, it is the young ladies in the body who rule the ball.

Ani Lorak - the most beautiful breasts in Ukraine

It is not so easy to choose from Ukrainian beauties. Carolina's competitors were singers Erika, Tina Karol and Nastya Kamensky. This rating is ambiguous. But he continues to admire his body even after the birth of his daughter. Always fit, she has been listed in the top 100 sexiest women in the world several times. The growth of the cutie is 1.62 m, and the weight is only 48 kg, the rest of the parameters: 89-60-90 cm.

Scarlett Johansson is the sexiest boobs in Hollywood

The talent of this famous actress from the USA is gaining wild popularity. Many remembered from the films "The Avengers", "Iron Man 2", "Lucy", etc. The girl rightfully became the owner of one of the most attractive busts. Scarlett's height is 1.60 m, but the parameters are just perfect: 94-63-95 cm. For this, she was awarded a similar “title” of a man.

Jessica Simpson is the sexiest breast on the planet (according to InTouch magazine)

This successful business woman is a singer, actress, designer and TV presenter. In addition to her tenacity in show business and the fashion world, Jessica captivates the public with a seductive bust. Having played an ardent beauty in the comedy The Dukes of Hazzard, the girl immediately drew the viewer's attention to her perfect figure. Then Simpson was dressed in a pink swimsuit. In 2012 and 2013, Jessica gave birth to a daughter and a son, but this did not stop her from returning even more appetizing forms to their proper state. The growth of a beautiful lady is 1.61 m, other parameters: 96-65-92 cm.

Marilyn Monroe - the most seductive natural breasts in the world

The incomparable blonde has been the beauty ideal for millions of women for many years. At one time, Marilyn was an idol and the first fashion model that the whole world knew. Biographers of the star claim that she did not undergo plastic surgery for breast augmentation. In any case, the figure parameters of this fashion and style icon remain ideal for all time. With a height of 1.66 m, the sex symbol of that time weighed 54 kg, the volume of the chest, waist and hips of the beauty was 92-58-91 cm.

Interesting! The owner of the largest breast in the world is Annie Hawkins-Turner. Her bust was included in the Guinness Book of Records, her chest is 1.8 m in volume, and each weighs 25.5 kg.

And yet the beauty of a woman is not only in the splendor of her forms. The main thing is kindness, affection, sincerity and tenderness. Girls, be yourself, because there is a man who will love you for who you are.