Fendi fashion designer. The legendary fashion designer Carla Fendi has died: biography and the most striking photos of the designer. Success outside of Rome

The company was founded in 1918 by Adele Casagrande as a leather and fur shop in Rome on Via del Plebizio.

So in 1925, Eduardo Fendi and Adele Fendi founded their first store, which sold branded products characterized by high quality and hand-made finishing. Their products quickly became popular and after some time began to be in great demand.

Carier start
In 1932, the couple opened their own fur salon. Traditional Fendi, high quality and elegant style have made their fur coats a true standard of Italian style. After Eduardo and Adele left their business, the five daughters of the famous couple took control of the family business. Paola Fendi was in charge of the fur department, Anna Fendi developed new collections for the company, Alda Fendi became the company's commercial director, Carla Fendi promoted new development strategies for the Fendi Fashion House, and Franka Fendi specialized in public relations.

Finest hour
In 1955, a collection of fur and leather from Paola and Anna was first presented. The public was delighted with the new collections and unanimously recognized the incomparable talent of the Fendi daughters. But at that time, the brand was known only in the domestic market, which was clearly not enough for the new owners of the company. In order to begin advancing into the international fashion arena, fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld was invited to the Fendi Fashion House as creative director. Over time, the correctness of the choice was confirmed many times.

Gradually the glory of the fashion house Fendi scattered all over the world. Karl Lagerfeld completely revised the fashion policy, changing the concept of all his collections. Previously, fur coats were bulky and not very comfortable, but now they have turned into lightweight models with a rich color palette and unusual combinations of different types of fur. At the same time, they have not lost the inherent luxury and splendor of Fendi. Karl was an innovator; he regularly introduced new elements into the design of models, and this distinguished the products of the Fashion House from everything that was presented on the market at that time.

The creative union of Lagerfeld and Fendi turned out to be very successful also because Paola provided Karl with a huge range of new and unusual materials, the creation of which was the result of the latest achievements in the manufacturing industry. Thus, the fashion designer was not limited and could present a wide variety of variations from different materials, so some features of certain models are based on the unusual characteristics of the materials from which they are created.

In the early seventies, Karl Lagerfeld developed class models pret-a-porte for the new women's line of the fashion house, and at the same time he begins to create accessories. Thus, already in the eighties the range of activities of the company Fendi expanded significantly. Previously, the company's target audience consisted of wealthy people whose age exceeded thirty years, but now Fendi completely different buyers were needed, and the fashion house launched a youth line called Fendissimo, together with it the company presented a new line Fendi Casa engaged in the production of furniture products.

In 1984 Fendi begins to produce sunglasses, in 1985 he introduces his first perfume line, the flagship of which was the fragrance called Fendi. Five years later, in 1990, a new perfume was created Fantasia, after some time in 1996 appears Life Essence, in 1998 the fashion house releases perfume Theorema, and in 2001 the world was introduced to the fragrance Theorema Uomo. The company's assortment also includes other fragrances that appeared at one time or another.

In 1990, sixty-five years after its founding, the company presented its first men's collection to the public. In the 90s Fashion House Fendi was bought out by companies Prada and LVMH In general, the company's owners retained only forty-nine percent of the shares. However, after some time Prada ceded their stake to the French concern, making it a full-fledged owner Fendi.

Nowadays, the post of designer developing women's clothing lines is still occupied by Karl Lagerfeld; Silvia Fendi is responsible for the men's collections of clothing and accessories in the company.

Fashion house Fendi is actively expanding its influence, penetrating new markets and exploring new countries; today more than a hundred company boutiques can be found throughout the globe. One of the latest was a store in New York, located on Fifth Avenue. Experts say that in the future Fendi Active growth awaits, promising decent profits. And it seems Fendi will never cease to delight the world community with new collections and original ideas

Fendi sisters

Their story is a story about women who, being very young, accepted the responsibility for the family business that fell upon them, and were able to continue it so worthily that now the whole world knows about them. In fairy tales there are usually three sisters, but there are as many as five of them...

It all started in 1918, when young Adele Casagrande opened a small leather goods store in Rome, later adding a fur studio to this. In 1925, she married Eduardo Fendi, and the couple began doing business together. They lived in a small apartment right above the store and spent all their time working. The reward was ever-growing popularity, since Fendi products were distinguished by both quality and good taste. In 1931, their first daughter, Paola, was born, followed by four more girls - Anna, Franka, Carla and Alda. As Carla later admits, their first toys were accessories that were sold in her parents' store. Things went so well that in 1932 Fendi opened a new atelier on the prestigious Via Veneto.

The eldest daughter, Paola, was the first to help her parents when she turned fifteen; the rest were still studying. By the early 1950s, Fendi's reputation was well established and business was going well, and then Eduardo Fendi suddenly died. Karla later said: “Mom was forced to lean on us, although she did not want to do this. We were still girls, studying, and in any case, she saw us in the future as just housewives. For us, starting to work with my mother seemed completely natural, but as soon as we became involved in the affairs of the company, we realized that we wanted to do something of our own. It was not easy, as you can imagine - we were young, we were women, and in the fur business the primacy always belonged to men ... "And yet they were able to survive.

Fendi sisters with Karl Lagerfeld

In 1965, the Fendi sisters invited a young designer, Karl Lagerfeld. Almost forty years later he would recall: “It was still a family business, a mother and five daughters who had to do what she said, because the mother was strong, strong, strong... and yet divine. A real Roman matron, just like in the books.” At the same time, the now famous logo was invented - two letters “F”, which not only mean “Fendi”, as one might assume, but are also an abbreviation for “fun fur”, that is, “fake fur”.

Lagerfeld, in collaboration with his sisters, was able to completely update the style of the brand, and, moreover, they managed to change the very concept of fur clothing, turning it from an indicator of status into clothing that is not only beautiful, but comfortable and fashionable. They tried new technologies, new methods of processing, cutting, coloring, etc. For example, thousands of tiny holes were punched into the product, and it became much lighter; fur coats were made double-sided, so that they could be worn with the fur inside or outside; fur was combined with a variety of fabrics, from silk to denim; unusual types of both leather and fur, faux fur were used... In a word, these were years of experiments, and these experiments showed everyone how refined, original, and at the same time fitting into modern life, fur products can be.

In 1966, Fendi presented its Haute Couture fur collection, and three years later its first ready-to-wear collection. Gradually, local popularity was replaced by resounding success, including outside Italy and even Europe. The Fendi sisters became the “empresses of Roman fashion,” but they were no longer limited to Rome alone. Over the years, regular clothing was added to fur products - first for women, and then for men, fragrances, and so on. As for leather accessories, they have long been no less popular than Fendi furs, and the Baguette handbag, released in 1997, has become one of the most famous and often copied bags in the world.

In 1985, they celebrated the sixtieth anniversary of the family business and the twentieth anniversary of collaboration with Karl Lagerfeld (the five sisters lovingly call him “the sixth Fendi”). In honor of this, the National Gallery of Modern Art in Rome hosted an exhibition of Fendi, and it was the first exhibition dedicated to fashion to be held in an Italian museum of national level. Many years have passed since then, they celebrated several more anniversaries, but their name is still a symbol of high quality and excellent taste.

The sisters worked together. Carla Fendi explained: “Paola is the oldest, she is a fur expert. Anna is a designer and works in leather. Franka is responsible for the stores, Alda is responsible for sales. Well, I coordinate the work of all departments.” Initially, the head of the company was occupied by Paola, but in 1994, Carla took her place. All the sisters got married at one time, and all their husbands, with the exception of Anna’s husband, a doctor, joined the family business, as did their children, already the third generation of the family. There was a place for everyone to show their talent. And they all admit that they could not have achieved what they have achieved if they had not been connected by family love...

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Fendi is a world famous brand, the standard of classic Italian fashion. Specializes in the production of clothing, leather and fur products, accessories and perfume.

The Fendi company was founded in 1925 in Rome by a young married couple, Adele and Eduardo Fendi. In post-war Italy, their business of sewing fur and leather products became so successful that in 1932 the couple opened the first fur salon. The couple had the most skilled craftsmen working for them, so those who wanted to look good were eager to buy Fendi. Due to the high quality of handmade products, the product has become wildly popular among local residents. For the Roman bourgeoisie, a trip to Fendi on Plebizio became a kind of sign of prestige.

Fendi's sales grew from year to year, and soon the products of the Italian brand became famous not only in Rome, but also far beyond its borders. In 1932, the Fendi family business expanded: a store opened in a busy area of ​​​​Venice, on Via Piave. The Fendi brand is becoming synonymous with taste and style.

Gradually, the small Fendi store grew into a large enterprise specializing in the production of leather and fur products.

All five daughters of Adele and Eduardo (Paola, Carla, Anna, Franka and Alda) gradually began to join the family business. Subsequently, they will become the head of the company, dividing responsibilities equally.

In the mid-60s, the Italian trading house began collaborating with the young designer Karl Lagerfeld, who changed the style of the company's fur production. Gradually, Lagerfeld turned bulky and heavy fur coats into light and comfortable outerwear. At this time, the company logo was created - the famous “FF”, which was also invented by the famous couturier.

The first collection of fur coats, created by Karl Lagerfeld, was presented in 1966 and was a huge success. The best representatives of the fashion market paid attention to the talented young designer. From that time until today, the Italian brand has occupied a leading position in European fur production.

A few years after its founding, Fendi begins mass production of fur products. The company's motto - excellent fur coats at a reasonable price - is still relevant today. Therefore, Fendi’s prices, although quite high, are quite justified: after all, customers are offered luxury products. Hollywood stars and representatives of royal dynasties parade in Fendi fur coats.

The brand is known not only for its excellent fur coats, but also for its equally presentable leather products, in particular, bags. Since the 70s of the last century, it has become possible to buy Fendi bags not only in Italy and other European countries, but also in the USA and Japan.

In 1977, Fendi presented its first pret-a-porter (“ready-to-wear”) collection, which caused great enthusiasm. Gradually, the company begins to further expand its range: in 1984, the Fendi collections were replenished with such products as ties, gloves, jeans, glasses, pens, and lighters.

The following year a significant event took place for the brand. The National Gallery of Modern Art in Rome opened its doors to host an event celebrating the brand's sixtieth anniversary and twenty years of collaboration with Karl Lagerfeld. The exhibition “Fendi - Karl Lagerfeld, a working history” illustrated the entire creative and technical process of creating collections.

And a decade later, the first women's perfume, Fendi, appeared almost immediately, becoming popular. The men's fragrance “Fendi Uomo”, introduced in 1989, was no less successful.

A few years later, the Selleria line found a second life. It was made using the same methods and in the same style as Adele Fendi. Clutches, travel bags and small leather accessories made of colored leather, hand-finished by artisans, are available in limited editions.

In 1997, the creativity of Silvia Venturini Fendi, creative director of the Fashion House, led to the creation of the Baguette bag.

The success of this small bag, which should be carried under the arm, like the French bread of the same name, was colossal. It began to be produced in more than 600 versions, from unusual materials and different colors. In just a few seasons, the bag has become a cult object of desire for all the world's fashionistas. Following the Baguette bag, with the light hand of Sylvia, the Spy bag also appeared in 2005, and in 2006, the B FENDI bag.

An interesting fact is that the brand’s clothes are popular not only on the catwalks and in everyday life, but also on the set. The company's designers at different times developed costumes for such famous films as “La Traviata”, “Once Upon a Time in America”, “The Godfather” (the third part) and many others. This also greatly contributed to the popularity of the brand and increased sales of Fendi.

Fendi's women's clothing collections, despite their chic, are very restrained. Accessories are always well thought out: Fendi sunglasses, gloves and belts are kept in a strictly classic style. Nothing superfluous, just calmness and nobility. In 1990, the Fendi empire finally released a collection of clothing for men. Now even the stronger sex has the opportunity to appreciate the classic Fendi style.

The Fendi signature bag also changed its appearance in favor of practicality. The place of hard models was taken by soft, unstructured, bright handbags, as if woven from leather.

The controlling stake in Fendi belongs to the LVMH alliance (Moët Hennessy. Louis Vuitton S.A). The Fendi sisters made the decision to sell the company back in 1999. As a result of the collaboration, Fendi flagship stores opened in Paris and London. In 2001, LVMH Group bought shares in Prada and the following year acquired shares in Fendi, becoming the sole controlling shareholder in 2004.

But this does not prevent the brand from delighting its fans with new collections and remaining true to its style.

In 2005, the FENDI fashion house celebrated its eightieth anniversary. In this connection, Palazzo FENDI (FENDI Palace) was opened in Rome. This new building in the heart of Rome combines studios, a fur workshop and the world's largest FENDI store.

On October 19, 2007, the world saw a grand show from FENDI - the first fashion show on the Great Wall of China. 88 models took part in the show. The runway was one of the longest in the history of a fashion show, 88 meters (8 is considered a lucky number in China).

On February 29, 2008 in Paris, on the occasion of the opening of the 22nd FENDI store at 22 Avenue Montaigne, a private concert by five-time Grammy Award winner Amy Winehouse was held for an audience of 400 guests.

Guests included celebrities such as Rihanna, Sofia Coppola, Kanye West, Claudia Schiffer, Jessica Alba and Milla Jovovich.

Currently, FENDI has more than 160 stores in 25 countries.

The permanent designer of the Fendi fashion house is Karl Lagerfeld.

Fendi is a famous Italian fashion house founded by the couple Eduardo Fendi and Adele Fendi.


When the Italians Eduardo Fendi and Adele Fendi in 1925 focused their products on high quality and handmade finishing, the couple made the right decision. Very quickly, the Roman public appreciated the elegance and exclusivity of the products, and buyers began to flock to the Fendi store.

In 1932, the couple bet on fashionable fur and again made the right decision. The first fur salon, where customers were offered elegant styles of fur coats of consistently excellent quality, became not only popular, but, in general, began to be considered the standard of elegant Italian style.

Eduardo and Adele were lucky again when their children passed on the desire to continue the family business. Five daughters continued to develop the best traditions of the Fendi house, choosing their own specialization. So, Paola controlled the production of furs, Anna was responsible for new products, Alda dealt with financial issues, Carla developed a strategy for strengthening the position of the fashion brand in the market, and Franka was engaged in what we today call PR - she was a public relations specialist.

In 1955, the first collection of leather and fur products was released. The sisters were praised - they managed to win the hearts of Italians. However, the ambitious plans of the business ladies went far beyond the borders of Italy, so they invited the famous fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld to work with them. And again they were right - thanks to Karl, the brand became known all over the world.

Fendi: autumn-winter 2013-2014

Karl Lagerfeld set the tone for the brand by focusing on fur and leather products. He, so to speak, “ennobled” the styles, enriched the products with colors and began to boldly combine different types of fur. With his light hand, chic bulky fur coats turned into light and elegant, and this is exactly how women who dreamed more of youth and beauty than of solidity longed to see them. The color palette was mesmerizing in its diversity.

But Karl did not stop there. He continued to improve the style and products, introducing innovative details that significantly distinguished the products of the fashion house from others.

It should be noted that the success of the Fendi brand was due not only to Karl’s creativity, but also to the innovative approach of Paola Fendi, who closely followed the latest achievements of the light industry industry and provided Karl with a huge range of fabrics from which he could, without limiting his imagination, create fashionable masterpieces.

At the beginning of the 70s, Karl developed a women's clothing line of the Pret-a-Porte class, as well as a line of fashion accessories.

Cruise collection 2013 - 70s inspiration

In the 80s, there was a significant expansion of the fashion house’s activities. Until this time, the target audience of the House was a wealthy audience, consisting of wealthy people over 30 years old. However, in the 80s, the company’s management relied on the “golden youth”, launching the youth line “Fendissimo”. In parallel with it, the furniture line “Fendi Casa” was launched. In 1984, the production of fashionable jeans, scarves and sunglasses began. A year later, a perfume line appears. Its flagship was the Fendi fragrance of the same name. The perfumery activity did not end there - five years later a new product was presented to the public - the “Fantasia” fragrance. In 1996, “Life Essence” appeared, two years later “Theorema”. The advent of the 21st century was marked by the release of the fragrance “Theorema Uomo” (2001), etc.

In 1990, for the first time in its 65-year history, Fendi developed a men's clothing line.

In the 90s, 51% of the shares of the popular fashion house were bought by Prada and LVMH. Later, the entire controlling interest passes to LVMH. Fendi today

Currently, Karl Lagerfeld remains the designer of the fashion house's women's clothing line. Silvia Fendi designs men's clothing and accessories.

Since 1999, the company has been part of the French holding LVMH.

The headquarters of the Fendi fashion house is located in Rome.

These days, the Fendi fashion house is thriving. More than 100 brand stores are open and successfully operating around the world. Despite all the crises, Fendi successfully dresses fashionistas and fashionistas, delighting its fans with new collections every season.


Currently, the following products are produced under the Fendi brand:

  • leather and fur products;
  • men's clothing (jeans, ties, scarves, gloves are especially popular);
  • women's clothing;
  • women's accessories (bags, clutches, travel bags - products made of colored leather, hand-finished by craftsmen and released in limited editions);
  • shoes;
  • wristwatches (a joint project with a Swiss watch manufacturer);
  • glasses (including sunglasses);
  • men's and women's perfumes;
  • branded stationery (the order was carried out by the stationery manufacturer Cross);
  • lighters.

Fendi sunglasses, 2013

  • Already in the 70s, Fendi products began to be sold not only in European countries, but also in the USA and Japan. Today Fendi has more than 160 stores in 25 countries.
  • One of the company's mottos is excellent fur coats at a reasonable price. Obviously, the slogan remains relevant today.
  • The logo of the fashion house is a double letter, which symbolizes the unity of the Fendi family.
  • For some time, the famous American rapper Kanye West appeared in public with the Fendi logo shaved on her head. It is still unknown whether this was a demonstration of brand loyalty or a promotion.
  • In 1978, an important event was organized in Rome to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the fashion house. The National Gallery of Modern Art hosted the exhibition “Fendi – Karl Lagerfeld, a working history”, where one could see an illustrated process of creating fashion collections.
  • A kind of record was set by Fendi creative director Silvia Venturini Fendi, under whose leadership one of the most popular bags in the world, Baguette, was created. Women liked it so much that the bag was produced in more than 600 versions, using a variety of materials and colors.
  • Fendi designers have developed costumes for such famous films as “The Godfather” (the third part), “Once Upon a Time in America”, “La Traviata”. Needless to say, this only increased interest in the brand.
  • For the 80th anniversary of the fashion house, the Fendi Palace - Palazzo Fendi - was opened in Rome. The new building houses studios, an atelier and, of course, the world's largest brand store.


  • Fendi, a social network for fashionistas Relook.ru
  • Fendi, 100aromatov.ru

The Fendi company was founded in 1925 in Rome by a young married couple, Adele and Eduardo Fendi. The couple were engaged in sewing fur and leather products. In post-war Italy, their business became so successful that Adele and Eduardo soon opened their first leather goods store on Via del Plebizio. Due to the high quality of handmade products, the product has become wildly popular among local residents. For the Roman bourgeoisie, a trip to Fendi on Plebizio became a kind of sign of prestige.

Fendi's sales grew from year to year, and soon the products of the Italian brand became famous not only in Rome, but also far beyond its borders. In 1932, the brand's second store opened in a busy area of ​​Venice, on Via Piave. The Fendi brand has come to be considered the personification of taste and style.

Gradually, the small Fendi store grew into a large enterprise specializing in the production of leather and fur products.

All five daughters of Adele and Eduardo (Paola, Carla, Anna, Franka and Alda) gradually began to join the family business. Subsequently, they became the head of the company, dividing responsibilities.

Fendi and Karl Lagerfeld

In the mid-60s, Fendi began collaborating with the young man, who changed the style of the company's fur production. Gradually, Lagerfeld turned bulky and heavy into light and comfortable outerwear. At this time, the company logo was created - the famous “FF”. It was also invented by Karl.

The first collection of fur coats created by Karl Lagerfeld was presented in 1966 and was a huge success. The best representatives of the fashion market paid attention to the talented young designer. From that time until today, the Italian brand has occupied a leading position in European fur production.

Mass production

A few years after its founding, Fendi launched mass production of fur products. The motto of that time - excellent fur coats at a reasonable price - is still relevant today.

In the 70s, Fendi brand products began to be sold not only in Europe, but also in the USA and Japan.

In 1977, Fendi presented its first collection, which delighted the audience. Gradually, the company began to expand its range: in 1984, the Fendi collections were replenished with products such as ties, pens, and lighters.

In 1978, The National Gallery of Modern Art in Rome held an event to celebrate the sixtieth anniversary of the brand and twenty years of joint collaboration with Karl Lagerfeld. The exhibition “Fendi – Karl Lagerfeld, a working history” illustrated the entire creative and technical process of creating collections.

In 1988, the first women's perfume Fendi appeared.. In 1989, the men's fragrance Fendi Uomo was introduced.

A few years later, the Selleria line, which existed under Adele Fendi, found a second life. It was done using the same methods and in the same style. , travel bags and small colored leather accessories, hand-finished by artisans, are available in limited editions.

In 1997, the creativity of Silvia Venturini Fendi, the fashion house, led to the creation of the Baguette bag.

The success of this small bag, which must be carried under the armpit, like the French bread of the same name, was colossal. It began to be produced in more than 600 versions, from unusual materials and different colors. In just a few seasons, the bag has become a cult object of desire for all the world's fashionistas. The Baguette bag was followed by the Spy bag in 2005, and the B FENDI bag in 2006.

Fendi brand clothing is popular not only in everyday life, but also on the set. At different times, the company's designers developed costumes for such famous films as “La Traviata,” “Once Upon a Time in America,” “The Godfather” (the third part) and many others. This also greatly contributed to the popularity of the brand and increased sales of Fendi. In 1990, Fendi released its first men's clothing collection. It was also made in a discreet, elegant style.

The signature Fendi bag has changed its appearance in favor of practicality. Instead of hard models, soft, unstructured, bright handbags began to be produced.

Fendi today

Fendi is majority owned by the LVMH alliance(Moët Hennessy S.A.). The decision to sell the company was made in 1999. As a result, Fendi flagship stores opened in Paris and London. In 2001, the LVMH Group bought back shares, the following year acquired shares in Fendi, and in 2004 it became the sole controlling shareholder.

In 2005, the Fendi fashion house celebrated its eightieth anniversary. In connection with the event, the Palazzo Fendi (Fendi Palace) in Rome was opened. The new building combines studios, a fur workshop and the world's largest Fendi store.

On October 19, 2007, the world saw a grand show from Fendi - the first fashion show on the Great Wall of China. 88 models took part in the show. The runway was one of the longest in the history of fashion shows - 88 meters (8 is considered a lucky number in China).

On February 29, 2008 in Paris, on the occasion of the opening of the 22nd Fendi store at 22 Avenue Montaigne, a private concert by five-time Grammy Award winner Amy Winehouse was held for an audience of 400 guests. Guests included celebrities such as Rihanna, Sofia Coppola, Kanye West, Claudia Schiffer, Jessica Alba and Milla Jovovich.

Fendi currently has more than 160 stores in 25 countries.