How to make a nice guy. Circle "skillful hands": make him feel good with your hands

For relationships to be strong and bring only pleasure, you need to constantly nourish them. positive emotions. Every woman should know how to please a man.

And, not only in life, but also in bed. A man needs a personal territory, and in an effort to make it pleasant, you should not cross any lines.

But there are certain ones to deliver exceptionally positive emotions to your soulmate.

Pleasures at the household level

Before you please a man: it is not necessary to watch the video at all. But, if you want to watch something, you should not immediately switch to something erotic.

It is enough to choose a cooking show and learn how to cook a new dish. The good old truth from our grandmothers about the way to the heart of a man in the age of modern busy women is more relevant than ever.

A delicious dinner, by candlelight and in a romantic setting, is the first step towards positive emotions.

But amenities can be done not only in the evening, but also in the morning. While the other half is still basking in bed, you can prepare breakfast and serve it in bed.

This will not only give pleasant emotions, but will charge active positive energy for the whole working day.

In addition, you can put small hearts with pleasant confessions into the briefcase and pockets of a man.

And in the evening...

In the evening after work, you can change the environment and the way you meet your loved one.In how to do nice man(after intense labor day) is not difficult.

It is important to meet him not in regular clothes and in sexual underwear With light dinner on the table and champagne. After such a meeting, you should move on to the intimate tips given in the second part of the article.

Pleasures at the level of contact

How to please a man: videos can tell a lot, but read first simple recommendations that will allow you to diversify relationships in bed. On the body of a man there are erogenous zones, the impact on which is always pleasant:

  • Foot massage. Thanks to the famous film, it is believed that it is made only for women to give them pleasure. But psychologists say that such a massage also has a strong stimulating effect on men. With this type of massage, special attention should be paid to the little finger and the area under it;
  • In general, most men enjoy massage any part of the body. Therefore, the girl's efforts in this direction will always be appreciated positively. The movements should be stroking and slightly pressing. After a massage, a man, as a rule, is excited and filled with passionate impressions;
  • sensitive erogenous zone is the earlobe. If you touch them with your lips and bite your lobes a little, then the man will be in seventh heaven with happiness;
  • Some are strongly turned on by caresses under the knee, this zone is also considered particularly sensitive. You can influence this part of the body not only with your hands, but also with your lips or tongue;
  • Caressing and stroking the lower abdomen contribute to a rush of blood to this area, which means an increase in excitation;
  • An area of ​​interest is inner surface hips. Any action in this zone will give tangible excitement: even light stroking;
  • Sexologists also claim that whispering is very exciting for men.. Therefore, in the process of bodily pleasure, not only touches and kisses are important, but also quiet compliments that are whispered in your ear;

To make a man pleased, as is clear from the advice of psychologists and sexologists, you do not need to reinvent the wheel.

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It is important to follow a man's hobbies, actively (but not too much) participate in his life, cook delicious food and treat him not only as a soul mate, but also as a passionate lover. Author: Veronika Veselova

Every woman can make for her beloved man a pleasant and unusual gift with your own hands. It can be timed to coincide with some kind of celebration or presented just like that. A present made by the hands of a beloved woman will help surprise a young man, delight him, cheer him up, and strengthen relations between lovers. The main thing is to make a gift for conscience. You should not take on those ideas that will be difficult to handle. Even if it is a simple gift, you need to stop at an option that can be done with high quality and accuracy. Then a surprise for a loved one will bring a lot of positive emotions.

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    Wish Fulfillment Certificate

    Anyone young man will like a gift in the form of a certificate for the fulfillment of a wish. It can be just one dream or several at once. Such a present should be made for a beloved husband or boyfriend who you want to surprise and amaze, give him pleasure.

    To create a certificate, you can use decorative cardboard for scrapbooking or print on thick paper ready template by entering the necessary words in it.

    How to do Erotic massage man

    wish book

    Another unusual option, which can be handed to a beloved man, is a book of desires. You need to write down what will be pleasant for a man, while leaving free pages on which he can write down what he wants most of all. These may be desires that begin with the first letter of the young man's name.

    The book can be made in the form of a collection of checks, each of which contains small amenities for a guy. The idea of ​​the gift is that the man himself chooses a check with a desire and gives it to his beloved.

    To make a book, you will need a simple notebook or 10–20 A4 sheets, on each of which wishes are written. Desires can be written as:

    • watching TV all day
    • billiards;
    • striptease performed by a beloved girl;
    • Erotic massage;
    • football with friends.

    On the first pages of the page you need to write detailed instructions.

    How to cheer up a guy

    Gift certificate with points

    This simple idea creation original postcard do-it-yourself is to write a wish list on one sheet and assign a certain number of points to each of them. Next, you need to print the list and attach it to romantic postcard. When one of the wishes is fulfilled, it is simply crossed off the list. This gift is perfect for Valentine's Day.

    For a loved one to call

    beautiful little things

    For creating Have a good mood no need to wait for the celebration. You can give a gift just like that, for no reason. For this you can do pleasant trifles which every day will remind a man of the warm feelings of his wife.


    A stylish keychain can be a great gift. This necessary thing will become a small talisman for a young man. A guy will always think about his caring girlfriend. Simple, but original is a keychain in the form of a tie. It can be made in a few minutes. Such a present will look very creative and unusual.


    In order to give a gift with meaning, a bracelet is suitable. There are many ways to create such a presentation, but the most stylish and unusual decoration for your chosen one can be made of leather. A young man will be pleased to wear such an accessory on his arm.

    To make a gift, you can buy ready-made leather cords or cut an old leather item into thin strips.


    Another present that will enable a guy to think about his sweet girlfriend every day is a housekeeper. This is a stylish and convenient gift that will always be at hand. To make, you need a small piece of leather and a little patience.

    Photo souvenirs

    Presentations with photographs are always very valuable, as the pictures capture pleasant memories and the best moments of life. They charge with positive energy, cheer up and carry a lot of meaning for lovers. To create a presentation, select original idea, pick up best photos and get to work.

    photo stand

    A photo stand can adequately decorate a guy's desktop and will always remind you of his beloved. You can make this thing with wire, cardboard, even clothespins. It depends on the capabilities and imagination of the girl. After the stand is ready, you must not forget to print and place a photo there, which depicts a young man with his chosen one.


    For the manufacture of beautiful frame for a photo, you can use ordinary buttons, cardboard, glue and romantic photo, which depicts a happy couple in love. A man will keep such an unusual gift on his desk, often admire it, thinking about his beloved with warmth and tenderness.


    To congratulate your loved one on his birthday or wedding anniversary, you can use a collage. It's pretty creative way express your wishes. To make it, you first need to think over one or more sentences that you want to say to your loved one. Then print each word on a separate sheet of paper in the form of tablets. After that, you need to ask your acquaintances, friends or relatives to take a picture with one of the plates. It will be necessary to make one big collage from all the pictures. The result will be unusual and will please the man.

    Another kind of collage is the manufacture of a touching pillowcase for a pillow that is in the husband's car. There can be a joint photo in the center of the pillowcase.

    To make such a gift, you need to select the necessary photos on the computer, print them on an inkjet printer using thermal transfer paper. Then you need to cut out the image, put it on the pillowcase with the picture down. It is necessary to iron the picture with a hot iron without steam. After that, you should remove the paper backing, and the surprise for your loved one is ready.

    You can buy a regular Rubik's Cube and put parts on its squares family photos.

    Notes with confessions of feelings

    One of the best options a gift that can please a loved one every day is a box with declarations of love or just good wishes.

    Start with what to buy original box for gifts. Or you can make it yourself according to the templates and paste it over gift paper which is at home.

    A lot of small hearts are cut out of colored paper. different color, on each of which is written a declaration of love. Let it be for your beloved every day new surprise in the form of pleasant words. The guy will be interested in pulling out a new heart over and over again and reading a confession.

    You can cut the leaves in the form of rectangular strips and wrap each with satin ribbon Red. All sweatshirts can be placed in glass container, decorated with a ribbon.

    romantic sweets

    This option is more original than just love notes in a box. To make it, you need to buy a man’s favorite candy, carefully open it and insert a note in the middle. The young man will enjoy not only the taste of sweets, but also beautiful confessions in the love of his chosen one.

    You can stick sweets on a box in the form of a laptop. This will give the presentation even more originality.

    Cookies with warm words

    If a woman knows the culinary arts, then she can bake romantic cookies and give them to her beloved so that he can take them with him to work, study, or on a trip. Such sweets will remind you of the girl's feelings at a distance. He will be able to drink tea and think only about his beloved.

    Diary "Just For You"

    An original gift is a diary with dates stamped on each sheet. The surprise is that a woman will write something pleasant, appropriate anniversaries indicated on the respective pages.

    To improve the gift, you can not only write something nice, but also paste a photo, rewrite some of the SMS sent to each other.

    It's a good idea to just write something nice on each page. In this case, each new day of the beloved man will begin with reading warm words or confessions of feelings. Such a gift would be appropriate for the anniversary of the relationship.

    Erotic gift

    The next present can be prepared for a loved one after long separation. For preparation, you need to cut a few big hearts and many small ones. Large ones should be placed in those places where the lovers had sex, and be sure to write a few words about how it was, what feelings and emotions overwhelmed at that moment. Then starting from front door small hearts need to lay out the paths to these places.

    After a loved one finds one heart, he will want to find all the others. Men like the process of searching for treasures. After all the hearts are found, you can safely repeat everything that is written in the hearts again. Such romantic gift a man will remember for a long time.


    Every person likes to hear in his address pleasant words. Men are no exception. In order to tell a young man about how wonderful he is, you can use a crossword puzzle.

Do you really want to please your beloved boyfriend? Read on for how to do this if you want to decide on the answer to this question:

  • Make pizza for the guy. It doesn't matter what you make it from. It does not matter how (in the microwave or in the oven). Write a declaration of love with ketchup or mayonnaise on the surface of this yummy.
  • hit him intellectual abilities. Do not bother reading "abstruse" literature. It is enough to read and remember some saying of the famous philosopher.

There are, for example, such gifts in this humorous category:

  • Player in the shape of an old audio cassette. Such a player will be remembered and will not be forgotten! And delight, and laugh, and surprise.
  • Bearded hat. Imagine how cool... He puts on a hat, and a knitted beard is also attached to it! The gift looks amazing!
  • Lenses with a prank. Buy lenses that will elicit a laugh response. The most positive are lenses with "emoticons".
  • Alarm clock with a gun and a target. There is a target on the alarm clock. The "annoyer" will ring - the man will shoot him with a pistol.
  • Order. Anything can be written or depicted on it. And the inscription or drawing can be ordered if it is difficult to choose something from what is offered in the store.
  • Mitten for a "real man". Have no idea where to put on this very mitten? On the most "real" part of the body, called manhood.
  • The bag is funny. The small bag is battery operated. Attracts with its cheerful appearance. If you press the middle of the bag, the bag will laugh contagiously.
  • Big mug with striptease. The mug depicts many naked women. The whole joke is that on the mug they are depicted in very funny poses.
  • Comfortable shaped chair soccer ball. Well, you can guess that such a gift should only be given to a football lover or fan.
  • A piggy bank is a coin swallower. If your chosen one has collectible coins, then everything is very chic! It is necessary to make him present one of the coins to the piggy bank. She will swallow it, making real chewing movements.

Give the right gifts to the guy. The most necessary gifts are pleasant:




Phone (smartphone).


Stand or table for a laptop.

A set of socks.

Beer glass.


Case for phone.




Computer table.


Comfortable slippers.

  • Lay out and lay out around the apartment (for whom here) those gifts that he gave you. Tell him what you like about these gifts and why you love them.
  • Tell (sincerely) the guy that you are not jealous of him and do not suspect anything. Say it in such a way that he immediately believes you.
  • Play with him the game he loves. Suggest yourself such an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bpastime.
  • Perform a few of his most cherished desires. And try to find out about them directly, with the help of an ordinary conversation.
  • Put on his clothes and walk around the house in it. Your boyfriend will “shine” with smiles and will thank you for them.
  • Arrange your favorite men's "gatherings". Set the table with delicious meals, clean the apartment, buy "appropriate" products and wish him have a nice evening. And you can go to your friends.
  • Make the guy a delicious cocktail. Making it simple and easy. Take fruit syrup (strawberry, orange or some other). Add it to milk. Mix it all up. You can add a little sugar. And you can get by if your boy is not a sweet tooth.
  • Ask a guy for advice or ask for help. Guys love it so much! They are terribly fond of being useful and "necessary" to the weaker sex.
  • Give it to the right. Give the guy this news at the most opportune moment. When a guy starts hinting that he wants you to drive him in a car yourself.
  • Buy a lot of beer, cognac or balsam. Buy snacks for drinks. Or keep the guy company in drinking such alcohol, or “give” him these bottles.

Ask questions that show you care about him:

- "How are you, my angel?".

- "What did you eat today?"

- "Are you hungry?"

- "Are you not cold?"

- "How do you feel?".

- "What news do you have?"

- "Are you all right?".

- "How is your mood?"

“Should I buy something for you at the store?”

- "Can I do something, honey, for you?".

  • Help the guy solve his problem. I love it, but please help! He will be pleased that you are not indifferent to what is happening in his life.
  • Join his company. Treat your boyfriend's friends with respect. And in the event that one of your friends (or girlfriends) is unpleasant to you.
  • Let your loved one go to friends. Of course he will be pleasantly surprised! Do not forget that there is still friendship between people of different sexes.
  • How to make a pet - a guy something nice? - Often remind the guy how positive he is and how much he means to you.
  • Let the guy read your diary (personal), if you have one. Many guys dream of "breaking into" such depths of their soul mate's life.
  • Give your favorite guy some cute animal. Do it if he's good enough with animals.
  • Rub his back. This must be done discreetly. In the sense that this is completely not planned for him. He will bask in the bathroom, and you look in there and come in (with a smile and on tiptoe).
  • Fold neatly all his things that are in a disorderly state. Fold, don't shift! Otherwise a pleasant surprise will immediately turn into far unpleasant. Men are "violently" angry that they cannot find their thing.
  • Lay out the words of love with the help of magnets. Leave them all right there in the fridge. Just "glue" them in nice - sweet words. Buy magnets if they were not on such an irreplaceable piece of furniture before. They are sold in any kiosk and in any souvenir shops.

Continuation. . .

Hello our dear readers! Today we will talk about how to make a man feel good! Let's talk about how to behave at home and in bed to make him happy! And also how to maintain a relationship with a loved one!

42% of marriages break up because a man does not receive care and attention from his wife! A family psychologist, especially for our article, told how to make a man feel good!

Make a man happy: psychology

Every woman dreams of being the best and the only one in the eyes of her chosen one. For him, she will become a goddess if she can find him the right approach. Therefore, every woman needs to subtly feel her man. Know what he likes and what can push him away from you. Even strong love will cool down if a woman does not support her every day, and even more so in difficult moments.

A man likes to be cared for

Every man likes to be taken care of. A neatly ironed shirt, a deliciously cooked dinner - he will certainly appreciate your efforts. He will be extremely pleased to see the comfort and cleanliness of the house. Fill the room with the scent of flowers, aromatherapy relaxes and relieves stress. Just do not forget to gently remind him sometimes that the comfort of home is the work of your hands. So that he does not think that order appears by itself.

Don't forget about his habits. If he does not like this particular chair or this particular seasoning, throw them out. For you, it may not matter what to sit on, but for him it may be fundamentally important.

In caring, it is important not to overdo it. Do not turn yourself into a slave, and him into furniture from which you need to shake off the dust. Get him interested in household chores. You can not let a man relax, otherwise he may feel completely unnecessary to you. There is another pitfall here. A man very quickly gets used to increased care, and over time he will take your efforts for granted. And stop appreciating them as much as before. Everything is good in moderation.

A man likes respect

Even if something does not suit you in your chosen one, do not insult him in front of others. Men are very sensitive to criticism. Especially do not do it in front of your friends. Any man will fall out of love with a girl who publicly humiliates him. If you want to discuss that he is wrong, do it face to face. Or discuss it with a friend who definitely won't tell anyone.

Conversely, praise him for achievements, even if they are not significant. And his interest in you will grow many times over. Flirt a little with him in front of others, this is useful for maintaining relationships. Don't leave your loved one unattended. Try to make time for him personally. So that he does not seek attention somewhere else.

A man likes to feel like a leader

How to make a man pleasant without further ado? Through behavior! Even if you have the most modest, most quiet, kind and affectionate man, it is necessary to make him feel like a real man next to you. Play along with him a little. Be a little weak in his arms. If he offers something, and you don’t quite like it, don’t start a scandal. Ask him, tell him that only he can do what you ask.

How to make a man feel good: keep the relationship

Every day you need to think about how to make a man feel good. Winning the man of your dreams is half the battle - it is important to keep him. And this is the hardest work that falls to the lot of the weaker sex. What will help you keep the relationship?

Tasty food

A rare man does not like delicious food. And the food prepared by your caring hands is sacred to him. Even if you do not know how to cook, but try, he will be happy.

home comfort

The house needs cleanliness and order. Everything is ironed, cleaned and tidy. If you do not have time to do something, do not forget to tell him that you are tired. He needs to know that you are working hard for him.

Individual space

A man needs to know that there is a place in the house where he can be alone. He will feel confident and comfortable if you do not encroach on his personal space. Leave a corner just for him. And if you also put his favorite newspaper there, you will conquer him forever.


Men really like well-groomed women who look after themselves. Get yourself in order. But try not to see most of your beauty procedures. The admiring glances of passers-by directed at you will warm up his interest in you even more.

In life, it is not always possible to look perfect, but it is necessary to strive for this. He saw you from all sides, but he likes the side where you are irresistible.

How to make a man pleasant at night

Analyzing the topic, how to make a man pleasant at night, you should first say that you need to be yourself. You attract him for who you are, so don't be shy about intimacy and don't hold back. Be relaxed and open. Even if there are stretch marks after childbirth, or cellulite on the thighs. Beloved will not notice this behind the veil of your charm. Here are some tips for passionate stormy nights.

love games

Before you make love, play a little with your man. Start with flirtatious erotic touches and vulgar words. For relaxation, apply erotic massage and sweet kisses.


Men like active and self-confident women. Passionate impulsive lovers drive them crazy. Don't be shy about your desires. Do not be afraid to look in his eyes as something wrong. If you like it, he will appreciate your initiative. Therefore, do not be afraid to offer something new and unknown. Experiment and get to know each other.


All men, without exception, like uninhibited women. When making love, don't turn off the lights or close the curtains. Show him all of yourself. He will not pay attention to your imperfections if you yourself do not point them out. If you are too embarrassed by the wrinkles on your stomach, put on a sexy robe.

Additional details

Do not neglect additional tools for arousal. Put on lace underwear, wind your hair. Change your image to bold and eccentric. Surprise him with a change in appearance.

Everything needs a golden mean. And to find it, often ask your loved one what he would like, and bring these ideas to life. If you do not have enough imagination, you can search for a video on how to make a man feel good.

How to make a man pleasant: conclusion

In our article, we got acquainted with how to make a man pleased. What tools to use in everyday life. How to create a cozy and warm atmosphere. What to do in bed to be for him the best mistress. All this will help you not only maintain relationships, but also add zest to them. As much as a man is pleased, your relationship is so strong!

Be happy and see you soon!

How to please a man - for some women this is a fantasy issue, because for them a partner is an eternally complaining and nervous creature that even the most logical and calm lady cannot understand. For others, the art of appeasing a loved one comes by itself, without any problems and nerves.

The pledge of a strong family

Many modern ladies believe that living together- It is one big celebration where there are no problems, quarrels and hardships. However, this is not at all the case, because in addition to love, family life implies a great responsibility of both spouses, their ability to overcome obstacles with minimal losses And maximum benefit. Sooner or later, family relationships cool any passion, and it is then that the duty is laid to restore past feelings, otherwise even the strongest love will turn into ordinary coexistence without vivid emotions. But how to restore the fire in a relationship or just make it clear to your soulmate that you need it and love it dearly? Many authors of newspapers and glossy magazines write about how to please a man, but, most often, such advice is too banal: candlelit dinner, dancing, and, in the end, a night of passion. And here's how to please loved one otherwise, no one knows. That is why we bring to your attention a few actionable advice about how to give a man pleasure without resorting to intimacy:

1. Appreciate his tastes

To begin with, a woman should understand that her man is, no matter how close he is to her. He may not always like what you do, and vice versa. This does not mean that you should sort things out and prove to each other what is better and what is worse. Passion for the interests of a man, or at least a sincere interest in them, will give you the opportunity to rediscover your companion and win him over as quickly as possible.

2. Be a master cook

Do not neglect the advice of grandmothers and mothers on how to cook borscht, pancakes and other dishes - after all, in addition to spiritual food, in the form of a discussion joint interests, your man needs physiological nourishment, in other words - tasty food. A hungry man is an angry man, so find out as much as you can delicious recipes, and then a well-fed and satisfied partner will be provided to you.

3. Learn to listen, not hear

Very often, men complain that the second half does not know how to listen to him. She seems to be listening, but she cannot give advice or support at the end of the monologue. Always remember that most men are used to sharing their problems and getting some kind of return from a partner. It will be much calmer and easier for him to solve problems with a woman who will offer options for getting out of a difficult situation or will simply be there for him. Hard time than with the one who defiantly turns away - "Your problems - solve it yourself!".

The most pleasant thing is when you don’t expect good, but it takes and happens.
author unknown

Video: How to please a man


Any man appreciates sincerity and love in his beloved. Such a companion will forever be loved and desired, because her chosen one will feel support, loyalty and reliability in her, which, of course, will make him satisfied and happy. And it is these qualities that work wonders.

Therefore, dear ladies, never neglect advice on how to please a man - this is a guarantee not only of a happy family life, but also just a strong relationship with a beloved man.