How to meet a wife from the hospital in a beautiful and original way? Tips for organizing a meeting of the wife from the hospital. Newlyweds meeting at a wedding with a loaf

Perhaps one of the most famous wedding traditions in Russia is the parting words of parents to the young with “bread and salt”. The groom's parents, according to custom, welcome the couple with a loaf and salt, voicing parting words and giving the children a piece of light and sincere. So, how to meet the young from the registry office to the groom's parents, what to say to the newlyweds and much more - further.

Preparing parents for the meeting

Today, such a ritual is performed in different houses in different ways. It is possible to check in after the marriage registration at the house of the groom's parents, where they are already waiting and blessing the children, and some go directly to the restaurant, where the parents are already meeting the newlyweds along with all the guests. Among the main attributes of the meeting of the young after the registry office are:

* towel;


Directly the most important point in the preparation will be the appearance of the loaf. You can bake it yourself at home, or make it to order in a special bakery. Parents should make sure that the loaf is large, round and necessarily decorated with symbols of prosperity and prosperity. On the bread itself, each element has a specific meaning:

* viburnum and roses - symbols of love;
* braids - a close interweaving of the fate of a couple;
* swans - signs of fidelity;
* grapes - fertility, the desire for the birth of children.

This is interesting!
According to tradition, bread was baked by a woman who is happily married in life. While making the dough, she sang songs about happiness and love, and during the actual production of the loaf, she sang prayers. But a happy married man traditionally put a loaf in the oven. Consequently, the bread absorbed positive energy, thereby spreading it to the atmosphere of the young hearth.


An important detail of how to meet the young from the registry office to the groom's parents and what to say is the embroidered handbrake. Again, it contains symbolism that echoes the symbolism of the loaf. The towel is made from two sides - for the groom and for the bride.

The symbolism should be drawn up in three rows, which include the heredity of kinship, parting words for the couple and the amulet of the newly created family.


Another symbol at the meeting is salt. The salt shaker is prepared in advance. Let it be either transparent and elegant, or primordially Russian, wooden, with patterns.

Direct meeting of the young with "bread and salt"

According to tradition, during the meeting of the newlyweds, the mother-in-law is responsible for the loaf. As a faithful keeper of the hearth, she must convey her warmth, tenderness and experience to future spouses. If suddenly the groom's mother cannot carry out such a ritual, then another wise woman, a relative of the groom, should hold the bread.

And for those who do not plan such a meeting at home, the ritual is carried out right at the place of the meal with the help of a toastmaster, which can also be improvised in case of confusion.

For example, when meeting with a loaf, the groom’s mother can say the following words: “Our beloved children! We are so glad that you found each other and sealed your love in marriage. Love, respect and trust each other! Let your house be a full bowl, and all bad things bypass!”

It is important! The mother of the groom needs to delve into the details. Bread is located on a towel, while there is no stand or plate. And on top of the loaf - a salt shaker.

Father-in-law and mother-in-law are responsible for the loaf, and mother-in-law and father-in-law are responsible for champagne. The newlyweds, in turn, bow to their parents three times in gratitude for everything they have done. Then, with the help of a piece, rolled in salt, they feed each other.

When biting off a piece of loaf, the groom's parents can also say a few words. So, for example, if young people bite the loaf, then parents can say:

* "Well, now let's see who will be the master in the house!" - whoever gets a larger piece is the future owner of the house.
If the newlyweds break the loaf, then here you can also say:
* “Young people, break the kalach, whose part is larger, he will dominate the family. And the equality of the pieces will symbolize peace and love.”

After the completion of the first part of the tradition, the mother-in-law usually blessed the children for a long life together. Ideally, if everything is said sincerely from the heart. Save long sentences for the feast everyone is waiting for. And then - the parting words of the father-in-law and mother-in-law. Today, wishes are also possible in poems written independently. And it would be logical to complete such a ritual by treating guests with a loaf.

Interesting and true

A wedding, rings, kisses, and now the bride and groom are moving into a new status, the status of spouses. Basically, after the painting, the young people go to take wedding pictures, and then they come to the restaurant, where they are met by their parents and guests. This is a special ritual that personifies the connection between generations and the transfer of family values. There are many variations of this ritual, everyone does it the way they see fit. Let's take a look in detail , how parents meet the newlyweds after the registry office .

Traditional meeting of young parents

These traditions go back to the depths of the nineteenth century. Since then, baking a bridal loaf has been firmly rooted for many years. The loaf was baked from wheat or rye flour, the top of the cake was decorated with images of doves. As you know, it is a symbol of love and fidelity. Another decoration was wheat spikelets - a symbol of wealth and fertility.

The girl's parents escorted the young from the house and gave parting words, and the father-in-law with a loaf met the newly-made husband and wife on the threshold of the house. The loaf of young people was blessed for a long and carefree life, and a new daughter was taken into the house. Until the end of the celebration, the loaf was on the table, after which it was divided among the guests. The guest who received a piece of the pie had to give something in return.

Modernized meeting of newlyweds by parents

The modern generation has slightly changed the traditions and diversified them. In each region of the country, the meeting of the bride and groom differs in some detail. But this does not mean at all that someone is doing it wrong. .

Here the newlyweds come from the registry office, the guests line up in the corridor. The young must be met at the door by the groom's parents. Guests shower the young with hops (represents an easy life), rice (a symbol of a large number of children), nuts (so that the marriage is strong), sweets (sweeten life), ringing coins (promise wealth). Rose petals and even confetti can also be used.

Further, the actions of the parents are aimed at blessing the new family. By the way, there are situations in life when parents cannot perform this ceremony, then its implementation is entrusted to an older person from the family or godparents.

So , the mother-in-law holds a tray with a loaf on a towel and glasses of champagne. The father-in-law blesses the newlyweds with icons and says parting words to the young family. Which icon to bless the couple, the parents themselves choose. It can be the Mother of God, Nicholas the Wonderworker, the patron saint of the groom or the icon of the family.

Almost no one embroiders towels now, so you can buy ready-made ones in any wedding salon. The bride and groom bow to the floor to their parents, thank and break off or bite off pieces of the pie. Whose chunk is larger is the head of the family.

Wedding signs and rituals

After that , the young ones dip the pieces in salt and let each other eat. It is generally accepted that in this way they can "annoy" each other for the last time. Some couples deviate from this tradition and use sugar, honey or melted chocolate instead of salt. It promises a sweet life.

One way or another, after that, the newlyweds take glasses of champagne. You can cross the glasses if you are afraid of the evil eye. It is necessary to drink to the last drop. Then the young spouses throw them over their heads. So glasses bitterly beat for happiness. Another additional tradition is breaking the plate. And in that, and in this case, the number and gender of children are determined by the fragments. Large pieces - a boy, small pieces - a girl.

According to one tradition, the hands of young people are tied with a towel, as if fastening them together. According to another, the husband carries his wife in his arms through the lock, after which it is closed, and the key is thrown out the window. This symbolizes the end of the groom's bachelor life. Some couples symbolically say goodbye to single life by releasing balloons. The bride's maiden name is written on the balloon, and the groom's - freedom.

After carrying out these rituals, the young people enter the hall, pass under a horseshoe for good luck. This is one of the various details of the meeting of the young. None of the guests should sit at the table before the young people sit down and invite guests. As a rule, first the guests give gifts to the young, and then proceed to the celebration.

The stages of these rituals may be different. For example, tying hands with a towel and stepping on a towel takes place even in the registry office. If there are a lot of guests, baking "bumps" is practiced. These are such small buns that are handed out to guests instead of a loaf. Some newlyweds break glasses at the end of the celebration or even leave them as a keepsake. By the way, it would be nice to film all the rituals on video , to have something to remember.

As you can see, there are many variations. Many of them may differ in small details or be radically different, depending on the region. Be that as it may, the main thing is the sincere love of the newlyweds, wishes and blessings uttered by guests and parents from the bottom of their hearts. After all, whatever one may say, no bad omens can destroy love.

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Young dads, who have been waiting for the birth of the most precious lump in the world for so long, endured their mother's whims, demands and fulfilled all the most expensive and ridiculous desires on that very cherished day, are very nervous. They walk in circles around the maternity hospital, or (the bravest ones!) Risk taking part in the appearance of a son or daughter into the world. When, finally, they are told the good news, they are allowed to hold the precious child in their hands, they are completely lost. And it is unfortunate that many, considering at this very moment their mission as a “young dad” completed, go to “relieve stress” in the nearest bar or restaurant, celebrating with friends the entry into the proud status of “father”. And the mother, who at the moment needs maximum support, care, affection and love, is left alone with her child and fatigue. Our article is not for such! It is precisely at this moment that we rightfully want to say “freeze frame!”. The scenario of an ideal family, which was written on a sheet of mutual love with a pen of care and attention for many years, cannot be just taken and overshadowed by banal indifference and booze! Dear dads! Right now, from the first second of the existence of your blood on this planet, your copy and reflection, it's time to start preparing for the holiday!


1.Flower extravaganza

There are cases in history when happy fathers, on the day of discharge, gave their loved ones exactly as many roses as the days passed in anticipation of a blessed miracle. Having carried out not at all complicated mathematical calculations, (9 months * 30 days) we will end up with a flower extravaganza of 270 gorgeous flowers thrown at the feet of our beloved. Not so much on a global scale, but so full for happiness!

You can continue the theme of the flower extravaganza at home. For example, strewn the apartment with the most diverse and unique flowers. Let your beloved young mother answer each flower with a smile, and you give her kisses for this! In such an inspired mood, an unforgettable holiday will turn out for an already real and complete happy little family!

By the way, do not forget to take a picture of the baby against the background of these flowers! As they say, for the annals of family history!

2. Salute from balloons

Perhaps the simplest (and at the same time, very original and bright) thing to do for a colorful discharge from the hospital is to order several hundred different balloons to release them all together, a happy family, at random!

You can complicate and diversify this idea a little by adding to the ceremony a mysterious balloon with flowers for your beloved, which, early in the morning, on a holiday, will quietly fall on the windowsill of her room.

Or, you can order a whole dozen balloons, with symbolic inscriptions about what dad experienced at the most solemn moment. Let there be: "joy", "smile", "happiness", "delight" and other positive words.

And, of course, do not forget to decorate your home and, of course, the nursery with thematic compositions from balloons!

3. Show of puppets

Why not beckon your precious child into the big world of life through a fairy tale? A big, bright enchanting show featuring life-size puppets of your favorite Disney characters? Invite the artists, let them congratulate the young mother and your heir on the first week in their lives and talk about how happy their dad is, how happy he is about this long-awaited event! And at the same time, you will please other mothers who are just waiting in the wings and the solemn discharge ceremony in the dungeons of the maternity hospital! Just think how many people on this day you will give a drop of real, childish joy!

And you can finish the holiday late in the evening, at home, giving an unforgettable, real fireworks from Mickey Mouse, directly for your precious family!

4. Fairy tale from Mary Poppins

Continuing the fabulous theme for the solemn moment of the return of a young mother home, we will offer one more idea. Do you remember this well-mannered and magical lady who smiled so charmingly while flying in a hot air balloon? In her presence, the children were happy! She knew how to do miracles out of the blue, and made me believe that you can be happy today! This day, this hour, this moment!

Invite Mrs. Poppins to your party! And let her at the same time take her little jazz orchestra, with which, in a duet with a young dad and for a young mother, she will sing “Wind of Change”.

5.Circus! Circus! Circus!

If mom and dad can’t imagine their lives without a circus (maybe even the circus performers themselves or just met at a circus performance), you can take this topic as the main one to create a wonderful holiday on the day of discharge from the hospital!

Let real acrobats and tricksters circle the square, play real circus music, make people laugh (and there will be a lot of them, believe me!) clowns and mimes. By the way, relatives can also be involved in organizing such a circus show!

Let them show what they can! Maybe someone can juggle apples, someone can hold a plate with a reed on their nose, and someone can just make faces! It doesn't matter! The main thing is to create a thoroughly positive atmosphere around the mother and baby, so that this family - invariably and all their lives - is accompanied by ringing, sparkling, absolute laughter.

It is customary to celebrate a birthday by eating cake and all kinds of sweets! Only now, for some reason, it is customary for us to do this, starting from the first year of life. But how unfair it really is! After all, the first, REAL birthday took place today! Why not destroy the absurdity and restore justice? Treat everyone who will pass by the maternity hospital on the day of your discharge with ice cream and cookies! May they rejoice with you at the long-awaited wonderful gift that your little family has received today!

Usually, doves are released as a symbol of peace, goodness and future happiness of a young family on their wedding day. But an extract from the hospital is also a good reason to tell the world, through a parade of birds, that another little man has been born! Let everyone (relatives and friends) who come on this day to meet a young mother with a precious bundle in their hands release one dove into the sky! Let, giving freedom to the feathered one, they will ask him in return to bring a sprig of happiness, health and love for the baby and the family, which still has many trials to go through!

Have you noticed that in our list of ideas there is no papa's peacock dance under the maternity hospital, which has already become the norm and routine? And you also probably noticed that we didn’t say a word about the fact that it is necessary to take a young mother and baby home from the hospital without fail on the characteristic floor of a child of color, a limousine? In fact, it doesn’t matter at all what and where you will ride, walk or even swim! The most important thing is to do everything on this day with love, inspiration, sincerity! So that the woman who gave birth to your child be proud of you! I was proud that they and the baby have such an interesting, caring, loving and cheerful dad! And that together you deserve to be called a beautiful word - FAMILY!

How to meet a wife from the maternity hospital beautifully, every self-respecting man asks such a question . 9 months for a girl is an unusual period of time. He is beautiful in the expectation of a new family member who will forever penetrate the heart and soul of the expectant mother.

Sometimes a girl gets into stress and anxiety so that everything goes as it should, without complications and consequences. The main thing is that at this moment the second half, a loving husband, a young man should be there, support her and cheer her up.

In the last stages of pregnancy, the body of the expectant mother is already preparing for childbirth, the girl gets tired quickly, energy decreases, and at the time of childbirth, a lot of it is spent. And now - the appearance of the long-awaited baby and the happiest day in the life of young parents. All preparations for discharge fall on the shoulders of the newly-made dad, and sometimes holiday agencies can come to his aid.

How to meet a wife from the hospital beautifully: tips for young dads

To clean up. First of all, after the girl was taken to give birth in the maternity hospital, the man must clean the apartment and prepare it for the arrival of the child. Must be sterile clean and fresh. Washed floors, clean, dust-free surfaces, vacuumed sofas. And of course, all the necessary equipment for the baby is a crib, a changing table and a couple of cabinets. Most likely, the future or already newly-made mother prepared all the clothes and ironed them.

Decorate the apartment. How to meet a wife from the hospital beautifully? Of course, decorate the apartment with balloons and create an atmosphere of joy and celebration with an evening dinner. The larger the ball, the better - let them be everywhere and multi-colored to play the mood. According to the standard, blue balloons are ordered for boys, and pink ones for girls, but colors can always be varied. The texts on the wall of small balls will look beautiful, for example, “Darling, thank you for your son (daughter)”. Girls are very sensitive to this and such a trifle will definitely please them.

Flowers. In the apartment for the arrival of the wife, there must be fresh and beautiful flowers, and they must also be taken to the maternity hospital to meet the wife. Any girl will be happy with the bouquet presented to her, especially on such a happy occasion. Roses, lilies, chrysanthemums and gladioli are a win-win option in such a situation.

Machine preparation

You can rent a car or use your own if available. The car is decorated with balloons, garlands and birth stickers. You can brag and place photos on the glasses, for example, from a wedding.

Video shooting and photo project

Each of the girls loves to be photographed and work on camera. How can one not capture the exciting moment of the discharge of a loved one from the maternity hospital, especially since it will remain not only in memory, but also on film all his life, and when the baby grows up, he will also be able to see his first days in this life.

Alternatively, you can shoot yourself and later edit a video clip, starting from the moment your wife leaves for the maternity hospital, home preparation and discharge from the maternity hospital. After all, sometimes the services of professionals are very expensive, but it's really worth it to spend money. Tears well up after watching these videos. Now many maternity hospitals have already provided for the function and practice their videographers, and at the output they give out ready-made, edited material for a small amount.

An unplanned gift for a child

There are a lot of expenses during pregnancy, but it is very important to please the wife and make it clear that the husband is ready for fatherly functions. Any little thing donated from a pure heart will cheer up the girls and make it clear that dad will help raise the baby and is ready to rebuild his life.

We hope that at home everything is already prepared for the meeting with the newborn’s maternity hospital: the crib is in the right place, the floors are washed, the dust is wiped off, the children’s furniture is put in its place, the refrigerator is full of products that are useful for the nursing mother, and the newly-made dad has not forgotten what to take for discharge from the maternity hospital for mother and baby. In this matter, it is better to do without amateur performance and scrupulously fulfill all the wishes of the wife.

But then it all depends on the fantasy of the newly-made dad and his material capabilities. Ideas for a meeting from the hospital can be gleaned from the Internet, from the experience of friends, colleagues and relatives, and, of course, from your own ideas about how to make a meeting of your wife from the hospital bright and memorable.

1. The most, perhaps, the budget option for a meeting from the hospital- flowers for mom, sweets and an envelope with money for the “ransom” of the newborn for the staff of the maternity hospital and the solemn entrance of the Madonna and Child to the applause of friends and relatives. This is accompanied by friendly hugs, kisses and a few souvenir photos taken by friends or relatives, and a trip by car to the house.

2. Quite often, a meeting from the hospital also involves decorating with balloons. You can order almost a hundred multi-colored balloons and release them into the sky at the moment of the solemn appearance of happy parents with a baby on the porch of the maternity hospital. Having shown a minimum of imagination, you can arrange it so that early in the morning on the day of discharge from the hospital, a balloon with flowers for your beloved descends on the window sill of the ward. The main thing here is not to make a mistake with the window sill, but you won’t have to look for performers for a long time - to make sure of this, just look on the Internet.

The third option for a "balloon" design is to order a dozen balloons with symbolic inscriptions - such as "smile", "joy", "happiness", "delight" and other positive words. And why not launch balloons into the sky, on which the name of the newborn is written?

You can also decorate the porch of the maternity hospital, the entrance of the house or even its yard with balls. Let the young mother pass under the arch of balloons, and at the entrance of the house she will be met by funny figures made of balloons. It is not forbidden to lay out the initials and date of birth of your long-awaited baby from the balloons. Let the neighbors rejoice with you and congratulate the happy family from the bottom of their hearts. The solemnity of the moment will also be felt by everyone around5 fountains and bouquets of balloons. In the entrance along the railing, if the house is without an elevator, up to 2-3 floors, balloons filled with helium are often also tied. Then these balloons can be brought into the apartment so that they “hang” cheerfully under the ceiling, or distributed to guests: let them write wishes on them or tie notes with good wishes to the balloons and launch the balloons from the balcony.

3. Flower show. The idea is tempting, but do not get carried away: pick flowers with a neutral smell. You don’t know how the baby will react to the strong, albeit magical, aroma, and even the wife after childbirth may have an aversion to some smells. "Safe" flowers selected? Then keep in mind that some happy fathers order a huge bouquet for a meeting from the maternity hospital and give their loved ones as many flowers as the days have passed in anticipation of a joyful event. You don't have to be a great mathematician to count: there must be 270 colors! If you are sure that your beloved will hold such a bouquet, give it without a shadow of a doubt!

The theme of the flower extravaganza can be continued at home. Sprinkle the floor of the apartment with petals, if not roses, then other equally beautiful flowers. You can sprinkle it with flowers. The bath that the wife will take after returning from the hospital can also be strewn with flower petals.

4. Among the ideas of the meeting with the maternity hospital, there was also a show with the participation of life-size puppets, which could depict fairy tale characters. The artists will congratulate the young mother, and those around you and the staff of the maternity hospital will rejoice from the bottom of their hearts for you and your baby. By the way, you can order not only Mickey Mouse or Pinocchio, but also a stork with cabbage. Because it is storks, as you know, that bring children, and just in cabbage they find babies.

But since you're going to be celebrating to the fullest, let me make a few preliminary remarks. Be sure to discuss the approximate scenario with the performers and keep in mind that the show should not last as long as a full-fledged performance. A young mother wants to get home as soon as possible, take a bath, feed her baby. She, of course, will be pleased with the fuss around her and the baby, but she still has not so much strength after childbirth. So if the performance is going to be serious, take a folding chair with a back with you so that mom does not stand on her feet.

5. Down the street with an orchestra. A couple of musicians or a small jazz orchestra performing serenades in front of the porch of the maternity hospital in honor of a young mother or melodies from cartoons, children's songs - why not? There is a video on the Internet where a happy mother with a baby, appearing on the porch of the hospital, is greeted by slender young drummers. Solemn drumming, spectacular rebuilding - everything is as it should be. The video is silent about what the young dad cost such a show. But it clearly shows how many onlookers gathered to look at an unexpected holiday and how a young mother is having fun, (attention!) Sitting on a chair.

6. Jugglers, acrobats, circus music- a meeting from the hospital can be turned into a circus show. Relatives and friends can also participate. It is not so important what tricks they show, it is important that they dance, laugh and not stay away from the fun. At the same time, people around, doctors and nurses, and just passers-by will also have fun.

7. Especially generous characters can arrange a treat for everyone who happens to be nearby on this significant day. Ice cream, cookies, pies, candy confetti - fantasy is limited only by your desires and material capabilities.

8. Let everyone who comes to meet a young mother with a baby release white doves into the sky. Admiration and delight are guaranteed.

So, what will mother and baby go home on? Of course, not on the subway. Public transport is completely unsuitable for this. Decorate your car with colorful stickers, matching words and balloons. So one day in the yard of my house, early in the morning, I found a brutal black jeep, frivolously decorated with stickers in the form of hearts, pink balloons and a yard-long inscription: “I have a daughter!” This decor adorned the car for about a month, and all this time I was smiling from the top of my head, as soon as I saw this vehicle. And the neighbors in the parking lot shook hands with the newly-made dad and wanted everything and more. Nice!

To meet a mother with a baby, you can also order a limousine of the corresponding color. A quick question: if a boy and a girl were born at the same time, what color limousine should I choose? However, do not worry: in a company where you will order a limousine, and you have not seen something like that, get out.

By the way, on the day of the meeting from the maternity hospital, the wife and the child decorated our yard with huge foam letters - this is how we learned the name of the baby and his date of birth. I had a chance to see the wishes of health and happiness cut out of polystyrene foam. True, the designers claim that such a foam decor is more appropriate in the courtyard of a private house.

Among the "yard" decorations are also colorful panels with the corresponding words, posters, etc. Draw the sun and clouds, and in each cloud let those who meet you write a wish. Another option is to draw or glue a star, a flying carpet, etc., write in large the name of the hero of the occasion, and all the invitees leave their autographs on this work of home art.

1. Pompons - beautiful paper clouds can be hung above the crib at different heights. You can buy them in online stores of goods for celebrations and holidays.

2. Again, balls. You can launch helium under the ceiling, you can “settle” figures from balloons to the right and left of the crib, arrange a “ball” arch above the crib, etc.

3. Put the name of the baby on the wall in wooden letters. This is the most durable piece of jewelry. It can be on the wall for as long as you want.

Plan a holiday meal. And here again I would like to remind you that a many-hour feast is completely inappropriate. So, have a light snack, drink a glass of champagne for the health of mother and newborn, and forward to parental care. Did you understand? A festive blitz buffet with a menu that takes into account the interests of a nursing mother, that is, exclusively from tasty and healthy snacks with a minimum of alcohol. After it, dear guests, let them clean and wash the dishes, wash the floor if required, and ventilate the room. In a word, they will take care of the household chores, since young parents have more than enough worries on this day.

Gifts and souvenirs. The first is expected from the invited persons, the second - from the hosts of the celebration. It would be nice to give practical gifts. For example, a “cake” made of diapers or baby “bouquets” made of clothes for a newborn. They are good because you can not only admire them, but also use all the components strictly for their intended purpose. You can also give a stylized figurine, made again from diapers. Indeed, during the first year of life, this product will be very, very in demand.

As for souvenirs from the owners, this is, of course, a costly business. But you can give guests mugs, calendars, chocolates as a keepsake, on which there will be the name and date of birth of the hero of the occasion.

On this, the options for a solemn meeting with the maternity hospital are far from exhausted. The rest will be prompted by your imagination and sense of proportion. The main thing is not to forget in the bustle to capture the most exciting moments on video and take photos. Do you want to be original? Videotape the preparations for the celebration. You saw it, but the young mother didn’t, so she will have fun when she sees everyone blowing up balloons together, arguing about where it is better to put a crib and hang a panel, what flowers to buy, how all these accessories are bought, etc. .

And finally, a story about a very original meeting from the maternity hospital, seen on one of the Internet forums. “Balloons, kisses, photographs ... On the way home, we stopped at the store for a mixture, since I left the hospital with a completely empty chest. So there, at the store, an intelligent-scourge-looking grandfather passed by, in a top hat and a cane - a sort of copy of a bygone era. He sent me kisses. And when we almost drove up to the house, we were suddenly caught up by traffic cops in a car with flashing lights. Say, you're driving too slowly. Have you had a little drink, dear driver? But when they found out that a man under the age of 40 was carrying his newborn daughter, the first and only one that he ordered and waited for so long, they gave us ... a bottle of champagne.