Morion stone. In jewelry and magic. Mystic Black Crystal Magic Powers

Morion is a completely black quartz, most often found in pegmatites. This beautiful crystal is used not only in jewelry, but also in radio engineering. Morion chips are used as aquarium soil.

This rare black stone has several names - tar, gypsy, black crystal. The modern name comes from the Greek word "morysso", which literally means "blacken". In ancient Egypt, glasses were made from thin black quartz plates to protect the eyes from the sun. Such, for example, was worn by Pharaoh Tutankhamen. In the Middle Ages, morion was very popular with alchemists as a means of helping to find the legendary philosopher's stone, capable of turning any base metal into the purest gold.

In Rus', Morion was dedicated to Morena, the goddess of death and winter. According to legend, Morena was once a bright heavenly maiden, but gold seduced her, and she went to the kingdom of Koshchei, becoming the first witch. The immortal sorcerer gave her a magic ring in which morion was set, the magic contained in it made Morena immortal.

The rare black color of quartz crystals is due to natural radiation. The stone is easily recognizable by its color with a characteristic glassy luster, and the crystal itself has the shape of a hexagon. . If a black crystal is heated, it will brighten, turning brown or yellow.. If the stone is heated even more, it will completely discolor. However, the black color can be easily returned, it is enough just to irradiate the mineral with radiation, for example, X-rays.

Natural and artificial stones

Morion crystals are a variety of quartz, which has a huge number of colors: from transparent to black, golden to green, lilac and even blue. Transparent rock crystal, snow and milky quartz, falcon and cat's eyes, lilac amethyst, golden citrine, greenish-brown smoky topaz, ametrine, green prasiolite, etc. are the closest relatives of morion.

Rock crystal is a mineral, or, as it is also called, a kind of transparent quartz. The chemical formula that characterizes rock crystal is SiO2. In its form, no matter how much it is twisted in different directions, it is a hexagonal crystal. If you measure the angle between the corners of this crystal, it will always be 120°.

Pure, unclouded quartz samples are very rare, and their price is quite high. Translated from the ancient Greek "kristallos" means "ice". And it is true. According to their external characteristics, rock crystal crystals resemble pieces of frozen ice that came to us from afar.

It occurs naturally as clear, colorless crystals. The most famous deposits of quartz are the Nagolny Kryazh, the Crimea, the Carpathians, the French and Swiss Alps, the Urals, and the Pamirs. There are also deposits of rock crystal on the island of Madagascar and in Brazil.

History of crystal

Crystal rhinestone is so beautiful and exquisite that it captivates the spirit. Looking into its transparent depths, you involuntarily begin to believe that there, in its depths, your future is hidden. The first mention of crystal was in ancient Greece. In the city of Patras there was a marble temple in which there was a statue of the goddess of fertility Dimeter, and a magic mirror hung near the statue. It was known for its amazing and mysterious abilities. It was believed: if after the service you ask the mirror a question that tormented you, then you will definitely get an answer to it. The main material is rock crystals.

Perhaps that is why people tried to surround themselves with objects made from this stone as much as possible.

In the old days, crystal was used to make jewelry, dishes, interior items, even lamps. Rock crystal balls were a must for any self-respecting magician in the 18th and 19th centuries. Not a single magical rite could do without using the magical properties of this ball.

Crystal is also mentioned in ancient legends. Many of the world's great alchemists used rock crystal when trying to find the Philosopher's Stone. One of the legends takes us back in time to Scotland, it tells about a tired traveler who, after a very long journey, very tired, accidentally got to a feast arranged by the forest dwellers. Leaving the feast, he took with him a crystal goblet. To this day, some believe that this cup is still kept in one of the oldest castles in Scotland.

Even in ancient times, it was believed that the magical properties of rock crystal are very strong.

It helps to open sensory abilities, points the way to the world of otherworldly spirits.

Very often, amulets are made, where crystal is used as a basis. It helps to clear the clarity of thought, improve health, attract good luck, wealth, love, push away the bad, get negative thoughts out of the head, and help achieve the goal. During a severe frost, he will not let his owner freeze, and in the heat he will save him from drought if the stone is worn on the finger. If you have nightmares at night or the day was so emotionally disturbing that you now suffer from insomnia, put a stone under your pillow. This will help you fall asleep faster.

Varieties of crystal, its magical and healing properties

In nature, there are a large number of types of rock crystal due to different shades and inclusions. Each type of such quartz has in its own way irreplaceable magical and healing properties. Knowing these properties, you can improve your health, establish a business, drive away bad thoughts, get rid of nightmares.

It is otherwise called rauchtopaz. The color of this quartz has a light grayish haze. It is also dark, similar to a black female veil. Due to its strong magical properties, crystal was often used in the rites of black magic. Despite this, if the power of the stone is turned to good, then it will help its owner gain vitality, make a person more courageous, resistant to any troubles, more active and sexual. He is often very helpful at work.

It can also be used for medicinal purposes. Interestingly, rauchtopaz is also called the stone of the Buddha. The stone helps to remove toxins from the body.

The healing properties of smoky crystal are manifested in the treatment of mental or depressive disorders. During the period of exacerbation of this condition, it is recommended to carry crystal with you all the time and at the time of the attack, turn to the stone for help. It helps to quit smoking, fight drug addiction and alcoholism.

Black rhinestone

Also called morion. In the old days, almost all alchemists carried this stone. It was believed that he would help the owner in extracting gold. Morion helped to communicate with the world of dead people; not a single spiritualistic session was held without him. And if one of the close people died, it was popular to wear an ornament with the image of a weeping woman or a willow made of morion during mourning for this person.

Such an unusual color of a stone in nature is due to its proximity to uranium or granite deposits. It is rare, so its price is quite high. It happens that ordinary quartz, in order to give it a dark shade, is artificially irradiated with radiation. Of course, such artificial black crystal in this case does not have all the qualities inherent in morion.

To distinguish a real morion from an artificial one, you just need to look through it. With its dark color, real morion is still transparent, while artificial is not.

He gives protection to his owner, protecting his body and soul. Any negative energy directed at the owner of the stone or emanating from him, with the help of the amazing qualities of the stone, is converted into positive. Helping a person to achieve a goal, he realizes all his dreams. Crystal will bring you good luck, wealth, prosperity, while wearing it, you need to think only about yourself. It is also recommended to wear morion if you have depression, a bad mood, as it will help get rid of all negative and unpleasant thoughts.

The healing properties of rock crystal are manifested if worn by people suffering from diseases of the kidneys, pancreas, reproductive system, migraines. By stabilizing the thyroid gland, it normalizes metabolism, helps to absorb minerals and vitamins.

Transparent crystal, or Cupid's arrows

There is a legend: once the goddess of love bathed in a magical lake, and while bathing she dropped a lock of her hair. As soon as she touched the water, she immediately froze. So, the rock crystal “Arrows of Cupid” was formed. This spring stone of love changes the character of a person, making him more docile.

The owner of the stone begins to treat love differently. By making a person's feelings more acute, elevated, he helps to attract love to himself, of course, if you want to love. It is believed that if a man wears such quartz, he will attract love to himself, become more passionate, and the stone will help a woman evoke a feeling of love.

Cupid's arrows, framed in gold, will help enhance this effect. It, according to many astrologers, can be worn by absolutely all signs of the zodiac, but most of all its influence extends to air signs, since this stone itself is associated with this element.

This crystal does not have a rich green color. The color of quartz is greenish. Looking into the depths, involuntarily a person thinks about a plant that froze inside him many millennia ago. It is believed that he, like all the previous ones, has the gift of clearing thoughts of negativity, health, attracting good luck and success to his owner.

Rock crystal, with whatever shade it is, is a beautiful stone. It is used to make various decorations that can be worn in everyday life.

Everyone probably remembers that the gods always drank their elixirs from crystal goblets. It was believed that this could prolong their life and grant immortality. In fact, this miraculous effect was due to the fact that the rays of the sun, passing through the core of the crystal, were refracted. At the same time, all microbes were destroyed in the bowl.

It is believed that it has a beneficial effect on a nursing mother. At the same time, her milk flow increases if she wears a crystal necklace around her neck.

There are many different legends and beliefs about this stone, but it is worth noting: no matter what stone you wear, it is necessary that only good thoughts always visit you. Then all your plans will soon come true. Believe in yourself and your strengths.
There are few minerals in the world, illuminated with bad fame. These include morion, otherwise referred to as smoky or black quartz. In ancient times, they tried to buy morion only in the process of preparing for mourning events. It was believed that in moments of grief, jewelry with morion protects a person from the encroachments of otherworldly evil spirits - for all that this stone needs to maintain its own strength is human grief. The soul, possessed by demons, viciously triumphs...

It was bad for those who risked wearing natural morion every day - for the sake of strict solemnity of splendor. The insidious stone inspired its owner with the darkest thoughts and feelings, causing a person to suffer for no apparent reason. To avoid misfortune, the Ural masters of stone-cutting came up with a black gem to bake in bread. From the broken loaf, the most seemingly hopeless smoky quartzes spilled out differently: transparent, golden, warm both in appearance and in sensations...

Physical properties of morion

  • The chemical formula is SiO2.
  • Crystals are large, well-formed aggregates.
  • Color - gray, brown to dark brown.
  • Transparency - opaque, translucent.
  • Syngony - trigonal.
  • Cleavage - absent.
  • Luster - glass.
  • Hardness on the Mohs scale - 7.
  • Density - 2.65.
  • Fracture - conchoidal.
The opacity and dark color of the mineral is explained not only by the presence of impurities (positively charged Na and Li), but also by changes in the charges of the nodal atoms of the quartz crystal lattice, arising under the action of ionizing radiation.

Changes under the influence of heat treatment. When slowly heated to a temperature of 250 - 300 ° C, morion gradually changes color, becoming lighter with increasing duration of exposure. At a temperature of 400˚С, the stone becomes colorless. Restoration of a dark color is possible when the mineral is irradiated with a hard X-ray spectrum.

In ennobled black quartz crystals, the phenomenon of pleochroism is sometimes observed. At different angles of view, the visible color of the stone changes to green and purple.

The use of morion

Considering morion to be a kind of smoky quartz, minerologists agreed to distinguish stones according to the degree of transparency. (another name for smoky quartz) is considered to be a transparent mineral. Morion can only shine through, and only in thin plates of chips. However, clear diagnostic parameters for these minerals have not been developed, and the same stone can reasonably be called both smoky quartz (rauchtopaz) and morion.

In the Ural tradition, a black stone with a chip, resembling a chip of a piece of bituminous resin, is called "tar" or "gypsy". The natural blackness of natural stone is also reflected by its scientific name: the ancient Greek root “mor” means “darkness”. Sometimes (by mistake) brown quartz crystals are called black rock crystal or black diamond.

Morion is well known to many peoples of the Earth: the mineral is widely distributed, found in Europe, America, Asia and Africa. Asian (Kazakhstan) crystals are especially large. The mass of some specimens of crystalline morion monoliths is measured in tens of tons.

In the modern jewelry industry, morion is more often used after annealing. (The Arabs were the first to use this method of ennobling a gem in the ΧVΙ century). Transformed in this way into citrine, the semi-precious stone is in considerable demand. However, many customers prefer to purchase inserts from natural gems: the radiance of black faces is piercing, the combination with a silver or platinum frame is contrasting, but harmonious. Morion is often cut cabochon.

High-grade morions are large, deep black and brightly lustrous. Their price is low: five-millimeter cabochons are valued individually no more than a dollar for one; faceted stones can cost up to two dollars per carat.

The history of the morion stone goes back two and a half centuries. The famous Ekaterina Dashkova, captivated by the beauty of rock crystal intergrowths, located on a black quartz crystal, brought morion to St. Petersburg from the Urals back in 1787.

The very first observations of a new stone for Russian mineralogy established that morion is not always homogeneous. In the thickness of its crystals, shaped like a grave obelisk, there may be clearly defined - or, on the contrary, visually almost undetectable - milky quartz. Often there are crystals of a layered distribution of rocks: the core is milky quartz; its shell is transparent rock crystal; further - smoky quartz, after citrine, and already outside morion.

High-temperature processing makes it possible to equalize the quality of the quartz array throughout the entire thickness of the crystal. This increases the gem value of the stone, but reduces the geological value of the mineral.

Stone has been used since ancient times. In the tombs of Thebes, thin plates of morion are found, equipped with bronze temples for ease of wearing. It turns out that the pharaohs were the first to use the black gem as a light-protective filter for the eyes!

In the Middle Ages, occultists of all kinds and stripes burned with passion for Morion. Alchemy seriously considered morion as one of the contenders for the title of philosopher's stone - however, the spell that awakens creative forces in morion was never found.

The decadent moods of Europeans in the second half of the ΧΙΧ century, clearly reflected in the morality of Victorian England, the poems of Paul Verlaine and the novel Past and Thoughts by Alexander Herzen, caused a surge in the popularity of the stone. Engraved symbols of death were applied to rings, pendants and brooches. Black bracelets and beads were worn in several rows. Unpretentiously faceted large stones topped ebony canes...

In the last century, morion has found application in technology. Parts for radio electronics were made from it. Today, morion is mostly an ornamental stone. However, ideas about its magical properties inspire fear among gullible citizens ...

The healing and magical properties of morion

An old Russian medical book convinces the reader: “Wear morion around your neck, you will become cheerful, and if you suffered from epilepsy, you will be healed.” According to modern views, Morion is able to eliminate addiction to drugs and alcohol. Gambling and other pathological hobbies recede under the influence of black crystals. However, not a single guide considers what the price of eliminating vicious passions is if Morion is involved in the matter ...

Lithotherapists recommend morion applications with caution. It is noticed that the stone helps to alleviate joint pain, purify the blood, relieve pain during inflammation of the nerve membranes. Its use has an unexpected side effect: all patients begin to sleep longer and deeper. But the longer the morion sleep, the less rested the person feels...

Mystics say that morion is the "widest" of the bridges between the worlds. The stone helps to summon spirits even from the impenetrable darkness of oblivion. However, very often, along with the summoned spirit, an openly demonic entity also penetrates into our world.

Being localized in a black crystal, which served to facilitate mediumistic concentration, the demon does not give itself away explicitly - as it usually happens when an infernal inhabitant enters a person. But such a “spiritualized” stone always acts meanly, cruelly and dirty, steadily poisoning the life of others.

It is almost impossible to “etch out” a demon from morion, which has been repeatedly used in spiritualistic sessions and rituals of black magic. Only sent into a red-hot furnace and melted there, the stone ceases to exist, and its inhabitant returns to the underworld.

However, “pure”, not tainted with satanic rites, morion is able to bring practical benefits. It helps Scorpions and Capricorns in achieving practical goals, however, Scorpios should not wear jewelry with morions: it is better for them to have a cut or polished stone at home, and communicate with it after bathing the crystal in clear water.

Cancers and Libra, black quartz makes it possible to make an unambiguous (though not always correct) decision. The rest of the signs of the Zodiac can count on the protective properties of morion - however, the owner of the stone must be sure: a) in his spiritual powers; b) in the "innocence" of the stone that fell to him; c) in their own patience. "Education" of black quartz requires time, effort and endurance...

Morion can serve as a talisman only for established esotericists. For mere mortals, a stone is at best (with a rare wearing of a newly made jewelry) useless. With prolonged contact, morion “wakes up” and plunges a person into negative experiences - usually completely unreasonable.

Young people (up to 30 years old) are most vulnerable to the dark forces concentrated in morion. It has a detrimental effect on the stone and its setting into metals of a “hot” color. Any (red, yellow, white, pink, green) gold, red copper, bronze and other warm-colored metals are categorically contraindicated for morion! Contact with them awakens a destructive force in black crystals.

The color of the mineral causes an ambiguous attitude towards it, and the trail of mysticism and mystery increases the magical appeal. What is morion really, why is it considered diabolical and healing at the same time?

Smolyak, black crystal, gypsies - under such terms, morion is known in different parts of the Earth. And the official name comes from the Latin morrosus - "gloomy, gloomy."

Sunglasses with morion were worn by the Chinese emperors and Pharaoh Tutankhamen. The ancient Sumerians and Romans made seals out of it.

The inhabitants of Tibet and India use to achieve nirvana. Buddhists call it the stone of the Buddha - it is believed that the Bowl, presented to him by the Guardians, is made from it.

Medieval alchemists used it to search for the philosopher's stone. The next peak of interest in the stone came in the 19th century, when all of Europe was obsessed with the occult, and Count Cagliostro was at the zenith of his fame. He only performed séances when at least someone had a black crystal ring.

The legends about the mineral are beautiful, but sad, their plot is always associated with otherworldly forces.

For example, the Russian fairy tale about Koshchei the Immortal and Morena. This Celestial Maiden became the first dark sorceress. Tempted by gold, she went to his dark kingdom, where she gained immortality, which provided the ring with morion given to him.

But the gem had a strong reputation as a repository of dark forces. The magic mirror of the witch is made from it.

It was believed that the soul of a demon makes the owner cruel, callous, aggressive. Ural craftsmen were able to free Morion and the properties of the stone from the gloomy color and the dark power associated with it. They put black crystals in the dough. When the bread was baked, golden transparent gems were taken out of it.

At the end of the 18th century, the President of the Russian Academy of Sciences Ekaterina Dashkova presented the stone to the emperor after a trip to the Urals.

Physical Properties

Morion is a semi-precious variety, dark brown or black. The color is created by the natural background of radiation, the proximity to uranium or granite. By itself, it is not radioactive, therefore it is not dangerous. It has a vitreous luster, crystals in the form of a hexagonal prism, with transparency from full to zero. Hardness on the Mohs scale - 7, has pleochroism, that is, it changes color at different angles.

Due to the rich black color of morion, strong and most gloomy magical properties were attributed to it. It was believed that only magicians could wear such a mineral, while it would begin to cause harm to mere mortals. But this is not true. Morion is a stone that really does not like selfish people who think only about their own good, therefore, only the person who sets the highest spiritual goals can wear it.

A bit of history

Morion has been known since ancient times. Although then it was called black crystal. In the 12th century in China, this stone was used to make sun glasses. Similar models were in those who lived in Egypt. In addition, the Chinese made bottles for medicines from it. The Sumerians and Romans used it as a material for making seals.

People have long noticed that the color of morion stone can vary. So, the legendary Buddha Cup, which was brought to him by the guardians of the world as a gift, was created from color. Many scientists believe that it was just morion.

In the Middle Ages, all alchemists certainly had this mineral, since it was believed that gold could be obtained with it.

At the same time, in Europe it was believed that morion is a jewelry stone. Although it began to be used this way only from the middle of the 19th century. This is due to the fashion for the occult and mystical currents. For example, Count Cagliostro never started his magical sessions until he was sure that someone in the audience had a ring with this mineral. It was believed that the gem allows you to communicate with spirits. In addition, black quartz was used as a symbol of mourning. There were special brooches and rings with this stone, which were put on when relatives were lost. On this stone, patterns were carved in the form of sad women, or destroyed columns.

Varieties and colors

Now let's find out what color the morion stone has. It is a very rare black or deep brown quartz whose color is due to natural radiation caused by the proximity of granite deposits or uranium deposits. The mineral itself is safe for humans, it is not radioactive. At the same time, the black variety of quartz is not very common in nature, therefore, for commercial purposes, it is obtained artificially by irradiating simple quartz with radiation. The properties of this stone, of course, will differ from the natural one, but not in a good way. Real morion is very easy to identify. Black natural crystal retains some level of transparency when viewed through it, while artificially altered crystal cannot distinguish itself.

Under long exposure to direct rays, morion begins to turn gray and brighten. Therefore, jewelry made from it must be protected from the sun. In addition, the mineral changes its shade from high temperature.

Physical Properties

We found out what color the morion stone is. But it is worth noting that its dark shade and its opacity are due to the presence of various impurities, as well as changes in the charges of the atoms of the quartz lattice, which occur under the influence of ionizing radiation.

The color of smoky quartz changes under the influence of heat treatment. When gently heated to 300˚C, it gradually changes shade, becoming lighter with increased exposure. The stone at 400˚С becomes absolutely colorless. Restoration of a dark shade is possible - this occurs when it is irradiated with a hard x-ray spectrum.

The phenomenon of pleochroism is periodically observed in ennobled black quartz crystals. At different angles of view, the color of the stone smoothly changes to purple and green.

Morion stone: magical properties

For a long time, black crystal was considered an exceptionally magical stone. At the same time, because of the shape and color of the crystals, it was attributed to the nuggets of necromancers, as well as people who speak with the ghosts of dead people.

At the same time, morion stone is a mineral of protection. It reliably protects the soul and body of a person. It is also a great way to get rid of bad energy. It is believed that morion can convert any negative energy directed at the owner of the stone into positive.

The mineral can help its owner achieve business and personal goals. It is also used to fulfill desires, while helping dreams come true. Therefore, it is a stone that brings good luck, prosperity and abundance, but only if the owner thinks about more than just himself.

The nugget improves a person's organizational skills. It provides great creative inspiration. It can also help in building priorities, desires and needs, in everyday affairs brings wisdom.

Black morion - a stone, the photo of which is presented in this article, is great for improving mood, relieving symptoms of depression and overcoming negative emotions. It removes fear, stress, anger, jealousy and other negative emotions, changing them into a qualitatively different, positive energy. This mineral has an amazing ability to improve the inner strength of a person, and can also calm and comfort. Wearing a stone is recommended for those people who have experienced grief - this will give them the opportunity to get rid of any negativity.

In order to get rid of tension, you need to take the crystal in the palm of your hand and sit with it for several minutes. At the same time, it must be kept at a distance from the body. If you need to cheer up - direct the crystal to the body.

The stone can teach its owner how to leave behind everything that is no longer useful. For example, it is actively used to heal obsessions and drug addictions.

Morion (stone): healing properties

This stone cures blood diseases, helps in the rehabilitation of severe degrees of strokes and heart attacks, cleanses the body, dissolves blood clots, eliminates toxins that were not previously amenable to the action of any drugs, in addition, it allows you to get rid of deep-level drug addiction.

Morion stone miraculously treats diseases of the musculoskeletal system, and also strengthens the human spine. Products from it or a mineral in the form of plates can be applied to any problem areas, while they will help in the treatment of diseases of the joints of the lower and upper extremities. Healers who have knowledge of the healing properties of stones believe that morion is effective in the treatment of drug and alcohol addiction. The mineral has a positive effect on the chakra, which is located on the parietal part of the human head. It has the amazing power to kill cancer cells.

Wearing morion

The majority of stones do not like the neighborhood of Morion. Therefore, jewelry containing this mineral must be stored separately from the rest.

Morion (a stone, the photo of which is presented in this article) in earrings can increase intuition and creativity. In rings, it should be worn by men, as it increases their attractiveness to women. But wearing a stone regularly is not worth it.

As mentioned above, morion changes negative energy, while not accumulating it. Therefore, it must sometimes be cleaned under tap water.

stone in astrology

The mineral is the stone of Capricorn. A little less it suits Scorpio, Sagittarius, Cancer and Libra.


Considering the morion stone to be a type of smoky quartz, mineralogists began to distinguish stones by the level of transparency. So, rauchtopaz is considered to be an absolutely transparent mineral. In this case, morion can only be seen through in the thin parts of the chips. There are no clear diagnostic parameters for these minerals; the stone can be called morion and smoky quartz.

The black stone in the Ural tradition is called gypsy or tar. Its natural blackness is also reflected by its scientific name - the stone "mor" (meaning "darkness"). Periodically, brown quartz crystals are called black diamond or black rock crystal.

Morion is well known to different peoples of the Earth: it is widely distributed, often found in America, Europe, Africa and Asia. Asian crystals are especially large. In some specimens, the mass of crystalline monoliths is measured in tens of tons.

Morion in modern jewelry is more often used after annealing. Transformed into citrine, this semi-precious stone is in great demand. But many customers want to buy inserts from a real gem: the radiance of the black shades is piercing, the combination with a platinum or silver frame is contrasting, and at the same time harmonious. Morion is often cut cabochon.


Morion can influence people through his master. At the same time, such an influence can extend to individuals, as well as to a pandemonium of people. Although it is highly undesirable to use these properties of it for selfish motives, since the stone can severely avenge its owner for such use. And a person can go crazy for the rest of his life.