What can be made for physical education in the dow. Making a sports corner in kindergarten

Do-it-yourself dumbbells from plastic bottles are easy to make!

You can not buy expensive exercise equipment and dumbbells, but make them yourself from plastic bottles. This will require quite a bit. The source material can be found in almost every home, and the work is not very difficult, which everyone can handle. The main thing, as always, is desire.

So, to make dumbbells from plastic bottles with your own hands, you will need some material. First of all, you need plastic bottles. It will depend on the size of the finished dumbbells from plastic bottles. But usually choose two-liter bottles.

In addition to the bottles, which will be the basis for creating dumbbells with your own hands, you will also need to prepare clean river or construction sand, which will be used as a filler for bottle dumbbells.

To connect the structural elements of dumbbells, you will also need a good cork that fits tightly into the neck of the selected plastic bottles. The tighter the cork is, the better. By the way, it can be replaced with any other suitable material, for example, a wooden stick of a suitable diameter and size.

In addition, to create dumbbells from plastic bottles with your own hands, you need to prepare an insulating tape, good glue and scissors. Instead of scissors, you can also use a well-sharpened, sharp knife.

How to make DIY dumbbells from plastic bottles

Plastic bottles are prepared properly. They need to be washed well, peeled off labels and stickers, and then dried thoroughly. After that, they begin to create blanks.

Plastic bottle dumbbells are made from mini bottles that are made from large bottles. To do this, you need to cut off the top of the selected plastic bottle and its bottom. The height of the cut bottle from the top should be approximately ten or fifteen centimeters, including the neck of the plastic bottle.

The lower part is cut off so that there is a margin for gluing.

After that, both blanks are combined with each other and planted on high-quality and sufficiently strong glue. To give homemade dumbbells from plastic bottles an additional margin of safety, the connection is tightly wrapped with several layers of electrical tape.

As a result of all these manipulations, you should get a kind of mini plastic bottle, which is part of the future dumbbell. But to create dumbbells, you need to make two such bottles, so the same thing is repeated with another plastic bottle prepared in advance.

After the blanks are ready, clean river or building sand is poured into them, which gives weight to the dumbbells. Then both "mini-bottles" are connected with a tight cork. The connection is also tightly wrapped with electrical tape to give homemade dumbbells from plastic bottles more strength.

Everything - dumbbells from plastic bottles are ready and you can proceed directly to the exercises.

Non-traditional non-standard physical education equipment in kindergarten

"Health from above is given to us,
Learn, baby, to take care of him"

One of the priorities in the formation of a healthy lifestyle in preschool children is the creation of motivation, training and instilling healthy lifestyle skills in preschool children.

An important direction in the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in children is a properly organized subject-spatial environment, primarily a motor subject-developing environment. It should be of a developing nature, be diverse, dynamic, transformable, multifunctional.

To do this, in our kindergarten we use non-standard sports equipment made by ourselves, because new sports equipment is always an additional incentive to activate physical education and health work.

The task of promoting health is one of the priority areas in the work of our kindergarten. The resistance of the body to adverse environmental factors, the decrease in the incidence rate depends not only on the individual characteristics of the child's body, but also on the timely and correct implementation of special recreational activities.

When designing the object-spatial environment of a group, a street area, sports and music halls, a pool room that contributes to the formation of a healthy lifestyle for preschool children, we proceed from the need to take into account the following factors:

1) individual socio-psychological characteristics of the child;

2) features of his emotional and personal development;

3) individual interests, inclinations, preferences and needs of children.

Every year, the work of our preschool educational institution begins with the diagnosis of the physical development and motor activity of children, as a result of which physical culture and health work is carried out, aimed at improving the health of children (hardening events, physical education, sports activities, work with parents to promote a healthy lifestyle).

The effectiveness of the classes is influenced by high-quality and deeply thought-out preliminary work on the preparation of all the necessary manuals and equipment that will help to conduct the complex in a lively, emotionally, interesting way. Questionnaires of parents and conversations with them are obligatory. Our task is to saturate the space of the group, the street section of the group, the music and sports halls, the pool room with inexpensive, non-standard, multifunctional equipment and inventory that meets hygienic, anatomical, physiological, mental, aesthetic, ergonomic and other requirements, which meets all sanitary and hygienic requirements and norms.

As practice has shown, the developmental environment alone already makes it possible to increase motor activity, to push the preschooler to a movement made of his own free will, desire, without coercion.

I have developed various types of exercises using non-standard physical culture equipment made by me, colleagues and parents, which are successfully applied in practice. In our group, a sports corner or "Health Corner" has been created, where, in a place accessible to children, there are aids for the development of physical activity. This is both factory-made sports equipment and non-standard ones (tunnels, hemp, dumbbells, multi-colored planar circles, colored tracks, rattles, fabric balls, etc.).

Non-standard equipment is always an additional incentive to intensify physical culture and health work. The use of this equipment and aids increases the number of exercises for different muscle groups, and also allows you to apply a differentiated method of working with children with various pathologies.

In our preschool institution there is a separate sports hall and exercise therapy hall, a swimming pool, a treadmill, a music hall, each age group has its own area. The colorful multi-functional equipment installed in the gym, exercise therapy room, music room, swimming pool, and outdoor areas not only delights children, but also expands the possibilities for performing diverse movements, exercises and games.

Children with great pleasure climb, run, jump, perform all kinds of exercises, play outdoor games. Through non-standard equipment, introducing elements of unusualness, new interests, we satisfy the child's urgent need for movement. It serves as an important condition for the formation of all systems and functions of the body, one of the ways of understanding the world, orientation in it, as well as a means of comprehensive development of a preschooler.

We believe that movement is the basis of health, therefore we set ourselves the following tasks:

    create a developing environment by introducing non-standard equipment;

    help children gain experience and knowledge to improve their physical and mental health;

    stimulate to include in the process of motor activity, encourage him to self-knowledge, create conditions for the internal activity of the individual and its further successful socialization;

    direct the joint work of the entire teaching staff and parents on the development and hardening of the body of each child;

    to form the skills of self-regulation of the preschooler's behavior, aimed at the conscious preservation and strengthening of their health, which will allow children to be physically, mentally and socially more prosperous in the transition from the artificially structured environment of the preschool educational institution to situations of the real world, everyday life.


In preschool № 459


Description of tracks, tracks: waste material - bars sawn in half and fixed on a long board, mats woven from thick fishing line with wooden balls of various sizes fixed on it (from small to large and from large to small) for tracks and tracks, parts of a plastic coating with pile; on durable rough plastic, pieces of carpets of various pile textures, parts of a plastic constructor, tubes of multi-colored felt-tip pens, markers are glued.

Bim - Bom, Bim - Bom, we are going to kindergarten. We walk along the path, strengthen our legs. Our legs, our legs, deftly walk along the path ...


Description: fabric is sewn on the hoop, the other end is free


Description: made from various shreds of fabric, filled with dry cereals, small balls, small toys.

Sticks of various sizes

Description: well-polished sticks of different lengths and diameters and decorated with bright packaging materials.


Description: cut from carpets, with different textures and levels of pile hardness, wide and narrow, short and long.

Don't be afraid of the dark, crawl through the tunnel and find Drakosha!

colorful balls

Description: 2 fishing lines are stretched from the wall to the opposite wall along the length of the hall, 10-12 multi-colored balls are threaded on them, which can be moved with a long stick held in a vertical position.

On walks, we reach for the bells suspended on sticks, which the teacher holds, adjusting the height according to the height of each child.

For playing on a walk, I also use a large parrot made by myself (with the help of my parents), which is suspended from a high rack. Children alternately “feed the parrot” - throwing small plastic balls into it - “grains”

Magic jars, Magic bag

Description: waste packaging material. Lids are glued to tin so that they do not open and are painted with paints in the same style or in different ways, cardboard can be used both for organizing the game “Shop”, “Home”, and for sports exercises: “Build a tower with legs”, “Step over, hitting the top of the tower, etc.

The pouch is sewn from a small flap of fabric, which is tightened on top with a string, or with an elastic band.

Skis from plastic bottles

Description: the bottles are cut so that the child's foot enters, the edges are glued with colored electrical tape or colored paper, which is reinforced with adhesive tape or tied with a large crochet hook and thick threads through holes made in advance.


Description: white plastic bottles, decorated with a narrow colored ribbon, filled with sand, 150-200g each

Multicolored plane circles

Description: linoleum


Metal and plastic arcs of different heights, mounted on stable stands, are decorated with packaging material, secured with adhesive tape.

Rattles and balls

Factory-made and made from packaging material, ice cream and kinder surprises, filled with small balls, sand, cut tubes for drinks.

Both standard and non-standard equipment is used constantly and in all activities of children and in any class.

The equipment of the group site was created by one's own hands and with the help of the pupils' parents.


"Walkers" We put the legs so that the "pigtail" is under the arch of the foot and sideways we pass along the entire length.

“Legs - helpers” It is necessary to grab the inhabitant of the house with the toes and lower him through the roof into the dwelling. Or load the car with various loads without touching the loads with your hands.

"Big construction site" Playing with sand can be varied. And not only on the street, but also in the group. We in the group have a large container with sand, in which children like to play not only with their hands, but also with their feet. During the game, everything must be done only with legs, toes.

“Spread into containers” Use your toes to grab the toy and place it in the compartment of the container.

In the same way, we share small toys from Kinder Surprise, which are poured into a common container in different cups so that everyone gets it equally (you can compete who will pick up a lot of toys faster).

“Surprise to himself” Lying on his back, a child (objects, toys are laid out in front of his feet) collects small toys with his feet in a box, surprise objects and closes it with a lid, then tells what he has collected. Then we check everything together.

"Magic bag" Blindfolded, the child takes out an object from the bag, feels it, describes it, tries to name the object and determine its purpose.

It is interesting and unusual to use the toys that they bring from home when working with children. "Fishing rod with fish" We hold a fishing rod with a leg and catch fish. Everyone plays and we hold competitions between the legs. Which leg (left or right) caught more fish, that one won!

"Lilliputians in Gulliver's Country" The bell is hung on a stick and the teacher adjusts the lifting of the stick depending on the height of each child. It is necessary to call him by reaching out.

“Feed the parrot” (you can take any other toy - a mitten) Everyone needs to throw a “seed” - a ball into the mitten. But to do this is not just a shy parrot and sits high! Reach out and feed!

"Knight's Tournament" In boxing gloves, we unfold small objects. You can hide one hand in a glove, and leave the other free.

"Cinderella" We mix various cereals for children. The older the children, the smaller the cereal! You can take peas and beans. They sort it out on their knees or lying down in different containers.

Relay "Reach for the picture" Children need to reach out to part of the picture and disconnect it. Then, when all parts are removed, it is necessary to assemble the picture. The team that completes the picture the fastest wins.

Relay "Sew a dress for a friend" For work, you need to collect flowers and laces. Each of the children chooses 1 flower and 1 lace from the total mass with their legs, then, having walked along the “magic paths”, “sews” the flower to the dress. The team that "sews" the dress faster will win.

“We are going on a hike” With legs we put in a backpack those items and things that are necessary on a hike, we fasten it. In the same way, “We are going to school”, “To the grandmother in the village”, etc.

“Visiting the Rabbit” In a small Bull-backpack we put a small toy - a gift to the Rabbit. You have to crawl under the arches and go through the tunnel so that the gift is not damaged. Arches can be of different heights, descending or ascending.

"Help the guests get to the Mole" The tunnel is the Mole's mink. Guests are toys. It is necessary to crawl through the tunnel with toys - guests and deliver them to the Mole.

"Pencils in glasses" There is a large mass of colored pencils for drawing in front of the children. With your toes, we arrange the pencils in the glasses so that each glass contains pencils of all colors.

“Lids” It is necessary to screw the caps on the bottles with your toes, which the other child also holds with his feet, first on one, for example, with his right foot, then with his left on the other bottle. Then the children change places.

"Legs - artists" It is necessary to hold the brush with your feet, you can draw something alone. Then we all together consider who and what happened.

"Water Carriers" There are two containers in front of the child. One with water, the other empty and a spoon. It is necessary with a spoon, which we hold with our toes, to pour water from a full container into an empty one.

"Builders" With our feet we build a building from wooden building material. Then we all together decide whose construction is better and stronger.

"Legs and handles" The child between the palms and between the feet of the legs clamps the sticks and tries to twist them at the same speed.

Having non-standard equipment, the teacher can simulate a lesson, diversify holidays and entertainment. After all, active actions with objects in the process of exercises contribute to the knowledge of color, weight, shape, quality of the material and other properties of the object, allow you to build the process of learning and development in an interesting way and with maximum benefit for the child.

Many people want to keep fit and play sports, but not everyone has the opportunity to visit professional fitness centers for a number of reasons. Do not be upset, because this problem can be easily solved. In one of our articles, we told, taking into account all the technical nuances. But to start classes, you need to have at least a minimum set of sports equipment.

Modern sporting goods stores offer a wide variety of exercise equipment, but the prices for them are very “bite”. Therefore, many became interested in how to make equipment for a home gym with their own hands, without spending a lot of money. This is what will be discussed in this article.

Homemade punching bag for the home gym

A punching bag is one of the most necessary equipment that will help you develop the strength and technique of punching. Making it yourself is pretty easy:

  • To do this, you need to take an old fire hose and rip one of the folds;
  • You should get a canvas strip that needs to be washed and boiled so that the fabric is not too stiff and does not hurt your hands;

  • We measure the desired length from the workpiece and sew a cylindrical bag with a diameter of up to half a meter. Inside we place another tight bag, well stuffed with sawdust, grain or plastic granules. It is not recommended to fill the product with sand, because it will be too hard at the bottom and soft at the top. This will create inconvenience;
  • The finished projectile is best attached to the ceiling with a chain or rope. You can also fix the inventory on a bracket, crossbar or Swedish wall. When exercising outdoors, the bag is hung on a strong tree.

There is another option on how to make a punching bag at home with your own hands. It will turn out the so-called "pugnacious bag", which will help train the reaction and learn how to dodge the blow.

  • Stuff a small piece of a fire hose with unnecessary things or rags and fix it well on both sides;
  • Hang the product on a tight elastic band or fasten the stretch on two bundles. On impact, the bag will spring back.

Also, such do-it-yourself sports equipment can be made from a tarpaulin from a car cover, but it will have to be sewn together in several layers so that it does not tear.

Homemade kettlebell for home gym

The simplest version of this inventory is a plastic canister with a comfortable handle. It can be filled with sand, gravel or small coins. You can cast the product yourself by making a metal case and lead "insides". But you should not create a projectile completely from lead, since the specified metal, in contact with the skin, can harm it.

There are a couple more simple ways to make a kettlebell with your own hands:

  • We put three strong bags into each other, fill in the filler, and give the product the desired shape with adhesive tape. How it will look, look at the photo below;

  • We turn the tube of small diameter into a handle. In a ball with a dense shell (basketball is best), we make a cut, put large bolts and metal waste inside, pour concrete mixture. In it we fix the handle, connecting its ends to each other. Then we sew the incision tightly. The disadvantage of such a weight is that it will be difficult to calculate its exact weight.

Do-it-yourself dumbbells and barbell from plastic bottles

Dumbbells are one of the most common sports equipment that can be used in a variety of exercises. They can be easily made from improvised materials. The easiest option is to use plastic bottles.

Instructions on how to make dumbbells with your own hands:

  1. To assemble one pair of shells, you will need 4 bottles. Their middle part is cut out, and the top and bottom are fastened together with electrical tape;
  2. Filler is loaded into the resulting containers, for example, a mixture of cement and sand. To increase the weight, metal elements (bearings, nails, small scrap metal) must be placed in the filler;
  3. Next, the two parts of the bottles are interconnected by a tube or a strong wooden stick, which must be inserted into the necks;
  4. The joints and the resulting handle are wrapped with tape or tape.

Before starting a workout, double-check all joints so that the filling material does not "leak" out.

Plastic bottles can also be used to create a barbell. Since the design involves more weight than dumbbells, therefore, more material will be needed.

A simple diagram of how to make a barbell with your own hands:

  1. We take at least 8 whole plastic bottles and fill them with filler. The weight of each element should be the same so that during the exercises there is no skew to the sides;
  2. As a neck, we use an armature (wrapped with tape) or a pipe that fits comfortably in our hands;
  3. Ready weights are evenly placed at each end of the neck and tightly tightened with electrical tape. Each side should have 4 filled bottles. Be sure to check the tightness of the connection and do not regret the electrical tape if the neck moves out;
  4. To increase the weight of the projectile, additional weights can be placed on top of the bottles, for example, from wooden bars, also taping them with tape to the main cargo.

You can increase the weight on such a bar up to 100 kg. And to make it easier to calculate how much homemade inventory will weigh, use the following data:

Weight of a 2 liter plastic bottle (in kg):

  • With water - 1.997;
  • With crushed stone (sandstone) - 2,600;
  • With compacted sand - 3.360;
  • With wet sand - 3,840;
  • With lead - 22,800.

Do-it-yourself barbell bench

Almost all sports equipment can be used as separate units without additional equipment. And to work with the barbell, a special bench for the bench press is required. To make it, you must have the skills to work with metal.

To create a metal base you will need:

  • Drill;
  • Bulgarian;
  • Profile pipe with a section of 40x40 mm;
  • Roulette;
  • Vise;
  • Steel strip (length 140 mm, width 40 mm);
  • Welding machine.

We make a bench under the bar:

  1. We cut 2 pieces of pipe 830 mm long each. They will be used to support the bar, so they need to be as strong as possible. From the bottom of each product, 340 mm is measured and a mark is made with a simple pencil;
  2. We install two pipes at a distance of 520 mm from each other and at a height of 340 mm (this is how much you need to retreat from the weld to the base). The weld must be made taking into account the fact that it will be subjected to a load of more than 100 kg;
  3. The support element for the bench will have a length of 970 mm. It will combine the structure with the rear and front supports (it is placed on the back on top, and attached to the side by welding in front);
  4. On the reverse side, a 340 mm leg cuts;
  5. To evenly distribute the load on the floor plane, an extension of 220 mm is made under the front legs, and 300 mm under the back. The joints are well welded;
  6. From a steel strip in a vice, 2 supports are bent in the form of the letter “J” of the same length. Their rear protrusion should be high (7-8 cm), and the front, on the contrary, should be small.

Also, holes with a diameter of 1 cm should be provided in the design. They are used for the entry of rods and are located at a distance of 160 mm from the center of the beam that unites the front legs (see drawing).

  • Roulette;
  • Bulgarian;
  • Door hinges;
  • Sheet steel 2 mm;
  • Welding machine;
  • Reinforcing rod without ribs;
  • Foam rubber;
  • rubberized fabric;
  • Cutting board.

Stages of work:

  1. We cut steel sheets 350x160 and 350x940 mm in size. We fix the first with a weld in the leg area with a protrusion outside the pipe of 1 cm;
  2. We fix the second one with a steel loop by welding it with one side to the pipe, and the other to the steel plate;
  3. On the reverse side, 100 mm recedes and two ribless fittings 300 mm long are fixed. This will allow you to set the backrest at an angle;
  4. At the final stage, we lay a chipboard or edged board on top so that it protrudes half a centimeter in each side. Only at the junction of two plates, on the contrary, it is necessary to cut 1 cm each.

All joints of metal and wood are carefully fixed with self-tapping screws so as not to break through the wooden surface. From above, the structure is wrapped with foam rubber and wrapped with a rubberized fabric with maximum density.

Do-it-yourself press roller

The ab roller is the simplest effective projectile that many people use. It's pretty easy to make.

The main part for such a device is a wheel with a diameter of about 10-20 cm. This spare part from a stroller, a children's bicycle or a large toy is quite suitable. The second necessary detail is a metal tube (you can also use a plastic pipe or a piece of wooden handle). The length of this element is at least 30 cm, and the diameter is at least 3 cm (it should be as close as possible to the hole).

The easiest assembly method is when the tube is threaded into the hole in the wheel and secured on both sides with electrical tape. You can come up with other fasteners, for example, by putting on a plastic bottle cap on each side.

There is another option, how to make a do-it-yourself press simulator. In this case, the design will be more reliable. To do this, we take a metal rod with a threaded thread, thread it through the hole in the wheel and fix it with nuts. For convenience, we put on it two pieces of an irrigation hose on each side.

As you can see, you can make home exercise equipment yourself, and it is not at all necessary to buy expensive equipment that many stores offer. You just need to stock up on the necessary materials, spend a little time and effort, then you can fully equip your sports corner for comfortable and effective workouts.

Video: Homemade bar from plastic bottles

One of the priorities in the formation of a healthy lifestyle in preschool children is the creation of motivation, training and instilling healthy lifestyle skills in preschool children.

An important direction in the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in children is a properly organized subject-spatial environment, primarily a motor subject-developing environment. It should be of a developing nature, be diverse, dynamic, transformable, multifunctional.

To do this, in our kindergarten No. 63, we use non-standard sports equipment made by ourselves, because new sports equipment is always an additional incentive to activate physical education and health work.

The task of promoting health is one of the priority areas in the work of the kindergarten. The body's resistance to adverse environmental factors depends not only on the individual characteristics of the child's body, but also on the timely and correct implementation of special health measures.

When designing a subject-spatial environment that contributes to the formation of a healthy lifestyle for preschool children, one should proceed from the need to take into account the following factors:

1) individual socio-psychological characteristics of the child;

2) features of his emotional and personal development;

3) individual interests, inclinations, preferences and needs.

Every year, the work of our preschool institution begins with the diagnosis of the physical development and motor activity of children, as a result of which physical culture and health work is carried out, aimed at improving the health of children (hardening events, physical education, sports activities, work with parents to promote a healthy lifestyle).

The effectiveness of the classes is influenced by high-quality and deeply thought-out preliminary work on the preparation of all the necessary manuals and equipment that will help to conduct the complex in a lively, emotionally, interesting way. My task is to saturate the space of the gym with inexpensive, non-standard, multifunctional equipment and inventory that meets hygienic, anatomical, physiological, mental, aesthetic, ergonomic and other requirements, which meets all sanitary and hygienic requirements and standards.

I have developed outlines of classes and entertainment using non-standard physical education equipment made by me, which are successfully applied in practice. Under my leadership, in each age group, a sports corner or "Health Corner" was created, where manuals for the development of motor activity are located in an accessible place for children. This is both factory-made sports equipment and non-standard ones made by teachers and parents (tunnels, hemp, dumbbells, multi-colored flat circles, ring throwers, snowshoes, colored tracks, fabric sultans, classics, foam rubber logs, etc.).

The preschool institution has a separate sports hall, a lined sports ground on the street, a treadmill. All this contributes to the solution of the following tasks:

"Health from above is given to us,
Learn, baby, to take care of him"

The colorful multifunctional equipment installed in the gym not only causes great delight in children, but also allows you to expand the possibilities for performing various movements and exercises.

We achieve through non-standard equipment, introducing elements of unusualness, thereby arousing interest, a desire to play with new attributes for them. Children with great pleasure climb, run, jump, perform all kinds of exercises, play outdoor games. Therefore, it is imperative to satisfy the child's need for movement. It serves as an important condition for the formation of all systems and functions of the body, one of the ways of understanding the world, orientation in it, as well as a means of comprehensive development of a preschooler.

We believe that movement is the basis of health, therefore we set ourselves the following tasks:

  • create a developing environment by introducing non-standard equipment;
  • help to accumulate knowledge experience to strengthen his physical and mental health;
  • stimulate to include in the process of motor activity, encourage him to self-knowledge, create conditions for the internal activity of the individual;
  • direct the joint work of the entire teaching staff and parents on the development and hardening of the body;
  • to form the skills of self-regulation of the behavior of a preschooler, aimed at the conscious preservation and strengthening of their health, and this allows them to be physically, mentally and socially more prosperous in the transition from the artificially structured environment of the preschool educational institution to situations of the real world, everyday life.

As practice has shown, the developmental environment alone already makes it possible to increase motor activity, to push the preschooler to a movement made of his own free will, desire, without coercion. Therefore, one of the first tasks in the work on physical development was the design of the hall in order to give it a bright, unusual look and do everything possible so that it does not resemble a government building with a Swedish wall, balls and shelves.

Non-standard equipment is always an additional incentive to intensify physical culture and health work. The manuals and non-standard equipment developed in our kindergarten are simple and inexpensive. The use of these aids and equipment increases the number of exercises for different muscle groups, and also allows you to apply a differentiated method of working with children with various pathologies.



Racks with 4 crossbeams.

Description: Waste material made of oilcloths, a cardboard tube with holes and hooks for changing the height.

I will lift my leg deftly, and I will slip through the window


Description: fabric is stuffed on the hoop, the other end is free

Purpose of use: develops coordination of movements, dexterity, courage, the ability to climb on all fours, leaning on the palms and knees in a confined space to navigate in it.

Don't be afraid of the dark, crawl through the tunnels

Green racks

Description: cardboard tube with holes

Purpose of use: develop flexibility, coordination, exercise in crawling, climbing, walking, jumping, orientation in space.

Racks are multifunctional. With preschoolers of older age, national sports games "Nimble little horseman", "Dzhigitovka" are held

Relay race on the Ossetian theme: "Tunnel in the mountains"

4. Hemp

Description: natural cuts of different heights

Purpose of use: ATS reinforcement: jumping, walking, running

From stump to stump, that's the whole lesson
I’ll run between the fir trees and get into the woods

Towers with eagles

Purpose of use: raises interest in the competition. The ability to be agile and fast.

Relay races "Papakha Atsamaza", "Dzhigitovka", etc.

Towers stand majestically looking

colorful balls

Description: 2 fishing lines are stretched from wall to wall, 10 multi-colored balls are threaded on them, which can be moved. The length of the lines is 6 meters.

Purpose of use: prevention in violation of posture, the development of ATS

The balls move with the help of a gymnastic stick or a hoop.

Reach for the ball and walk with it

Skis from plastic bottles

Description: the bottles are cut so that the foot enters, the edges are pasted over with colored electrical tape.

Purpose of use: develops coordination of movements, physical qualities

In relay games, such as "On the mountain ski trail"


Description: white plastic bottles, decorated with a narrow colored ribbon, filled with water, 150-200g each

Physical qualities: strength, dexterity, develops coordination of movements.

Multicolored plane circles

Description: cardboard

Purpose of use: the development of ATS: buckles, throwing

We will take dumbbells in our hands, and exercise
Who quickly rushes through the snow, fails, is not afraid


Description: two pieces of burlap 1m by 1m

In games - relay races, fun games in the winter

All summer we stood, waiting for winter, waited for the time, rushed from the mountain

circus hoops

Description: under the ceiling, 2 hoops are suspended on a fishing line, the height of the hoops is adjustable

Purpose of use: development of ATS: throwing and catching the ball, bags through the hoop.

Our ball is not simple, it flies into a hoop - an arrow

11. Classics

Description: made of leatherette

Purpose of use: development of ATS

In individual work, games, relay races

I love classes very much and I jump like a squirrel

12. Log

Description: foam log covered with leatherette

Purpose of use: development in coordination of movements, relaxation orientation

Here lies a log - it has been waiting for us for a long time

13. Foam bars

Purpose of use: development of ATS

In individual work, relay races

14. Fabric sultans

15. Colored tracks


1. Adashkyavichene E. I. Sports games and exercises in kindergarten. M.: Enlightenment, 1992.

2. Bogen M.M. Physical perfection as the main concept of the theory of physical culture // Theory and practice of physical culture 1997. - 5. - P. 18-21.

3. Bondarevsky E.Ya. Age features of the development of balance functions in preschool children. M., Enlightenment 1988

4. Butsinskaya P. P. Planning of basic movements in physical education classes // Pedagogical practice of students at the course Theory and methods of physical education of preschool children. Moscow: Education, 1984.

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Level of physical development 2009-2010

Beginning of the year

The end of the year

non-traditional equipment

“The health and happiness of our children largely depends on the organization of physical culture in kindergarten and in the family…” N.M. Amosov

Purpose: to introduce an element of novelty into the educational process in physical education, with the help of bright non-standard equipment, to arouse children's interest in physical education.

At first glance, these are just crafts made by the joint efforts of educators and parents, but they are indispensable helpers in their work. They help to develop the muscles of the arms, legs, coordination of movements, accuracy, dexterity, attention and causes positive emotions in children.

The production of such benefits does not require large expenditures. Basically, a variety of waste material was used: everything that is likely to be found in any house from the category of unnecessary things. And as a result, very bright, attention-grabbing benefits are obtained.

"Colored Rings"

Material: thick cardboard, colored tape.
Manufacturing: a ring is cut out of cardboard according to the template, pasted over with colored tape.

Relay "Throw the Ring"

Children are divided into two teams, take turns throwing a ring on a decorated bottle. The team with the most hits is the winner.

General developmental exercises using rings

Rings can be used not only in general developmental exercises in the classroom and morning exercises, but also in outdoor games.

"Fancy balls"

Material : plastic bottles, colored self-adhesive film, adhesive tape.
Manufacturing : the bottom of two plastic bottles is decorated with a film and connected with tape.

With their unusual shape, the balls attract the attention of children, they fit comfortably in the hand, they are light, beautiful. Being engaged with such a benefit, children not only develop the muscles of the hands, but also enjoy it.

"Space rockets"

Material : plastic bottle, self-adhesive film, cardboard, adhesive tape.
Manufacturing : cardboard cones are glued to the bottom of the bottle, pasted over with a film, made out under a rocket.

Relay "Cosmonauts"

When relay races have a plot, as well as interesting attributes for them, children are happy to participate in competitions.

Plastic cans decorated with colored film can be used as landmarks in relay races and lane changes.

She made landmarks for building in a circle, in a line, in columns.

WITH made attributes for outdoor games.

"Merry Caterpillar"

This equipment was especially fond of children, it is so nice to step on soft footprints cut out of foam rubber. You can not only walk on the caterpillar, but also jump.

  • Material: dense green fabric, soft foam mat, glue, colored self-adhesive film.
  • Production: cut out circles from the fabric, sew along the edges, glue the traces of foam rubber, decorate the muzzle of the caterpillar with a film

One example of using the "Merry Caterpillar"

Physical education, children perform the main types of movements, the method of organization is in-line. This manual is perfectly combined with other non-standard equipment. It can also be used for hardening and for the prevention of flat feet.

"Footprints, palms"

  • Material: pieces of linoleum.
  • Production: according to the template, traces, palms are cut out of linoleum.

With the help of this manual, you can even consolidate the concepts of “right, left” leg or arm. For example, if children act on the instructions of the teacher.

"Noise Makers"

  • Material: yogurt cups and any cereal, colored self-adhesive film.
  • Production: pour cereal into a glass, cover with another one and glue, decorate with a colored film.

These bright noisemakers are used by us even at holidays and entertainment, they perfectly replace the musical instrument called maracas.

"Funny gates"

  • Material : wooden frame, plastic egg kinder surprise.
  • Manufacturing : make holes in the Kinder Surprise egg, put them on sticks, fix the sticks with self-tapping screws.


This equipment is used as a horizontal target for throwing. Plastic eggs kinder surprise replace the balls. The child chooses a bucket of a certain color and tries to get into it. By counting the eggs, the winner is determined.

  • Material: plastic buckets, colored self-adhesive film, glue, a piece of plywood.
  • Production: decorate the buckets with a film, then glue them on a circle cut out of plywood.

"Magic Flowers"

They can be used in outdoor games, they can also decorate any holiday or entertainment.

  • Material: plastic bottles, self-adhesive color film, cardboard.
  • Production: the bottom is cut off from the bottle, cuts are made, bent for the stability of the flower. A flower is cut out of cardboard, decorated with a film, put on the neck and screwed on with a lid.

"Bright Plates"

This original manual is also multifunctional, it all depends on the imagination of the teacher.

  • Material: disposable plates, glue, braid, satin ribbon, color film.
  • Production: two plates are glued together and decorated with ribbons, braid and colored film.


Light, airy, flowing rustling, sultans are so eye-catching. They can be used as equipment in physical education classes and as attributes in dances.

  • Material: disposable plastic bags, wooden sticks, adhesive tape.
  • Production: the bags are cut into strips, gathered into a bundle and attached with adhesive tape to a stick.


  • Material: multi-colored satin ribbons, sticks from old flags, small carnations.
  • Production: the tape is cut into strips 50 cm long, the edges of the tape are processed and then the tapes are attached to sticks using small nails.


  • Material: wooden Chinese sticks, cereals and plastic eggs kinder surprise.
  • Production: a hole is made in the egg, grits are poured into the inside of the stick.

"Pom Poms"

  • Material: empty Kinder surprise egg, red yarn, crochet hook.
  • Production: the egg is tied with yarn using a hook.

Our kids are delighted with these pompoms and always with great pleasure throw them at any target, both horizontal and vertical.

"Fancy Ball"

The ball is used for high jump. Children jump up to the ball and glue the butterfly to the Velcro. It can also be used for holidays and entertainment. The idea is very original and will help enliven any event.

  • Material: any material, Velcro tape, threads, needle, decorative butterflies.
  • Production: sew a bag out of fabric, put a ball in it, tighten it with tape from the bottom and top, sew Velcro on both the bag and the butterflies.


  • Material: Empty Pringles boxes, colored paper and colored tape.
  • Production: boxes are pasted over with colored paper and decorated with colored tape.

When teachers have such bright and different equipment, any lesson can become both entertaining and interesting.