The best finger games for toddlers. Educational and methodological material on the topic: Finger games

In children in the first months of life, the tone in the flexor muscles is increased. With time increased tone passes. In the meantime, up to 3 months, the child's arms are bent in all joints, the hands are clenched into a fist. Therefore, before starting finger gymnastics, you need to relax the baby’s arms: stroke them from fist to shoulder, rub fists against each other, tap your fist on your palm. Only when the brush opens and the fingers spread out into different sides, you can start the game.

Stroking game

Place the baby in front of you. The choice of position should be comfortable for you and for the child. For example, you can sit on the floor on a rug so that your back rests well on something and your legs are bent. Place the baby on your knees in the supine position. Play with each hand of the baby separately. Gently stroke both surfaces of the arm (inner and outer) from the hand to the elbow, in the direction "from the periphery to the center." Speak while doing this:

Let's clap mom's hand

Lay your baby on the back of the changing table. Rub the fists or palms of the crumbs against each other, and then, in the rhythm of the nursery rhyme, pat his palm on your hand:

Babe (or child's name) can clap like that
He does not spare his hands.
Like this, like this, like this.
He does not spare his hands.

The baby's fists will open, he will spread his fingers.

Hello Ladoshka!

Take the baby in your arms. Play with the child's fingers, pressing the pads of your fingers to the tips of his fingers, stroking and kneading, kissing them:

Morning has come.
The sun has risen.
Hey brother Fedya,
Wake up the neighbors!
Get up Big!
Get up Pointer!
Get up Middle!
Get up, Orphan!
And Little Mitroshka!
Hello Ladoshka!

You, son, a piece of sugar

Hold the baby's palm open, stroke each baby's finger. Reading the last two lines of the rhyme, put thumb your hand on the palm of the baby so that the child grabs your finger.

The stove is a log,
Cow - hay,
Grass - calf,
Water for the lamb.
And you, son,
A piece of sugar.
(Dagestan song)

Thumb play

The game stimulates the withdrawal of the thumb, hidden in the baby's fist, out. Good mobility of the finger (and this game is also a massage) will be needed for the ability to grab objects and toys.

Stroke the child's arms and fingers clenched into fists. Gently take your thumb and bring it to the top of the cam, massage it lightly. Shake your finger in different directions, tell the baby a rhyme:

This finger is the most important.
He has (child's name) in order to
If they ask: "How are you?"
You will answer loudly: "In!"

Mirror game

Take the baby in your arms, bring him to the mirror. Emotionally communicating with the baby, draw his attention to the reflection in the mirror. Play with him: show him his reflection in the mirror and, raising it above the mirror, say:

- Oh, no baby (child's name).

And again bring it to the mirror, exclaiming:

- Here, here baby (child's name)!

In the second part of the game, grab the child's hands near the elbows and connect his fists, rub them together until they open. Make sure your hands are close to each other. Put the baby on the side in front of the mirror and put his hands on the mirror. Pronounce a variety of sounds at the same time to maintain emotional contact. If the baby's fingers do not straighten out, but are in the fist, stroke them, shake the handle, lightly tap the mirror with your fist, or press the back of your hand with your index finger. Now make sure that the palm is completely adjacent to the mirror. Clap your hand on the mirror while singing:

Clap, clap, clap,
You, baby!
My little one!

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The main motor achievement of the crumbs by this age is walking. The child began to walk independently. Freed hands allow you to experiment with surrounding objects, the skill of predominant use of the right or left hand is formed, coordination of movements is improved. Exactly physical activity contributes to the development of cognitive abilities of the baby.

The influence of fine motor skills on the development of the child

Numerous scientific studies have confirmed the connection intellectual development and finger motility. It has been established that the level of development of children's speech is directly dependent on the degree of formation of fine movements of the fingers. Therefore, in order to teach a child to speak, it is necessary not only to train his articulation (speech) apparatus, but also to develop finger movements. Systematic exercises for training the fingers are also a means of stimulating the activity of the cerebral cortex, which contributes to the development of thinking and attention.

One of important features finger games is their accessibility. To play with the baby, no special devices and toys are required. Whole game material- hands, fingers of a child. Mom only needs to know a few special exercises and learn the lyrics for them. You can play these games at any time and anywhere: on a walk, in line at the clinic - where you need to take the baby, distract him or interest him.

finger games for the child are selected taking into account his capabilities and gradually become more complicated. These games provide good workout fingers, contribute to the development of the ability to listen and understand the content of poetry, teach to catch the rhythm of speech. When the baby pronounces verses and at the same time moves the fingers of his hands, his speech obeys the rhythm, is accompanied by movements, becomes louder, clearer, more emotional.

A good workout is provided by folk games. Mom first reads the nursery rhyme rhythmically, highlighting the semantic parts intonation, accompanying the reading. game movements. Then the baby is invited to repeat the movements, and at an older age - the words of the nursery rhyme.

When it is difficult for a child to perform this or that exercise, an adult should help by taking his hand in his, helping to move his fingers, bend them and unbend them. This is how the necessary movements are taught, fine motor skills of the fingers are trained and, accordingly, speech development is stimulated.

Finger games for a child up to a year

Exploring our possibilities

Work on training fingers can begin as early as two months of age. In this period important place devoted to massage. Stroke the baby's hands in the direction from the fingertips to the wrist, take each finger individually, bend and unbend it.

The game "To each his own name"

If you have never done finger games with your baby before, start with the elementary - just look at the fingers, name each finger, gently stroke. You can simply list the names of the fingers (big, index, middle, etc.), or you can give each finger its own name.

Calling the "name", bend and unbend each finger in turn:
Finger Antoshka - A little mischievous. (Bend and unbend the thumb.)
Finger Vlad - Loves outfits. (Bend and unbend the index finger, etc.)
Finger Kolya Goes to school.
Timosh's finger - A good boy.
Finger Irishka - Quite a baby.

You can come up with your own names and poetic lines to them or pronounce the baby's name in different ways: first full name, then a diminutive, special, as one of the family members affectionately calls the baby, etc. Thus, the baby gets used to the sound own name, learns to distinguish it from the speech of adults.

Game "Pencil - Assistant"

Take a ribbed pencil and roll it over the palms and fingers of the crumbs. Another option for the exercise is to place a pencil between the palms of the baby and, pressing the palms tightly, make rubbing movements with them. The convex edges of the pencil massage the surface of the palms well, forcing the skin receptors to work.

You can massage your palms and fingers with a small ball (for example, for ping-pong), any other rounded object. The massage effect will be more noticeable if you use a special hedgehog ball with rubber "thorns". Roll it in the palms of the crumbs, pressing them to the ball.

Master with the crumbs the famous folk games with fingers - "Magpie-crow", "Ladushki", "Goat-dereza".

By 9-10 months of life, it is recommended to train circular motions thumbs baby. The period when the opposition of the thumb to the rest occurs is of particular importance. From this moment, the child becomes available to the subtle movements of the fingers, the baby masters the pincer grip (the ability to take objects with the thumb and forefinger).

The game "Boy-with-finger"

Ask the child to unclench his palm and, helping him to make movements, begin to pronounce the nursery rhyme:
Thumb boy, where have you been? (We make circular movements with the thumb.)
With this brother - I went to the forest, (We bend the little finger in turn, first,)
I cooked cabbage soup with this brother, (then the ring finger, etc.)
I sang songs with this brother,
I ate porridge with this brother,
That's why he got pissed off. (Circular movements with the thumb.)

Crane Game

To play, you will need a plastic bucket and 6-7 small toys or objects (toys from Kinder Surprise, large beads, walnuts, constructor details).

The baby's pen depicts a crane: thumb and forefinger right hand they pick up the object and send it straight into the bucket. First, slowly show the baby the sequence of actions, commenting on your movements along the way. Then ask the baby to repeat first with the right hand, then with the left.

Show your child gestures-substitutes for words: "Goodbye, bye-bye!" - the baby opens his fingers and waves his palm, “Give me!” - the baby squeezes and unclenches the fist several times, “You can’t do this!” - the child straightens the index finger, and presses the rest to the palm and shakes the pen. Teach your baby to clap his hands when he likes something. The baby quickly remembers these movements, and over time he will learn to repeat.

Finger games for children from 1 to 2 years old

We play and talk

At this time, the independence of the child in many actions increases. The manifestation of independence of the baby also brings to the exercise with fingers. At this age, he can repeat some simple movements without the help of an adult, focusing on the demonstration and copying the actions. Independence is also manifested in speech. The kid tries in his own way, loudly and clearly pronounce sounds, words or phrases when performing any part of the exercise.

Finger game "Spider"

The spider crawls, crawls, (Fingers squeeze and unclench, "walking" on the surface - on the table, arm, leg.)
He weaves a web.
The cobweb is at least thin,
Holds the moth firmly. (Rounded palms are stacked on top of each other.)
The moth sat-sat,
Suddenly fluttered - and flew away! (We wave our hands in the air.)
Ask the baby to pronounce the ending words: “crawling”, “sat”, “flew away”.

Finger game "Family"

Ask your child to straighten their hand. We begin to bend the little finger, ring finger and further - towards the thumb:
This finger is a grandfather
This finger is a grandmother,
This finger is daddy
This finger is mommy
This finger is me.
All my family.

After saying the nursery rhyme several times, encourage the baby to repeat after you, or complete the sentence that has been started. For example, you say: “This finger”, and the crumb complements - “grandmother”, etc. Repeat the exercise with the other hand.

Finger game "Piano"

Imitate playing the piano by tapping with each finger in turn, then with the whole palm with spread fingers on the surface of the table:
We bought a piano
Tra-la-la, tra-la-la.
Playing with grandma
And the whole family is dancing.
Tra-la-la, tra-la-la.

The game "Fingers say hello"

Sit with the baby at the table opposite each other, “say hello” with your fingers - with each finger touch the child’s fingers in turn, saying: “Hello, little finger”, “Good to see you, ring finger”, “Good afternoon, middle finger”, “ I salute you, index finger, "" Have a good day, thumb!"

Make sure that the baby puts forward any one finger for greeting, and not the whole palm. Help him separate his fingers if he has difficulty. Simultaneously with the training of the fingers, the baby learns a variety of greeting phrases.

To train the fingers, games without speech accompaniment can also be used:

Game "Man". Index and middle fingers right hands "run" on the table ("little man"). The same movements must be made with the fingers of the left hand, both hands at the same time.

Tree game. Raise both hands with palms facing you, fingers wide apart. Move your hands left and right. At the beginning of each game, tell the baby how to place the fingers correctly, show the options for movements with fingers and hands.

The game "Drag the rope." Explain to the baby that now you will check which of you is the strongest. Explain the rules of the game: you need to pull the rope to your side, taking it with your fingers or holding it in your fist. Put a string, string or handkerchief on the table. Give one end of the rope to the child, grab the other yourself. On command, start pulling towards you. Of course, the child must win this competition, but you should not give up right away - let the baby train his fingers, develop their strength, trying to hold and pull the rope. Be sure to praise the baby for being the strongest and most dexterous.

Finger games for children from 2 to 3 years old

obedient fingers

During this period, the fingers and hands of the child acquire good mobility and flexibility, the stiffness of movements gradually disappears.

If you notice that the child easily copes with the task, complicate it: add new movements, change their sequence, learn other, more intricate finger games. In the game, ask the baby to repeat whole sentences, quatrains after you. Encourage and praise him for a job well done.

Finger game "Snail"

Speak the nursery rhyme, showing the child all the actions. Ask him to repeat the movements after you:

Snail, snail! (Hand clenched into a fist "creeps" on the table.)
Stick out the horns! (We straighten the index and middle fingers - “horns” and quickly remove them.)
I'll give you a delicious cake! (Show open palms.)
I don't need a pie, (Twirl with clenched fists.)
I love freedom.
I'm crawling along the path
If I want, I’ll stick out my horns (We straighten the index and middle fingers.)
And touch a little...
The horns are out! (Fingers hide again - clench into a fist.)

Finger game "Sheep and bagels"

Teach your baby to collect fingers into rings, alternately closing the thumb with the small, ring, middle, index and thumb:
Early in the morning
I bought a lamb. (We close the rings, starting with the little finger.)
And then for rubles
He bought bagels. (We close the rings with our fingers in the reverse order.)
One, two, three, four, five - (We bend our fingers one by one.)
I started counting bagels.
One, two, three, four, five - (In the reverse order, we unbend our fingers one by one.)
Started eating bagels.
And he ate everything ... (Show palms.)

Game "Magic Web"

For this game you will need a thin colored lace. Ask the baby to show the pen, spreading her fingers. We braid the lace with rings around each finger of the baby, and let him try to remove it from his fingers without using his free hand. You can beat this exercise together with the baby: for example, tell that the spider has woven its magic web around his fingers, and he needs to free himself. When the baby manages to remove the lace, accompany his success with a surprise moment, for example: “Hooray! You are a magician! I was able to free myself from the magic web! Well done!"

Finger theater for children

Finger theater is an excellent invention: light, convenient, mobile. You can buy ready-made figurines that are put on fingers, you can make characters for the finger theater yourself - for example, from felt, paper, knit from yarn, or you can buy it in a store. This toy will delight the baby for a long time, training his fingers, improving speech, fantasy and imagination.

Arrange joint performances, and the audience can be relatives and friends, peers of the child.
The simplest option- make "actors" out of paper.

Wrap a sheet of paper 3-5 cm wide around your finger and glue it into a roll. If the puppeteer is a child - accordingly, the roll should be thinner.

Then we make out the doll: paint, draw the face, handles, clothing details. Be sure to do features character: the king - a crown, grandfather - a beard and mustache, grandmother - a handkerchief.
Such artists are convenient for fairy tales with a large number of characters. Each finger is a separate hero. So you can put Russian folk tales: "Turnip", "Wolf and seven kids", "Teremok", "Wintering of animals".

Shadow theater for children

Fingers folded in a certain way under special lighting can turn into fairy tale characters. For lighting, use a small table lamp, a night light.
Install a night light so that the light from it hits the wall. Hands should be positioned away from the light source so that the shadow from them is reflected on the wall.

Before showing a fairy-tale action, you will have to practice together and master the techniques of correctly showing the movements of the character: how he moves his ears, opens and closes his mouth, etc.

We offer several games for the shadow theater:

Bunny game. Elbows rest on the table. Stretch up the index and middle fingers of the right hand, and connect the tips of the ring and little fingers with the tip of the thumb. Make smooth rotational movements with a brush (the bunny moves). Perform the same exercise with the fingers of the left hand, with both hands at the same time.

The game "The chicken drinks water." Elbows rest on the table, fingers folded in the form of a beak. Make rhythmic tilts of the arms forward and return to the starting position - “peck the grains”. The kid can be fascinated by the shadow projection on the wall, and later he will be glad to take part in the performance.

Finger game "Animals at work" Read the rhyme to the baby, along the way showing all the actions that the animals perform in it. Let the baby repeat the movements after you. You need to perform movements with both hands at the same time:

Today is a whole day
All animals in action:
The fox-sister sews a fur coat, (We collect fingers into a pinch and unclench.)
gray bear, old grandfather, boot incites, (We knock fists against each other.)
And the white-sided magpie drives away the flies. (Wave your hands.)
Bear Masha cooks porridge for children. (We make circular movements with the hands.)
A hare sweeps with a whisk under the tree. (Hit the palms of each other on a tangent - “shake off” the palms)

Baby finger trainer

Put a small tight elastic band (for example, for hair) on the crumbs on the thumb and forefinger and ask them to stretch it several times. Let the baby try to stretch the elastic with only two fingers, without the help of the second hand. Then put the elastic on the thumb and middle fingers and so on to the little finger. This game allows you to strengthen the muscles of the fingers, improves coordination small movements. To make it more interesting for the baby, we can say that we hang a lock on the fingers and he needs to stretch it to free himself.

Pediatricians have already buzzed the ears of all mothers about how to develop fine motor skills in children. Most The best way These are finger games. There are a great many of them, there are finger games for children 1, 2, 3 years old, separate complexes of finger gymnastics for babies up to a year old, a number of such nursery rhymes for children 1 year old.

Why all this is needed and how to play such games correctly, we will now figure it out.

The benefits of finger games for children

Finger games for children up to a year have special functions:

  • develop fine motor skills of the hands;
  • take a whimpering baby;
  • calm the child
  • please the little one.

Little children get a lot of pleasure from the fact that an adult is engaged with them, pays attention, touches their hands and tells funny rhymes. Pediatricians recommend such gymnastics from the 6th month of a baby's life, starting with a simple massage of each finger, palm and both hands for 2-3 minutes every day.

Finger games for babies from 1 year old are designed for the following purposes:

  • develop memory;
  • develop fine motor skills of the hands;
  • develop gross motor skills;
  • take the baby;
  • give your child a smile.

Children with whom they regularly engage in such exercises calm down faster after tantrums and tears, learn to coordinate their movements, control them, remember what rhyme to do with their hands so that mom or dad would praise them.
The child is growing, now he is already 2 or 3 years old, but finger gymnastics does not give up its positions, it is still important.

At this age, the baby is already able to make more complex movements with his fingers and handles, which again:

  • improves coordination;
  • develops fine and gross motor skills of the hands;
  • stimulates memory;
  • brings a lot of joy.

The relevance of finger games remains even - for children 3-4 years old -, its elements are introduced into ordinary gymnastics and physical exercise.
What are we all about fine motor skills? The fact is that the center of fine motor skills is directly connected with the center of speech in the cerebral cortex.

By developing the first, you develop the second. Toddlers, to whom moms and dads pay a lot of attention when playing finger games, learn to speak faster, pronounce individual words better, they can quickly make sentences out of them. And the ability to speak is one of the few qualities that distinguish us from animals.

Review of finger games for children

There are a lot of such games, it's impossible to count them all. We present only a small fraction of what exists in modern world, for convenience, dividing the games by age.

Games for children up to a year

little man

Take the child's hands and apply his fingers in turn to the eyes, eyebrows, ears, cheeks, nose and lips, put the hands together, touch the legs.

You can name the parts of the face and body to which you put your fingers, or you can tell a nursery rhyme:
Eyes, eyebrows, ears, cheeks,
Nose, mouth, back.
Fingers, legs, cucumber.
Here comes the man.


Perform all actions with the hands of the child.
Wall, wall (pat your cheeks).
Ceiling (stroke your forehead).
Two steps (touch your lips).
Ring - call (click on the nose).


Clap your hands to the beat all the time.
The mother bird has flown
Look for beetles for kids.
And the chicks sit in the nest,
Mom is called all day.

Games for one year olds

white-sided magpie

Everyone knows how to play it. And here is the verse:
The white-sided magpie stoked the stove.
Magpie white-sided cooked porridge.
Forty-white-sided children fed:
- This ladies, and this ladies,
I'll give this one and I'll give that one.
But I won't give it to you.
He didn't cut wood.
And the oven did not heat,
And brought no water
And get gulkin's nose.


You can do this with your baby's hands or invite him to repeat after you.
Kui, Kui boot (knock your fist on your palm).
Give me, mom, a hammer (change hands).
And do not give me a hammer (we change again).
I do not shoe the boot (we change the handles again).


Clasp your fingers. The kid should repeat after you.
We have a lock on the doors (shake the lock from your hands).
Who could open it? (Shrug your shoulders. The kid is unlikely to repeat, but he will have fun.)
We knocked (let's knock palm on palm without opening our fingers).
Twist (twist with your hands).
They stretched and opened (the word “opened” must be highlighted, unhooked hands and spread them as wide as possible to the sides).

Such exercises can be done for fun, later baby he will repeat them with pleasure, telling a rhyme about a bear:

Games for children 2-3 years old

Such games involve not only fingers. Involved carpal, elbow and shoulder joints. Do exercises with the baby - and he is pleased, and you will warm up. We have selected finger games for children in pictures.

Owl-owl, cap

When performing the Owl exercise, the arms, shoulders and neck are involved. "Cap" additionally develops coordination, you can ask the baby to do this simple exercise with eyes closed for more benefit.

Tsar's yard

Explain each movement to the baby, as indicated in the picture. So he will understand what and why he is doing, and the exercise will become more exciting. Shoulder, elbow, wrist joints are trained.


Try the exercise with your child first with one hand. Then make it both, synchronously. Stimulates coordination, develops mindfulness.

There are many such finger games. But for full development hand motility in children 2-4 years old is not enough. Invite your child to help you in the kitchen. When you cook cookies, dough molding is extremely useful for the baby, and he needs to get used to helping his mother. Later it will be possible to move on to, which will further develop perseverance, attentiveness and imagination. It would be useful to “teach a child to draw”; this contributes to creative thinking and all the same fine motor skills of the hands.

Of great importance is not the fact that you spend finger games with your baby, but how you do it. And you need to do it like this:

  • enthusiastically;
  • with interest;
  • with a smile on your face.

Why should a child like what you don't like? Not that age, dear mothers. Enjoy the process of the game, your joy will be transferred to the baby.

Here are some more tips:

  • If the child does not want to play, do not force him. Over time, the baby himself will want to clap his hands, bend his fingers, show the lock from his hands. Seize the right moment and get started.
  • Do not be lazy and learn these nursery rhymes! Without them, the game is not interesting for the child. Do not read them, children love to be told from memory.
  • Speak the text of the nursery rhyme with an expression, pronouncing each word very clearly - after all, the child will begin to repeat after you. Form the correct speech in the child from the very beginning.
  • Practice with your child no more than 3-5 minutes at a time. Otherwise, he will perceive them not as a game, but as a tedious obligatory activity, and will begin to avoid them. Spend such "fun minutes" a couple of times a day - that's enough.
  • Always praise your baby. It turned out to clap your hands - well done! He himself folded a lock or a snail from his fingers - clever! Encourage the child, then he will want to play finger games.

Finger games for children - video

This video clearly demonstrates various finger gymnastics exercises for children 1-3 years old. It is shown how the baby repeats after her mother how to play moments from rhymes correctly so that the child is interested.

Finger games, or finger gymnastics, - an exciting activity for mom and baby. Fine motor skills of the hands develop, the speech apparatus is stimulated, the baby watches how the mother pronounces the words and learns to repeat them. If you also engage in sculpting, drawing and other games in which small hands participate, trips to a speech therapist are not terrible for you!

For parents who are interested in early development methods, it would not be superfluous to read about the methods:, or.

What finger games do you play with your baby? Does the child rejoice when you start telling and showing a nursery rhyme? If you know interesting exercises for finger gymnastics, share them with us in the comments!

Finger games are a thing, absolutely necessary for mom raising a baby. In addition to developing fine motor skills, this is a great way to distract and amuse the child, because each game is based on a nursery rhyme or a poem. And if there are many children in the family, finger gymnastics often becomes the favorite game of the elders with the younger ones. We have collected 12 games for different ages, tested many times experienced teachers in your classes.

Many parents know that finger gymnastics is needed for all kids and preschoolers. In the modern world, with its ready-made toys and abundance household appliances, children's fingers get less and less useful work. Finger games come to the rescue - they develop dexterity, mobility, Creative skills, attention and reaction speed, and funny poems help to remove nervous tension. Toddlers who regularly do finger gymnastics speak better, learn to write faster, have a good memory, develop coordination of movements, and calm down after stress more quickly.

Finger gymnastics very good as a daily independent game lesson with a baby. Many teachers and speech therapists use finger gymnastics in their developmental classes as a physical activity, rest and change of activity. Finger games are also great for children's holidays - they are easy to include in the script, it is convenient to intersperse contests with them, standing up with the kids in a round dance.

Finger gymnastics for children 1-2 years old


This finger is small (bend little finger)
This finger is weak (bend the ring finger)
This finger is long (bend middle finger)
This finger is strong (bend index finger)
This finger is fat (bend thumb)
Well, together - a fist!


On a visit to the thumb (thumb is bent, the rest are clenched into a fist)
Came straight to the house
Index and middle (in accordance with the text, unbend fingers alternately)
Nameless and last.
Little finger itself
Knocked on the threshold.
Fingers together are friends (clench your fingers into a fist and unclench them)
They cannot live without each other.

Squirrel sits on a cart

A squirrel sits on a cart (squeezing and unclenching fingers into a fist in the rhythm of a nursery rhyme)
She sells nuts (begins to bend fingers)
Sparrow, titmouse,
Bear fat-fifth,
Mustachioed hare,
Who cares
To whom in a scarf
Who cares.

Finger games for children 2-3 years old


The wind gently shakes the maple, (fingers outstretched and reaching up)
Right, left tilts: (swing palms left and right)
One - slope and two - slope, (tilt left - right palms low-low)
The maple rustled with leaves. (wiggle fingers)


A boat is sailing on the river
He swims from afar (fold hands like a boat and make wave-like movements)
Four on the boat
A very brave sailor. (show 4 fingers raised up)
They have ears on top (raise hands to head, show ears with bent palms)
They have long tails, (we put our hand to the lower back, we depict movements with the tail)
But only cats are afraid of them,
Only cats and cats. (we raise both hands to the head, depict cat claws and hiss)


We remember the dough with our hands (squeeze-unclench fingers)
Let's bake a sweet cake. (as if kneading dough)
Smear the middle with jam, (circular movements of the palms on the table)
And the top - sweet cream (circular movements of the palms against each other)
And coconut crumbs
We'll sprinkle some cake (sprinkle the "crumbs" with the fingers of both hands)
And then we'll make tea -
Invite a friend to visit! (one hand shakes the other)

Finger gymnastics for children 3-4 years old


Bunny jumped through the forest (fingers "jump" on the table)
The bunny was looking for food. (with the fingers of both hands we alternately sort through the table)
Suddenly at the bunny on top
Ears rose like arrows. (depict ears with handles)
A quiet rustle is heard:
Someone is sneaking through the forest. (fingers slowly walk on the table)
The hare confuses the tracks,
Runs away from trouble. (fingers quickly run around in a circle on the table)


We shared an orange! (hands are clasped in the lock, we shake)
A lot of us (spread fingers)
And he is alone. (show only one finger)
This hedgehog slice (fingers folded into a cam, bend one finger at a time)
This slice for a swift, (bend the next finger)
This is a slice for ducklings (bend the next finger)
This is for kittens (bend the next finger)
This slice is for the beaver (bend the next finger)
And for the wolf peel! (palms down, fingers outstretched)
He's angry with us, trouble! (wiggle finger)
Run away whoever! (simulate running fingers on the table)


A snail pokes its horns - (the thumb of the right hand holds the middle and ring fingers; the index and little fingers are straight)
The gate is locked in the garden. (pokes "horns" in the palm of his left hand)
Open the gate quickly (left hand"opens" the gate),
Let the snail go home (right hand "creeps").

Finger games for children 4-7 years old

Days of the week

On Monday I washed (cams three against each other)
I swept the floor on Tuesday. (hands of relaxed hands down and imitating movements on the table)
On Wednesday I baked kalach, (bake pies)
All Thursday I was looking for the ball, (we bring the right hand to the forehead and make a "visor")
I washed the cups on Friday (the fingers of the left hand are half-bent, the palm is on the edge, and with the index finger of the right hand we drive in a circle inside the left hand)
I bought a cake on Saturday. (palms open and joined together on the side of the little fingers)
All girlfriends on Sunday
Called for a birthday. (waving palms towards you)


five small peas
Locked up in a pod. (interlacing fingers, clasping hands together)
One grew up
And it's already tight. (straighten thumbs)
But here comes the second one
And the third, and then
Fourth, fifth... (straighten fingers one by one)
The pod said, "Bom!" (clap)


One two three four five, (bend fingers one at a time)
We went for a walk in the yard.
They sculpted a snow woman, (we imitate the modeling of lumps),
The birds were fed with crumbs, ("crumble bread" with all fingers)
Then we rode down the hill, (we move the palm of the right hand along the palm of the left hand)
And they rolled in the snow. (we put our palms on the table with one or the other side)
Everyone came home in the snow (wipe palms off)
We ate soup and went to bed. (we make movements with an imaginary spoon, put our hands under the cheek)

The article was provided by the children's eco-club "Umnichka"

Anastasia Shevchenkoteacher and speech therapist
Sofia Timofeeva candidate of pedagogical sciences

Comment on the article "12 finger games - for home, holidays, educational activities"

The development of fine motor skills. Psychological and pedagogical aspects. Adoption. Discussion of adoption issues, forms of placing children in families, raising foster children. And if there are many children in the family, finger gymnastics often becomes a favorite game of older people with younger ones.


From the experience of communicating with cerebral palsy - popping in the nose with getting the contents out of there and rolling it into a ball - also fine motor skills. The speech therapist told us that this process is necessary.
And gnawing seeds is also the development of fine motor skills

What a useful post, I read it with pleasure, I will rewrite everything! We are just restless (((How to interest a child? If she doesn’t want to, she won’t even fit, or she’ll scatter everything ((((.

Educational games: finger gymnastics for children from 1 to 7 years old. Finger games on German. Early development. For the development of fine motor skills, various finger games, designers were invented, and creative activities are also good.


There is this game:
join two hands (palms and fingers)
index fingers - press "Mom-mom" to each other
nameless "guests are coming"
little fingers "so what?"
then, the middle ones, as if kissing "Hello, hello" and as if hugging (falling down on the back of the palms) and again, you can endlessly ..
The tribe taught everything at a fast pace ... cool!

A finger theater did not try? Dolls can be made in minutes, and then play out fairy tales. Or you can just draw muzzles on your fingers with a felt-tip pen. Who would refuse such a thing? :)))

Finger gymnastics Kosinova, is k. Development, training. Child from 3 to 7. Upbringing, nutrition, daily routine, visiting children's Finger gymnastics Kosinova, is there a book, is she familiar to you? There is no way to look through, I will be grateful for your ...


I have.
I love her and have recommended her here many times. In my edition ("Gymnastics for fingers", Olma-Press) on the left side there are words of exercises, drawings of hands and fingers, explanations for adults. On right side spread - a large (A4) drawing-illustration for the exercise.

Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, daily routine and development of household skills. Tell me, who knows, finger games for the development of fine motor skills of hands like "magpie-magpie", preferably with a description of the movements ...


One, two, three, four, five (open fingers)
Let's play fingers (wiggle fingers)
Close and be silent (squeeze your fingers)
Came out cam
Open a little (slowly unclench)
It turns out a palm.
Turtle, turtle
I hid the tail from fear (stroke the thumb and hide it in the fist)
Knock knock, how are you? (knock on the fist, clap)
Mom hugged her son (hug the child, holding the hand)

We are from flour dough (help the child make a movement as if he is kneading something)
We roll koloboks (rotational movements with the palms)
Mom Tanya, dad Eda, Baba Nate)) (etc. we list loved ones, bend our fingers)
And Markushenka-friend gets a pie (fold your palms so that your fingertips and the bases of your palms touch)

Tritatushki tritata (clap hands)
3 cats ran away (clamp fists)
White, black, red (raise your fingers one by one up)
Everyone is sitting on the roof (fold the roof from the fingers of 2 hands)

The steam locomotive is going
Lots of spinning wheels
Once the wheel (connect in a circle the big one at the index fingers)
Two wheels (also large + medium)
Three wheel (big + without)
Four wheel (large + little finger)

Our fingers woke up, stretched, stretched and shook (perform these movements)
They ran along the palm, ran, ran (2 fingers of the right hand run along the palm of the left hand and vice versa)
They jumped, they jumped (depict with fingers on the palm of your hand)
And tired sat down to rest (shake your brushes and put them on the table or on your knees)

Finger games have been known almost since ancient times. It is possible that they were invented at a time when there were no toys yet, and the only available object for games were only hands. Apparently, the Lord Himself put them into the minds of our ancestors, because this kind of games - unique way child development.

Finger games, as a rule, have a simple, accessible to children's understanding poetic form, and with the help of hands and fingers, an adult, together with a child, “illustrates” the story. It has long been known what a big role in the development of a child's personality is played by bodily contact with a loving adult. Nothing compares to finger games for the degree of contact that is established during practice. Firstly, babies are usually seated on their knees and back to themselves. This gives the child a sense of protection from the ring of mother's hugs. Secondly, all the actions that take place during the game - stroking, patting, bending and unbending the fingers help to establish and strengthen trust, develop the child's communication skills, and finally, this is a huge charge. positive emotions from communication and the game itself.

It has been scientifically proven that intelligence develops through fine motor skills in children. The activity of the child's brain is very closely related to tactile sensations that the baby receives through the palms and fingers. That is why the best toys for little ones are those that consist of parts of different texture and shape, allowing the child to understand the difference between soft and hard, hard and tender, smooth and rough. But parents should remember that even the most best toy in the world will not replace personal contact, an eye-to-eye look, an approving smile of a mother or grandmother. Play with your kids! Put them in your arms and open for them magical land finger games.

How should you play with your baby?

- Before the game, briefly explain to the child the essence of the game in an accessible form.

- Play with passion, immerse yourself in the world of your baby.

- Do not give the baby a large volume and many tasks at once. Mastering one or two finger games a day is enough.

- Encourage your child's successes and turn a blind eye to his mistakes.

- The game should bring joy to both of you.

- It happens that the baby suddenly does not like some of the finger games. Don't make him play it.

Finger games for the little ones


An adult runs a finger along the child’s open palm and says:

- Magpie-crow cooked porridge,
fed babies:

(alternately takes a finger, shakes it and bends it to the palm)

- Gave it
gave this
gave it
gave this
and this (shaking harder) - not given!

You didn't go to the forest
you didn't cut wood
You didn't turn on the stove!
You have nothing!

mushroom fingers

We alternately take the fingers, starting with the little finger, shake each one and press it to the palm:

This finger went to the forest,
found this finger mushroom,
this finger began to clean,
this finger began to fry.

Well, this one (thumb)- took and ate
that's why he got fat!

Two goats

(On both handles we press the middle and ring fingers with our thumbs).

Once upon a time to visit someone
A goat was walking across the bridge,
(Keep your hands horizontally, bring your hands together).

And another was walking towards
He returned home.

(On the first syllable of each line we join hands with a swing).

five ducklings

Five ducklings swim forward
On the shore their mother is waiting,
(One of the hands - “mother duck” - stands on the table, leaning on the elbow. The fingers are folded in a pinch. The second hand is ducklings. We perform wave-like movements towards the “duck”.
The number of extended fingers corresponds to the number of ducklings)

But only four ducklings
We went back to mommy.
(slowly fingers curl up)

Four ducklings swim...
Three ducklings are swimming...
Two ducklings swim...
Here one floats forward,
On the shore his mother is waiting,
(To the words “On the shore their mother is waiting”, we “nod” with the hand (“mother-duck”).

And five ducklings at once

We went back to mommy.


(We sit on a rug or pillow (on our knees). We sort through our fingers (“run”) from the knees to the top of the head).

The mouse climbed for the first time
See what time it is.
Suddenly the clock said: "Bom!"
(One clap above the head).

The mouse rolled over.
(Hands "roll" to the floor).

The mouse climbed a second time
See what time it is.
Suddenly the clock said: "Bom, bom!"
(Two claps).

The mouse rolled over.
The mouse climbed for the third time
See what time it is.
Suddenly the clock said, “Bom, bom, bom!”
(Three claps).

The mouse rolled over.


One two three four five,
The worms went for a walk.
(The palms lie on the knees or on the table. Fingers, bending, pull the palm towards us (the movement of the crawling caterpillar), we walk along the table with the index and middle fingers (the rest of the fingers are pressed to the palm).

One two three four five,
The worms went for a walk.
Suddenly a crow comes running
She nods her head
(Pinch fingers together, swing them up and down).

Croaks: "Here's dinner!"
(Open the palm, moving the thumb down and the rest up).

Look - there are no more worms!
(Clench fists, pressing them to the chest)


Giraffes have spots, spots, spots, spots everywhere.
Giraffes have spots, spots, spots, spots everywhere.
(Clap hands all over body.)

(With both index fingers, touch the corresponding parts of the body.

Elephants have folds, folds, folds, folds everywhere.
Elephants have folds, folds, folds, folds everywhere.
(We pinch ourselves, as if collecting folds).

On the forehead, ears, neck, elbows,
On the noses, on the stomachs, on the knees and socks.
(Both index fingers touch the corresponding parts of the body).

Our family

Here is grandfather
Here is grandma
Here is daddy
Here's mommy
Here is my baby
And here is the whole family.

Alternately bend your fingers to the palm, starting with the big one, and with the words “Here is the whole family”, cover the entire fist with the other hand.


The fir branches trembled.
We love swings.
We fly up and down
Have fun with us. (T. Sikacheva)
Perform the exercise first with the right, then with the left hand, and then with both hands. From the wrist of the hands with straight closed fingers, lift up, and then, slightly bending the fingers, gently lower down.


(We fold our palms, press our fingers against each other. Elbows rest on the table).
Our cat has ten kittens,
(We shake our hands without separating them).
Now all the kittens are in pairs:
Two fat, two dexterous,
Two long, two tricky,
The two smallest
And the most beautiful.
(Tap the corresponding fingers against each other (from the thumb to the little finger).


The spider walked on a branch,
And the kids followed him.
(Arms crossed; fingers of each hand "run" along the forearm, and then along the shoulder of the other hand.)

Rain from the sky suddenly poured,
(Brushes are freely lowered, we perform a shaking movement (rain).)

Washed the spiders to the ground.
(Slap hands on table/knees.)

The sun began to warm
(The palms are pressed with their sides to each other, the fingers are spread apart, we shake our hands (the sun is shining)

The spider crawls again
And all the children crawl after him,
To walk on a branch.
(Actions are similar to the original ones, "spiders" crawl on their heads.)


Small house on the tree
Home for bees, but where are the bees?
Gotta knock on the house
(One of the hands is on the table, leaning on the elbow, the fingers are spread out (tree). On the second hand, the fingers close into a ring (beehive). The "hive" is pressed against the "tree" Children look into the "beehive").

One two three four five.
I knock, I knock on the tree,
(We clench our fists. We knock our fists against each other, alternating hands).

Where, where are these bees?
They suddenly began to fly:
(We spread our arms, spread our fingers and move them (the bees fly).

One two three four five!


funny mouse
Found a glove
(We open our palm, fingers are spread out (glove). We turn our hands with our palm, then back side up).

Having made a nest in it,
(We fold our hands with a “bucket”).

The mice called.
(Bend - unbend fingers ("calling" gesture).

Im a crust of bread
Gave me a bite
(With the tip of the thumb, alternately knock on the tips of the remaining fingers).

Stroked (spanked) everyone
(With the thumb we stroke (“slap”) the rest (with a sliding movement from the little finger to the index finger).

and sent to sleep.
(We press the palms to each other, put them under the cheek (sleep).


(Fingers are spread out; alternately “walk” on the table or knees with each of the fingers).

This fat piglet wagged its tail all day,
(little fingers).

This fat pig scratched its back against the fence.


La-la-la-la, lu-lu-lu, I love the pig

This fat pig was picking the ground with its nose,

This fat piglet drew something himself.

La-la-la-la, lu-lu-lu, I love the pig
(Squeeze and unclench fists).

This fat pig is a couch potato and impudent,

He wanted to sleep in the middle and pushed all the brothers aside.
(Clench the hand into a fist, pinch the thumb inward).


(We perform imitative movements in accordance with the text).

We nod our heads
We'll shake our noses,
And we'll knock our teeth
And we'll be quiet for a bit.
(We press index fingers to lips).

We will twist our shoulders
And let's not forget the pens.
Let's shake our fingers
And let's get some rest.
(Bending down, swing with relaxed hands).

We shake our feet
And let's squat a little,
Let's make a leg with a leg
And let's start all over again.
(We bounce in place in the rhythm of the text. Then the tempo accelerates.)

We nod our heads
... We will twist our shoulders, ...


Snail in the house she sits, horns sticking out, silent.

(One of the hands is a “flower.” She stands on the table, leaning on her elbow. The fingers are half-bent, spread out. The palm is a cup of a flower. The second hand is a snail. Large, medium and ring fingers tips touch. The index and little fingers are extended forward (snail horns).

Here the snail crawls
("Snail" sways from side to side).

Slowly forward.
(Crawls forward on the table.)

Will crawl on a flower,
(“The snail” crawls onto the “flower”).

The petals will gnaw.
(“The snail” alternately wraps around the fingers (“petals”) of the second hand (“flower”).

She pulled her horns into her head,
(The hand (“snail”) curls into a fist (“pulls in the horns”).

She hid in the house and fell asleep.
(The second hand (“flower”) closes, hiding the “snail” in the “bud”).


(We fold our fingers with a pinch. We swing them).

Woodpeckers are knocking louder and louder
The chicks began to sing.
(The palms are closed with a “bucket”, we raise our hands up, open our palms, the side parts remain pressed, fingers are spread out).

The sun rises early
To warm our earth.
(Movements are repeated).

The sun rises early
To warm our earth.
Streams run downhill
All the snow has melted
(We perform wave-like movements with our hands (fingers are straightened, closed, palms are turned down).

And from under the old grass
(The palms are closed with a "bucket").

The flower is already looking...
(The palms open, the sides of the hands are connected, the fingers are open, half-bent (a cup of a flower).

And from under the old grass
The flower is already looking
(Movements are repeated).

Opened the bell
(Hands are on the table, resting on the elbows. The fingers are clenched into a fist).

In the shade where the pine is
(Fingers gradually loosen, freely relaxed (bell cup).

Ding-ding, ringing softly,
(We swing our hands in different directions, pronouncing "ding-ding").

Ding-ding, spring has come.
Ding-ding, ringing softly,
Ding-ding, spring has come.


Hands lie on the table or knees, fingers are relaxed. In accordance with the text, we alternately raise a pair of fingers of the same name, starting with the thumbs.
Ten gray hares
Dozing under a bush
And two suddenly said:
"There's a man with a gun"
Two shouted:
"Let's run away!"
The two whispered
"Let's shut up!",
Two suggested:
"We'll hide in the bushes!"
And two suddenly asked:
"Can he do bang?"
"Bach" - shot the hunter,
(Clap hands).
Pressing the gun trigger, (We run our fingers on the table or knees).
And ten gray hares
They took off running.