K7 ask a question make an offer different. How to build interrogative sentences? The most creative ways

Every girl dreams of an unusual, bright, romantic confession and marriage proposal! About a moment that would make her soma happy and remembered for a lifetime! But, for some reason, young people are reluctant to fantasize, preferring the traditional banal way of proposing: "Let's get married" or "Move to me", that the girl, instead of enjoying a happy moment, is upset for several more days because of this situation. To make this moment unforgettable, you need to know exactly what women really want.

We offer you as many as 50 original ways make a marriage proposal to a girl and win her heart!

1. Do it the old tried and true way: get down on one knee with a rose in your mouth and a ring in your hand. The place here is no longer important: an expensive restaurant or a noisy intersection, the edge of a forest or the very center of a metropolis. The main thing is the unique romance of the gesture itself.

2. Arrange with the waiter to bring her favorite dessert with a ring inside. (Be careful that she doesn't swallow it).

3. Invite her to the theater and ask the administrator to let you go on stage and propose immediately after the performance.

4. Show up at her office in the middle of the day with a red rose, a bottle of champagne and a glass in which to put the ring.

5. Write with chalk on the street under her windows: "(girl's name)! Will you marry me?"

6. Call your local radio station and ask them to play your proposal in live at a time when you will know for sure that she / he will hear it. Dedicate a song to her, like Oxygenz's romantic "I'm Flying After You"

7. Gather all your friends and family together in some cafe, restaurant or at home and propose your hand and heart.

8. Gather your friends and family around her house and give them posters that say, "Will you marry me?" and stand in front of everyone on one knee, holding the ring in your hands.

9. Arrange with someone to bring her a telegram to work, which will describe your romantic feelings. A couple of minutes after the delivery (after all, she still has to read all this), go in yourself and ask your question.

10. Create a web page on the net: everything about your life together. Photos, places that mean a lot to both of you. Send her an SMS with the address of your page and a few romantic phrases. Most importantly: do not forget to write a cherished question on the main page of the site.

11. Take big box, put a smaller one in it, then even less and put a ring in the last smallest box. It will be more interesting if each box is presented as a gift (it will be interesting for her to unfold them all). Or you can take a plastic box or something glass and fill it all with foam, and put a ring on the bottom. No one has ever given such a gift to your girlfriend!

12. Find a big box and bring it to work with your loved one. Decorate it (the box, not the girl) beautifully and ask someone to tell your friend that a package has been brought for her. At this time, climb into the box yourself and when she opens the present, she will see you there - the man of her dreams with a ring in his hand. Dare!

13. Call her to nature (picnic) and there, “to the sounds of a nightingale,” tell her about your feelings.

14. Get up early, cook her favorite breakfast, don't forget the rose and champagne. Wake up your love passionate kiss and ask your question.

15. Or get up a little earlier than your beloved, put a letter on your pillow with beautiful explanations in love and a ring, and retire yourself to the shower. May your awakening be pleasant.

16. Sprinkle rose petals all over her bed and place a wrapped ring in the center, tell her you bought her a present to show how much you love her. When she opens it, tell her that you want to spend the rest of your life with her.

17. Cook romantic dinner and put around napkins with inscriptions, for example: the person sitting opposite wants to marry you. Or slip a napkin (use cloth, not paper!) through the ring, when she unrolls the napkin to place on her lap, she will find the ring.

18. Take her on a date to the place where you first met, take a bottle of champagne and a couple of glasses with you to celebrate your engagement (after you propose to her).

19. Bake a cake or order a cake from the store that says: “Will you marry me?

20. Buy your loved one a watch and write "let's get married"!

21. Pour her a glass of wine and put a ring on the bottom, when she finishes the drink, the ring will also be revealed.

22. new year idea: Hang the ring on the Christmas tree and invite her to find a new decoration.

23. If you are dining in a restaurant, ask the waiter/waitress to write, "Will you marry me?" chocolate cream on a saucer around her dessert.

24. Prepare her a bath with fragrant candles, throw rose petals into it and after your beloved is comfortable in her, lower a rubber duck with a ring into the water in front of her.

25. Give her oysters in bed and put the ring in the shell.

26. Write your proposal on a piece of paper and place it in the bottle. When you are at the beach, pretend to have fished it out of the sea. Have her open the bottle and read the message.

27. Write your proposal on glow-in-the-dark stars and glue them to the ceiling.

28. Explain your proposal in detail on the star heat in the dark labels on the ceiling. When she goes to bed, she will definitely see them.

29. Paste arrows in various places in her apartment and tell her that if she goes all the way to the end, she will see the surprise that you have prepared. The last arrow will point to you holding the ring.

30. Write your proposal in the cold on the windshield of her car.

31. Invite your girlfriend to go to football (hockey) - your favorite team is playing! Ask the commenter to say your suggestion.

32. Propose after returning from the store. Let the ring seem to be accidentally lost among the purchases. For example, if you know for sure that your beloved will not miss the chance to enjoy hot donuts, place the ring next to them, and at the same time prepare a touching speech.

33. Go to the beach and write in the sand capital letters: "Will you marry me?"

34. Offer her a ride on the ship and ask your question.

35. Climb up with her hot-air balloon, take a bottle of champagne with you and say and make a romantic proposal.

36. Invite her to a concert of her favorite band and ask one of the participants to propose on your behalf, in such a situation everyone will make concessions to you.

37. Go looking for treasure. Make a small chest, put the ring in it and lock it with a key, and hide the key. Post your clues about the location of the key everywhere (at work, at home, around the city - fantasize!). When she finds the key, she can open the chest and find wedding ring.

38. Compose a sentence in verse and tell it under her window.

39. Throw a birthday party, invite friends and family, and propose.

40. Give her a thick album with dates, full of photos, memorabilia and various comments. The last date should be the date of the day when you present your gift, and opposite it beautiful letters let the question come out.

41. Offer your beloved a break from the hustle and bustle by going to Venice, Prague, Paris for the weekend to inhale the romance of these cities and make the most unforgettable declaration of love.

42. A rainy day is not the time to be sad at home, and even more so for two loving friend friend to people. Stretch multi-colored rubber boots, waterproof jackets and go ahead - conquer wet sidewalks. Carefully drop something into a puddle, let her raise the ring herself.

43. On a day like this, you can afford a fancy car, expensive champagne and a sparkling ring. Arrange your favorite real holiday, let him enjoy this time to the fullest. You will need a personal driver who will take you to a picturesque place, leave for a short time, and then rush off to celebrate such a significant event.

44. Are you waiting for your beloved from work? Prepare her a hot bath with abundant foam, light an aroma lamp that exudes the aroma of lemon, decorate everything with rose petals. Let your beloved relax, and then kiss and put a ring on your finger. Nice offer in a pleasant environment.

45. Pamper her after sound sleep waking up with a cup of aromatic coffee and a light breakfast served in bed. Put a rose and a box with a ring on the tray. With sleepy eyes, she may not immediately notice her, but how much joy will be upon discovery pleasant surprise. A good start day, happy start new, shared life.

A young man who is preparing to take a very important step - to offer a girl to become his wife - must thoroughly prepare for this event in order to look worthy in front of his beloved, and in response to receive the desired “yes”. We advise you to explore all possible ways, how beautiful it is to propose to a girl, and then decide on an acceptable option for yourself.

7 ways to propose beautifully

Are you sure you know your future soul mate well? The chosen method of making an offer will directly depend on its nature. Think about what your beloved expects from you, feel her state of mind. If your girlfriend is modest, restrained, present wedding ring in a warm cozy home environment or tete-a-tete in a restaurant. Well, if she loves publicity, then it is better to make a loud confession on the radio or TV, or in a suitable public place.


Ask your girlfriend if she agrees to spend the day off at a picnic, if she has any other plans. If everything goes well, start preparing. It is clear that this will not be a simple baked potato picnic, everything must be organized the best way. Choose a picturesque place on the edge of a forest or near a river, where a tent will be set up in advance.

To create a girl festive mood, save her from cooking, take care of it yourself. Let your beloved just rest from all worries, think only about you. Think of a way to set the impromptu table with delicious, beautifully decorated dishes.

Do not forget about the solemnly opened champagne, a huge bouquet of flowers and the highlight of the program - a ring, dressed on a lover's finger. You will need to get on one knee in front of the girl, gallantly deliver a speech or read a suitable poem.

Want to enlist the support of your friends? Invite them to a picnic, they will tell you how beautifully you can propose to a girl. Successfully passing contests, tests, games, show yourself as a real hero-superman, then your chosen one simply cannot refuse you.

Instead of a picnic in nature, it has become popular to propose to a girl on the roof of a high-rise building. How did our hero do it? Watch the video:

At home

There are girls who do not like publicity, they prefer to keep everything personal for behind closed doors your home. Then it is better to make an offer at home.

Do you live with a girl? So, you have all the trump cards. Prepare a surprise for your beloved - while the girl is not at home, decorate the house with rose petals, line the path from front door all the way to the bedroom, let her bare feet touch the sincerity of your feelings. Light a lot of candles, turn on relaxing music, prepare a small buffet with champagne, sweets.

Meet your beloved at the door with a large bouquet of flowers, while she is shocked by everything that is happening, take your hand into the bedroom, kneel and propose. Open the box with the ring, put it on the bride's finger.

If the girl is still living separately, you will definitely have a conversation with the girl's parents, receiving their blessing. Dress solidly, get yours for this holiday costume, tie, stock up on flowers for her mother and a bottle good wine or cognac for the father - everyone likes to receive gifts. Well, a gift for the bride is kept by a magic box. The formula for success is simple:

  • Be punctual, don't be late.
  • Think of words to thank your parents for this good daughter tell them why they loved her.
  • Be sincere, say what you think, and then you will see tears of happiness in their eyes.
  • After that, go to the main thing - announce that you intend to legitimize the relationship and have come here to ask for the hand of their daughter and get consent to the marriage.

In public

You guess that the girl wants to hear an offer from you not alone, but with in large numbers people, as a confirmation of your boundless love? So follow your dream! Believe me, this will flatter her pride and play to your advantage. If you think carefully about how beautifully you can propose to a girl in a public place, then there will be a lot of suitable places- metro, shopping mall, square, theater, concert venue, park.

Does your girlfriend love theater? So, she just needs to hear a marriage proposal right from his stage. Take courage, go on stage and, in front of all the honest people, say cherished words. Believe Support great hall will play a role, the answer of the beloved will be positive.

Can you sing? Gather your friends, sing a serenade with them under the girl's balcony. Let the whole house know that you are in love, that your chosen one is the best of all! But you shouldn’t propose like that if the girl lives on the top floor very high house otherwise you won't be heard.

And at night, lay out your confession with the help of lit small bright candles, as shown in the photo. The effect will be amazing!

Watch in the video how beautifully an ordinary guy proposed to a girl with the help of friends.

At the restaurant

A marriage proposal in a restaurant is an unfading classic. That's how they did it in the old days, that's how connoisseurs do it now good taste and gallant manners. beautiful clothes, gourmet dishes, romantic music - all this is conducive to pleasant conversations, intimacy, not in vain the restaurant heard the most such proposals.

Do not rush to propose to a girl immediately upon arrival, limit yourself beautiful bouquet colors. Continue to constantly look after your lady, show all kinds of signs of attention, let her feel like a real queen.

When the moment is right, take out the box with the ring and invite the girl to accept it as a sign of your love and desire to be together all your life. To make the proposal more original, try to negotiate with the waiter, let him unexpectedly bring a ring on a tray covered from above beautiful napkin or cap. And then take the initiative.

At work or school

Do you want to make this working or school day of your girlfriend the happiest? Then arm yourself with flowers, a treasured ring - and head straight to where she is now. Your appearance will be unexpected, but this is the beauty of the moment! Imagine how surprised everyone around will be when you appear in the office or audience with a bouquet, fall on your knees and ask for her hand! Such a touching moment will not leave her indifferent.

On the radio

You will never guess what other way to beautifully propose to a girl! If a loved one listens to radio programs that convey congratulations on her birthday and other holidays, this is an occasion to call or write a letter to the host of the program and order a song for her, and at the same time make an offer to the girl right in front of an audience of thousands! Let the whole country hear that there is a man who loves her more life! By doing this, you will reach the very depths of her soul.


Fork out, buy a ticket for two to some romantic place, for example, the city of lovers - Paris is suitable for this. The final destination of the trip does not play a special role, the main thing is that you will be just the two of you, dedicate unforgettable moments to each other. Traveling will help you relax, give vent to feelings. A new environment, a variety of impressions will enliven emotions, and you will guess how beautiful it is to propose to your beloved girl.

A marriage proposal is an important step for which you need to properly prepare. How to propose marriage and where - read in this article.

An offer of marriage- one of the most highlights in the life of a woman, which she will remember for the rest of her life and will tell her friends and colleagues with rapture and tenderness.

It is important that this moment be really intriguing filled with your feelings for the chosen one and showed that you are the one a man who is worthy of her hand and heart. We will talk about how to make an offer correctly in this article.

How to make an original marriage proposal to your girlfriend: useful tips

Modern women, although they have become completely independent iron ladies who build a career, drive cars and carry iron in the gym, but still remain romantic natures, expecting from you, men, something touching. And if you made an offer to your beloved, including all the fantasy and originality, and heard humble consent without tears of joy in the eyes Your proposal failed miserably.

If your beloved was not moved to tears by your revelation, then the confession was unsuccessful.

First of all, you need to find out Is your soul mate ready for such a decisive step? or in her immediate plans there are no thoughts about the wedding.

Perhaps she is one of those who want to build a career or finish their studies first, and only then create a family hearth. Carefully probing the soil, you will understand whether now is the right time to make an offer or whether it is necessary to postpone it For undefined period.

If the relationship has reached such a climax as a marriage proposal, then you know about the preferences of your chosen one and at least once, at least in passing, she mentioned how this moment should be. If your beloved shared her dreams and desires, then you should definitely make them come true.

How to prepare for a marriage proposal?

Gone are the days when you could just propose to be a wife and solemnly present the coveted ring. Today's young ladies consider it a fetish to be extraordinary in everything and be different from others - give it to your beloved magic moment of a fairy tale which she will never forget.

It is necessary to make an offer so that a woman remembers it forever.

In order for the marriage proposal to be original and touch your beloved you have to sweat a lot:

  1. Choose a good date- it must be a significant day, for example, her birthday, Valentine's Day, any date that is important for the two of you
  2. Prepare required attributes – ring, champagne, flowers
  3. Make a plan of action- plan where, when and under what circumstances you will make an offer
  4. Get support– in the preparation and organization you can help the mother of the beloved or best friend

Don't forget that the place will be incredibly important, where you say the words cherished for your woman. If you don't have iconic places that have a meaning that is understandable only to you and your beloved, then you can simply choose a nice place, which will have a romantic mood.

It is very important to choose right place for marriage proposal

If your plan has an unlimited budget, you can make an offer by the sea, but even in a cozy homely atmosphere, a marriage proposal can be made unforgettable.

What not to do when you propose marriage?

As already mentioned marriage proposal an incredibly important event for a woman and if you allow fatal mistake at this point, it may even cause rejection. When you ask for hands and hearts, you can’t:

  • by the way to say: "Marry me"
  • during such important words be distracted, chew, talk to someone in parallel- there are only you two in the whole Universe and there is nothing more important than the words that you are going to say
  • With make an offer over the phone, through an SMS message - only an evil eye, lovingly looking into her eyes and tremblingly squeezing her hands in his
  • be drunk- although this is an exciting moment, but throwing a couple of glasses for courage is absolutely unacceptable. So you show your disrespect for your beloved
  • propose in bed- a marriage proposal happens once in a lifetime (at least with you), so let your beloved be beautiful at this moment, and not disheveled and sleepy
  • hide the ring in food- perhaps in films it looks beautiful and extremely romantic, but in real life a ring hidden in a dessert can cause a visit to the dentist. Besides, it's trite and not at all impressive.

Don't hide your ring in your food

Men often make the mistake of proposing in the wrong place. For example, it is not right to propose in the house of the beloved, while accompanied by her family. You can put her in an awkward position, so it's better to say so important words alone.

If your woman does not like everyone's attention, then you should not propose. in a crowded place, where all eyes will be riveted to it, for example, on stage during a concert or performance.

When making an offer in a public place, evaluate what the reaction of the chosen one will be

In case the girl did not respond promptly, but said that she would think about the proposal, you should not be upset and make claims, make a scandal and beat the dishes. Such decision is very important and the fact that a woman wants to think about it does not mean that she doubts you.

How beautiful it is to propose in the spring: words, phrases

Spring- it's time for love, a time when pheromones are in the air, and hearts are filled with romance. It is very good to make an offer in a favorable spring time. If your beloved loves animals, then her impressive offer in the dolphinarium.

Propose marriage at the Dolphinarium

Arrange in advance with the staff of the dolphinarium that going to propose beloved woman. Don't tell her anything about the upcoming, you can only mention that prepared a surprise. Arriving at the dolphinarium, the girl will think that this is a surprise and will gladly give herself to entertainment with smart mammals.

IN convenient moment, when the girl comes out of the water, and you will stand nearby, the dolphin will bring ring box. When she takes it in bewilderment, they will bring you a bouquet of flowers (this should be agreed in advance). With flowers in hand, propose to your beloved:

"Sun, today special day and I have prepared for you something more than a trip to the dolphinarium. Today I I want to offer you my heart who will love you selflessly, and the hand that will become a support in life, through which we let's walk together, hand in hand. If you agree to become my wife, then accept this ring.

Speak words coming from the soul - the beloved will appreciate them

« Life is impossible without love, but only mutual feelings gives you the strength to move forward. Meeting you was not accidental - you are the woman with whom I want to share everything. I love you and please be my wife."

How beautiful it is to propose marriage in the summer: words, phrases

Summer- it's time for vacations and a fabulous vacation, and it would be foolish not to take advantage of such a good opportunity to propose to your beloved. If you have planned joint trip to the sea, then it is there, on the shore during sunset, that you can make the most memorable and romantic act.

Proposal by the sea

Invite your loved one to swim in the sea at sunset. Wherein prepare everything you need in advance:

  • ring
  • champagne
  • glasses
  • flowers

In advance prepare a place where everything will happen: spread a blanket on the sand, scatter everywhere rose petals(even if the weather is a little windy, this will only enhance the effect). When you and your soulmate arrive at the scene, you must immediately fill glasses and only after that say the pre-prepared words:

“This sea is boundless - you can not see its shores, it stretches into the distance beyond the horizon. My love for you is just as endless. You are like sunlight lit up my life and made me happy. I realized that without you I am nothing To be myself, I need you by my side, forever. Darling, will you be my wife?"

“Life before you was a gray fragment in which there was nothing. With your appearance i was born again, felt all the joy of life, found happiness. You are my half part of me without which I am incomplete. This is to the ring is infinite, like my love. You will accept this symbol of boundless feelings, which will bind us into a single whole. until the end of life?"

Sprinkle rose petals on the beach to create a romantic mood.

How beautiful it is to propose in winter: words, phrases

Eat something fabulous in winter and it's a sin not to use it. IN winter time You can do original proposal hands and hearts, which is your soul mate can't forget.

Every girl believe in a fairy tale, even if somewhere deep, deep in the soul. great idea to make an offer will be the idea to come to the window of your beloved ... on a horse. You can make an offer in this form in a public place, but then without help of strangers that will lead her to Right place V right hour, not enough.

Fabulous marriage proposal

Order live music. Not necessarily an ensemble of violinists and a choir, but a romantic accompaniment must be present. Let the violinist plays a soft melody, and at that moment you will drive up to the window of your beloved on a beautiful noble horse with a huge bouquet of red roses.

When favorite will do closer, then the horse can be left alone - he played his part- Further it is very important to say the main words. Here are some examples:

“Beloved, with your appearance, my life has changed dramatically. It made sense, every morning I wake up with the thought that I am the most happy man in the world because you are with me. Today I want to give you a fairy tale that we will compose and build together throughout life. The life we'll spend together. Expensive, Do you agree to be my wife?"

Don't forget to get on one knee

"Today is the most exciting day of my life. It depends on your decision whether I will become the happiest or unhappiest in the world, because life without you is impossible. You are my air, without which I simply cannot exist. Ask, be my wife."

"When I met you, I thought that love with such force is simply impossible. Every day I fall in love with you more and more and if you decide to leave me, I, like crazy, will not be able to find peace until the end of my days. You are my treasure, the most valuable thing that can be, is more precious than life itself. You will you be my wife?"

Of course, such words must be spoken, kneeling before your beloved and holding a ring.

How beautiful it is to propose in the fall: words, phrases

In autumn, you can propose using fallen leaves. In advance decorate the clearing and lay out words from the leaves"Marry me". After that, invite the girl for a walk and take her to the decorated meadow. When a girl notices the words are needed say what's on your mind:

"I want to make you happy girl in the world and fulfill your dreams. To do this, you must be there in grief and joy, sickness and health. I promise that I will love you as strong as today and carry my feelings through the years. You agree become my wife?

If you are on vacation, then instead of leaves, sand is suitable, with which you can lay out words

“Beloved, I thought for a long time what is the meaning of life and realized that my meaning is you. You are exactly the one with whom I want to go through life hand in hand. Be my wife."

In fact, it is not at all necessary to memorize the proposed phrases. Speak from the heart, express your feelings and the girl will definitely appreciate it. And quite no matter how much money you spend to do beautiful proposal- even at home on the couch, it will be unforgettable if you put your soul into words and actions.

the offer can be the most ordinary - the main thing is that it be sincere

How beautiful it is to propose to your beloved at home: words, phrases

If appropriate, then the proposal can be done at home. The option to do this in front of parents and other relatives smacks of the Middle Ages - if you still want to solemnly asking for the hand of the girl's parents, then before that they should make an offer to her personally and in private. Only after her consent can you go "marry" the bride.

If you live with a girl together, then be sure arrange a romantic dinner to make a beautiful marriage proposal. To do this, decorate the room with rose petals, flowers, hearts, light candles, turn on slow lyrical music.

Organize a romantic dinner

Dinner does not have to be cooked by hand - you can order food or pre-buy. IN last resort you can get by with fruit, sweets and a bottle of champagne. It is unlikely that after the proposal made, the girl will wake up a brutal appetite and she will most likely will not appreciate your culinary skills.

When the girl recovers a little from unexpected surprise in the form of dinner, proceed to the main thing. Pour champagne into glasses and get down on one knee with the ring. Tell her about your feelings and desire to be together:

« You are a dream come true, that's how I imagine perfect girl. You know how to love, you know how to forgive, you can create comfort and take care of loved ones. I think you will become a great wife and mother, loving and reliable. Will you be my life partner?"

You can make an offer during a toast - it will be original and unexpected

After the girl gives her consent, you can take permission for marriage from her parents. It is not necessary to do this at all, but if you know that mother and father of the girl are disposed towards you and they will be pleased with such a gesture, then why not.

Pick a good moment and invite the parents of your loved one to visit or visit them yourself (only when it is convenient). During dinner, raise a toast:

“Today I would like to express to you gratitude for such a daughter She is the embodiment of kindness, beauty and tenderness. Only wise and caring parents could raise and educate such a girl. She had it's hard not to fall in love and I could not resist her charms. Moreover, I cannot imagine my life without your daughter and I want she became my wife."

How beautiful it is to propose in a public place, in a restaurant: words

If your companion is not afraid of everyone's attention, then you can do offer in a public place. You should not choose such places as the metro, the market, the supermarket and other impartial concentrations of people. The effect of the proposal in them will be blurred people pushing and hurrying about their business and noise.

Proposal in a public place

Better to choose for such important eventrestaurant or cafe. It would be nice if this place was iconic for you - for example, if you met there or like to visit often. In advance agree with the administrator that you want to propose to a girl and ask for help.

Don't forget to prepare well:

  • order a musician who will play the violin or accordion
  • buy a bouquet of flowers that you give to your beloved and let the waiter bring it into the hall at the right time
  • order the girl's favorite dishes and champagne
  • ask for candles to be lit on the table (if appropriate)
  • take care of the table decorations

Marriage proposal in a cafe

When the waiter brings a bouquet of flowers and fills the glasses, and the musician plays touching quiet music you can say the main words:

“Today I invited you for a reason. I want to tell you maybe the most important words in your life. I want to say how dear you are to me and how important you are in my life. I don't understand my existence without your eyes and gentle smile. Darling, you are everything to me and I want to see you next to me as my wife. Will you marry me?"

After that, get down on one knee and offer the girl an engagement ring.

A romantic mood can be created anywhere, because between people in love it exists even in everyday life

Exists lots of ways to propose beloved girl. This can be done anywhere and in any form, the main thing is to do it from the heart and be completely sure that the woman in front of you which you need.

It is not necessary to go on a trip to Paris in order to create the right romantic atmosphere It is enough to put all your feelings into words. Sometimes a simple but sincere marriage proposal much more effective than a whole theatrical action.

Video: How to propose to a girl?

I am so pleased that we have been together for two whole years. In my opinion, during this time, we have checked our feelings enough. Our love is strong and mutual. Honey, I want to spend my whole life next to you. And so, today I make you an offer of marriage. Be my wife. I promise to make you the happiest person in the world. We will live with you, like in a fairy tale. My dear, good and most beautiful, I really hope for a positive answer. Be my second, most faithful and most reliable soul mate.

Darling, you are the best in the world. You radiate kindness and tenderness. I love you so much that I am ready to carry you in my arms all my life. My dear, my good, marry me. We will have the most a happy family. I've been dreaming about this for so long. Let our hearts beat in unison, and swan fidelity will accompany us throughout our lives. I am sure - only you are my destiny. With all my heart I give you a ring, and I hope that you answer - YES! I so want it not to be - you and me, but what would be - we.

My soulmate, my bright ray, my happiness. I am so grateful to fate that she gave me you. I look forward to every meeting with you. I always admire your charming eyes, your delightful smile. You are the most beautiful, and there is no more beautiful you on the whole earth. I love you very much, and I ask, my only one, become my wife. I promise to make life a paradise for you. I will just be your guardian angel, and I will always protect you from sadness. I really want us to have the happiest family.

Although we have recently met with you, it seems that we have known each other for a long time. We even think alike, and understand perfectly. Our hearts beat in unison. You are so cheerful, funny, I love the way you laugh. I can't live a day without you anymore. So why all this suffering? Let's never part again, let's get married. I so dream of creating a cozy family nest. I so want to wake up every morning with you, my love, and tell you the most important words in the world.

I am so grateful to fate for giving me you - the most beautiful girl in the world. How I love to listen to your sonorous laughter, to look into your beautiful eyes Kiss your sugar lips. Honey, I just can't imagine life without you. More expensive than you, I have no one on earth. I want to walk beside you all my life. And so I make you an offer of marriage. Marry me, I promise to make you the happiest in the world. You are my most beautiful, kindest and most beloved.

How glad I am, my beloved, that I have you. I am so pleased to listen to your sonorous voice, to admire your charming appearance, to kiss your sweet lips. I'm without you, like the sun without heaven. You are the only and most beloved girl in the world. I am so fabulously lucky that I am ready to thank fate every day for such a gift. I want to be with you every minute. Marry me, please. I promise to make you the happiest person in the world. You are the only one with whom I dream to live my whole life.

You came into my quiet life priceless wonderful gift. Wise, beautiful, tender, affectionate, I so want to keep our happiness for a long time - long years. My most cherished desire is to walk side by side with you all my life, to be your support and hope. Honey, marry me, give me the key to your heart, which I will carefully keep all our lives. I love you more than anyone in the world, and I am ready to fulfill your every desire, just be with me. You are my favorite, most beautiful person in the whole world.

Dear, dear and just mine, you are the sweetest of all in the world. You are just charming. Life seems like a fairy tale to me when I'm next to you. I so want to be with you always. You are the most tender, affectionate and kind, you are my guardian angel. Beloved, I offer you my hand and heart and really hope for a positive response. Be always with me, give me your love, and I promise to take care of you all my life, like the most precious treasure. I am ready to fulfill all your desires every minute. I love you, my dear.

You are half of my heart. Fate gave you to me, and I am so grateful to her for that. Sweet, kind, gentle, I love you more than life, and I ask you to be my wife. You will tirelessly swim in the ocean of my love. Only next to you, my beloved, I want to go all my life, and I am ready to fulfill any of your desires so that you are happy. My love for you is boundless, inexhaustible and endless. you give me happiness and love, affection, hope and warmth. I am very lucky to have you, my sunshine.

Every moment with you, my dear, is wonderful. I am very happy for this royal gift fate. I adore you, my love, and I will do everything to make your every day happy. Dear, like a kind wizard, I am ready to fulfill your every desire. You are a ray of sunshine that warms me with love, you are my ideal. My dear, you are like a fabulous flower, just as beautiful, tender and reverent. Please fulfill my desire, be my wife, give me the happiness of life. Let the flow of love swirl us, and our life will be full of happiness in full.

Beloved, looking into your Perfect eyes I fall in love with you again and again. Your love always warms me, and this hot flame will never go out. Because there is no person on earth more beautiful than you. My true love always with you, like a shadow. I can't keep my love a secret anymore, because I have you the best in the world. And the key that you found to my heart gives me happiness, affection and care. Dear, be my wife, become my soulmate, fill my life with warmth and comfort.

My dear, the best and the most kind girl in the world. I want to always be next to you, kiss your beautiful lips, hold in your strong hands your gentle hands. You are perfection itself, always cheerful, kind and the best. I found in you everything I was looking for: tenderness, soul, charm. I need you. I live and breathe only for you, and I want to make you the happiest person in the world. Beloved, marry me, be with me all my life. I promise to make our life a fairy tale. I love you my other half.

How grateful I am to fate that she gave me you. All the warmest tender words you, my love. I am always comfortable with you, warm and light. Like the sun rays, so you warm me with your love. I am so happy that I have you, my kind, sweet and most beautiful girl. My love for you knows no bounds, without you I simply do not exist. Honey, I offer you my hand and heart, marry me. I will do everything as you want, and your expectations will never be deceived. And all your dreams will become reality.

Today is the most exciting and most important day of my life. I'm making you a marriage proposal. You are everything to me in my life. I love you more than anyone in the world. How I want every time to send and wake up with you together, to give you my tenderness, kisses. I will turn your life into a fairy tale, I will fulfill your very cherished dream just give your consent. Be by my side all my life, my only love. May there be a place in your heart for me.

My kind, beloved and most tender. You are like a scarlet flower that attracts with its extraordinary beauty. Your sonorous laughter pleases me, your eyes radiate kindness. I admire you. My most cherished desire is to be next to you all my life. My sunshine, marry me, be my one and only beautiful wife. I will carry you in my arms all my life, give you the most delicate flowers. A hundred times I am ready to swear my love to you. Thanks to fate for such a huge gift.

My other half, given to me by fate. I can't live a day without you. You are my light in the window, my golden ray of happiness. Every minute spent with you seems like a fairy tale to me. I so want to be with you side by side, and give my love. Marry me and make me the most happy man in the world. You are my treasure, my sweetest, most gentle and kindest. Be always with me, give me your affection. My love for you is stronger every day. I love, love, love you.

Let everyone in the world know how much I love you. Thanks a lot fate that I have you. I cherish our love, I cherish every minute of meeting with you. And this, it seems to me, is not enough. I want to live with you all my life, I want to make you holidays every day. Darling, be my wife. Let's carry our love through life. May our family be strong and happy, may the stork come to us, and more than once. You will be the most beautiful wife in the world, my beloved wife.

Today is the most crucial moment in my life. To you, my love, I want to propose. Be my wife. I want to be with you all my life, be your support, help in everything, and, like a guardian angel, protect you. You are my closest, most dear little man. Without you, I have no joy in life. You are my light in the window, you are my love. I ask you to accept my offer, and I promise to make you the happiest. All my life I am ready to carry you in my arms, and, like a good wizard, fulfill all your whims.

Let all the most songful birds sing to you about my love. Let the most sonorous streams tell about my love for you. You are my sweetest, kindest. No flowers on the planet can compare with your beauty. I am fascinated by your smile, your heavenly blue eyes. I want to live with you all my life together, to give you all my love, my tenderness. Beloved, I ask your hand and heart, be my wife, make me happy. I promise to be the most exemplary husband, and carry you all my life in my arms.

Have you ever been anxious, restless, trying to squeeze a brilliant idea out of yourself how to propose? We have prepared for you 20 wonderful and far from boring ways to ask your loved one the main question.

1. Red roses in the trunk of a car

Put huge bouquet red roses in your trunk, make sure they cover the entire area, and place the ring box on top. Take her to a picnic, and when you get there, ask her to help you get things from the trunk. When you open the trunk, she will be amazed by the flowers. Grab the ring and propose to your beloved!

2. Machine gun with a ring

When you walk, take the girl to the vending machine and ask her what she will drink. You can pretend that you are tossing coins, choosing a drink and as if reaching for it. Then turn to your lady and say "There are no drinks, but look what I found." Show her the ring and make a marriage proposal.

3. Prophecy comes true

Ask your beloved to go to a fortuneteller - women love this! Leave her alone with the soothsayer, hide and watch what happens. Of course, you should arrange in advance for your girlfriend to be told that she will soon get married. And then you appear, ready to turn the prophecy into reality.

4. Propose in the bathroom

Write "Will you marry me?" back to front on a large sheet of paper and stick on the bathroom door. When a girl enters the bathroom, closes the door and looks in the mirror, she will see an offer. At this time, you are standing near the bath in anticipation of her inevitable admiration. She will immediately run out to you - meet her with a ring in your hand.

5. Empty ring box

A similar way to propose was shown in the movie Intuition. Prepare some boxes different sizes, put them in each other and give to your beloved. She, of course, expects to see an engagement ring in the middle. Instead, he finds a bunch of boxes and hopes that the last one will contain the treasured ring. But no! Then you come up - already with a ring - and say "Be my wife."

6. Mangosteen ring

If you are bored with the monotonous style of boxes, try this: invite your chosen one to dinner and ask to wait in a restaurant - you will come running as soon as you are free. Be a little late and say you're sorry. Then put three mangosteens (peeled) on a plate and ask her to take a look.

In the first mangosteen, hide a note with the words "I'm sorry I'm late."
In the second - a note "all these mangosteens are not just like that."
In the third - a ring and a note "Marry me."

7. Picture to help

Ask a street artist to draw you with a girl. Agree with him in advance so that in the picture you should kneel when proposing to her. You sit quietly, and the cartoonist does his job. When your loved one sees the result, she will be confused. What to do next - you know.

8. Surprise enough?

Ask your loved one for ring size. She will think that you are going to buy her a ring and will complain that you didn't surprise her. Smile sweetly and show the ring with the words “How about this? Surprise enough?"

9. Annoying questions

This method only works with certain types of women! You need to prepare a bunch of questions for the most different topics– from politics to meaningless. When you walk with your chosen one, bombard her with questions and make sure they are annoying enough. When she gets bored and asks you to stop, say "Okay, but let me ask you one last question." Then kneel down and ask "Are you ready to be my wife?"

10. Underwater marriage proposal

Invite her to the aquarium. Hire divers to demonstrate your offer in a beautiful huge aquarium. Write on a canvas or any water-repellent material "Will you marry me?" and subscribe. Ask the divers to keep it in front of the girl's eyes. When she finishes the question, take out the ring and propose.

11. With the help of lit candles

Write a sentence in front of the windows of her house using candles. Call and ask to look out the window.

12. Pet as a helper

If a girl loves pets, a rabbit, puppy or kitten will help in your important work! You can buy a cute little animal and tie a ring around her neck. As soon as your beloved sees him, propose to her in front of a small witness.

13. Offer on the windshield

If she has a car, write on a sawed-off windshield cherished question (the main thing is that she sees it before washing the car).

14. Love is on her way

Do you know which way she gets home or to work every day? Take advantage of this. Write on posters capital letters"Marry me", your name, and stick it on trees, poles, etc. Wait for her at home. What to do next, after her arrival, you know.

15. Under one umbrella

Write a proposal on an umbrella and hang a wedding ring. If it rains during the walk, open it, hug your beloved tightly, and she will see a proposal with a ring.

16. Surrender to her heart

Invite a girl to a competition (not serious) in which you yourself participate. After half an hour of play or during halftime, raise a white flag that says "I surrender." This behavior will puzzle her. Then go up to her and raise another flag with the inscription “I surrender to your heart. Will you marry me?"

17. Conference room for lovers

If your girlfriend is a workaholic, take this opportunity to propose to her. in an unusual way.
First, ask her boss for help. Let him call and ask him to come immediately emergency meeting on a day off. Ask colleagues to launch a PowerPoint presentation on a big screen. When she enters, the screen will display the title "The most important project in my life" and on the next slide - "Marry me." Then enter the room with a bouquet of red roses and a ring.

18. Star in your hand

Choose a romantic place to admire starry sky. While you are looking at the stars together, say "I can get a star for you", and with the words "You are the best bright Star in my life, are you willing to be my wife?"
Open your hand with the ring.

19. Rehearse the proposal

While your girlfriend is sitting on the couch reading a book, pretend to talk to yourself and wander around the house until she asks what you're looking for. Ignore, and only on the third time answer "I'm rehearsing." Undoubtedly, she will be curious: “What are you rehearsing ?!”. To which you say: "I'm rehearsing a proposal." Then kneel in front of her with a ring in your hand and ask “Will you marry me? This time I'm serious."

20. Unexpected offer

You romantic evening you are cooking dinner. During a candlelit meal, suddenly declare, "I'm giving you 10 seconds to prepare, and then I'll propose to you." She would be completely speechless in shock. Start counting to ten and propose.