How to be a good lover. How to be the perfect lover for a married man: rules and mistakes

X good mistresses are not born, they are made. And this means that almost every woman can turn herself from a gray, clamped mouse into a bright, temperamental lioness.

Compliance with just 10 basic rules will help you become a good lover for a man and the ultimate of his dreams.

Rules for a Good Lover

1. Love yourself

It is impossible to become a good lover when the same thoughts constantly pop up in your head: “Do I look good? Does he like being with me? I wonder if he thinks of anyone during our intimacy? It is very difficult to fall in love with a woman who does not really appreciate herself.

2. Love sex

Remember that sex is not a way to fulfill a man's whim. This is your mutual desire to have fun. A good lover always enjoys sex, and does not engage in it just for the pleasure of a man.

3. Love to experiment

It is unlikely that you will be able to surprise a modern man with sex under the covers in a missionary position. But a couple of inventive poses on a table or windowsill will surely surprise your partner and will excite him for a long time to come.

4. Be interested

We often hear the opinion that a woman should be slightly inaccessible and even a little cold for a man. However, this does not mean that she should hide her interest. A man loves to feel his importance and need, he will always reach out to the woman who needs him.

5. Pamper yourself

The ideal lover never saves on herself. She spends money on new, often unnecessary, cosmetics, clothes and jewelry with great pleasure. She spares no expense for emotions and pleasure. It is this lightness and some recklessness that allow her to attract worthy men into her life.

6. Give away for free

Men can't stand consumerism. “I trusted you, and you did this to me”, “I will become yours only after long courtship and expensive gifts.” Thinking in this way, you are unlikely to win the heart of a man. A good lover does not wait for a third date and luxurious bouquets of roses to give herself to a man. She does it when she wants it herself.

7. Pay attention to your appearance

A real lover will never lament about the fact that a man is such an insolent person - he stares at overdressed beauties. An ideal lover, looking at her rivals, draws conclusions and continues to work on herself. She knows perfectly well that the representatives of the stronger sex love to contemplate and does everything possible to please the eye of a man with her luxury.

8. Do not encroach on his freedom

The ideal lover will not put a man in front of a choice. She absolutely does not care how he spends his free and working time and when they meet again. She gives him complete freedom and the right to choose, but deep down she knows for sure that he will make a choice in her favor.

9. Understand a man

As it turned out, for most men, sex is just a release of tension and stress. Intimacy and mutual understanding are much more important to them than a banal sexual relationship. A real lover always treats men with understanding and respect.

10. Live your life

The ideal lover is not obsessed with the man she has chosen. She does not try to persuade him to marry and make him her favorite toy. She has enough of the communication that she receives from periodic meetings with a man. She has a fairly eventful life that does not allow her to devote herself entirely to one single and beloved.

Folk wisdom says that a woman should be a caring mother in the nursery, a friendly mistress in the kitchen and a passionate lover in the bedroom. And the first, and the second, and the third can be learned. But if we still agree to comprehend the basics of cooking or home economics, then we categorically refuse to study sexual science. "Women's Passions" offer to discard all stereotypes and try to become an ideal lover for your man.

"You are not a woman! You are an exception!

Everyone who has been seduced wants to seduce himself.
Marlene Dietrich

First you need to answer the question: “What is she, an ideal lover?” What is it that attracts her? And why do many men think that a bad lover is a hundred times better than a good wife?

1. So, the perfect lover knows exactly what her partner wants . She knows how best to caress him and what to say. Of course, this knowledge does not fall on her "from the sky", she achieves them through long conversations "about it."

The mistress radiates desire, therefore, becomes the object of sexual attention for persons of the opposite sex. She has sex not "for company", but with pleasure and joy. She is an uninhibited woman and boldly tries new positions and new places.

2. She is smart, charming and bold. Enough smart , after all, it was not for nothing that history brought the parable of Napoleon to us. Once he asked his adjutant to find him a lady for the night, always smart. "Forgive me, sir, but why does a woman have a lot of intelligence in bed?" - he was perplexed. "And who will I talk to in between?" replied Bonaparte.

Magnificent mistresses were Cleopatra and Josephine, Lilya Brik and the Marquise de Pompadour. You can read their biographies at your leisure and try to imagine yourself in the place of one of these great women.

3. Mistress allows a man to feel like a real macho, and he, in turn, gives her an incomparable sensation of a seductress. Therefore, such ties, as a rule, are durable - no one wants to break such a successful union.

4. A lover differs from his wife in that she considers a man a holiday - while for his wife he has long become commonplace. With a mistress, a man rediscovers himself: he becomes the most intelligent, sexy, passionate and generous.

Here is what Lilya Brik said about this: “It is necessary to inspire a man that he is wonderful or even brilliant, but that others do not understand this. And allow him what they do not allow him at home. For example, smoking or driving wherever you like. Good shoes and silk underwear will do the rest.” It was to her that men said: "You are not a woman, you are an exception."

Do you want to be the "exception" for your man? Tired of routine in sex? Then forward to the next chapter!

From the dance of trembling knees to self-confidence

You can save yourself from a tiger, from an earthquake or a typhoon,
but not from a woman who decided to take possession of you.
Jewish proverb

A lot has been written about the art of seduction, which a lover should be fluent in. In some, it is advised to dance a striptease, in others - to visit a sex shop, in others - to watch a porn movie. You can try all of these, but now we will focus on something else.

No matter how wonderful the idea, but striptease can turn into a dance of trembling knees, and watching pornography into a humiliating copying of poses (often, unbearably acrobatic). This must be avoided by all means. Your main assistant on the way to the ideal lover is self-love.

5. Need to love yourself unconditionally and wholeheartedly, once and for all. Try walking up to the mirror and telling the reflection, "I love you." Does not work? Ashamed? Nothing, it will pass. After a week or two of hard training, this phrase will seem easy, and you will feel like a geisha: a mysterious, inaccessible, "thing in itself."

6. Next step - love your body . Understand that the model parameters "90-60-90" are not an end in itself in life, and an ideal figure will not bring happiness in itself. You need to love your breasts, your thighs and your hair. Think: would you love your man if he was disgusted with his torso? I'm sure not. The attitude to the body needs to be learned from men - they are happy with what they have, and do not complex with or without reason.

7. Your eyes should glow , as if you are filled (and so it is!) with some kind of internal energy and strength. Those eyes are charming. Imagine that a light is burning inside you, and do not forget about it when you are shopping, walking, taking a shower. Remember that the ideal lover radiates desire - so you try to “radiate” something.

These three simple steps will give you confidence and looseness. After you have passed them, you can proceed directly to seduction.

Thank you for every night of love

Secrets of the perfect lover

When your husband has finished eating, don't let him go to bed before you.
You need to get settled there first in order to invite him.
He must understand that you are finally ready for him.
Leave only a small bandage on the hips, the most beautiful,
and always wear pearls at the waist - they are needed for seduction.
And then, when everything happens, you can ask him for the moon:
he will go looking for her for you!


8. The ideal lover is not only perfectly "savvy" in matters of sex, she also knows how to create a special atmosphere. In ancient treatises, attention was paid to everything: supper, incense or aromatic oils, environment, clothing.

These details play a very important role. To create an atmosphere means to create the mood of the whole evening . Try experimenting with lighting: a red lamp instead of the usual one can turn the evening into a volcano of passion.

Hang in the bedroom and spread on the floor and large beds erotic pictures (you can from your archive), and if there are none, then buy an erotic album. You can view the "before" or "during" photos. Either way, they'll do their part and fuel your passion.

Meet your man in a negligee, but with some erotic detail : it can be a long string of beads around the neck or a rose in the hair. Before that, warn him with a call or SMS about a surprise of a sexual nature. This is especially necessary if your man is a big conservative.

9. Surprise a man unusual dinner. If earlier you ate hastily and semi-finished products, now prepare full-fledged snacks and salads. Sparkling wine is welcome, but in reasonable quantities. Experiment with tequila - salt can be licked from anywhere. The main thing is not to overdo it with alcohol.

10. If everything goes as it should, then your man will “turn on” very quickly. Your task - stretch the pleasure for a long time. During sex, interrupt, rest, change positions. You can even talk, but not about household chores, and even more so not about world news, but about sensations and feelings. Finally, tell us where you need to be stroked, touched, pinched and what you enjoy.

11. After the peak, gently hug your one and tell him "thank you" for this night of love.

12. After such an “outbreak”, even old relationships flare up with renewed vigor. However the ideal lover does not stop there - she experiments with a man . Of course, you won’t be able to do this every night (and you don’t have to, it will quickly become commonplace), but from time to time you need to pamper yourself and your loved one!


Dating & Pickup

How to be the perfect lover

A huge number of men believe that the size of their dignity and endurance in bed are the main parameters of the ideal lover. However, much to my surprise, women themselves completely refute such a stereotype.

They call the ideal lover such a man who makes them tremble with desire at first sight, and all his actions are so good that the logical conclusion in bed, although necessary, is not at all the main thing. A woman begins to feel a man at first sight, from his every word or gesture. Therefore, only when a man learns to satisfy a woman without a bed, he can call himself an ideal lover.

Lover's attitude towards women

No matter how a woman behaves, no matter how many wrinkles on her face and problems in life, a man should still perceive this woman as a little girl who wants to play and show herself good and obedient. This means that she needs to be pampered, listened to and supported in her thoughts and conversations. But as soon as she starts to cross the line and be mean, you, as a loving father of this girl, put her in her place, but do it carefully and tactfully. Then the woman will give all the responsibility to you, and she herself will play with you, sometimes being mischievous and capricious.

This is all done so that with you this woman feels like a carefree child who can do any stupid things, and you will not mind. Naturally, she will develop confidence in you and a desire to gain your praise. Hence the desire to look better and do the right thing!

Lover's Responsibility

There are two kinds of lovers who meet with women: young and weak-willed boys, and responsible men. And if the former are henpecked, which powerful women twist, then the latter are much more difficult to tame, and therefore more desirable!

Therefore, you must understand that you are a responsible man who has his own affairs and copes with them perfectly, and you also have a woman whom you can help with some problems. But you don't run to her at the first call, but arrange everything so that your time for her will become something special. After all, if your time is scarce for a woman, then she will appreciate it, and most importantly, she will prepare for every meeting!

Manners of the Ideal Lover

Few women like men who are in a hurry and fuss, and they also do not like those who do everything casually. It is for this reason that you must act very clearly and not rush with a woman. Show that you have time for her, and you are ready to wait as long as it takes for her to reach readiness.

After all, when a woman is next to a desired man, the more cautious and gallant he behaves with her, the stronger and stronger she wants to teach this obedient boy bad.

Romance and love

In order for a woman to enjoy all the sweetness of sex, she must really love a man who will love her in bed. Therefore, your task should not be to win the girl as soon as possible for the sake of sex, but to win her heart so that she herself gives herself to you in passion.

Every action should be romantic and a little magical. And all this is achieved not with big gifts and some special places, but exclusively with your words and the atmosphere that you create.

Sex itself and the technique of love

Only when you can light a fire in the eyes of a woman, and her desire to have sex will overshadow all prejudices and fears, then you will need to start this action.

You are making love, not a trainer. If you focus solely on yourself and set yourself the goal of working out 5 minutes at a fast pace, then nothing good will come of it. You must love a woman and show her your affection, care and attention. You must hear and see her wishes. Only then will you be able to show your best side.

Yes, we will not argue that sometimes women really want to be well finished, and then repeat everything with a five-minute interval, but there are actually a minimum of such persons.

No doubts and embarrassments. Every girl in her heart wants to be a little bad, but often decent family men do not have enough imagination and temperament for this. Therefore, you need to not only love this girl, but also allow her to fulfill her fantasies and dreams. To do this, it is enough to offer her sex a couple of times in slightly unusual places, and if a modest-looking girl agrees, then she is much hotter and more passionate than you yourself thought!

No resentment and enmity in sex. Sometimes sex becomes not only a pleasant pastime, but also a tool in the hands of one of the lovers. But this should not be done. Whatever your mood, whatever the problems and conflicts in a couple, you should have sex as if it were the most desirable woman, even if you hate her out of bed. This is quite difficult, but still necessary.

Parameters and dimensions. In most cases, size doesn't matter! It is also not uncommon for large sizes to create more inconvenience for a woman than advantages. To put it simply and understandably: a woman gets hurt.

However, if you think that a woman may give a negative reaction to your size, then for reinsurance it is better to arrange a meeting in the dark, or under the dim light of a couple of scented candles. On the one hand, this will hide your size, on the other hand, it will turn the woman on even more. Double benefit!

after sex

If you were gallant, gentle and passionate before sex, then you should remain exactly the same after it. This will help you overcome doubts in a woman that you arranged this entire romantic evening solely for the sake of sex.

Therefore, after sex itself, you need to devote some time to heart-to-heart talks and hugs, and then do not rush to leave right away, or take the woman home in a taxi.

The ideal option would be another bottle of wine that would leave a pleasant aftertaste after the meeting and help the woman feel happy and needed!

Is it possible to make the beloved man dream only of you alone? How to quickly kindle a desire in him and - most importantly, not let him go out? You can master this art!

You so want to be the one and only for your man, to become an ideal lover and give him magical sensations. After all, it is so important that in bed you not only give each other pleasure, but also become more and more close and open. How to make your every night fabulous? This subtle art can be learned.

Sensuality in a woman awakens with time. And if you want, you can develop it. You will have to work on yourself, abandon the usual scenarios of behavior in bed. So what makes the perfect lover so special?

1. Enjoys sex. She makes love not at all out of a sense of duty and not in order to keep the "lustful male." She responds to every touch and is ready to give her partner bold caresses. Attraction cannot be faked: when a man feels that he causes a sincere desire in a girlfriend, this is the best compliment for him.

2. Loves himself. A real seductress knows her worth, understands how attractive she is. Perhaps a picky critic would find her proportions far from ideal. But such a woman knows how to emphasize her dignity and presents herself as a gift. She has no doubt: anyone will feel dizzy from the fact that she is around. And this confidence is transferred to others. Her partner does not have to listen to lamentations about

3. Take care of yourself. Agree, it is difficult to imagine a sex diva in a stretched terry dressing gown and torn slippers. Certainly. What makes a woman desirable is not intricate lace underwear or stilettos. Just remember that the natural smell of clean skin, the fresh scent of hair has a magnetic effect on men.

4. Knows what he wants. Unlike many young ladies, in bed, the ideal lover does not at all try to reproduce exciting scenes from romance novels or “downhole” moments of porn films. Everything is much simpler: she directly asks the man what caresses he dreams of. And in the process, she sensitively reacts to every groan of the partner, the movements of his body, the rhythm of breathing - that's why the result is so impressive.

5. Intriguing. People quickly get used to each other, and the intensity of passions inevitably falls, even if nature has endowed you with a stormy temperament. Therefore, it is so important to be able to awaken the imagination of a companion, to tease him. Imagine: today you are a liberated hetaira, and tomorrow you are a laughing graduate of the Institute of Noble Maidens. Next to such a girlfriend, a man will also have to change his role, trying on different images. The game will definitely bring variety to the relationship.

7. Constantly improving. She is interested in the sexual side of relationships, tries to keep abreast of new trends, reads high-quality literature on this topic. Have you ever heard of special exercises for developing and strengthening intimate muscles? Try to master such gymnastics - and you will experience a completely different range of sensations during sex.

8. Knows how to keep up the conversation. It just seems that in bed the ability to think is completely useless, it does not require a head, but completely different organs. A few minutes following the bright finale can bring a couple closer or, conversely, push lovers away from each other. If immediately after an orgasm you suddenly tell a relaxed man: “You know, my previous one was more inventive than you,” you are unlikely to leave pleasant memories of yourself. A luxurious woman is distinguished by the ability to be silent when necessary, and, conversely, at the right time, defuse the atmosphere with a joke.

9. Respects his freedom. A self-confident diva is unlikely to bombard her lover with sentimental SMS and flood his mailbox with tender postcards. No need to make big plans right after the first night: a real man will not give in to pressure and will not want to become a victim of manipulation.

10. Admire a man. Next to the ideal mistress, he feels like a real hero. Emphasize how good you are in the company of your partner! Let him feel like a champion in bed and not only. Who would voluntarily refuse such a sensitive and understanding girlfriend?

Try to get rid of complexes. tightness, forget about the sexual stereotypes that you were inspired from your very youth. Each couple develops their own rules of behavior in bed, determines the measures of decency. decides what is permissible in sex and what is strictly forbidden. And this can only be achieved through experience. So fantasize, experiment! Listen carefully to your body, follow its reactions - it will not deceive you. And, of course, be sincere with your partner, only under this condition can you truly understand and feel each other.