A pleasant declaration of love to a girl. How to confess to a girl in love

I whisper to you, my love,
I want to confess my love.
Your eyes and your image
They captivate my mind.
Poems about love for a girl - confessions in verse

I love you with all my tender heart,
I want to live my life with you.
And in my heart I will keep love securely,
So that we do not have to endure in life.

You are destined for me by fate
And your sweet face captivated me.
The road in life is now marked for me
Cupid rewarded me with great love.

You, my joy, endless,
Long-awaited happiness, believe me!
You are like a ray of sunshine,
Like a kitten entering the door.

The sun won't shine for me without you
And the moon won't look out the window
Without you, only rain
It's drizzling and it's dark inside.

I repeat only one thing to myself
And in a dream, in reality and in delirium
I love you my dear angel
And I'm waiting for love in return!

I love you, my dear
How my life is desired.
You are like an extraterrestrial bird
You are my tender joy.

I so want to be with you
That I will scream for love.
I need your love so much
You were given to me by fate.

You have become my destiny
And I give you my heart forever.
I will not reveal a great secret,
That I love you, my swallow.

Get on your knees my dear
I offer you my hand and heart.
Take this ring from me now
Because I love you with all my heart.
The whole world, dear, I will give you:
I repeat to you a hundred times that I love you!

Soothe my soul with love
Give me your tenderness
I don't know peace without you
Without you, I'm completely lost.

I dream about you, I know for sure
Like a shore to a lonely ship
And I want to confess to you
I love you so much!

I'm wandering in the dark without you
And you are the brightest light of a star
You will hand me the keys, I know
In love, desired gardens.

I love you like life and you know
I won't get tired of repeating it.
I only want to be next to you
And it's true, no matter how you look at it.

I need your love so much
What's just dizzy
I want to say and repeat again
How much, my kitten, I love you.

I want to meet you
I want to kiss!
I want you to notice
How I love you.
You are the best in the world,
Believe my words.
You are a star in the sky
You are the whole ocean!
How can you not understand
I need you alone.
You are more precious to me
Any other people!

You are beautiful, you are beautiful
You are divinely tender
I need you gentle angel
I love, love you!

I love the one who is beautiful!
I love the one who is smart!
And light and joy in this world
Gives only my girlfriend!
And every moment, and every second in an hour
I'm ready to repeat only for her:
"My baby, the most tender, the most affectionate!

You are as beautiful as petals
The most delicate roses of the Gardens of Eden.
You are as pretty as dewdrops
On the emerald stems of heavenly meadows.

I love you madly like a boy
I love your infinitely tender eyes
I want to hug you with all my heart
And give the whole earthly world.

My angel, you are the most beautiful
With you, life becomes sweeter.
I want your reciprocity in love,
In the hearts of open doors.

And one must live so fully and so clearly
While the fire of a candle burns in the hearts.
I love life in this life
I only love you.

Your heart beam warms
Warmth and caress endless
Infinity embraces your souls
Love with big tender hands.

All my thoughts are only about you
And I am grateful to my fate
Ready to tell you now
How I want to give you love!

I will give you the dawn
Star and bright moonlight!
And the breath of the breeze, so gentle,
Like a lip touch.
I will give myself to you
Because I love you!

My ray of sunshine is mischievous,
I so want to be with you.
See your heavenly gaze
Feel your scent.

I want to love you always
All my life, whatever it is.
I want to go forward with you
Until the angel takes us.

Confess to a girl in love
Like it's scary like nothing else
But all you have to do is say these words.
When suddenly everything becomes different.

And the colors of the world will burst into fireworks,
And her eyes will light up with the sun
So admit it quickly
And just tell her - "I love you."

You are beautiful, you are beautiful
You are divine, tender.
I want to be with you
The only one I need is you.
Without you I'm like without the sun
Like earth without air.
I need you, gentle angel
I love you very much.

Do you know whose eyes are the most beautiful in the world? Those who are now looking at these letters and thinking, I hope, about me. And whose lips are the most amazing? The ones that whisper my name. These eyes and lips are yours, my love! I want to admire them as endlessly as my love is endless.

I love you more than life, I want to be only with you, I live with you, I will be happy only with you, you are the most beautiful, beautiful, charming girl in the world. I just adore you! You are my ray of sunshine, I realized that I can not live without you. I love you!

Honey, your voice is like the sound of a stream that gently falls from the mountain peaks. Your lips are sweeter than the sweetest thing in the world. I love you, I adore you, I adore you. No, and there will never be another like you! The most tender, caring, I admire you, my Angel!

Your beautiful eyes are like blue skies. Your smile is the most beautiful in the world. Your look just drives me crazy! You know I love you very much!

I only think about you, only about you my dreams. Only you I need in this life. Without you, I will not live even one day, I love only one, only you!

There is nothing better than feeling your love. I want to enjoy this happiness for as long as possible, you are the most important person in my life and I hope you feel the same for me

I want to say now and forever that I am deeply and passionately in love with you! You are the light in my life and the only star that shines brightly in my personal sky. I love you honey, let's be together forever.

The spark of your soul, which once pierced my heart, awakened a volcano of feelings in it, from which a fiery flower of eternally burning passion and love for you grew, (NAME)!

Sooner or later, every man thinks about how a declaration of love to a girl to tears should be in his own words.

For some, this is not difficult, but someone spends a single sleepless night, considering what and how he will say.

Having decided to confess to a girl in love, stop for a minute and think. Is it really love or just an attraction that will pass in a couple of months.

Remember, girls are very impressionable and, having heard “I love you”, they can immediately mentally draw a wedding. Be careful so that the separation does not bring much pain to the object of your today's adoration.

If you are sure that you really love, responsibly prepare for the moment when you first say the three cherished words “I love you”, think over the text of a declaration of love to a girl.

The most important conditions for success are sincerity, atmosphere, your appearance, the mood of the chosen one and the right choice of the moment.

If you can’t decide in any way, and are not sure that your beloved needs your confession, watch your relationship.

If you take care of each other, listen to each other, make plans for a joint future - the time has come!

Place and decoration are undoubtedly important. However, what you say is just as important. You can confess your love both in verse and in prose.

I never believed in talismans, but when you appeared in my life, all the troubles disappeared from it. My sun - you are my talisman, my protective amulet. Let me take care of you too, my love.

How to confess your love in an original way, see the article: how to confess your love.

My kitten, you are adorable. If Leonardo da Dinci lived in our era, then instead of a portrait of Mona Lisa, he would have painted yours. Honey, I love you and want you to always be there.

Charming, magical, tender, charming, beautiful, fabulous, sweet, beautiful, feminine. All these words are about you, my love.

Olya (any name), we have known each other for a long time. I know you consider me your buddy, maybe even a friend. But for me, during our acquaintance, you became the whole world. Perhaps I will surprise you. But I don't have the strength to carry it inside me anymore. I love you. I love you for a long time, sincerely and with all my heart.

My sun, it's hard for me to put into words what I feel for you. I want to wake up and see your sleepy smile, fall asleep and feel your head on my shoulder. I want you to be by my side all the time. My bunny, I love you madly.

When you are not around, the day turns into night, the trills of birds seem to be an unbearable sound, and the fragrance of flowers is annoying. But as soon as you appear, the sun immediately peeps out and life begins to play with colors. My good one, I love you!

Next to you, my queen, I realized that there is no feeling more important than love. I can't sing, but when you're around, I want to do it, I've never danced, but your smile makes me dance. For your sake, I want to create and conquer the world. Darling, you make me the happiest person on Earth.

I have always dreamed of conquering Everest, skydiving, looking at the Eiffel Tower, feeding pigeons in one of the London squares. Since when these dreams first appeared, they have changed a bit. Now I dream of doing it with you.

My dear, the trill of a nightingale cannot be compared with your voice, the delicate color of peaches gives way to the charm of your cheeks, and the azure sky cannot compete with your eyes. My baby, I love you.

My dear, you are like a ray of light, a fragrant flower and a singing bird. You are charming. My feelings for you are getting stronger and stronger every day.

My girl, every day spent next to you is forever deposited in my memory. I remember your every smile, your every look, every word you said. I love you and this love is forever.

If suddenly your soul mate is far away, or if you just can’t decide to confess your love in person, try to do it via SMS.

Any distance between us is not a hindrance,

If you want to defeat your chosen one, send her a letter. In a letter, you can write something that you would never dare to say in person.

My dear, you can’t even imagine for a hundredth of a percent what I am ready to do for you. To get a star from the sky and a pearl from the bottom of the ocean is too commonplace. You are worthy of all heavenly bodies and the biggest pearl in the world.

Find out what to choose - marriage of convenience or love from the article: love and marriage.

Our meeting was destined for us by heaven. I believe that you are my destiny, and I want to live with you all my life. I love you, my best of all living on Earth

I like your golden hair, your blue eyes like the sea, your tender lips, like rose petals. Every day I fall in love with you more and more, my beautiful girl!

You have become the meaning of my life. I never thought it was possible to love so much. Since we met, I cannot live a day without you, my most beautiful woman in the world!

I like everything about you: your big brown eyes, framed by lush eyelashes, and the dark silky brown hair that you love to put in a bun, and your slender, graceful figure, and your sonorous voice, and even a small mole on your wrist. You are perfect and unique!

I've never met girls like you! Your refined manners, your regular features, your graceful gait, your character traits I'm crazy about you, my femme fatale!

You are like a ray of sunshine in the spring sky, a delicate fragrant flower in the grass, a quivering singing bird in the trees. You are beautiful! My feelings for you forever, my wonderful girl!

Our meeting was planned by heaven! We were supposed to meet! You are mine and I am yours. Forever. Forever. No matter what happens.

It seems to me that you have bewitched me with your dazzling beauty, your sonorous voice, your tenderness. I want to kiss you, I want to hug you, I want to touch your skin, I want to be with you always. Only with you. I want to be in your captivity.

My happiness, my joy, my sun, my love When I see you, the world gets better, I want to love you all my life.

The world lit up with sunshine when I met you, my beautiful I love you, my feelings for you are strong and strong. I will endure all hardships, just to be with you always. You are the most precious thing I have. I breathe you, I live you.

It is very difficult to find a person for whom you can give, whom you love with all your heart. And I found it's you. My beloved, my dear, my desired. I want to protect you from all troubles, from all hardships, from all problems. I want you to be happy so that we can be happy together.

Wherever I am, whatever I do, I think of you. I really hope that I am also in your thoughts, and that you, like me, are also looking forward to our meeting. Just a little bit more and we will be there, we will enjoy each other to the last drop.

Today I want to confess to you I love you, more than life, more than anyone in the world. You are alone in my thoughts and in my heart. I can't imagine my life without you, my beautiful nymph.

Flowers will be a great addition to the words. A lush bouquet of roses in the form of a heart, bought in a store and presented to a girl on this day, will enhance your feelings and make your love mutual for life.

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Everyone can confess their love to a girl in their own words. It’s just that not everyone believes in their own strength, and not everyone dares to tell their beloved girl the very words that would fully reflect his feelings. In general, the male sex is quite straightforward. We often stand far from romance, and do not show much interest in it. But with women, things are different. Without romance, most of them simply cannot live, and this must be taken into account. Especially when it comes to such a serious and responsible recognition.

You must choose the right words, choose the right time, choose the right intonation and say everything correctly. This is the only way to expect the maximum effect. But you need him, right? Well, in this case, we suggest that you do not engage in amateur performances, but contact us for proven, high-quality confession options. We've got quite a few of them.

On Vlio, you can easily find the right words, which will become your own confession. Each work is a small masterpiece born into this world to please the girls we love. So why not use these words for their intended purpose? After all, that's why we put them together. Please your beloved with a beautiful, original and sincere confession made from a pure soul.

Dear, from the first moment we met, you fascinated me with your beauty. Your every smile, every look, every word you said is like a healing balm, without which I can no longer imagine my life. You opened for me a completely new facet of feelings that I had not experienced before, but without which my life was empty. You taught me to love and my love for you burst into my heart, filled every cell of my body with sweet poison. But I do not need an antidote, because you are my ideal, you are the woman that I have been waiting for all my life. You are my angel, living water, reviving to life, causing a storm of emotions, feelings, real happiness. You are my dream, my life, my future. I love you with all my heart and will love you all my life!

Congratulations on mobile

My favorite and dearest in the world! You are the most beautiful in this world and I am very happy that we met! You know very well that I love you, but I want to tell you about it personally - that I love you madly and I have no doubts about my feelings, I value you very much. You are the most precious person for me in this world!

When you leave, the sun disappears for me, when you return, it illuminates my life again and everything acquires its lost meaning: the sky clears up, flowers sprout through the earth's firmament, and the heart trembles with love and happiness! Therefore, dear, I want you not to disappear for a moment from my life and always be near! I love you - like a clear moon loves the stars, like foliage loves rain, like the wind loves space! And the rest ... The rest is not important! Even if the world collapses back into a monad, even if the poles change places, I won't notice it - after all, you, the only one, will be with me, so all worldly fuss and problems will recede into the background! You are my world, you are my light, you are my center of attraction. I love you and only you!

Everything has changed for me since you came into my life! I realized that you are the best, and I no longer need anyone but you. I want to always be with you. Look into your eyes, hold your hand gently, kiss and say how much I love you. My love is getting stronger every day and it's getting harder to be without you, because my life only makes sense when you're around. You are forever in my heart.

This morning I woke up and realized how much I love. How happy I am, that I have a beloved girl, to whom my sincere declarations of love are addressed. You are my dearest person. Your eyes inspire me to smile. Your gentle voice gives me the strength to walk with my head up. Your care gives a feeling of reliability and security. I don't think I've ever loved like this. My heart is filled with only warmth, only positive emotions. My beloved, be the happiest, for this I will try to make a lot of efforts. I want to see your happy eyes, your joyful smile on your face. When you are happy, I feel a great sense of joy and contentment. I ask you to forget all the negative moments, leave only the positive moments in your memory. In turn, I promise not to stop creating pleasant and new emotions for you and your heart.

I love you very much, with my soul, heart, body and every cell. You are the most desirable in the world. I thank my destiny, God and your parents for giving me you. You are my angel, the sun, life, all words are not enough to describe or compare you alone - so one and only I love you, my beloved!

What could be more beautiful and desirable in the world than love? After all, it is this feeling that makes you soar in the sky, forgetting about all the problems and worries. But no matter how strong feelings are, sometimes it is so difficult to express them in words, picking up and saying all that is necessary and important about your feelings.

You can confess your love to the girl you like in an original and beautiful way thanks to the confessions presented on the pages of our site. Only we have collected the warmest, sensual and beautiful confessions not only in prose, but also in poetry, romantic wishes. Or maybe you are a quivering girl who is afraid to be the first to tell a young man about her feelings? Then our declarations of love will help you take this important first step in your life, thereby subtly hinting about your pure and romantic feelings for him alone.

Let declarations of love become a boundary for you, which will resolve your further relationship, give them certainty and confirm your mutual desire to be together forever.

It happens like this, you love a young man or a girl, and he (she) also knows about it, but does not dare to take the first step. But, even when you decide to take this first step and confess your feelings, the second question arises: “How beautiful is it to confess your love?”.

How often do we want to hear words of love from the lips of a loved one. And how rarely do we ourselves tell our loved ones and loved ones about our feelings ...

How often gentle affectionate words are torn from the heart. And you are ready not just to talk - to shout about your love! But the person you love is far away...

And sometimes love just tears the soul apart. Because you love, but you don't know if it's mutual. Are you worried, embarrassed, afraid to admit - what if your love is not accepted, what if now is "not the most opportune moment"? And you wait, postponing "until a better opportunity." And a loved one feels the same and is just as shy, waiting for the "case". But the chance never comes. And then suddenly you realize that it's too late to say something ...

The most suitable moment for a declaration of love is the moment when you feel love! Stop waiting! Use every chance, every opportunity to express your feelings!

Declare your love to the whole world! Tell your loved ones how much you love them! Give your loved one your warmth, tenderness and affection!

Confess your love, say "I love you!" or just affectionate words to your loved one right now! And get recognition in return!

You are my happiness, my heart, my life! I love you!

I love you for your insanely beautiful eyes that look at me with tenderness and care. I love you for your hot body that warms me at night. I love you for your hot kisses that intoxicate me!

I love you, and I want the whole world to know about it, but at the same time it was our little secret. I want to read you like an open book, but at the same time try to unravel the secret that is hidden inside you...

Today I met a girl who I really liked. We talked for a long time, walked around the city together, and then I even took her home. And then I realized that I love her very much and want to be with her always.

You don't even know how much I love you! During the day I meet many different girls passing by me, but none of these girls will ever stir my heart like you, only you can do it! All my life I dreamed of a girl like you... Affectionate, smart, beautiful, tender, the list is endless. You are incredibly unique among all the girls that I have ever seen. You are the only girl I want to be with forever.

Every morning, as soon as I wake up, the first thing I think about is you. I think about you during the day, and before falling asleep, and even in my sleep. And if I suddenly wake up at night, then I think about you again, after which a smile appears on my face, because I know that I will definitely dream about you, and I know that soon I will see you in reality. And when I see, I will breathe in the smell of your hair, look into your beautiful eyes, touch your tender lips, feel your heartbeat and your warm breath.

Even if not so much time has passed since we met, but I am completely sure that I want to live with you all my life, besides, I can’t imagine it without you. And believe me, with me you will be the happiest girl in this World, I will save you from all adversity and problems, I will do everything so that you do not know sadness and sadness, I will do everything so that you always smile the way you do now!

I love you so much that you can't even imagine!

What is love? Each person endows this word with his own special “content”. For someone, love is an unbridled passion, for someone it is an endless series of romantic events, for someone it is unthinkable, crazy deeds. The moment when you appeared in my life was an amazing discovery for me - I understood what love is for me. From the first day of our acquaintance, tender, bright feelings tremble in my chest, intensifying with each of your calls, messages, with each meeting. Now I can draw a clear line between the feeling of sympathy, falling in love and the feeling of love that I feel for you.

I love you! My love is not a dream or a fairy tale. My love is something intangible, it is the unity of souls. It cannot be measured by the number of our meetings, any of your actions, gifts and other romantic nonsense. I love every line of your face, every moment of our sometimes short meetings. Know that my feelings do not depend on whether you are near, they will not cool down, even if thousands of kilometers separate us. First of all, spiritual intimacy is important to me, but when you are far away, I often close my eyes and feel you nearby, your intermittent breathing, your gentle voice and the dune touch of your strong, courageous hands.

You are my air. I want to live for you. It is important for me to know everything about you, about your experiences and dreams. I will be grateful if you let me share with you every moment of your life, no matter if it is sad, full of sorrows, or joyful. You are all for me! Before we met, I could not even imagine that it is possible to know a person so well, and at the same time feel that there is still so much unsolved in him. With you, every “I love you” sounds like the first time. I love that feeling when you are near, because with you you can not hide behind masks, you can be yourself, talk on any topic.

My feelings for you cover me completely, give me the strength to become better every day, work on myself, develop spiritually and physically. You opened a new person in me, a new potential. Next to you, I feel free, you do not set limits and boundaries for me, you give me the opportunity to make decisions on my own. I can't help but love you and myself when I'm next to you.

I love you! But I don't want to scream about our love, I want it to be our little secret. I cannot know what lies ahead for us, but I know for sure that my love does not depend on what is happening in the outside world. I will fight for our relationship, for our love. You are the meaning of my life. I will be infinitely happy if you share my feelings.

You are a wonderful and very dear person to me. I really want you to be (a) happy (a), and I will be grateful to you if you allow me to take part in this.

I keep you very carefully in my heart ... every look of your beautiful eyes, every word that your angelic lips uttered, every second that we were there. You completely and completely filled my soul and heart with you ... and my heart can not be without you ... I love you baby!

You are my happiness, my heart, my life!
I love you!

I'm sorry, but I can't find tender words.
I just want to say that I love you.

My sweet baby. I love and adore you. I think that even the most beautiful confessions still do not reflect your angelic beauty and tenderness, love and affection. I love you!

If one day there comes a day when there is no room left in my heart for you, it will be the darkest day of my life. Then there will not be a drop of joy left in him, and life will lose its meaning. I love you.

I will give you the dawn, the moon and stars, moonlight. And a breath of breeze, as gentle as a touch of lips. I will give myself to you, because I love you!

You warm my soul, you illuminate my life, with you I am like in a happy dream, you are a miracle, I love you!

A declaration of love to a girl is an exciting and important step in the life of any guy, man. A declaration of love to your wife is a touching reminder of your feelings that can add more warmth and romance to family life. These confessions can sound equally beautiful both in prose and in verse. However, in both cases it is important that the confession be beautiful and sincere, as in these confessions.

A loving man should remember that his girlfriend always expects beautiful words and confessions of feelings from her partner. In the event that a woman is showered with compliments and love phrases from her missus, then she will have a good mood. This, in turn, will affect the fact that they are happy to reciprocate the young man. You can make beautiful at any time of the day and anywhere.

Almost any representative of the fair sex will be delighted if her boyfriend says pleasant and tender words to her in the morning (at the moment when she just wakes up), at lunch (during meals), in the evening (when she watches her favorite TV series) and at night (just before going to bed). a girl can be done in the park, at home, in the cinema, in the pool, as well as at the rink, at work, etc. There are situations when it is not possible to be alone with your loved one, but you definitely want to talk about your feelings. In this case, you need to send an SMS message to your girlfriend, the content of which may be as follows:

My dear (name of beloved), how happy I am that I have you. I want to say that in this life I do not need anyone but you. My heart begins to flutter and beat very strongly at the sight of your beauty. I want to always be by your side. You are my whole life. I just love you!

Such an SMS message will melt the heart of any girl. Even more romantic declarations of love to a girl may look like this:

My beauty, I belong only to you! I realized a long time ago that I could not eat, drink and sleep without you. My love, you are the only one I need. I am ready every day to give you your favorite flowers just to make you smile. From now on, I will look into your eyes for hours, because for me this is dearer than life! I love my girl very much.

Dear (name of the girl), I constantly think about you alone. I want to say that I love you very much. I need you. I want to kiss your tender hands every moment, which I miss so much now! Hugging you is happiness. Now I remember the smell of your hair and I love you!

Beautiful declarations of love to a girl can consist of only two or three sentences. In this case, it is very important to choose the most important words. Below are short but very heartfelt confessions of their feelings.

(Name of the beloved), I understood the meaning of my whole life. I live only for you! My sweetheart, I can't forget your kisses and touches. You are the most precious thing in my little life.

My dear girl, I constantly think about you, about how we will see each other. I love you with all my heart.

My dear (name of the girl), I am jealous of you for every guy passing by. It's all because I love you madly!

(Name of beloved), my good, I feel so bad without you! I love you with all my heart, bunny. (Girl's name), I'm completely crazy without you! I need you like air. I love all of you, without a trace!

My little sun, for you every minute free from work when you are not next to me. I wish to see you soon. It's all because I love you very much, my girl.

My beloved girl, how much I adore you! You give me strength to live. I can't do anything without you.

Darling, I want to say that I will love you all my life. Thank you for everything you've done for me. I just love you!

Such beautiful declarations of love to a girl will please any girl. An unusual declaration of love for a girl can be made, for example, on the roof of a house. In this case, you need to visit this place in advance and set a table with fruit and red wine there. You also need to buy candles and put them next to the glasses. It is better to organize such a date at night, because. it will be more romantic. In any case, the girl will appreciate her partner and, perhaps, reciprocate.

Surely there is a girl who drives you crazy, and you have already thought of a thousand ways to tell her about your feelings for her. For such recognition, you must have two components: self-confidence and the right words to express your feelings.

If you are sure that she treats you the same way as you treat her, and you decide to declare your love to her, then first find the most beautiful words to declare your love to your beloved girl. But don't worry about it, because on this page we offer you a list of many phrases that are ideal for expressing your love for the girl you like so much.

The most beautiful declarations of love to your girlfriend

  1. “One look at you was enough for me to understand that you are the perfect girl for me, I love you, and next to you I feel the happiest! Therefore, I want you to be my girlfriend and make me happy every day!”
  2. “I lived in a sad world filled with darkness until you came like a shining sun that illuminates my days, and since then my days have become the happiest! I want you to be my bride, to be a part of my life forever, and I could make you happy every second of my life!”
  3. “The feeling that was born in my heart when I first saw you grew stronger and stronger until I knew what it was. Therefore, I want you to give me the happiness of being your boyfriend and living together from now on to make you as happy as me!
  4. “You are perfect, your beauty is limitless, you are beautiful in my eyes and heart! I want to give you my love, and you will give me yours in return. Agree?"
  5. “You are the only one who can calm my loving heart. I know that you and I are more than friends, and that's why I'd like to formally court you."
  6. “You managed to win my heart with your beauty, intelligence and tenderness, and I want to feel joy from the complete conquest of my heart by you. I want to make you the happiest girl in the world!”
  7. “I fell in love with you at first sight, and at the same moment I realized that I had a feeling of true love for you. Let's seize the opportunity - start a beautiful relationship and enjoy beautiful love together!"
  8. “Tell me that you feel the same as me. When you and I are together, life becomes beautiful, and every moment becomes the happiest for me! I have great love for you and I want to know if you have the same feeling for me.”
  9. “When I met you, I felt an arrow of love pierce my heart! You are the girl I've always been looking for! I love you, and when I see you, I feel great happiness that overwhelms me! I want you to be my girlfriend, tell me YES and I will never let you down!"
  10. “Since I met you, everything in my life has changed. You inspire me and I feel like the happiest person every day! I just want you to give me a chance to show how much I love you and how happy I would be to be with you always!”
  11. “I used to think that I would never meet a person as sweet, gentle and smart as you. Now that I know you, I fell head over heels in love with you. Trust me with your heart to take care of it and show you how much I love you!”
  12. “I could not think that such a beautiful girl would be as simple as you. You managed to conquer my thoughts and occupy all my heart. I ask you to let me be your boyfriend because I love you very much and I want to give you all my love!”
  13. “Next to you, I feel that everything around is beautiful! You add the most iridescent colors to my monotonous everyday life! When I wake up, my first desire is to see you! I hope you feel the same way about me. Don't deny us the opportunity to love each other."
  14. “I wanted to tell you that no matter where I am, no matter what happens, I will always think of you and remember those moments when we were together as the happiest in my life! I would like to return these moments again and again, because I love you!”
  15. “I have never loved you more than in this second. And I will never love you less than in this second in which I want to confess my love to you!
Nov 02, 2018