Finger game March 8 senior group. Finger gymnastics in dhow. If I were a girl...








Bakhtanova T.A.

Novosibirsk 2016

Theme: "Kindergarten"

1).Friends in our group, Clap.

Girls and boys.

We will make friends with you Squeeze-unclench fingers.

Little fingers. Touch with your fingertips

with both hands at the same time.

One two three four five - Bend the fingers of both hands.

One two three four five - Alternately touch the fingers of the right hand with the fingers of the left hand, starting with the thumbs.

2) . "Toys"

On the big sofa in a row Alternately clap your hands and bang your fists.

Katina's dolls are sitting: Banging each other with fists.

Two bears, Pinocchio, Bend all fingers in turn

And cheerful Cipollino, on both hands.

Both a kitten and an elephant.

One two three four five, Alternately touch the fingers of the right hand

fingers left hand, starting with large.

We help our Katya, Wave-like movements from top to bottom.

Topic: “Fruits. Garden"

1). We will cook compote. Squeeze-unclench hands.

You need a lot of fruits. Here. Bang your fists at each other.

Let's chop apples Crunchy finger movements.

We will chop pears Chopping movements of the palms.

Squeeze lemon juice Rotate your fists at each other.

Put the drain and sand. Press the right hand first

then the left.

We cook, we cook compote Make the left palm a "ladle".

Use the index finger of the right hand to “interfere” with the compote.

Let's treat honest people. Extend your arms in front of you.

2). "We shared an orange"

We shared an orange Clenching and unclenching fists

There are many of us, and he is one.

This slice is for the hedgehog, bend one finger on both hands, starting with the thumbs.

This slice for a swift,

This slice is for ducklings.

This slice is for kittens

This is a slice for a beaver

And for a wolf - a peel.

He is angry with us - trouble!

Topic: “Vegetables. Garden"

1). At the girly Zinochka, Clap.

Vegetables in a basket: Make the palms "basket"

Here is a pot-bellied zucchini,

I put it on the barrel Bend fingers of both hands

Peppers and carrots at the same time, starting with the big one.

Cleverly put it down

Tomato and cucumber.

Our Zina - well done! Show thumb.

2). The hostess once came from the market,

The hostess brought home from the market : Clap your hands, hit your fists together.

Potatoes, cabbage, carrots, zucchini, peas, bend your fingers

Eggplant, cucumber, tomato, parsley and beets. starting with the little finger.

OH!! Clap your hands.

Theme: “Gifts of autumn. Mushrooms and berries"

1). "For the berries" One two three four five , The fingers of both hands greet.
We go for a walk in the forest. Both hands "go" index

For blueberries, for raspberries, and middle fingers on the table.
For lingonberries, for viburnum. Bend fingers, starting with
We will find strawberries thumb.
And take it to my brother .

2). "For mushrooms"

Top top five steps Children "step" with their fingers on the table.

There are five mushrooms in the box. Weave fingers - make tuesochek,

Thumbs - pen.

Amanita muscaria is a dangerous mushroom,

And the second is a fox, a red-haired sister, hands on each mushroom name,

The third mushroom is a wave, a pink ear, starting with the little fingers.

And the fourth mushroom is a morel, a bearded fat man

The fifth mushroom is white, eat it boldly!

Theme: “Golden autumn. Trees"

1). One, two, three, four, five. Connect fingers alternately

both hands, starting with the thumb.

Let's collect the leaves. Squeeze and unclench your palms vigorously.

birch leaves, Bend fingers on both hands, starting with the thumb.

rowan leaves,

poplar leaves,

aspen leaves,

We will collect oak leaves,

Mom will take the autumn bouquet. Unclench your fingers with force.

2). The wind walked through the forest. Smooth hand movements

left - right.

The wind counted the leaves. Squeeze-unclench fingers.

Here is oak Bend the fingers of both hands

starting big.

Here is maple

Here is a rowan carved,

Here from a golden birch,

Here is the last leaf from the aspen

The wind blew onto the path. Gently lower your palms to your knees.

Topic: "Poultry"

1). The chicken has a chicken, Connect the fingers of the right hand

The goose has a goose with the fingers of the left hand, starting with the thumbs.

The turkey has a turkey,

And the duck has a duckling.

Every mother has babies. Bang your fists at each other.

All are beautiful, good! Squeeze - unclench your fingers.

2). One, two - there were ducklings. Alternately bend all the fingers of the right hand,

Three, four - for water. then the left hand, starting with the big one.

And behind them trailed the fifth,

Behind ran the sixth.

And the seventh lagged behind them,

And the eighth is already tired.

And the ninth caught up with everyone,

And the tenth scared.

Loudly, loudly squealed: Rhythmically bend and unbend the fingers of both hands.

Pi-pi-pi! Not food

We're here, look around.

Topic: "Pets"

1). I will comb the horse, Make palms "rake".

Combing movements with a "rake".

And I'll cut the lamb, Rotational movements of the fists.

I will wash the pig Move palms back and forth.

And I'll tame the cow Make a "lock".

Raise and lower your fingers.

Well, the dog will go again "Walk" with your fingers.

Walk down the street with me. Clap.

2).“Guess who is it? Bend one finger on both

ear two, but no horns. hands for each highlighted word.

There is a short thick tail ,

There is a cold black nose ,

There are four strong paws ,

Very strong, like my dad.

And I also want to say:

Very smart eyes .

I could guess! Waving hand.

Who is this? They shrug.

My puppy! They press their hands to their hearts.

Topic: "What are the houses like?"

1)." Everyone has their own home"

At the fox in the deaf forest Children bend fingers on both hands

There is a hole - a safe house. By one finger for each couplet.

Snowstorms are not terrible in winter,

A squirrel in a hollow on a spruce.

Under the bushes prickly hedgehog

Heaps up the leaves.

From branches, roots, bark,

Beavers make huts.

Sleeping in a lair clubfoot,

Until spring, he sucks his paw.

Everyone has their own home alternately clap and strike

Everyone is warm and cozy in it. each other with the fists of both hands.

2). "New house"

Knock-knock-knock, knock-knock-knock! They strike, alternating, fist to fist.

Take the hammer, my friend!

We'll build a new house They put their palms next to the “walls”.

There is a window in the house. They fold the index fingers with a stick, the rest are connected by a “roof”.

There is another higher

There is a pipe at the top of the roof. The little finger is set aside - a pipe.

The house is ready, we invite guests : Show both index fingers.

"Come quickly!" Make an inviting hand gesture.

Topic: "Professions"

1). There are many noble professions, Clap.

Both useful and enjoyable. Clench your fingers into a fist, first with your right hand, then with your left.

Cook, doctor, painter, teacher, connect in series

Vendor, miner, builder... thumbs of both hands.

I don't name everyone at once. Clench and unclench your fists.

I suggest you continue. Extend your arms forward with palms up.

2). The cook was preparing dinner, Children squat, with the edge of their palms they beat on the floor.

And then the lights were turned off. Simulate turning off the light with the right hand.

The cook takes the bream Bend the thumbs on both hands.

And lowers it into compote.

Throws logs into the cauldron, Curl index fingers.

Putting jam in the oven Bend the middle fingers.

It interferes with the soup with a stalk, Curl the ring fingers.

Ugli beats with a ladle. Little fingers bend.

Sugar pours into the broth. Depicts how sugar is poured.

And he is very pleased. They lower their hands, shrug their shoulders.

Theme: "Wild Animals"

One two three four five. Connect the fingers of both hands

in turn.

The children went for a walk in the forest. "Step" on the table with the middle and index fingers of both hands.

A fox lives there. Make rotational movements with your palms.

A deer lives there. Spread your fingers out to the sides.

A badger lives there. Clap your hands, bang your fists

about each other.

A bear lives there. To knock with the right fist on the left palm,

Then, with the left fist on the right palm.

Topic: "Household appliances"

Vacuum cleaner, vacuum cleaner Rhythmic flexion of the fingers

Both hands (palms facing forward).

Where are you sticking your nose? Same, but palms facing each other.

I buzz, I buzz contact of fingertips.

I'm putting things in order.

Topic: “Shoes. Cloth. Hats"

1). One, two, three, four, five - Connect the fingers of both hands

starting with the big ones.

We will wash things. Squeeze your palms into fists, raise and lower your palms.

Dress, trousers and socks, Bend fingers first on the right, and then on the left hand, starting with the big one.

Skirt, blouse, handkerchiefs.

Let's not forget the scarf and hat -

We will wash them too. Rub your fists against each other.

2). We will calculate now Bang your fists against each other, clap your hands.

How many shoes do we have. Circular movements with fists.

Shoes, slippers, boots, Connect the thumb of the right hand

queues with index, middle, ring and little fingers.

For Natasha and Serezha.

And yes, boots Then do the same with the left hand.

For our Valentine.

And these boots

For baby Galenka. Clap your hands.

3). I put on a glove, Children stroke one by one

hand the other hand,

I don't get into it. like putting on a glove.

Count it, guys They clench their fists rhythmically.

How many fingers does the glove have. Curl fingers on both hands

One two three four five".

Theme: “Winter. Winter fun»

1) Snow fell on the threshold. Slowly raise and lower your palms twice.

The cat made himself a cake. First, with the right palm, press on the left,

then vice versa.

In the meantime, sculpted and baked, Squeeze unclench your fingers.

The pie flowed in a stream. Fingers "go" on the knees.

Bake pies for yourself Threaten with the index fingers of both hands.

But not from snow - from flour. Rounded palms "sculpt" pies.

2).I stand and snowflakes Rhythmic strikes with the fingers of the left hand, starting

I catch in my hands. index, on the palm of the right hand

I am winter and snow Rhythmic strikes with the fingers of the right hand, starting

And I love snowflakes. With index, on the palm of the left hand.

But where are the snowflakes?

Water in the palm of your hand!

Where did the snowflakes go? The first question is to clench your fists.

Where? For the second question - unclench your fists.

Fragile ice-rays melted… small shaking

As you can see my palms are hot . relaxed palms.

"Winter Fun"

One two three four five, Squeeze-unclench fingers.

We came to the yard for a walk. "Step" fingers on the table.

They sculpted a snow woman, "Sculpt" a lump with two palms.

The birds were fed with crumbs, "Crush the bread."

Then we rode down the hill, Lower the brushes from top to bottom.

And they rolled in the snow. Put your palms on the table first with one side, then the other.

Everyone came home in the snow. Bang your fists at each other.

ate soup Imaginary movements of the spoon.

And they went to sleep. Put your palms under your cheek.

Theme: "Furniture"


Armchair, table, sofa, bed, Fingers of both hands alternately

clenched into fists.

Shelf, bedside table, sideboard,

Wardrobe, chest of drawers and stool.

Named a lot of furniture - Raise one brush up, lower the other at the same time.

Ten fingers pinched! Raise the clamped cams up.

2). One, two, three, four,

Lots of furniture in the apartment.

We'll hang a shirt in the closet, Bend fingers, starting with large ones,

Let's put a cup in the cupboard. for each piece of furniture.

To rest the legs

Let's sit on a chair for a bit.

And when we were fast asleep

We were lying on the bed.

And then me and the cat

We sat at the table.

They drank tea with jam. Rhythmically alternately clap their hands

Lots of furniture in the apartment. and banging their fists.

Theme: "Dishes"

One two three four, Squeeze-unclench fingers.

We washed the dishes Slide one hand over the other.

Teapot, cup, ladle, spoon, Bend the fingers of the right hand, starting

And a big ladle. thumb.

We washed the dishes Do the same with the fingers of the left hand.

We just broke a cup

The bucket also fell apart

The teapot's nose broke off.

We broke the spoon a little.

So we helped mom. Bang your fists at each other.

Theme: "New Year"

1). They are waiting for a prickly beauty, Draw with index fingers

tree in the air.

In every house in December. "Roof".

Lanterns will be lit on the branches, "Lanterns".

Sparks splatter in silver. Squeeze your palms, sharply unclench. Tighten your fingers.

It will immediately become festive in the house, Bang your fists at each other.

The round dance will spin. Make a ring out of your fingers.

Santa Claus is in a hurry with gifts. Fingers "walk" on the table.

The New Year is coming. Alternate hand clap

and a fist bump.

2). Before us is a Christmas tree: The fingers of both hands are intertwined, from the thumbs - the "tops" of the Christmas tree.

Cones, needles, Clenched fists, then spread fingers.

Balls, lanterns, "Balls" from the fingers up, "lanterns" - down.

Bunnies and candles "Ears" of the index and middle fingers,

Then - palms folded together.

Stars, people. The palms are folded, the fingers are straightened, then the index and middle fingers are on the table.

Theme: "Wintering Birds"

1).Come, birds! "Inviting" movements of the fingers towards you.

Sala ladies titmouse. Cutting movements of the right hand on the left.

I'll cook the crumbs Crushing finger movements.

A little bread. Connect semicircular palms.

These crumbs are for pigeons, Extend your right hand forward

with an open hand.

These crumbs are for sparrows. Stretch your left hand forward

with an open hand.

Jackdaws and crows Squeeze the right and left palms in turn.

Eat pasta! Rub palm on palm.

2).Owl-owl, Rub your palms together.

Big head, Connect all fingers of both hands

and form a circle.

Sitting on a stump Hit your knees, clap your hands.

turns his head, Move both hands to the right and left.

Eyes clap-clap! Squeeze-unclench palms.

Top-top legs! Bang your fists at each other.

3). How many birds to our feeder Rhythmically clench and unclench fists.

Arrived? We will tell. Waving with crossed palms

Two tits, a sparrow, For each bird name, children bend one finger on

Six goldfinches and doves, both hands, starting with large ones.

A woodpecker in colorful feathers.

Everyone had enough grains! They rub their thumbs on their index fingers, as if pouring food.

Topic: "Wild animals of hot and cold countries"

1). Tiger, giraffe, huge elephant, bend your fingers

Zebra, puma and bison, starting with the little finger of the right hand.

Two jackals, a hippopotamus.

He stands with his mouth open. Connect four fingers with the thumb and separate them.

And above them is the king of beasts. Bang your fists at each other.

Name him soon! Squeeze-unclench fingers.

2).“ Where did the sparrow dine?

-Where did you have lunch, sparrow?

( Waving with crossed fingers.)

-At the zoo with animals.

Palms - opening mouth.

I ate first

Behind the bars at the lion .

Refreshed at the fox,

I drank some water from the walrus.

Ate a carrot from an elephant.

I ate millet with a crane.

Stayed with a rhinoceros

Bran ate a little

I went to a feast

Tailed kangaroos.

Was at a dinner party

At the furry bear.

A toothy crocodile

Nearly swallowed me.

For every name they bend

one finger at a time, first on

right, then on the left hand.

Topic: "Fish. Undersea world"

1). Once upon a time there was one dolphin, Gently move the hands in front of the chest

left - right.

Two horses were friends with him. Alternately move your palms turned vertically up and down.

Whales swam to them, Connect the wrists. Move your palms up and down.

And sharks and walruses. Clench your right hand into a fist, then your left.

They taught them to count Clench-unclench fists.

One two three four five. Connect the fingers of both hands.

2). "Undersea world"

Look around quickly! They make a palm at the forehead with a “visor”.

What do you see, dear friend? Put fingers with rings at the eyes.

There is clear water here. Raise your palms to the sides,

A seahorse swims here. wave-like movements with the palms forward.

Here is a jellyfish The palms of both hands lowered down in the form of a cap move towards each other.

Here is the squid Cross the palms of the hands, fingers wide apart.

And this is a fish ball. Connect the fingers of both hands in the form of a ball.

And here, straightening eight legs , They show the back of both palms and move them up, performing oscillatory movements with the fingers.

Guests are greeted by an octopus.

3). Pike predatory, toothy, With two hands depict the mouth of a pike.

The pike snaps its teeth - fingers.

For bream, roach is dangerous, Fold the palm into a boat.

Looking for something to enjoy? Hands imitate the movements of fish.

Is someone's tail flickering nearby? Wave your hands like a tail.

Grab? Here the pike does not yawn! The “mouth” of the pike slams shut,

But got hooked - Draw a hook with your index finger

The fisherman drags the pike! to sort out an imaginary fishing line with your hands,

pull a pike out of the water.

Topic: "Indoor plants"

1). Come on, ficus, brag - Clap

What a huge leaf! Spread out your fingers.

Made like leather Rub your palms.

Ficus, we will help you: Squeeze and unclench hands

Each plump sheet of yours, Press palms together

Wash carefully. We stroke the brushes ("mine")

You become greener , Clap

Growth - from the teacher! Stretch, raise your hands up.

2). "Cactus"

I'm prickly on the outside, but kind on the inside, Spread my fingers, then

Compress hands ("handshake")

Don't be afraid, my friend, look at me. wag a finger

Although I do not allow myself to be stroked, Alternate connection of all fingers with large, starting with the index

But I love everyone in the world. The same, starting with the little finger.

Topic: "I am a man"

One two three four five, Bang your fists against each other

clap your hands.

Draw with mom. Circular movements with fists.

Here is the head, here is the belly, Bend the fingers of both hands

starting with the big ones.

Legs, arms, eyes, mouth. Bend your fingers. On the word "mouth" sharply unclench your fingers.

And a ring haircut. Draw with index fingers

circles in the air.

It turned out to be a man. Bang your fists at each other.

Theme: "Defender of the Fatherland Day"

1). Today is the holiday of all fathers, Raise your hands, make "lanterns".

All sons, all who are ready, Clap.

Protect your home and mother Make a “house” from your palms, put your hands on your heart.

Keep us all out of harm's way! Squeeze and unclench your fingers.

2). " Fighters"
These fingers are all fighters. Spread fingers on both hands
Remote fellows. Clench your fist.
Two large and strong small ones, Raise two thumbs
And a soldier in battle experienced.
Two guards - brave! Raise your index fingers
Two smart fellows! others to press firmly to the table.
Two unnamed heroes Raise middle fingers
But the work is very zealous! others to press firmly to the table.
Two little fingers - shorties. Raise your ring fingers

- Very nice boys! Clap your hands.

Topic: "Our city - Novosibirsk"

The city is the streets avenues and houses,

The palm of the right hand lies on the table; make alternate tapping fingers on the table.

Squares, museums, parks , silence.

The palm of the left hand lies on the table; make alternate tapping fingers on the table.

The brilliance of huge glasses,

holiday windows,

Spread your fingers apart and connect.

fast moving

Circular movements with arms bent at the elbows.

Passers-by and cars

The index and middle fingers "run" on the table, the rest are clenched into a fist.

Topic: "My family (March 8)"

Dad, mom, brother and me - Right hand bend one finger at a time

on the left hand.

A friendly family together. Show a tightly clenched fist of the right hand.

One two three four, Left hand bend one finger at a time

on the right hand.

We all live in the same apartment. Show tightly clenched fist

left hand.

"March 8"

Come on guys, get to work! Clap your hands.

Show your passion: Squeeze and unclench your fingers.

Big wood to chop, Bend the thumbs of both hands.

All stoves - you heat, Bend the index fingers of both hands.

And you - to carry water, Bend the middle fingers of both hands.

And you - cook dinner, Bend the ring fingers of both hands.

And you have to wash the dishes. Bend the little fingers of both hands.

And then sing songs to everyone. Shake your hands.

Songs to sing and dance Knock your knees (table) with your fists.

To amuse our mother. Bang your fists at each other

Topic: “Country. Capital"

The sky is blue in Russia Raise your hands up.

Move your fingers in waves.

The rivers are blue in Russia. Gently move your hands left and right.

Cornflowers and forget-me-nots, Unclench the right fist sharply first,

then the left one.

Do not grow anywhere more beautiful. Threaten with index fingers.

There are maples and oaks, Bang your fists at each other.

And what are the mushrooms! Clap.

Theme: “Spring. Primroses»

Sunshine, sunshine Squeeze - unclench your fingers.

Golden bottom! Move the brushes to the right - to the left.

Burn, burn bright Bang your fists at each other.

To not go out. Clap.

A stream ran in the garden. Wave-like movements with brushes.

A hundred rooks flew in. Connect the hands at the wrists.

Raise - lower the brushes.

And the snowdrifts are melting, melting. Intermittent brush movements

top down.

And flowers grow. Raise the brushes vertically

forcefully unclench your fingers.

Topic: “Transport. SDA"

Let's bend our fingers Squeeze-unclench fingers.

We will call the transport: Bang fists against each other, clap your hands.

Car and helicopter Bend the fingers of both hands

starting with the big ones.

Tram, metro and plane.

We clenched five fingers into a fist, Bang your fists at each other.

Five modes of transport were named. Squeeze-unclench fingers.

Topic: “Space. Cosmonautics Day»

An astrologer lived on the moon. Squeeze-unclench fingers.

He kept a report to the planets. Connect the thumbs of both hands,

Mercury - one, Venus - two, index, middle and nameless for each word in the line.

Three is Earth, four is Mars, Curl the fingers of one hand

Five is Jupiter, six is ​​Saturn, then the second, starting with the big one.

Seven is Uranus, eighth is Neptune,

Nine - farthest Pluto ...

Who does not see - get out! Unclench your fingers sharply.

Theme: "Migratory birds"

Birds in the sky are melting, melting, Stretch your arms forward.

Raise-lower brushes.

Birds fly south. Connect the wrists

raise-lower brushes.

All melted away Wave-like movements with brushes from top to bottom.

Stork, herons, ducks, Bend the fingers of both hands, starting with the thumb.

Swans and cranes.

Topic: “Bread. Agricultural work»

1).Baker, baker, Clap.

Bake us koloboks from flour. Semicircular palms "bake" koloboks.

Yes drying - Vladyushka, Connect the thumbs of both hands with

Yes bagels - Nadyushka, index, middle, nameless

Yes, bagels - Vovochka, fingers and little fingers.

Yes, a pretzel - Levochka.

2). "Bread"

Flour was kneaded into dough They clench and unclench their fists.

And from the test we blinded : Clap hands, “sculpt”

pies and buns, Alternately unbend the fingers of both handssweet cheesecakes, starting with the little finger.

Buns and rolls -

We bake everything in the oven. Both palms turn up.

Delicious! Stroking the belly.

Theme: "Victory Day"

1) Our army"

Aty - bati, at - bati! Alternately “walk” with the index and middle fingers of the right and left hands.

Soldiers are marching to the parade!

Here come the tankers

Then the gunners

And then the infantry -

Company after company.

2). " Border Guard"
I will be a border guard Clench and unclench your fingers into fists

simultaneously on both hands.

To protect the borders Connect the fingers of the same name of both hands, starting with the thumbs.

And the country could calmly Separate the fingers of the same name, starting with the little fingers.

Sleep soundly at night. Connect all the fingers of both hands in turn with the thumb.

Theme: "Flowers"

1). It is closed early in the morning, The hands are tightly closed.

But closer to noon The palms move away from each other, but the pads

Pressed against each other, the hands are like a bud.

Opens the petals The hands at the wrist are connected, and the fingers smoothly diverge in different directions,

I see their beauty. like an open flower.

By evening again a flower, The fingers are closed, forming

closed flower.

Closes the whisk , Hands return to original


And now he will sleep

Until the morning, like a chick. Put the hands under the cheek, simulating a dream.

2). "Flower"
A tall flower grew in a clearing, Wrists connect, palms apart

hand, fingers slightly rounded.

Opened the petals on a spring morning. Spread your fingers.

All petals beauty and nourishment, Rhythmically move your fingers together apart.

Together they give underground roots. Lower your palms down, press the back side against each other,

spread your fingers.

Theme: “Summer. Insects"

1). Arrived to us yesterday, Wave with crossed arms.

Striped bee. For every insect name

connect fingers, starting with the little fingers.

And behind her a bumblebee, a bumblebee,

And a cheerful moth

Bug beetle and dragonfly,

Like flashlight eyes. Connect index and thumb

both hands.

Buzzed, flew Bang your fists against each other


They fell down from fatigue. Quietly put your hands on your knees.

2). "Insects"

We count fingers together - Squeeze and unclench fingers.

We call insects.

Butterfly, grasshopper, fly , Alternately bend the fingers into a cam, starting with the thumb.

It's a beetle with a green belly.

Finger gymnastics on the topics of the week

for older preschool children

"Autumn, autumn"

autumn, autumn, Three hands on each other

Come! We clench our fists one by one

autumn, autumn, Three hands on each other

Look! Palms on cheeks

Leaves turn yellowSmooth hand movement

Quietly they lie down on the ground.Palms stroking knees

The sun no longer warms usWe clench and unclench our fists

in turn

The wind is blowing harderWe simultaneously tilt our hands to

different sides

Birds flew south"Bird" of two crossed


The rain is knocking on our window.We drum with our fingers

one, then the other palm

We put on hats, jacketsWe imitate

And we put on shoesstomp our feet

We know the months Palms pound on knees

September, and October, and November.Fist, rib, palm

"Let's tie our fingers in the castle ..."

Let's clasp our fingers in the castle,

So that a stranger could not enter

Let's just let the squirrel

hedgehog and bunny,

Let's just let the girl in

Let's just let the boy in.

"Gold autumn"

"Autumn Leaves"

The wind flew through the forest Smooth, undulating movements

Wind leaves counted: palms

Here is oak Bend fingers one at a time

Here is maple both hands

Here is a rowan carved,

Here from a birch - golden,

Here is the last leaf from the aspen

The wind threw on the path. We calmly place our palms on




We will cook compote,Holding the left hand

You need a lot of fruits. Here!"ladle", index

finger of the right hand "interfere"

Let's chop applesWe bend our fingers one by one,

We will cut the pear.starting with big

Squeeze lemon juice

Put the drain and sand.

We cook, we cook compote.Again "cook" and "interfere"

Let's treat honest people.

"Bread is the head of everything"


Grew up first in the wild in the field Gently shake hands

Bloomed and spiked in summer raised up

And then thrashed Banging our fists against each other

He suddenly turned into grain "Fingers say hello"

From grain to flour and dough We clench and unclench our fists

Took place in the store Stretching hands forward

palms up

He grew up under the blue sky We raise our hands up

And he came to the table to us with bread Stretching hands forward

palms up

"Changes in the life of animals and birds in autumn"

"Migratory birds"

migratory birds We move brushes

crossed arms up and down

Gathering in flocks We clench our fingers into fists

They fly to warm lands, We move brushes

crossed arms up and down.

Goodbye until spring. Move fingers -

"we wave, we say goodbye."

flocks of cranes, We bend in turn

flocks of swans, fingers on hand

Flocks of nightingales,

Goose, duck -

They all fly south

They don't want to freeze here.

When the cold comes

They won't find food.

"My house. My family"

"What a big family we have"

How big is our familyRhythmically clap your hands

Yes, fun. Hitting fists alternately

Two stand by the shopBend thumbs over

both hands

Two want to learnCurl index fingers

both hands

Two Stepans with sour creamBend the middle fingers


Two Dashas at the porridgeCurl the ring fingers


Two Ulkas are swinging in the cradle.We bend the little fingers

"Altai is my favorite region"

"Hello golden sun!"

Hello Golden Sun!Fingers of the right hand in turn

Hello blue sky!"hello" with fingers

Hello free breeze!left hand patting friend

Hello little oak tree!friend's tips

We live in the same region -

I welcome you all!

"My country is Russia. National Unity Day»

"Moscow city"

Wonderful city, ancient city, Cotton, cam

You fit into your ends

And the settlements, and the villages, Bend your fingers one by one

And chambers, and palaces ...

On your ancient churches

Trees grew.

The eye can't catch the long streets... Bend, unbend fingers

This mother is Moscow.

"History of my city"


The city is the streetsTapping with the fingers of the right hand

Avenues and housestable
squares, museums,The same with the fingers of the left hand

Silence in the parks
The brilliance of huge glasses,We spread our fingers apart and connect
holiday windows,their
fast movingCircular movements with arms bent

at the elbows
Passers-by and carsIndex and middle fingers "run"

on the table, the rest are clenched into a fist

"Friendship of Peoples"


Friends in our groupWe connect the fingers
Girls and the castle (several times)
We will make friends with you
Little fingers.
One two three four fiveFingers from the little finger alternately
We start counting.connect with each other
One two three four five
We're done countingHands down, shake hands

"Health Week"


Give milk, Burenushka,Show how cows are milked

At least a little - on the bottom.

Kittens are waiting for meWe make "muzzles" from fingers

Little guys.

Give them a spoonful of creamBend one finger at a time

A little creativityboth hands

Oils, yogurt,

Milk for porridge.

Gives health to everyone"We milk" again

Cow's milk.



Winter has come, Three hands on each other

Brought frost. Fingers massage the shoulders, forearms

Winter has come, Three hands on each other

Nose freezes. Massage the tip of the nose with the palm of your hand

Snow, Smooth hand movements

snowdrifts, TO Ulaks knock on the knees alternately

Ice. Palms slap on knees


All on the street - forward!Fingers "run" on the knees

Put on warm pantsWe run the palms on the legs

Hat, coat, boots.L with adoni we pass over the head,

hands, stomp our feet

Warm hands in mittensCircular movements of the palms

one hand around the other palm

And tie scarves.Putting palms on top of each other

to the base of the neck

Call the winter month!L we knock on the knees with adoni

December January February. TOulak, rib, palm

"Winter fun. Winter sports"

"Winter Fun"

One two three four fiveW bend fingers one by one

We came to the yard for a walk."We go" on the table with the index and

middle fingers

They sculpted a snow woman"Sculpt" a lump with two palms

The birds were fed with crumbs,TO roaring movements by all


We then rode down the hillLead with index finger

right hand on the palm of the left hand,

also with the other hand

And also rolled in the snow.We put our palms on the table, then one

side, then the other

Everyone came home in the snow.We shake our palms

We ate soup and went to bed.Movements with an imaginary spoon

"Safety at the New Year's Eve"


In front of us is a Christmas treeThe fingers of the hands are intertwined, from large

fingers "top" of the Christmas tree

Cones, needles.Cams; index fingers exposed

Balls, lanterns,"Balls" from the fingers up, down

Bunnies "Ears" of the index and middle fingers

And candles Both palms folded, fingers clenched

Stars, Palms folded, fingers extended

little men. WITH the middle and index fingers are on


"Waiting for the New Year"

"The New Year is Coming!"

The New Year is coming!Clap your hands

Children lead a round dance.Hands clasped with fingers

arms outstretched, hands inside-out

Balls are hanging on the treeAlternately connect the fingers on two

hands forming a ball

Lanterns glow.We make flashlights

Here are the sparkling iceWe clench and sharply unclench our fists


Snowflakes are spinning.Easily and smoothly move the brushes

Santa Claus is visitingFingers step on the knees or on the table

He brings gifts to everyone.Three palms together

Let's bend our fingers:We slap on the knees one hand -

palm, the other with a fist, and then


1, 2, 3, 4, 5, b, 7, 8, 9, 1O.Massage each finger in turn


Santa Claus brought gifts:Walking fingers on the table

Primers, albums, stamps,For each gift name

Dolls, bears and carsbend one finger

parrot and penguinfirst on the right

Chocolate half a bagthen on the left hand

And a fluffy puppy!

"Christmas. Christmas time"

"On the tree"

We had fun at the treeRhythmically clap your hands

And they danced and frolicked.Beat rhythmically with fists

After the good Santa Claus"Step" middle and index

He gave us gifts.fingers of both hands on the table

Gave huge packages"Drawing" a big circle with your hands

They also have delicious items:Rhythmically clap your hands

Sweets in blue papersWe bend on both hands

Nuts next to themfingers, starting with the thumb

Nuts next to them

pear, apple, one

Golden tangerine.

"Animals of the North"


Two penguins went for a walk We clench our hands into fists, large

fingers stretch and synchronously

moving around the table

And the second - to catch up. Index fingers jump

The third penguins - run, "Jumping" with middle fingers


And the fourth - on foot. Slowly moving around the table

With ring fingers

Fifths galloped Fully open fists

little fingers begin to "jump"

And at the end of the road they fell. We lower the relaxed palms

on the table

"Wintering Birds"


Come on, birds!"Calling" finger movements 4r.

Sala ladies titmouse."Cutting" movements of one palm along


Cooking crumbsPinch fingers - “crush bread”,

A little bread.

These crumbs are for pigeons,Extend the right hand forward

disclosed palm

These crumbs are for sparrows.Same with left hand

Jackdaws and crows Three palms on palm,

Eat pasta! "rolling pasta out of bread"

"Seasonal Clothes"

"Clothing store"

We open a storeWe connect the palms, circular movements

in opposite directions

We wipe the dust from the windows.The palm of 1 hand massages the back

the other side and vice versa

People enter the storePads of 4 fingers of one hand

moving along back side of the other

We will sell clothes.Knuckles clenched into a fist

move up and down the palm of the other

hands , children name different clothes

The store is now closedPhalanges of fingers clenched into a fist

rotate in the center of the other palm

We wash every finger.Massage each finger between

phalanges of the index

and middle fingers of the other hand

We worked hard for "five" -Rubbing our palms

Fingers can rest.Stroking every finger

"Transport. SDA"

"Traffic Laws"

Two pedals turn the legsPerform with open palms

circular motions

Rolling wheels down the roadRotate bent at the elbows


I drive where I wantWe imitate that we hold the steering wheel

Left, I'll swing rightTurning left and right

Now in front, then backCircular fists forward

and back

I press the brakes With both palms press on the table

There are a lot of road rules.

Time - Attention road!Show index finger

Two - traffic lights,Show two fingers

Three - see the road sign,Showing three fingers

And four - "transition".Show four fingers

All you need to know the rulesWe threaten with the index finger

And always do them.

"Defender of the Fatherland Day"

"Defender of the Fatherland Day"

Today is the holiday of all fathers,WITH squeezing and unclenching fingers

All sons, all who are ready,X clap your hands

Protect your home and motherFrom the palms we make a "house",

hands put on the heart Keep us all out of harm's way!Squeeze and unclench fingers

"In the world of professions"

"There are many professions!"

There are many noble professions,We connect the fingers of the right hand

with big
Both useful and enjoyable.We connect the fingers of the left hand

with big
Cook, doctor, painter, teacher,Consistently connect
Vendor, miner, builder...thumbs of both hands
I don't name everyone at once.We clench and unclench our fists
I suggest you continue.Stretching hands forward

palms up

"International Women's Day"

"Many mothers in the world..."

Many mothers in the world We spread our arms to the sides

All of them are loved by children! Grab yourself by the shoulders

Journalist and engineer Bend your fingers first

Cook, policeman, one, then on the other hand

Seamstress, conductor and teacher,

Doctor, hairdresser and builder.

We need different mothers We squeeze both palms into the castle

Moms are important! We raise our hands, we raise

palms up

Week of books and fairy tales

"Fairy tales"

Let's call the stories:

This fairy tale is "Teremok",Bend your fingers one by one

This fairy tale is "Kolobok",for each story title

This fairy tale is "Turnip"

About granddaughter and grandfather.

"The wolf and the seven Young goats" -

Everyone is happy with these fairy tales!Squeeze, unclench fist

"Folk Culture and Traditions"


Sunny bucket!Raise your arms to the sides and

we spread our fingers
Come up quicklyWe raise our hands up
Light up, warm upWe make "lanterns" in front of us
Calves and lambsWe show the "horns" on the head
More little kidsNot fully connected

index finger and thumb

and show yourself

"Russian folk crafts"

"At Matryoshina's sister..."

At Matryoshina's sisterRhythmic finger strikes

right hand, beginning with

index, on the left palm.
Through the village of fictionThe same on the right palm
A duck walks in a skirtFor each animal name
In a warm coatwe bend our fingers, starting
Chicken - in a vest,from big
Cockerel - in a beret,
Goat - in a sundress,
Zainka - in a caftan,
And all of them are nicerRhythmic alternating claps
Cow in a mat.clap and fist bumps.


"Spring came"

Again the sun smiles in the skyWe connect the fingers of the right

hands with big
The snow has melted, the streams are ringing.We connect the fingers of the left

hands with big.
And the snowdrop is the first to bloom,Palms up, fingers

folded boat, wrists

hands are pressed to each other;

separate fingers,

gradually withdrawing them

from friend.
From the south birds fly with songs.Palms turned towards you


intertwined, the rest

make with fingers

oscillatory movements - "bird".

"Cosmonautics Day"

"Space Squad"

One two three four fiveBend fingers one at a time

on both hands.
A team flew into space.Putting palms together

raise their hands up.
Commander looking through binocularsWe connect the fingers of both hands

with large ones, forming "binoculars"
What does he see ahead?
sun, planets,Bend the fingers of both hands

satellites, comets,
Big yellow moon.

"Earth Day. Migratory birds"

"Migratory birds"

Tili-teli, tili-teliWe cross our thumbs

Birds have come from the south!we wave our palms

A starling flew to us - Bend your fingers one by one

Gray feather. on both hands, starting

In a hurry: who is faster? from little fingers

Heron, swan, duck, swift,

Stork, swallow and siskin -

All returned, flew Again, thumbs crossed

we wave our palms

Ringing songs sang! index and large

fingers make a beak -

"the birds are singing"

"Green Pharmacy of the Altai Territory"

"Flower in the meadow"

A tall flower grew in a clearing.Hands at the top make a bud,

Opened the petals on a spring morning.spread fingers,

palms together.

All petals beauty and nourishment.rhythmic movements

fingers together - apart

Together they give underground roots.Let's put our palms down , press the back

side, fingers apart

"Victory Day"

“These fingers are all fighters…”

These fingers are all fightersWe spread our fingers

Remote fellowsthen we squeeze them into a fist

Two large and strong smallRaise 2 thumbs

And a soldier in battle experienced.others pinned down

Two guards - brave Raise 2 index


Two smart young men Raise 2 middle fingers

Two unnamed heroesRaise 2 ring fingers

But in work very nice

Two little fingers - shorties Raise 2 little fingers

Very nice boys

"Alone at home. Electrical Appliances»

"Electrical Appliances"

What's the noise in this kitchen?Flexion of the little finger

We will fry cutlets.Flexion of the ring fingers

We will take the meat grinderRotate middle fingers

around each other

Let's quickly check the meat. Same with index fingers

Beat together with a mixerSame with thumbs

Everything we need for the cakeWe connect the little fingers

To bake a cake soonWe connect the ring fingers

We turn on the electric stove.Connect middle fingers

Electrical appliances are amazing!We clench our fingers into fists,

thumb up

It would be hard for us to live without them.Shrug

"The World of Flowers and Insects"


Came to us yesterdayWe wave our palms

Striped bee.

And behind her a bumblebee - a bumblebeeFor every insect name And a cheerful mothwe bend finger

Two beetles and a dragonfly

Like flashlight eyes.Making circles from fingers

and bring to eyes

Buzzed, flewWe wave our palms

They fell down from fatigue.We drop our palms on the table

Goodbye Kindergarten!

"I'm going to school in the fall..."

I will go to school in the fall."Walking" fingers on the table

I'll find my friends thereBend one finger

I will be such a scientist!

But I will not forget my garden.We threaten with the index finger

right hand



Want to know everything

Seven things in our portfolio: (squeeze and unclench fingers)

Blotter and notebook, (bend fingers alternately)

Have a pen to write

And a rubber band to stain

Cleaned up neatly

And a pencil case, and a pencil,

And the primer is our friend.

1-2 weeks

Soon to school


Everything will be drawn by a pencil, (they hold a “pencil” in their hand)

When you give him a job. (tap fingers on table)

But don’t sit idle yourself: (squeeze and unclench fingers)

Lead with a pencil. (write with a pencil on the table)

3-4 weeks

I like to walk around the city, (children “walk” with the fingers of both hands on the table)

Cosmonauts - one, Lenin - two, fingers are bent one at a time)

Victory Street - three.

And four - I live in an apartment.

Five - I'm walking in the park again.

Six - I'm going to White

And look at the waves.

Seven - Palace of Culture,

Beautiful and huge

And he is standing on the square.

Eight - Christmas tree in the New Year.

Nine - met me

Monument to the Great War.

I'll stand quietly and put flowers!

Ten is our cinema October.

I will buy bread in the store.

I love the city very much!

1-2 weeks



One, two, three, four, five - (clench and unclench fists)

Let's collect the leaves.

Birch leaves, (bend in the rhythm of each line

Rowan leaves, one finger each)

aspen leaves,

We will collect oak leaves.

We’ll take the autumn bouquet to mom (squeeze and unclench fists)

3-4 weeks


national unity

friendly guys

Friends in our group
Girls and boys .
We will make friends with you
Little fingers.

One two three four five…

start counting again .
One two three four five… (alternate touch)
We're done counting .

1-2 weeks




Hello golden sun! (children with the fingers of their right hand take turns “hello” with

fingers of the left, patting each other with the tips, starting with


Hello blue sky!

Hello free breeze!

Hello little oak tree!

We live in the same region

I welcome you all! (interlace fingers with a lock and raise arms above head)

3-4 weeks


mothers, fathers day

Friendly family

This finger is a grandfather

This finger is a grandmother,

This finger is daddy

This finger is mommy

But this finger is me,

Together - a friendly family!

1-2 weeks

tea festival


Hi, I'm a teapot (show thickness with hands)

Big and fat

Here's my pen, (arm to the side)

And here is my nose (the other hand up and to the side)

If I boil, (clap your hand on top of your head)

I will whistle (we pretend to whistle)

You will take me from the stove, (we lean to the side where the hand is a pen)

Pour yourself some tea. (tilt to the side, where the hand is the nose)

3-4 weeks

New Year

In the morning, the children were surprised (spread their arms to the sides, raising their shoulders)

What miracles happened

This New Year's Eve night.

Expected anything, (squeeze and unclench fingers)

And we saw the parade:

Snowmen stand in a row, (draw three circles in the air with their hands)

Eyes are burning merrily, (close and open eyes with palms)

And in front of them is a Christmas tree (clap their hands)

Fluffy, with needles.

1-2 weeks


One, two, three, four (bend fingers starting with the thumb)

You and I made a snowball (they make it by changing the position of the palms)

Round, strong, very smooth (show circle, squeeze palms together)

And not at all sweet. (threaten finger)

One - throw up, two - catch. (tossing and catching snowballs)

Three - let's drop (drop an imaginary snowball)

And ... we break. (stomp).

3-4 weeks


Defender of the Fatherland

Today is the holiday of all fathers, (squeeze and unclench fingers)

All sons, all who are ready, (clap their hands)

Protect your home and mother, (make a “house” out of the palms, put the hands on the heart)

Keep us all out of harm's way! (squeeze and unclench fingers)

1-2 weeks

International Women's Day

My family

I know what I have (raise your hand with your palm to yourself

A friendly family at home: and in accordance with the text

This is mom, fingers are bent in a certain sequence:

This is me, first the ring finger, then the little finger, then the index finger,

This is my grandmother, medium and large)

This is Dad,

This is grandfather.

And we have no discord.

3-4 weeks


culture and traditions

For work.

Come on, brothers, get to work, (perform movements in accordance with the text, starting with the thumb)

Show your passion.

Big wood to chop,

Stoke everything for you,

And you carry water

And you cook dinner

And you wash the dishes.

And then sing songs to everyone,

Songs to sing and dance

To amuse our children

1-2 weeks


funny ice cubes

Under the very eaves, (squeeze and unclench fingers)

Above the window

Climbed into icicles (tap fingers on the table)

Spring sun. (raise hands and make "sunshine")

Sparkling, they run (squeeze and unclench their fingers)

By icicles of tears ...

And icicles melt - (tap fingers on the table)

Happy ice cubes.

3-4 weeks

Victory Day


I am sailing on a white boat (point the ends of your fingers forward, press your hands with your palms

On the waves with pearly foam. to each other, slightly open.

I am a brave captain, pronouncing a rhyme, showing how a boat

I'm not afraid of a hurricane. sways on the waves, and then with smooth movements of the hands

White gulls are circling, the waves themselves, then according to the text

They are not afraid of the wind either. verse show a seagull, arms crossed, connecting

Only frightens the bird's cry of the palm of the back and wave

A flock of golden fish. fingers clenched together

And, having traveled around the wonderland, straightened palms with fingers,

Looking at the oceans, pressed against each other to depict fish.

Traveler-hero, with smooth movements of the palms show

I will return home to my mother. how fish swim in water

1-2 weeks


I draw summer

I draw summer: (draw with a finger on the table)

Red paint - (draw "sun" in the air)

There are roses on the lawns, (squeeze and unclench fingers)

In the meadows, mowing

Blue paint - the sky (draw "clouds" in the air)

And a melodious stream. (a “stream” is drawn on the table with a finger)

3-4 weeks

preschool group


Name of physical education


Want to know everything

Schoolchildren for memory

If you want to build a bridge, (walk in a circle)

Watch the stars move, (stop and raise their hands up)

Drive a car in the field (pick up an imaginary steering wheel, run in a group)

Or drive the car up, - (hands apart “fly” around the group)

Do a good job at school, (hands folded like schoolchildren sitting at a desk)

Study well!

1-2 weeks

Soon to school


Change, change! (stand in a circle, clap their hands)

Have a good rest

You can run and make noise, (run around the group)

Dance and sing songs, (dance as best they can)

You can sit down and be silent, (squat down and calm down)

Tol - mind! You can't get bored! (jump and jump)

3-4 weeks

My home, my city, my republic

Trams, trolleybuses go around the city, (“go” in a circle)

Drivers lead them along their routes

Are you in a hurry to visit a friend, (make turns with the body)

Ile to school for a lesson,

They will deliver you on time without delay ("go" in a circle)

1-2 weeks


Autumn leaves are spinning quietly, (smoothly spinning)

Leaves fall right under our feet (squat)

And they rustle underfoot, rustle (they move their hands on the floor)

As if they want to spin again (smoothly spinning)

3-4 weeks


national unity

The sun disappeared behind the houses, ("the sun" overhead)

Leaving kindergarten. (steps in place)

I tell my mom (point to self and then to imaginary mom)

About myself and about the guys: (point to themselves, and then to other guys)

How they played leapfrog

What we drank, what we ate

What did you read in kindergarten?

1-2 weeks



Hello, rainbow-arc, (children tilt)

Colorful bridge! (spread arms wide apart, “drawing” an arc in the air)

Hello Rainbow Dash! (tilt again)

Take us for a visit. (walk around holding hands)

We run along the rainbow (they run in a circle one after another, raising their knees high)

Let's run barefoot.

Through a rainbow-arc (they stand facing in a circle, make four jumps on their toes)

Let's jump over on the run (make four more jumps on toes)

And again, run, run (they run in a circle one after another, raising their knees high)

Let's run barefoot.

3-4 weeks


mothers, fathers day

If I were a girl...

If I were a girl (walk in a circle)

I wouldn't waste my time!

I wouldn’t jump on the street (stop and repeat the movements

I would wash the shirts, in accordance with the text)

I would wash the floor in the kitchen,

I would sweep the room

I would wash cups, spoons,

I'd peel the potatoes myself

All my toys myself (jumping in place)

I would put it in place!

Why am I not a girl? (boys wave their hands)

I would love to help my mom! (put hands on belt)

Mom, I would immediately say:

You are young, son! (stretch arms forward, palms up)

1-2 weeks

tea festival


I am a kettle, (children stand with one arm bent, like the spout of a kettle, the other

Grumbler, troublemaker, madcap, kept on the belt)

I'm showing you my belly. (tummy puffed up)

I boil tea, bubbling and shouting: (stomp with both feet)

“Hey people, I want to drink tea with you” (make invocative movements with the right hand)

3-4 weeks

New Year

The animals dressed up the Christmas tree (depicting animals of their choice, they walk in a circle)

The hare helped the wolf, (make movements, as if dressing up a Christmas tree)

Squirrel and hedgehog

We tried too.

Baskets were carried to the Christmas tree (they walk in a circle with "baskets" in their hands)

They contain mushrooms and mountain ash, (they take out “mushrooms”, “rowanberries”, “apples” from the “basket”

Apples marvelously and show each other)

The spruce will be beautiful (clap your hands and jump in place)

1-2 weeks



Snowflakes are spinning (spinning on toes)

In the frosty air.

They fall to the ground (slowly squat, show with their hands

Lace stars. falling snowflakes)

Here's one that fell. (get up, “catch” a snowflake in the palm of your hand)

Oh, don’t hide, snowflake (carefully, cover the “snowflake” and blow it away)

Wait a bit.

3-4 weeks


Defender of the Fatherland

Can he play football, ("kick" the ball with his feet)

Can I warm up the soup, (squeeze and unclench fingers)

Maybe watch a cartoon. (jump in place)

He can play checkers, (make turns with the body)

Can even wash cups, (make movements reminiscent of washing dishes)

Can ride me (Ride around like horses)

Instead of a fast horse.

Can he catch fish ("catch fish")

Maybe fix the faucet in the kitchen. (clap hands)

Always a hero for me

My best dad! (marching in circles)

1-2 weeks


women's Day

Mom's holiday

Here is a snowdrop in a clearing, (they walk in a circle)

I found it. (bend down "pluck a flower")

I'll take the snowdrop to my mother, (they walk in a circle, in the hand "flower")

Even if it didn't bloom.

And me with a flower so gently (they hug themselves)

Mom hugged me

That my snowdrop opened (spread their arms to the sides)

From her warmth.

3-4 weeks


culture and traditions

Girls embroider, ("embroider")

Sitting on the grass, (squat)

Girls embroider

Silk on canvas. ("embroider")

It's a beak! And those are spurs!

And here is the scallop! (show beak, spurs, comb)

Conversations subsided, (a finger is applied to the lips)

A stitch follows a stitch. (running after each other)

1-2 weeks


Spring, spring red

Spring, red spring! (children walk in a circle, holding hands)

Come, spring, with joy,

With joy, with joy (turn in the opposite direction)

With great mercy:

With high flax, (stop, rise on toes, pull

hands up, take a breath)

With a deep root, (lower hands, squat, exhale)

With abundant bread. (holding hands, running in a circle).

3-4 weeks

Victory Day


Hands to the sides - in flight (children raise their arms straight to the sides

Our plane will take off. turn around themselves

Made a right turn, over the right shoulder, raising his right hand

Made a left turn, turn over the left shoulder, raising the left hand

He shook his wings, shake his wings with his hands

Buzzed and trembled. they rise on their toes, fall on the whole foot and buzz "uuuuuuu..."

The flight begins, they run in a circle, spreading their arms to the sides

Our plane took off

The flight is over, slow down the run

The plane has landed. get down on one knee)

1-2 weeks


One, two, three, four, five (jump around)

Let's play in the summer

We will swim and swing, ("float")

Will jump and ride, ("jump")

Let's run and sunbathe. (run around the group)

And collect mushrooms.

3-4 weeks


1. Averina I.E. Physical culture minutes and dynamic pauses in preschool educational institutions: pract. allowance. - 4th ed. – M.: Iris-press, 2008.

2. Savina L.P. finger gymnastics for the development of speech of preschoolers: A guide for parents and teachers. - M .: AST Publishing House LLC, 2003.

3. 33 lexical topics. Finger games, exercises for coordinating words with movement, riddles for children (6-7 years old)./Author-comp. Nikitina A.V. - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2009.



preschool group


Name of finger gymnastics


Want to know everything

Seven things in our portfolio: (squeeze and unclench fingers)

Blotter and notebook, (bend fingers alternately)

Have a pen to write

And a rubber band to stain

Cleaned up neatly

And a pencil case, and a pencil,

And the primer is our friend.

1-2 weeks

Soon to school


Everything will be drawn by a pencil, (they hold a “pencil” in their hand)

When you give him a job. (tap fingers on table)

But don’t sit idle yourself: (squeeze and unclench fingers)

Lead with a pencil. (write with a pencil on the table)

3-4 weeks

My home, my city, my republic

I like to walk around the city, (children “walk” with the fingers of both hands on the table)

I love to watch

Cosmonauts - one, Lenin - two, fingers are bent one at a time)

Victory Street - three.

And four - I live in an apartment.

Five - I'm walking in the park again.

Six - I'm going to White

And look at the waves.

Seven - Palace of Culture,

Beautiful and huge

And he is standing on the square.

Eight - Christmas tree in the New Year.

Nine - met me

Monument to the Great War.

I'll stand quietly and put flowers!

Ten is our cinema October.

I will buy bread in the store.

I love the city very much!

1-2 weeks



One, two, three, four, five - (clench and unclench fists)

Let's collect the leaves.

Birch leaves, (bend in the rhythm of each line

Rowan leaves, one finger each)

aspen leaves,

We will collect oak leaves.

We’ll take the autumn bouquet to mom (squeeze and unclench fists)

3-4 weeks


national unity

friendly guys

Friends in our group
Girls and boys. (fingers are rhythmically compressed into a “lock” and separated)
We will make friends with you
Little fingers.
(pads of all fingers of one hand at the same time

Touch the fingers of the other)
One two three four five…
(alternately we connect the fingers of the same name: thumb with

Large, index with index, etc.)
start counting again
. (simultaneously touch the fingertips of both hands)
One two three four five…
(alternate touch)
We're done counting
. (shake hands down)

1-2 weeks




Hello golden sun! (children with the fingers of their right hand take turns “hello” with

With the fingers of the left, patting each other with the tips, starting with


Hello blue sky!

Hello free breeze!

Hello little oak tree!

We live in the same region

I welcome you all! (interlace fingers with a lock and raise arms above head)

3-4 weeks


mothers, fathers day

Friendly family

This finger is a grandfather

This finger is a grandmother,

This finger is daddy

This finger is mommy

But this finger is me,

Together - a friendly family!

1-2 weeks

tea festival


Hi, I'm a teapot (show thickness with hands)

Big and fat

Here's my pen, (arm to the side)

And here is my nose (the other hand up and to the side)

If I boil, (clap your hand on top of your head)

I will whistle (we pretend to whistle)

You will take me from the stove, (we lean to the side where the hand is a pen)

Pour yourself some tea. (tilt to the side, where the hand is the nose)

3-4 weeks

New Year

In the morning, the children were surprised (spread their arms to the sides, raising their shoulders)

What miracles happened

This New Year's Eve night.

Expected anything, (squeeze and unclench fingers)

And we saw the parade:

Snowmen stand in a row, (draw three circles in the air with their hands)

Eyes are burning merrily, (close and open eyes with palms)

And in front of them is a Christmas tree (clap their hands)

Fluffy, with needles.

1-2 weeks


One, two, three, four (bend fingers starting with the thumb)

You and I made a snowball (they make it by changing the position of the palms)

Round, strong, very smooth (show circle, squeeze palms together)

And not at all sweet. (threaten finger)

One - throw up, two - catch. (tossing and catching snowballs)

Three - let's drop (drop an imaginary snowball)

And ... we break. (stomp).

3-4 weeks


Defender of the Fatherland

Today is the holiday of all fathers, (squeeze and unclench fingers)

All sons, all who are ready, (clap their hands)

Protect your home and mother, (make a “house” out of the palms, put the hands on the heart)

Keep us all out of harm's way! (squeeze and unclench fingers)

1-2 weeks

International Women's Day

My family

I know what I have (raise your hand with your palm to yourself

A friendly family at home: and in accordance with the text

This is mom, fingers are bent in a certain sequence:

This is me, first the ring finger, then the little finger, then the index finger,

This is my grandmother, medium and large)

This is Dad,

This is grandfather.

And we have no discord.

3-4 weeks


culture and traditions

For work.

Come on, brothers, get to work, (perform movements in accordance with the text, starting with the thumb)

Show your passion.

Big wood to chop,

Stoke everything for you,

And you carry water

And you cook dinner

And you wash the dishes.

And then sing songs to everyone,

Songs to sing and dance

To amuse our children

1-2 weeks


funny ice cubes

Under the very eaves, (squeeze and unclench fingers)

Above the window

Climbed into icicles (tap fingers on the table)

Spring sun. (raise hands and make "sunshine")

Sparkling, they run (squeeze and unclench their fingers)

By icicles of tears ...

And icicles melt - (tap fingers on the table)

Happy ice cubes.

3-4 weeks

Victory Day


I am sailing on a white boat (point the ends of your fingers forward, press your hands with your palms

On the waves with pearly foam. to each other, slightly open.

I am a brave captain, pronouncing a rhyme, showing how a boat

I'm not afraid of a hurricane. sways on the waves, and then with smooth movements of the hands

White gulls are circling, the waves themselves, then according to the text

They are not afraid of the wind either. verse show a seagull, arms crossed, connecting

Only frightens the bird's cry of the palm of the back and wave

A flock of golden fish. fingers clenched together

And, having traveled around the wonderland, straightened palms with fingers,

Looking at the oceans, pressed against each other to depict fish.

Traveler-hero, with smooth movements of the palms show

I will return home to my mother. how fish swim in water

1-2 weeks


I draw summer

I draw summer: (draw with a finger on the table)

Red paint - (draw "sun" in the air)


There are roses on the lawns, (squeeze and unclench fingers)

In the meadows, mowing

Blue paint - the sky (draw "clouds" in the air)

And a melodious stream. (a “stream” is drawn on the table with a finger)

3-4 weeks

preschool group


Name of physical education


Want to know everything

Schoolchildren for memory

If you want to build a bridge, (walk in a circle)

Watch the stars move, (stop and raise their hands up)

Drive a car in the field (pick up an imaginary steering wheel, run in a group)

Or drive the car up, - (hands apart “fly” around the group)

Do a good job at school, (hands folded like schoolchildren sitting at a desk)

Study well!

1-2 weeks

Soon to school


Change, change! (stand in a circle, clap their hands)

Have a good rest

You can run and make noise, (run around the group)

Dance and sing songs, (dance as best they can)

You can sit down and be silent, (squat down and calm down)

Tol - mind! You can't get bored! (jump and jump)

3-4 weeks

My home, my city, my republic

Trams, trolleybuses go around the city, (“go” in a circle)

Drivers lead them along their routes

Are you in a hurry to visit a friend, (make turns with the body)

Ile to school for a lesson,

They will deliver you on time without delay ("go" in a circle)

1-2 weeks


Autumn leaves are spinning quietly, (smoothly spinning)

Leaves fall right under our feet (squat)

And they rustle underfoot, rustle (they move their hands on the floor)

As if they want to spin again (smoothly spinning)

3-4 weeks


national unity

The sun disappeared behind the houses, ("the sun" overhead)

Leaving kindergarten. (steps in place)

I tell my mom (point to self and then to imaginary mom)

About myself and about the guys: (point to themselves, and then to other guys)

How they played leapfrog

What we drank, what we ate

What did you read in kindergarten?

1-2 weeks



Hello, rainbow-arc, (children tilt)

Colorful bridge! (spread arms wide apart, “drawing” an arc in the air)

Hello Rainbow Dash! (tilt again)

Take us for a visit. (walk around holding hands)

We run along the rainbow (they run in a circle one after another, raising their knees high)

Let's run barefoot.

Through a rainbow-arc (they stand facing in a circle, make four jumps on their toes)

Let's jump over on the run (make four more jumps on toes)

And again, run, run (they run in a circle one after another, raising their knees high)

Let's run barefoot.

3-4 weeks


mothers, fathers day

If I were a girl...

If I were a girl (walk in a circle)

I wouldn't waste my time!

I wouldn’t jump on the street (stop and repeat the movements

I would wash the shirts, in accordance with the text)

I would wash the floor in the kitchen,

I would sweep the room

I would wash cups, spoons,

I'd peel the potatoes myself

All my toys myself (jumping in place)

I would put it in place!

Why am I not a girl? (boys wave their hands)

I would love to help my mom! (put hands on belt)

Mom, I would immediately say:

You are young, son! (stretch arms forward, palms up)

1-2 weeks

tea festival


I am a kettle, (children stand with one arm bent, like the spout of a kettle, the other

Grumbler, troublemaker, madcap, kept on the belt)

I'm showing you my belly. (tummy puffed up)

I boil tea, bubbling and shouting: (stomp with both feet)

“Hey people, I want to drink tea with you” (make invocative movements with the right hand)

3-4 weeks

New Year

The animals dressed up the Christmas tree (depicting animals of their choice, they walk in a circle)

The hare helped the wolf, (make movements, as if dressing up a Christmas tree)

Squirrel and hedgehog

We tried too.

Baskets were carried to the Christmas tree (they walk in a circle with "baskets" in their hands)

They contain mushrooms and mountain ash, (they take out “mushrooms”, “rowanberries”, “apples” from the “basket”

Apples marvelously and show each other)

The spruce will be beautiful (clap your hands and jump in place)

1-2 weeks



Snowflakes are spinning (spinning on toes)

In the frosty air.

They fall to the ground (slowly squat, show with their hands

Lace stars. falling snowflakes)

Here's one that fell. (get up, “catch” a snowflake in the palm of your hand)

Oh, don’t hide, snowflake (carefully, cover the “snowflake” and blow it away)

Wait a bit.

3-4 weeks


Defender of the Fatherland

Can he play football, ("kick" the ball with his feet)

Can I warm up the soup, (squeeze and unclench fingers)

Maybe watch a cartoon. (jump in place)

He can play checkers, (make turns with the body)

Can even wash cups, (make movements reminiscent of washing dishes)

Can ride me (Ride around like horses)

Instead of a fast horse.

Can he catch fish ("catch fish")

Maybe fix the faucet in the kitchen. (clap hands)

Always a hero for me

My best dad! (marching in circles)

1-2 weeks


Women's Day

Mom's holiday

Here is a snowdrop in a clearing, (they walk in a circle)

I found it. (bend down "pluck a flower")

I'll take the snowdrop to my mother, (they walk in a circle, in the hand "flower")

Even if it didn't bloom.

And me with a flower so gently (they hug themselves)

Mom hugged me

That my snowdrop opened (spread their arms to the sides)

From her warmth.

3-4 weeks


culture and traditions

Girls embroider, ("embroider")

Sitting on the grass, (squat)

Girls embroider

Silk on canvas. ("embroider")

It's a beak! And those are spurs!

And here is the scallop! (show beak, spurs, comb)

Conversations subsided, (a finger is applied to the lips)

A stitch follows a stitch. (running after each other)

1-2 weeks


Spring, spring red

Spring, red spring! (children walk in a circle, holding hands)

Come, spring, with joy,

With joy, with joy (turn in the opposite direction)

With great mercy:

With high flax, (stop, rise on toes, pull

Hands up, take a breath)

With a deep root, (lower hands, squat, exhale)

With abundant bread. (holding hands, running in a circle).

3-4 weeks

Victory Day


Hands to the sides - in flight (children raise their arms straight to the sides

Our plane will take off. turn around themselves

Made a right turn, over the right shoulder, raising his right hand

Made a left turn, turn over the left shoulder, raising the left hand

He shook his wings, shake his wings with his hands

Buzzed and trembled. they rise on their toes, fall on the whole foot and buzz "uuuuuuu..."

The flight begins, they run in a circle, spreading their arms to the sides

Our plane took off

The flight is over, slow down the run

The plane has landed. get down on one knee)

1-2 weeks


One, two, three, four, five (jump around)

Let's play in the summer

We will swim and swing, ("float")

Will jump and ride, ("jump")

Let's run and sunbathe. (run around the group)

And collect mushrooms.

3-4 weeks


1. Averina I.E. Physical culture minutes and dynamic pauses in preschool educational institutions: pract. allowance. - 4th ed. – M.: Iris-press, 2008.

2. Savina L.P. finger gymnastics for the development of speech of preschoolers: A guide for parents and teachers. - M .: AST Publishing House LLC, 2003.

3. 33 lexical topics. Finger games, exercises for coordinating words with movement, riddles for children (6-7 years old)./Author-comp. Nikitina A.V. - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2009.

Galina Khabarova
Card file of finger gymnastics "Funny fingers" on lexical topics in the preparatory group

1. "Meeting after the summer"

All friends in our group

(Rhythmically clench and unclench fists.)

The youngest is me.

This is Masha

This is Sasha

This is Dasha.

(They open their fists, starting with the little finger.)

2. "Our group"

Friends in our group

Girls and boys.

We will make friends with you

Little fingers.

(They connect the fingers in the lock (several times).)

One two three four five

(The fingers of the same name are connected alternately with each other, starting with the little fingers.)

One two three four five

(Split fingers.)

(Hands down, shake hands.)

3. "Journey to the land of road signs and rules"

There are a lot of road rules!

Once - attention dear!

Two are traffic lights.

Three - look, road sign,

And four is a transition.

(Successively connect the fingers with the thumb on both hands.)

All you need to know the rules

And always do them.

(Unclench and clench fists.)

4. "A beautiful autumn time has come"

If the leaves turn yellow

(Clench and unclench fists.)

Cold rain drizzles

(Make slight oscillatory movements with outstretched fingers.)

The birds flew south

(The palms are turned towards themselves, the thumbs are intertwined - “bird”, the remaining fingers move up and down.)

So autumn is coming to us.

(Clap, fist.)

5. "Come to the garden, see how it grows"

We invite you to the garden one.

We invite people:

Come into the garden!

(Spread hands out to the sides in front of them.)

Pass between the ridges

(The index and middle fingers of both hands “walk” on the table like legs.)

There are cucumbers

(They depict a cucumber: they fold their fingers in the shape of an oval.)

Hanging tomatoes

They want it right in your mouth.

(Depict a tomato: fold the fingers in the shape of a circle.)

A turnip ripens nearby

Neither thick nor rare.

(They depict a turnip: they fold their fingers in the shape of a heart.)

We'll pick vegetables

For myself and for friends.

(They round the left hand like a basket, and with the right hand “put” imaginary vegetables into it.)

6. “Like a rouge autumn garden, fruits hang there in the garden”


We will cook compote,

(Hold the left palm with a "ladle")

You need a lot of fruits. Here:

(The index finger of the right hand "interfere".)

Let's chop apples

We will chop the pear

Squeeze lemon juice

Put the drain and sand.

We cook, we cook compote.

(Again they “cook” and “interfere”.)

Let's treat honest people!

(Hands stretch forward with palms up and spread apart.)

7. "Our green tree and shrub friends"

The wind flew through the forest

Wind leaves counted:

(Smooth, wave-like movements of the palms.)

Here is oak

Here is maple

Here is a rowan carved,

Here from a birch - golden,

Here is the last leaf from the aspen

(The fingers of the same name are bent, starting with the thumbs.)

The wind threw on the path.

(Raise their hands up, and then gently lower their palms to the table or knees.)

8. "Bird voices rang"

This bird is a nightingale

This bird is a sparrow

This bird is an owl

Sleepy head.

This bird is a waxwing

This bird is a corncrake

(The fingers of the same name are bent, starting with the thumbs.)

This bird is an angry eagle.

(Wave with folded hands.)

Birds, birds, go home!

(They wave both hands like wings.)

9. "Life of wild animals"

Wild animals are found in the forest.

(Successively connect the fingers of the same name of the right hand with the left, starting with the large ones.)

Here you can see

(Extend arms forward with palms up.)

wolf and fox,

hare and bear,

Squirrel and hedgehog

Deer and moose.

Hides everyone securely

(Close fingers into a fist.)

Forest silence.

10. "Family is important, family is hard"

I know that I have

Friendly family at home

(They raise their hands with their palms to themselves and press them to their chest.)

This is mom

This is my grandmother

This is Dad,

This is grandfather.

(In accordance with the text, fingers are bent in a certain sequence: first the ring finger, then the little finger, index finger, middle and large.)

And we have no discord.

11. “Mommy, dear, dear!”

“We help mom together -

We wipe dust everywhere.

We are washing clothes now

Rinse, squeeze.

Sweeping all around -

And run for milk.

We meet mom in the evening,

Doors wide open,

We hug mom tightly."

(Perform movements in the text.)

12. Week of health

"Hush, hush, don't make noise"

This finger wants to sleep

(Bend thumbs on both hands.)

This finger went to bed

(Bend index fingers.)

This finger is a little dozed off.

(Bend middle fingers.)

This finger is already asleep

(Bend ring fingers.)

This one is fast asleep

(Bend little fingers.)

Hush, hush, don't make noise...

(Put index finger to lips.)

The red sun will rise

The clear morning will come

(Raise hands and make "sunshine")

The birds will chirp

(Wave with folded hands.)

Fingers will rise!

(Clench and unclench fists.)

13. "Hello, winter-winter!"

Fun in winter! I don't want to go home!

(Clap hands.)

But the wind is coming

(Spread hands to the sides.)

The blizzard is starting.

(Shake arms above head from side to side.)

Frost is getting stronger

(Squeeze fists tightly.)

Pinches cheeks, pinches nose

(Pinch fingers lightly on cheeks and nose.)

Hands began to freeze

(Rubbing palms.)

We need to warm them up.

(Breathe on palms.)

Evening is coming -

(Spread hands to the sides.)

The darkness thickens.

(Close their eyes with their hands.)

It's time for us to go home.

(Fingers move.)

Goodbye! Until morning!

(Waving goodbye.)

14. “It is difficult for birds to winter, we need to help the birds”

Come on, birds!

Sala ladies titmouse.

(“Calling” finger movements.)

I'll make crumbs

A little bread.

(4 times - “cutting” movements with one palm on the other.)

These crumbs are for pigeons,

These crumbs are for sparrows.

(Pinch fingers - “crumble bread.”)

Jackdaws and crows, Eat pasta!

(One palm slides along the other in a circle - “rolling pasta out of bread”, hands are stretched forward with an open palm.)

15. "New Year's holiday"

They came to the tree

(The fingers are intertwined, from the thumbs - the top of the "Christmas tree".)

("Ears" from the index and middle fingers.)

(Index and middle fingers slightly bend.)

(The thumbs are raised up, the index fingers are bent, the remaining fingers are pressed and extended forward.)

Celebrated New Year

(Alternately clap their hands and clench their fists.)

And gifts were expected.

(Put hands forward with palms up.)

16. "Visiting the Reindeer"

Thumb boy, where have you been? -

I wandered in the North.

(Hands are clenched into a fist, the thumb of both hands is exposed.)

I met a polar fox, a seal there,

Ermine and deer

I met a polar bear

And I noticed a walrus there,

And I saw a whale in the sea,

Even seagulls in the open.

(Successively connect the fingers with the thumb on one hand, then on the other.)

I gave gifts to everyone!

Everyone thanked me!

(Press palms to chest.)

17. “My house. Furniture; electrical devices"

(Show palms of both hands.)

Armchair, table, sofa, bed,

Shelf, bedside table, sideboard,

Wardrobe, chest of drawers and stool.

(Fingers are alternately bent into a cam, starting with the little finger.)

A lot of furniture was named

(They open their fists and show their hands.)

Ten fingers pinched.

(Clench fists and raise them up.)

18. “If you don’t have dishes, you will have to live very badly!”

One two three four,

We washed the dishes

(One palm slides over the other in a circle.)

Teapot, cup, ladle, spoon

And a big ladle.

(The fingers of the same name are bent, starting with the thumbs.)

We washed the dishes

(One palm slides over the other.)

We just broke a cup

The bucket also fell apart

The teapot's nose broke off.

We broke the spoon a little,

Lost the ladle.

(The fingers of the same name are bent, starting with the thumbs.)

So we helped mom.

(They alternate hitting each other with fists with a clap of their hands.)

19. "Journey through the city of professions"

There are many noble professions,

Both useful and enjoyable.

(Clench and unclench fists.)

Cook, doctor, painter, teacher,

Salesman, miner, confectioner and builder…

(Successively connect the fingers with the thumb on one hand, then on the other.)

I don't name everyone at once.

(Clench and unclench fists.)

I suggest you continue.

(Extend arms forward, palms up.)

20. Russia. Defenders of the Motherland»

These fingers are all fighters.

Remote fellows.

(They clench their fingers into a fist, then spread their fingers on both hands.)

Two large and strong small

And a soldier in battle experienced.

(Raise two thumbs, clench the other tightly into a fist.)

Two guards - brave!

Two smart fellows!

(Raise index fingers, others tightly clench into a fist.)

Two daring tankers!

(Raise middle fingers, others tightly clench into a fist.)

Two unnamed heroes

But the work is very zealous!

(Raise the ring fingers, clench the others tightly into a fist.)

Two little fingers - shorties -

Very nice boys!

(Raise little fingers. Clap hands.)

21. "Spring time is full of miracles"

funny ice cubes

Under the very cornice,

Above the window

(Clench and unclench fists.)

Climbed into icicles

Spring sun.

(Raise hands and make "sunshine")

Flashing, running

On the icicles of tears ...

(Clench and unclench fists.)

And the icicles melt

Happy ice cubes.

(Tap fingers on the table.)

22. “Happy March 8! Happy spring holiday!

Huge bouquet

I'll draw my mom.

And Happy Women's Day

I congratulate her.

(Both palms are connected with a “bud” and opened with a “flower”.)

Let mommy be the sun

Warm rays,

(They put both palms together, fingers apart - “sun”.)

And happy birds

Sing for her.

(The palms are turned towards themselves, the thumbs are straightened and intertwined - “bird”, the rest of the fingers make oscillatory movements.)

23. “Who is wearing what? Who's wearing what?"

1. "Boots"

Everywhere, everywhere we are together

Inseparable we go.

(Middle and index fingers "walk" on the table.)

We walk through the meadows

Along the green shores

They ran down the stairs,

Walked along the street

Then we crawl under the bed

(Bend the fingers of the same name, starting with the big ones.)

Let's sleep there quietly.

(Place hands on the table.)

2. One, two, three, four, five -

(Consistently connect the fingers of one hand with the fingers of the other hand.)

We will wash things:

(The cams imitate washing.)

Dress, trousers and socks,

Skirt, blouse, handkerchiefs,

Sundress and robe,

Let's not forget the scarf and hat -

(Alternately bend the fingers on both hands into fists.)

We will wash them too.

(The cams imitate washing.)

24. "What do we ride?"

I have toys:

(Clap, cam)

Steam locomotive and two trams,

silver plane,

Three rockets, all-terrain vehicle,

Dump truck, crane-

A real giant.

(Alternately bend the corresponding number of fingers.)

How many together, how to find out?

25. "Journey to Africa"

If in a hot country

I accidentally fall

(Squeeze and unclench fingers.)

I will see it there

(Connect all fingers with the thumb on both hands, forming "binoculars", lead to the eyes.)

jackal, hippopotamus, rhinoceros,

Kangaroo, hippo,

Monkey, tiger, lion,

Crocodile and elephant.

(Unbend in turn the fingers on the right and left hands, starting with the big one.)

They live well -

(Clap your hands, spread your arms to the sides.)

There are no snowy winters.

(Move index finger left and right.)

26. "Indoor plants"

Take a look at the window:

(Show both hands.)

We have geraniums here.

And here is the handsome balsam,

Amaryllis next to him.

Fuchsia, begonia -

(Alternately, the fingers of the same name are bent, starting with the little fingers.)

We remember all the names!

(Opening palm.)

We will loosen the flowers

(Wag fingers down.)

(Connect all fingers with the thumb on both hands.)

Let them grow day by day!

(Both palms are connected with a “bud”, raised above the head and opened with a “flower”.)

27. “If you really want, you can fly into space”

"On the Rocket"

One two three four five -

(The fingers of the same name are bent, starting with the little fingers.)

A team flew into space.

(Join hands together, raise hands up.)

Commander looking through binoculars

What does he see ahead?

(The fingers of both hands are connected to the thumbs, forming "binoculars".)

Sun, planets, satellites, comets,

Big yellow moon.

(Unbend the fingers of the same name, starting with the thumbs.)

28. "Pets are so carefree"

"In the village"

I'm resting in the village

(Hands on the table with palms down. Spread and connect the fingers of the right hand.)

I know all the domestic animals:

(Spread and connect the fingers of the left hand.)

rabbit, horse,

Cat, cow and pig

(Naming the animal, raise and hold each finger of the left hand, starting with the thumb.)

And a goat with a goat

And also a ram with a sheep,

Yes, faithful dog

(Raise and hold on weight each finger of the right hand, starting with the thumb.)

My assistant.

(The thumb of the right hand is raised up, the index finger is bent, the rest are pulled forward and pressed against each other - “dog”, the left hand lies on the table, palm down.)

29. "In the poultry yard"

There is a fence in the yard

Behind the fence is a bird yard.

(Hands on the table: right - palm down, left - clenched into a fist; alternately change the position of the hands.)

Here is the hubbub and vanity

Starts in the morning:

(They strike with the right hand, clenched into a fist, in the palm of the left hand, then change position.)

They crow, they cackle,

Loudly quack, chatter

(Successively connect the fingers of both hands with the thumbs.)

Geese, ducks, turkeys,

Hens and roosters.

(The fingers of the same name are connected, starting with the thumbs.)

30. "Green world under our feet"

"In the Meadow"

A tall flower grew in a clearing,

(They connect the wrists, spread their palms to the sides, fingers round a little.)

Opened the petals on a spring morning.

(They open their fingers, as if a bud is opening.)

All petals beauty and nutrition

(Rhythmically move fingers together and apart.)

Together they give underground roots.

(They lower their palms down, press their backs against each other, spread their fingers apart.)

31. "Our grandfathers are glorious victories"

What is victory day?

(Draw a question with fingers in the air.)

This is a holiday!

(Extend arms forward, palms up.)

Military orders and awards.

(The fists are pressed to the chest.)

And golden fireworks

(Raise hands up, spreading fingers on both hands.)

And colorful tulips

(Show the bud with their hands.)

And clean land.

(Draw a big circle in the air).

32. "Soon to School"


I will go to school in the fall.

("Walking" fingers on the table.)

I will find my friends there.

(Put fingers together in a lock.)

(The thumbs are bent, then two fingers are bent at the same time on both hands.)

I will be such a scientist!

(Extend arms forward, palms up.)

But I will not forget my garden.

(Move index finger left and right.)

33. "Here comes the summer on the doorstep"

Here comes the summer

(Extend arms forward, palms up.)

Everyone is invited to rest.

(The fingers of the same name are connected, starting with the thumbs.)

Let's swim and sunbathe

(They make circular movements with the brushes; put their palms together, fingers apart - “sun”.)

And rest in the country.

(Show the house.)