What to tell a guy to make him forgive? Nice words for your beloved guy: what to write for him? Nice good night SMS for boyfriend

In our world of information technology, virtual communication will no longer surprise anyone. Websites, blogs, chats, forums - all this has become an integral part of every modern person, especially young people. Sometimes it happens that “that” guy is very far away - so in order to confess your feelings you have to get creative and come up with what to write to your loved one in order to let him know how important and needed he is.

Why doesn't the guy write?

Young people whom we met recently do not always show attention at the proper level.

This may occur due to the following factors:

  1. Doesn't consider it necessary
    The guy thinks this is normal. There are people who are not used to writing a lot. They save their emotions for real life. Therefore, he needs to little by little let him know that you are pleased when he writes.
  2. Got carried away with something
    The guy can immerse himself in work. Or he has a hobby. Maybe go to relatives. Or he had problems. That's why he's worried. Then you should write to him first. The main thing is not to get bored. Guys love freedom, and any serious encroachments on it are not welcome.
  3. The guy was interested in another girl
    Also a logical explanation. And it is precisely this that first comes to mind when you are jealous. Yes, this explains why the guy is acting so passive towards you. But to be sure, it’s better to ask directly why he doesn’t write. Why beat yourself up and suffer.
  4. Plays on the computer
    Oh, these gamers. They can destroy enemy tanks and planes for days. And being carried away by the game, they can forget about the most important thing, about love for you. Then it’s worth trying very hard to pull this adult child out of virtual life by the ears. Or create your own account in the game and bomb it.
  5. The guy is manipulating
    He watches your reaction. Wants to play with feelings. Or he wants to make you jealous. And he tests you how you will react to such inaction. In this case, it is best to write first and ask why he behaves this way.

Should I write first?

Harmonious relationships between a man and a woman are built in such a way that the woman remains a mystery to the man all the time. The man gets a goal, he is inspired.

The man makes every effort, approaches, receives a sweet kiss, but the woman again easily escapes from the embrace, leaving her conqueror only aroma, purpose and inspiration.

Important! If there is a goal, there is mobilization; if there is no goal, then there is no energy, because doing something just like that, half-heartedly, is internally incomprehensible for men. When your husband lies on the couch and watches TV, does he have a goal?

If a girl runs not from a man, but towards him, then at first this can give joy to both. But after a while, the man begins to lose his strength, because he has nowhere to strive, his inner spring relaxes. There is no need to be attentive to the woman anymore, since she is already going to the meeting. Of course, a woman in such a relationship also feels unhappy.

If a girl writes first, it means that she is the one who starts the relationship. It turns out that at the very beginning the initiative does not come from the man. Even on an unconscious level, this can be deposited in him and lead to all the consequences described above.

Therefore, it is better if it is the male half who takes the initiative. Allow yourself to be a woman, and a man to conquer you. At the same time, those women and girls whose relationships with their loved ones began on the initiative of the weaker sex should not be upset.
But still, every girl should decide whether to write to a guy first on her own. The main thing is that before such an action everything is thought out in detail and does not lead to negative consequences.

How to start a conversation correctly

Virtual communication is the “hobby” of modern youth. It is gradually replacing classical acquaintance on the street, in cafes, and on public transport. Of course, now it’s not so scary if they refuse the offer of acquaintance, after all, no one has seen you in person. That's what's good. Fear is lost, and, as a result, many psychological barriers are erased. But you don’t need to go beyond what is reasonable if you want to continue dating.

There are several rules on how to start a dialogue online.

  1. The most important thing is don’t be afraid to write to him first. This is not the case when initiative is punishable. Don't forget that guys are the same people, with their own complexes and fears. Most young people will happily respond to a message if they are interested in the message.
  2. There's no need to write down too much information at once, from the first time you fell off your bike to your last failed romance. This is a deliberately false step that will scare away a potential gentleman from you. Write a simple and unpretentious phrase, like: “Hello. How are you?". Men are straightforward creatures and love precision, clarity, and conciseness.
  3. Empty chatter stresses and irritates them. So, one letter is enough to start communication. Wait for a response. If it doesn’t follow, then you shouldn’t insist and write: “Where are you?”, “Where did you go?”, “Why don’t you answer?”. Don't be too intrusive. After all, the first impression is the most important. If you demonstrate a complete lack of pride and self-esteem, then your interlocutor will not be interested in you.
  4. When you receive an answer, ask about interests and hobbies in your next message so that you can use the information you receive wisely. After all, guys are very proud, they like it when people are interested in them. In the future, there is also no need to rush to talk about yourself. Focus on the topic that (as you have already found out) the young man will definitely like.
  5. Watch your speech, don’t distort your words, don’t make stupid mistakes. Nothing turns off your interlocutor more at the first stages of acquaintance than a complete lack of literacy. Even if the guy doesn’t shine with it himself, show him how smart and reasonable you are. This will give you a reason to respect you.
  6. Positivity plays an important role in any communication, especially with strangers. Who wants to communicate with an eternal whiner? Therefore, tell only good things about yourself and share only good news.
  7. Be tactful. There is no need to ask about the financial situation of the interlocutor or about his personal life in the first letters. You are just starting to get to know each other, and these areas at this stage do not concern you at all. Otherwise, you will get the impression that you are unceremoniously prying into someone else’s wallet and soul. Your pleasant conversation should remain just a conversation, and not turn into an interrogation with bias.
  8. Try to avoid tenderness. You don’t know the guy well enough yet to come up with diminutive names for him, which are so popular among lovers.

Now that you have already sufficiently consolidated your “positions,” you can safely move on to telling a story about yourself. But it shouldn't be long and boring. It is best to simply answer the other person’s questions. In this way, you will create some mystery around your person, and the guy will definitely want to get to know you better, which means that now, most likely, he will be the initiator of further communication.

How to fall in love by correspondence

Surely such an idea will raise many objections. Of course, personal communication and direct contact cannot be replaced by anything, including correspondence, but this is not what we are talking about. A correspondence relationship is a completely different kind of relationship, with its own rules, pros and cons, prospects and the most likely endings.

The reasons why such relationships are quite popular lie in their advantages, for example:

  1. A guy can create the image of a girl in his own mind. After all, it consists not only of facial features and hair color, but also of many other nuances. Behavior, intonation, gestures, facial expressions - everything that accompanies dialogue in ordinary life, in virtual space becomes a figment of the imagination.
  2. The guy himself is able to imagine himself as he would like, but perhaps never managed to be. And sometimes it doesn’t even matter to him whether his idea coincides with what his correspondence interlocutor “sees.” He also draws his image in fantasies, just like hers. And he really likes the feeling that comes over him.
  3. Stiffness disappears; complexes, if any, no longer interfere with building a dialogue. There is no need to blush, be embarrassed, or curse the awkward silence. There is also no need to monitor your emotions and facial expressions. It is enough just to express your thoughts in the text.
  4. The proverb “A word is not a sparrow” is also not very appropriate here. The written text can always be revised, rethought, corrected, looked at from the outside and only then sent to the interlocutor. Therefore, in a correspondence relationship, it is quite rare to regret what was said, unless it was said in anger.
  5. As for anger, irritation and other negative emotions that so often interfere in personal relationships, here it is quite possible to contain them before answering, taking, for example, a short pause. And this is also a clear plus.
  6. Correspondence relationships require virtually no costs other than temporary ones. But who will spare time for pleasure? There is no need to change your habits, your daily routine, go somewhere, think about your appearance, or plan your evening program. You don’t even have to give up on a real relationship with someone, if one exists, because they don’t interfere with each other.

And these are not all the advantages. Of course, there are also disadvantages, in particular, correspondence cannot satisfy the need for real sensations from closeness with a loved one, but it does not interfere with them. Again, if a girl you know through correspondence turns out to be that ideal “fairy from dreams,” then you can start thinking about ways to transfer distant relationships to a different, more real plane.

In order for a relationship to begin, first of all, the guy needs to be interested. Don’t forget that you only have text at your disposal, which means you don’t have to rely on more effective methods given to you by nature.

When composing your messages, rely on a few useful tips:

  1. Write competently and clearly
    Excuses like “we’re not in Russian language class” are completely inappropriate here, at least if you want to leave a good impression of yourself. There is a separate category of people who are ready to fall in love only because a person carefully places all the commas in a sentence and never confuses -tsya and -tsya. But seriously, a text full of errors creates a repulsive impression for the vast majority of people. The word is your only weapon, so don’t dull it. Write in simple words, but competently.
  2. Use every opportunity to give the text the necessary intonation
    These are primarily various emoticons, with explanations in parentheses if necessary, for example “sarcasm” or “joke”. A person reading a message may put the wrong meaning into it, consider it aggressive, arrogant, etc. As a result, misunderstandings will arise. This possibility must always be taken into account.
  3. Don't pause too long
    Especially at the very beginning of communication, until you are so accustomed to each other to correctly understand the meaning of this technique. Otherwise, your interlocutor will become bored and lose interest in such a dialogue. You can allow yourself a pause only if you are sure that interest in you already exists and is quite stable.
  4. Analyze your messages for their effectiveness
    In other words, messages should evoke some emotions in the interlocutor. Every effort must be made to make these emotions positive. These include joy, pleasant surprise, interest, flattered pride, tenderness, attraction, gratitude, etc. Avoid texts that cause fatigue, melancholy, irritation, sadness, resentment.
  5. Remember that your messages will be re-read, possibly more than once.
    So be careful when broaching serious topics or feelings. Weigh each word so that later some incorrect meaning is not revealed in the sentence. Avoid vulgarity and vulgarity. Vulgarity spoken out loud can be smoothed out, displaced by other emotions, and ultimately forgotten. But written and re-read many times, it will certainly be remembered.
  6. Don't end the conversation in a hurry
    Always try to choose phrases that will emphasize your gentle and warm attitude, so that the dialogue leaves a pleasant aftertaste. A person should want to return to it again.

How to confess your feelings

The transition from the stage of interest to the stage of dependence, and from there to the stage of falling in love, is easier than establishing a productive dialogue at the very beginning of the relationship.

A guy who often thinks about a girl whose image he largely created for himself is subconsciously ready to fall in love with her. At first, he is in a hurry to immerse himself in communication with her, then he scrolls through everything that was said for a long time in his thoughts, relives those pleasant emotions that he experienced while talking to her, and now he mentally lives in his fantasies, where the girl he knows by correspondence is the main one. character.

This is where you need to add passion to your messages. You can prepare your guy for the climax of the relationship with phrases such as:

  • “You have become truly dear to me”;
  • “I can’t understand how I managed to get along without communicating with you before”;
  • “I noticed that all other events and emotions that exist in real life are not as acute as those that I experience when communicating with you”;
  • “I don’t understand how this happened, but I need you.”

Do not skimp on flattery, but present it gracefully. Say that in your entire life you have never met a person with whom it was so interesting to communicate, who would understand you so much.

Say that he combines all the qualities that you value in men - a sharp mind, tenderness, strong character, integrity, kindness, courage, that you are almost in despair that the man of your dreams is not around - in real life. Hint that your dreams and views are very similar, and if he were around right now, you would be happy to help make them come true.

Important! Hints should be as transparent as possible, since men tend not to understand beautifully veiled thoughts.

What not to write to guys

Often girls themselves ruin everything. A thoughtless phrase can become a fat point in even the most romantic relationships. To avoid separation and definitely not fall in the eyes of the object of your desire, you need to categorically avoid the following phrases:

  1. “What a wonderful car in the photo - is it yours? How much do you earn? Maybe you can give me the same?” - You don’t want to seem too mercantile, do you?
  2. “Who is this girl in the photo? Are you sleeping with her? What about her friend? And that brunette in a leather miniskirt, whose photo you posted on Instagram yesterday, is that your sister?” - manically jealous girls look unattractive in the eyes of normal guys.
  3. “Wow, what a slender, handsome guy in the photo next to you! Maybe you can text me his number or introduce us somehow by chance? Do you have any other beautiful friends?” - perhaps the most unattractive option for conversation. Men are very jealous, and you are also asking for acquaintance with strangers. This will greatly hurt the guy’s self-esteem, and he will take his anger out on you during further communication.
  4. “How about you come see me tomorrow with a bottle of wine? I bought myself some new underwear, would you like to check it out?” - you risk being branded as an approachable girl. And such men appreciate, but only until the moment of satisfaction of passion.

Do you remember the Soviet film “In Love by Your Own Will”? There, the characters used an interesting theory - you need to find qualities in your partner that you like, and if you don’t have them, then invent them, and then love will come by itself. The movie experience was a success.

What needs to be done and what to tell a guy to make him fall in love with you, if he doesn't know about this theory? In fact, nothing complicated - you need to understand what exactly can evoke a feeling of love in a man. Some of these secrets are known subconsciously, but if you are not given such a gift, then you can learn it.

Secrets of seduction that will make all guys fall in love with you

1. A person falls in love not with a specific person, but with an ideal drawn by the imagination. Take note that you don’t have to be an ideal, but adding some ideal traits to yourself won’t hurt.

2. A person is attracted to another mysterious person. Here even the slit on the dress can serve as a secret, but if this style is not to your liking, then you can demonstrate a mysterious half-smile that suits every woman.

3. Z the forbidden fruit is sweet, and the more inaccessible a girl is, the more interesting she is for a guy.

4. A person in love is selfless, and all masters of seduction know this.

5. If a girl wants to make a guy fall in love with her, then you can’t demonstrate to him that he means something more to the girl than she does to him.

However, secrets alone will not be enough, and it is not enough to tell the guy the right words. For the right effect, another reason is necessary, and there are several reasons:

  1. Time. Love comes exactly when it is needed. Love is a kind of instinct, and for every instinct there is a destined time.
  2. Feelings. And not just any kind, but two completely opposite ones - happiness and suffering. Some girls don't even think about it what does a guy need such say To make him ignite with passion, you just need to be a “bad girl.” Because of the need for suffering, these are the guys who fall in love. However, it also happens the other way around.
  3. Understanding. Loneliness is a difficult experience, and even strong men want to have someone next to them.
  4. Protection. The strong half of humanity needs to protect someone, and the weak half strives to be protected. This is also a kind of instinct, and no one can resist it.
  5. Jealousy. It can appear even if the guy did not show the slightest interest in the girl until she actively began to flirt with someone else.

Value. Every person loves what is truly valuable to him. Therefore, in order to be of true value to him, necessary and behave accordingly.

Do you think that only the female half of humanity loves with their ears? You are wrong! Men are also endowed with this quality. Say nice words to your beloved guy every day and within a month you will notice that your relationship has become brighter, stronger and happier! The opposite sex flies with happiness when they hear a beautiful speech addressed to them.

Nice words for my husband

Sometimes you need to leave aside all your household chores, caring for children and pay attention to the man with whom fate brought you together. Tell him that he is important to you. Below are some phrases to express your feelings.

  • Since you burst into my life, peace has appeared in my soul and happiness in my heart;
  • You are the best husband, being your wife is a great happiness!;
  • I still remember the day when we, two parts of each other, united. I pray that we will never be separated;
  • I'm a happy woman. You ask why? Because I got the best husband!;
  • You are my dear kitten (bunny). I need your love so much;
  • For so many years you and I have been united by marriage, and you are still driving me crazy.

Send your husband a message when he is at work, at home or on a business trip. You'll see, he'll come home in an excellent mood.

Nice words for a guy for the night

Psychologists and cosmetologists say: if you want to wake up cheerful, fresh and full of energy, then fall asleep in a good mood. What could please you more than a text message from your beloved woman before bed? Please your chosen one with a couple of beautiful phrases. If you have problems with imagination, then use a little hint.

  1. Night. Winter. How cold I am! But it gets warmer when I remember our last meeting with you. Thinking about you warms my heart. Thank you for these moments of happiness, which are still stored in my memory;
  2. My dear, may you have pure and bright dreams this night. I love you. I look forward to meeting you again with great impatience;
  3. Good night. Have a good day tomorrow. You will succeed, I believe in it!
  4. Sweet dreams my kitten. You sleep, and I will think about you and remember our sweet kiss;
  5. Every person involuntarily closes his eyes at night because he wants to sleep. And I do this only in order to see you again, at least in a dream.

Romantic people are not in fashion now. Some people consider them banal or strange. But still, anyone will be pleased to read a few beautiful phrases dedicated to only to him.

Pleasant SMS to your loved one in your own words

Young people like compliments and pleasant phrases. But it’s unlikely that anyone will like a banal verse copied from the Internet. Do you want to melt the heart of your chosen one? Write him a sincere message about everything that is going on in your soul. Below are some examples of such messages.

  • Today I caught myself thinking that I can predict your actions. I realized that we had really become close. I can safely answer the question about your dreams, favorite drinks and idols. I am pleased that our thoughts agree on many things. You are a part of me;
  • Enough time has passed since our first date. And I still remember this moment down to the smallest detail: what you were doing, how you were dressed, your facial expression. You know, I realized that with the appearance of you in my life, the world has changed. He has become kinder, I myself want to give everyone my care and warmth;
  • You and I had many moments, pleasant and not so pleasant. But the strength of our feelings countered all obstacles. I believe our love is so strong that it can overcome any difficulties.

To please your man, you don’t have to fantasize and look for templates on websites. Just open your soul to him and tell him everything you feel.

How to affectionately call your chosen one?

Your man deserves beautiful phrases and pleasant speeches. He has a name that his parents, friends and colleagues call him. Come up with your own affectionate word that belonged only to the two of you. There are a huge number of romantic nicknames for couples in love. All of them can be divided into several classes.

  1. Subclass of animals. The simplest and most common. Any name of an animal can be used as an affectionate word, with the addition of a diminutive suffix. For example, a bunny, a bear, a cat, and so on. Strong men are called lions or tigers. Such affectionate words are the most popular, respectively banal;
  2. Don’t surprise a man if you call him such nouns as angel or sunshine;
  3. Men like to feel that someone needs them. Therefore, add a preposition before the spoken word. For example: “you are my happiness, you are my life, you are my joy”;
  4. You can call your chosen one an adjective. He will be glad if you call him affectionate, sexy, the only one, desired, beloved, unique or loved. It is not recommended to use comparative adjectives: the cutest, the best, there are no more people like you. A young man may feel that he is being compared to other men;
  5. The least frequently used phrases are macho, male, superman, honey, and darling. If you want to surprise your boyfriend, then use these phrases.

An affectionate word should reflect the inner world of your soulmate. Carefully monitor your partner's reaction; if he doesn't like compliments, then don't force them on him.

Nice words for a guy in the morning

Waking up is the main part of the day. The mood in which a person wakes up is how he will spend the rest of the day. Write a message to your guy about your feelings, such a pleasant surprise will give him happiness, a feeling of vigor and joy. Don’t know how to beautifully wish him good morning? Use the templates:

  • Hello. Congratulations on the beginning of a new day. I hope it gives you a lot of pleasant moments;
  • Good morning, Dear. I dreamed of you. I woke up and you weren't there. How I want the dream to become reality;
  • I hope your day is good today. A surprise awaits you in the evening! Have a good mood;
  • Good morning beloved. How nice it is to wake up knowing that I have you. I'm counting down the seconds until we meet;
  • Today I had a dream that you came to visit me, and I prepared a delicious dinner for you from your favorite dishes. Let's make an effort together and make this dream come true.

A man will wake up in the morning, want to look at his watch and see a beautiful message from the woman he loves. His day was a success!

Why do men need beautiful words?

No matter how selfish it may sound, beautiful words benefit both partners. A man always needs an incentive; he will not try for a woman who does not appreciate him.

Did he nail a shelf in your bathtub? Be sure to remind him of his strong hands and good ingenuity. Received an award? Tell him how proud you are of his determination. Did you do your chores? Brag to your girlfriends about what a wonderful man you have. Praise will make him feel confident and he will have the desire to achieve new heights, because there is someone for whom.

In this video, Anna will tell you and give some tips on how to please your boyfriend with pleasant words for him:

If you are not familiar with it - (step-by-step instructions for beginners, examples):

  1. Start with a banal greeting! If you want to remove the banality, write “hello” and put a cute emoticon after the word.
  2. Pause for him to answer you. And he will answer if he is not busy, not upset and is in front of his laptop screen.
  3. Most likely, he will write you a similar greeting. Of course, you can “throw” the question: “how are you?” or “Am I distracting you?”, but this will be too banal to read. For example, write the following question: “Didn’t expect to receive my message?” And again there will be a pause.
  4. The guy or man will answer like this: “Where are you from?”, “Who are you?” Don't laugh at his banality! Guys and men are too lazy to be original “at first” of communication. They are frightened by women's initiative and interest at the initial stage of communication!
  5. Possible responses to this (or similar) message from a man or guy: I am your reflection in that mirror that is in your hallway! And where am I from - guess for yourself! Look carefully at my questionnaire to answer this question for yourself! I am (write your real name). I am from (write your current location). Let's talk further - I'll tell you everything! I am your destiny! Do not be afraid of me. I wasn’t going to do anything bad to you (I’m not going to).
  6. When the conversation about hobbies starts (when he starts asking about what you are interested in) - write everything as it is. But in detail and with humor. Tell us what exactly attracted you to your particular hobby.
  7. He will tell you how you are similar and add what else he likes. You keep the conversation going, hanging on to every word.
  8. Respond to his jokes not only with emoticons, but also with jokes and jokes in response.

Tips for continually improving your written communication:

  1. Warn me when you step away from the computer, even for a minute or two. Do not explain the reason for leaving unless the interlocutor wants to clarify it himself.
  2. Make sure you spell the words correctly. A guy or man will appreciate your literacy and attentiveness! He will be embarrassed, since he (maybe) will not be as literate as you. He will speak out on this matter, but do not humiliate him, but support him. Say that this does not play a special role for you. Reassure him that you already understand him well.
  3. When agreeing on a time to go online, do not be late. If you're late, apologize. Explain why you were late. And promise that you will do everything to prevent this from happening again.
  4. Show the photo if you promised to show it, or he has already asked you to do it.
  5. Meet him when he asks to meet. You can set the place and time yourself. Even a guy, a man, will like this step!

How to interest him on the Internet if you know him well?

There are also small instructions for this:

  1. Greet him the same way you do in real life. This way he will understand that you are you, and not someone else, “fake”.
  2. Ask how he is doing, how he spent his day, what his plans are for the coming days.
  3. Tell us about your plans (in detail, in “exciting” language). Answer all his additional questions.
  4. Don’t think too long about what and how to answer him. They don't like to wait for an answer!
  5. Start a topic that will be interesting to a guy or man. Remember: you must choose a topic in which you really “don’t know”, but are competent.
  6. Call him by name often. He will really like this about you. If you call him by name, you will get further success in your conversation with him!
  7. Don't interrupt him! It is rude to do this even in writing! He will definitely not approve of such “impoliteness.”

What to write to interest him in mobile messages:

  1. Poetry. Start with a cool poem. It would be great if it was also your own composition!
  2. Cool joke. The kind of joke that would make almost all people laugh! Briefly speaking! Have fun without losing!
  3. Words of encouragement or praise. Guys and men need exactly these words! Please do not regret such words. If you know for sure that he needs them at one time or another.
  4. An invitation to a holiday or an interesting event. He definitely won’t refuse and will come if you manage to interest him verbally.

Signs that a guy or man is interested in you:

  1. Message reply.
  2. A sea of ​​additional questions addressed to you.
  3. Using affectionate words (sunny, bunny, cutie, kitten, kitty).
  4. Conducting correspondence.
  5. Call.
  6. A compliment addressed to you.
  7. Talk about a meeting.
  8. Maintaining active correspondence.

Words and phrases:

  1. “I’m very interested in you.”
  2. “I was waiting for you online.”
  3. “When will we see each other?”
  4. “Thank you very much for your messages, for your understanding...”.
  5. "I'm truly glad we met."
  6. “You’re so cool!”
  7. “You are so cool!”
  8. "Thank you for being with me".

You can write an email to a guy or a man. Just check its exact address so that it doesn’t fly to another recipient! What exactly should I write? Everything that has accumulated in your soul and in your heart! They (heart and soul) will tell you what is best to write.

Don't rush to talk about love right away. Wait! If you hurry, he will become arrogant or shy and it will be even more difficult to “reach out” to him.

What not to do?

  1. To impose. If you see that he doesn't care about you, get out of the way! Don't cry and don't waste time on him. There are other boys and men.
  2. Be rude. Who likes rudeness? She can only push a person away from another person!
  3. Insult and humiliate. Leave these “troubles” for someone else! But not for the guy or man you are so eager to win.
  4. Be silent for a very long time. Guys and men don't like silence! They will stop paying attention to a woman’s appearance if excessive silence occurs!
  5. Threaten. Don’t say (don’t write) him such phrases: “if you don’t communicate with me, I’ll die, I’ll do something to myself!”, “I can’t live without you!”, “if we don’t meet, I’ll die!” You definitely won't achieve anything good with this.

Continuation. . .

In the modern world, a significant share of communication with people we are interested in is occupied by correspondence on social networks or SMS. We discuss the weather, our problems and worries, everyday affairs and unexpected events... In this regard, a girl who communicates with a guy she likes very often thinks about what and how to write to a young man in order to once again please him and not spoil the relationship. For many couples, after regular correspondence, the real development of relationships even begins, so this method of communication is also important and helps to get closer to your loved one. It will be quite easy to achieve pleasant and productive correspondence if you follow the simple tips below on what you can and cannot write in correspondence with the guy you like.

When corresponding with your loved one, be sure to use cute nicknames or affectionate words, with the help of which you will add personality to your message and emphasize that you wrote it with tenderness. SMS should be such that the person always has something to answer. There is no need to write in monosyllables and in the same type, forcing the young man to guess what you wanted to say with this message. Guys have a hard time accepting these kinds of hints, so it’s better to communicate openly. But they take compliments in SMS very well, so you shouldn’t skimp on small praises. Today it’s no longer fashionable for a girl to be stupid, so try not to make mistakes so that your SMS, instead of falling into the heart of a gentleman, turns out to be an asset humorous portals and forums. If you’re going to “make a mistake,” then make a big one! For example, you can send a message of the following nature: “Music, I kiss you! Thank you for caring so much about me.” Now we are waiting for a reaction. Even if it doesn’t follow because the young man is still in a stupor, after half an hour you need to “douse him with a bucket of cold water” and write: “Sorry, I wanted to send an SMS to my mother, but you’re in my address book next to me, and I I accidentally picked up your contact. I’m really uncomfortable." The same thing can be said with your voice, you just need to rehearse the embarrassed intonation. If the guy expresses frustration, you can add: “Actually, you can also be a real music guy,” or something like that. If you write serious SMS, then you need to wait for a response before sending the next message.

If the message does not arrive for a long time, there may be several reasons:

    The young man is out of reach; He is at a lecture at the university or at work, where he cannot be distracted by the phone; At the moment the guy is driving, and physically cannot write anything in response.
Therefore, before you get offended, you need to soberly assess the situation. In the end, his phone may simply die. When you have waited for an answer, you need to evaluate the guy’s reaction to your message. If it is positive, then again wait time and make him nervous this time. Let him think that you are on the subway or at evening classes in the pool, if he is an optimist. And if not, then let him be jealous or worried, the greater the shock (positive) for him will be your next message of an affectionate nature.

How to write to a guy correctly in contact

There are no special rules for how and what you can write to a guy on VK. Your correspondence should not follow any standard pattern. You can start by discussing the events of the day and quietly move on to talking about the future of your relationship. It may be the other way around, when you want to chat all evening only about something frivolous and funny. Therefore, there is only one rule - be guided by the fact that it is convenient for the two of you to communicate on the chosen topic, and the conversation develops easily and naturally. Then he will give you both real pleasure. When planning to write to a guy in contact, it is better to choose topics for communication that suit your own mood. But at the same time, you should not forget about the mood of the young man - if he has problems, then it is better to discuss them, and not try to joke and fool around a lot. Otherwise, the guy will think that you don’t care about his condition and the correspondence will develop into a quarrel with all the ensuing consequences.

When thinking about what a pleasure it is to write to your loved one in the morning, you should first at least approximately know his usual daily routine. So that it doesn’t happen that you write an SMS to a guy during his work planning meeting or vice versa, in the midst of his morning sleep. Of course, he will not be offended, but this may throw him off track or cause problems with his superiors, who will not approve of correspondence during a meeting. What exactly to write depends on the degree of your relationship. For the initial stages, when you are not yet too close to each other, cute SMS messages like “Good morning to the most beautiful boy” or “I wish you a morning as sunny as your smile” are suitable. For a closer relationship, you can add nicknames and cute addresses that are already familiar to you, or something more personal or intimate. You shouldn’t get by with banal messages - add creativity to them so that after your SMS the young man will probably smile. Short poems, humorous good morning wishes, and even photographs instead of text that will express your thoughts without words work well. The main thing is that these are not copied typical wishes from the Internet - they are very “blurred” and your boyfriend will probably think that it was difficult for you to write at least a few words from yourself and you decided to copy an SMS from the vastness of the World Wide Web.

Should I write SMS during the day if the guy (man) is busy with work?

Some girls are confused by the question of whether it is worth writing pleasant SMS during the day, when the guy may have work or personal matters. Sometimes such SMS, even in the midst of a working day, will come in handy; they help you to distract yourself for a minute, cheer up and lift your spirits. Therefore, if a girl does not write too often and actively when her man is busy with work, then there will be nothing wrong with such SMS. Pleasant encouraging words to a man will be very good, especially if his working day promises to be hard and eventful. You can write that you believe in him and wish him an easy and productive day, or that you are looking forward to your meeting in the evening. It’s never too much to support, so don’t hesitate to please him with your positive thoughts and faith in your beloved man. Unexpected pleasant SMS are also good in the case when the guy doesn’t work and the day is completely free. This way you can entertain him a little and brighten up everyday boredom. In any case, you will please him with your attention and remind him of yourself, strengthening your relationship with a touch of positivity.

Nice words for a guy for the night

Of course, nice good night messages that will tell your boyfriend that you have been thinking about him throughout the day or before going to bed will not be out of place. Pleasant words for the night can be either a wish for sound dreams, or simply a reminder of how dear your boyfriend is to you. Such SMS will be especially useful if a young man has had a hard day, or if your daytime communication did not go very well and you need to smooth out unpleasant emotions and restore peaceful relations between you. It is worth repeating - no need to copy banal SMS from the Internet, which everyone already has by ear. It’s better to spend a couple of minutes and write something from your heart, pleasant and individual. Here are some suitable good night SMS options for a guy:
    “I’ve been thinking about you all day today and I hope that in a dream you will finally look at me and warm me with your warmth and care”; “May your dreams be as bright as your shining eyes and as strong as mine love for you!”; “Sleep soundly, dear, because tomorrow a difficult day awaits you! I am there, mentally and spiritually, and will always support you, even in the most difficult moments!”; “My sunny boy, my beloved man! Good night to you, and may you definitely dream about your girl in your dreams.”

How not to communicate with a guy on the Internet or via SMS

If you want to maintain a good relationship with the guy you like, it is important to adhere to some points, without which communication through correspondence can completely ruin your feelings. In correspondence via SMS or on social networks, you cannot talk only about yourself - it is important to show interest in your other half, be interested in his daily activities and hobbies. You shouldn’t get too carried away with ignoring messages from a young man - otherwise he will quickly lose interest in you, not feeling a sense of reciprocity of communication. Don’t burden him with your problems and be able to feel the mood of your interlocutor - sometimes it happens that even if you are in a bad state, you need to support your young man, whose problems are more serious than yours. It is important to be able to find a balance of topics for communication so that the correspondence is comfortable and interesting for the two of you. Another important rule for correspondence with the guy you like is not to impose yourself on the young man excessively. If you constantly write SMS to a guy with offers to talk or meet, you keep asking where and with whom he is now, your relationship will most likely end soon. A man should feel that the girl is confident in him and trusts him, while respecting his personal time and space. These simple rules will help make your correspondence enjoyable and not spoil your relationship, but, on the contrary, develop and strengthen it.