Offer of a hand in a restaurant. Offer on the windshield. Which knee to get on when proposing

When you enter the elevator, press all the buttons. The cabin will stop on each floor, and your sweetheart will read one word from the marriage proposal. (Yes, the words will have to be pre-printed and pasted on the walls.) When you get to the top floor, all she has to do is say yes.

A win-win way to win the heart of someone who is crazy about pets. The main thing is to carefully clarify in advance whether the girl is ready to take care of the pet. If so, give her a kitten or puppy that has a small postcard or medallion with your offer on its collar.

Well, or attach a message to a birdcage or aquarium.

3. Host a movie screening

Rent a small cinema or projector room in a time cafe, or invite a girl to watch a movie at your place. Instead, show a video that you made from joint videos or photos. Your proposal will be in the credits.

4. Connect your drone

Date her in the park or any other open-air place. When the girl arrives, send her with a ring and a note.

This method is suitable for a lover of intellectual fun. Just make sure that your short message is on the board at the end of the game. Even if you have to break the rules a little.

6. Find a bottle with a note

Take an old bottle, put a ring and a note with a confession in it and hide it on the banks of a river, lake or sea. Invite your beloved to a picnic by the water, “accidentally” find a bottle and give it to the girl. It might not be easy for her to open the find. But the content is worth the effort.

7. Rent a billboard

Let your or her photo with an offer be pasted on a large billboard that a girl passes by every day.

8. Invite her to the photo booth

When you make faces, laugh and take a photo, suddenly take out the ring. The historical moment will be captured in the picture.

9. Make a website

Create a page with your photos and videos and send it a link. When the girl scrolls to the end, she will see a marriage proposal. All she has to do is click on the "Yes" button.

10. Print your offer on a T-shirt

At the right moment, take off your sweatshirt and display the message on your chest or back.

Buy the same book as the one your sweetheart is currently reading. Cut out the box from the pages and place the ring inside.

12. Bring a girl to where you first met

Do not say in advance where you are going. Let it be a surprise. When you get there, propose to the girl.

13. Order or bake a cake

A win-win way to propose a hand and heart to a sweet lover. A beautiful cake, on which important words are written, will surely be the most delicious in her life. So order. Better yet, make your own.

14. Propose on your birthday

Give her a big beautiful box. Inside the girl will see another one, then another and another. In the end, your beloved will get to the coveted ring. It will be the main gift.

15. Put together a themed playlist

Make a selection of songs that your girlfriend likes. When she reaches the last track, she will hear your offer.

Write your proposal with a marker on the bottom of the white mug. When the girl finishes her coffee, she will see the inscription and probably will not be able to refuse. If the coffee was delicious, of course.

17. Organize a picnic

Buy flowers, food and wine and ask your friends to help with the surprise. Bring the girl when everything is ready, and say the cherished words. Just let it happen in private. Friends are better to thank later.

18. Gift origami

Make a paper crane, butterfly or rose. Give the gift to the girl and invite her to unfold the paper. Inside the girl will find a marriage proposal.

Think over the necessary route, invite the girl for a walk and record your movements on the maps in your smartphone. When you get to the last point, show her the map. There will be key words.

20. Act out a scene from her favorite movie.

What girl does not dream of being in the place of the heroine of her beloved? Recreate one of the most poignant scenes (for example, order a white limousine like in Pretty Woman) and propose at the end.

21. Print a suggestion on bottles

For this, bottles of cola, juice, wine and even ketchup are suitable. Stick labels on them with the right words, put them in the fridge in the correct order, and then ask the girl to bring something tasty.

22. Come up with a quest

Build a route from places that mean something to both of you and guide her along the route by sending hint messages. When the girl is at the last point, she will meet you, and you will say the main words.

23. Bake fortune cookies

If she likes sweets, then this is a win-win method. Prepare small cookies, and put notes with your message inside. When you meet, invite her to find out what awaits her next.

24. Take a trip

When you find yourself where she has long dreamed of visiting, propose. Just think ahead and book a table at a restaurant nearby to celebrate an important event with a romantic dinner.

So you've found the woman you want to spend the rest of your life with. How do you ask her to be yours forever? You have to stop being nervous and remember that if you have a plan and know what to expect, you will be able to propose to your girlfriend without ruining everything. You shouldn't do anything supernatural or crazy unless you think that's what your girlfriend expects. The most important thing is to speak from the heart and find the most perfect way to tell her how much she means to you. If you want to learn how to propose to a woman, see step 1. Make sure you choose a romantic hideaway or, on the contrary, a crowded place, but one where she would say a cherished “yes” and not “no”! And do not forget to ask your parents for the hand of your chosen one, otherwise, they may dislike you!


    Make sure it's your "one". You have probably already thought about this more than once. The most important thing here is to know that you love her and think that she is the one. Make a list or think of all the reasons that make you want to marry her. This action is very important for expressing your love for her during the proposal, and it will also help you make sure that you are making the right decision. When you see your girlfriend, you should feel that you want to share the rest of your life with her, and that now is the time to tell her about it.

    Be as sure as you can that she will say yes. Although it's impossible to predict this 100%, you should have a strong feeling that your girlfriend loves you and wants to spend the rest of her life with you. Consider if she has hinted that she wants to marry you, that she wants to live with you, have children, that she wants you to be part of her family, etc. If she never mentioned these things, then you can try to have a relationship. her conversation to catch the direction of her feelings; if she feels out of her element and moves the conversation to another topic, then she may not be ready for marriage.

    • If you've only been together for a couple of months, make sure she's ready for the long haul. While many happy couples get engaged after just a couple of months of being in a relationship, spend more time with your sweetheart to make sure you're made for each other and she's more likely to say yes.
    • While you may be nervous about figuring out the direction of her feelings, if you're unsure, it can save you from an awkward situation during the proposal itself when you figure out she wasn't ready.
  1. If her parents are a little old-fashioned, and she won't take it as an insult, you can ask your parents for the hand and heart of your beloved. Although many consider it old-fashioned to ask permission from the father of the bride, this act can definitely not be superfluous and will be considered a gesture of respect on your part towards the bride's family and will show that you will always be attentive and tactful to her relatives. It's also a sign of courtesy, would her family mind? But again, this really depends on the girl and the situation in her family, so test the soil well.

    Decide when you want to propose. It is very important to correct the time, because it is, in fact, the only thing you can determine. It is impossible to say for sure what is the best time to propose, it is important to choose a moment when you are not in a hurry, when you are calm, collected and ready. The time when you have planned everything in detail and are ready can be considered ideal. Although there are things that you always need to keep in control:

    • Is there a special day for both of you, like your anniversary or first date?
    • Sometimes, the time is chosen by itself, especially when you live in different cities and you only manage to meet together on holidays and this is the only chance to ask her.
    • Think about the time of year when she would like to get married. It's a good idea to ask her or ask her friends and family if she has a favorite time of the year, month or time period when she would like to get engaged so that she can plan her wedding without haste and shock. If she mentioned that she wants a fall wedding, try to propose around that time in the year - if you propose just a few months before the fall and she wants a bigger wedding, she might not like the idea of ​​waiting another year to get married.
    • Offering a hand and heart on holidays or birthdays has its positive and negative sides. On the one hand, on such days this event may look more significant, especially if it all happens in the family circle or it is a big joyful holiday. But on the other hand, in the future you will always have to combine this important date for you with some other holiday. If you want to celebrate the day of your engagement, for some this day will seem in no way special, but for someone it will be remembered forever!
    • Whenever you propose, make sure you have some alone time after the proposal. If, for example, you want to do this for Thanksgiving when your families gather, be sure to invite her for a walk or a private place before the whole family is stunned by the news and you don't have a moment to digest what just happened.
  2. Decide where you want to propose. Place and atmosphere - they will be remembered for the rest of your life, and the most important thing to remember is that you are the main creator of this atmosphere! In principle, you can make an offer absolutely anywhere, but the main thing is that it be meaningful for both of you, so that you feel comfortable, calm and natural in it.

    Now you need to decide how exactly you will propose. Since you have already decided where and when it will be, it remains to think over all the secret moments of how to do it. You can usually go the traditional route and present the ring, but you may want to add something extra special to make it memorable for her forever. Keep in mind that the story of how you proposed will be told from her words many times, so make sure everything is done in the best way! There are many different options and possibilities, but the choice is yours. We offer you several options for inspiration:

    • Think traditional pose. Get on one knee, take her hand and ask her to marry you. The beauty of such a gesture is recognized worldwide through films and can be performed anywhere. Just keep in mind that if there are strangers there, they will definitely eavesdrop (out of good intentions, of course!), so be prepared for their interest and support.
    • Think about whether she would like public recognition or would she like it to happen in private? Although in the movies, girls are often proposed in public, in real life, most engagements take place in a private atmosphere. You might think it's a great idea to propose during halftime at some sporting event or at a close friends' party, but she can feel terrible about all the attention. Besides, if things go wrong, you'll be even worse off because you embarrassed yourself in front of a whole bunch of people.
    • Think about things that could complement the event, like a quartet playing a romantic tune or serenade, or a small fireworks display, etc. These things are not necessary at all and they will be great on your budget, of course, if you don’t have friends willing to help. But if this is in your spirit - such additions will add charm to the atmosphere.
    • Hide the ring. This is another famous way to propose - she finds an engagement ring and you offer your hand and heart. The ring can be hidden in flowers, chocolate, in a gift. Don't forget to ask her to open the gift right away or you might have to wait forever! And make sure you hide the ring securely, not so she can accidentally swallow it; it will ruin the whole holiday.
    • Be creative. If you don't want to propose traditionally, or you can't craft a confession yourself, there are plenty of ideas that involve planning but can be really entertaining and show that you're the one love-mad woman she wants to spend the rest of her life with. You can prepare, for example, your own puzzle or crossword puzzle, the solution of which will be the words "Will you marry me?".
    • You can make something small and cute with the help of your little siblings, or even your pet.
    • If you have enough funds and you are sure that she will like it, you can order a plane that will write a cherished question in the sky while you are walking in the park.
    • Another popular way is to propose while on vacation. If you decide on this option, make sure she says yes! Nothing ruins your vacation like being rejected on the first day.
    • Consider a public offer, such as an ad in a newspaper that she will definitely read, or have the DJ of her favorite radio announce the offer, or post a question on a billboard she passes by every day.
  3. Choose an engagement ring. If you know what kind of rings your soul mate likes, that's just fine. If you do not know or do not want to ask, take a temporary ring that she can exchange for something she likes; for many women, this is the best solution. But if you know for sure which ring she wants, try to quietly take the ring she is wearing to find out the size. She will be touched that you remembered the ring she wanted and you chose the right size! But if you have no idea what kind of ring she wants, and ask "in between times", she can see through your intentions.

    • Don't spend your entire fortune on a ring, especially if you can't afford it. It is better to choose something modest and classic and spend this money on living together than to spend all the savings on jewelry.
    • Read the article on "How to Choose an Engagement Ring" to learn more about it.
  4. Dress as best as you can, according to the event and location. Wear something that makes you feel beautiful and attractive. This is a special occasion and deserves to make you "look perfect". She will definitely appreciate it. This, of course, applies when you plan to propose in an elegant place and you have time to change. If you declare your love on the beach, on a picnic, skiing or soaring in the sky, choose wisely what to wear.

  5. Train. If you're going to propose, you need to practice. Practice asking and explaining the reasons why you love her so much and want to spend the rest of your life with her. This will help you not to stutter and to speak nicely when the time comes. This does not mean that you have to force yourself. And although all these words will help your girlfriend feel the most special, she may soon remember nothing but the words “Will you marry me?”.

    • Keep your speech simple, to the point, and from the heart. For example, “Lena, my love cannot be described in words. You are the most kind, generous, beautiful and helpful woman I have ever met and honored to have the opportunity to spend a lifetime with you. Will you be my wife?"
  6. “Kneeling down” is originally the pose of a gentleman showing full respect to his future wife, which is very cute!
  7. Talk to her about it. If you think you can live together for the next 50 years, you can talk about things like getting married. Make sure she wants to marry you.
  8. Don't worry if she says no. “No” or “I should think about it” is also a big step.
  9. Originality is cool, but the main thing is not to overdo it.
  10. If you don’t understand anything about this, ask her friends or relatives for help.
  11. If possible, set up your camera or have someone take pictures. It would be cool to show the photos to family and friends afterwards.
  12. During the marriage proposal, do not be nervous and do not say any nonsense (although this is normal). You can record your speech and listen to it in order to practice and avoid mistakes later.
  13. Ask the waiter if they can serve champagne when you propose.
  14. Consider hiring a professional. There are organizations that organize personal, creative events at the proposal of the hand and heart and help relieve tension that may arise in connection with a cherished question.
  15. Warnings

  • Try to avoid clichés like proposing at dinner or hiding your ring in your food. Pick a place she likes.
  • Try not to confuse her by telling her that you are not made for marriage or that you will soon need to run away somewhere. This is cruel and unnecessary, and you can even get in trouble when she feels irritated because of your unwillingness to make any commitments and because of your excessive employment. If you spoil this evening, it will be difficult to bring back the good atmosphere. And even if she guesses what you are going to do, the uncertainty will torment her until you make the offer itself. Try to do everything "like in a fairy tale"!
  • Don't give yourself away when preparing for an offer. If you need to buy a ring or arrange a place, just say that you are busy at work or that you have a meeting with friends. It will be better than inventing some complicated stories.
  • Avoid sentimental or "defeat" phrases such as "I know this is all you wanted and now I'm yours for life."
  • Calm your nerves; it is unlikely to be romantic if everything ends in incoherent babble or feeling unwell due to fear.
  • If you're really nervous, hire someone to plan everything for you so you don't have to worry about the details.

"Let's get married" - the cherished words for girls who dream of getting married, starting a family. When there is true love, you want not just to be together, but to tie the knot of marriage with your beloved and dear person. For a man, this is a serious step that needs to be approached responsibly, and accordingly make an offer.

If you have been together for a long time, it would seem that you already know everything about each other. This does not mean that a marriage proposal should be made simply or corny on a date, in a restaurant.

The key to a long and strong relationship is the ability to surprise, to present pleasant surprises. And one of the most wonderful and unique days is the marriage proposal.

To get the coveted "Yes", you need to try, especially in our time! Here are some interesting options to help you!

  1. Dinner with the bride's parents. This is an option for those who honor traditions and believe that you must first ask permission from the bride's parents, and then officially from the bride! Most likely, it is suitable for families with strict rules. Prepare dinner and invite the bride's parents to visit.
  2. Classic variant- dinner in a restaurant, a ring in dessert (or in a glass) and musicians! Flowers and of course a cozy romantic place where no one would interfere!
  3. Breakfast offer! After a romantic dinner and an unforgettable night, wake up your beloved with a cup of your favorite coffee (tea), a sweet dessert and a box with a ring next to it! Of course, it is important to say the right words, I'm sure you will find them!
  4. Marry me cake. If your girlfriend is very fond of sweets, then she will definitely appreciate the cake. Especially if it has such an inscription on it! All you have to do is wait for a positive response!
  5. Limousine ride. You can simply invite your beloved on a date so that she does not know what you are planning. There will be flowers, champagne in the limousine, you can ride around the city, and at the most unexpected moment present a ring and ask the question: Are you ready to be with me always, my love? " Yes"
  6. Shopping trip. It's like foreplay, go with your soul mate to the store for a new dress, be patient, your opinion is very important to her. In the package with the gift dress, put the box with the ring. At home, when she runs to try on a novelty, she finds a ring, and she cannot resist!
  7. Gel balls. If your chosen one lives in a high-rise building, it will not be difficult for you to inflate the balloons and write one letter on them (marry me). Of course the ring and flowers. It's original and not expensive!
  8. Public recognition. An option for daredevils, for those who are ready to scream about their feelings. The place should be crowded, a train station, a shopping center, a square in the city center ... you can take a loudspeaker, or just draw attention to yourself, read poetry, confess your love, and ask for her hand: “You are the girl of my dreams, ready to be there for life, marry me!" (ring).
  9. Theater proposal. Arrange in advance with the director of the theater. Somewhere in between, go on stage and propose to her. Such an act, she will not forget, and the audience too!
  10. Radio proposal. If your loved one listens to the radio, choose the moment when she will definitely listen. And don't just say hello, make an offer. It is desirable that she be in the next room at this time, the answer is yes, you are provided.
  11. Impromptu. A proposal in the summer rain, just walking in the park, in your favorite place (the choice is yours), the main thing is that it be unexpected and romantic!
  12. Balloon offer. To propose in the sky, learn how to fly a hot air balloon. It's not easy, but it's possible! Just imagine how romantic the captain of an airship opens champagne in the sky and offers his favorite article to his queen!
  13. Proposal in a bottle. The option is suitable if you have the opportunity to spend time on the seashore or at least somewhere on the river. The meaning is that while the beloved is sitting with her legs in the water, a bottle with a ring floats to her feet!
  14. Skydiving. Totally for the daredevils. In order to realize it, you need to dress up like courses, prepare accordingly. When you're ready, you can jump off with your loved one. Propose to her during the flight.
  15. Notes. Create intrigue, play. Let your beloved find the ring herself, and you leave notes for her, like: open the closet and there will be the following instruction ... Perhaps you have seen something similar in the films!
  16. 100 reasons. Favorite box "" can be used in different ways! For example, add a ring there. Beloved girl, opening scrolls with pleasant words, suddenly finds a ring! All the work is done!
  17. Video from photos. This video is very romantic. Create a video clip from your photos. Finish the video with the inscription on the screen "Let's get married."
  18. Proposal in Paris. Paris is the most romantic place, your proposal can be made at the Eiffel Tower. Where hundreds of people climb it for this very purpose!
  19. Proposal under the moon. Choose a location closer, such as the roof of the tallest building in your city. It is good if the sky is clear, the moon is full, candles, wine, flowers.
  20. Relaxation. Prepare for your beloved a bath with rose petals, a glass of champagne, and when she has already relaxed, put a ring on your finger.

In this article, you looked at 20 ways to make an original proposal to your girlfriend. I hope that you have found something for yourself in this list. In any case, create a romantic atmosphere, choose pleasant music, and give your loved one a gift!

Girls are prepared for marriage from an early age, telling tales about beautiful princes who take the beauty to their castle in order to live in peace and harmony until old age. Girls become smart young women and associate life with real men, but deep down in their hearts they do not stop waiting for a miracle. A marriage proposal is one of the best moments to give your loved one some magic, so everything has to be perfect.

Basic moments

A man should carefully hide his plans: tell about plans only to those friends who know how to keep other people's secrets, do not leave a check from a jewelry store in his pocket, hide the ring in secluded places where the girl will definitely not look. It is advisable to find out from the chosen one about her views on marriage and family life before buying jewelry. Perhaps the girl is not ready for major changes, so instead of the coveted “yes”, the man will hear “no”. The conversation should not be too serious or intrusive, it is better to ask your beloved in a joking way so that she does not suspect anything. If the chosen one is mentally ready, you can begin to implement the idea.

A mandatory attribute of such an event is a ring. It is not necessary to spend the entire salary on jewelry, choosing an expensive option with ten diamonds. A cheap, neat ring decorated with unusual patterns will look more original and cute than a massive and tasteless something. If the financial situation allows, you can order an engraving on the inside of the accessory.

How to guess the size of the ring so that you don’t have to return to the jewelry store the next day and change your purchase? Invite the girl to go together and choose a ring on her ring finger, and during the fitting, remember the necessary data. It is not necessary to buy jewelry made of gold, you can get by with silver or pretty jewelry.

Don't forget flowers and champagne. When choosing a bouquet, you should take into account the tastes of the girl, or choose classic red or white roses. Champagne should not be cheap, and if the chosen one does not drink alcoholic beverages in principle, you can buy a children's version, but change the wrapper with elephants to something more adult.

A man can not do without speech. It should be sensual and written from the heart. No pathetic phrases touch the beloved in the same way as sincere words and confessions. Shy or emotional guys are advised to write a speech on a sheet so as not to forget it at a crucial moment, or to shoot a video. You can give your chosen one a beautifully designed letter, because it is easier to express your thoughts and feelings on paper.

Without leaving home

An offer at home is an option for girls who do not like noisy companies or the attention of strangers. It will also suit young men who have not yet saved up for an expensive restaurant or a helicopter.

You should choose the moment when the beloved will go shopping with her friends, go to visit her parents or be at work. There should be a few hours left to allow time to buy light snacks, flowers and other accessories, as well as to decorate the apartment.

Lay rose petals on the path from the front door to the bedroom or kitchen. You can replace flowers with candles or paper arrows on which beautiful words are written. When the girl enters the room, kneel down and make a speech. Hearing "yes", open the champagne and invite to the table.

You can also propose in the bedroom using neon stars that glow in the dark. Lay out the cherished phrase on the ceiling, and when the lights go out in the room, the beloved will be pleasantly surprised. The alternative is a poster. Make a collage of joint photos, and in the center in large letters ask her to become a wife. Attach the poster to the ceiling and wait for the chosen one to notice it. Be sure to keep a ring on hand in order to present a velvet box to the girl at the right time.

Offer instead of dessert

Serious and restrained men who love the classics can invite their beloved to a restaurant. Order wine and light meals, give a luxurious bouquet and have a good time with a girl. Arrange with the waiter so that at the end of the dinner he will put a tray in front of the chosen one, on which there will be a box with a ring and a plate with the inscription: "Become my wife." If the restaurant has live music, you can ask for a romantic tune to play at that moment.

The alternative is to invite the lady to the karaoke bar where the first acquaintance took place. A man with hearing and a beautiful voice can sing a girl's favorite song, and then kneel in front of her and give her an engagement ring. The second option is to ask a local singer or one of your friends to perform a song associated with the first kiss or declaration of love.

Tip: Don't hide your ring in food or drink. If you're lucky, it will end up in the girl's stomach, and in the worst case, you will have to take the chosen one to the surgeon or dentist.

man's best friend

The girl has long dreamed of a pet? It's time to please her with a cute kitten or puppy, on the neck of which you should hang a collar with a wedding ring. Present the baby in a basket or box with a bow, give a bouquet, and when she picks up a new pet and notices an unusual decoration, make an offer. You can say with a smile that the puppy needs a full-fledged family, so the chosen one does not have the right to refuse the ring.

Some girls are more attracted not to fluffy, but to feathered pets. In this case, you should find a talking parrot and teach him the phrase "Marry me" or "Become a wife (substitute the desired name)". Cover the cage with the bird before handing it so that the parrot does not spill all the secrets from the threshold, and when the chosen one pulls off the cape and hears those very words, fix the proposal of the feathered accomplice with a ring and flowers.

public recognition

Going to a football match or a concert of your favorite band? Why not take advantage of this luxury opportunity? Arrange with the organizers or musicians to be allowed to go on stage or in the middle of the field and confess to the girl in love. Usually performers and athletes are sympathetic to such requests and help for free, although the money spent is worth her surprise and tears of happiness.

You can ask your favorite group to invite the chosen one to the stage in the middle or at the very end of the concert and say that the guy loves her very much and wants to legitimize the relationship. The guy's task is to arm himself with a bouquet and a ring and kneel in front of his beloved in time.

A man who has many creative and helpful friends can organize a small flash mob in the middle of a street or a shopping center. Put on a short dance to your favorite song, bring the girl to the agreed place and pleasantly surprise her. She will definitely not be able to forget such a recognition and will be happy to tell the children about her father's exploits.

If a couple is fond of historical reconstructions and often attends various festivals, a battle for a beautiful lady should be arranged. A man can be reincarnated as a knight, general or other character who must save the girl. And as a reward, ask her to marry her hero.

Achievements of the 21st century

An option for shy young people is to create a romantic video. Make a presentation from joint photos, and while they appear on the screen, tell the girl about your feelings and desires, and at the very end propose to get married. Upload the video to YouTube and send the link to your chosen one.

Recording a song or making a video dedicated to a specific girl is a more creative approach. Or read poems written for the chosen one in front of the camera.

Put in a magazine or newspaper that your beloved reads daily, a note with her photo and touching text. You should bring her the press yourself along with a light breakfast and wait until she reaches the desired place, or make a bookmark.

Post an offer on a social network by filling it out in the form of a survey. Under the text must be a photograph of the future bride. The answer is yes or yes of course. Do not forget to send the link to the girl, otherwise she will pass by or not go to the desired page.

In searching of love

Does your beloved love quests and riddles? Why not turn a marriage proposal into an exciting game? Prepare notes with riddles and the main prize before the weekend, and on Saturday or Sunday morning make the chosen one run around the apartment. The reward will be an album with photos or a diary with memories, inside of which a ring is hidden.

Girl loves to be photographed? You should please her with professional shooting, during which you should make an offer. The pictures will forever preserve the touching moment when the lovers decided to become not just a couple, but a strong and friendly family.

Does the chosen one like to spend her free time in the arms of Morpheus and does not notice anything during sleep? A man should wake up before his beloved, carefully put a ring on her ring finger and wake the girl up with strawberries and cream or another delicious holiday breakfast. Enjoy the reaction of the bride when she notices the jewelry. The main thing is not to give yourself away ahead of time.

There are many ways to turn a marriage proposal into a fairy tale. Someone likes extreme options, someone prefers classic and calm. Some girls want the whole world to know about their happiness, others prefer to keep their joy a secret. It will be easy to choose the best and original option if you know the preferences of your beloved and take into account the peculiarities of her character.

Video: the most unusual marriage proposal

Every loving person who wants to start a family wants some moments to warm memories forever. Marriage and birth of children, graduation and first date and, of course, there is a marriage proposal on this list. I would like not to make a mistake, to think through everything to the smallest detail, but there is always excitement: will the chosen one agree? How to propose to a girl to get married so that everything goes perfectly, does she agree? This is our article.

A century ago, matchmaking was primarily a family affair. The young man asked the parents of his beloved if they agreed to give him their daughter as a wife. They discussed financial issues, dowry, the furnishings of the house where the young would live.

Today the issue of marriage is decided mainly between two loving people. The woman makes her own decision, and property issues are dealt with later. Therefore, the main emphasis on how to make a marriage proposal is on a romantic setting. A man thinks over an unusual surprise, a beautifully arranged evening.

Even if you have been together for a long time, you have a common life, such an event should not become ordinary and formal. The ability to make pleasant surprises, act romantically and take care of a beloved girl strengthens her reciprocal feelings, causes both tenderness and respect. So, what is the right way to propose, no matter what stage your relationship is at?

What should be considered?

First of all, you need to decide on the format, and you should proceed from the preferences of the chosen one and what is important and expensive for her. When deciding how to propose to a girl, consider the following points.

  • Who should be present: just the two of you, the parents of the bride, all relatives, friends? For some, it is important that such an event becomes public, others want to immediately receive the blessing of mom and dad, for others it is a purely personal event.
  • Where will the marriage take place? Think about the environment in which you love and you will be comfortable. Sometimes this is something familiar, in other cases the impression is made by a place where the girl has never been. What does she love? Restaurants or democratic cafes, dinner at home or a noisy party with friends? If you decide to surprise your chosen one, there can be many options: from traveling on a boat to a march in the mountains or rafting on the river. The main thing is that the girl really likes the place where her future husband brought her.
  • What form will the offer take? A classic candlelit dinner, a serenade under the window, a walk? Here you can refer to the joint hobbies of young people, if any: sports, theater, something unusual (for example, historical reconstruction), ballroom dancing. If you love different types of relaxation, it is best to consider the classic option: a romantic dinner at home or in a restaurant.
  • Try to unobtrusively find out the size of her finger so as not to make a mistake with the ring. Let the gift be worthy, but not flashy, but quite traditional: for example, gold and a small gem.
  • Decide in advance what you will say, how you will present the girl with a marriage proposal. Well, if the words are not banal and sincere: say what you really think.
  • Think over your appearance: it will play a significant role at the time of matchmaking.

Marriage proposal options

There are a huge number of options for how to tell your girlfriend: "Marry me." You can use a ready-made scenario, combine the experience of several people or adjust it by creating your own unique event.

  • Classic offer for the family

Not suitable for everyone. It is usually used by those who not only appreciate the opinion of their parents and their participation in their own lives, but are also confident that all those invited will treat such an event correctly. You can go to dinner with the mom and dad of your girlfriend, taking with you a ring and a bouquet for your future mother-in-law. Another option is a home buffet, to which the closest people are invited. The key to a successful outcome of the event is a sincere trusting relationship with the parents of the chosen one.

  • romantic dinner

Another option from the "classic is eternal" series. Its traditional attributes are flowers, candles, light and tasty food, napkins with hearts and, of course, the cherished ring. Dinner can be prepared by yourself at home if you have the skills and resources to do so, or you can reserve a table at a restaurant. A good solution would be to organize an event on some important date for you, for example, the anniversary of an acquaintance. Then the chosen one will dress according to the occasion, but the surprise will remain undisclosed until the right moment.

  • Travel offer

This option is almost always a win-win if you are relaxing together. On pleasant trips, romantic feelings are intensified, people forget about work and family problems, and enjoy their holidays. If you are in a resort, it is a good idea to propose to your beloved at a table in a seaside cafe or while walking along the promenade. Matchmaking will look unusual and touching against the backdrop of beautiful cityscapes, for example, the Eiffel Tower in Paris or the Colosseum in Rome.

If you prefer to hitchhike, go hiking, rafting, live in a forest in a tent, you can simply choose the moment when the two of you enjoy nature, peace, when you feel good and nothing bothers you. An offer made in such an environment will be remembered by the chosen one for life.

  • DIY gift

An option for those who know how and love to craft and invent. If you are puzzling over how to make an original proposal, you can, for example, make an elegant box with your own hands, in which there will be many notes with declarations of love, and among them, as if by chance, a ring will be lost. Another option is your personal culinary masterpiece that hides the gift.

  • house offer

No girl will be able to refuse her beloved man and marry him if the proposal is made after a relaxing bath, among flowers and rose petals, candles placed around the house in the form of hearts and aromas of essential oils. The main condition for such a scenario is a sincere desire to please, without falsehood and a sense of duty.

  • morning offer

Not everyone will like this cozy, homely option, but if a man knows his chosen one well and is confident in her tastes, you should think about such a scenario. How beautiful it is to propose to a girl in the morning? Choose a day when you both don't have to go anywhere, organize a delicious and light breakfast in bed and say the main words during a joint meal.

  • Night on the roof

The event will require preparation and work, but it's worth it. Choose a suitable building in your city, take care of security and that they simply won’t drive you out of there, agree with the administration. Organize a small table, fruit, something that your loved one likes. Do not forget a blanket, because the nights are cool even in summer. Preparatory efforts will ensure a beautiful evening, a magnificent view of the city from above and, of course, the consent of your beloved.

  • Sea / river walk

Popular ways to propose to a girl include this option. You can rent a small boat or take part in a boat or boat trip. However, you should first make sure that your chosen one is not afraid of water and does not suffer from seasickness, and will step on board the ship with pleasure.

  • Quest

For young, creative and upbeat couples, a variant of a certain game is suitable. It can start with a mysterious clue in the form of a note, a map, a diagram, or a message on the phone. Further, your chosen one will look for keys, pass certain obstacles and, finally, will receive, as a reward, a ring and your words of love. Such a quest will give unusual impressions, but not all girls will be interested, so decide for yourself whether the future bride is ready to look for answers to your riddles with enthusiasm.

  • public offer

It is remembered immediately and for a lifetime, suitable for those who do not hesitate to attract attention to themselves and are not afraid of publicity. The future groom negotiates with the administration of the theater or cinema, maybe he himself works or performs in one or another institution. At a certain moment, he addresses the audience with a speech, talks about his love, the desire to connect his life with this particular girl, asks her to go on stage and answer. Be sure to thank the audience for their favorable attention after the answer is given.

  • Important words for a photo session

Thinking about how to propose to a girl, some young people come to the following decision. They book a photo session (whether in the studio or outdoors, it may depend on the weather, personal preferences). In the process of shooting, the future groom says tender words to his chosen one and asks to marry him. The photographer will capture the sincere emotions of the girl, and this will be the best memory not only for the couple themselves, but also for their children and grandchildren. High-quality professional pictures will be added to live and direct images.

A man must remember that every girl, no matter how independent and independent she may seem, dreams of the main words, of a beautiful ring, of tenderness and care. Maybe she will agree to marriage if you tell her about it casually and simply, but annoyance and sadness will always be mixed with memories. Therefore, a man must definitely show his imagination, put in the work and decide which option will bring positive emotions and help his beloved agree to the marriage proposal.