How to survive a parent meeting. Parent meeting in kindergarten, what parents need to know

Ten secrets of successful holding

parent meeting.

Parent meeting is a necessary attribute of school life. How to make it interesting and productive? They can be especially useful to a novice class teacher..

1. To hold a parent meeting, select the most favorable day and hour and try to ensure that neither you nor the parents of your students have any important business, interesting TV shows, etc. planned for this time.

2. Identify the one most important issue about the students in your class, and build a conversation with your parents on its discussion.

3. Special attention pay attention to the placement of parents in the classroom. For example, you can arrange tables and chairs in a circle so that all participants in the parent meeting can see and hear each other well.

4. Prepare business cards with the names of the parents, especially if they do not yet know each other well enough.

5. Work with your parents to come up with rules for meeting attendees. For example: shoot outerwear Necessarily; silence is not allowed when discussing the problem; rejecting the proposal (opinion), it is necessary to make a counter; call each other by name and patronymic or only by name, etc.

6. Take care of the time of the people invited to the meeting. For this purpose, establish a regulation and strictly monitor its observance.

7. During the meeting, use games and group forms of organizing parent interaction.

8. A cup of tea can help make communication in a meeting casual and frank.

9. When discussing problematic issues, rely on life and pedagogical experience the most authoritative parents, in the opinion of members parent committee and school council.

10. Strive for concrete decisions to be made at the meeting.

Behavior rules class teacher

at parent meeting

1. The teacher needs to relieve his own tension and anxiety before meeting with the parents.

2. Through speech, intonation, gestures and other means, let your parents feel your respect and attention to them.

3. Try to understand your parents; correctly identify the issues that concern them most. Convince them that the school and the family have the same problems, the same tasks, the same children.

4. Talk to your parents calmly and kindly. It is important that the parents of all students - both well-to-do and at-risk children - leave the meeting with faith in their child.


Target: Development of uniform requirements of the family and school for the child. Search for joint solutions common problems and tasks of education.

1st class

I . Primary school age and its features.

  1. Characteristics of the physiological characteristics of a younger student.
  2. The development of needs and forms of communication with the arrival of the child in school. Interests, features of the development of the will and character of a first-grader.
  3. To educate and educate, you need to know individual characteristics child. (Filling out the social passport of the family.)

II . How to teach children to learn.

  1. Psychology of teaching younger students. Peculiarities of the cognitive processes of the junior schoolchild. Features of memory and attention (psychologist).
  2. Content school education in elementary grades.
  3. Individual difficulties in mastering the educational material.

III . Physical education of a schoolchild in the family and at home.

  1. The natural rhythm of a student's life and the basics correct mode. The daily routine of a first-grader (alternation of various types of work and rest). Teaching children to independently perform the daily routine.
  2. The role of outdoor games on fresh air in improving the health of children.
  3. Each lesson has a specific hour. Memo for children and parents "Cause - time, and fun - hour."

IY . Play and work in the life of younger students.

  1. Play and work as activities of a junior schoolchild. Pedagogical requirements for child labor at school and at home.
  2. Features of the program labor training in 1st grade.
  3. The work of schoolchildren in the family. Their favorite activities. Exhibition of drawings, handicrafts of students.

Y . Final Parent meeting along with the children.

  1. What have we learned this year? Achievements of the class and individual children.
  2. Exhibition of drawings, crafts, etc.
  3. Awards.

4. Concert.

2nd grade

I . The role of family and school in raising a healthy generation.

  1. Medical examination results. Analysis of the state of health of second-graders.
  2. Influence learning activities at school on the child's body. Signs of fatigue. Correct fit. Prevention of the development of myopia in schoolchildren.
  3. Diet at school and at home.

II . Education of moral habits and culture of behavior of younger students.

  1. Methods and means of educating younger students in the skills and habits of cultural behavior in the family and school.
  2. Example of parents - the main condition successful upbringing culture of behavior in children. The culture of the child's speech. Inadmissibility in the family of rude words and expressions.
  3. Memo to children "How to behave so that others would be more pleasant and better to live."

III . The role of reading in the development of younger students.

  1. The place of books in a child's life. Guide to reading in the family and at school. Development of interest in reading. Cultivating good reading habits.
  2. Peculiarities of children's perception of books read. Conversations between parents and children about the books they read. Help with savings vocabulary child.
  3. Review and a brief description of children's books for second graders. Principles for selecting books to read.

IY . The secret world of our children.

  1. Student's free time. Questionnaire analysis.
  2. Child on the street. "Interesting" places to play. Why do children build a "headquarters" or "hut" and more. (Questions of psychology).
  3. How to organize summer rest children.

Y . Final celebratory meeting.

  1. Summing up the results of the year on academic and extracurricular activities.
  2. Awards for students and parents.
  3. Concert. Games. Tea drinking.

3rd grade

I . Features of the formation of the child's personality in different age periods.

  1. Knowledge of age characteristics and individual differences of children - necessary condition their upbringing in the family and school (psychologist).
  2. Education habits in children. Imitation, emotionality and impressionability of primary school students.
  3. Educational goals and objectives for the new academic year.

II . Education of collectivism among schoolchildren elementary school.

  1. Psychology of children's relations within the class. Formation of a sense of collectivism, education of friendship and camaraderie, sensitivity and responsiveness.
  2. Analysis of student questionnaires "Tell me who your friend is ...", essays "A friend is the one who ..."
  3. Mutual assistance and mutual respect between the younger ones in the family and school.

III . When the answer is parents, or the role of the family in raising children.

  1. Educational climate in the family. Influence on children of material and living conditions, relationships between parents.
  2. Difficulties and mistakes in family education, their causes and remedies. (Psychological games).
  3. Memo to parents "Commandments for parents."

I.Y. When the word educates. Methods of education in the family.

  1. Persuasion and demand as a means of organizing a child's life.
  2. Encouragement and punishment.
  3. Pedagogical situations (game).

Y. A person is formed from childhood.

  1. Features of the formation of character in younger students.
  2. Features of volitional activity and its motivation in younger children school age. Emotional-volitional education.
  3. Self-education program for the summer. Help parents in the implementation of this program.

YI . Aesthetic education in family and school.

  1. The connection of aesthetic education with mental, labor and physical education at school.
  2. The role of parents in introducing children to various types art. Employment of children outside school hours.
  3. Our creativity. Speech by children involved in the school of arts, circles and studios.

4th grade

I . Last year education in elementary school.

  1. Educational and educational tasks for the new academic year.
  2. Modern views on the intellectual capabilities of the younger student and his mental development.
  3. The role of the family in mental education students. Methods of control by parents of children's homework.

II . How is your child growing? (questions of psychology)

  1. Psychology of training and education. Individual characteristics of schoolchildren.
  2. Nervous children and their upbringing.
  3. Television: for and against. What our children watch and how it affects their psyche and overall well-being.

III . Father and mother are the first educators.

  1. Union of love and reason. The influence of the personality of parents on the upbringing of children.
  2. The role of the mother in the family. The role of the father in family education. Features of the father's influence on sons and daughters.
  3. Self-education of parents - essential condition improvement of their personality.

IY . Meeting for children and parents "Mom, dad, I am a friendly family."

  1. Representing a parent's hobby.
  2. Presentation of branded family dishes.
  3. Joint games. Quizzes. Tea drinking.

Y . Final holiday meeting "Farewell, elementary school."

  1. Summarizing. What we learned in elementary school. Presentation of the class teacher of the 5th grade.
  2. Demonstration of the film "First Steps at School" (participation of children in class and school-wide activities).
  3. On long memory(Records of wishes to the first teacher in the album "Chronicle of the class" by parents and children).

5th grade

I . Let's get acquainted!

  1. Acquaintance with the class teacher, subject teachers, etc.
  2. Word to the school psychologist:

A) Psychological features children of this age.

b) Testing of parents.

  1. Filling in the social passport of the student and his family.
  2. Acquaintance with the plan of educational work of the class teacher. Elections of the parent asset.

II . The main thing is health, and business is like the weather: now a bucket, then bad weather.

  1. The health of our children is in our business. Medical examination results.
  2. Survey results.
  3. Memo to parents about the daily routine of students.

III . How to help children study well, or how to love your children.

  1. Discussion of the results of the survey of students and their parents (by succession).
  2. "There is no science without pain":

a) Results of the second quarter.

b) Role-playing game. An angry parent and an angry teacher. (Presentation of mutual claims and finding a way out.)

  1. Memo to parents "How to love children."

IY . Education of diligence in the family and school.

  1. A small deed is better than a big idleness:

a) The results of the survey of parents and children.

b) Labor lessons at school. Meeting with service teachers. Craft exhibition.

  1. Dispute “Labor - a necessity or an obligation? The problem of coercion and encouragement.
  2. How to organize a summer vacation for children. Recommendations to parents.

Y . So we have become a year older. Final meeting with the participation of children.

  1. "Being strong is good, being twice as smart is better." Achievement results for the year. Rewarding excellent students, good students.
  2. Oral journal "Pages from the life of the 5th grade." Extracurricular work. Awards for children and parents.
  3. Concert.

6th grade

I ."School yesterday, today, tomorrow."

  1. School through the eyes of parents (analysis of questionnaires).
  2. Analysis of student work. Essay on topics:

a) “Why do I love (dislike) my school.”

b) "If I were the director of school number 9, then ...".

c) Drawings on the theme "School of the Future".

  1. conclusions. Teacher's word. Issues of upbringing and education at the present stage.
  2. Election of members of the parent committee.

II . "Happy is he who is happy at home."

  1. Teacher's word. What is happiness? Love for children is "go", not "stop". pedagogical situations. Solutions.
  2. Analysis of students' essays "Why am I crying" and "The happiest day of my life."
  3. If you want to be happy - be it! (Recommendations "How to organize a family holiday.")
  4. Quarter results. Miscellaneous.

III . Self-education is an important step in the process of forming the moral qualities of a person.

  1. Teacher's word. The program of self-education of students of the 6th grade is in action. First results.
  2. What are we? Analysis of the "Tell me about me" questionnaires.
  3. Councils of psychologists "The role of the family in the process of self-education of the child."
  4. Miscellaneous.

IY . "Daddy can do anything..."

  1. Teacher's word. Father as educator. Test.
  2. Psychologist. The role of the father in the upbringing of children. (The reasons for the removal of the father from the upbringing of children.)
  3. Analysis of questionnaires, drawings, essays of students "My dad is the most ...", "I'm proud of my dad because ...".
  4. comic concert for dads prepared by kids and moms.

Y . Festive meeting together with the children "Everything has its time."

  1. Results of the year. Rewarding students, active parents.
  2. Presentation of the film "Visiting ...".
  3. "Hello summer!" Tips on how to make the most of your summer holidays.

7th grade

I .“Age and individual characteristics of children aged 12-13 and their consideration in education.

  1. Knowledge of the age characteristics of children is a necessary condition for their upbringing (psychologist).
  2. Differences in the development of boys and girls (pediatrician).
  3. Analysis of the questionnaire "What are we today" (class teacher).

II . Features of educational activity of adolescents.

  1. Brief description of the content of education in the 7th grade. New educational subjects. New challenges and possible learning difficulties.
  2. Self-education of adolescents and pedagogical guidance to them.
  3. Homework: Pleasure or Punishment?

III . Father and mother as educators.

  1. Personal example and authority of parents. Types of false parental authority.
  2. The role of grandparents in the upbringing of children. (Analysis of questionnaires.)
  3. Raising in children love and respect for parents, for older family members.

IY . Leisure for teenagers.

  1. Free time and it in the formation of the personality of a teenager.
  2. Teen and TV.
  3. Teenager and street.

8th grade

I .This difficult age.

  1. Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of "difficult teenagers" (psychologist).
  2. Family and school mistakes that contribute to the emergence of "difficult" teenagers (social pedagogue).
  3. The nature of the relationship and requirements of adults to adolescents.

II . Educating teenagers of aesthetic culture.

  1. Aesthetic education of a teenager - taking care of his spiritual development. The role of the school in the aesthetic education of students.
  2. Form and means of aesthetic education of adolescents in the family.
  3. Amateur art concert by students employed at the art school, recreation center "Magistral", etc.

III . Your health is in your hands. Oral magazine for parents and students.

  1. Generation upbringing healthy people is the main task of teachers. Relationship physical education with mental labor (class teacher).
  2. Program for physical education at school (physical education teacher).
  3. Hygiene of adolescents (children's doctor).
  4. A few words about the dangers of smoking, or smoking and sports are incompatible concepts (students).

IY . Conversation on a difficult topic, or sex education teenagers.

  1. Features of the physiological development of boys and girls (medical worker).
  2. Features of friendship between boys and girls.
  3. A review of the literature on adolescent sexuality education.

9th grade

I . Education of schoolchildren aged 14-15 in the family and school.

  1. Adolescence and its features. Possible "crises" of adolescence (psychologist).
  2. Ideals and interests of teenagers. Teaching, work and play in the life of adolescents.
  3. The problem of "fathers and children", the restructuring of relationships between children and adults.

II . Legal education of teenagers.

  1. Basic rights and obligations of adolescents (police officer).
  2. Formation in adolescents of responsibility for their actions and deeds. “If I knew…” Teen delinquency statistics.
  3. Role in legal education teenagers (class teacher).

III . Why are boys sometimes sad? The emotional life of teenagers.

  1. Emotions and feelings, their role in people's lives. The development of feelings in adolescents, the features of their expression.
  2. Analysis of questionnaires and results of testing students.
  3. Relations between boys and girls. Teenage friendship.

IY . Character traits of the child and their upbringing in the family and school.

  1. General characteristics of the orientation of the personality of high school students (ideals, attitude towards people, peers, towards themselves).
  2. Self-assessment and assessment of students by the team.
  3. Teach your child to say "No". No drugs, alcohol, tobacco (memo to parents).

10th grade

I . Education of high school students.

  1. Interests, inclinations and abilities of high school students (issues of psychology).
  2. "What are we today?" Questionnaire analysis.
  3. Influence social conditions on mental development high school students.

II . Labor education and career guidance for adolescents.

  1. Kinds labor activity At school.
  2. Labor of a teenager in the family (analysis of questionnaires). Presentation by parents.
  3. Helping teenagers to choose a profession. (The study of the psychological characteristics, interests and inclinations of adolescents for the purpose of career guidance.)

III . What goes around comes around.

  1. Styles of parental behavior that form the personality traits of the child.
  2. Test "What are my parents."
  3. Psychological and pedagogical games.

IY . Aesthetic education of high school students.

  1. Aesthetic culture and its essence in our time. General culture of youth.
  2. Education of taste. Fashion and the attitude towards it of teenagers and their parents.
  3. Aesthetics family relations. Test for parents.

11th grade

I . And all for the last time...

  1. My last year at school (questionnaire for parents and students).
  2. Features of teaching and educating students in the 11th grade.
  3. Psychology of students of senior school age - psychology of a half-child - half-adult (psychologist).

II . The paths of our children.

  1. Influence of family labor traditions choice of profession for high school students.
  2. I want, I can and I must. The results of testing students (psychologist).
  3. Ways to eliminate possible conflicts between parents and children on issues of vocational guidance.

III . Help graduates prepare for exams.

  1. Emotional and psychological state of children. Their needs, concerns and anxieties.
  2. Parent testing results. (Test "Personal anxiety".)
  3. Tips for parents "How to prepare a child for the future life."

IY . This is how our children grew up. Final meeting.

  1. All life ahead!
  2. And yet it is important, not who to be, but how to be.
  3. Analysis of student questionnaires “Last year at school”, “What are we like today?”.

main goal parent meetings is the mutual communication of teachers and parents, the exchange necessary information for the successful stay of the child in preschool. Modeling prospects and tasks in the academic year. The issues of physical education of preschoolers are analyzed.

In this section you can find plans and notes of specialists in holding parent-teacher meetings. Recommendations based on the program content will help teachers to competently conduct organizational activities.

Notes and plans for parent-teacher meetings

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All sections | Parent meetings in kindergarten

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Mutual conversation should be conducted in such a way that each of the interlocutors benefited from it, acquiring more knowledge. Ephesian Heraclitus

Parents entrusted the state with the main thing that is in our life - children, our beautiful present and future. Therefore, the task of the teacher is to learn how to interact correctly and competently with the family, for effective education and education of the child. One of these opportunities for interaction is "Parent Meetings".

During the year, at least 2-3 parent meetings are held in the preschool educational institution.

The first meeting, both general garden and a separate group, is of an organizational nature, in which a general acquaintance of preschool workers with parents takes place. The first results of diagnosing the level of development of children are summed up. General goals and objectives of the educational process for the year are set. Parent meetings provide an opportunity to jointly resolve internal issues of a particular age group. For more fruitful cooperation, a survey is conducted, which reveals the living conditions of the child, the level of competence of parents in the education and upbringing of children. In addition, it gives teachers the opportunity to see the desire and possibility of interaction between parents and a preschool institution.

Subsequent meetings are held throughout the year to take stock of the development and learning of the child.

Parent meeting in 3rd grade
Features of family education
It's not easy being a parent
but bad if not easy
from this to our children.
Objectives: 1. Education of parents, improvement of their psychological
pedagogical competence in the formation
the personality of the child;
2. Formation of a pedagogically sound style
raising a child.
Tasks: 1. Self-assessment of those accepted in family practice
upbringing methods.
2. Identification of contradictions in the use of methods
family education.
3.Formation of experience reasonable approaches to the choice
family education methods.
Form of carrying out: Lecture with elements of conversation.
Preparatory stage:
- writing essays-stories "Day off
- survey of parents (Appendix 1);
Dear parents!
When I accept a class unfamiliar to me, I am in the same
concerned about what my future
students and what kind of parents they have, how they raise their
children and whether they will be my helpers. You parents
are still very young and far from everyone is aware of their role
in raising children.
The child spends 4-6 hours at school, the rest of the time he
is at home: prepares lessons, plays, helps adults.
I am always concerned about the question of how children spend their

free time who they play with, what they play, do they know how
organize games like talking to each other.
It is bad if the student spends his free time
unplanned, if it allows itself to be picked up by the flow of time, not
thinking that it passes uninteresting.
To find out what children's ideas about family life are,
what experience of relationships they have learned, I offered them
write a story "Day off at home." Unfortunately,
A typical description of a weekend in the family was this:
“Mom cooks dinner, cleans the house, dad lies on the couch and
watching TV, I play in my room. When mom has
Everything is ready, we're going to have lunch.
The children themselves expressed their attitude towards such a family: “This family
boring, unfriendly. Mom does everything, children play and walk
on their own, and dad is still sleeping. I asked the guys and such
What kind of dad (or mom) would you like to be in the future?
The answers were:
-I want to be a kind, cheerful, hardworking dad,
help mom and play different games with your kids...
Approximately the same answers were about mothers. And all of them
they say one thing: your children do not have enough love. Children
they need love and wither without it. For normal
The development of a child needs this vitamin - love.
Think about it, parents. Talk more often friend
with a friend. Instead of in Once again find fault with
life partner, think about what he can be praised for.
Tell spouses in front of children that you love them, tell children
as often as possible that you love them, because children are like flowers.
As flowers reach for the sun, the source of light and heat, so

Children expect their parents to reassure them that they are loved and
appreciate. Love is a perfect bond of unity! Your children
become more obedient, more frank with you, if they are loved, because
they see everything, hear everything, understand everything, and most importantly, everything
perceive and adopt. But love shouldn't be
permissive. My teaching experience and life
observations led me to the conclusion: children, led
caring but firm parental hand, study well
more sociable, less insecure and generally
feel calmer and happier than those
who are brought up either in the spirit of permissiveness, or in the spirit of
excessive severity. Children quickly recognize when
parents are hesitant to use their power, and
then they will not miss the chance to become the main ones in the family. Tsar
Solomon said: “Instruct your son and you will be calm for him,
He will be your comfort."
How to use parental authority? Firstly,
install family rules and implement them immediately
life. I suggest the first rule is execution
daily routine, the second - a clear distribution of labor
household chores among all family members. For
children are better if they clearly know the boundaries of what is permitted and
what threatens to violate them. Otherwise they
become self-centered and ruin the lives of others. To
set the right limits for behavior for children, you need
time, effort and perseverance. Children tend to
to test the strength of the boundaries of what is permitted, often they
are stubborn and selfish. For this it is necessary
write down family rules. There must be four or
five, no more - so they are easier to remember and translate into

life. Ensure that these rules are mandatory
performed, do not bargain with children and do not waste time. IN
otherwise the kids won't take it seriously
rules. The life of a child needs to be organized. In that
will help you additional education, a bunch of
hobby groups in which specialists work.
Make a daily schedule with your child, it should be hung
on a prominent place. Our life is full of hustle and bustle. Parents
have to work hard and pay attention to children
only from case to case, and the daily routine, which is
in a conspicuous place, helps the child to gain
autonomy, self-control.
Family evenings are very important for the upbringing of children.
Wise parents put the kids to bed in the same
time. One of the mothers told me that at that moment
there is her communication with her son: “I tell what I did
at work, worried about his test, then he
tells me about the day." Such a warm welcome
often encourages you to share your feelings. And when the children
grow up, be sure to introduce these sincere
talking before bed. It is important to consider the feelings of the child.
When children open their heart to you, you can't go
contrary, otherwise they may doubt their ability
think and feel for yourself. Children in their
statements are categorical. For example, consider this
situation: “My teacher hates me, and my roommate
the party loves. Transfer me to another class! ”- declares
child. How will you do it? For parents, the most important thing is
act rashly, but help the child in detail
figure out the problem and do the right thing

conclusions: “Let's think about why this happens? Maybe
maybe you didn’t finish it somewhere, but the teacher wants to see
you a successful student? We transfer to another class
we always have time, but you have friends in this class. Maybe
be, first try to gain the respect of the teacher, and only
if it doesn’t work out, then let’s go back to the idea of ​​translation…”.
Do not forget the main thing: how your life will turn out
child, depends on you. If you can convey
before him, all the beauty that is in this world, he must
will carry it throughout his life. I want to advise you
create a “Dossier of Family Achievements” with headings “Creating
families”, “Birth of children”, “Our achievements”, “Our
hobbies”, “Coat of arms, motto, family song”, “Code of honor
family”, “Family memory”, “Family legends”. nothing like that
does not strengthen the family, as family traditions. And need
try to build them. The most widespread tradition
is a tradition to collect family councils by decision
urgent problems. Council meetings are scheduled ahead of time.
each member of the family can include their own issue on the agenda,
for example: what reward awaits children if a quarter
will be finished well, what a great purchase for the house
are planned this year, what crafts can be done for
home or yard decorations. In many
families usually play with children in Board games. Play!
Be close to children! If you continuously involve the child
V family life, that is, the hope that he will be able to
create a strong and prosperous family in the future.
I would like to end our parent meeting with three
teachings of education. Let them guide you in
life and relationships with children (Appendix 2).

Reflection: What did you learn new from today
Which of the suggestions would you take into account?
Which of the proposed methods
used in your family?
1) Aloeva M.A., Beisova V.E. "Parents meeting at 3-4
classes "Phoenix Publishing House 2004
2) Derekleeva N.S. "Handbook of the class teacher
elementary school grades 1-4 "Publishing house M. "Wako"
Appendix 1. "Questionnaire for parents."
1) What measures of punishment / encouragement are used in the family?
2) What do you punish and encourage the child for?
3) How does the child react to reward or punishment?

Appendix 2. "Testaments of Education".
1) Do not offend people, retribution will come.
Happiness does not promise us someone's resentment
2) You will be loved by your neighbors,
And you will know the joy of kindness,
Not wishing others
What you don't want for yourself.
3) Look at the universe without evil,
And with a look of reason, kindness, love.
Life is a sea of ​​good deeds
Build a ship and sail on the waves.

To all parents who are forced ... dedicated!

Going to parent meetings is a waste of time and nerves. I think so. And all the same, I prus - what if they say something that I don’t know about! Well, for example, that the holidays are canceled, or that the fives are out of fashion and the children hide them in every possible way so as not to disgrace themselves.

You won’t surprise me with other information, my son is incredibly open and talkative, I get all school information firsthand and immediately. A daily mini-performance in faces and colors, emotionally decorated and flavored with a weighty portion of teenage humor. I can't stand it - I laugh, and there is no pedagogy in this, sheer pampering. The classroom girl at the meeting gives her version, and it's boring and perverted. And I'm used to the fact that everything "about school" is funny, and I giggle like crazy, the whole meeting. Parents seriously write something in notebooks, nodding in time with the teacher's speech, and I choke with laughter in the back desk.

The biology test was written very badly! Out of hand bad! Well, how can a seventh grade student write that ... (rummages through the leaves to reproduce the original source verbatim) "... possums pollinate willows" !!

I'm hysterical! I have a very vivid imagination, it works instantly, although I have only seen possums in the picture. I'm shaking silently, and everyone else is writing.

And this is after I explained to them for a whole lesson that willow blooms during the absence of insects, pollen is carried by the wind ... And in general, what do possums have to do with it?

If she says the word "possums" one more time, I'll run out like I'm sick. Passed, moved to discipline. And as soon as I decided to catch my breath, like a new blow!

Kids are running around!

I enter into a mental dialogue in order to survive until the end of the meeting:

“What are you saying! The maximum that they can afford is to walk hand in hand, in formation, in pairs - a boy with a girl. was..."

Last week Dasha Ivanova and I went to the Russian Language Olympiad in Peterhof. So you know how they have discipline? All the children walk calmly during breaks, in pairs, no one rushes about or yells ...

I can't stand:

Maybe they are sick?

Lonely male chuckle on the left. Thank you at least for this, I'm not alone, in the most unbearable moments I will turn away in his direction. The class took my remark at face value and explained: "No, the usual one, for healthy children." She generally takes me very seriously and seems to be afraid. She knows I'm a psychologist.

At the beginning of the school year, she asked me to speak at a meeting with the message "Psychological characteristics of children 12-13 years old." I performed. Everything is clear, with examples and pedagogical recommendations at the same time, since I also have a pedagogical education, ten years of experience in influencing other people's children and thirteen years of parenting. The essence of the report was briefly as follows: "At this age, children" hammer "into study, and this is normal. Be patient, find wisdom in yourself and survive the stage with the least moral losses ..."

Finished in deathly silence. Cool numb. Some parents looked like I was a doctor and had just announced a terminal diagnosis. Wow, such an effect, but I haven’t said yet that in the ninth grade the “slaughter” of studies will be even stronger. The class girl pulled herself together, playfully cheerfully rushed to save the situation: "Some students wrote the essay" How I spent the summer "excellently", shared their impressions about new books they read, new friends and useful things ...".

After the meeting, several mothers came up to me and asked quite reasonable questions. Then I realized: they were afraid to voice it in front of the teacher. When we sit down at our desks - adults, accomplished, with education and achievements, we become children of thirty years ago. This trick doesn’t work with me, even as a child I was not afraid of teachers, and now even more so. Therefore, I alone do not write anything in a notebook, I ask provocative questions like: "And if the teacher took something out of the child's pocket, is this a violation of his (child's) rights?" (A small harmless ball was selected - sox, the dream and pride of that period). But in general, I behave non-aggressively, stand up for my child only in blatantly unfair cases, considering everything else as an inoculation against the realities of life. I just laugh often and joke clearly only for myself. Probably, this is attributed to my profession, they say, all psychologists are a little ...

Meanwhile, the theme continues:

Children do not like doing socially useful work! (- This is news!) We have to clean the leaves on the school grounds. (- Already December, apparently, she was very excited about this.) While I was closing the class and going to the teacher's room, half fled! (- If I had intentions to bring unmotivated teenagers to the place of serving labor service, I would organize an escort and think through everything possible ways escape. And going to the teacher's room is just a provocation, even adults would run away.) There were almost only girls left. (- Times are changing, but the girls remain the same - either responsible or shy.) We were lucky - we got maples. (- Not a proposal, but a masterpiece!) Maple leaves are large and fall slowly. (- Ah, well, if from this side ...) First, they must be collected with a rake in a pile under a tree. And do you have any idea what they came up with? (- I would climb a tree and jump into this pile!) They began to climb a tree and jump into the leaves! (- Healthy children!) And can you imagine what would happen if there were a rake in the leaves! (- Unhealthy fantasies!) Take action, conduct educational conversations (- After all, it's December, what is the conversation about? They will forget until next autumn.)

I can't listen anymore, I start looking. To our class teacher. A pretty aunt, probably my age or somewhere close. Why does she do chemistry - unfashionable and aging?! Why, like a teacher, so a jacket? And something must be pinned to it - in this case rowan branch. Either about femininity, or about the biology that she leads. And high-heeled shoes must be combined with woolen tights.

I probably would not have been so cruel in my thoughts if this aunt had not periodically ridiculed my growing young man for any attempt to hint at her style. White T-shirt paired with a black shirt sports style Is this very defiant or is it impossible to study in this? No, you must have a jacket! The son began to wear an unnecessary jacket in a backpack and hang it on the back of a chair. And when, at his request, I personally dyed his hair a tone darker, the ridicule reached its highest intensity: "The boy dyed his hair, what a shame !!!". He endures. And jokes. It's his defensive reaction. I have the same. If I am forced to be a participant in the absurd, then let it be a comedy!

Diaries are given out at the end of the meeting. A statement of the mind, knowledge and skills of the student? Or pedagogical impotence of teachers? Again a bunch of "3" in algebra - this is for the cause, I do not argue and can not help: mathematics is not our family pride. Several "2" in physical education - did not agree on the characters and temperaments. There was even such a remark in the diary: "I ran in a physical education lesson." This is hereditary, I also ran around in my time ... The literary woman acts more honestly: she doesn’t give “2” for behavior, she recognizes the child’s obvious literary abilities, but she also writes comments, varied, specific and in in large numbers. Very literary: “I ate seeds in the lesson, take action!”, “I unscrewed the screws from my desk in the lesson, it fell apart, take action!”, “I forgot to hand in my notebook, take action!”. The physicist does not have a philological education, her masterpiece is as follows: "She constantly does not hand over her notebook to solve the problem!" (Probably, speech nevertheless about "tasks"). The diary of a recidivist, and I'm his mother. I'll take action, I'll just figure out what.

The final ritual is the collection of money. On the toilets in the men's room and new Year gifts. I give up - no regrets. Since they are not allowed to dress nicely, let my boy piss in a beautiful toilet bowl!

On the teacher's desk I see a stack of papers from a biology test. The top one is my son's. Several lines are underlined in red. I catch the word "possum" with my eyes. I smile cool, I try to see in her the human, wise, and not official and formal. I try to justify it, they say, children are not sugar, and parents like me, with heightened sarcasm and self-confidence. The only thing I can't accept and understand is the lack of a sense of humor. After all, our parent meeting is a masterpiece, "Crooked Mirror" is resting!


There is only one conclusion. How can you be surprised what children are now, if they have such parents. You would be with 30 kids and parents) And this is only 1 class. What article would you write then? Parents of students who do not know what good manners are - laughter through tears? Now this is closer to reality. You are a strange psychologist who does not know the basics of psychology and what tact is. It has been 11 years since the article was written, I hope they have wised up.

27.12.2018 21:58:37, User

Um, how many years ago was the article written? Or are there still schools somewhere where they collect and give out paper diaries with comments? It smelled of something Soviet, from my childhood)))

Thank God, none of my children got such class teachers. We are generally lucky in our lives with teachers. Is it that the director of the youngest at school, yes, usually carries any educational nonsense and a minimum useful information, but we also see her TTT once every year and a half for 20 minutes.

very helpful article. I have a question. We have a new teacher primary school. At the parent meeting, she undertook to tell all the parents about each child everything + and -. I asked not to do this, because. decided that there is a violation of rights. Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm not interested in hearing about every child in the class. I think that every parent has the right to approach the teacher and ask about their child. The teacher said that meetings are always held like this and refused to tell me separately after the meeting about my child. Please tell me if I'm really wrong and the teacher had the right to say + and - about my child in front of all the parents of the class?

get out of the situation!

HELP to get out of the situation!!!
here our class dropped off my daughter, 11 years old, on the highway a few kilometers from the city with someone else's mother, when my daughter became ill. they went on an excursion to another city... and she didn't even call me...
Here I sit and think: how to talk to her so as not to harm my child ...

Well, just think, the baby clicked the seeds in the lesson, unscrewed the screws from the desk - it's all self-expression! Everyone should just admire! "Oh, he's only 13 (it seems like it was in the article?) - and he already knows how to unscrew screws and gnaw seeds !!!"

Laughing out loud! Probably, I myself will be the same when mine grow up to school.

Super article!
This is our class teacher! Like from my childhood!
After the birth meeting, the feeling that it couldn’t be worse, everything is so bad. Although my son is doing well. He also kills when at a meeting they begin to call children by their last names, to scold them for something. Recently transferred to this school, for me it's wildness. A child comes home from class and asks why his teacher calls him by his last name, although he is the only one in Nikita's class... It's hard for me to explain something to him. At another school, the class teacher at the meeting did not discuss anyone by name at all. And here is a monologue in gloomy tones, a nominal disgrace ... and remarks in the diary "Ran at recess." And it seems that everything is correct, yes, someone is late, someone has not prepared their lessons, someone has not cut their nails, etc. , but nothing positive, no one is praised.
I really don't like to go to rod.assemblies.

I really liked the article and I largely agree with the author. Our teachers, unlike European schools, are not trained to manage the motivations of children. I mean, they are not taught at the institute how to motivate children to learn. And coercion always gives bad results as well as intimidation arbitrariness. Better in European schools.
with SW Natalia

06/29/2009 10:10:51 AM

Irina! Thank you! Everything is familiar, everyone has passed and still has to pass. And with such an attitude, let's go, go out and stay with capital letter Man! I will be pleased to continue to communicate with you. Write, send. Sincerely. Teacher-psychologist.

A very good and useful article! Very often in our Russian schools there is this: a child comes home from school and says: Mom, dad, everything is fine, the day went great! And when parents appear at the meeting, the teacher imposes his point of view on them, and the parents willingly believe that the child is deceiving them, most teachers believe that the children themselves are to blame for everything, the teacher has nothing to do with it! If the teacher cannot convey to the child the information that running during the break is not allowed, then this is not a teacher! As for the form, why is the Soviet Union satisfied? Where should everyone walk in the same uniform, build communism and honor the leader of the people?! Children are, first of all, an individual! Every child will be what he wants if his self-esteem is not underestimated at school! After all, if a child does not find support anywhere, what will he be like then? A drug addict, an alcoholic, or a Cattle?! You decide Dear Parents! And about the fact that the child’s hair was dyed, it’s normal, if he wants to change something in himself, you need to listen to him, so that later the child would not make mistakes acting on his own! Parent meetings are a discussion of children and nothing more! No important issues are resolved there,6 which is very annoying: (With great respect for Irina! Eugene.

P.S. Our children are us in the past!

Dear Irina. You perceive school as something not entirely serious if you are amused by a parent meeting, cleaning up the territory ... I am glad for you that you take life so lightly, but you do not correlate your ease of relationship with school, with children. One of your phrases about "unhealthy fantasies" (that children jumped on a pile of leaves, and there could be a rake) is worth something. God forbid, your son would actually jump on a rake, get injured - and you would be the first to blame the school, the class teacher for this. You, please, re-read your letter again. Think. And .. at least for a minute .. put yourself in the place of that "tedious" class teacher who is RESPONSIBLE for YOUR son as well.
I cannot support your opinion, as many others here have supported.
You are not right.

04/09/2009 09:09:32, O_A

As for the rest ... It blows from the article with rudeness and lack of intelligence. After all, this very intelligence is not the number of formations, but the ability to see, hear and RESPECT another person, and not laugh at him. It is sad that your child is growing up as a cynic and a boor (I'm talking about possums, because it's just rudeness, you see). Not humor. This is your misunderstanding of what is happening.
And about the rake ... There could not only be a rake, but it would really just fall from a tree and break legs and arms - as easy as shelling pears. And if this happens, the teacher will be to blame. Maybe you should talk about it with your son - that there are a lot of children in the class, and there is only one teacher. And she is also JUST A PERSON who, just like your son and you, gets tired, upset, sick. And she must be at least elementarily respected for the fact that she devotes so much time to your child and social group(class) in which your son spends many hours a day.

29.03.2009 01:42:01, Natalia, Zaporozhye, lawyer

I've re-read the entire discussion ... IMHO - the school takes on too much. She educates and educates - both labor and moral education, and ethics. Well, in the end - he can’t cope with anything, he doesn’t really do anything - he doesn’t educate or educate. When my children were studying, I had one desire - to ONLY TEACH them! Leave education to the PARENTS! Yes, someone will grow into a redneck, but it will grow anyway, regardless of the efforts or impotence of teachers.
Further. About respect for elders and pedagogical ethics. Of course, I’m the wrong mother, but I teach my children to think with their own heads, I teach that human stupidity is an ageless concept, that meanness in a person sometimes grows with age and position - the older and the higher the position occupies, the meaner . I am by no means saying that everyone is like that, but that there are such people too - yes, they do. And teachers too. Didn't you come across?
about pedagogical ethics. In grades 9-10, we had a class teacher ... how to formulate it ... She was registered in a psycho-neurological dispensary. She was not a drug addict, she was not an alcoholic, she was just mentally ill. And all the teachers knew about it. And everyone was silent - but what about ethics! And a mentally ill person had power (albeit limited by the school, but still!) - over 36 students. Fortunately, we were already old enough, and could adequately assess ourselves and the danger emanating from her. But a couple of people she still broke the life.
Now about aesthetics. Do not think that children are blind and do not see what the teachers are wearing. We have one lady under a white guipure blouse managed to wear a red bra. The other preferred huge stilettos to all shoes, although her legs were crooked and she could not walk in high heels. Another cool lady always wore a woolen suit, even in the heat of May. The smell of sweat could not be masked by any perfume. Again, how such ladies could give some lectures on ethics and aesthetics - it was incomprehensible to me in my school years, is still unclear.
As Kozma Prutkov used to say: "You can't embrace the immensity." The school should educate, and the parents should educate.
About parents. My meetings went regularly, not a single one was missed, but they never interceded for me. And I, while still a girl, decided that I would not give my children at the mercy of our upbringing and educational system. And, in general, successfully coped with it.

Comment on the article "Parents meeting - laughter through tears"

What is the busiest day of the year? For mothers and children, this is the eve of a birthday ... The child languishes in anticipation of miracles, and parents are tormented by feelings: “Have we foreseen everything, what if something goes wrong? ..” And indeed, noisy children, brushing aside the imposed stereotypes, often launches the holiday according to its scenario. And adults are addicted to the idea of ​​arranging the best holiday, and at the most inopportune moment they realize that they overdid it. That minute when amid the fun hangs awkward pause in my mother's head...

On our website, we gradually talk about different psychotypes, revealing to readers the complex inner world of each of the personality types, allowing you to get to know yourself and the people around you more deeply. And this time it's about the manic/depressive personality type, which is actually quite common in our society. The author of the cycle about psychotypes, Elena Shipilova, as always, will tell in detail about the main characteristics of the type, formation, inner world and relationships with others...

A couple of hours after giving birth, I receive an SMS from my husband: "Can you laugh?" . I answer: "Even necessary, but what's the matter?" - "I left you, walked around Vaska" - "And then what?" - "Did a minibus to the center" - "?" - "Then I had dinner in a cafe" - "And what's so funny about that?" - "Then I went down to the subway and..." - "And?" - "And one a kind person told me that I was in shoe covers." ________________________________-__________________________ "Come, I say, behind the curtain, and lower part clothes need...

The conversation at the meeting was mainly about passes, smoking, spices. Parents - a separate song. I would really not want Artem to study there, but what should I do? Laughter through tears.


The child came home from school very happy. Brought threes and fours.))
To my complete surprise, he apologized for his behavior yesterday. For several minutes I thought hard that I needed to answer this and remembered what they usually say in such cases.))
After my message that after the 8th grade there are no colleges now, it turned out that he did not have in his thoughts and did not have to study 8th grade. That 8th grade education is incomprehensible for whom (here I inserted a clarification for whom exactly), that normal people finish 9th grade and go to college. And he is going to do so.)) He reasoned: "Tell someone that you have finished 8 classes, and how they will look at you after that. But if you say that you have finished 9, it is a completely different matter." I could only agree with such reasonable thoughts and approve the judgments of a boy who was so reasonable.

After the 8th you won't find anything good. Even after the 9th, colleges are as different as heaven and earth. The good ones were called technical schools, the bad ones were the former vocational schools.
During this summer I traveled to many colleges, saw a lot of things. Sergey went to college, to the faculty with a competition of 4 people per place. I see the guys from his group, I saw the parents at the meeting. I compare with the college where Artem studies. They barely got a group there. Artem has a former vocational school, a pass system with SMS messages to his parents. A narcologist spoke at the first meeting. The conversation at the meeting was mainly about passes, smoking, spices. Parents - a separate song.
I would really not want Artem to study there, but what should I do?
By the way, after kro, he doesn’t have triples at all, I think he looks very dignified against the background of others, standing out with the daily execution of dz.

Ritka came home from physical education today with finger bruises on both hands. After the emergency room, now she's so beautiful. With a bus until Friday and 2 weeks without a physical. During the week, gymnastics also broke off, invitations to birthday parties - bowling and a trampoline. I'm talking about all the written lessons. The story is this: a pioneer ball on a physical, and the girls catch the balls from above in their open hands, for some reason it is impossible to press the ball to themselves. When we left the door of trauma, a girl from a parallel class was sitting in the corridor with the same ...


beauty))))))))))) sorry, my daughter smiled herself :) look, talking-mamaaaaa, figs now I’ll do my lessons _))))
on business - it is obligatory to go to the principal... the teacher's attitude is outrageous.

Oh, just like last year, my oldest got a crack in his finger, a cast for three weeks, not physical education, but some kind of trash.

Hi all! Girls, respond, who, like my eldest daughter, goes to the first grade in September at Lyceum 1571. Otherwise, we are not quite local, in the sense that on the other side of the Planernaya metro station. In general, we went to the garden at the beginning of Svoboda Street. In short, there is no company... The last "mass" meeting took place yesterday. Unfortunately, she herself could not attend, as tickets to the theater had been bought long before that. There was a grandmother. Who went to which building and which teacher? We initially got to Fomicheva k...


My daughter goes to class 1-3 to Natalia Mikhailovna in the building at Svobody 81-1.
I would join the form, but I want to try it on somewhere first. Judging by dimensional grid, even the smallest size will be great.
There is also a shop-studio Globus on the Falcon, there are skirts and a sundress of the same color.

Last year, they just gave a 10% discount on uniforms if you are from lyceum 1571. But there is nothing to buy for boys there ...

Officials cannot implement a program that would allow people with limited mobility to move freely around Surgut and visit social facilities. Some fresh figures: back in January, about 90 million rubles were provided for the organization of an accessible environment, already in October the administration corrected the amount, reducing it to 41 million rubles - more than twice. Of the amount remaining for this year, officials managed to master only 23 million rubles. The administration is blaming...

Juvenile justice in Bryansk kindergartens or what is child abuse If you have children and you hope that juvenile justice will bypass Bryansk - in vain. Juvenile justice is already in Bryansk and openly declares itself. Check out some great docs here. Kindergarten No. 155 "Firefly" has published a description of the main forms of child abuse on its website, from which parents can learn what to abuse relates to emotional abuse...

Yes, a lot has already been written about the benefits of early reading to children, and I will not say anything new by writing that reading should be started as early as possible. I read to my child when I was still pregnant, and when I just returned from the hospital, they also read right away. My parents laughed that it was too early for a child who is only a month old to read The Tale of Tsar Saltan, or The Humpbacked Horse. But I didn’t listen to anyone, I myself was wondering if I was doing the right thing or not. First of all, we had no problem getting to know...

We're going to the cottage. And then our son sang - And Lenin is so young, and young October is ahead! Laughter through tears. 09/21/2012 08:36:06, RAY. It is necessary to raise the issue at the parent meeting.


I have a daughter, although she studies in music school. But I also think that in an ordinary school all this is not necessary in FIG.

We also have a crazy music teacher attached to Kritskaya. Be patient. The main trouble is that in the 4th grade they said that there could be a USE (or whatever it is called in the 4th grade) in music.

Well, since I decided to return to the ranks of the slimming ones, it’s a sin not to use the new service on my favorite 7th and not create a thematic community. Join the ranks of the "party" and you will be happy!!!


increase potency and lose weight quickly and without harm to health, then you are welcome to us!
Our drugs are sold at the lowest prices and the highest quality in Russia. We provide next choice drugs:
You can already slowly collect the money who is ready to join, we coordinate as always with Katya or with me ... For now, you can not transfer, just throw in the soap someone who is ready to transfer as much based on their capabilities, then we will coordinate ...

parent living room


IN Lately there have been new trends, new forms of work with the family, which involve the involvement of parents in active participation in garden life.

Article 18 of the Education Law states: “Parents are the first teachers. They are obliged to lay the foundations for the physical, moral and intellectual development of the personality of the child at an early age.

The family and the kindergarten are two important institutions for the socialization of children. Their educational functions are different, but for comprehensive development The personality of the child needs their interaction.

In accordance with the new requirements, the role of parents in the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard is increasing. With the introduction of the Federal State Standard great attention given pedagogical education and parental education. The tasks facing the education system increase their responsibility for the effectiveness of the educational process, since it is the parent community that is directly interested in improving the quality of education and the development of their children. (FGOS UP TO part 1, clause 1.6, clause 9)

The task of the kindergarten is to “turn around” to face the family, to provide it with pedagogical assistance, to attract the family to its side in terms of uniform approaches to raising a child.

There are many forms interactions and families: informational and analytical (questionnaire, survey, mailbox); visual and informational (parent clubs, mini-libraries, information stands); cognitive (parents' living rooms, non-traditional parent meetings, oral magazines); leisure (holidays, joint leisure activities, promotions, participation of parents in competitions, exhibitions).

For several years now, it has become a tradition in our garden to hold parental living rooms. Friendly communication style between teachers and parents individual approach to meetings with parents, cooperation, rather than mentoring, helped to get closer to the families of pupils, to understand each other in different issues education.


Preparatory stage:

  • determination of theoretical issues, preparation of the practical part of the event;
  • organization of space for meetings with parents;
  • preparation of samples of working material;
  • compiling a summary, finding the necessary methodological material;
  • preparation of memos, recommendations for parents;
  • notification of parents about the event.


  • selection of those responsible for the games;
  • design subject environment the premises where the event will take place;
  • selection of materials and attributes.


establishing partnerships with parents in the development and upbringing of preschool children.


  • develop the child's personality active interaction with parents;
  • introduce new non-traditional forms of work with the family;
  • create in kindergarten psychologically comfortable conditions for emotional interaction of parents, teachers and children;
  • to exchange experience between the families of pupils;
  • to promote rapprochement between children and parents of the group;
  • develop the skills of concerted action;
  • introduce ways effective communication;
  • develop in children fine motor skills, speech breathing, coordination of speech with movement;
  • develop imagination, artistic and creative abilities, attention, thinking, dexterity;
  • educate the moral qualities of the individual.

Members of the parent lounge:

parents and pupils of the preparatory group.


I. Introduction

The music is quiet. The guests are seated along the tables.

Educator. Hello, dear guests, we are glad to see you as our guest, in our family parental living room. The topic of our today family evening- "Our skillful hands". The topic speaks for itself, it will focus on the creativity of parents and their children. Meet our favorite guys.

The song “You, I, and we are with you” sounds (lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky, music by Valery Ivanov).

Children enter, stand in a semicircle in the middle of the hall.

The teacher introduces all children and parents.

Educator. And now I invite all the participants of our evening to stand one after another in a circle and go to the circle of Friendship.

round dance game

(Words and movements are repeated after the teacher.)

Let's stomp our feet: like this, like this.

We clap our hands: like this, like this.

And now we started dancing: like this, like this (the heel was put on).

And now they took up the handles: like this, like this.

And they ran around in a circle: like this, like this.

Finally stopped, each other

smiled and, of course, made friends.

(Parents and children hug each other.)

Great, we got to know each other.

Dear parents, children, we invite you to take your seats at the name tables.

Parents with children go to their seats.

II. Main part

The teacher represents one of the participating families. Tells about the hobbies of the members of this family (father, mother, children).

First family performance

Family motto:"We knit, we sew, we create, we play, we never lose heart."

Parent(mother of Ksyusha Smirnova Nadezhda Nikolaevna) . We will make nesting dolls. To do this, we need fabric, thread, foam rubber, cardboard.


  1. Cut out two shapes of nesting dolls from cardboard using a stencil.
  2. We cut out the same shape from foam rubber.
  3. From thick fabric cut out two shapes of nesting dolls using a stencil. On each side, you need to add 2 centimeters to the seam.
  4. Next, we form our matryoshka:
  • for this, we put a form of cardboard and foam rubber on a fabric form, on top - another form of cardboard and at the end we close it with a cloth;
  • we connect two forms of fabric and sew to each other;
  • so that the seam is not visible, we take the braid and oblique hand stitch sew to fabric.

Here we have such a beautiful nesting doll!

Educator. Thank you for the interesting story and your family work.

The teacher presents next family, whose members themselves develop and make developing and educational games and books for preschoolers with their own hands. They will tell and show us about it today.

Second family performance

Family motto:

Our future is in children

Give them the best.

And with love for our children

We must build, create, revive.

Parent(mother of Seryozha Besova Irina Viktorovna) . An educational toy is a toy specially designed to entertain and educate children in a lively, fun way.

And now we will go through the stages of creating a toy. We need such materials and tools: fabric, laces, buttons, buttons, Velcro, fasteners, beads, braid.


  1. Let's sketch the book.
  2. Let's pick materials.
  3. We will make a pattern and an application.
  4. We color and process the buttons.
  5. Sew appliqué, pockets, laces, buttons and other details onto the base.
  6. Install buttons, blocks, grommets, connecting rings.
  7. Let's link all the pages together.
  8. Attach and secure the rest of the details.

So the toy is ready, it should not only entertain, but also benefit children.

Educator. Thank you very much for your love for children. And now I will introduce you to another family. They love to fantasize with products and get unusual, magical treats. This is what they tell us about.

Third family performance

Family motto:

father and mother and children together

Sitting at the festive table

And together they are not bored at all,

And four is interesting.

Parent(mother of Christina Goryacheva Anna Nikolaevna) . I will show you the curly cutting of vegetables and fruits. Let's make a bee from a radish. We need 3 radishes, 4 corn kernels, 1 olive.


  1. Cut from 2 radishes transverse stripes peel.
  2. Let's make two shallow cuts for the "wings".
  3. Cut the third radish into slices.
  4. Insert radish circles into the incisions - these are “wings”.
  5. We will make the eyes from corn, the pupils from a small olive and attach the “eyes” with mayonnaise.

So our bee is ready. The art of carving vegetables and fruits is called carving. I want to recommend you cookbooks " delicious decorations for the holiday "(author Irina Stepanova), "Decoration of vegetables and fruits" (author Marie Elsa Lobo).

Educator. We thank the family for the "delicious" story and head to the Russian beauties. I want to speak in verse: Two girls under the window embroidered in the evening.

Let's get acquainted with this girl and her mother (represents the family). It is immediately clear that these people follow Russian traditions and are engaged in embroidery. I know that their motto is "Beauty will save the world."

In ancient times, girls gathered in Rus' in the evenings, embroidered and sang songs. Let's go back to that time.

Lights off, lights a candle. The teacher and the parent perform the song "Ryabinushka" (lyrics by I.Z. Surkov, Russian folk music).

Parent(mother of Yulia Sosnina Olga Nikolaevna) . I will show you cross stitch. We need a canvas, a needle and thread, a hoop. So that the edges do not crumble, they are treated with glue or transparent nail polish, you can simply overcast with your hands or on a typewriter.

In order for the picture to turn out beautiful, it is important to choose the right needle. For beginner embroiderers, a round hoop of small diameter - 15-17 cm is suitable.


  1. We start work from the center of the canvas. To determine it, we fold the canvas four times. When embroidering with a cross, we make stitches in one direction. Traditionally, each cross is embroidered separately.
  2. We pierce the fabric from the inside to the face, remove the needle. Let's make a stitch: diagonally, from left to right and from top to bottom (you can also on the other side, as you like) - we get a semi-cross. Let's make a cross: a “mirror” stitch, from top to bottom, but from right to left.
  3. Finished embroidery we recommend washing in a little warm water using shampoo, then wrap in a towel and dry. The embroidery should be ironed very carefully, from the wrong side, using a soft backing.

Educator. Many thanks for the pleasure and for your beauty, for your needlework and for the preservation of Russian traditions!

I see you are a little tired, sad, let's cheer up and play.

Polish musical game "Lavata"

Children, standing in a circle and not holding hands, move with side steps, first in one direction, and when repeating words, in the other direction, saying:

We dance together - tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta,

Our favorite dance is "lavata".

The host says:

My fingers are good, but my neighbor's is better.

(Children take each other by the little fingers and repeat the words with movements to the right and left. Then, in turn, the driver gives other tasks.)

My shoulders are good, but my neighbor's is better;

My ears are good, but my neighbor's is better;

My cheeks are good, but my neighbor's is better;

My waist is good, but my neighbor's is better;

My knees are good, but my neighbor's is better;

My heels are good, but my neighbor's is better.

Educator. We had a great rest, had fun, I suggest you take a seat at your tables. I give the floor to my mother-needlewoman with a fabulous imagination, a participant in our exhibitions and her daughter (represents the family).

family performance

Family motto:

We meet everyone with bread and salt,

We put the samovar on the table.

We don't miss tea

We are famous for handicrafts

All our friends like us.

Material: glue, scissors, skewers, paper, sweets.


  1. We fix the candy on the tip of the skewer.
  2. long strip cut the paper into halves.
  3. We wind a strip of cut paper on a skewer and glue it, we make leaves from a green buggy.

Educator. The flower turned out gorgeous! It can be a gift for loved ones for any occasion.

III. Final part

Educator. To all parents and children thanks a lot for the wonderful creative evening! I would like to wish everyone good, love, peace, and may your children please you all.


  1. Veraksa N.E., Komarova T.S., Vasiliev M.A. From birth to school. - M.: Ed. Mosaic-Synthesis, 2014.
  2. Rivina E.K. We introduce preschoolers to family and pedigree. - M.: Ed. Mosaic-Synthesis, 2008.
  3. Internet resources.