A comic concert for Teacher's Day. Material on the topic: script for the Teacher's Day concert

1st presenter. Hello, friends!

We are glad to see you here in our cozy room. After all, it’s autumn outside, and, as you know, every fall, on October 5, the country celebrates Teacher’s Day.

Allow me to invite into the hall those who have taught and educated the younger generation for many years. Let's welcome them.

Teacher's Day is a school holiday,

But the country celebrates him.

He is both solemn and modest,

And in everything his glory is visible.

And a scientist, and a doctor, and a collective farmer,

Composer, miner and poet -

This is a former diligent schoolboy,

This is the glory of the teaching years.

Teacher's Day is a colorful day

From flowers and children's smiles,

Teacher's Day is their birthday,

A common holiday for all teachers.

Teacher's Day is a holiday of glory,

Victory Day and Celebration Day,

School Great Power Festival,

Realms of wisdom and magic.

(Welcome guests of honor and representatives of the administration.)

2nd presenter. Today we also welcome those who have recently joined the large teaching family; those who recently came from the walls of the institute to school to give knowledge, to sow rational, good, eternal things!

1st presenter. Applause to the young specialists of our region!

2nd presenter. And now we present to you our veterans pedagogical work. Dear teachers, each of you is a bright, unique personality who has been protecting and preserving this educational institution with the light of your love for decades.

(Veteran teachers are listed by name and patronymic.)

1st presenter. Today, teams of young professionals and veteran teachers are setting off on a holiday tour, where they will all be greeted by meetings, memories and, of course, a good mood!

(Girls from parallel classes sing the song “Our teacher is the best,” lyrics by M. Sadovsky, music by O. Khromushkin.)

Not in vain, not in vain we dreamed,

Let's open the door to the classroom.

And on the first day we repeated:

- Hooray! We are schoolchildren now!

- Our teacher is the best!

Our teacher is the best!

All the guys are talking.

And we checked ourselves

In each class they repeated:

- Our teacher is the best!

All the guys are talking!

We grow, we grow, we mature,

We're not newbies

And every year it gets sweeter

Familiar calls are ringing!

In any, in any village,

In villages, in cities,

Guys argue every day

In a variety of languages.

2nd presenter. Attention! And now the solemn moment of awarding has come.

1st presenter. Awards? You are not mistaken? What awards can there be?

2nd presenter. There is no mistake, just look at our teachers, each of them deserves the most high awards. Look - everyone, as one, is a hero of the day and a winner!

1st presenter. The floor for congratulations is given to the head of the administration.

(Congratulations from the head of administration.)

2nd presenter. How I envy our teachers to some extent!

1st presenter. Why? Tell everyone!

2nd presenter. Well, firstly, because there are honored artists in this team!

1st presenter. Artists? Are you confusing anything?

2nd presenter. No I'm telling the truth! Good teacher must be an artist. Then he will be able to find an approach to each student, interest him and instill a love for his subject.

1st presenter. Does this mean that every teacher is a creative person?

2nd presenter. Of course! Let's check them out Creative skills? We invite you to compose a story in a chain that happened at a school, the main characters of which are teachers and students. And it starts like this...

1st presenter.“The autumn sun timidly made its way through the morning fog and looked into the windows of the school. The morning began as usual..."

(Teachers continue the story.)

2nd presenter. These lines from Andrey Dementyev are dedicated to you, dear veterans of pedagogical work.

Darling, rest a little.

You are tired, I suppose: thirty years at the board.

How many people have you accompanied on the road from here!

Wasn't it because of those separations that your temples turned white?

It’s as if nothing changes in our class -

Both in winter and in spring there are foliage outside the window,

Silence awaits you in the morning too,

The same childish looks and the same words.

1st presenter.

And thirty years have passed. According to spring blossoms

The years passed on the autumn winds, on the snow...

But even now youth greets you as before,

As if time stands still. Just what is it to you?

You are close to the future...

The lesson started in the past continues,

And again you give the guys homework,

Like your youth, the severity of Blok’s lines.

Do you want - as with us - to understand and look closely

Into the souls of these guys, without forgetting anyone.

You do not bypass any of them with your heart.

But there is only one heart... I should feel sorry for him.

Regret? No, you couldn't do it any other way.

This is all for people, so what is it all about?

They will have no luck without your heart.

That's why you don't want to protect your heart.

2nd presenter. We invite all guests of the holiday to sing the song “And the years fly by.”

(They perform the song “And the Years Fly” from the film “Volunteers”, music by M. Fradkin, lyrics by E. Dolmatovsky.)

That is how we live,

We don't expect silence.

We are faithful to our youth, as before.

And the heart, as before, burns because, burns because

That friendship is above all.

And the years fly by

Our years fly by like birds,

And we have no time to look back.

And the joys of meetings,

And the bitterness of separation,

We have experienced everything, comrade and friend.

And where lovers once walked,

walked as lovers

The trees have grown up now.

We are not made for easy paths,

And our children have this habit.

We go with them towards the winds,

against the winds,

We will never grow old.

1st presenter. Domestic pedagogy has rich roots, wonderful good traditions that need to be preserved and enhanced. I suggest you, dear teachers, on the sheets of paper that lie in front of you, write one word - a verb that answers the question “What to do”? And the question will sound like this: “What needs to be done to a young teacher to earn recognition from your students? “We will collect all your answers in a book - a kind of cheat sheet for a young specialist and we will all answer this question together.

(The task is completed. The answers to the question are read out.)

2nd presenter. The time has come to pass the baton of education and education to the younger generation. Dear veteran teachers, hand over the steering wheel to your younger colleagues.

(Speech by teachers.)

1st presenter. To you, who dedicated your entire life to school and children, I bow to the ground.

2nd presenter. Our holiday has come to an end.

1st presenter. We are grateful to everyone who has chosen the wonderful, but very difficult and responsible profession of a teacher.

2nd presenter. Good health, creative success, may your every day be warmed by the smiles of children.

1st presenter. Happy holiday!

Teacher's Day is international holiday, so in most schools it is celebrated widely and on a grand scale. The concert is an established tradition in almost all secondary schools, lyceums and gymnasiums.

Preparation often begins from the first days of September, since in order to show something really worthwhile, you need to put in a lot of time and effort. The most talented students of the school are involved in the concert: some directly take part in the performance, while others prepare costumes, scenery, etc.

As a rule, each class congratulates only its own class teacher. But, still, it is better to please all teachers. You can read about this on our website in the article “How to congratulate your favorite teacher in an original way.”

Unfortunately, the teacher educational work(who is the organizer of this event) often acts according to a completely standard scenario: demonstration numbers that include dances and songs, congratulations “from everyone to everyone,” flowers for teachers, poetry. Actually, this is the whole set. But where is the guarantee that such a performance will be truly successful, and that teachers will not come to it only out of a sense of respect for their students or because “it’s customary”?

As a rule, only schools with a theatrical focus have success in holding a standard concert. But what then should students from regular general education institutions do? They will come to your aid here original ideas, which we will share with you today.

There's nothing better than jokes and laughter

As you know, laughter and smiles prolong life. That is why we propose to hold a concert for Teacher’s Day in in a comic form. You can come up with or download funny poems about teachers from the Internet various items(only without offense or sarcasm), remake famous songs in which you sing about your favorite teachers, stage humorous scenes from school life. Specially prepared costumes will very clearly reflect the holiday mood. You can, for example, dress boys in women's suits, and girls - into men's. This technique is always successful.

If you choose this type of scenario, be sure to ensure that the presenter is cheerful and relaxed. This is important, since it is he who will largely set the mood.

This type of scenario more suitable For high school students, so students junior classes with a high probability they will not be able to fully reveal the idea of ​​the production.

How can we get into a fairy tale?

We all love fairy tales, and teachers also believe in magic. So why not create a fairy tale for them for a couple of hours. For example, you can stage a production of “Forest School”. To do this, you will need to prepare animal costumes, create a school setting in the forest, appoint animal teachers and come up with various school-themed situations. You can also, to some extent, copy the behavior of teachers or take their “trademark phrases” - it will be very interesting for them to look at themselves from the outside.

This type of scenario is perfect for primary school students, because high school students most likely will not want to dress up in animal costumes, and they already believe in fairy tales less 🙂 But they will be able to help perfectly in preparing costumes and scenery, and it would also be very good to choose a senior or senior student for the role of presenter middle classes.

TV channel "School Life"

As a concert, you can show one day in the life of a TV channel. Build the script in the form of original programs and broadcasts on school topics.

Make several sections, for example “News”, in which you will talk about the latest events that happened in your school; " Interesting people» - stories about school teachers (can be done in a humorous way so that everyone has fun); “Quiz”, in which teachers will take part, etc. You can make short musical and dance breaks between programs or funny advertising in the form of small skits.

School starfall

Teacher's Day is great occasion to show their teachers what talented children they raised. The concert can be done in the form of a talent show.

To do this, it is necessary to select students who would like to dance, sing, recite a poem, show handmade works, prepare various dishes or sweets, etc. Based on this, make several nominations, for example, “Best dance number”, “Best singer”, “Best needlewoman”, “Best cook”, etc. Invite school teachers as a jury - this will be doubly interesting for them. Just don’t attach too much seriousness to such a competition; it’s better to do everything in a humorous way so that the “losers” don’t feel offended.

A holiday in this style is an opportunity to praise your teachers for the talented children they raised.

Long live the theater

If your school has a lot of children with acting abilities, then you can prepare an interesting theatrical production. Scenarios for these can be easily found on the Internet.

But if you have enough time and a rich imagination, then everything can be done more original. Find some interesting play (you can watch something from the classics) and remake it on a school theme. The result will be such an interesting symbiosis of the work of famous playwrights and your own imagination. Believe me, the literature teacher will be very pleased!

Of course, this version of the holiday will require a lot of effort in preparation and rehearsals, but your holiday concert will be the most original and unforgettable.

When you decide how you will congratulate your favorite teachers on festive concert, then you will need to think about the design of the hall, invitations for teachers and other organizational issues.

Now you know how to surprise your teachers at a concert. And we wish you have a great holiday and limitless inspiration :)


Teachers are different

In human society,

But planet Earth rests on them,

Our discoveries...

October 5th is a special day in the calendar of many countries. This is Teacher's Day approved 22 years ago.

Frankly speaking, we are always very demanding of our teachers. We want them to know everything, to be infinitely patient and wise, benevolent and condescending.

We dream that the teacher is always in high spirits.

We wish all teachers health, tireless search for truth and knowledge, prosperity, mutual understanding and grateful, inquisitive students! Thank you for being you!

Today is the best day!

Even the sun is a bright ray

Warms everyone who teaches

Gives them warmth and light!

We celebrate Teacher's Day,

Congratulations to the teachers,

And with all our hearts we wish

Achievements and victories!

Kind, honest,

Wise, strict,

We dedicate these lines!

Dear teachers,

Children open the holiday!

Song "I paint this world"

All professions are needed!

All professions are important!

Choose any one for yourself!

I would like a profession like this

So that like the edges of a crystal,

She revealed all her talents!

To bring joy,

Gave people strength!

To be a creator, creator,

In some ways, mother and father.

Show kindness and care -

What a job!

To strive for the best,

And be proud of your profession!

I know that there is such a thing,

There are countless specialties!

Mathematician and technologist

Both a geographer and a psychologist,

Physicist, chemist and linguist -

Magician, sorcerer and magician!

Methodist and teacher -

In a word, he is a teacher!

He is a teacher! With this word

How much are we ready to say:

The TEACHER brought us into the public!

Our TEACHER - we love you!

Our TEACHER gives light!

Our TEACHER is the best!

And today, without a doubt,

Lots of happiness and patience

We wish the teacher!


Song "Oh, teacher"

(Beautiful gentle music sounds)

When a teacher is born,

A star lights up in the sky.

A competent caretaker monitors this,

He will never allow falsehood.

Teachers are a special class,

The world where the most compelling argument is

No gold, no piggy bank, no health,

And the quiet sound of the soul and that moment,

When, having passed through the hellish circle of doubts,

Struggling with the contradiction of fate,

You will see the results of your creations,

You will notice a glorious turn in fate.

Parable about the TEACHER.

When he was born new teacher, three fairies descended to his cradle. And the first fairy said: “You will be forever young, because there will always be children next to you.”

The second fairy said: “You will be beautiful in thought and soul, because there is no nobler calling than to give your heart to children.”

The third fairy predicted: “You will be immortal, because you will continue your life in your students.”

But then the fourth fairy, an evil one, came down to the cradle and said in a gloomy voice: “But you will always be checking notebooks. Your working day will be 8 hours before lunch and 8 hours after lunch. All your thoughts will be about school and only about school, and you will never calm down. So choose before it’s too late!”

The teacher said: “It’s too late, this fairy always appears too late, and those teachers who decided to connect their lives with school, with children, will never change this wonderful profession.”

Anna's song "For Teacher's Day"

An autumn day will swirl with leaf fall

And he will invite everyone with him.

Today is Teacher's Day, and next

All those who protect our souls.

PR: The profession of a teacher is bright,

The teaching profession is a calling.

Your kind strict silhouette

For many years

We will keep it in our hearts like a bright light.

Learned how to solve complex problems

Know the answer to each question.

We wish you patience and good luck

Health, happiness, creative victories.


TEACHER is a very precious word,

There is a lot of inspiration and warmth in it.

After all, what is given to you by fate

Lead us all along the path of goodness.

The word for congratulations is given to the director of the gymnasium

Presentation of certificates

Dance "Birds"


Dear teachers! On this special day, we want to thank you all and present awards in several categories.

Our teachers can do anything!

Any peaks can be conquered by you!

Just think - in 11 years you can turn an unintelligent child into an educated, well-mannered young man or girl! And at the very beginning of this miracle are elementary school teachers.

To be awarded in the category"My first teacher"

Primary school teachers are invited


As well as teachers of the extended day group

Krylova Valentina Afanasyevna

Baranova Ekaterina Shanievna

Podosenova Lyubov Mikhailovna

IN primary school it's complicated,

Kids have a million questions!

Each one needs an answer.

Someone needs advice.

Pay attention to everyone!

We congratulate you, teacher!

We wish you many winters and years

Give good light to children!

And the youngest participants of our concert congratulate you -

song "Friends"

Learn math
We are ready for everything
Let him even dream at night
A series of natural numbers.

There is, dividend, divisor,
This is a fact known to everyone
But today, our teacher,
Let's live without theorems.

We sincerely congratulate you
Happy Teacher's Day! Ideas
We wish you new creative ones!
And talented children!

Mathematics teachers are awarded in the “Master of Equations” category


And on stage - school hip hop

We continue with the award ceremony.

In nominations

“A Ray of Light in a Dark Kingdom” and “Lords of Irregular Verbs”

awarded to teachers of Russian and foreign languages


Probably everyone knows this

The most precious thing is light in darkness.

Without this faith there is no happiness,

And you are the very light for us

Here the morning begins
The bell rings, it tries,
And we, as expected.
Let's hurry to class.

We may be slow-witted
And even incomprehensible
But you are unlikely to doubt
The fact is that we love you!


Our awarding continues with the following nomination

In nomination "Keeper of Antiquities"awarded to history and social studies teachers


History teacher wisdom of ages
Absorbed along with a thousand books.
And every day with this wisdom I am ready
Share with you, student!
History is made by each of us,
Let's write new lines into it.
A history teacher! Happy holiday to you!
Thanks for your lessons!

Song "My good teacher"

The next nomination is “The Lord of the Rings... and the Uneven Bars.”

As you guessed, its winners are physical education teachers


At the physical education lesson, the class lined up in harmony,
To congratulate the teacher on this day and at this hour.
We wish you health, happiness, joy, love,
So that you can achieve everything you want as quickly as possible.

Song "Smile"

And we move on to the next nomination.

Nomination "For expanding our horizons"awarded to teachers of geography, biology, chemistry, physics and computer science


Sciences nourish youths,
Joy is served to the old,
IN happy life decorate,
In case of an accident they take care of it;
There's joy in troubles at home
And long journeys are not a hindrance.
Science is used everywhere
Among the nations and in the desert,
In the noise of the city and alone,
Sweet in peace and in work.

Song "Favorite School"

And the awards ceremony ends with a nomination"Forward to harmony!"

It united all teachers who do school life beautiful, harmonious and safe


Years go by. The Earth rotates.
Teachers raise students.
Their wise look and kind hand -
The textbook is the main one for the student.
The matter is immortal, the thread is continuous.
Young people will come to replace the elders.
And they will receive you at the abandoned post
Teachers hope and dream.
And therefore the commandment is so strong:
“Teacher, educate a student!”


Years will pass, centuries of thread

They will drown in the blue abyss of stars.

But the warm word is “teacher”

Always moves me to tears

Will always make you remember something

Family close to you

In the 20th century and 200th

The teacher is eternal on earth!

Happy holiday, dear teachers!

Song "Golden Heart"