Raising a first-grader boy 7 years old. How to raise a good son? Sex education for boys

Raising children 6 - 7 years old

The period of 6-7 years is the age of change: the child is on the border between the older preschooler and the younger schoolchild. His behavior is noticeably changing, the child has already clearly mastered the social norms and rules of behavior, he becomes less impulsive, can restrain his aggressive impulses, defend his opinion and beliefs in front of children and adults, come to the aid of friends, fairly distribute roles in the game.

Relationships with peers

Relationships with peers are becoming increasingly important for the child. It is very important for a baby to have his own social circle with permanent friends. Try to support him in this endeavor. Arrange with the parents of his friends about joint walks, invite these children to visit you.

In case of difficult situations with friends, help the child understand what happened and find the best way out.

At this age, interest in the opposite sex appears, carefully hidden behind ostentatious neglect or, conversely, manifested in the form of sincere and direct "courting".

Tell your child in an accessible way about the purpose and relationship of men and women.

Communication with parents

The kid begins to play more with his peers and somewhat moves away from his parents. This is quite natural, and in no case should this be prevented, guided by parental jealousy. Remember that all the same you remain for your child the most significant people in his life and the most important teachers.

Try to keep your child interested in you. Share your knowledge with him (now he is able to perceive rather complex information), visit interesting exhibitions and museums together.

Craft with your child, teach him how to handle various tools and tools.

Discuss the events of your common life and what excites the child. Encourage him to think about various questions.

Pay attention to all his inventions or reasoning.

And remember, if the child knows that he can always count on you, it will be easier for him to communicate with other people.

Child development and preparation for school

The psychological development of the child undergoes progressive changes, his physical abilities are further strengthened, and his mental abilities expand. And soon the leading activity of the baby will be intellectual learning.

Not far off is the day when the baby crosses the threshold of the school. Then he will have to spend quite a lot of time doing what an adult requires of him, and not what he wants at the moment. It is desirable, already now, to gradually accustom the child to new activities for him, to develop perseverance and attention. But, of course, the baby should have a lot of time for things that are interesting to him personally, because he still has a great need for the game. And classes under the guidance of an adult should be purposeful, but at the same time playful and entertaining. Thus, arbitrariness and controllability of behavior will continue to form in the game.

A child's readiness for school affects the success of his further education. Under readiness for school, teachers do not understand the knowledge of numbers and letters, but above all motivational readiness , that is, the child's desire to learn and interest in gaining knowledge (cognitive motivation). How to achieve this? Every normally developing child already has a huge potential for learning ability inherent in nature; he longs to gain new knowledge and skills, he wants to conquer new heights. Therefore, the question is more legitimate: how not to lose it?

Many parents work especially hard with their child in the last year before school. Try to ensure that your classes never turn into a tedious duty and always have the character of a game, creativity, so that during them the child often makes his own discoveries.

If you decide to take your baby to special classes in preparation for school, choose a bright teacher for him, with whom the child will be interested. Remember that it is better not to do anything than to instill in your child an aversion to studying with boring tasks (after all, boredom for a child is as hard as punishment). The most important thing is not to discourage the child's desire to learn!

Tell your child about school, how you studied in it, what you did in class, what you did during breaks, what grades you got, what schooling gave you, etc. This will help the child psychologically adjust to a new school life, remove some fear of the unknown, since many children, dreaming of becoming schoolchildren as soon as possible, are still afraid to go to school.

From a psychologist's point of view

Below we present the conclusions of several leading domestic child psychologists that are interesting in our opinion:

Wenger L.A. believed that “Being ready for school does not mean being able to read, write and count. To be ready for school means to be ready to learn all this.”

L.I. Bozhovich and A.I. Zaporozhets believe that "... Readiness for school consists of a certain level of development of thinking, cognitive interests, volitional regulation of behavior, and the child's acceptance of the position of a schoolchild."

What else should you pay attention to when determining the level of readiness of the child for school?

According to the classification of child psychologist Leonid Aleksandrovich Venger There are a number of basic psychological deviations in a child of preschool age:

. associated with mental development (these include problems with memory, attention, difficulties in mastering new knowledge, skills and abilities);

. associated with the behavior of children 5 - 7 years old (these are: indiscipline, aggressive behavior, rudeness, uncontrollability, deceit);

. associated with the emotional background (depression, increased excitability, anxiety, emotional instability, low self-esteem, low mood);

. associated with the communication skills of children (lack of sociability, inadequate desire for leadership, arrogance, resentment, problems in communication);

. associated with neurology (these include fatigue, headaches, insomnia).
If you notice that your child is experiencing any of the above difficulties, contact a good child psychologist or neurologist who will help them overcome or significantly reduce them in time.

Raising Responsibility

The time of preschool childhood is coming to an end, at this stage it is advisable to pay special attention to the development of such qualities as responsibility, a sense of duty and conscientiousness.

- Prior knowledge. In the family, by agreement of all family members, there must be rules are established: for example, we turn on the computer only with the permission of the parent, do not scatter toys and things (moreover, the latter applies to all family members).

- Household duties. At this age, the child should already have his own household chores, albeit not yet difficult ones: help clear the table after dinner, water the flowers, wash the bathroom floor. Connect it to your daily housework (even if you have a housekeeper).

- The result of the work. Praise and thank the child for the work done, but deservedly so. Teach him to be honest in his work. To do this, allocate your own work area to the child when he helps you do something, so that he can easily see and evaluate the quality of his own work (for example, when washing the floor, give him your “site”). Teach your baby this and patiently teach him to correct poor-quality work.

- Possibility of choice. The child should be able to choose not only actions, but also the consequences of their actions. For example, either we are now cleaning up together and going for a walk early, or you are waiting for me to clean up, but then we will have much less time for a walk.

- Your reaction to the child's bad behavior should be short-lived.
If the child has done something wrong, you should once briefly explain to him the inadmissibility of such actions, help eliminate the consequences of his “mistake” and no longer remind him of the misconduct. It happens that mothers, in order to punish the child more painfully, deprive him of the most precious thing - communication with his mother - and may not talk to their own child for 2-3 days. This is an unacceptable mistake.

Material for the lesson.

In every family where a boy is born, sooner or later the question arises - how to properly educate him, how to make a real man out of him. Not every parent can answer this question unambiguously.

Raising a boy must begin from birth. As he matures, more and more effort must be put into this process. But, be that as it may, with the right approach, your work will always give positive results.

How you should still raise a boy depends on his age.

Features of raising boys

Rules for raising boys

How to raise a boy from 1 year to 3 years?

At this age, in the matter of raising a child, gender does not matter at all. As a rule, the child is constantly with the mother. Between the baby and his mother there is a thin, but very strong bond.

No matter how actively dad takes part in the life of mother and child, the baby continues to be only his mother's son, her joy, outlet. The child quite sharply perceives even a short separation from his beloved mother.

IMPORTANT: Dad should not feel offended for such behavior of the child. This period in the life of the baby will not last very long. There will come a time when dad will have to become a key figure in raising a child.

Mom should behave in such a way that:

  • The child knew and felt that he was safe
  • The child has learned to trust others
  • The child was always surrounded by mother's love and care.

IMPORTANT: If possible, then kindergartens should be avoided until the age of three, due to the fact that the baby will feel abandoned there. His behavior may change - there will be anxiety, aggression.

Studies show that parents are much less likely to hug their boy child and much more likely to punish him than a girl child. To give confidence in your child's life, increase his self-esteem, you should do the opposite.

IMPORTANT: If you deprive a child of attention and care, he may feel unnecessary, deprived of love.

By the age of three, the child begins to distinguish people by gender, realizes that he is a boy. At this time, it is worth emphasizing his masculine qualities - strength, courage, dexterity. This will allow him in the future to quickly come to how good, important and responsible it is to be a man.

Unlike girls, boys need more effort to develop speech. Therefore, parents should devote a lot of time to games and conversations with their child in order to help him master communication skills.

It should be remembered that realizing his belonging to the male sex, the boy will begin to show interest in the opposite sex. The closest female representative is his mother. This, by the way, explains such a strong attachment of boys to their mothers.

During this period, it is very important to choose the right toys and games. Do not forbid the child to play with dolls or dishes. This will not affect his social role in society, but it will help to start the development of a comprehensive personality.

How to raise a boy 4 years old - 6 years old?

The process of raising a baby at this age is practically no different from the period discussed in the section above. The most important thing that the boy's parents can do is to surround him with great love and care, to give him the opportunity to feel safe.

IMPORTANT: Your behavior will help your baby walk forward with confidence.

How to raise a boy 7 years old - 10 years old?

During this period of life, the boy gradually begins to draw closer to his father and move away from his mother. Sometimes it happens that there is no father around. In this case, the child pays attention to other men from his environment - grandfather, uncle, older brother, neighbor, etc.

IMPORTANT: During this period of the child's life, in no case should the father ignore his son. This may affect the behavior of the child.

A father should get as close as possible to his son. This will help him form a trusting relationship with the child, which will be more pronounced in the teenage and older years of the boy.

IMPORTANT: A man should not be too strict with a boy at this age. He may begin to be afraid of him, withdraw into himself.

A child at this age likes to feel like a man, he becomes comfortable with this understanding.

The salient features of this age period are as follows:

  • The boy begins to pay attention to men's activities, toys with great interest.
  • Begins to more closely observe dad, his interests and actions
  • Starts to fight, defending his opinion, defending himself and his territory

IMPORTANT: In no case do not prevent the expression of negative emotions. It is only necessary to explain how otherwise he can achieve what he wants without using his fists.

Try to fully develop your child. At this age, much attention should be paid to the development of the child's personality:

  • Read good books, choose movies
  • By the age of 7, a child can independently choose a sports section for himself. Support him. Arguing helps to become more organized, purposeful, persistent, self-confident
  • Always support your child if he is interested in something. This will help his personality develop comprehensively. Encourage him, for example, if he is interested in astronomy, buy him a children's encyclopedia
  • Teach your child to be kind. Encourage kindness and openness in every possible way
  • Teach respectful attitude towards girls, mother, grandmother, aunt. The boy must understand that all women are allowed to be weak
  • Make your child a responsible person - do not be afraid to entrust small responsibilities. For example, instruct to wash the dishes, put away toys
  • Learn to be independent. For example, do not rush to help with homework. Provide the opportunity to do it yourself, help only to sort out the mistakes
  • Give your child the right to choose. Thus, he learns to be responsible for the decisions he makes.
  • Learn to take care of others. For example, you can have a pet
  • Instill a sense of compassion. Explain that the weak need help and support. Praise if your child helped the old lady cross the road

If a child is deprived of maternal love and care during this period of his life, the boy is likely to have problems in family relationships in the future. He will be rough and harsh with his wife and children.

IMPORTANT: Mom continues to play an important role in the life of the child, although her role fades into the background. The child must be sure that his mother will always accept and support him.

How to raise two sons?

Raising one son is a responsibility, but raising two sons is a double responsibility. The features and rules for raising boys are the same, the main thing is to remember some principles. If you are raising two boys of the same age:

  • Raise your sons to be the protectors of your family. A role model, if possible, should be a father

  • Never single out one of them. They should be absolutely equal for you. Otherwise, resentment may creep in one of them. This will definitely show up in adulthood. For example, a man may become aggressive towards his children.
  • Don't put off resolving conflicts until later. Get it right on the spot
  • Teach your kids to compromise. Such skills will definitely come in handy in the life of a man.
  • Teach your kids how to spend time together. For example, watching movies, cleaning the apartment. This will help them bond with each other, instill a sense of kinship.
  • Divide your time so that you can be alone with each of the boys. This will help you enter the trust zone of each of them. And they, in turn, feel loved
  • Don't force each other's interests on your children. They can be diametrically opposed. One draws, the other plays the guitar. Respect the needs of each individual
  • Every boy should be endowed with a certain set of rights and responsibilities. They must be equal. For example, everyone can watch their favorite cartoon, but everyone has to wash the dishes after themselves.

If you are raising sons of different ages, in addition to the above tips, you should consider:

  • With the advent of a younger child in the family, the older boy may feel not quite needed, not quite loved. You should explain to the older child that he still occupies an important place in your life.

IMPORTANT: Do not allow jealousy towards you. Every child should feel needed and important.

  • If the second baby is still quite a baby, then you should ask the eldest son to help you care for him. This will help instill in him a sense of responsibility for his neighbor.

IMPORTANT: If the older child does not want to take care of the younger one, do not force it. This can cause negative feelings for the baby. The older child must come to help you.

  • The rights and obligations that you give children should be equal, but taking into account age

How to raise a boy without a father?

As practice shows, a single woman can quite cope with the upbringing of her son - to raise a real man. However, there are some rules to keep in mind:

  • Mom should take care of her health - she will have to spend a lot of energy on raising a boy
  • During the growing up of a boy, the most important thing for a mother is to choose the right role model in the face of a certain man. For example, it could be an uncle
  • Mom should certainly remain herself - be a woman, be weak. Give love and attention, accept help from a child. A loving and caring mother for a child is the ideal image of a woman

How to raise a boy to be a real man?

How can a father raise a boy?

In order to create and maintain a strong bond between father and son throughout life, a man should begin to make efforts even before the birth of the baby. It is necessary to support a pregnant woman in every possible way - to dream and make plans.

To raise a boy, a father must:

  • At an early age, take care of the baby and his mother, help in caring for the child. This will help a man to join the cause, not to feel superfluous, to become disciplined and more responsible.
  • As the boy grows up, it is worth being alone with him. Giving mom time to rest, a man at this age of the baby will feel a close connection with him.
  • Always find time to fulfill his fatherly duties. Despite the fact that at an early age the child is closely connected with the mother, he should not feel a lack of paternal attention.
  • Always, when you want, show emotions - do not be afraid to hug, kiss your son, say how dear he is to you. This will help the child learn to be sensitive and attentive.
  • Play with your child, frolic. Thus the child also learns the world

IMPORTANT: The child loves those people who play with him

  • Pay attention and discipline. Do not place this responsibility on the mother's shoulders. The child must know the rules that everyone follows and be prepared to take responsibility for not following them. Try not to beat the child, but resolve the issue peacefully
  • If possible, devote the child to his affairs, involve him in solving cases that are feasible for his age
  • Listen to your son, be interested in his affairs and thoughts

How can a mother raise a boy?

As for the upbringing of a boy by a mother, psychologists believe that the following rules should be followed:

  • Your son is a child. Avoid over-responsibility. This is a serious burden on his mental state. For example, he may be afraid to make a mistake, because. will think you love him
  • Your son is small, but a man. Treat him with respect. Remember that your thinking is fundamentally different from his thinking.
  • The child must communicate with his father, and in his absence with any other, but only a positive male figure
  • Don't overburden yourself with too many household chores. The boy is not the girl. Give him more freedom, let him want to help you
  • Show interest in the affairs and interests of your child, support him
  • Talk to your child, teach him to pronounce his emotions. This will help you enter the zone of trust, and the child will avoid emotional upheaval.

Gender education of a boy

Gender education is the formation of ideas about boys and girls, about men and women. The boy must understand what his sexual role is, how he should behave in order to be called a boy, and later on a man.

Sex education starts in the family. After two years, the baby is just beginning to understand that he is a boy, but after three years, gender education should be taken seriously.

Parents should follow some rules:

  • Never compare a boy to girls
  • Direct the child to certain actions, deeds, characteristic men. Don't forget to praise your child
  • Show by personal example how this or that gender should behave

  • Give the child the initiative, support him
  • Give your child the opportunity to communicate with males of different ages
  • Give the right to choose, let you be responsible for your actions
  • Do not impose a lot of household chores on your son, give him more freedom

IMPORTANT: If you take your child's sexual education seriously, you will help your child avoid mistakes in the future, not become an outcast in the team.

When gendering your child, it is important to use the following methods and techniques:

  • Conversations using pictures, books
  • Discussion of thematic problem situations
  • Didactic and plot-role-playing games. For example, "Who am I?", "Family"

The participants in the gender education of your child, in addition to you, are the teaching staff of kindergartens, doctors, the environment of the child.

Physical education for boys

It is a well-known fact that boys are more physically developed than girls. They are more nimble, choose more active games.

However, parents should take care of the physical education of the boy. After all, the life of a little man will not be limited to games. In the future, he will have to do more serious physical work.

  • From the first days of life, the boy should be accustomed to hygiene procedures.
  • From early childhood, it is necessary to harden the child, selecting the necessary temperature for bathing water.
  • You should always dress your child according to the weather, do not overheat the baby. In the future, he will learn to dress himself, for comfort.
  • Starting from the age of three, it is worth introducing the boy to sports. At the initial stage, a small charge in the morning will be enough

IMPORTANT: If, on a par with the baby, an adult from the boy's environment will be engaged in charging. A personal example will help the baby not to move away from this activity.

If your child shows interest, for example, in football, then you should consider placing him in the sports section.

In elementary school, the child can already independently choose a sports section. Be sure to support him. In addition to physical development, it will contribute to personal development.

IMPORTANT: Let your baby not become a great athlete, but he will learn how to properly manage his personal time, his life.

Your desire to raise a good person, a comprehensively developed personality, as well as your boundless love will help you overcome all difficulties and raise a real man. Approach the issue of raising your son with an understanding of the matter.

VIDEO: How to raise a successful man from your son?

Any person from birth goes through the path of development, that is, it changes physically, mentally, psychologically. The most rapid stage is considered to be a period of up to a year. At this time, any parent knows what his child should know and be able to do. After all, your whole life depends on it. But for some reason, after the mark of one year, many cease to be interested in the peculiarities of psychophysical development, believing that the worst is over. At the same time, forgetting that any disease is easier to prevent than to cure. And knowing the child psychology of 7–8 years old, the features of the psychophysical development of children, parents will be better able to understand the specifics of behavior or respond correctly to emerging problems. After all, child developmental psychology of the period of 7–8 years is a tool for understanding and solving problems for parents.



7 years8 years
Height121.2 cm126.9 cm
Body mass22.9 kg25.5 kg
Head circumference52 cm58 cm
chest circumference52 cm59 cm
Breathing rate20-25 breaths per minute
Heart rate85–100 bpm
Arterial pressure90/60
Volume of muscle mass25% body weight
Heart weight92.3 grams

Additional age features of the development of children aged 7–8 years:

In a 7–8 year old schoolboy, the body is in the process of growth. Health problems are a common cause of fatigue, underachievement, and poor performance.

Mental features

Most have mastered conversational skills. Increases vocabulary and interest in learning unknown words. An understanding of the sound difference between speech and pronunciation comes. If the social environment was positive and adults communicated qualitatively and for a long time, by the first grade the child is able to express thoughts, retell stories or animated films in colors.

  • The ability to comprehend, analyze what is seen or heard is traced, the purposefulness of actions is visible.
  • It is characteristic for the development of perception to observe, search, consider, study.
  • Speech contributes to the development of the ability to understand.
  • Children are able to name and make the main qualities and properties of objects for themselves, to separate them and understand the real connection between them.
  • At the age of nine years, perception can become generalizing, the ability to establish connections in perceived phenomena and events develops.

Development of thought processes

Thinking moves from the “look - repeated” algorithm to the “look - presented” algorithm, and in the end, verbal thinking begins to develop. The ability to think figuratively is visible, but the adult logic of judgments has not been acquired. By the end of the period, children will be able to generalize and establish connections. This is important for the development of mental abilities. Most intellectual tasks are solved with the help of imaginative thinking, which helps to understand the essence of the task, draw parallels with reality and control its solution.

Most will easily imagine an object in their imagination, highlight the main features in it. The beginning of the formation of thinking is noticeable, helping to reproduce what he saw in the form of diagrams, drawings, plans. Thanks to this type of thinking, an understanding of the symbols of words in a sentence or mathematical operations will appear. The foundations of thinking based on the "saw - found the reason" algorithm are beginning to form. This kind of thinking is the main thing for an adult individual. Understanding the simplest cause-and-effect relationships, the ability to use the phrases "if ... then" is characteristic.

  • making words from given letters;
  • making sentences from given letters;
  • solving puzzles.

It is important to remember that you need to complete all the tasks in a playful way, coming up with exciting exercises.

Memory Properties

It is typical for memory to develop naturally, consciously. Children easily learn the school curriculum, which is of interest, designed in the form of a game, associated with colorful visual pictures or images. The development of mechanical memory is noticeable, which children use to memorize texts, replacing the process of understanding and assimilation of school material. If in elementary school the amount of information is small, and mechanical memory is able to cope with them, then in the middle classes it will not be enough. This will lead to significant difficulties, as the curriculum will increase and become more complex. Therefore, it will be correct to improve semantic memory. It will allow you to learn how to use a huge number of memorization techniques. And mental activity will become inextricably linked with semantic memory.

  • memorization of verses;
  • reading and retelling what was read, heard;
  • enumeration of the items shown in the picture;
  • learning to dance, other games for movement.

Features of attention

This mental feature is the most important; the learning process is built on attention. Previously, children could not focus on monotonous activities, and at the age of seven this is not an impossible task. But involuntary attention continues to lead. Any irritant is a distraction. The average duration of concentration is 10-20 minutes. Difficulty shifting attention between tasks. Children are individual, attention is developed in each in its own way. Some can quickly switch from task to task, but are unable to hold their attention for a long time. Others can scrupulously, very carefully deal with the solution, but it takes a long time to switch to solving the next problem.

The properties of attention are not equally amenable to training and development, but they can and should be developed. This must be done in order not to let this process take its course. Only by the age of 9-10 can you count on perseverance and concentration, which will allow you to complete tasks for a long time. Until that time, voluntary attention will predominate, switching to an external stimulus. Because of this mental property, the best way to provide educational material will be bright manuals and materials.

  • domino games, loto;
  • search for drawn identical objects depicted in one picture;
  • search for differences between two pictures that are identical at first glance.

Relations with society

Coming to the first grade, the understanding of reality undergoes significant changes. If at an early age only parents acted as significant adults, now there is another one - the teacher. Based on these relationships, subsequent relationships with others are now built. Relations "student-teacher" act as an indicator of the quality of living conditions. Achievement comes first. The teacher acts as an adult who is unquestioningly listened to and obeyed. The appearance of sneaks is characteristic, since relations with each other are built from the position of attitude to the rules of the teacher.

Relationships with adults are reduced to the following algorithm: an adult aims, checks, evaluates actions. First, the manipulations are performed jointly, then the adult's participation in the process decreases until it completely stops.

Experience in communication and conflict resolution is acquired and accumulated. Teaching patience, the ability to work together, the ability to forgive. Development of the ability to understand the desires of another, solve common problems, look at actions through the eyes of others.

Major psychological changes

The main psychological changes are:

  1. The desire to streamline all aspects of your life. In everything that a child encounters, there is a desire to identify patterns in which the world around can be laid. The opinion is stable that the surrounding objects, things, phenomena are created by people. There is a tendency to fantasize, invent, compose, build global theories. Knowledge is taken from adults or television. The attitude and idea of ​​the world around them changes dramatically at the moment of coming to school, because in fact it turns out that the main occupation will be solving elementary problems instead of global ones. Now you can see all the discrepancy between cognitive desires and reality.
  2. The ability to distinguish good deeds from bad deeds. Knowledge develops along with aesthetic taste. An equal sign is put between "beautiful" and "good".
  3. The tendency to predominate deliberate actions. Control over one's desires is carried out from the position of "punish or praise" and from the position of personal promises. These qualities contribute to the development of perseverance, the ability to achieve goals.
  4. The emergence of a desire to control oneself, one's actions based on a model.
  5. The formation of the process of awareness of the limitations of their capabilities. This is the birth of self-esteem. External manifestations become internal experiences.
  6. The emergence of an understanding of mental processes, a system of scientific knowledge. There is an awareness of how strong the changes have been as a result of the study.

Before the start of school, the main occupation was role-playing games. Now they fade into the background, their place is taken by study. The development of this type of activity will continue throughout the entire period of study, but the foundation on which the possibility of personal development depends is laid precisely in elementary school. Achievement is the main indicator by which they are evaluated. It reflects the status that affects self-esteem, self-esteem. Progress, understanding of what the child is capable of, how he can cope with the tasks set, favorably affects the formation of self-esteem. If it is not formed, self-esteem decreases, there is a feeling of inferiority in relation to peers.

This is due to the fact that in the process of learning, attention is focused on the desire to change oneself. There is a tracking of the indicators and internal changes. If the result is satisfactory, then the immersion in studies was complete. This process will develop into an independent activity, although it was originally organized by an adult.

Age difficulties

The crisis does not have a clear attachment to age, it is associated with the moment of the beginning of studies, it ranges from six to eight years. It is not so much the objective changes in the life of the child that influence, but the subjective attitude to the current situation.

Main features:

Mental disorders and methods of correction

Deviations in behavior create difficulties in development, caused by errors in education or characteristics of the child's nervous system. These reasons operate simultaneously, as adults underestimate the importance of knowing child psychology at the age of 7–8 and begin to raise a child with inappropriate methods. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to identify the motives that led to such behavior.

Name of violationCausessignsFighting methods
physical aggressionFear

Desire to get attention

Events that make you feel intense emotions


Destruction of objects and things

When coinciding with irritation - throwing objects at others


Involvement in an interesting activity

Blocking a blow

Explanation of unacceptable behavior

Cleaning up the results of aggression, but not as a punishment, but as a message to the fact that an adult is responsible for his actions and deeds

verbal aggressionDesire to offend the offender

Self-affirmation at someone else's expense

Inability to properly express emotions

Ignoring the attack while finding out the true reasons

Bringing to consciousness the existence of other ways to stand out among peers or proof of one's strength

irascibilityThrowing tantrums for any reason

No open displays of anger

Seems like a desire to express sadness and helplessnessSwitching attention

Deprivation of spectators

Learning to Express Overwhelming Emotions

After the attack is over - consolation

PassivityFeeling useless

Problems in the house

Desire to stay in your inner world



Fear of strangers

thumb sucking


hair pulling

Fencing off everyone

Help in finding ways to discharge emotional stress

Development of self-confidence

HyperactivityMicroorganic lesions of the brain

Physical and mental trauma

Excessive liveliness

Weak ability to concentrate

over impulsiveness

Lack of restraint on physical activity

Direction of action and organization of activities

Goal setting and learning to achieve it

Subordination of actions to meaning

Friendly, consistent attitude

Do not go to extremes, alternating pity with excessive demands

Going to school is a turning point in a child's life. He seems to grow out of his old pants, and the new ones are still great. Let's talk about how to safely survive the crisis of the age of seven and help a novice student cope with a new role.

How to raise a child at 7 years old

By the age of 7, you already have a certain type of relationship with your child. Testing them for strength occurs precisely in difficult periods of the development of the baby, so it is worth building the right parental position from birth.
The crisis of 7 years does not bypass any baby, although it can happen a little earlier or a little later. It is connected with the psychological maturation of the child: he learns to analyze the situation and predict the result, control his behavior, reason, masters a new role, acquires his own point of view on many issues. The social position undergoes significant changes - self-esteem, one's own "I" is formed, the student absorbs and generalizes new rules of behavior, becomes susceptible to criticism and the opinions of others, can control his emotions and hide them. Outwardly, a crisis situation can manifest itself in excessive antics, mannerisms, unnaturalness, frequent whims and scandals. How should parents behave with a raging seven-year-old baby?

  • First of all, understand and accept the child - he has the right to negative emotions;
  • Refrain from criticism and learn to support;
  • Give enough time for rest and play;
  • Transmit a positive attitude towards the school, devoid of panic and irritation;
  • Share the interests of a son or daughter, discuss issues that are important to them, ask for advice;
  • Trust yourself and teach children to trust;
  • To promote the formation of positive self-esteem and self-confidence - to show love and tenderness to the child.

Seven years is a good time to cultivate responsibility, honesty and integrity. At school, the child will face various situations, including unpleasant ones, and the task of parents is to show the correct patterns and norms of behavior.
To correct bursts of whims, it makes sense to establish clear rules and a child’s daily routine, for example: we do homework until 18 o’clock, then rest, at 22 o’clock - lights out, the computer can only be used with the permission of adults and a limited amount of time. By reinforcing these points and strictly following them, the child will have fewer reasons to start a scandal. Naturally, such a scheme will work if it is supported by parental authority.
A preschooler should be given the right to choose in simple life situations (what to eat for breakfast, what to wear to school). Be sure to celebrate any success of the baby, praise even for minor achievements. It will be useful to entrust him with feasible housework - cleaning and washing dishes, walking a pet, etc. Awareness of its importance and degree of trust will inspire him and give confidence in his abilities.
In any case, no matter how your child behaves from time to time, evaluate not him, but the actions that he performs.

How to raise a boy at 7

Raising a real man is a responsible and difficult process. Here are some guidelines:

  • setting the right example of the male role in the family and society is the task of the father. This is how the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat a real man should be is formed;
  • to show feelings of love and affection is the task of the mother. The request to the son to provide help and care gives rise to a true image of a woman in him;
  • be on an equal footing, avoiding humiliation and criticism;
  • provide freedom of choice, naming the consequences of each decision (we develop responsibility);
  • encourage physical activity and sports;
  • to train independence, initiative, self-esteem;
  • to teach not to be afraid of difficulties and to endure defeats;
  • to welcome the feeling of compassion and understanding, to teach to protect the weak and the younger, to respect old age and the weaker sex;
  • create conditions for the development of intelligence.

Raising a true man from a little boy of seven years is not an easy task. The main thing is to be consistent in your actions, establish trusting and friendly relations in the family and protect them.

How to get a 7 year old to obey

Young children are often so engrossed in their own affairs that they are not willing to tear themselves away from them in order to fulfill the request of adults. And sometimes it is outright ignored. In such situations, the following algorithm should be applied:

  • approach the child (do not shout from the next room);
  • touch him - take his hand, stroke his shoulder or head;
  • start with the words "I see / understand that you are very busy now";
  • say your request: "I would like you."

If a child regularly "misses past your ears" your requests and instructions, you should seriously think about the strength of your authority. This means that, most likely, you are broadcasting the wrong model of behavior, in connection with which the baby has ceased to obey you, feeling weak. Review your words and actions, analyze their impact on the child and correct the situation.

Between the ages of 6 and 9, boys enter the first period of adolescence. Right now, parents will have to get acquainted with the “charms” of breakdowns and sudden changes in mood. Right now your child is starting important period : the formation of character, the formation of views on life, self-determination of the boundaries of the concepts of "what is good" and "what is bad." Previously, the baby did a lot because “so mom said”, sometimes without thinking about what he really wants. Now things are about to change, and it won't be easy for everyone.

Important for parents in this period - be patient and persevere , learn understand your little rebel, try to discuss and find common ground. Certainly, adults will find it difficult get used to the idea that now the son needs provide more freedom , the ability to choose, solve some issues, take into account his opinion, ask for consent, but this is worth learning, because you have to, and this is a worthy task for which it is worth trying.

Important innovations

At the age of 6 to 9 years, the boy is important feel unique and important : he wants (typically for first-graders) in sports, strength, running, to ride a bicycle better than others, to understand technology better than classmates. It just seems like being a boy is easy and fun. In fact, the competition in a boyish society is quite strong. Whether he wants it or not, the child will have to answer the questions "who is stronger?" or "who is faster?", and in this case it is important to be the best, because the teams are ruthless to the weak quiet and incompetent.

The task of parents : to direct the desire of the child in a positive direction, to occupy, interest, educate and be sure to help believe that everything will work out.

It is at this age that the boy becomes maximally male-oriented behavior : begins to play noisy games, be interested in weapons, sports, imitate spies, movie and TV characters.

Important : to provide the child attention and support on the part of the male half of his family, it is important for the son to feel that he was accepted on an equal footing, that he is the same as all men.

However, interest in the father and the desire to spend more time with him does not mean that the mother fades into the background in the life of the child. At this age, as always, boys just need to know and be sure that Mom loves him, always ready to help and you can rely on it.

We accept individuality

Psychologists have noticed that parents exert more educational pressure on the boy than on the girl, often trying to force the child correct, in their opinion, the norms of masculinity, forcing the son to run, swim, wrestle, climb trees.

Mom forumhanka under the nickname Malenkaya tells: « It was very difficult to prove to my husband, and especially to his dad, that our son does not want to play hockey and karate, but loves to go dancing more! Why didn’t I hear enough from them, and even from the surrounding male colleagues, to whom I suddenly told that my son was enthusiastically dancing in tandem with a girl! Even the fact that the child really succeeded, and in two years of classes he became the winner of several dance competitions, did not become an important argument for his relatives. The husband stubbornly tries to interest Kirill in football, and the son, in order not to upset his father, sighs, is serving his duty and goes with him to play ball in the yard in the summer.

Dear dads, please don't forget that your it is very important for the son to feel your recognition and love . Moreover, these feelings must be unconditional: love your son for who he is , do not demand from him to become what you want him to be.

Also It's really important for dads to spend enough time with their kids. , come home on time to have time to take a walk with his son, play and fool around. It is these simple moments of happiness that will support and warm him in difficult times, when you may not be around, but the inner strength and self-confidence that you will reward the child in abundance will definitely help the little person make the right choice and find his own way.

Games for boys

Of course, no one will argue that the game - an important aspect of child development . What games do boys 6-9 years old play and how do they do it.

Boys games at this age:

  • active and long : to make sure of this, try to go to a break or after school at an elementary school and see for yourself;
  • requiring sufficient strength from the participants, skills and dexterity : in order to run after each other in the process of searching for "super-secret" information or in order to catch Taras, who today acts as a terrible "Autobot", a sufficient supply of energy is needed;
  • rarely stop because of quarrels : Unlike girls, boys don't waste time allotted for playing in vain, sorting things out with each other. Of course, they argue with each other, moreover, they do it with rapture and pleasure, but quickly, rationally and to the point - they are future men.

An interesting nuance : boys are rarely included in the game, if its rules are not initially interesting to them, they build them together until all participants agree with them.

Now think about how exciting the process of washing dishes is for a seven-year-old boy? Absolute boredom, really. But do you really want to discuss something with dad if the son constantly hears from him a painfully familiar phrase: “Do as I said, I know better!”

Let's declare household chores to be an exciting quest to find and destroy dirt, and in the matter of planning, first of all, we will listen to the child's point of view and try to take into account his suggestions as much as possible.

UAUA . info guarantees - such cooperation with the child will teach adults and children to be more flexible and tolerant, and the son will grow up to be an understanding and sociable person.

Emotions - in the studio!

Many parents, and especially dads, in the upbringing of boys, are of the opinion that boys need to be less “lisping” with boys, otherwise nothing good will grow out of him.

A statement that can be argued with, but we will not try to remake adults, but we will offer to listen to the opinion of a specialist.

Psychologist's opinion Natalia Podolyak “Try not to forget that if an adult, a parent, closes his emotions inside himself, he teaches his children the same. A child aged 6-9 years does not yet know how to fully control his emotions, his psychological state is not yet stable, and depends on many factors, including physiological ones. Trying to restrain emotions, be serious and react to what is happening “like a dad”, the child takes on an overwhelming task that he is unable to cope with. Every person has the right to emotions and their expression, regardless of their gender, so do not deprive the boy of the opportunity to cry if he is offended or in a bad mood, do not limit your desire to hug and kiss the child, accept his personality with understanding.

In order not to limit the child in expressing his own emotions, we suggest that dads bring into communication with the boy emotions in "masculine style" :

  • hug more son - like a man, but without restrictions;
  • the child did something good and you are proud of him - hot shake the boy's hand (as all men do) and with a smile and with all your heart tell your son pleasant words;
  • - the usual “well done” or “beautifully done” received from a beloved dad and generously flavored with sincere emotions will make him happy;
  • together with son sing songs from your favorite cartoons or vigorously dance to incendiary melodies - let it be clumsy and out of tune, but openly and very directly (besides, no one will see you);
  • talk - in our dynamic time, the "deficit of confession" is one of the most common problems for both children and adults. If your son has problems, and he came with them to adults - rejoice as long as you are the authority for your child. It is important to listen carefully, understand the situation and sincerely try to help, give clear advice, and remind you that you are always there, and not brush aside "ridiculous" children's problems, as usual sitting "in an embrace" with a TV or computer;
  • read And make - a man who, together with his son, reads the magazine Popular Mechanics and immediately tries to make a “flying saucer” with him from improvised means - on the right track;
  • play sports together - a wonderful way out if the chosen sport is equally acceptable and interesting for both the father and the son. Is it problematic to master hockey to keep your son company? Get on the rollers - there are no age restrictions in this sport! For lovers of more traditional sports, we offer cycling;
  • involve your son in men's affairs - if you are planning to clean the balcony, invite your son to join. And there, sorting through rollers, skateboards and bicycles that are looking forward to the heat, putting screws and bolts in their places, checking the battery charge on a recently purchased jigsaw, you will definitely find something to talk about heart to heart, and also, without moralizing, tell us about how this or that tool is used. Try to make elementary shelves together - translate theory into practice. And mom will be very happy that the balcony will no longer resemble a city dump and there will finally be a place for her flowerpots.