Development of children's initiative and independence in children of senior preschool age. Development of children's initiative and independence in a kindergarten

Development of children's independence and initiative

The ideology of modern preschool education, set by the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, is support for diversitychildhood.

The Federal State Educational Standard states that one of the main principles of preschool education is to support children in various types activities. Supportinitiative is also a conditionnecessary to create a social situationchild development.

The problem of developing independence in children has been and remains one of the most pressing in current pedagogy. The volitional qualities of a person are the core side of a person’s character, and serious attention should be paid to their upbringing. A very important volitional quality necessary for a child’s future activities is independence.

Preschool age is a direct continuation early age in terms of general sensitivity. The formation of independence largely depends on the level of development of memory, thinking, development of attention, speech, etc. Thanks to this, the child is able to subordinate his actions to one or another task, achieve a goal, overcoming the difficulties that arise.

What is independence? It would seem that the answer lies on the surface, but we all understand it a little differently.

Most typical answers:

    this is an action that a person carries out on his own, without the prompting or help of others;

    the ability to rely only on one’s own strengths;

    independence from the opinions of others, freedom to express one’s feelings, creativity;

    the ability to manage yourself, your time and your life in general;

    the ability to set yourself tasks that no one has set before you, and solve them yourself.

It is difficult to argue against these definitions. They accurately indicate a person’s independence and, by and large, the maturity of his personality. But how to apply these assessments to a child, say, 2-3 years old? Almost none of them can be used without significant reservations.

Independence does not mean complete freedom actions and deeds, it is always enclosed within the strict framework of norms accepted in society. In this regard, it is not any action alone, but only meaningful and socially acceptable.

A child's sense of purpose manifests itself in unbridled initiatives: washing clothes like mom, or hammering nails like dad. But at first there is neither skill nor perseverance, and in order for the initiative not to be lost, it is necessary to help. And parents, unfortunately, are reluctant to support “attacks” of children’s independence: they are both burdensome and unsafe. But it is also impossible to abruptly stop or often switch the child’s attention to actions that are more reasonable, in the opinion of adults: this will slow down the development of the child’s emerging independence and throw the child back to primitive imitation.

The need for the formation and development of independence is dictated by the needs of society for non-standard people who can think creatively and make discoveries for the benefit of humanity. And the solution to this issue is reflected in the process of developing independence, which allows a person to pose new problems and find new solutions.

Independence - independence, freedom from external influences, coercion, from outside support, help. Independence – the ability to act independently, make judgments, have initiative, and determination. Such definitions are given by “ Dictionary Russian language". In pedagogy, this is one of the volitional spheres of the individual. This is the ability not to be influenced by various factors, to act on the basis of one’s views and motives.

Three stages can be outlined in the development of independence.

The first stage is when the child acts in his usual conditions, in which basic habits were developed, without reminders, encouragement and help from an adult (he himself removes building material after playing; he himself goes to wash his hands when he is called to the table; he himself says “please” ” and “thank you” when asking for something or thanking for help).

The second stage - the child independently uses familiar methods of action in new, unusual, but close and homogeneous situations. For example, having learned to clean her room, Natasha, without prompting from adults, swept her grandmother’s room herself and put the dishes in an unfamiliar closet. Without her mother’s request, Ira herself brought a chair from the room into the kitchen and invited the neighbor, who came to see her mother, to sit down. In kindergarten she was taught to offer a chair to guests.

At the third stage, a further transfer is possible. The mastered rule acquires a generalized character and becomes a criterion for the child to determine his behavior in any conditions.

Thus, independence is always a product of submission to the demands of adults and at the same time the child’s own initiative. And the better, deeper, and more meaningfully a child has mastered the rules of behavior, the greater his ability to proactively and independently apply them in new, diverse living conditions.

Development of children's initiative and independence in conditions kindergarten carried out using:

Creationconditionsfor children to freely choose activities, participants joint activities;

Creationconditionsfor children to make decisions, express their feelings and thoughts;

non-directive assistance to children, supportchildren's initiative and independencein different types of activities(game, research, project, educational, etc.)

For the purpose of awakening in preschoolersinitiative and independenceeducators use their own methods and techniques. These methods include:

1) Didactic game.

Nowadays, children are surrounded by many various games and toys inkindergarten, Houses. One of the types play activity is a didactic game that allows children to become more familiar with current life in forms of intellectual and active practical activity, moral and aesthetic experiences available to them.

2) Productive activities.

Productive activities(design, drawing, modeling, applique) .

In progress productive activity such important qualities personality, such as mental activity, curiosity,independence, initiative, which are the main components creative activity. The child learns to be active in observing, doing work, and learns to expressindependence and initiativein thinking through the content, selecting materials, and using a variety of means of artistic expression.

3) Self-organized activity.

Self-organization - activity, aimed at searching and creative transformation of reality, high adaptability, active mobilization of the individual’s internal resources. Therefore it is very important to createconditionsand provide sufficient time for activeindependent activity children.

The teacher must create a variety of gaming environment (we're talking about about the subject -development environment in preschool educational institutions), which should provide the child cognitive activity, must correspond to his interests and havedevelopmental character. The environment should provide children with the opportunity to act individually or together with peers, without imposing mandatory joint activities.

4) Labor activity.

Senior preschoolers help each other, control, correct each other, showinitiative and independence, have a correct attitude towards evaluating their work, rarely praise themselves, and often show modesty when evaluating their work(Elkonin D. B.) .

Elementary forms household labor are interesting and important because a unique relationship is established between a child and an adult: these are relationships of real mutual assistance, coordination of actions, and distribution of responsibilities. All these relationships, arising in preschool age, continue in the future.develop.

5) Method"projects" .

The use of the “project method” contributes to social education children (understanding the need for social adaptation of people to each other: the ability to negotiate, respond to ideas put forward by others, the ability to cooperate, accept someone else’s point of view as requiring understanding).

6) Developmentcommunication skills.

System game exercises and tasks fordevelopmentChildren's communication abilities consist of four blocks:

1. develop the ability to collaborate;

2. we developthe ability to actively listen;

3. develop the ability to speak independently;

4. develop skills independentlyprocess information correctly.

7) Development of initiative and independence during classes.

In daily activities it is necessary to set the following goals: to educateindependence and initiative, formchild's self-awareness, self-confidence, teach the child to boldly express their opinions.

Conditions for the development of children's initiative and creative self-expression:

    formation of attitudes “I can”, “I can”;

    creating a situation of success for each child: “It’s very simple, I’ll help you”;

    anticipatory positive assessment “You are a very creative child, you will succeed!”

Thus, to support children's independence and initiative it is necessary:

    provide children with independence in everything that does not pose a threat to their life and health, helping them realize their own plans;

    celebrate and welcome even the minimal successes of children;

    do not criticize the results of the child’s activities and himself as an individual;

    to form in children the habit of independently finding for themselves interesting activities; teach to freely use toys and aids;

    maintain the child’s interest in what he examines and observes at different moments;

    to support initiative in creative and leisure activities, at the direction of the child, create all the necessary conditions for him;

    keep various entertainment attributes publicly available;

    encourage the child's various creative endeavors.

The Federal State Educational Standard identifies the main lines personal development baby preschool age: independence, initiative, creativity.
The main principle of preschool education according to the Federal State Educational Standard is the construction of educational activities based on individual characteristics each child, in which the child himself becomes a full participant (subject) of educational relations, as well as supporting children’s initiative in various types of activities.
Initiative is activity in an undertaking, activity to promote undertakings, launch new businesses, involving people around them.
Children's initiative is manifested in the free activity of children according to their choice and interests. The opportunity to play, draw, design, compose, etc., in accordance with one’s own interests.
The Federal State Educational Standard states that one of the basic principles of preschool education is to support children’s initiative in various activities, including play, which is the leading activity throughout the entire period of preschool childhood. Support for the initiative is also a condition necessary for creating a social situation for the development of children. At the stage of completion of preschool education, one of the targets of the Federal State Educational Standard provides for one of the age characteristics of children’s capabilities - “show initiative and independence in various types of activities - play, etc.”
The main types of activities in which a child can show himself and his initiative, develop himself as an individual are:
a game; educational and research activities; productive activity; communication activity etc. Thus, it can be noted that the higher the level of development of initiative, the more diverse the gaming activities, and therefore the more dynamic the development of personality. Initiative is shown in all types of activities, but most clearly in play, communication, and experimentation.

For full development A preschool child needs amateur, spontaneous play that arises and develops on his own initiative. This game represents the child's leading activity. Initiative is shown by those who believe in themselves. One of the foundations of self-confidence is skills and practical skills. To develop children's initiative you need:
1.Give simple tasks (remove the Fear of “I can’t handle it”), develop initiative in children.
2. Give tasks that are interesting or where the person has a personal interest in doing something.
3. Support initiative

Ways to support children's initiative:
- creation of a subject-spatial environment for the manifestation of independence when a child chooses activities according to his interests;
- the child’s choice of companions;
- a child’s appeal to adults based on his own motivation;

The educational and gaming environment should stimulate the development of children's search and cognitive activity. We should not forget that the material with which the child did something himself is especially easy to remember and retains for a long time in memory: he felt, cut, built, composed, depicted. Children should gain experience in creative, exploratory activities, putting forward new ideas, updating previous knowledge when solving new problems.
It is important for the educator to know how to support children's initiative; it is necessary to learn how to tactfully cooperate with children: do not try to show and explain everything at once, do not immediately present any unexpected surprise effects, etc. It is necessary to create conditions so that children can guess a lot on their own and enjoy it.
Conditions for the development of children's initiative and creative self-expression:
- formation of attitudes “I can”, “I can”;
- creating a situation of success for each child: “It’s very simple, I’ll help you”;
- anticipatory positive assessment “You are a very creative child, you will succeed!”
Thus, to support children's initiative it is necessary:
1. provide children with independence in everything that does not pose a threat to their life and health, helping them realize their own plans;
2. celebrate and welcome even minimal successes of children;
3. do not criticize the results of the child’s activities and himself as an individual.
4. form in children the habit of independently finding interesting activities for themselves; teach to freely use toys and aids;
5. maintain the child’s interest in what he examines and observes at different moments.
6. to support initiative in creative and leisure activities, at the direction of the child, create all the necessary conditions for him;
7. keep various entertainment attributes publicly available;
8. encourage the child’s various creative endeavors.

Formation of personal qualities in preschool children,

determined by the Federal State Educational Standards targets.

Supporting initiative and independence.

In the Constitution of the Russian Federation, in the “Concept for the modernization of Russian education”, in the Law Russian Federation“On Education in the Russian Federation” and other regulatory documents of the Russian Federation formulate the state’s social order for the education system: education of an initiative, responsible person, ready to make independent decisions in a situation of choice.

The Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education indicates that one of the main principles of preschool education is to support children in various types of activities. Support for the initiative is also a condition necessary for creating a social situation for the development of children. At the stage of completion of preschool education, the targets defined by the Federal State Educational Standard provide the following age characteristics children's opportunities:

Shows initiative and independence in various activities;

Able to choose his own occupation, participants in a joint


Capable of volitional efforts;

Tries to independently come up with explanations for natural phenomena and

the actions of people;

Capable of making his own decisions.

The task of forming an active, independent, creative personality needs to be addressed when working with preschoolers. Research by psychologists proves that during this period favorable opportunities open up for the formation of the foundations of independence, responsibility, and creativity.

Analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature allows us to formulate the concepts of initiative, independence and responsibility of preschoolers.

Independence– a generalized personality trait, manifested in initiative, criticality, adequate self-esteem and a sense of personal responsibility for one’s activities and behavior.

Initiative– a special case of independence, the desire for initiative, a change in forms of activity or way of life. This motivational quality is also considered as a volitional characteristic of human behavior.

According to the definition in the "Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary", initiative is (from the Latin initium - beginning) initiative, the first step in any matter; internal motivation for new forms of activity and entrepreneurship; a leading role in any action.

In the “Handbook of Psychology and Psychiatry of Children and Adolescents”, initiative is defined as “a characteristic of a person’s activity, behavior and personality, meaning the ability to act according to internal motivation, as opposed to reactivity - behavior carried out in response to external stimuli.” Initiative shows the development of activity and personality, especially in early stages development. Initiative is manifested in all types of activities, but most clearly in communication, objective activity, play, and experimentation. This the most important indicator children's intelligence and its development. Initiative is an indispensable condition for improving all cognitive activities of a child, but especially creative ones. An enterprising child strives to organize games, productive activities, meaningful communication, he knows how to find an activity that matches at will; join the conversation, offer an interesting activity to other children. In preschool age, initiative is associated with the manifestation of curiosity, an inquisitive mind, and ingenuity. An initiative child is distinguished by meaningful interests.

and introduce such a concept as “creative initiative”. Creative initiative should be understood as the child’s involvement in story game as the main activity of a preschooler. There are three levels of creative initiative:

1st level: actively deploys several conditional actions related in meaning (role in the action), the content of which depends on the existing game environment; actively uses substitute objects; enthusiastically repeatedly reproduces the favorite conventional game action with minor changes.

2nd level: has an original intent; actively seeks out or changes the existing play environment; accepts and designates playing roles in speech, uses role-playing speech, various role-playing dialogues; unfolds individual plot episodes; during the game he can move from one plot episode to another (from one role to another), without caring about their coherence.

3rd level: has a variety of game plans; actively creates the subject environment “according to the plan”; combines (links) different plot episodes into a new whole during the game, building an original plot; can consciously use role reversal; the plan also tends to be embodied primarily in speech (verbal inventing of stories) or in an object model of an imaginary “world” (with small toys-characters), and can be recorded in plot compositions in drawing, modeling, and design.

A necessary condition for the development of proactive behavior is education in conditions of developmental, non-authoritarian communication. Pedagogical communication, based on the principles of love, understanding, tolerance and orderliness of activities, will become a condition for the full development of positive freedom and independence of the child.

An enterprising child must be able to realize his or her activities creatively and demonstrate cognitive activity. An initiative preschooler strives to organize games, productive activities, and meaningful communication. He knows how to find something to do that suits his own desires; join the conversation, propose an interesting business. IN childhood initiative is associated with curiosity, an inquisitive mind, and ingenuity.

The proactive behavior of a preschooler is manifested primarily in the way he plans his actions, sets tasks for himself and consistently solves them. The novelty of the product of children's activity is subjective, but also extremely important for the development of the child's personality. The development of creativity depends on the level of development of the cognitive sphere, the level of development of creative initiative, arbitrariness of activity and behavior, freedom of activity provided to the child, as well as the breadth of his orientation in the world around him and his awareness.

So, an initiative person is characterized by:

Arbitrariness of behavior;


Developed emotional and volitional sphere;

Initiative in various activities;

The desire for self-realization;


Creative approach to activities;

High level of mental abilities;

Cognitive activity.

An initiative personality develops through activity. And since the leading activity of preschool age is play, the higher the level of development of creative initiative, the more varied the play activity, and, consequently, the more dynamic the development of the individual.

Shaping harmoniously developed personality, education of its social orientation is an important task of child psychology and preschool pedagogy.

The main goal of personality development is the most complete realization by a person of himself, his abilities and capabilities, the most complete possible self-expression and self-disclosure. Therefore, activity, initiative, desire for self-realization - essential characteristics personality.

Development of initiative.

1. Give simple tasks (remove the fear of “I can’t handle it”), develop initiative in children.

2. Give tasks that are interesting or those in which a person has a personal interest in doing something.

3. Support initiatives (be prepared to pay for mistakes and failures). Teach how to respond competently to your own mistakes (“Look, there’s a mistake!”).

Formation of independence.

IN preschool pedagogy The development of independence in children has been studied in various types of activities, which, according to researchers, are the main factors in the formation of this personal quality:

Household labor ()

Constructive play activity ();

Artistic activity ();

Game (, etc.).

Each activity has a unique impact on the development of different

components of independence. Thus, the game contributes to the development of activity and initiative (,). IN labor activity there are favorable opportunities for the formation of purposefulness and awareness of actions, persistence in achieving results (,). Productive activities develop the child’s independence from adults and the desire to find adequate means of self-expression.

Gradually, independence of a reproductive nature is replaced by independence with elements of creativity, the level of awareness, self-control, and self-esteem of the child in the process of the type of activity he carries out increases. The problem of instilling independence in preschoolers is considered in two aspects: mental and moral.

There are 3 components of independence development:

1. Intellectual – productive and traditional thinking. The formation of independence, in the opinion, largely depends on the level of formation of memory, thinking, development of attention, speech, etc. Thanks to this, the child is able to subordinate his actions to one or another task and achieve a goal.

2. Emotional - at certain conditions emotions can significantly increase the productivity of mental activity.

3. strong-willed - elements of will that are formed in children as early as preschool age. The level of development of the will depends on the means, forms and methods of education.

Among the indicators of independence, experts note:

The desire to solve problems of activity without the help and participation of others

Ability to set goals for activities;

Carrying out basic planning of activities;

Implementation of the plan and obtaining a result adequate to the goal

We can say that the independence of a preschooler, understood as the child’s desire and ability to persistently solve the problems of his activity, relatively independent from an adult, mobilizing existing experience and knowledge, using search actions, is a significant factor in social and personal maturation and readiness for schooling (, 2008). Independence is manifested in creating plots and organizing joint games, the ability to carry out significant instructions from adults (parents and teachers), the ability to adequately assess own activities and the behavior, activities and behavior of other children.

Initiative and independence are most clearly manifested in games with rules. According to A. N. Leontyev, mastering a rule means mastering one’s behavior. Therefore, the teacher’s task is to motivate children’s play actions by directly participating and emotionally becoming involved in children’s games. In the role of the organizer of the game, the teacher introduces rules into the child’s life, and in the role of a detached observer, he analyzes and controls the children’s actions. Only the combination of these roles can ensure the development of will, arbitrariness, and independence of preschoolers.

1. Provision favorable atmosphere. The teacher's kindness and refusal to express judgments and criticism towards the child contribute to the free expression of divergent thinking (it is characterized by speed, flexibility, originality, accuracy).

2. Enrichment surrounding the child environment with a wide variety of objects and stimuli that are new to him in order to develop his curiosity.

3. Encouraging the expression of original ideas.

4.Usage personal example creative approach to solving problems.

5. Provide opportunities for exercise and practice. Widespread use of divergent questions across a wide variety of areas.

6. Giving children the opportunity to actively ask questions.

7. Systematically enriching the life experience of children.

8. Joint (educational) games between the teacher and children, aimed at imparting gaming experience to them.

9. Timely change subject-game environment taking into account the enriching life and play experience of children.

10. Activating communication between an adult and children, aimed at encouraging them to independently apply new knowledge in the game, ways to solve game problems, facilitating children’s interaction with each other.

Developing independence and activity is an important task in raising preschool children. It is during this period that the child, in his actions and deeds, actively and persistently shows a desire for independence. The relevance of the problem of developing independence in preschool children is associated with certain imbalances in the upbringing of children. Research conducted in Lately, indicate that modern children characterized by infantilism and helplessness syndrome, since adults do not provide children with freedom of choice and do not create conditions for the development of independence. Delay in the development of independence leads to the appearance of childish whims, stubbornness, bad habit constantly rely on the help of others.

Unfortunately, most adults, during the sensitive period of development of independence, suppress the initiative of children, as a result of which children have difficulties in self-care, initiative and relative independence of the child. Every year the number of people who are dependent younger preschoolers is growing steadily.

At the same time, developed independence and activity ensures the formation of a child’s emotional and positive attitude in a team, the balance of his behavior, and activity in relationships with peers. The timely development of independence in preschoolers is a necessary prerequisite for them to show active mutual assistance, care for others, and careful attitude towards things.

The Federal State Educational Standard states that one of the main principles of preschool education is to support children in various activities. Supporting independence and initiative is also a condition necessary for creating a social situation for the child’s development.



Development of children's independence and initiative

The ideology of modern preschool education, set by the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, is to support the diversity of childhood.

The Federal State Educational Standard states that one of the main principles of preschool education is to support children in various activities. Support for the initiative is also a condition necessary for creating a social situation for the development of children.

The problem of developing independence in children has been and remains one of the most pressing in current pedagogy. The volitional qualities of a person are the core side of a person’s character, and serious attention should be paid to their upbringing. A very important volitional quality necessary for a child’s future activities is independence.

Preschool age is a direct continuation of early age in terms of general sensitivity. The formation of independence largely depends on the level of development of memory, thinking, development of attention, speech, etc. Thanks to this, the child is able to subordinate his actions to one or another task, achieve a goal, overcoming the difficulties that arise.

What is independence? It would seem that the answer lies on the surface, but we all understand it a little differently.

Most typical answers:

  • this is an action that a person carries out on his own, without the prompting or help of others;
  • the ability to rely only on one’s own strengths;
  • independence from the opinions of others, freedom to express one’s feelings, creativity;
  • the ability to manage yourself, your time and your life in general;
  • the ability to set yourself tasks that no one has set before you, and solve them yourself.

It is difficult to argue against these definitions. They accurately indicate a person’s independence and, by and large, the maturity of his personality. But how to apply these assessments to a child, say, 2-3 years old? Almost none of them can be used without significant reservations.

Independence does not mean complete freedom of action and behavior; it is always contained within the strict framework of accepted social norms. In this regard, it is not any action alone, but only meaningful and socially acceptable.

A child's sense of purpose manifests itself in unbridled initiatives: washing clothes like mom, or hammering nails like dad. But at first there is neither skill nor perseverance, and in order for the initiative not to be lost, it is necessary to help. And parents, unfortunately, are reluctant to support “attacks” of children’s independence: they are both burdensome and unsafe. But it is also impossible to abruptly stop or often switch the child’s attention to actions that are more reasonable, in the opinion of adults: this will slow down the development of the child’s emerging independence and throw the child back to primitive imitation.

The need for the formation and development of independence is dictated by the needs of society for non-standard people who can think creatively and make discoveries for the benefit of humanity. And the solution to this issue is reflected in the process of developing independence, which allows a person to pose new problems and find new solutions.

Independence– independence, freedom from external influences, coercion, from outside support and assistance. Independence – the ability to act independently, make judgments, have initiative, and determination. Such definitions are given by the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language. In pedagogy, this is one of the volitional spheres of the individual. This is the ability not to be influenced by various factors, to act on the basis of one’s views and motives.

Three stages can be outlined in the development of independence.

The first stage is when the child acts in his usual conditions, in which basic habits were developed, without reminders, encouragement and help from an adult (he himself removes building material after playing; he himself goes to wash his hands when he is called to the table; he himself says “please” ” and “thank you” when asking for something or thanking for help).

The second stage - the child independently uses familiar methods of action in new, unusual, but close and homogeneous situations. For example, having learned to clean her room, Natasha, without prompting from adults, swept her grandmother’s room herself and put the dishes in an unfamiliar closet. Without her mother’s request, Ira herself brought a chair from the room into the kitchen and invited the neighbor, who came to see her mother, to sit down. In kindergarten she was taught to offer a chair to guests.

At the third stage, a further transfer is possible. The mastered rule acquires a generalized character and becomes a criterion for the child to determine his behavior in any conditions.

Thus, independence is always a product of submission to the demands of adults and at the same time the child’s own initiative. And the better, deeper, and more meaningfully a child has mastered the rules of behavior, the greater his ability to proactively and independently apply them in new, diverse living conditions.

The development of children's initiative and independence in a kindergarten is carried out with the help of:

Creating conditions for children to freely choose activities and participants in joint activities;

Creating conditions for children to make decisions, express their feelings and thoughts;

Non-directive assistance to children, support for children’s initiative and independence in various activities(game, research, project, educational, etc.)

In order to awaken initiative and independence in preschoolers, educators use their own methods and techniques. These methods include:

1) Didactic game.

Nowadays, children are surrounded by many different games and toys in kindergarten and at home. One of the types of gaming activity is didactic play, which allows children to become more involved in current life in the forms of intellectual and active practical activity, moral and aesthetic experiences available to them.

2) Productive activities.

Productive activities(design, drawing, modeling, applique).

In the process of productive activity, such important personality qualities as mental activity, curiosity, independence, initiative, which are the main components of creative activity, are formed. The child learns to be active in observation, doing work, learns to show independence and initiative in thinking through content, selecting materials, and using a variety of means of artistic expression.

3) Self-organized activity.

Self-organization is an activity aimed at searching and creatively transforming reality, high adaptability, active mobilization of the individual’s internal resources. Therefore, it is very important to create conditions and provide enough time for active independent activities of children.

The teacher must create a diverse gaming environment (we are talking about a subject-development environment in a preschool educational institution), which should provide the child with cognitive activity, must correspond to his interests and be developmental in nature. The environment should provide children with the opportunity to act individually or together with peers, without imposing mandatory joint activities.

4) Labor activity.

Older preschoolers help each other, control, correct each other, show initiative and independence, have a correct attitude towards evaluating their work, rarely praise themselves, and often show modesty when evaluating their work.(Elkonin D. B.).

Elementary forms of household labor are interesting and important because a unique relationship is established between a child and an adult: these are relationships of real mutual assistance, coordination of actions, and distribution of responsibilities. All these relationships, arising in preschool age, continue to develop in the future.

5) “Projects” method.

The use of the “project method” contributes to the social education of children (understanding of the need for social adaptation of people to each other: the ability to negotiate, respond to ideas put forward by others, the ability to cooperate, accept someone else’s point of view as requiring understanding).

6) Development of communication skills.

The system of game exercises and tasks for the development of children's communication abilities consists of four blocks:

1. develop the ability to collaborate;

2. develop the ability to actively listen;

3. develop the ability to express yourself independently;

4. We develop the ability to independently process information correctly.

7) Development of initiative and independence during classes.

In daily activities, it is necessary to set the following goals: to cultivate independence and initiative, to form the child’s self-awareness, self-confidence, to teach the child to boldly express his opinions.

Conditions for the development of children's initiative and creative self-expression:

  • formation of attitudes “I can”, “I can”;
  • creating a situation of success for each child: “It’s very simple, I’ll help you”;
  • anticipatory positive assessment “You are a very creative child, you will succeed!”

Thus, to support children's independence and initiative it is necessary:

  1. provide children with independence in everything that does not pose a threat to their life and health, helping them realize their own plans;
  2. celebrate and welcome even the minimal successes of children;
  3. do not criticize the results of the child’s activities and himself as an individual;
  4. to form in children the habit of independently finding interesting activities for themselves; teach to freely use toys and aids;
  5. maintain the child’s interest in what he examines and observes at different moments;
  6. to support initiative in creative and leisure activities, at the direction of the child, create all the necessary conditions for him;
  7. keep various entertainment attributes publicly available;
  8. encourage the child's various creative endeavors.

Organization: MADOU d/s No. 6 combined type

Locality: Novgorod region, Okulovka

My pedagogical credo: “Teaching a child means creating conditions for him to fully master his own abilities.”

The need to prepare children for life and pass on accumulated experience to them arose among humanity in ancient times. This was carried out not only in the natural course of life in the family, in the community, when the elders taught and set an example for the younger ones, introducing them to work and instilling the necessary skills.

The problem of developing independence in children has been and remains one of the most pressing in current pedagogy. The volitional qualities of a person are the core side of a person’s character, and serious attention should be paid to their upbringing. A very important volitional quality necessary for a child’s future activities is independence.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation, the “Concept for the Modernization of Russian Education”, the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education in the Russian Federation” and other regulatory documents of the Russian Federation formulate the state’s social order for the education system: the education of an initiative, responsible person who is ready to make independent decisions in a situation of choice.

The Federal State Educational Standard states that one of the main principles of preschool education is to support children in various activities. Support for the initiative is also a condition necessary for creating a social situation for the development of children.

Children's independence has recently become increasingly an object increased attention, because it is necessary to solve the problem of preparing the younger generation for living conditions in modern society, a practice-oriented approach to organizing the educational process. Children in the process of upbringing and learning in kindergarten must learn to independently set goals and objectives for their activities, analyze its conditions, formulate problems and hypotheses, assumptions about options for solving problem situations, find means for this, overcome disagreements, organize and correct the course as an individual , and joint activities, achieving a positive result.

My activity as a teacher is aimed at developing the initiative and independence of children through person-oriented interaction, which ensures the development and self-development of the child’s personality, based on the identification of his individual characteristics, which I determine through systematic observations. I place the child’s personality at the center of the educational system, ensuring comfortable, conflict-free and safe conditions its development,

realizing its natural potential. The formation of a harmoniously developed personality, the education of its social orientation is a priority task for me.

As a result of analyzing the literature on the development of independence in children, I formulated the concepts of initiative, independence and responsibility of preschoolers, which help me solve the problem of forming an active, independent, creative personality. The authors note that independence is one of the leading qualities of a person, expressed in the ability to set a specific goal, persistently achieve its fulfillment on one’s own, take a responsible attitude towards one’s activities, and act consciously and proactively not only in a familiar environment, but also in new conditions, requiring non-standard decisions.

Having studied the work of psychologists, I concluded that an initiative person is characterized by:

Arbitrariness of behavior;


Developed emotional-volitional sphere;

Initiative in various activities;

The desire for self-realization;


Creative approach to activities;

High level of mental abilities;

Cognitive activity.

Based on this, I structure my activities so that every child can realize himself, develop his mental and creative abilities through cognitive activity, and become more sociable and friendly. Therefore, I create conditions for children to freely choose activities and participants in joint activities; I create conditions for children to make decisions, express their feelings and thoughts; I provide non-directive assistance to children, support for children’s initiative and independence in various types of activities (play, research, design, educational, etc.).

Person-centered model free upbringing focuses on providing the child with freedom of choice and independence; this is also facilitated by children mastering the ability to set a goal (or accept it from a teacher), think about the path to achieving it, implement their plan, and evaluate the result from the position of the goal. In accordance with this, together with the children we develop goals, the content of the lesson, evaluate the results, being in a state of cooperation and co-creation. Making a choice, child in the best possible way implements the position of the subject, going to the result from internal motivation, and not from external influence. To do this, every morning in my group we spend morning gathering, where joint activities are planned for the day. And at the end of the day, a final assembly is held, at which the children evaluate the work done.

A necessary condition for the development of proactive behavior is its upbringing in conditions of developmental, rather than authoritarian, communication. So I use pedagogical communication, based on the principles of love, understanding, tolerance and orderliness of activity, which is a condition for the full development of positive freedom and independence of the child.

I use technology in my work project activities, which, in my opinion, is most suitable for developing initiative and independence in children, developing the ability to make choices, and for the third year now I have been leading the regional methodological association “Project Activities in Preschool Education Institutions”. During this time, a wealth of practical experience has been accumulated, different types projects. In project activities, I try to be a partner, a child’s assistant.

Also great importance I attach importance to the use of health-saving technologies. To do this, I consult with parents about maintaining and promoting health, the rules of communication and strangers and unfamiliar animals. We talk with children about methods of maintaining health, watch educational films and presentations, and design visual aids. Together we made a model of “The Streets of Our City”, where we set the rules traffic, studied during educational activities, and then during excursions, children apply the acquired knowledge. All this helps children take care of their own health and protect it.

During educational activities and in regime moments I conduct educational games, create game and problem situations, use nursery rhymes and reminders, which leads to better memorization and conscious independent application of personal hygiene rules. Together we make visual aids and draw up algorithms for actions: washing, dressing, setting the table, which allow the preschooler to subsequently apply them independently and effectively. A variety of solutions help solve problems of a healthy lifestyle and safe behavior, tasks related to the provision of basic medical care role-playing games, attributes for which we made together with our parents. Children love to play Ambulance", "Firefighters", "Police". My task as a teacher is to develop in children a reasonable attitude towards their body, to instill the necessary sanitary and hygienic skills, to teach healthy image life since childhood. For this purpose, I have developed a health-saving system, which includes the following forms of work: physical education sessions, a set of exercises after sleep, acupressure, self-massage; articulation gymnastics; visual gymnastics; finger gymnastics; breathing exercises; physical education minutes; fairytale therapy; relaxation, relaxation exercises.

To include these forms of work in the project, thematic card files of finger and outdoor games, breathing and articulation exercises, morning exercises and exercises after sleep were prepared. To conduct visual gymnastics, the space around the working panel is decorated with 3D stickers,

depicting vehicles moving in different directions. Also, card indexes of riddles, counting rhymes, and works of fiction have been selected, which help the teacher to use time more productively and prepare faster necessary materials for classes. During educational activities, I always take into account the interests of each child; for this purpose, I select topics or problems from the child’s close environment and appropriate to his age; I always give children the opportunity to act independently and support children’s initiatives, so together we gradually achieve our goals.

The scheme for the development of any type of activity in accordance with the concept of L. S. Vygotsky is as follows: first it is carried out in joint activity with adults, then in joint activity with peers and, finally, it becomes an independent activity of the child. Wherein highest form Children's independence is creativity. An enterprising child must be able to realize his or her activities creatively and demonstrate cognitive activity. Behind long years During my work, I noticed that independent visual activity is one of the indicators of the level of development of children and has great potential for the implementation of many educational tasks, the development of such personality qualities as initiative, independence, and creative activity. This is facilitated by the creation of a diverse subject-development environment, which ensures the cognitive activity of each child, corresponds to his interests and is developmental in nature. Therefore, I try to create an educational environment with favorable conditions for the development of children, providing different types of activity, which becomes the basis for independent activity, in which each of the children could actively act, in accordance with their needs, interests, goals and capabilities, individually or together with peers, without imposing mandatory joint activities. I, as a teacher, get involved in children’s activities in cases conflict situations that require adult intervention, or, if necessary, I help a particular child join a peer group. I have organized the subject-developmental environment in such a way that every child has the opportunity to do what they love, in accordance with their individual and age characteristics, through the leading activity – the game. For this purpose the following are issued:

* The “Family” center, which has sets for organizing the games “Hairdresser”, “Hospital”, “Shop” are placed in special containers, as well as a dressing room with a mirror, where there are outfits for both girls and boys;

* The “We are Builders” Center, which, in addition to building materials, has a large fleet of vehicles and a workshop with tools;

* sports section with equipment and masks for independent sports and outdoor games;

* Research center with a corner of nature and various collections collected together with children;

* Center artistic creativity, where there are felt-tip pens, crayons, pencil sets, stencils, plasticine, molds for modeling, drawing paper, gouache and brushes, stamps, cotton buds;

* Center for educational games, in which there are different types of mosaics, lotto different topics, desktop and didactic games, which contribute to the enrichment of children’s sensory and tactile experience, the development of attention, memory, hearing, as well as the formation sensory standards;

* Music corner where there is musical instruments and toys;

* Theater corner, which presents various types of theater: table theater, finger, theater rubber toys and each child can choose exactly the theater that is closest and most convenient to him. Meeting characters from fairy tales helps children relax, relieve tension, and create a joyful atmosphere.

Such an environment contributes to the development creativity, awakens imagination, activity, teaches communication, vivid expression of one’s feelings.

Independent visual activity arises on the initiative of children to meet their individual needs.

The children in my group love to make gifts, and if a child wants to draw, sculpt or make a toy for a specific person or group of people, to make decorations for the holidays, and also help in making aids for games, if desired, practice the skills acquired during educational activities - I think this high level independence.

Develop independent visual arts the huge thematic selection of patterns I have collected for drawing and modeling, designing from various types helps building material, mosaic diagrams and others board games, which are located in a place accessible to children, help them take initiative and independently implement their plans. My task as a teacher is, without violating the child’s plans, to help him if such a need arises. If you help a child regularly, the second component of independence will soon be revealed in his actions - purposefulness, manifested in passion for the task, the desire to get not just any, but desired result. The child becomes diligent, persistent, and organized. Failure does not become a reason to abandon your plan, but forces you to redouble your efforts and, if necessary, even seek help. It is very important to help the child in time - this is necessary condition development of his independence. I develop children's independence using hints, drawing attention to a subject, object, developmental questions, suggestions, assessment of results and level of independence, fiction, fantasy. At the same time, I give the children the opportunity to choose their favorite natural, waste and non-traditional materials for work, which we have collected in abundance

together with parents and is available to children for viewing, studying and making crafts. All this, collected, manufactured and purchased, gives me the opportunity to offer the child different ideas for making any toy or gift. Together we collect, explore and experiment with different materials, objects, thereby I develop their creative imagination. Also in my work with children I use a variety of artistic materials: wax crayons, gouache, watercolor, Finger paint, plasticine, salty dough, clay, natural, waste, non-traditional materials, etc., which allows the child to independently choose the material that interests him and create bright and memorable works.

An initiative personality develops through activity. And since the leading activity of preschool age is play, then educational activities, at the same time, it should also be playful, which will help the personality of each child develop more dynamically. The initiative of the children in my group is manifested in all types of activities, but most clearly in communication, object-based activities, play; they strive for organization independent games, productive activities, meaningful communication, they are able to find an activity that suits their own desires, join in the conversation, and offer interesting things to do to other children. In preschool age, initiative is associated with the manifestation of curiosity, an inquisitive mind, and inventiveness; an enterprising child is distinguished by meaningful interests. And yet the child must be encouraged to activity; the motive is important. Motivation encourages a child to engage in activity and gives this activity a goal-oriented direction. Therefore, when organizing children's activities, I always use different types of motivation, this is play motivation - “Help the toy” (the doll Anechka does not know when to put on mittens), in which the child achieves the learning goal by solving the problems of toys; and help to an adult - “Help me” (to loosen the soil of the flowers, it is difficult for them to “breathe”), when the motive for children is communication with an adult, the opportunity to gain approval, as well as interest in joint affairs that can be done together. I also use a motive such as “Teach me” (I don’t know how to play a transformer, explain how it turns into a car), which is based on the child’s desire to feel knowledgeable and capable. And such a motive as “creating objects with your own hands for yourself,” based on the child’s inner interest, encourages children to create objects and crafts for their own use or for their loved ones. Children are sincerely proud of their crafts and willingly use them.

When motivating children, I do not impose my vision on solving the problem on the child (maybe the child will have his own way of solving the problem). When performing joint actions, I ask the child for permission to engage in a common activity with him, I always praise the child for the result obtained, acting together with the child, I introduce him to my plans and ways to achieve them. By following these rules,

I give children new knowledge, teach them certain skills, and develop the necessary skills.

In order to optimize the process mental development for preschoolers I use computer and multimedia teaching aids, which stimulates cognitive interest pupils,

It is known that “It is better to see once than to hear a hundred times,” this prompted me to create various thematic presentations for children, which helped me communicate new knowledge about objects or phenomena to children in a more interesting way.

I also use training computer programs, with the help of which children’s learning is improved, the motivation and interest of children in classes increases significantly. Using a computer allows you to activate involuntary attention, increase interest in learning, and expand the ability to work with visual material, which helps achieve your goals.

I believe that my role in the process of developing children's independence and initiative is significant, since it is aimed at developing curiosity and creative imagination, mental and artistic abilities, communication skills, which will help children learn to pose new problems and find new solutions.


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