The script of the holiday "Childhood is a happy time." Childhood holiday script for elementary school

Elena Chenchenko

November 19 in our kindergarten, as part of the Week of Kindness and before World Children's Day campaign"Territory of good deeds". On this day, teachers conducted classes about kindness with children, made gifts for kids, bird feeders, read works about kindness. Parents were not left out either. This day they spent for the children « Holiday of Childhood»

Event progress:

To the cheerful music, the children gather in the hall.

Vedas: Hello guys! Today we have a wonderful day, bright and joyful! And why? Yes, because children always celebrate on November 20 holiday. What is this holiday?

Yes it World Children's Day. Everyone on Earth wants our children to grow up happy, to learn, play, be healthy, smart, the most wonderful children! And today we start our « Childhood holiday» .

Today is a wonderful day

We know everything about that.

And we congratulate everyone

Happy wonderful day!

We dance merrily

And we sing along!

Let it be joyful today

Children's eyes shine!

A song is being performed "Smile"

Leading: Oh, guys, what's the noise? I think we have guests.

(Baba Yaga runs in)

Baba Yaga: Hey babes!

Oh my legs are tired

For a long time I was going to you

And dressed up beautifully.

Scraped off the dirt

I put on the best dress

I combed my hair with a fork,

Picked her teeth with a match.

There were no scissors in the house,

I had to bite my nails.

Here, on holiday I came,

You recognize me, friends!

Yes, Baba Yaga is me!

(shakes all hands)

Baba Yaga. Do you want to play? Then repeat after me.

A game "Repeat"

How do you live? - Like this! (children expose thumb forward)

How are you going? - Like this! (children walk in place)

How are you sailing? - Like this! (children imitate swimming)

How do you run? - Like this! (run in place)

How sad? - Like this! (sad)

Are you kidding? - Like this! (grimacing)

Do you threaten? - Like this! (threaten fingers at each other)

Baba Yaga: Oh, what is that sound coming from my purse). This is my cheerful tambourine, he cannot resist if there are many children nearby. Will you play with him?

Children: Yes!

Baba Yaga: Then listen to the rules!

dance game "Merry tambourine"

While the music is playing, it is necessary to pass the tambourine from hand to hand, to each other.

The music will stop, and the one who has a tambourine in his hands, dances with a tambourine in his hands to cheerful music, like this (shows). It's clear?

Baba Yaga: How fun I am! And you?

Children: Yes!

Baba Yaga A: Well, that's too much! After all, I'm still Baba Yaga, and I don't like it when it's very fun. You need to spoil your mood! I love to grumble, this is mine favorite hobby. Now I will grumble at you, and you will have to answer!

Game - grumble "It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!"

Baba Yaga: Answer loudly unanimously: "It's me, it's me, it's all my friends".

answer loudly, but

there is one condition:

Somewhere you say nothing

And where it is necessary - there shout!

Which one of you, tell me, children, whole year dreamed of summer?

How many of you will now find out, is dying of boredom here?

Who in the forest, on the river, in the field likes to play in the open?

In summer, who surprises everyone - lying in bed resting?

Who, I want to know from you, likes to sing and dance?

Which of you does not walk gloomy, loves sports and physical education?

Which one of you kids walks dirty to the ears?

Baba Yaga: Wow, how well they grumbled, it even became easier for me. Actually, I had fun with you guys! I decided that I would no longer be mischievous, I would have fun. Promise that you will always be friendly and cheerful.

Carlson flies into the hall to the music.

Carlson. Hey guys, you called me? You are not bored, you probably want to play pranks? Let's play this game. It's called "Trousers" Here are trousers for each team, choose who will wear them. And here is a basket with balls, now on command we begin to fill your friend’s pants with balls, and when the command sounds "End" we will count how many balls are in the pants, which team won the most!

An attraction game is being played "Trousers".


"Pass the balloon on the shoulder blade"

"Jumping Hops".

"Zhmurki with a bell".

A song is being performed "Inseparable Friends"

Carlson: Shine smiles, warmed by the sun!

Peace and happiness to you, children of the planet!

Grow all not frail, mobile children!

And become sweet, good children!

Goodbye friends! See you soon! (runs away).

Leading: The songs were sung and danced, and now it's time - not to sleep!

It's time for us to draw!

Now take the felt-tip pens and draw on the poster what you need for happiness.

Let in your drawings will: happiness, sun, friendship!

On this wonderful day, I invite all: draw with us!

Under cheerful music children draw with felt-tip pens, blow bubbles.

Leading: Our holiday ends but we won't be sad.

May the sky be peaceful for the joy of good people,

Let the children live on the planet, not knowing worries,

To the joy of dads, moms, rather growing up!

Dance of little ducks (together).

Related publications:

(scenario summer holiday dedicated to Children's Day) Presenter: - Hello guys! How much bright smiles we see on yours.

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Synopsis - entertainment "Hello, childhood holiday!" Structural subdivision of the state budgetary educational institution of secondary school No. 6 of the city of Otradny.

Scenario of entertainment "Tea Festival" 1st buffoon: We ask, we ask, we invite, Come in, honest people! delicious tea treat, hot samovar is waiting! 2nd buffoon: Attention! Attention.


"Road of Childhood"

Holiday scenario dedicated to

Childhood day.



social teacher.

Target: develop emotional responsiveness, creative activity, a sense of collectivism; to cultivate patriotism, the manifestation of care and attention to each other; expand horizons.

Materials: toys, paper flowers, flags, crayons.

Music "Road of Childhood" sounds.

Vedas. Hello little people!

Children's holiday coming to us!

From all sorrows the best remedy,

I call you on the road, I call you on the Road of Childhood!

(children run out with toys).

Vedas. We have good toys.

Dolls, bears and crackers,

They are fun to play with

But don't forget!

Toys are not people

But everyone understands

And they really don't like

When they are broken.

Let the toys be friends with us

We won't offend them.

Let's play later

We'll put everything in place.

("Dance of little ducks".)

Vedas. We celebrate the holiday of childhood
Festival of the sun, festival of light.

Come visit us

We are always glad to have guests.

Birds will fly to the festival

Woodpeckers, swallows, tits.

They will click and whistle

Sing songs with us.

(song "Smile")

Vedas. For what can't be expressed in words

People invented the sheet and the pencil.

We all see the world in slightly different ways.

And drawing, friend, do not forget about it!

Draw, draw simple and complex!

Draw, draw not for the sake of word of mouth!

Draw, draw as much as you can!

Draw, draw as you see!

(song "Sunshine". Drawing with crayons on asphalt)

Vedas. Multi-colored ribbons

Soar above the earth

People are amazed

They look at the sky.

rainbow spread

flat semicircle,

halo festive

It popped open all of a sudden!

(Chunga-chang dance)

Vedas. As a child, you can touch ...

The edge of a dream.

Find your way to her...

You definitely can.

Children love blue stars

Fly in colorful dreams

Everything comes true in the light

If you only want to.

We really want

So that all dreams come true!

(song "The sun came out")

Vedas. All the kids from Russia

Beyond her

Whites, blacks

We all love dearly.

Children are our future

Children must live in the world.

Children - said so loudly

And it sounds great!

Reb. White blue red

My flag is beautiful

My flag is beautiful -

I live in Russia!
(the song "With you and for you, Russia" is performed with paper flowers and flags)

Vedas. Guys, the best remedy for boredom -

Stretch your legs and arms daily.

And most the right remedy from laziness -

Squat in place, bending your knees.

Stretched on toes

Inhale and exhale... Slightly crouched...

Stand up straight and all together

Together they jumped on the spot

("Sports relay.")

Vedas: So we have walked the Road of happy children!

It has a place for adults and kids!

The road without quarrels, without war and without grief,

The road for games and undertakings!

Fantasy road! Road of smiles!

Girls road! Boys Road!

All: We will have fun walking along it, me and you!

(Song "Ship of Childhood"

Used materials:

1. "Road of Childhood" (D. Pilov)

2. "Smile" (V. Shainsky - M. Plyatskovsky)

3. "Chunga-changa." (V. Shainsky - Y. Entin)

4. "Dance of the little ducklings." (French folk song - Y. Entin)

5. "Ship of childhood." (Yu. Ustinov)

6. "The sun came out." (K. Ibryaeva - Yu. Chichkov)

7. "With you and for you, Russia." (M. Tretiak)

8. "May there always be sunshine." (A. Ostrovsky - L. Oshanin).

Music sounds, the presenters appear.

Presenter 1: Good afternoon everyone!
Host 2: All-all radiant smiles and Have a good mood! Because today is a really good day - Children's Day!
Presenter 1:
Childhood is golden time
And magical dreams.
Childhood is you and me
Childhood is me and you!
Host 2: Today, such beautiful, such grown-up boys and girls have gathered in this hall. you leave fairyland childhood and enter into great life.
Presenter 1: Happy, irretrievable time of childhood! How can we not love the memories of her?
Host 2:
We will remember more than once
That good planet
Where with rays of eyes
dawns meet,
Presenter 1:
Where miracles live
Wizards and fairies
Where is the brighter world around
And louder bird trills.
Host 2: What a pity it is that the days of happy childhood will not return! And each of us wants to be there at least for a moment, in this small country called "Childhood"!
Presenter 1: Rummage in the sandbox and, as a sign of great friendship, hit Yulia on the head with a spatula.
Host 2: Arrange a fight with Seryozha because of a tricycle or soar under the clouds on a swing.
Presenter 1: Truly believe in Santa Claus and Baba Yaga, turn into pirates...
Host 2: But childhood is gone forever. If only you knew where?
Presenter 1: Perhaps this question will be answered by our vocal group, which will perform the song “Where does childhood go?” (The song is either performed by a really school vocal group, or it is simply played on a tape recorder).
Host 2:
Here today my friends
We have not gathered in vain.
We hasten to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts
Girls and guys!
Presenter 1:
May the angel always keep you
From loss of life
And let childhood at least sometimes
The door opens for you!
Host 2: We invite you to the microphone ... (either the head of the GORUO or the director of the school is invited to the microphone).
Presenter 1:
The ship of childhood sails into childhood.
White large pipes are beveled back.
Let me take a look, look at goodbye,
Let me hear how they hum!
Host 2:
The breeze on the deck touched someone's hair,
A tear suddenly flashed on her cheek.
How madly I want, believe me, I really want
Time is fleeting to turn back!
Presenter 1: Let's try to perform a miracle today, on Children's Day, and turn back time. Let's remember the golden childhood!
Host 2: Now we will write an essay about this cloudless time of our life. All I need from you is adjectives. I will write them into the blank, and in a few minutes the essay on the topic “Remember the Golden Childhood” will be ready.

Game-story "Remember the golden childhood"
Pronounced adjectives fit into the blank text, and the story is ready.
How good it is to be a child! No you ... worries and problems. ... in the morning... mom wakes you up, feeds you... breakfast and takes you to... kindergarten. And there... teachers,... friends,... toys and very... life are waiting for you. ... holidays, ... classes, ... walks - there is no time to be bored! And at home... grandma will treat you... with a pie,... dad will let you knock... with a hammer on the table,... mom will tell you... a fairy tale at night. Everyone loves you, cherishes, cares, indulges... with gifts. And, I want to ... childhood never ends!

Presenter 1: The essay turned out wonderful. And you had a very happy childhood. That is why you are so cheerful and joyful today. And also because the guests of our holiday came to congratulate you. (Guests are invited to the microphone, if any).
Host 2: So, attention! The journey to the country of childhood begins! Let's remember the time when you were very, very young and did not go to kindergarten yet. All children love gifts. I invite two teams of six people who are most eager to receive holiday prizes.

Competition "Skins"
Team captains are given a large vessel with a drink (compote, juice, water), and each participant is given a long straw. Team members stand around the vessel, simultaneously lower their straws there and begin to drink the drink. The first team to empty the vessel wins. Prizes for the winners and incentive prizes must be prepared in advance and don’t forget to hand them out at the end of each competition.

Presenter 1: And now, children, sit on the chairs and carefully watch the dance (or listen to the song). Performs either choreographic or vocal group.
Host 2: At home, under the warm mother's wing, of course, it's good. But, the day comes when the baby first goes out into the world. And a great life usually begins with kindergarten.
Presenter 1: Perhaps the most important thing in kindergarten is friends. If there good company, then even tasteless porridge, an evil teacher and old toys recede into the background.
Host 2:
Many, many days in a row
Summer and winter
We went to kindergarten
In kindergarten native.
Presenter 1:
We've always been here in a hurry
We loved him very much.
All the guys say:
"Let's not forget kindergarten!"
Host 2: With such a rainbow mood, two friends are going to kindergarten. It will be you (two young men are invited).
Presenter 1: Their mothers, hurrying to work, try to dress them faster. Here we have "moms" (two girls are invited).
Lead 2 : So, the clothes are already prepared, but suddenly the light goes out!

Competition "Dress the baby in kindergarten"
The girls are blindfolded and offered to dress the boys. Clothes are prepared in advance and hung on a chair (sweater, hat, scarf, jacket, trousers big size). Whoever copes faster and more accurately wins.

Presenter 1: And now a musical or dance break.

A song is being sung or a dance is being danced.

Host 2:
There are many sad and funny tales in the world,
And we can't live without them.
Presenter 1:
Let the heroes of fairy tales give you warmth,
May good forever triumph over evil.
Host 2: Far, far away is the realm of Fairy Tales, Miracles and Magic. And who has ever been in it, will remain a prisoner forever.
Presenter 1 : Because the trees there are the most bizarre, the towers are the most painted, the princesses are the most beautiful, and the monsters are the most terrible.
Host 2: And also because from childhood on fairy tales we learn kindness, ingenuity, mutual assistance, courage. Let's remember Russian folk tale"Turnip" and show a performance on it.

Fairy tale game "Turnip"
Participants are called for the roles: Turnip, Grandfather, Grandmother, Granddaughter, Bug, Cat, Mouse.
When the presenter reads the text of the tale, each hero must, having heard the name of his character, say the words allotted to him and make a gesture:
Turnip - "Ay, yes I am!" and hands shows how big it is.
Dedka - "Oh, sciatica!" and, bending over, holds on to the waist.
Grandmother - "Father Lights!" and throws up his hands.
Granddaughter - "Well, here's another!" and puts his hands at his sides.
Bug - "Woof! Will you give me a bone?" while resting his hands on his half-bent knees and wagging his “tail”.
Cat - “They don’t let me sleep! Meow!" and stretches, bending in the back.
Mouse - "Well, where do you go without me!" and showing strong biceps.
In general, such a staging of "Turnip" looks very funny.

Presenter 1: According to the daily routine in kindergarten, after games and lunch, it is supposed to arrange a break - “quiet time”.
Host 2: We will have a dance break in such a “quiet hour”. And at the same time we will check what kind of obedient children you are.

Dance-game "Do as I do"
I think everyone remembers and knows this dance game well. When the leader makes some movements to the beat of cheerful and incendiary music, and all those present, standing in a circle, repeat these movements after him. Very energetic and fun workout.

Presenter 1: Impression early childhood often remain in memory for life. And holidays give them a special brightness.
Host 2: Joyful excitement, decorated rooms, guests, gifts, festive table- it is remembered for a long time. And what opportunities for the flight of children's imagination!
Presenter 1: And the fantasy of adults usually comes down to one thing: moms and dads love to brag to their guests about their beloved, smart and obedient child.
Host 2: "Daughter, baby, stand on the chair and tell the guests a poem." I think that many of you fulfilled this request so as not to upset your parents.
Presenter 1: We invite children who still have a love for poetry to decorate our holiday.

Children's poetry competition
Everyone comes out and reads children's poems. Prizes are awarded for artistry and originality.

Host 2: We continue talking about dolls, bears and airplanes. Each of us had a favorite toy in childhood. Perhaps someone still keeps it.
Presenter 1: Can you remember your favorite toy now? What was it - a doll, a bunny, a ball? Several children remember and name their favorite toys.
Lead 2 : As it should have been, girls are more attracted to dolls and Stuffed Toys and boys are cars. We ask you to come to us the most avid motorists.
Presenter 1: You organize two convoys of 4 people each: "Truck" and "Fireman".

Relay "Drivers"
The first two young men are given children's cars on strings. The task of the participants is to "drive" the distance, going around the skittles placed on the floor, and not knock them down. The team that does it faster and more accurately wins.

Lead 2 : The winners of auto racing are awarded a musical (dance) gift.

A song sounds or a dance is danced.

Presenter 1 : Everyone knows that children and animals are the best friends. little man it is simply necessary for someone to yelp, meow, chirp or croak next to him.
Host 2: Children love to take care of our smaller brothers: they treat the cat with sweets, save fish from the aquarium so that they don’t drown, share toys with the dogs.
The cat says quietly to me:
- Have some pity on me!
Presenter 1:
I don't understand this cat
I put candy in her mouth
I put my arms around her neck.
- That's how I feel sorry for you!
Well, what do you want, cat?
Host 2:
She says:
- A little bit, even a little sorry -
Release me quickly!

During the text, the facilitators distribute notes with the names of animals to the children.

Presenter 1 : Attention! Now our little brothers will appear in this hall! Anyone who has received the notes, please come to me. Cats stand on the left, piglets on the right, and horses in the center.
Host 2: Have you forgotten how these animals “speak”? Shall we rehearse?

Competition "Concert of animals"
Teams get acquainted with the song that they will perform:
Cats - "Two Merry Geese"
Piglets - "Grasshopper"
Horses - "I'm lying in the sun"
You need to perform songs by making sounds corresponding to animals. From the outside it looks very funny.

Presenter 1: Ah, kindergarten! Ah, kindergarten! First friends, first love... Yes, yes, it is in kindergarten that this feeling comes.
Lead 2 : I really want to know which of our young men was a Don Juan in kindergarten. I ask two self-confident guys to come out.
Presenter 1: We announce a dance break, and during the first dance, the guys must collect autographs from the girls. Who will have more fans?

Competition "Autographs"
Two participants are given sheets of paper and felt-tip pens. The task of the participants is to collect as many autographs as possible from the female half of the hall in 1-2 minutes. The winner is the one who has the most signatures on a piece of paper.
Musical or dance break.

Host 2:
It was good in kindergarten! There we were loved, raised, fed and taught to be real people.
But parting comes
We'll be going to school soon
And today goodbye
We speak from the heart:
Presenter 1:
Goodbye kindergarten! -
All the guys say -
We will never forget
Our favorite kindergarten!
Host 2: And now we are not just children, but students. On the threshold of the school, the first teacher greets us with a smile.
Presenter 1:
Who will show the letter "A"?
Multiply twice two?
Write sticks in a notebook?
Will put "5" for the first time?
Host 2:
Our first teacher
Keeper of the light of wisdom.
Presenter 1: The first teacher is kind, strict, sensitive, patient, the first guide to the land of Knowledge.
Host 2: We invite to us two teams of five people for whom the memories of the first teacher are still dear.
Presenter 1: Your mentors will be pleased to receive their portrait as a keepsake. And you draw it.

Relay "Portrait of the first teacher"
Two teams, at speed, blindfolded, draw a portrait of a teacher on sheets of paper. The first participant draws the oval of the face, the second - the eyes and eyebrows, the third - the nose, the fourth - the lips, the fifth - the hair. The team with the most artistic drawing wins.

Host 2: And together with the portraits, we give teachers this song...

A song is sung or played on a tape recorder.

Presenter 1:
Lessons are over at school
You have moved to the senior class.
Lie down in the sun
The sea invites us.
Host 2: Holidays, holidays, fun time! Sea, sun, soft sand and, of course, beach volleyball. We invite you to take part in volleyball competitions - get ready for the beach season.

Competition "Air volleyball"
All team members inflate two balloons each. And then the game of volleyball begins. balloons.

Presenter 1: After such a successful game, you need to relax.


Host 2: flew by school years, all your victories and failures, “deuces” and “fives” are in the past ...
Presenter 1: Yesterday you were hosts at school, and now you can only be guests.
Host 2: Yesterday you were schoolchildren, children, and today you are already adults, independent.
Presenter 1:
School flew by like an hour
School is the first class of life
School is the arithmetic of fate,
School - do not forget these years.
Host 2: Saying goodbye to school, you say goodbye to your teachers. They taught you to comprehend the sciences and understand the world. Together with you, Vanya experienced failures and shared the joy of victories. There was enough room in your teacher's big, warm heart for each of you.
Presenter 1: Today your teachers will light for their own, already former students, a light that will become a guiding star on the road to adulthood. And along with this spark, the mentor will give you his parting words.
Host 2: Let this candle pass from hand to hand, and let each of you say a wish and kind words to each other.

A candle is lit and the process of passing it from hand to hand and with wishes goes through.

Presenter 1:
Childhood is leaving, what is there to be surprised?
It gets away from everyone at some point.
And I want to cry and laugh
And I don't want to part with anyone
But childhood still leaves us.
Host 2: It is a pity that we begin to understand all the charm of childhood when we become adults.
We go to youth along rainbow paths,
Through snow and thick grasses.
We are leaving in youth, we are rushing time,
And we ourselves are sad about childhood.
Presenter 1: But don't be so sad. First, today is a holiday. And secondly, whether childhood will remain with you or leave forever, depends only on you. And even after many, many years, you can sometimes even for a moment look into childhood and relax there from adulthood.
Host 2:
Here comes the moment of farewell.
Our speech will be short:
We say to you: goodbye!
And childhood memories
Try to save!
Presenter 1: We congratulate you on the holiday and invite you to the disco!

Description of the material. I present you with a script. entertainment event dedicated to the celebration of Children's Day. This script is educational and entertaining. Thanks to this scenario, you can expand the horizons of children in the field of literature, develop creativity, systematize knowledge according to the rules traffic, improve health, charge children with energy and good mood.

Children's age 7-12 years old.


educational. Expanding horizons. Systematization of knowledge on the rules of the road.

Educational. Development creativity, imagination, logical thinking. Development of communication skills.

Educational. Fellowship, mutual assistance.

Conduct form: journey

Methodological techniques. Game situations, conversation-dialogue

Equipment: 2 cones, 2 mops, 2 balls, scissors, colored paper, ribbons, stapler, packages, artificial flowers.


Cat Basilio

fox alice

police dogs


Stephanie girl


Scenario progress.

(Clowns run in to cheerful music.)

1st clown.

What's that noise? What's the hum?

Real ramble!

How many of you are here today?

I can't count in a day!

2nd clown.

Here are Sasha and Natasha,

Vanya, Ksyusha and Lyubasha,

Vova, Glory, Petit -

Here are the children!

1st clown. Hello, friends! All those who have a hundred freckles on their nose, and those who do not have any! Hello everyone who has pigtails and ponytails and sticking out in different sides hairs! Hello smart, funny and ordinary. We congratulate you on great time year - summer! From time to time amazing adventures and discoveries!


1) Hello, berry summer!

Meet your guests soon!

The strawberries ripen

Ivan tea blooms.

2) Reveal your secrets,

strawberry boxes,

Treat summer with gifts!

Let the flowers bloom in the meadows!

3) Let it sparkle in the glades

emerald dew,

The birches are green

Silky hair!

4) Let the river call coolness,

The sun pours over the edge

And ripens in fat ears

Delicious, fluffy loaf!

5) Hello summer, sea of ​​light,

Sun, air, heat!

Waiting for you today

Looking forward kids!

The song "Summer without questions" performed by a vocal group.

2nd clown. We invite you, my little friends, to go to the amazing land of Childhood, where all dreams come true and miracles happen!!! And we will go on a chamomile train.

Get ready for the morning train

Waist-high herbs have been waiting for you for a long time,

Hurry to the forests and fields,

While the earth shines with gems.

Cat Basilio: Oh-pa. And where did we get to?

Fox Alice: (Laughs). Don't know.

1st clown. Hello. Who are you?

Fox Alice: (Approaches slowly). Hello. I am Lisa Alice, and this is ...

Cat Basilio: (Approaches the Fox Alice and pushes the Fox Alice away). So so so. Don't talk to us with your teeth, say where is the gold?

1st clown. What gold?

Cat Basilio: What, what? Golden! As if you don't know, well, what else Pinocchio dripped five saltos in the ground.

2nd clown. I'm sorry, but where were you going?

Cat Basilio: Where where. To the land of fools On the field of miracles.

2nd clown. But this is not the country of Fools, this is the country of Childhood.

Cat Basilio: (Turns to Lisa Alice). Well, where did you take me?

Fox Alice: Well, how did I know that we would come to the wrong place.

Cat Basilio:(grimaces). How did I know? How did I know?

1st clown. Dear guests, do not quarrel. Today is such a holiday.

Fox Alice: What holiday is today?

1st clown. What don't you know? Well, if you think well.

fox alice: Think you're talking. ABOUT! I remembered, the day of baked legs!

2nd clown. No. You are not right.

Cat Basilio: Today is smoked herring day.

2nd clown. What do you. What do you. You are wrong again.

Cat Basilio: No? What day is today?

1st clown.(Turns to children). Kids, let's remind our guests what holiday it is today.


1. On the day of June, the first day,

Let's drive laziness out of sight,

Let's say "no" to boredom

Distribute sweets to friends;

2. We will jump and jump,

Play all sorts of games

Smile and joke

And be kind to each other.

Cat Basilio: So what? What is good about this holiday?

2nd clown. Well, like what? Children are gold.

Cat Basilio: Oh. Gold. So Alice we came right. Let's go for gold (they begin to pull the child towards them).

2nd clown. Stop. Don't you dare do that! I will prove to you that children are not the gold that glitters, but the gold of the future.

Cat Basilio: Fine. What are you doing here?

1st clown. We are now embarking on a journey. To the country of childhood, where there are many amazing games, quizzes and other wonders. But do you like games?

fox alice: Yes, I really like to play with chickens and fish. (licks lips). But my friend Cat Basilio likes to play with mice. We love to play with passion, especially in those games where dexterity, ingenuity, and skill are manifested.

1st clown. We invite you with us to the country of Childhood.

Cat Basilio. Hooray, let's quickly go to this country. Maybe I'll find a whole pile of gold there and buy myself a carload of fish and milk.

2nd clown. We take seats in the wagons. Good luck.

(a recording of the sound of a locomotive whistle sounds). (Children, imitating the train, go to the station. Arriving at the station, the children are divided into 2 teams).

1 station "Sportivnaya"(conducted by Sportocus)

(a recording of Lev Barashkov's song "A coward does not play hockey" sounds)

The game "Hockey with a mop."

Are you real athletes? Do you love hockey? Yes, now everyone loves hockey and even girls play it! You know that hockey happens with a ball and a puck. And we have hockey with a mop! You line up one after another, with this mop you have to push the ball to the finish line and back. And pass the mop to another participant.

(After the end of the relay race, the children, by recording the sound of a diesel whistle, go to the next station)

2 station "Two swoops, two floods"(guided by Stephanie)

Dance (any dance music sounds, the children repeat the movements after the leader. The team that performed all the movements and made no mistakes wins)

Continue on to the next station.

1st clown. Look, guys, who is sitting on the stump, looking at the guys at everyone ...

3 station "There on unknown paths"


I've been sitting here for a long time

I'm waiting for the kids.

Glad to invite all my friends

The holiday will be more fun.

Come on, sing a little song.

The song Anthem of the Barbarikov "What is kindness" sounds performed by a vocal group. (other kids sing along)

Pierrot. You sing well, but do you know that you ended up in a fairyland?

There are many fairy tales in the world

sad and funny

And live in the world

We can't live without them...

How many fairy tales do you know?

(questions are asked in turn to the teams, the team that gave the correct answers to all the questions wins)

1. What is the name of the fairy-tale hero who sings the song:

“... I am every beast

Stronger and braver!

Trembling before me

clumsy bear,

When will the bear

Defeat me!"

2. In what fairy tale did such an event occur:

“...Here in the hut the corners cracked, the roof shook, the wall flew out, and the stove itself went along the street, along the road, straight to the king ...”

3. About whom they say - “She has only two legs! What misery! She doesn’t even have a mustache!…”

5. What fairy tale hero was one of the sons of the old pewter spoon?

6. In which fairy tale did the princess find her fiancé with the help of a pea?

7. What boy was supposed to put out the word "eternity", for which he was promised to give skates and the whole world?

8. What was the name of the elf queen Maya at the beginning of the tale?

9. What did you answer gold fish for every request of the old man?

10. Which fairy tale ends with the words:

“The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it -

Good fellows lesson!”?

11. What did the queen say, looking into the magic mirror?

12. What fairy tale are these lines from?

The wind walks on the sea

And the boat is pushing

He runs in waves

On swollen sails.

13. How many years did the old man and the old woman live near the blue sea?

14. How did a man divide one goose without offense into seven: a master, a lady, sons, two daughters, and did not offend himself?

(Go to the next station)

4 station "Svetofornaya"(conducted by police dogs)

The siren sounds, the police dogs come out.

Police dogs.

Dear young citizens!

We send you police greetings to everyone and everyone!

We invite children to a wonderful game!

This game is the most needed!

Because all of you are a little bit naughty!

Too many dangerous things

Our smart and lively children!

There's a lot more traffic in the streets

It's time to raise some respect for him!

To halt the streets to teach the kids,

We started our game!

Think - Guess

Rules: you must give the correct answer and not shout it out in unison. The one with the most points for correct answers wins.


How many wheels does passenger car? (4)

How many people can ride on one bike? (1)

Who walks on the sidewalk? (a pedestrian)

Who is driving the car? (Driver)

What is the name of the intersection of two roads? (Crossroad)

What is a roadway for? (For traffic)

On which side of the road is the vehicle moving? (On the right)

What can happen if a pedestrian or driver violates traffic rules? (accident or accident)

What is the top light on the traffic light? (Red)

At what age are children allowed to ride a bicycle on the street? (from 14 years old)

How many signals does a pedestrian traffic light have? (Two)

How many signals does a pedestrian traffic light have? (Three)

What animal does the crosswalk look like? (On the zebra)

How can a pedestrian get into an underpass? (Down the stairs)

If there is no sidewalk, where can pedestrians move? (On the side of the road on the left, towards the traffic)

Which cars are equipped with special sound and light signals? (" Ambulance", fire and police cars)

What does the traffic police inspector hold in his hand? (Wand)

Where should you play so as not to be in danger? (In the yard, on the playground)

5 station "fantasy"(meets Pinocchio's children)

cat and fox. Oh dear, got it! Tell me, where did you hide the gold?

Pinocchio. Gold? I didn't hide the gold. Gold is my friends, whose heads are whole pantries of ideas and fantasies. Look, dear cat and Alice, what my friends can come up with.

Task for children.

Make a summer suit from improvised material.

The cat and the fox (watching how the children make things). Can we also come up with something like that?

(Clowns and Pinocchio allow, but warn it to be kind)

Cat and fox. We realized that the main gold is not money, but friends with their ideas.

After all, it’s not for nothing that they say “friendship is worth its weight in gold.” Take us to your company, we also want to have such gold.

Barbarika's song "Song of Friendship" is performed by all children and heroes.

At the end of the event, a disco for all children is announced.

Prepared the script for the Day of the preschooler instructor for physical culture Gerasimova Galina Leonidovna, MBDOU "Kindergarten of the combined type No. 19 "Rosinka", Sayansk, Irkutsk region.

In our preschool established a tradition on the day preschool workers congratulations, summer anniversaries.

Scenario for the Day of the preschooler

Presenter: “Today we have a wonderful festive assortment, mixed with the celebration of the day of kindergarten workers, with an anniversary layer, with decoration with the gifts of autumn and the bitterness of parting with the outgoing summer. Let's applaud in anticipation of this diversity!



- Forget the fuss, care,
Move, sinners, work,
Away, certification, away!
Long live our garden!
Long live
To those who with their energy
Makes children's days more fun...
The one who distributes medicines to them,
Heals their knees, protects their health ...


- To the one who bakes and cooks deliciously,
Who gets to work first.


- To the one who brings cleanliness everywhere ...


- To the one who delivers the products ...


- To the one who directs the work of all,
Shares sorrows and joys with us ...


Presenter: - We are lucky to celebrate with you! It is very responsible to be happy for everyone at once. The main thing is that the blow of joy does not knock us down and does not take us by surprise.

“Maybe we didn’t have enough childhood?”
Didn't finish the game at the time?
To go back
Found good remedy:
And they chose this profession.
Apparently the poet is wrong
Having said that there are no tickets until childhood.

— Young caregivers come noisy, insecure, inept, but they soon adapt and successfully begin to comprehend the basics pedagogical work. Today they were the first to apply for the performance. And since young people are dear to us, I invite them first.

The exit of teachers under the age of 30 years. The teachers take turns saying the words.

- The girls from our class
Career attracted artistic.

- There are many professions in the world,
And I needed a romantic one.

— I will work in the forge,
Just not in the one where the hammers.
I will take myself as an ally
Sweet, bright youth.

- I do not forge, according to the instructions
Plows for powerful tractors –
Will be my product
Human characters.

Subjects of my romance
In the sun they frown tenderly,
They wear bows on tops,
Couples walk the streets.

- Curious, awkward-looking
I will lead you to a great life.

- And the artists will envy
Kindergarten teacher.

- Unknown world, vast,
I will open the children cheerfully.
The most peaceful in the world
This is my profession.

“The young are dear to us, and the probationers who remain faithful to the garden almost from the very opening are honored. Your response.

Exit of trainee teachers who pronounce the words in turn.

(V. Stolyarov).

We are married to childhood in life -
These eternal "How", "Why".
Those sweet little eyes.
These secrets are for you alone!

We are married in life to childhood
To understand, to teach, to caress everyone.
Educator - teacher and nanny,
And the most tender, wise mother.

We are married in life to childhood
Indifference is not to know, but to burn!
And, like strings, nerves are stretched
But not in a cry - smile endure!

Educator is a holy profession
We remain children in our hearts:
In their victories and in their aspirations,
And in the birth of new ideas!

We are given that wealth into our hands,
What is the most precious thing in the world!
We are married in life to childhood
There is no union more important than him.

Presenter: — It's nice that merits are noted and teachers are awarded. A word for congratulations and awards to the head.

Congratulations and awards to the head.


- The teacher is a gardener.
The garden cherishes, protects.
After all, they grow in his garden.
Someone's daughters and sons.

- The result depends on the coherence of the actions of both teachers.

Educators who have been working on the group for more than one year come out.

Presenter: - How many years have you been working together?

Teachers, just starting to work in a group together, come out.

Presenter: - You are a new duo. How is lapping going? (Answers.)

Presenter: - Today you are entrusted with a responsible task - watering exclusive seedlings. Time for watering is limited, you will have to do with improvised means. The covering material should not be damaged - the growth of the seedling is possible only in the dark.

Gardening competition.

Preparing in advance:

Two ordinary sticks from any tree, so that there are two or three branches. 2-3 banknotes of 10 rubles are attached to one with paper clips, 2-3 candies are attached to the other, put in pots with earth (can be in jars of any size). "Seedlings" are well packed in paper or in a bag so that they are not visible, a glass of water (narrow or any container), tablespoons for each,

Task: Transfer water from glasses with spoons to water the seedling. To rhythmic music, but not very long.

After 2-3 minutes, the result is evaluated: how much water is left in the glass for each team. It is desirable that the water be tinted, so it will be better visible.

The first seedling is unfolded and given with the words of the wishes of a comfortable life.
The second seedling is unrolled with wishes sweet life.
Participants and winners are given bags of seeds.

Presenter: - No less well-coordinated team at the catering unit.

Your work is both dangerous and difficult:
In the midst of hell, steam, it rumbles.
Our garden is proud of the cooks,
And we honor them now!

The catering staff leave.

Presenter: Today we invite you to take a test. Work in kindergarten without diagnostics is not possible.
fun tests for kitchen.

1. Goose pig ...

  • friend, comrade and brother;
  • not sponsor;
  • not a friend;
  • won't tie wings.

2. After the fight...

  • everyone runs to the mothers;
  • do not wave their fists;
  • do not write to the prosecutor;
  • no longer scared.

3. Do not spit in the well -

  • you will become a goat;
  • useful water to drink;
  • fail the exam;
  • fly out - you will not catch.

4. Not knowing the ford, do not poke your head ...

  • to the chest of drawers;
  • to the caretaker;
  • in water;
  • to the blackboard.

5. Measure seven times, ..

  • when there is nothing to do;
  • one - cut;
  • throw out once;
  • and you won't go to work with a fever.

6. The word is not a sparrow, ..

  • will not disperse the pigeons;
  • fly out - you will not catch;
  • you will not put in a cage;
  • colleague won't notice.
  • more firewood;
  • need a diaper;
  • hungrier tourist;
  • stuck harder.

Presenter: - The work of a kindergarten is not possible without inspections, reviews. Let's look at the situation with a bit of humor.

A role play is played out.

Repair in progress.
Right here.
Messengers are running to us from the SES.

Valentina, Svet, Ivanna,
You are always welcome to us.
Come on like home.
/Damn brought you lame!/

SES representative: /barks/

Here we scrape, paint, whiten,
Children are placed in clean groups.
In! - Worries ... at least howl like a wolf!
/Damn brought you lame!/

SES representative: /barks/
Aw, wow, wow! - Hurry up and prepare the fine!

Come into the office.
How do you like the color of the wallpaper?
How do you like my corridor?
The devil brought you lame!/

SES representative: /barks/
Aw, wow, wow! - Hurry up and prepare the fine!

You will go down this ladder -
You will go crazy for that.
Who said it smells like paint?
You offend, hee hee - that is French perfume.

SES representative: /barks/
Aw, wow, wow! - Hurry up and prepare the fine!

You also asked for a menu.
The menu is now in Russian style.
Eat pea soup.
/ Let you feel bad afterwards! /

SES representative: /barks/
Aw, wow, wow! - Hurry up and prepare the fine!

Goodbye! So happy!
Come ... Av, av, av! / You won’t see a fine today!

Presenter: - The medical service with such a wish to the team.

Congratulations from the doctors.

May you be okay
Stomach, liver, ears, heels.
Let the heart - a fiery motor -
Drives blood at full speed.
Let the flu virus, evil and terrible,
Stepping with insidious steps,
Coming at us from everywhere
Will not touch you in a dangerous hour.
And let there be no terrible moment -
None of us will have enough of a nervous tick.

Presenter: preschool country- a noisy multi-colored country. Everyone here has to do their own thing, and the result is happy childhood girls and boys living in the world of toys, fairy tales, and next to them we believe in miracles. What is this miracle flower? Now I will tear off one petal! (In the hands of the leader, a seven-flower flower.)
In the hands of the leader is a seven-flower flower.

- Fly, fly petal
To the west fly to the east!
Reveal to us the anniversaries born in the summer.
But, our congratulations in this hall have not yet received!

Release of summer anniversaries.


- Fly, fly petal
Fly west, fly east!
As soon as you touch the ground, to be our way.
And now bring congratulations - warm words speakers.
Valuable gifts from donors.

Presentation of gifts.


- Fly, fly petal
Fly west, fly east!
As soon as you touch the ground, to be our way.
And now we need performers
Songs cheerful, festive and congratulatory.

The vocal group performs the song.


We don't always wear Versace
And the Mercedes doesn't always take us,
But we decide important tasks,
We can't imagine progress in society without us.

Every day, every hour
We give our hearts to children!
And for everyone we
Before the future in the answer!
For children to grow
Do not be sad, but have fun
To bloom smiles
On happy, childish faces,
We must every day
Every day and every hour
To work wholeheartedly together!
And today is not a sin and have fun!
Good polka to learn.

Everyone is standing in a circle. Congratulatory song to the melody of the polka "Good Beetle"

1. Stand all in a circle soon!
Educator and fizruk.
And also a musician.


2. The kitchen sings merrily
And he beats his hands loudly.
The laundry will sing along
Gogol will pass.

Like swans are swimming - doctors are walking in a circle.
The nannies pull the rest of the staff together!

3. Get all in a circle!
Get in the circle, get in the circle!
We can't be sad
We are all friends!

We fell in love with the kindergarten, our native plant!
We have a lot of fun, we sing together!

Presenter: - In the East they say: “Time spent with friends does not count towards age. Let's make our meetings more frequent, and we - friendly!