How to raise a child so that he becomes successful in the future. Raising a Successful Child

Caring parents want their child to grow up to be a successful person who succeeds in everything - from school to a successful career.

But, unfortunately, there is no exact instruction on how to instill success in a child ... However, there are a number general rules, the implementation of which is mandatory for the education of a person who is secure in the future. Psychological studies have established that these items were carried out by all parents of successful children.

Here are 13 habits that a child needs to take with him into adulthood:

1. Household chores. We do it unconditionally!

According to Julie Lithcott-Haims, author of How to Raise an Adult, helping parents around the house is an opportunity to let the child know that everyone in the family contributes to the comfort of home. Lytcott-Haims is convinced that such children in the future become good workers and easier to integrate into the team. The main thing is to awaken awareness of responsibility for arranging your life, to make the child an active participant in this process.

2. Communication, communication and more communication

Scientists from the Universities of Pennsylvania and Duke have revealed an amazing pattern: more socially developed kids who knew how to communicate, understand peers, after 20 years turned into successful adults, received a good education and a prestigious job. Unsociable children were prone to antisocial behavior, problems with alcohol and employment. Hence the conclusion: parents should make every effort to socialize the child.

3. Tune in for the best!

Researchers at the University of California conducted a survey, as a result of which it turned out that the high demands of parents are directly related to the future achievements of the children. It's about not only about financial side. Motivation to achieve goals, "programming" for the result - that's what dad and mom should give to their child. According to the results of the survey, 96% of children went to college and completed their studies with excellence, because they were set for this result.

4. Quarrels, scandals ... What is it?

Researchers at the University of Illinois concluded that quiet families children develop better than in the environment constant quarrels and scandals. At the same time, it doesn’t matter whether the parents are divorced or continue to live “for the sake of the children” - it turned out that kids brought up in a calm, but incomplete family more even-tempered than those who grew up with constantly quarreling mom and dad.

5. Be like dad!

Observations by psychologists at the University of Michigan revealed that a greater desire for children to get a higher education was observed in families where the parents themselves were well-educated people. The rule also works the other way around: a study of 14,000 children found that those whose parents did not receive a higher education also do not aspire to it.

6. I love math, I teach math

This is another method that allows you to be one step ahead of your peers. This discovery helped make a study of 35,000 children. preschool age in Canada, America and England. Greg Duncan, co-author of the study, shares his observations. He notes with surprise that the preschool assimilation of the elementary concepts of numbers, their order and other simple actions determines not only future achievements in exact sciences but also good reading.

7. Develop relationships with children

In 2014, with the participation of 243 children from low-income families An experiment was carried out with amazing results. It turned out that the kids who received the most forgetfulness before the age of 3 developed better than their peers, and as adults, they were able to build healthy relationships and achieve professional success.

8. Live without stress

The latest discoveries of the American sociologist Kei Nomaguchi proved that mothers, when they have to choose between work and own child, are in a state of constant stress, and this acts depressingly on the baby. The child reads well emotional condition most loved one, therefore, depression, discontent and other negative moods are transmitted to him.

9. Knowledge and work will grind everything

It is important for parents to develop in children correct system assessment of their achievements. So, you can tell your son or daughter that the exam was passed because of innate genius. Everything, there is no further growth. Or you can convince a child that the passed exam is the result of hard work, and this will teach him a “growth mindset” and push him to conquer new heights.

10. Mom is not a housewife!

Researchers at Harvard Business School have found an interesting pattern. It turns out that working mothers have a beneficial effect on children: their daughters and sons showed more diligence in their studies, they learned to work and earn money earlier. Such children are 25% more successful than those raised by housewife mothers.

11. Security and significance

The success of the future generation also depends on the good financial situation of the parents. Moreover, there is a trend of increasing influence this indicator: over 25 years, the difference between the achievements of children from poor and rich families has grown by 30-40%.

In other words, the more wealthy the parents, the more excellent marks the children have. Wealth and status is an incentive to become educated and successful.

12. Authority as a model of the ideal

There are three types of parenting. Permissive when parents are not too strict in their methods. Authoritarian: Such children are subject to strict control and are brought up according to the standards developed by their parents. And the third option is authoritative, dad and mom just rationally guide the child.

The last type is the ideal parenting model. The child does not feel depressed, and at the same time respects the older generation.

13. I see the goal, I see no obstacles

University of Pennsylvania psychologist Angela Duckworth for a long time observed students of various institutions - students who have achieved significant results in any area. All of them were united by one thing: an unquenchable interest and the ability to achieve long-term goals. An important aspect of education successful person- to teach the child to clearly imagine what he wants and achieve his goal, despite the obstacles.

Perhaps someone has learned in the above methods of raising their parents, and will just as successfully apply them in relation to their own children.

What character traits are necessary for a happy life, how to educate successful child- parents often ask psychologists about this.

Of course, communication skills, determination, responsibility, initiative, purposefulness, willpower will help the child become successful. But is it possible to cultivate all the listed traits at once? Wouldn't the result be the same as in I. Krylov's fable "The Swan, Cancer and Pike"?

What character traits need to be nurtured first of all, and they are already activating, pulling up the rest?

May be Special attention curiosity, try to diversify favorite child? After all, they say that you need to have time to lay in the child as much as possible before the age of seven, then he will grow up successful. Therefore, mothers and fathers begin intensively in a voluntary-compulsory manner, that is, thanks to all sorts of promises, tempting stories, from an early age, take the child along various circles, sports sections are enrolled in music and art schools. And he is obliged to be the first everywhere, to show the best results. And how else, because it's your child!

And all this is done by parents, of course, with the best of intentions. Such is the time now – the race of education. At two years old - to read, at three to operate freely with mathematical operations. How, your child is already four years old, and he does not study mental mathematics? And does he speak English (German, French)? You are behind the times, what do you think? And parents, under the pressure of social educational psychosis, tear the unfortunate child away from interesting games and they write it down everywhere - just in case, so as not to miss something, to keep up with the neighbors Vanya, Tanya, Petya in something.

As a result, the child is so overfilled with various information, requirements, orders that he does not want to do anything or play, he cannot focus on one thing, he has not learned to bring what he started to its logical conclusion.

Maybe pay special attention to the development of the ability to learn, independently find the necessary information, assimilate it and apply it? Yes, the child will be smart, perhaps even super smart, but will he be able to find application for his outstanding knowledge, skills and abilities? Books contain all the wisdom of mankind, but knowledge, if not used in any way, is of little importance for a prosperous future child.

Can it be a paramount task to put the education of initiative? But without responsibility, intelligence, communication skills and other important character traits, such a quality can lead to completely unpredictable results.

What about communication? Skills are easy to find mutual language with others are very valuable, but you can talk for hours about trifles.

Life shows that, most likely, the most important thing for becoming a strong, intelligent, holistic, successful personality is the ability to set goals and achieve them. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to educate the child in purposefulness and willpower.

It is not easy to teach to set effective, effective, working for the benefit of goals. If only because the tasks that have been outlined should be significant for the child himself. Otherwise, he will execute them only under moral pressure adults, not at all understanding the meaning of the requirements placed on him. Why should he do this? A beloved child can pose such a question at any moment, quite unexpectedly for adults who naively believed that everything was clear and transparent anyway.

This reaction of the child is completely natural. For example, parents convince that it is necessary to study. And why hurry, if the same parents say that you need to study all (!) life, especially at school, that it’s never too late to study, and you can, for example, leave school after the ninth grade, get a professional education, work, and then If you understand that you want to know and be able to do more, you can enter a university. It is necessary to clearly explain to the child that schooling is a necessary step for a prosperous future, a short starting acceleration for a successful result. And the opportunity to fully concentrate only on studying, developing his talents will never be presented to him again.

In addition, the goal should be specific not only in the wording, desirable in terms of results, but also determined in time. It is necessary to teach to count and value your time. For example, an unaffordable luxury for any person is to study a foreign language at school for ten years, and as a result, do not connect even two words into a correct sentence. At the same time, sit for hours on homework in a foreign language. The child has a feeling of infinity and futility of this process. Offer to set a goal: to pass the level in a year and pass a serious international exam as an objective test. Then let him independently think over ways to achieve the intended goal in a quality and timely manner: what will help him - courses, tutors, self-study how much time and on what days he will be able to study, how he will improve the acquired skills (listen to CDs, watch films in a foreign language, correspond e-mail with a native speaker and chat with him via Skype, etc.)

What will it give? The child learns to set a goal, develop a plan to achieve it, mobilizes willpower by doing. He sees and feels the result himself. If we take the same example with the study foreign language, then he can freely communicate in the language he is learning, he always answers correctly and quickly in foreign language lessons and completes his homework in a few minutes - which means, in addition to everything else, time has also been freed up for other activities, recreation.

The goal is not to set the top five in a quarter / year in mathematics, since grades are often very subjective set by the teacher, but a thorough understanding of the essence of the material being studied. And then it's not so important whether you get a 4 or a 3, a valuable, indescribably sweet feeling of freedom, the absence of a humiliating fear that you won't be able to cope with an example, a task.

If a child knows how to set effective goals and he has enough willpower to achieve them, then such traits as communication skills, initiative, and responsibility develop in parallel. Including mercy, the ability to empathize, to understand another person - after all, we teach to set goals that in no case should harm anyone. Without all these qualities, it is impossible to quickly reach the set heights.

If you have a different point of view and it is confirmed real examples from life, write.

Wealth, wealth, success... Today, these concepts are so often identified with human life that seemingly unsuccessful people have no right to exist. What is the difference between successful people and those who are alien to such concepts as purposefulness, confidence and desire to follow their calling?!

It's all about the upbringing that a person undergoes from an early age, developing in himself necessary features character, and shaping the worldview certain type personality.

In this article, we will talk about how to raise successful and successful children, regardless of the opinion of society, genetic predisposition and other external factors.

Problems of the educational process

Parents are the main teachers who lay down the basic life principles and outlook on life that the child carries into adulthood. And here the main thing is not to follow the opinion of a society that is not interested in successful and self-sufficient individuals, but to listen to your child and his needs.

It is important to remember that successful child- This happy child with normal self-esteem and the absence of complexes and fears that arise in the children's mind under the influence of "loving" dads and moms. Indeed, parents often love obedient and calm offspring who do not show initiative and do not prove their opinion. It's so convenient when you obey. True, in the case of children, this is - for the time being.

According to psychologists, errors and gaps in educational process have a negative impact not only on psychological state child, but also precede many physical illness. To change the irreversible trend, first of all, it is necessary to make adjustments in the minds of parents who raise children according to the principle "it will be as I said."

When a child appears, each parent transfers echoes from his childhood to his family, that is, if the father grew up in the family of a tyrant, it is more likely that his son will receive similar life attitudes.

What success of the child in the future can we talk about if the child grows up with an excess of aggression, or notorious and insecure sissy? In such cases, it is worth paying attention to a number of problems that exist in modern society, and are a stumbling block in the development of usefulness and success in children:

  • Negative phenomena in education can be observed with the development of computer technology. It is easier for a mother to distract a child with a newfangled gadget than to read a bedtime story. As a result, the lack of attention negatively affects the psyche of the crumbs.
  • Compensation for the lack of care by buying new toys sooner or later leads to the depreciation of material things and increased demands.
  • Hyper-custody is one of the most common problems of our time, when a small child literally cannot take a step without the obsessive help of elders. As a result, we get a lack of initiative, a teenager unadapted to life, and over time, a helpless man or woman.
  • The imposition of their views and demands is inherent in parents who themselves have not particularly succeeded in life, therefore they try to show their “leadership” abilities on a baby of several years old.
  • The unwillingness to take responsibility for a small life very often affects the life of a child, who, as a result, not only does not receive the necessary love and care, but also suffers from the irresponsibility and failure of his mother or father.

How to raise a successful child

Introducing into the mind of the child such concepts as humanity, independence, purposefulness, parents are very likely to raise a successful and self-confident person. Imitation of parents also plays an important role in the further formation of life principles.

If the child saw that it is common for mom to keep a promise, and dad, like no one else, knows how to support in Hard time and give wise advice, then in the near future it will do the same. The qualities instilled in childhood are like seeds that adults sow in fertile soil. And only time will tell what fruits will grow in the hearts of children, and whether they will grow at all.

What should you pay attention to, and what should you beware of in order for the upbringing of a successful child to bring results?!

  • The ability to perceive a child, regardless of age, as a person separate from their parents, which is characterized by their own opinion, view of a certain situation, self-esteem, inner emotional world.


Keep a moral distance, do not impose your preferences and tastes if the child does not like it. Even a 2-3 year old baby can make conscious choices in favor of favorite things or activities.

  • Supporting the manifestation of the initiative is very important for the development of independence and the first undertakings. And let the baby eat slowly, or have been tying shoelaces for half an hour, such moments are milestone in the development of independence and willpower, albeit still very tiny.


Encourage in your child any manifestations of activity, where he tries to take small, but independent steps. It is especially important to show support in the first years of the baby, when the behavior of adults determines character traits.

  • Help in setting goals and desires is a fundamental principle for developing a confident child. Until the age of 12, the child's psyche is not able to determine specific directions in its preferences, therefore it is very important to be observant, and then direct to right direction restless childish energy.
  • The upbringing of willpower and diligence can begin from the age of 6-7, when the child is able to control his emotions and is aware of their consequences. Regardless of what character the baby is endowed with, it is desirable to develop determination and fortitude from an early age.


Teach your child to play sports, perform various exercises, in every possible way supporting his efforts and successes. Physical exercise develop self-discipline and self-control in the best possible way.

  • A personal example of achieving the set goals is good example for imitation, which children will gladly follow. The main thing is to be consistent, keep promises, and of course, work hard and enjoy the results of your work. And then, the child will understand that with great diligence and the desire to be the first, you can reach any heights.

How to raise a rich kid

As for financial well-being, it is often associated with successful activity person. Rich people differ from other segments of the population in their way of thinking and attitude towards money, which, in their concept, must exist in order to attract other wealth. Financial Success of each millionaire directly depend on such qualities as perseverance, willpower, the ability to delve into the essence of the problem, highlighting the main thing.

The qualities of a leader and innovator instilled in a son in childhood can be very useful in adulthood when you need to take responsibility and follow through on commitments. It is good if the parents did their best to develop the child, showing by their own example how important it is to adhere to the established rules.

No less important is the attitude to money, which parents are obliged to teach the younger generation. Thanks to the correct and timely approach to education and training, the child will learn to take care of money, which will directly affect his financial condition in future.

So what do you need to know in order to improve financial literacy child?!

  • Money, as a means to achieve goals, requires a balanced and careful attitude. You should not instill social stereotypes in your child - “all the rich are bandits”, “money is the root of evil”, etc. It is better if the child knows that financial well-being- this is a positive phenomenon, which is achieved by work and perseverance.
  • Budgeting is one of the effective methods that increase financial literacy, that is, to keep and increase their savings. You can help your child create a plan for keeping track of all expenses throughout the year. certain period. Thus, the son or daughter will be able to clearly control their impulses to blow their pocket money in 1 day.
  • In the event of material problems in the family, the child should not become a witness to complaints about the lack of money, and negative attitude about the financial situation of the family. It is better to expand the children's horizons about how you can make money, starting from the most unusual and interesting ways, and ending with the highest paying options.
  • Acquaintance with the stories of successful and rich people will become informative and interesting experience for an older child. For example, boys will probably be interested in the founding of the computer empire of Steve Jobs or the biography of Henry Ford. Teenage girls can read how Mary Kay, the founder of a cosmetics company, developed her business.
  • High self-esteem is one of the most important components of the character of any person. It is very important to develop it in childhood so that the child can adequately evaluate his efforts and achievements in the future. The main thing is not to overdo it, because there is a very thin line between decent self-esteem and arrogance.

The modern world is so changeable and fleeting that sometimes it seems that you are watching the frames of an adventure film. And at this time, children are growing up - the modern generation, from which wonderful artists, businessmen, politicians, and simply successful people will grow up.

The main task of parents is to direct their dreams and aspirations in the right direction, instilling hard work, endurance and dedication along the way.

Which the main task us as parents to our children? Why do we need a child? What can we give him, besides how to feed, clothe, wash and educate?

The main task of parents is to adapt the child to life in society, to teach him to be able to build communications, to fulfill himself.

The child must be able to achieve material wealth and build relationships with people around him, who are not all and will not always be on his side. These two skills, so necessary in real life, only parents can give a child, the school does not teach this. The school does not teach high-quality communication, weakly teaches teamwork. It is an illusion that we learned communication at school, we learned it in SCHOOL YEARS! In the yards, on the street, playing wonderful team games and talking to people different ages. This is how children learn to communicate: to talk, negotiate, experience conflict situations, be friends.

In the usual framework of society, many are of the opinion that you need to be comfortable and “keep your head down”. Therefore, the school brings up "convenient" children, "comfortable" students. The illusion of leadership, when teachers praise an obedient student, grows in your child. And as a result, it turns into an eternal search for praise and emotional stroking even in adulthood, depression of former honors students and honors students when they learn about the successes of twos and threes among their classmates.

If you orient a child to unconditional obedience, he will be comfortable, but unlikely to become successful in modern understanding this word. A "comfortable" child, as a rule, is depressed, does not have his own opinion, is not able to make even his own small decisions and be responsible for them, a person. But permissiveness is also unacceptable for the development of a successful personality. So we need rules.

The family should have clear, understandable boundaries - and no unconditional love in its terrible manifestation

A bad soldier will never become a general. The child must learn to adhere to the rules, set boundaries and cooperate with the people around him. He comprehends this stage at the age of 7-8 years.

From the age of 7-14, you should expand his boundaries of responsibility and gradually reduce your boundaries of influence. The child should become more independent and responsible. Don't limit it. Let him do what he sees fit, if his decision cannot bring him physical harm. Give him this responsibility. Based on this, the estimates obtained are his area of ​​responsibility.

Do not break the child under generally accepted criteria and norms

Do not support, especially in front of a child, those who criticize him, who complain to you about him. Remember, they are not so much complaining about him as they are complaining to you that your child is uncomfortable for them. The best response to criticism would be: "Thank you, I heard, I'll think about it!"

No matter how parents behave, it must be remembered that children have unconditional love to them. The child is biologically imprisoned for the fact that without an adult he will die. But if you start to compare it with some norms (strangers), the child, in order to please you, can play along with you. He will earn praise and then he will try to be "good" for you, for his boss, for his partner. And this means that it will be easy to manipulate. Successful people are almost impossible to manipulate; rather, they are manipulated.

WITH early age teach your child how to deal with money

Now very strange time in terms of passing on life experiences to their children. Reading the classics, and even remembering our childhood, we see that earlier child from an early age he participated in helping with the housework, and at the age of 12 he was a full-fledged assistant or housekeeper. Now the world has changed. Parents go to work, children do not understand how parents work, where the money comes from. They lost the opportunity to learn from their parents to extract resources. And this is the skill that will help them in adulthood to be financially secure. Previously, children really learned how to create a resource - they grew something, knitted, embroidered, carpenter, helped in the forge, etc. Our children don't learn from us. Even if you take your child to work with you, he will rather have fun there than learn anything.

It turns out that at home a child can learn only household chores, but this is not an activity to create a material resource. In addition, being at home doing business, he does not learn communication skills at this time. Modern child cannot mine the resource. Namely, the ability to do this gives the feeling that you are useful, educates and nurtures self-respect in the child. The child becomes infantile. He does not understand the meaning of money, he does not know how to use it.

What to do?

  1. Start with yourself: demonstrate your careful, respectful attitude to money. Children remember what you do, not what you say.
  2. From 4-5 years old, when the child is a little familiar with the account and knows the letters, small bills and coins can be considered. Give him his first wallet and put money of different denominations in the range of 50-100 rubles. If you go to a store, tell him what he can buy for himself, for each coin / bill separately and for all at once.
  3. Along with the wallet, buy a small notebook to keep track of his expenses. At first, you will have to keep these records with your child, but literally in a year the child will balance his own balance. Enter the rule: issue the next amount only after the report is submitted. Give out so many pocket money so as not to think about how and on what he will spend them. But explain that the money given is not for one day, but for a week, and if he spends it right away, you will not give him anything until the week is over. Your task is to let him manage the money and learn to choose between momentary desire and really useful purchases. Encourage proper management of income and expenses.
  4. Let your child pay for their purchases at the checkout. At first he will be shy, and then he will do it with pleasure. Because this skill will increase his self-esteem.
  5. When the child is 7-8 years old, tell me how he can increase his budget. For example, he can negotiate with his relatives to give him money for his birthday, and explain to them why (saving up for a toy, roller skates, etc.). Your task is to warn him that the amount is not called - this is the choice of the giver. My advice: do not pay for your studies - this is a very powerful demotivator.

Let your child do what they love

If your child is engaged in some business that brings him pleasure (draws, designs, reads) - DO NOT INTERFERE! And even if lessons are not learned from him, let the whole world wait. By doing what you love, a child learns almost the most important thing in his life: he learns to be in a state of flow! It's not about loving yourself, it's about loving the GOOD! This skill to enjoy what you do for several hours, to be focused on one thing, will pay off a hundredfold in the future. If you “pull” him out of this state once, ten times, it will be written in the subconscious: “it’s not good to do what you love, it’s wrong, you have to do what is required, even if you don’t like it.”

Make sure your children spend most of their time outside the home.
It is advisable to give preference to those circles, sections, additional classes, where children of different ages are gathered! Let the children go outside, visit, do not interfere in their relationship with other children. Because this is how children learn the skill of communication and stress resistance.

In conclusion

But what about the school? I am not saying that school is evil. In no case! I have only positive memories of the school and teachers. And I studied well. Only this knowledge was of little use to me in those three institutes that I later graduated from, and even more so in ordinary life. Make the most of what she can give, but not contrary to the interests of your child.

The following are tips to help you lay the foundation for a successful person.

1. Respect the child. Show him your love.

Your task as a parent is to lay the foundation for a successful personality - high self-esteem of the child. People with high self-esteem know their own worth, are not afraid of the disapproval of others, and do not try to prove to others that they are better. The more your child loves and respects himself, the better he treats others and the better their opinion of him.

Talk to your child about your love. Hug him often. Your child needs to know that he is loved and will be loved no matter what happens. He needs to know that you love him even when you punish him.

In no case do not try to control the child by blackmailing with your love. Don't tell your child, "If you don't do what I ask, I will stop loving you." Children who experienced in childhood the fear of losing their mother's love grow up as insecure people.

Be respectful of everything your child does. If it's time for bed and he's still playing, help him finish the game (for example, build a garage for a car or a house for a doll where a toy can sleep). The game for the child has the same importance how is your work for you.

If you criticize a child, do not criticize him, but his actions. For example, it's better to say "you did bad" instead of "you're bad."

Accept your child for good and bad. Accepting a child as “bad” does not mean rejecting improvement. It only means that your child is a unique individual with their own strengths and weaknesses.

2. Learn optimism.

“Life belongs to optimists. Pessimists are just spectators.

Teach your child to see in every situation positive points. Make a game out of this: who will find more positive aspects in a bad situation. Learn to believe in the best.

Failure is an experience that is necessary to achieve future goals. For example, the child did not win the competition, although he really wanted to and prepared for a long time. Explain to the frustrated child that his temporary failure will serve as a good incentive to achieve best results in future.

Tell your child that in life there are joys and difficulties, happy moments and bad situations. You can't win all the time and always do the right thing. But we must strive for it. So if something does not work out, you need to make more efforts, think through everything, and then everything will definitely work out.

3. Find your child's life's work.

Every person has certain abilities. The sooner the child begins to engage in the business of a lifetime, the faster it will achieve greater success compared to peers. For example, a girl who started playing tennis at the age of 4 will achieve more significant success by the age of 20 than one who has just recently entered the sport.

It is very difficult to find the "work of a lifetime" in childhood itself, but it is necessary. So your task is to show and let the child try as many features of each profession as possible. Tell your child about how you can earn money (using people you know as an example), watch educational films together, read books about professions, play games about professions, etc.

Start at a very early age. Give the baby tasks and look at what he likes the most. If he is very interested in a certain occupation and he is ready to do it more and more, then this sure sign in order to develop this direction in the child. For example, a girl likes to draw more than to do logic tasks. In this case, the task of the parent is to provide the girl various tools and materials for drawing (drawing special paints on clothes, oil on canvas, spray cans on the wall), acquaintance with the works of masters, and reading specialized literature, etc.

A child who showed an active interest in art at age 5 may well switch to something else in the future. Be sure that the experience you have will definitely benefit. And it may well be that your child will find some new combination of professions.

4. Develop your child's eloquence.

80% of a person's success in life depends on the ability to negotiate, find a common language and win over people. If you want your child to be successful in life, it is imperative to develop skills effective communication.

Teach your child to recognize and express his feelings in words, to explain his thoughts and emotions, to build sentences correctly, to be able to say the same thought in different words.

Support your child's desire to communicate more. Attend developing groups and circles, retell the stories you read, discuss the films you watched and the situations that happened.

5. Teach your child to have their own opinion.

Teach your child to have their own opinion, to be aware of their desires. Know WHAT and WHY he wants. In adulthood, it is very important to realize yourself as a separate unique person with your own desires and needs. And it is quite normal if in some cases the opinion of your child will not coincide with the opinion of the rest.

Teach your child to constantly make choices, and be content with what you get. In fact, our whole life depends on what we choose. Each choice of action (or inaction) has its own consequences, of which our life is formed. So it is very important that the person early years learned to make choices.

If you are shopping for baby food, ask for help. If you are going to go for a walk, ask him what he wants to go for a walk in. For example, ask: “Where will you go for a walk - in a red sweater or blue? What will you take with you - a spatula or a scoop?". Constantly teach your child to make a choice: what plate to eat from, what paste to brush his teeth with, what toy to fall asleep with today, what book to read, etc.

Talk to your child more often, ask for his opinion and advice, discuss books read, cartoons, films and situations seen.

6. Teach yourself to be independent.

How more baby does it on his own, the more confident he feels. Teach from an early age to dress and undress independently, clean up the potty, wipe up what you spilled, correct what you have done. Don't scold your child for mistakes. Be patient and better help your child do what he is trying to do on his own.

Around the age of 2.5-3 years, the child goes through a “crisis of 3 years”. If during this period you do not encourage his desire to do everything on his own, then later you will not wait for this from him.

7. Develop your child's fantasy and imagination.

“A successful person is always an amazing artist of his imagination. Imagination is much more important than knowledge, because knowledge is limited, but imagination is limitless. (Albert Einstein)

Success in our lives depends on how well we handle adversity. How more options We come up with solutions to problems, the more effectively we cope with obstacles.

From an early age, develop in a child Creative skills: draw, make music and dance, invent poems, stories and your own ending famous fairy tales find new uses for everyday objects. Encourage inquisitiveness and curiosity in the child, more gently lead the child to think: "what if ...".

8. Learn to value time.

The most valuable resource that is in life is the time of life. The more effectively we use it, the better our life.

From an early age, teach your child to be constantly busy. If the child does not know what to do, be sure to take him with something interesting. Over time, the habit of constantly being busy will be fixed in the character of the child, and this is a necessary quality of a successful person.

Plan the next day and week with your child. Analyze the past day. For example, before going to bed. Celebrate your child's progress and praise them.

9. Teach your child to be responsible.

Successful people realize that only they are responsible for their lives and everything that happens in it.

From an early age, teach your child to be responsible for their words and actions. The child must understand that all his actions have consequences. But don't berate mistakes. Your child is developing as a person and must learn from mistakes. But don't make him responsible for your life or for something he can't change.

Get a pet, but agree in advance with the child that he will take care of him, feed him and clean up after him.

Develop the habit of keeping your word in your child. Do it by your own example - always do what you promised the child. So he will feel his importance and significance, and just like you, he will learn to keep his word.

10. Learn to set goals and achieve them.

Many people don't succeed because they just don't know what they really want. They have only the outlines of what they would like to have in their lives and a faint hope that someday this will happen.

Therefore, from an early age, it is necessary to teach a child to be aware of his desires, set a specific goal, come up with actions to achieve it and achieve results.

It is very important to give the child a taste of victory. Be sure to praise your child when he deserves it. Note what you are complimenting. If something is not working out for a child, help him a little (but do not do all the work for him). Encourage your child to finish what they started. Teach your child not to stop in front of difficulties, but to overcome them. After all, luck is the result vigorous activity, and failure is just an excuse to start all over again, only more thoughtfully.

For your child to be successful in adulthood, you will have to try hard. But the reward for this will be happy life your child. In addition, by developing the qualities of a successful person in a child, you yourself will improve yourself. So, change your life for the better and your life will sparkle with new colors. Good luck in this important and interesting business!