Health wishes in German. Happy birthday greetings in German. Most important words

I think everyone (especially a beginner in German) at least once thought about how to wish a german friend a happy birthday! Fortunately, you don’t have to think for a long time>> there is a cool thing for this >> Internet))) I drove in the right topic and found what I needed! Crawls out a lot of options, sites and blogs! And I hope that among them I also show off somewhere with my German congratulations!))

So, on this topic of birthday greetings, I chose the most used and popular expressions, as well as a couple of congratulations in poetic form! If you want, you can already start writing in your German notebook / notebook *))) I think they are suitable for almost everyone and for any age!

Fur Freunde und Familienmitglieder ( Happy birthday greetings in German for friends and family members):

Ich sende dir die allerherzlichsten Glückwünsche zu deinem Geburtstag!(I send you the most heartfelt congratulations on your birthday!)

Möge dir das neue Lebensjahr Glück, Gesundheit sowie viele schöne Momente bringen!(May this life year bring you good luck, health, and many wonderful moments!)

Ich wünsche dir von ganzem Herzen Gluck, Gesundheit und alles Gute!(I wish you happiness, health and all the best from the bottom of my heart!)

Etwas förmlicher - für Kollegen und Geschäftspartner: (official phappy birthday wishes in german for colleagues and business partners)

Zu Ihrem Geburtstag sprechen wir Ihnen herzliche Glückwünsche aus.(We express our heartfelt wishes for your birthday.)

Ich sende Ihnen zu Ihrem Geburtstag meine herzlichen Glückwünsche.(I am sending you my heartfelt wishes for your birthday.)

Zu Ihrem Geburtstag gratulieren wir Ihnen herzlich. (From the bottom of my heart we wish you a happy birthday!)

Ich sende Ihnen aus der Ferne meine besten Wünsche!(I send you my best wishes from afar!)

Ich wünsche Ihnen zu Ihrem Geburtstag alles Gute!(I wish you all the best on your birthday!)

Popular phrases for birthday greetings in German:

Herzlichen Gluckwunsch zum Geburtstag!/ Our heartfelt congratulations on your birthday!

Herzliche Gluckwünsche zum Geburtstag!/ Our heartfelt congratulations on your birthday!

Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!/ All the best on your birthday!

Alles Liebe zum Geburtstag!/ With love, for your birthday! (in a letter)

Ich wünsche dir alles Gute! / I wish you all the best / all the best!

Alles Liebe und Gute fur dich!/ Much love and all the best to you!

Wir gratulieren dir ganz herzlich! / We congratulate you with all our hearts (hearty congratulations)!

Zum Geburtstag wünsche ich dir alles Gute!/ On your birthday, I wish you all the best / all the best!

Happy birthday greetings in German in verse

Zum Geburtstag recht viel Gluck,

immer vorwarts, nie zuruck,

wenig Arbeit recht viel Geld,

grosse Reisen in die Welt,

jeden Tag gesund sich fühlen,

sechs Richtige im Lotto spielen,

ab und zu ein Glaschen Wein,

dann wirst du immer glücklich sein.

(rough translation. >

A lot of happiness for your birthday!

always forward and never back!

less work and more money

great/great world tours,

feel healthy every day

win all six (numbers) in lotto

sometimes drink a glass / glass of wine!

And then you will always be happy!


Meine kurzen Wünsche sind

eine gute Sache

heute furs Geburtstagskind:

Lebe! Liebe! Lache!

(My short wishes to today's birthday man are very good and are as follows: Live, Love, Laugh!)


Liebe, Gluck und keine Sorgen,

Gesundheit, Mut für heut und morgen.

All das wünsche ich zum Feste,

fur Dich natürlich nur das Beste!

(Love, Happiness and no worries,

Health, Courage for today and tomorrow.

All this and only the best I wish you for the holiday!)


Viele Wünsche, viele Traume Sollen in Erfüllung gehen.

Vermischt mit Liebe, Glück und Freude wirst Du das Lebensjahr bestehen.

(Many of your desires and dreams must come true / life. By mixing love, happiness and joy, you will overcome this new year of life.)


Zum Geburtstag alles Gute, Glück und Freud auf der Lebensroute./ On your birthday, we wish you all the best, happiness and joy on the path of life!


Alles Gute und viel Gluck,

Blumen, Kerzen, Tortenstuck,

nette Gäste, Spaß und Sekt,

so ist ein schöner Tag perfect!

(All the best and a lot of happiness,

flowers, candles and cakes,

good guests, fun and champagne,

And then this beautiful day will be perfect!)


Alles Gute, viele Wünsche und von Herzen ein Geschenk,

Du sollst wissen, Du bist wichtig und dass ich heut an Dich denk!

Ein Hut voller Freude, ein Fass voller Gluck,

ich wünsch auch noch Liebe und Gesundheit am Stück.

(All the best, many wishes and a gift from the heart,

you should know that you are important and that I think of you today!

A hat full of joy, a barrel filled with happiness

And I also wish you endless love and health!)


Nur fur Dich werden wir singen.

Hoch sollst Duleben.

Die besten Wünsche werden erklingen.

Sie lassen Dich erbeben.

(Only for you we will sing!

To your health / long live you!

Best wishes will sound

they will make you shiver/shudder)


Hoch, hoch, dreimal hoch!

Auf Dein Leben und die Liebe.

Und was willst Du noch?

Keine Tranen und keine Hiebe.

(Hooray, hooray, 3 times hooray!

For your life and for love!

What else do you want?

No tears and life blows!)

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Living in German-speaking countries or constantly dealing with people who speak this language, one cannot ignore such a topic as holidays, namely, the competent wording of congratulations in German. And if writing long and flowery stories and notes is hardly accessible to a beginner - after all, congratulations consist not only of words, but also of emotions, the expression of which requires experience and skillful handling of foreign words - then any person who has mastered the basics can cope with compiling several sentences. language.

It should be noted that in congratulations, the appeal to a person in the second person and singular is usually written with a capital letter. And wishes like “good night!” and "happy journey!" - make impersonal.

So, common short wishes and congratulations in German sound like this with a translation into Russian:

  • Schönen Tag! - Have a good day!
  • Viel Erfolg und Viel Gluck! - Success and good luck!
  • Gute Nacht! - Good night!
  • Gute Besserung! - Get better!
  • Ich gratulière! - I congratulate!
  • Frohe Feiertage! - I wish (you) a good holiday!
  • Frohe Ostern/Weihnachten! – Happy Easter/Christmas!
  • Frohes neues Jahr! - Happy New Year!
  • Gute Reise! - Happy (you) journey!
  • Guten Appetite! - Have a good (you) appetite!
  • Ich gratuliere Ihnen herzlich! - I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
  • Viel Spas! - Have a good time!

To formulate wishes, use the construction Ich wünsche ... (I wish):

  • alles Gute / das Beste - all the best / the best
  • großen Erfolg - great success
  • Gesundheit - health
  • ein langes Leben - longevity
  • viel Gluck - happiness.

In everyday life, you may need a comic wish like “no fluff to you, no feather!”. The translation of this congratulation into German sounds like Hals- und Beinbruch!

Holiday Wishes in German

Common holiday phrases in Germany include:

  • Geburtstag - Birthday
  • Hochzeitstag - wedding day
  • Schulabschluss - high school graduation day
  • Jahrestag - anniversary (on standard greeting cards you can find the design Alles Gute zum Jahrestag!)

If you want to congratulate someone you know well informally, use the abbreviated form Gratuliere, translated into Russian as "my congratulations."

For those who are going not so much to congratulate a person as to express gratitude to him for something, there is a typical turnover in German Vielen Dank fur... (Many thanks for…). His more emotional version - Ich weiß wirklich nicht, wie ich Dir für … danken soll.(I don’t even know how to thank you for what you did for me…).

The birth of a child is not only one of the happiest events in people's lives, but also an occasion to practice greetings in German associated with this holiday: Wir haben uns sehr über die Geburt Eures kleinen Jungen/Mädchens gefreut. Wir gratulieren! In Russian, this sounds something like “We congratulate you on the happy birthday of your son / daughter!”. For brevity, it is permissible to use the turnover “With replenishment of you!”: Wir gratulieren zu Eurem Neuankömmling!

Today we will share with you phrases and expressions for congratulations on your birthday in German! It is very useful to know them both for those who live in Germany and for those who have German friends or relatives. Watch the video and read the article below!

Congratulating our loved ones, friends, relatives and colleagues, we bring a piece of joy into their lives. But congratulating foreigners is not as easy as it seems ... Undoubtedly, you already know a lot of polite and beautiful German words, but which ones are suitable for such a holiday?

The most frequently heard phrase is Alles Gute zum Geburtstag! Literal translation - All the best (or all the best) for your birthday! Or a simple phrase: Ich gratuliere dir zum Geburtstag!- I congratulate you on your birthday.

✏ Please note that the personal pronoun after the verb “congratulate someone” in German, unlike Russian, will only be used in the dative case, that is dir/ Ihnen ! This rule must be remembered.

For convenience, we have compiled a whole list of useful phrases:

Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!- All the best for your birthday!

Herzlichen Gluckwunsch zum Geburtstag!- I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!

Ich wünsche dir alles Beste zum Geburtstag!- I wish you all the best for your birthday!

Viel Gesundheit und viel Glück zum Geburtstag!- Lots of health and good luck for your birthday!

Viel Gluck und Freude zu neuem Lebensjahr!- Good luck and joy in the new year of life!

Den besten Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag!- Best wishes for your birthday!

Viel Gesundheit und möge die Sonne jeden Tag fur Dich scheinen. Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!- Health and let the sun shine for you every day. Best wishes for your birthday!

Viele Sonnenstunden und alles Gute zum Geburtstag!-Lots of sun and all the best for your birthday!

Viel Schönes wünsche ich zum Geburtstag!- I wish you all the best for your birthday! Heute schicke ich Gluck, Gesundheit und viel Sonnenschein dir zum Geburtstag!- Today I send you good luck, health and lots of sunshine for your birthday!

Ich wünsche das Beste vom Besten zum Geburtstag!- For my birthday, I wish the best of the best!

Ich wünsche Dir alles Gute zum Geburtstag! Bleib weiterhin so wunderschön wie Du bist!- I wish you all the best for your birthday! Continue to be such a wonderful person as you are!

Herzlichen Gluckwunsch zum Geburtstag! Ich wünsche Dir Freude und Zufriedenheit für jeden Tag Deines Lebens!- Hearty congratulations on your birthday! I wish you joy and contentment for every day of your life!

Ich wünsche Dir nur das Beste und einen schönen Geburtstag!- I wish you only the best and have a wonderful birthday!

All of the above, in fact, is both a congratulation and a wish at the same time - write it down in your dictionary, and they will definitely come in handy!
It is worth noting that these are universal phrases, but it’s still up to you to decide which of them will suit a close friend and which work colleague, because you can be in a fairly warm relationship with a colleague, but don’t go too far and remember the peculiarities of mentalities! By the way, in Germany there are no special differences in congratulations for men and women, the main rule is to be sincere and speak from the bottom of your heart!

If you are laconic or generally shy, avoid long ornate phrases - you can take note of such a concise version of congratulations - Viele liebe Gruße! (Best wishes!).

It is important to note that a literal translation of congratulations and wishes is not always appropriate, therefore, dictionaries often provide a semantic translation that is most suitable for the Russian expression. And with a literal translation, the phrase may look a little clumsy and unusual, so it's better to avoid such moments!

If you were invited, and you understand that you will not be able to join the celebration, tell the birthday person: Schade, dass ich nicht mitfeiern kann. This phrase sounds like this: "It's a pity that I can't celebrate with you together." By the way, if it’s impossible to congratulate a person personally, but you really want to express your attention to him, you can send him a birthday card. In German it is die Grußkarte(or: die Gluckwunschkarte). Just write down some of the nice phrases you learned today and send it in the mail.

It may also happen that the birthday has already passed, and did not have time to congratulate the person. It doesn't matter, there is an expression for such a case, because it's better late than never. Tell: " Nachtraglich alles Gute zum Geburtstag". Literally translated as -" My belated heartfelt congratulations on your birthday.

What else can you wish for?

In addition to the standard "health" and "happiness":

spannende Erlebnisse- exciting events
unvergessliche Abenteuer- an unforgettable adventure
eine tolle Geburtstagsparty- have fun celebrating
Erfolg im Beruf / in der Schule- success at work/school
Viel Geld- much money

And as Theodor Fontane said: “Man wird nicht älter sondern besser!”

Talking about congratulations
Deutsch Online team

Zum Geburtstag viel Gluck! - Happy Birthday! / Great Happy Birthday!

Geburtstag ist noch lange kein Grund älter zu werden! - Birthday is far from a reason to get older))!

Zum Geburtstag alles Liebe! - Birthday love!

Happy Birthday! Du bist einmalig auf dieser Welt! - Happy birthday! You are unique / unique in this world / in this world!

dubist super! Dubist toll! Du bist einfach wundervoll! Alles Gute zum Geburtstag! - You are super! You are wonderful! You are simply amazing! All the best on your birthday!

Ich wünsche dir den schönsten Tag, erfüllt mit Sonnenschein und Glück, und davon gleich auf einen Schlag 365 Stück! - I wish you the most beautiful day filled with sun / sunlight and happiness, and at once 365 times!

Ich wünsche dir Liebe und Geborgenheit, Vertrauen und Anerkennung, Mut und Zuversicht, Fröhlichkeit und Leichtigkeit, Gesundheit und Stärke, Ruhe und Gelassenheit… Alles Gute zum Geburtstag! - I wish you Love and a Sense of security, Trust and Recognition, Courage and Confidence, Joy and Lightness, Health and Strength, Calmness and Equanimity! Happy birthday!

Geburtstagsrezept: Zutaten: 1 großes Stück Glück, 10 Löffel Gesundheit, 2 Tassen Lebensenergie, 1 Hand voll Kraft und Mut, 1 Prize Abenteuer. Die Zutaten sorgfältig auf die 365 Tage des neuen Lebensjahres verteilen und genießen. Herzlichen Gluckwunsch! - Birthday Recipe > Ingredients: 1 large portion of Happiness, 10 spoons of Health, 2 cups of Vitality, 1 palm / hand filled with Strength and Courage, 1 pinch of Adventure. All ingredients are carefully divided into 365 days of the new year of life and enjoy. ;)))

Alter ist irrelevant - es sei denn, du bist eine Flasche Wein! - Age doesn't matter! Unless… unless you are a bottle of wine!))

Ich wünsche dir zum Geburtstag: 12 Monate Gesundheit, 52 Wochen Glück, 365 Tage Optimismus, 8760 Stunden Liebe, 525600 Minuten Frieden, 31536000 Sekunden Freude! -I wish you 12 months of Health, 52 weeks of Happiness, 365 days of Optimism, 8760 hours of Love, 525600 minutes of Tranquility and 31536000 seconds of Joy on your birthday!

Zum Geburtstag ganz viele Sonnenstunden, jede Menge Rückenwind und eine Wanne voll Glück! - I wish you a lot of sundial, fair wind and a bath full of Happiness on your birthday!

Alles Gute zum Geburtstag und feiere schön! - Have a great birthday and have a good celebration!!

Die besten Wünsche zum Geburtstag: Glück, Spass, Erfolg und Gesundheit! - The best birthday wishes are Happiness, Pleasure, Success and Health!

Alles Liebe zum Geburtstag! Freu dich des Lebens! Es ist Gottes Geschenk an dich! - Birthday love! Enjoy life! Life is a gift sent to you from heaven / God's gift to you!

Geburtstag ist wohl ohne Frage der schönste aller Erdentage. Drum will ich keine Zeit verlieren, zum Wiegenfest dir gratulieren! Herzlichen Gluckwunsch! - Out of question Birthday is the most beautiful day on earth. Therefore, I do not want to waste time to wish you a happy birthday! Congratulations from the bottom of my heart!!/My heartfelt congratulations!

Hut ab! Dein Alter steht dir ausgezeichnet! Alles Gute zum Geburtstag - Hat off! Your age suits you very well! All the best for your birthday!

Ich könnte wetten….Das ist ein Bier nach deinem Geschmack! 😉 Alles Gute zum Geburtstag! — I could bet… This Beer is just the way you like it!)) Happy Birthday!

Leider zu spät, aber… Nachträglich die allerbesten Geburtstagswünsche! Egal was du dir wünschst, es soll in deinem neuen Lebensjahr in Erfüllung gehen! - Unfortunately, late, but ... All the best on your birthday! It doesn't matter what you wish for yourself, all this must be fulfilled in the new life year!

Hier kommt ein Küßchen zum Geburtstag! Here's a birthday kiss for you! 😉

Subscribe to blog updates + get a free book with German phrases, + subscribe toYOU-TUBE channel.. with instructional videos and videos about life in Germany.

Germans, Germans, Germans. What do we associate them with? First of all, probably with beer. Indeed, German beer is really good. And what is it worth when you drink it together with juicy Bavarian sausages .. But Germany is not only beer and various goodies. No. It is also the richest culture, one of the main components of which is the German language. Let it not sound too melodious, German rhymes are worth a lot. Therefore, if you are going to congratulate a person who is somehow involved in German, this should be done in German.

Let the birthday man and not a native German, let him not be born in Germany, but in countries closer to us, birthday greetings in German will be a pleasant surprise for him. Believe me. This statement has been tested on far more than one hundred people. And even if you do not read perfectly, a person who understands German will still appreciate your efforts and the desire to give him a drop of originality.

In the stream of stereotyped and hackneyed congratulations, your German poems will become like a breath of fresh air on a hot day. Another question is where do you get them. Really high-quality and meaningful birthday greetings in German are very difficult to find, but we will make this task easier for you. This section is filled exclusively with such congratulations. So you can safely take any of them and implement your congratulatory campaign!

Geburtstag ist wohl ohne Frage der schönste aller Ehrentage. Darum wollen wir keine Zeit verlieren Ihnen zum Wiegenfeste gratulieren! Wir wünschen Ihnen zu Ihrem Feste: Gesundheit, Glück und nur das Beste!

Herzlichen Gluckwunsch zum Geburtstag! Ich wünsche Dir Freude und Zufriedenheit für jeden Tag Deines Lebens!

Bleibe fröhlich, frisch und munter, wie ein Fisch und geh nicht unter. Nach einem Glückwunsch ist mir sehr zumute, ich gratuliere herzlich: Alles Gute!

Ich wünsche dir ein Strahlen in die Augen, ein Lächeln ins Gesicht. Und vergiss niemals nicht, egal wie schwer es ist, dass du etwas ganz Besonderes bist.

Wir wünschen Dir ein Leben voller Sonnenschein, voll Glück und Harmonie, Zufriedenheit soll bei dir sein, Gesundheit fehle nie.