Make a marriage proposal. Original marriage proposal to a girl

I offer you my hand, you will be happy with me
Believe me, I will not break my oath if you become my wife!
And at the fire of hot love you will endlessly bask,
It will shine, the sun is brighter .... Take my heart as a gift

The step is quite serious and responsible. Valentine's Day is coming soon and this is one of the most suitable moments for the implementation of your plans.

An offer is one of the most important things in a relationship. The proposal should be made in an official tone, with some degree of formality. A marriage proposal is a very important moment in a couple’s life, marking the transition of a relationship to a completely different level, so it cannot be done in between times, inserting into the conversation a phrase like “the weather is fine today, we should probably get married”. The best way to propose a hand and heart is the traditional phrase-question "Will you marry me?" (or as an option "do you agree to become my wife"), uttered in an even, calm voice, without embarrassment and excessive excitement.

Be ready for any response from the girl. Of course, when a guy proposes, he hopes that his beloved will immediately rush to hug him with the words "yes, I agree," but the girl must be recognized for the right to say "I can't answer now, I need to think" and "no". And if the answer of the chosen one is not the same as the man expects, he should treat him calmly and with understanding.

Your happiness is in your hands and in order to do everything beautifully and correctly, be sure to take into account the tastes and desires of the girl.

It is important to choose the right moment for a marriage proposal. The guy needs to guess the moment so that at the time when he makes an offer, his beloved is not tired, in a hurry somewhere, not getting enough sleep or in a bad mood. Therefore, for an engagement, it is better to choose a weekend or a holiday, or to propose on a day that means a lot to a couple - for example, the anniversary of an acquaintance.

Make sure in advance that nothing could spoil the moment of the marriage proposal. For example, if a guy plans to propose in a restaurant or other public place, it will be useful for him to agree in advance with the people who work there (administrator, waiter, musicians, etc.), tell them his plan and ask for assistance. Also, the future groom needs to take care of his appearance - a marriage proposal is considered a solemn moment, and at this moment you need to look accordingly.

It is better to choose a ring yourself. Involving a girl in choosing a ring automatically implies that a marriage proposal will not be a surprise for her, and romance in a situation where everything is known in advance is also not enough, which means that it is better to buy the ring yourself.

Finding out the ring size that will suit a girl is quite simple - you can look at the size of those rings that she already has, ask her friends or relatives about it, or even measure her finger while she sleeps, and then compare the result with the ring size chart . Determining which ring a girl will like is also simple - just analyze what jewelry she wears, or stop at the classic version - an elegant gold ring with a small pebble.
Here's a tip for you - 50 original ways to make a marriage proposal to a girl and hear Yes in response

1. Do it the old tried and true way: get down on one knee with a rose in your mouth and a ring in your hand. The place here is no longer important: an expensive restaurant or a noisy intersection, the edge of a forest or the very center of a metropolis. The main thing is the unique romance of the gesture itself.

2. Arrange with the waiter to bring her favorite dessert with a ring inside. (Be careful that she doesn't swallow it).

3. Invite her to the theater and ask the administrator to let you go on stage and propose immediately after the performance.

4. Show up at her office in the middle of the day with a red rose, a bottle of champagne and a glass in which to put the ring.

5. Write with chalk on the street under her windows: "(girl's name)! Will you marry me?" The same can be done in winter by writing in the snow or laying out an inscription from numerous candles.

6. Call your local radio station and ask them to play your offer live at a time when you know for sure she/he will hear it. Dedicate a song to her.

7. Gather all your friends and family together in some cafe, restaurant or at home and propose your hand and heart.

8. Gather your friends and family around her house and give them posters that say, "Will you marry me?" and stand in front of everyone on one knee, holding the ring in your hands.

9. Arrange with someone to bring her a telegram to work, which will describe your romantic feelings. A couple of minutes after the delivery (after all, she still has to read all this), go in yourself and ask your question.

10. Create a web page on the net: everything about your life together. Photos, places that mean a lot to both of you. Send her an SMS with the address of your page and a few romantic phrases. Most importantly: do not forget to write a cherished question on the main page of the site.

11. Take a large box, put a smaller one in it, then even smaller one, and put a ring in the last smallest box. It will be more interesting if each box is presented as a gift (it will be interesting for her to unfold them all). Or you can take a plastic box or something glass and fill it all with foam, and put a ring on the bottom. No one has ever given such a gift to your girlfriend!

12. Find a big box and bring it to work with your loved one. Decorate it (the box, not the girl) beautifully and ask someone to tell your friend that a package has been brought for her. At this time, climb into the box yourself and when she opens the present, she will see you there - the man of her dreams with a ring in his hand. Dare!

13. Call her to nature (picnic) and there, “to the sounds of a nightingale,” tell her about your feelings.

14. Get up early, cook her favorite breakfast, don't forget the rose and champagne. Wake up your beloved with a passionate kiss and ask your question.

15. Or get up a little earlier than your beloved, put a letter with beautiful declarations of love and a ring on your pillow, and retire to the shower yourself. May your awakening be pleasant.

16. Sprinkle rose petals all over her bed and place a wrapped ring in the center, tell her you bought her a present to show how much you love her. When she opens it, tell her that you want to spend the rest of your life with her.

17. Prepare a romantic dinner and put around napkins with inscriptions, for example: the person sitting opposite wants to marry you. Or slip a napkin (use cloth, not paper!) through the ring, when she unrolls the napkin to place on her lap, she will find the ring.

18. Take her on a date to the place where you first met, take a bottle of champagne and a couple of glasses with you to celebrate your engagement (after you propose to her).

19. Bake a cake or order a cake from the store that says: “Will you marry me?

20. Buy your loved one a watch and write "let's get married"!

21. Pour her a glass of wine and put a ring on the bottom, when she finishes the drink, the ring will also be revealed.

22. Christmas idea: hang a ring on the tree and invite her to find a new decoration.

23. If you are dining in a restaurant, ask the waiter/waitress to write, "Will you marry me?" chocolate cream on a saucer around her dessert.

24. Prepare her a bath with fragrant candles, throw rose petals into it and after your beloved is comfortable in her, lower a rubber duck with a ring into the water in front of her.

25. Give her oysters in bed and put the ring in the shell.

26. Write your proposal on a piece of paper and place it in the bottle. When you are at the beach, pretend to have fished it out of the sea. Have her open the bottle and read the message.

27. Write your proposal out of light-accumulating and glow-in-the-dark stars and glue them to the ceiling. When she goes to bed, she will definitely read it.

28. Propose at the ice rink

29. Paste arrows in various places in her apartment and tell her that if she goes all the way to the end, she will see the surprise that you have prepared. The last arrow will point to you holding the ring.

30. Write your proposal in the cold on the windshield of her car.

31. Invite your girlfriend to go to football (hockey) - because your favorite team is playing! Ask the commenter to say your suggestion.

32. Propose after returning from the store. Let the ring seem to be accidentally lost among the purchases. For example, if you know for sure that your beloved will not miss the chance to enjoy hot donuts, place the ring next to them, and at the same time prepare a touching speech.

33. Go to the beach and write on the sand in big letters: "Will you marry me?"

34. Offer her a ride on the ship and ask your question.

35. Go up with her in a hot air balloon, take a bottle of champagne with you and say and make a romantic proposal.

36. Invite her to a concert of her favorite band and ask one of the participants to propose on your behalf, in such a situation everyone will make concessions to you.

37. Go looking for treasure. Make a small chest, put the ring in it and lock it with a key, and hide the key. Post your clues about the location of the key everywhere (at work, at home, around the city - fantasize!). When she finds the key, she can open the chest and find the engagement ring.

38. Compose a sentence in verse and tell it under her window.

39. Throw a birthday party, invite friends and family, and propose.

40. Give her a thick, dated album full of photos, memorabilia, and miscellaneous commentary. The last should be the date of the day when you present your gift, and in front of it, let the question be displayed in beautiful letters.

41. Offer your beloved a break from the hustle and bustle by going to Venice, Prague, Paris for the weekend to inhale the romance of these cities and make the most unforgettable declaration of love.

42. A rainy day is not the time to be sad at home, and even more so for two people who love each other. Pull on multi-colored rubber boots, waterproof jackets and go ahead - conquer wet sidewalks. Carefully drop something into a puddle, let her raise the ring herself.

43. On a day like this, you can afford a fancy car, expensive champagne and a sparkling ring. Arrange a real holiday for your beloved, let her enjoy this time to the fullest. You will need a personal driver who will take you to a picturesque place, leave for a short time, and then rush off to celebrate such a significant event.

44. Are you waiting for your beloved from work? Prepare her a hot bath with abundant foam, light an aroma lamp that exudes the aroma of lemon, decorate everything with rose petals. Let your beloved relax, and then kiss and put a ring on your finger. Nice offer in a pleasant environment.

45. Treat her by waking her up after a good night's sleep with a cup of aromatic coffee and a light breakfast served in bed. Put a rose and a box with a ring on the tray. With sleepy eyes, she may not immediately notice her, but how much joy there will be when she finds a pleasant surprise. A good start to the day, a happy start to a new, life together.

46. ​​Outside the city, lying under a huge all-consuming sky with millions of shining stars painted on it - isn't this the best place for a frank declaration of love? Lunar nights set you up for frank conversations, long confessions and touching moments.

47. Women are extremely fond of high heels! If your girlfriend can also be attributed to the category of women who run all day long in high heels, then she will be grateful to you for an evening foot massage. During it, put a ring on her toe.

48. If your sweetheart has dreamed of skydiving all her life, why not give her such pleasure? Set a time for the jump, and don't forget to take the treasured box with you. After jumping out of the plane, propose to your beloved. Say that you will not pull the ring until she says yes. True, it is better to present the ring itself already on the ground, so as not to accidentally drop it.

49. Place your proposal on one of the pages of a newspaper or magazine that your loved one reads regularly. And be there when she reads it.

50. One of the most beautiful and memorable surprises on this day is to decorate her room with a huge number of balloons and flowers. In the middle, plant a large bear cub, in whose paws let there be a box. Or meet your beloved yourself with a ring in your hands and a rose in your teeth!

The studio of emotional events "Wedding Troubles" will help you to realize your plans: writing an original script, choosing a restaurant, delivering flowers, gifts, sweets, beautiful fruit compositions, ordering a limousine, organizing a romantic dinner, rose petals, ordering musicians, artists, balloons, interior decoration, fireworks and more. And all this for her to say - YES.

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Perhaps the most surprising thing about a marriage proposal is surprise. Most often, after all, the girl does not realize that her lover is going to do such a wonderful and at the same time serious act. But for some men, it is not enough to put a ring on their finger. They are interested in doing it in a special place or in an unexpected way. To make sure of this, we reread the wedding reports for 2016 and collected the top 5 most unusual marriage proposal stories.

Offer at the concert

What girl would not like to hear “Become my wife” to the sound of music from the stage. Irina became lucky, because this is exactly what happened in her life.

I can only say that my husband made proposals to me 3 times, the last of which was in Poland on the 15th anniversary of their company. It was like in a fairy tale. He and the chef came up with an insidious plan how to buy a bouquet and quietly bring the ring, since I ironed and prepared everything for the celebration. It was very romantic, in the middle of the concert program he went on stage, thanked everyone and asked in Polish to become his wife, although we were already preparing for the wedding.

Offer at the museum

Do you know how to make a marriage proposal, albeit personal, a few minutes, but still a work of art? Do it where the best samples of it are collected. This is exactly what Eugenia's fiancé did.

The offer was made to me on July 13, 2013, which is also quite original. Since we are both fond of art, my BM, under a fictitious pretext, invited me to the Khanenkov Museum in Kyiv. And although the jokes about the wedding were already in full swing at that time, at that moment I did not expect at all that they would make me an offer. At the museum, we were met by a worker who was supposed to take us to the exhibition, and I was not even alerted by a huge basket of flowers near the main staircase. When BM stopped me near the stairs and got down on one knee, the woman had a camera in her hands and she took pictures of it all. It was very unexpected for me and of course I agreed.

Hot air balloon offer

Perhaps the bride, under the mysterious pseudonym leu00ay, had a dream to fly around the world in 80 days in a balloon, but her beloved had a much more beautiful dream.

My husband proposed to me on the last day of spring in the air. He arranged a hot air balloon ride, we watched a stunningly beautiful sunset, and he asked if I would marry him. The pilot showered us with rose petals, took out a bottle of champagne and glasses. And we enjoyed the flight, sunset and champagne.

Proposal on the night road

Some marriage proposals start with super-extreme practical jokes. Before saying yes, Elena had to urgently block the doors.

We have been talking about the wedding since the beginning of the summer, since I immediately said that long "meetings" were not included in my plans, but who knew that he would make an offer like this .... R. Romantic damn it !!! The fact is that my parents live in the suburbs, where I often go, and he takes me from there, one of these times when we were returning home, and it was at night, in Semfiropolka, a Lexus began to cut us off, blinking its headlights and pressing it in every possible way to the side of the road, Petya decided to pull over, despite my futile attempts to stop him, of course he didn’t listen, stopped, got out of the car, and then I see another guy coming at him, they start pushing, then the second one gets out of the Lexus, they wring him and take him away!! To say that I was horrified is to say nothing, I started writing down the number of the car, sending text messages to my brother and didn’t know what to do at all. Then, I saw that that "first" guy was coming up to me and nothing better than blocking the doors came to my mind, he started knocking on the window and yelling for me to come out, I started crying, he left, and after some the time has come again!! Then I felt that the door was still opening, started screaming and pushing the person away, and suddenly I realized that no one was touching me, and my P was standing on the same stake with the box and asking me to become his wife !!! That guy is standing nearby and our friend with P is holding a huge bouquet of flowers. My first reaction was: No! No! No! You're an idiot!!!. After the fourth question, I nevertheless said "yes", and the guys began to congratulate us and open champagne, but I still could not recover for a long time.

ice cream offer

Do you know stories about how resourceful suitors hid engagement rings in a cup of coffee, baked in fortune cookies? But Ekaterina knows what it is to find a ring in ice cream.

At the end of August 2015, we rested in my favorite eastern city. There is a special kind of ice cream in Istanbul, which is served in a special way) Ice cream makers deceive the buyer in every way and make a whole show out of serving) The sweetness is strange, and I didn’t particularly like it. But Kirill tried diligently to feed me for a couple of days, and I kept turning up my nose. But then he said that he wanted ice cream himself, and we stopped at one of the many ice cream vendors. He apparently was in no mood and did not show us the show, but calmly gave Kirill his horn and invited him to go inside to pay. We walked along the evening noisy street of Istanbul and held hands. He tried to persuade me to try his ice cream, because "it's so yummy", and I gave up and took the cone. Licking the ice cream, I felt something hard with my tongue, and then I also saw something shiny. Of course, I immediately knew what it was! At that moment, I was already speechless, and then he gets down on one knee and says, "Will you marry me?" ... Of course YES!

Such twists and turns in love stories promise an interesting and amazing life for their heroes, don't they? We hope that the pleasant surprises for the heroines of our article do not end there and many incredible love adventures await them ahead.

Spelling, punctuation and presentation style of the authors of the reports are preserved.

The article will "advise" you several ways to propose to your girlfriend.

For those who are lost in the choice of paraphernalia, to make an offer, you should know about some important elements:

  • Flowers. They are always indispensable for the “correct”, and most importantly, beautiful proposal. In choosing a bouquet, you can navigate yourself: many flowers, few, roses, chrysanthemums, daisies and others. Without flowers, it is simply impossible to make an offer. Be sure that a woman in any case will expect a bouquet of incredible beauty from you.
  • Ring. This is perhaps the most important attribute of the event. The ring symbolizes betrothal, which means "binding" a person to himself. Choose a ring that is modest, but beautiful. Most often, men prefer a thin ring with one round or square stone.
  • Declaration of love. To do this, a man should try to pick up beautiful words, fall on his knee or come up with something that will prove to a woman his “burning” and true love. Recently, more and more often men make proposals in a public place in front of everyone, thereby proving that they are not ashamed and are proud of their feelings.
  • Romantic setting. It is not necessary to book a table in a chic restaurant and rent a cart with a white horse. Can make a cozy atmosphere at home, in the park and so on. In some cases, men prefer to make a “love confession video” and release the video online or on a screen in a shopping center.

What does a man need to propose?

How to make an original, effective and beautiful proposal to your girlfriend to marry at home?

For those who wish to move away from generally accepted standards, you can use the original ways of offering a hand and heart. Such methods are good because they allow you to “surprise” your soulmate and show how reverently you treat your beloved woman.

The most important “secret” of an original and effective proposal is surprise. In no case should a woman guess about your intentions. You should by all means avoid talking about marriage, joint plans and "dream weddings" for a long time.

Unusual ways:

  • Letter under the pillow. This is a simple but "classic" way of declaring love. All that is required of you is to get up early and discreetly put a note under the pillow (you can put it on the bedside table). Well, if you pack the ring in a special box, and put a bouquet of flowers next to the gift.
  • "Sweet Proposal" This method has become very popular recently, because the "confectionery art" has closely entered modern life: sweets and cakes are baked in stores and at home, personalized delivery is made. You should agree in advance with the confectioner that your order should be in the shape of a heart, and the main question will be written on the cake with cream: "Will you marry me?" .
  • Phosphor paint or felt-tip pens. This paint is different in that in the daytime it is completely invisible, but as soon as the light is extinguished in pitch darkness, the lines you wrote become bright. Such a confession will be unexpected and even shocking.
  • proposal on the radio. It's unusual and it's modern. The girl will not expect such a development of events, she will be completely discouraged and confused. The main thing is to be sure to indicate the name and surname of your beloved, to name her place of work, for example, or location, to name her name. So, your beloved will not have a single doubt that the recognition is intended for her.
  • Candle lettering. You can do this both on the street (special lamps are suitable for this), and in the house (for example, while your beloved is taking a bath, you lay out the words in the room on the floor with candles). This method is always impressive and always leaves pleasant emotions.

Offer in a chocolate egg

Movie theater offer

Offer on the street

Parking offer

banner offer

house offer

Suggestion on a plate

Unexpected offer on the mirror

Surprise offer on home delivered pizza

Walking offer

How to make an original, effective and beautiful proposal to your girlfriend to marry in a restaurant?

If you decide to decorate a romantic evening with a trip to a restaurant or cafe, you should know that this is far from banal, and even such an event can be diluted with originality and surprise. Such methods are found in real life less and less and only because men do not like too long preparation.

Interesting ways:

  • Ask the waiter to put the ring on the bottom of the glass. This should be agreed in advance and at the moment when the woman begins to drink champagne, you should be fully armed, making sure that she does not choke or swallow it.
  • Ask the waiter to put the ring in the dish before the beautiful serving. There are also nuances: choose a beautiful dish, in a flat plate, preferably an appetizer. So the ring will not sink, will not get lost in the garnish and will be noticeable.
  • Arrange for live music. For example, in the middle of dinner, have a violinist or saxophonist come up to you and play a slow tune. At this time, you will attract attention to yourself, make an offer.
  • Arrange in advance with the restaurant and hang romantic paraphernalia throughout the room so that your woman will be pleasantly surprised.
  • Hide flowers and a ring in the garden or on the territory of the restaurant. At a certain moment, invite the girl to go out for a breath of fresh air and make her feel good by taking flowers out of nowhere and kneeling on one knee.

Ways to propose to a woman in a restaurant

How to make an original, effective and beautiful proposal to your girlfriend to marry in the winter on New Year's Eve?

It is worth noting that most often men decide to propose during the holidays: on the birthday of their beloved, on New Year's, on Valentine's Day or on March 8th. Most likely, men are simply sure that such an offer will definitely receive a positive response, because the mood will definitely be good.

The New Year is a holiday associated with new life and new beginnings, and therefore women often decide to get married on New Year's Day. However, in order not to be banal, you can think of original way:

  • Wrap the ring in a gift box. Here it is important to choose not a characteristic small box, but something that from the first minutes does not even hint at a marriage: packaging from a phone, perfume or cream.
  • hang the ring on the tree and at the right time to come up with love just to admire the Christmas tree. Let her find him herself with her own eyes and guess everything.
  • Come home as Santa Claus with congratulations, gifts, wish happiness and change, get a ring out of the bag and kneel down.
  • Make an offer under the chiming clock. This is unusual and very beautiful, because the chimes count the first seconds of the New Year and they will be decorated with pleasant emotions.
  • Write a proposal in the snow and bring your beloved to the window. It is difficult and depends on weather conditions, but very beautiful and original.

Offer for the New Year

How to correctly and romantically propose a hand and heart to your beloved: ways, ideas, words, phrases, speech

The “correct” proposal to marry is something that touches the soul and heart of a girl, awakens tenderness and tears of joy in her. Of course, such emotions arise in the couple that sincerely loves each other for more than a day and values ​​\u200b\u200bits relationship.

However, it should be noted some points that girls and women pay attention to:

  • Sincerity. You should choose the most truthful and accurate words that describe your attitude to your beloved: “I value you”, “I’m afraid to lose you”, “I can’t see life without you”, “you are the meaning of my life”, “you are what makes me live".
  • Thank the woman. Here it is important to list everything that your beloved has done for you. By doing this, you show how carefully and reverently you treat your relationship. What to say: “you gave me love, affection and warmth”, “you are the best friend in the world”, “you replaced everyone in this world for me”, “thank you for every second of your time that you gave me”.
  • Talk about love. This must be done with the help of strong words, confidently and with a “heart”: “I love you from the tips of your hair to the tips of your fingers”, “I love you any: sleepy, angry, calm, dreary”, “I can’t live without you”.
  • Ask for consent. It is important here not to insist, but to politely ask: “could you marry me”, “please marry me”, “will you make me happy?”.

IMPORTANT: When you propose, don't be afraid to look overly sensitive, vulnerable and tender. A woman will certainly appreciate and be touched by your efforts, even if her hands are shaking and words are lost.

What's the "right" way to propose?

An original and unusual way to call in marriage: ideas

To surprise or touch a girl, use these methods:

  • Photo slideshow. In it you can collect photos of all the pleasant life moments, joint portraits that have been made over the years. This will allow the girl to remember your entire love story and understand how much you value relationships.
  • Make a video confession. Such a clip can be musical or composed of small pieces. You can film your relatives and friends, give them roles and words.
  • Post flyers. This marriage proposal is designed for the effect of surprise. Here you should know the exact route of your woman so that she goes to work, home, to the university and will definitely notice your efforts.
  • Hide notes with "leading" tasks. It looks like a kind of quest in which a woman finds clues, and at the end the main prize is a ring!

Beautiful ways to propose marriage

The guy proposed to the girl: response words

In order for pleasant memories of the marriage proposal to remain not only with you, but also with your man, you should know for sure the beautiful answer to the “main” question.

Positive responses:

  • I've been waiting for this all my life! Of course yes!
  • It was my dream! I agree!
  • You made my dream come true! Yes!
  • Thank you! This is what I wanted the most! Of course yes!
  • I agree to spend my whole life with you! Hooray!!!
  • You gave me a fairy tale! I agree!
  • You can't even imagine how happy I am right now! I agree!
  • I didn't expect you to be able to make me feel so good! Yes!

Other answers:

  • You pleasantly surprised me and I need to think a little.
  • Thank you for making me so happy, I have to make the right decision.
  • I never thought you could surprise me like this. Let me come to my senses a little and make a decision.
  • You left so many pleasant impressions for me that I can't give you an answer right away because I'm under the impression.

Video: "How to propose to a girl?"

For a long time I could not decide
But such a moment has come
I want to marry you
You alone are my ideal.

I offer my hand with my heart.
Be, please, my wife!
I only dream of one thing -
Live life together with you!

I'll get down on one knee
I handed you a ring
I'll get a bouquet of flowers
And I'll tell you to your face

that I adore you
What I want to be with you
Endlessly, I promise
I will love you.

I want to live my life with you
Be forever mine.
Sun, be my wife!
I ask for your hand!

Darling, there comes a moment in people's lives when you realize that your life is impossible without a person. I realized that I could not even spend a day without you, I firmly believe that I want to continue to go through life only with you. You captivated my soul and I offer you a hand and a heart. Darling, marry me and we will build a strong happy family, we will give birth to wonderful children and become wonderful parents, every day we will give each other only joy, tenderness and love. You agree?

You are like a ray of light to me
You are like heaven to me
You are the best in the world
And I love your eyes.

You are the only one on earth.
I don't know happiness without you.
You are close to me and dear,
And I want to tell you.

My hand and heart are mine
They belong to you
Accept this gift of my love
What answer can you give?

You have no idea how worried I am.
The heart beats furiously in the chest.
But after thinking it over, I suggest:
For me, dear, come out!

I'm ready to go through life with you
And in trouble and in happiness to be near,
Become your support and support
And love to the grave!

You have no idea how worried...
Suddenly you will answer a stone "no".
But in my heart, of course, I believe:
There will be a positive answer!

Let's meet old age together with you,
Imagine walking together in the park, we have grandchildren,
'Cause you're my only weakness
I gently kiss your hands.

Come with you, share our lives
More precisely, we will weave them together with you,
You are my tenderness, holiness, infinity,
And only you are needed.

Come with you, drown in our love,
With you I used to fall asleep and wake up,
Tell me, will you be my wife?
So that until the end of my life, I could admire you!

You know how much I love you.
Because, a little worried,
I'm trying to find words
I just get lost in them.

Let me tell you about the main
I recently decided
I want a family with you.
Will you be my wife?

Love gave me wings
But the sky is closed without you
With you, everything in the world is different,
And I've known for a long time that
You were sent to me by fate
I want to ask a simple question
Would you like to be my wife?

An important decision in life
Hands and hearts offer.
Love endless promise
Recognition for life.

I promise to be faithful to you
Love to give excess.
I'm capable of anything for you.
Will you marry me?

One smile of yours is mischievous
My soul has destroyed peace;
Now in your hands are the keys to paradise:
You alone decide my fate.

Everything I need and want
The rest of my life to spend with you;
I call to your heart now
And I beg: be my wife!

Today I want to confess to you
That you are my world and just an ideal,
I want to wake up next to you
I've never met anyone like you before!

And so without a shred of doubt
I say: dear, be with me!
Please accept an offer today
Become a beloved, affectionate wife!

A marriage proposal is one of the most important and romantic events in the life of people who love each other. The story of this romantic step towards a new happy life will be passed from mouth to mouth among relatives and friends, like a beautiful legend. Therefore, it is important to make the day of marriage proposal one of the happiest moments in the life of lovers.

A few tips for those who want to make a marriage proposal

  • It is important that the style of your marriage proposal fits the personality of your girlfriend. So, for example, if she is shy by nature and does not like excessive attention, then there is no need to arrange an offer in front of a large number of strangers. Some representatives of the beautiful half of humanity dream of a proposal when there are only two of you, while others would like their family and friends to be present at such an important moment.
  • No matter how chic and expensive your proposal is, the most important thing is your sincerity in your intention to make her life happy. Keep it simple, but filled with true love.
  • Each sentence is unique in itself, but to make it more original, add a few unique details of your relationship to it.
  • It is best to write and rehearse in advance a short speech that you will say when you propose. It doesn't have to be pompous, you can just list the qualities you love about her and why you want her to be your wife.
  • If you want to propose outdoors, be sure to check the weather ahead of time and come up with an alternative just in case.
  • A marriage proposal is one of the most magnificent moments and it does not hurt to document it in order to remember everything to the smallest detail. Therefore, we recommend that you take a picture or video of your romantic confession.

How beautiful it is to propose a hand and heart in winter or autumn

Autumn leaves

If you and your loved one love to walk in the park or live in your own house, then the fall proposal with the help of leaves will suit you. To do this, you just need to choose a beautiful place and put the words of the marriage proposal there with the help of leaves.

Snowman comes to the rescue

A wonderful winter proposal can be made with the help of our old friend from childhood - a snow-white snowman. To do this, you will need to mold it in advance, so choose a snowy and frosty day so that the snowman does not melt. Be sure to dress him up in a stylish hat and colorful scarf. Also, you will need to prepare a beautiful sign with the inscription: “Will you marry me?”, Which will be held by a snowman.

Ice rink offer

A skating rink can become a very romantic place for declaring love for life. It is best to make an offer in the pre-holiday atmosphere of the New Year, when everything is beautifully decorated with colorful garlands. While riding, stop, hold your beloved's hands and tell her how much you love her. Then, get down on one knee, take out the ring and say the cherished words.

New Year's photo session

If you want your congratulations to look fabulous, then under the pretext of a winter romantic photo shoot, arrange a marriage proposal for her. Dress up in beautiful clothes to look great in photos of such a happy and significant moment. For the ring, choose an original Christmas-style box and place it on one of the branches of the Christmas tree. When she spots him and opens the box, get down on one knee and say you love him.

How to make an original proposal in spring or summer

A great option would be an offer in a greenhouse or botanical garden, when everything is in bloom and the atmosphere around is just great. Choose the most beautiful place in the garden, which you can beautifully decorate in advance with the permission of the administration. A good alternative would be a multi-colored flower field, where you offer your girlfriend your hand and heart.

If you and your sweetheart love to relax in nature, then arrange a romantic picnic for her, during which you will propose to her. Prepare a basket with her favorite food, prepare a bottle of champagne to celebrate later. Also take a soft and warm blanket that will be comfortable for you to sit on. An obligatory element, except for the ring, is a luxurious bouquet of flowers. You can decorate everything around with flags with letters that say "I love you" or your joint photos.

Romance under the moon

If your loved one likes romantic acts, then choose a beautiful place under the open sky, where you can look at the stars together. Then give her a bouquet of beautiful flowers and propose from the bottom of your heart, declaring your love for her.

If you live in a city where there is a beach, then it could be a great place to propose to your lovely sweetheart. The day before the proposal, write a romantic poem at the end of which you ask your girlfriend to become your wife. You can decorate a leaflet with recognition with rose petals. Put the leaflet in a beautiful bottle (it can be in the old style) and seal it with a cork (you can immediately write the date of a significant event on it so as not to forget later). Bury the bottle in the sand in advance or ask a friend to hide "your treasure" a few minutes before you arrive. In order not to confuse the place, you need to put some kind of identification mark near it (a large shell, for example). Then tell your beloved that you have a surprise for her and she needs to find a bottle for this. When she opens it, be prepared for a positive response.

You can have a luxurious picnic on the beach, decorating the place with rose petals, lit candles and lots of cute pillows. Or put a small table on the beach, and create a heart from burning candles around it. And the ring itself can be put not in an ordinary box, but in a beautiful opening shell.

Ideas for a marriage proposal in a public place

romantic meeting

Arrange with your loved one to meet in a crowded place with beautiful scenery. When she arrives, emerge from the crowd and go to meet her in a chic suit, in full dress, with a huge bouquet of magnificent flowers that she likes. Then, get down on one knee and tell her that she is the best person in the world for you, you want to spend your whole life with her and that she would honor you and become your wife.

If you do not want to make dates, then during a joint walk, pretend that you want to take a picture together, you can ask one of the passers-by (best of all, if it is a professional “disguised as an ordinary person” photographer hired by you in advance). So, you can capture a happy moment. Then, get down on one knee, open the ring box and ask to be your wife.

For a surprisingly great offer, you will need to find a musical group that will agree to help you. It's good if she plays in the park or some other picturesque place. When you get there, tell your girlfriend that you will leave for a minute, and let her listen to the musicians for now. Then, you quietly go up to the stage and sing her a romantic song about your feelings and at the end ask her to marry you.

For your proposal, you will need a street artist who paints portraits to order. Agree with him in advance that you will approach him with a girl and “spontaneously” decide to draw a joint portrait, and then he will draw a special picture, which will depict your couple and write the cherished phrase: “Will you become my wife?”.

An offer from the depths of the ocean

Arrange with the divers at the aquarium so that during their introduction, they take a waterproof poster (which you will give them in advance) and hold it closer to the glass. It will be inscribed with the most romantic phrase in all the land: "Will you marry me?".

Let the dolphins do everything for you

If there is no oceanarium in your city, then an original marriage proposal to a girl can be made in a dolphinarium. This is now a fairly popular service and the staff of the dolphinarium will be happy to meet you.

A great suggestion would be a romantic graffiti with the most important romantic confession in the world: "Will you be my wife?". In addition to a confession phrase, you can write some kind of romantic poem in order to express your positive feelings.

Choosing for you the ideas of a romantic declaration of love and marriage proposal, we tried to move away from a banal trip to a restaurant and presenting a ring, and we hope that we tried in vain. Be original and romantic, and most importantly, be sincere and we are sure that your girlfriend will definitely agree with you!