Non-traditional ways of drawing with young children. Drawing with young children

Drawing for children 2-3 years old is an activity that has not yet been mastered, but interesting and attractive. And if kids show different tricks and techniques, their interest in this activity increases markedly.

That the lessons brought more joy than trouble, equip a convenient place for them in advance.

First of all, you will need a table that is suitable for the height of the child, and a stable chair. Before classes, it is better to dress the child in non-staining and well-washed clothes. To keep his hands clean, you need to stock up on wet wipes in advance. The need for wipes increases if you do not have the opportunity to wash a dirty baby.

To practice with paints, you will need to prepare a non-spill cup. For classes with colored pencils - a sharpener that the baby can use. It is better to use paper that is thick enough, not tearing and slowly getting wet.

The first step for future artists can usually be to work with . We use pictures with wide contours, we teach the baby to shade them without going beyond the borders. This technique is called "hatching by coloring".

The second way to work with coloring is to paint over the picture inside the borders. This technique is called "painting".

An interesting option for painting is working with a thread. And with a thread from a knitting robe we lay out an arbitrary pattern, paint over the space limited by the thread.

This work is interesting in that if the baby touches the thread, it shifts to the side, and the pattern is broken. Therefore, special care must be taken.

Having learned to handle the brush, the baby can begin to create the first drawings - lines. Lines can be straight and wavy, narrow and wide, plain or multi-colored. In the process of work, we draw the attention of the children to the fact that the wider the brush used, the thicker the line is.

You can draw lines with any improvised objects - for example, toy vehicles. This activity usually delights the kids.

Having learned to draw lines, you can learn to put dots. We use a brush or a cotton swab for this, making jerky, jumping movements with them.

Feeding the interest of the kids, we show them different properties and ways of working with paints.

We experiment with colors, making blots: we apply a thick layer of paint of different shades on the area, and then fold it in half. Expanding.

We have a unique pattern!

Blot - pattern

We learn the properties of different materials: we apply a drawing with wax crayons, after which we cover the sheet with a layer of watercolor. Chalk is not painted over.

We put stamps with factory fixtures or improvised means - for example, raw or flower.

We combine our drawings with other techniques - for example,.

Foliage is performed in the technique of "application"

We use our pens as a medium for applying paints. We put prints and lay out different images with them.

We apply dots - seeds with brown paint

Drawing with palms and fingers "Sunflower"

We draw with colored soap bubbles. We add a little paint to the solution for blowing bubbles and try to blow them so that the bubbles land on a piece of paper.

When they burst, an interesting bright imprint remains.

And, of course, we are trying to create a joint, voluminous, work, a friendly children's team. We draw a picture or a poster on a large sheet of drawing paper, trying to bring something of our own into it.

Taking part in such an important lesson, the child will definitely show all his abilities!

lyudmila moleva
Non-traditional drawing technique with children 2-3 years old

It is known that an early age plays an important role in the development of mental processes. The most significant and relevant at this age is drawing. Drawing A very interesting and at the same time complex process. Using various drawing techniques, including unconventional the educator instills a love for the fine arts, arouses interest in drawing. In kindergarten, a variety of methods and techniques can be used. non-traditional drawing. Many scientists believe that all types non-traditional drawing can be introduced from an early age, introducing children to the features technology(Einon D., Koldina D. N. et al.) The difference lies only in the degree of participation of the educator in the process. drawing.

There are many non-traditional drawing technician, their unusualness lies in the fact that they allow children to quickly achieve the desired result. For example, each child will be interested draw with fingers, make a drawing with your own palm, put blots on paper and get a funny drawing. Visual activity using non-traditional materials and techniques contributes to the development of child:

Fine motor skills of hands and tactile perception;

Spatial orientation on a sheet of paper, an eye and

visual perception;

Attention and perseverance;


fine skills and

skills, observation, aesthetic

perception, emotional responsiveness;

In addition, in the process of this activity, the preschooler

skills of control and self-control are formed.

Thus, the purpose of my work is to develop methodological materials for the work of an educator with children 2-3 years to develop interest in drawing instilling a love for the fine arts.

To achieve this goal, you need to do the following tasks:1. Conduct a theoretical analysis on the designated problem.

2. Develop approaches and methodological support in working with preschoolers

Given the age characteristics of preschoolers, mastering different skills at different age stages, for non-traditional drawing it is recommended to use special techniques and tricks.

So for children of the first younger group with drawing appropriate to use technology« hand drawing» (palm, fingers, imprint with potato stamps, cotton buds, poke.)

Let's take a closer look at each of these technician.

During the course drawing with fingers, children reproduce a variety of palm movements (slapping, slapping, smearing, fingers (smearing, sticking, which the teacher accompanies with words of approval. Acquaintance with technique"fingerography" begins after the development of the lakes hand drawing: it is more difficult and requires more purposeful movements.

Children with curiosity, joy and pleasure smear traces of paint on their palms and on a sheet of paper. After several games of training on paper, a motor rhythm appears, as children repeat the movements of the palm and fingers many times. This rhythm attracts children, becoming an additional stimulus for actions with paint and increasing interest in them. At drawing with their palm, children first leave a handprint on a piece of paper, and then finish painting according to the instructions of the educator, the image of any animal. Working with children in the first junior group the teacher himself can draw, showing by example the principle of the image

So, from the palm of your hand you can get a bird, a cat, a cockerel, a baby elephant.

Drawing potatoes attracts children with its unusualness. Commonly used material is used to depict animals. To do this, the child presses the seal against the ink pad and makes an impression on the paper. To get a different color, both the boxes and the signet change. Signet is one of the most interesting ways for a child to make a drawing. Its origins lie in the ancient crafts of decorating fabric with a heel, using gingerbread boards, etc. This technique allows you to repeatedly depict the same object, composing different compositions from its prints.

Before printing, it is necessary to make the signet tools themselves. To make seals, potatoes are cut in half and a drawing of a seal of a certain animal is applied to a smooth cut with a ballpoint pen, then the shape is carefully cut out along the contour so that it rises above the handle to a height of 1-1.5 cm. The handle should be comfortable for the hand, wider .

It should be noted that the success unconventional techniques largely depends on what methods and techniques the teacher uses to convey certain content to children, among them: conversation, reading fairy tales, reading fiction. And so, while learning drawing can be used in a variety of technology and a wide variety of materials.

I started my work with well-known for children of this age technician: drawing fingers and palms. Then gradually introduced new technology: drawing with cotton swabs, poke, stencil. At each lesson for each technology I set the task of introducing children to the features of this technology, only in the following classes were any images or plots created ( "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree", "Caterpillar", “Sewed Tanya a sundress” etc.) Due to the characteristics of the early age, each lesson used a game technique, an artistic word, finger games, physical education for a minute, outdoor games, and musical accompaniment.

I made the following plan classes:

Month Non-traditional drawing technique Lesson topic

September Drawing colored fingers

Berries on a plate

October Drawing Sewed Tanya's sundress with fingers

colorful balls

November Finger painting Rain, more rain

yellow leaves are flying

December Drawing fingers underwater kingdom

January Drawing palms Tsvetik-semitsvetik


February Hand drawing Hedgehog

March Drawing Mimosa cotton fingers

Peas for cockerels

Poke drawing

Beads for Katya

May Drawing Potato Signet Chicken


To ensure the consolidation of skills and abilities acquired children during GCD it is necessary to create conditions for independent activities of children. For this purpose, paper, visual means are located in an accessible place. (pencils, felt-tip pens, simple stencils, poke small stamps.) All activities of children are supervised by an adult. We use the most interesting, expressive works of children to decorate the interior of a group room.

Interaction with the families of pupils allows us to supplement and consolidate the work begun in kindergarten. To do this, you need to carry out a small educational program. To this end, we consulted parents on topic: "Meaning drawing in unconventional ways» , « Non-traditional drawing techniques» , "Here we took the paint in hand" and others.

Monitoring the level of development of children's ability to depict straight and broken lines, round objects, wavy lines showed that children's skills in this direction have become stronger, in addition, children have become more attentive, diligent, they are happy to do drawing. In the course of activity drawing in children, the formation of skills, control and self-control is observed, which in turn affects the development of the speech centers of the child's cerebral cortex. In addition, children are well oriented on a sheet of paper. Some children show where the top of the sheet is, where the bottom of the sheet is.

The monitoring results convince us that all the tasks set have been achieved. There is a positive trend in the development of young children. This suggests that we are on the right track. In the future, I plan to continue working in this direction until the release of my children from the nursery group and introduce them to the stencil.

We started painting at about 1 year old. At first, Antoshka did it with finger paints in the bathroom. A couple of months later, the husband made an easel, and the son got acquainted with the brush and gouache.

Basically, the child draws whatever he wants with the materials that he wants or that I give. Freehand drawing should be practiced as often as possible. But don't be limited to just that.

In this article, I will share drawing ideas with children 1-3 years old, talk about various drawing techniques with paints, pencils and other materials, even shaving foam.

You can also download coloring pages for the little ones and finger painting templates.

I won't talk about the benefits of drawing with children for a long time. I think you already know very well that it develops the child's imagination, creativity, improves coordination of hand movements and fine motor skills of fingers.

How to draw with a child 1-3 years old

In the article about applications, I talked about the book E.A. Januszko. This author also has a book "Drawing with young children"(Labyrinth, Ozone). This is a great resource for parents and educators and comes with a demo CD.

The book presents methodology for conducting drawing classes with children 1 - 3 years old. I take a lot of ideas from her.

Before you start painting with your child, here are some simple tips from me:

  • Show your child various drawing techniques (poking, strokes, stamping, etc.) gradually, starting with the simplest ones.
  • I highly recommend buying or making your own easel for drawing. It is relevant as soon as the child learns to walk.
  • Draw as often as possible.
  • Use a variety of drawing materials.
  • Try to immediately teach your child to hold the brush and pencil correctly. But if the child stubbornly refuses to do this, do not insist.
  • Give your child maximum freedom. Let the child draw what he wants and how he wants. Never ask him to draw as you wish. Below I will talk about various drawing techniques with children, but if the child refuses to do something, do not insist.

Don't correct the child! Have him paint purple skies and red grass. So what if cows don't fly, and there are no fences on the rainbow. Your child's mind is still free of clichés. He is a real creator.

The more different art materials you use, the better.

You need to start with the easiest to learn (for example, finger paints), eventually reaching ordinary pencils.

We draw on:

  • plain paper,
  • old wallpaper,
  • easel,
  • magnetic board,
  • plaster figures for coloring,
  • wood, plywood,
  • fabrics,
  • tiles in the bathroom and in the bath itself.

For drawing with children 1 - 3 years old, you can use the following materials:

  • Finger paint;
  • gouache, watercolor (and, accordingly, brushes of different sizes);
  • felt-tip pens (water-based and regular);
  • crayons (wax and regular);
  • wax pencils;
  • dry pastel;
  • pencils (it is desirable to choose soft ones);
  • gel and ballpoint pens;
  • foam rubber, sponges;
  • cotton buds and cotton wool;
  • stamps;
  • semolina;
  • shaving foam.

Also you will need water cup(preferably a non-spill) and palette for mixing colors.

As I said, we started painting with finger paints at about 1 year old. And they did it in the bathroom. Then they switched to paper.

Finger paint safe and do not require the use of water. You can replace them with gouache.

The simplest thing you can do is draw dots with your fingers:

  • grains for birds, peas;
  • apples, berries, cones, balls for the Christmas tree;
  • bones for watermelon;
  • raindrops, snow, animal tracks;
  • spots giraffe, ladybug, leopard.

You can draw dots with your fingers using ready-made templates.

DOWNLOAD TEMPLATES for drawing with fingers in one file.

And of course, let the kid smear the paint all over the sheet with his fingers, palms.

Drawing techniques with paints and pencils

All drawing techniques involve the use of different materials depending on the age and capabilities of the child. We give paints, crayons, felt-tip pens to a very young child, and pencils, etc. to an older child.

I list all the techniques in ascending order of complexity.

freehand drawing

My son calls this kind of drawing “kalyaki-malaki”.

We introduce the child to drawing materials and give him the opportunity to experiment. At the same time, you do not need to give any tasks to draw something specific.

Practice free-drawing as often as possible at any age of the child. It is great for developing imagination.

Shading sheet

We give the child paints, crayons, etc. and suggest drawing:

  • cow grass,
  • fish water,
  • sand, snow.

The kid needs to paint over the sheet, and not draw individual blades of grass, etc. A one-year-old will cope with such a task.

It's also great to use here paint rollers- simple or curly.

Painting an element

We draw the base (small images of animals and various objects) and ask the child to hide them by painting over:

  • hide the mouse, bunny, fish, bug;
  • hide the moon and stars, the sun, the car.

With very young children it is interesting to do this with a sponge, with children from 2 years old it is useful to paint over the elements with pencils.

Draw dots

First draw the basis for the picture - a bird that the child will feed, a bush on which berries will grow, etc.

Invite your child to draw: grains, berries, snow, raindrops, a bagel with poppy seeds, freckles, polka dots on a dress.

  • Direct: rays of the sun, stems of flowers, tops of carrots, fence, cage, path, rails, paws for bugs, needles for cactus, comb teeth.
  • Wavy: boat waves, worms, octopus legs, car tracks, hair.
  • Broken lines: slides, a fence, icicles, a road with turns, hedgehog thorns.

Draw circles, ovals

Balls, apples, sweets, Christmas decorations, beads, balloons, mountain ash, berries, bubbles, eggs, cones.

Spiral drawing

Invite your child to draw: a snail's house, smoke, a flight of a bee, curls, sheep's rings, threads.


Antoshka loves to play this game very much: I say that one boy drew different figures, but did not finish it, and I suggest that his son finish it. He does it with great pleasure. This is how we draw:

  • geometric figures;
  • I draw a road (dashed line) and Antoshka repairs it,
  • any simple and understandable plot drawings.

Drawing simple plots

This is the most difficult stage in mastering the drawing. Here the child combines different drawing techniques on the instructions of an adult.

Alternately invite the child to draw various elements that will eventually turn into something concrete. But give your child as much freedom as possible.

The purpose of such a drawing is to show the child how the finished image appears in stages.

The child can hold the sponge with his hands or with a regular clothespin.

Simple sponge painting:

  • waves, sand, snow landscape, grass, paths - smearing;
  • snow, leaves - poking;
  • hide bugs, fish, etc. - painting.

Draw on the sponge the shape you need - a triangle, a tree, or even letters. Cut out. Invite the child to dip the sponge in gouache and make an imprint on paper.

The child uses a brush to apply shaving foam to the template. In this way, you can cover a Christmas tree, a house with snow, make a snowdrift for a bear, etc.

Foam can also be applied to rubber toys. This is great fun for a toddler.

I talked about drawing with semolina in articles about, as well as about. There are two ways to draw a decoy:

1 way. You need to pour a little semolina on a surface with sides: a tray, a baking sheet, a lid from under a large shoe box. And then the child draws simple images with a finger or a brush - waves, paths, circles, etc., makes fingerprints or various objects.

2 way. Print out the coloring page for the little ones. Invite your child to apply glue to the image and sprinkle it with semolina. It will be more like coloring with semolina. But you can just give the child a brush with glue and let him randomly apply it to the sheet, and then pour semolina, shake it and see what pattern it turns out.

I paint semolina with gouache. Instead of semolina, you can use sand for children's creativity.

On the net, I have repeatedly come across such an opinion that children should not be given coloring books before school. Allegedly, they interfere with the creative development of the child. Some parents are simply afraid to give coloring pages to their child, while others have a real phobia.

I I don't see anything wrong with coloring. But rather only benefit if used in moderation. And give the main priority to free drawing, which I mentioned above.

For kids, offer simple coloring pages that use 1-2 colors. From 1.5 years old, you can try coloring pages that involve the use of several colors. But still, the elements in them should be large. And you need to paint them, of course, with paints.

But it is better to paint small images with pencils or felt-tip pens, because the child simply does not have enough patience for large ones.

At 1 - 2 years old, children are also interested in water coloring pages(Labyrinth, Ozone, My-shop).

There are ready-made regular coloring pages for sale (Labyrinth, Ozone, My-shop).

You can also DOWNLOAD COLORING for kids in one file.


Cut out figures in the sheet that could be painted over in one color. You can paint both the figure itself and the background.

There is a large selection of inexpensive stencils on sale (Labyrinth, Ozone, My-shop).

The child may also be interested in tracing and painting over various objects, his own hand.

All children with great pleasure draw with stamps. You can make them yourself. For example, from sponges for washing dishes, vegetables. You can use improvised objects, toys as stamps.

And you can buy ready-made stamps or even whole sets for drawing (Labyrinth, Ozone, My-shop).

I really hope that the article was useful to you. Draw with your child and then he will also love this activity. Which drawing method does your child like the most?

Olga Abuzyarova

Drawing is one of the greatest pleasures for a child. It brings a lot of joy to the baby, and, as you know, it is positive emotions that form the basis of the mental health and well-being of children. In order for visual activity to always be a source of good mood, the teacher in working with children should take into account the features early age.

One of these features is that the primary task of an adult (caregiver) is not so much about acquiring children technical skills, how much is to arouse the interest of children, the desire for the very process of drawing. This interest will become a kind of basis on which practical drawing skills will be developed and improved.

It is also important to know that, in early age visual activity actively leads the intensive development of the child in various fields (cognitive, verbal, personal, sensory). Depicting the simplest objects and phenomena, the child learns them, his first ideas are formed. Gradually, the baby learns to talk about the phenomenon he saw and struck him with the language of colors, lines, words.

The process of teaching visual activity is based on the interaction of the child with adults and children. As a result of such interaction, relationships are built, a person's personality is formed. That is, in early age visual activity is important not so much for mastering the skills of drawing, but for the overall mental and personal development of the child. And the main task of an adult (caregiver) is the search for forms, methods, techniques and means that contribute to the formation of early age artistic and creative abilities in the visual activities:

1. First of all, this is a careful selection of topics for drawing. It is advisable to choose a topic that is interesting for each child.

2. Using plot drawing in the form of drawing details - when the child completes drawing. As a basis for drawing, a blank is proposed on which only a part is drawn. drawing, the missing details of which the child must finish on their own. The plot of the picture is played out and commented on by adults.

3. Painting over the finished contour. Children need to paint over the outline of the finished figure. Using this method allows the child to focus on consolidating previously learned skills. (hold the pencil correctly, draw certain lines and shapes).

4. Changing ways of drawing, variety technician: drawing with fingers, palms, stamps, sponges, etc., pencils, crayons, paints.

5. Use of individual and collective forms of drawing (when one job draw multiple children).

6. Organization of classes in a playful way. The teacher plans game-lessons based on the game plot, for example, "fun brushes" dancing to cheerful music, leaving colorful lights on the Christmas trees, "sad" it's raining, droplets quietly fall to the ground, etc. This method of teaching makes it possible to interest children, keeps their attention longer, creates the necessary emotional mood and a positive motive for activity.

IN early age it is important to beat the plot of the future drawing with the help of various toys and objects, visual material; accompany drawing with emotional commentary, use poems, riddles, proverbs, nursery rhymes.

Not every child will become an artist, but everyone has a certain potential for artistic development, and this potential must be developed. Gifted children will find their way, and the rest will gain valuable experience in the creative implementation of their own ideas.

This manual presents abstracts of exciting activities with children 2-3 years old in drawing and modeling. Classes contribute to the development of emotional responsiveness, imagination, independence, perseverance, accuracy, diligence, the ability to complete work; education of a sense of beauty, the formation of visual skills and abilities.

The book is addressed to teachers of preschool educational institutions, tutors and parents.

D. N. Koldina
Sculpting and drawing with children 2-3 years old. Lesson notes


Visual activities not only help the child to master the elementary techniques of modeling and drawing, but also have a beneficial effect on the overall development of the baby: they awaken emotional responsiveness, foster a sense of beauty, form industriousness, develop thinking, attention, memory, and imagination.

This manual presents abstracts of fascinating complex modeling and drawing lessons with children 2-3 years old.

Classes are built on the principle "from simple to complex" and are held once a week throughout the year. It is useful to conduct integrated classes: in one lesson, draw dots on the back of a ladybug, and in the next, sculpt small balls of plasticine and attach them to the back of another ladybug. In the same way, you can sculpt and draw round vitamins, small apples on an apple tree, etc. Using the methods and techniques of work proposed in this manual, you can come up with new tasks: potatoes in a bag, patterns on a sundress, a fish pond, a hollow for a squirrel, and others

In the period from 2 to 3 years, the child quickly masters speech. Songs, nursery rhymes and fairy tales are the first literary works that a baby hears. Getting acquainted with the works of poets and writers, oral folk art, permeated with wisdom and kindness, the child learns to be honest, fair and responsive. Children of this age have a well-developed fantasy, they get vivid impressions from an emotionally told fairy tale. Children empathize so actively that they even feel like participants in the events referred to in a fairy tale or nursery rhyme. Kids with great enthusiasm will help heroes who need their support: make cookies for a hungry kitten, “build” a house for animals that a bear has ruined, etc. Almost all the activities offered in the manual begin with a fairy tale, a funny poem or a nursery rhyme. This helps to emotionally affect the kids, turn the lesson into an exciting game. Role-playing and outdoor games, entertaining tasks for the development of thinking also contribute to the creation of a game mood.

Classes in fine arts involve not only learning the techniques of modeling and drawing, but, above all, communication between an adult and a child. By observing each child in class or playing with other children, you can learn more about him and deal with difficult behaviors.

If a child quits his job, as soon as something did not work out for him, it means that he does not know how to overcome obstacles. This can be taught by offering him other ways to achieve what he wants. The child will understand that there is a way out of any situation. For example, if the kid is unable to draw a car, invite him to make a car with you from matchboxes or a designer.

If a child loses interest quickly, perhaps it is too simple or complex for him. Understand the reason and make the task harder or easier. For example, a baby needs to sculpt bagels from plasticine. If this is too easy for him, offer to make rolls and decorate them with beads, buttons, and other materials. If the task is too difficult, start by sculpting "patties" (balls) from plasticine and also decorate them with additional material.

If a child gets tired quickly, cannot sit even five minutes, try to develop his endurance using massage, hardening, sports exercises; In the classroom, alternate between active and calm activities more often.

In order for a child understood the task and completed it, it is necessary to develop attention and the ability to concentrate. Play with him the game "What has changed?" Place 3-4 toys in front of the child, and then hide one toy or swap toys without them noticing. Try to involve the child in the logical conclusion of the task ("Let's cook some more cookies for the bear: he is very hungry and very hungry", "Let's blind Kolobok and arrange a theatrical performance").

Be kind and respectful to children. Hold their attention by changing tone and intonation. Support each child, do not scold for failure, it is better to think about how to achieve the desired result, but also do not do for the child what he can do himself. By welcoming his independence, you will teach your child to overcome difficulties, make decisions and take responsibility for their actions. Talk to your child more often, explain why it’s good to do this, but it’s impossible to do it. Then the baby will understand you better.