How to cheer up a person from a distance. To cheer up a man - write him a pleasant SMS. How to cheer up a man with a message

The reason for studying the basics of psychology on the Internet was for me a siren that was desperately buzzing: over the horizon of a cloudless family life a storm cloud is gathering. And this black cloud, which created a stuffy atmosphere in my cozy house, was the gloomy and depressing mood of my faithful man. At first, I did not attach much importance to the gloomy mood of my precious husband, and I kept expecting that the bad weather would end and the usual playful Sun rays.
However, the bad weather did not at all intend to leave my family hearth, now and then, threatening with a hurricane negative emotions, frankly poured out from the lips of a decent man to this day. Then it was replaced by a persistent oppressive calm, not bringing a smile, joy, or fun to the shore. And this mental bad weather in my beloved man simply forced me to look for ways to cheer up the guy and not let him become a victim of black blues. I will share my discoveries and findings that helped me without special trouble improve the mood of a beloved husband.

Learning the Secrets of Wise Wives
In order for the process of returning a cordial friend to the ranks of optimists and life-lovers to go without a hitch, and not to be drawn after the man into the vortex of sadness, several elementary rules How to make your husband feel better.

Rule 1
We remember that even if the most dear and beloved person is languishing, then such suffering is only his whirlwinds of the spiritual world, and not our personal experiences. It is important and useful to sympathize and empathize, but this must be done at a distance, and to perceive the hardships of a husband as own feelings- Harmful and prohibited. We need to strictly keep our distance, not allowing negative feelings another person to unceremoniously invade our heavenly corner of the soul.

Rule 2. We forbid ourselves to follow the emotions of the sufferer
As a rule, a guy who is in a bad mood is covered from time to time by a tsunami of irritation, discontent, and aggression. Such intensity of passions, breaking through to the outside, splashes out on loved ones, spoiling the mood. We do not allow ourselves to dance to the tune of a man's desperate calls to enter into conflict. We do not enter into a skirmish, we do not arrange a debriefing, we do not try to sort things out, and, God forbid: we do not resort to verbal insults and humiliation.
When the betrothed is overcome by demons, we imagine that we are in the theater as a spectator and watch the show being shown from the side. It has been proven in practice: when an angry person does not meet a similar response, the interest to continue showing the negative quickly disappears. Of course, this advice does not apply to situations where the enraged demon in your spouse starts throwing his fists, in this case, the best way out is to quickly leave the battlefield.

Rule 3
Anyone to imagine the stronger sex is a freedom-loving and independent nature who cannot stand being told how to be and what to do. A man in a bad mood is no exception. You should not harass him with frank questions, harassment and recommendations on how to improve your mood. Any actions must be implemented very unobtrusively and wisely, so that the beloved husband thinks that it was his cherished desire and personal decision.

Rule 4 radically change everything in the world
Novelty, exotic, freshness and surprises - of course, useful thing, but here it is important to strictly know the measure and understand the permissible limits of experiments aimed at raising your spirits. Even if we want to greatly surprise our beloved spouse with something unusual and prepare an original surprise, we must be convinced that such a piano in the bushes will be to the liking of the missus. That is, a homebody, philatelist and numismatist with an attractive beer belly is unlikely to improve the mood by the idea of ​​conquering a mountain peak or diving into the abyss with scuba gear.

Rule 5. We act consistently
In order for the program for the emotional awakening of a man to be successful, and we could cheer up, it is necessary to develop a clear algorithm of actions, step strictly in accordance with the points of the plan and gradually implement our brilliant discoveries. That is, a one-time offer to the spouse is sure to take a bike ride today, soar the bones in the bathhouse, drive the ball in the stadium, visit the butterfly exhibition and end the day in the theater watching a four-hour ballet, except for shock and even more irritation will bring nothing. After all, he doesn’t want to do anything at all, and here you load him with such a volume of actions! Therefore, we start small and step consistently to cheer up.

Seven points of the cheat sheet, how to improve, without straining, the mood of your husband
Action 1. No matter how gloomy the face of a life partner, our beautiful face should always sparkle with eyes, sparkle with a dazzling sincere smile. Our whole appearance should embody the calm, wise beauty of the Mona Lisa. So that the second half wants to unravel the secret of Mono Lisa's smile, feel peaceful, comfortable and cozy near us.
Action 2. The next step in the program, how to cheer up a beloved husband, follows from the previous act. A man's own home is his fortress, where he wants to feel at ease, securely protected, and where nothing annoys him. Making a home a cozy and lovely corner of paradise is within the power of any hostess, if desired, and this does not necessarily require financial injections. The main rule: the house should breathe freely, that is, your apartment should not resemble a garbage dump.
Conducting general cleaning, do not forget: we are not allowed to invade the personal space of the husband. And even if we are annoyed by the mountain of not the first freshness of socks, leave your spouse’s things alone. Checked on personal experience: when he himself is lost in the mess he created, he will quickly sort the entire wardrobe and get rid of the trash.
And, God forbid, do not strain your spouse that taking out the trash can is the true purpose of a man's life. That is, simply do not make an elephant out of a fly, exhausting a guy domestic problems, but put things in order personally and with pleasure. Believe me, maintaining cleanliness is not at all difficult. And cute tiny details will help to decorate the interior: beaded trees, cross-stitched muzzles of animals, bouquets of dried flowers. Such cute decorations in the house will surely help cheer up an invaluable partner.
Action 3. Since all the processes of our brain, including mood, are inherently biochemical processes, we boldly review the diet of a man and serve foods that are useful for good spirits. We can find on the Internet a list of products that contain “pleasure” hormones - serotonin, dopamine, endorphin, and create culinary masterpieces from such ingredients. At the same time, do not forget that a beautifully decorated dish served on an attractively set table, on which the attributes flaunt can improve your mood. romantic evening- candles. And if being a chef is not our hypostasis, you can order food on the Internet, while not forgetting to send an SMS to your husband with an invitation to dinner.
Action 4. What washes away dirt from the body? Of course, water. But this substance is able to have a beneficial effect on emotional condition. Of course, we are unlikely to be able to force a melancholy man to swim a couple of kilometers with a breaststroke, but he certainly will not refuse a massage with a birch broom in a melted bathhouse. Going to the steam room will not only help cheer up a dull man, but also give a huge boost of vivacity.
Action 5. We all come from childhood, and the beloved man is no exception, a mischievous little boy lives in his soul, who prefers to play and indulge. How to unearth a tomboy and a prankster in a respectable gentleman? Just invite him to play pranks by presenting his favorite toys. Here, the main thing is not to miscalculate with the option for entertainment. But we know exactly the preferences of the second half!
Most of the males in good sense words, born hunters and will be happy to receive air or paintball equipment. For other males, fun in the form of airplane designers or ship models can cheer you up. Still others will be happy when they get access to a powerful gaming laptop with a wife carefully loaded with a cool shooter. The fourth will jump with delight and forget about Bad mood seeing fishing tackle. And the fifth will choke with admiration if they are given the opportunity to show off in front of their friends with a new leather ball. All such fun will certainly help improve your mood.
Action 6. The logical continuation of the previous step will be the presentation of toys “for adults” to the spouse, that is, a clear hint that it is high time to add a twist to intimate life. This means that let the man you love make it happen. cherished desires and in bed to improve mood. Of course, this does not mean that we with my own hands bring a pretty young girl into bed, though?
We can appear before our husband in a new mysterious guise, play a small erotic performance or win his heart with movements. oriental dances combined with free striptease. We can choose an unusual place for intimate meetings, inviting our husband by SMS to a pre-rented country house or indulging in passion on the table of his working cabin at lunchtime. Or borrow a nurse's uniform from a friend and appear in such an outfit with the goal of: improving the mood of your spouse.
Action 7. Every person needs to communicate with their own kind. Especially pleasant and can cheer up meeting people whom you have not seen for ages. It doesn't cost us anything to surf the Internet and dig up the contact details of my husband's school friends and arrange a meeting with them via SMS. Moreover, we must choose places that are conducive to relaxation and friendly contacts. For men, such areas that help improve mood: hanging out at stadiums or in pubs, going “fishing”. Of course, we will have to step on our throats, drooling around, when he gets high, drinking beer, and we are languishing alone. But in order to cheer up a precious husband, you can endure a couple of times.

Improving the result
So, we managed to pull a man out of a deep hole of depression and cheer him up, now our task is to consolidate success. For this we:

  • Leave your husband alone from time to time.
  • We do not touch him when he is not located for communication.
  • We do not stop making small gifts to our invaluable spouse and arrange surprises.
  • We do not forget to constantly remind him how much we adore him, and we cannot live without him.
  • We regularly send him SMS with a declaration of love.
  • We write letters to him and send them over the Internet with praises about how brilliant and perfect he is.
  • We send him funny emoticons in SMS that can cheer him up.
  • We put tiny presents under the pillow.
  • We systematically kiss him on the cheek and hug him.
  • We do it in the evenings Erotic massage to give to husband good mood.
  • We are sincerely interested in his affairs, only without tediousness.
  • We discuss and giggle at his childhood adventures.
  • We arrange walks before going to bed, and on weekends we organize entertainment program.
  • We bring him burning coffee and icy orange juice in bed.
  • We always use appropriate humor and try to joke about the topic in order to improve our mood.
  • If the husband dreams of having a pet, we present him with a dog.
  • We attach it to digging the earth on a personal plot.
  • Buy him a gym membership.
  • On vacation we visit exotic countries.

  • Final recommendation
    And one more piece of advice on how to cheer up a man who was unearthed by a psychologically savvy author on the Internet: from time to time you need to ignore a man. I don’t know how such a move works for others: my faithful husband, who has been carefully nurtured for twenty years, is even more clouded and discouraged by my demonstration of the tail.
    My method to improve my husband’s mood is to always be positive and act sincerely, adequately respond to your spouse’s difficulties, don’t interfere in your own business, don’t change his character and don’t interfere with life, and while this technique always works flawlessly.

    Show him your love and support with messages.

    If a person is really close, you will not be able to calmly look at him. sad face or through messages to realize that something in it life goes not this way. Sometimes there is no opportunity to meet in person. In such a situation, girls ask themselves the question: how to cheer up a pen pal?

    Declaration of love

    If your relationship has reached the stage when the situation with an awkward confession of feelings is left behind, write in a gentle SMS how you love the guy. Whatever the problem is, he will always be pleased to know that in any situation you will support him.

    He is the best

    Every man needs to feel the strongest, smartest, handsome and other nice adjectives. If a guy fails at something, whether it's failing an exam, getting fired from a job, or having a bad job interview, he needs you more than ever. Write that this is only a temporary difficulty. That you have been around for a long time and I am sure that he is smart and will definitely fix the situation. But don't confuse flattery with encouragement. Empty but big words won't bring desired result and will only make it worse. Remember: in case of failure, a man must believe in himself again, and for this he needs you to believe in him.


    Laughter is the cure for all problems. A dose of humor can dull the pain for a while and drive away bad thoughts. But you don’t need to go to extremes and send the guy all the jokes about Vovochka that you find on the Internet. funny words should be on topic. You can send him a link to the article. Even if a man does not roll on the floor with laughter, a smile will surely slip on his face.

    In addition to messages, you can send a guy funny video. To do this, it is important to know the preferences young man and be sure that he will like the video.

    "Your Phrases"

    In correspondence, it will not be superfluous to use funny phrase that only you understand. Recall a comical incident that happened recently. The main thing is that this should not be a situation in which the young man appears not in best light- it will only inflame the situation.

    Sometimes a man needs to talk about his problems. It is difficult to keep all experiences in an inner box, firmly closed with a padlock. Try to unobtrusively ask if he wants to discuss the situation. If the answer is categorical, do not continue to develop the topic. This is not a girlfriend who says "no", but implies "yes" and waits for you to start asking for information yourself. If it's clear from the messages that the guy doesn't mind talking about the topic, let him talk. Even if you cannot help with advice or action, he will still feel better.

    Remember that the main thing is his problem. Forget about your own experiences and failures for the day. It is important for a man to understand that he is not only heard, but also listened to. So say as little as possible about yourself.

    If possible, use emoticons - they are designed to make the correspondence “alive”. Choose those emoticons that match your emotions at the moment. They will look cute and convey the right feelings.

    You can send the guy a "heart" - it will definitely cheer him up.

    If the guy doesn't want to talk—or has already done so—try changing the subject. Talking about other things will distract him from his problems for a while. You can start a topic about his hobby and ask questions to which you do not know the answers. Does your boyfriend know about cars? Write what you saw nice car and want to know its brand. Describe the car and go through everything together with the guy possible options. young man playing computer games? Report that you downloaded / bought the game, but you can’t figure it out. The man will go towards, and at the same time distracted from sad thoughts.

    The ability to cheer up others is highly valued in communication. If a girl knows how to quickly cheer up a guy, then she will always be successful with the opposite sex.

    It is easy to understand that a person is not in a good mood. Usually this is laconicism, a clear unwillingness to answer questions, and even frank complaints about a bad mood. When you feel that someone needs your support, it's not a bad idea to try to raise the degree of joy a little. To learn how to cheer up a guy, read on.

    How to cheer up your boyfriend

    What could be better than confidence that your problems and your mood are not indifferent to your beloved? Young people may seem very independent, but what really makes them happy is the fact that someone close is around and makes life more fun. That's why real friend must know how to make her boyfriend feel good.

    What can be done if a young man is gloomy and tense? Try one of the proven methods:

    • give a sincere smile;
    • listen carefully;
    • take him for a walk in a secluded place;
    • if you are driving, take it for a drive around the city;
    • feed with fried potatoes;
    • order a large pizza or sushi at home;
    • watch an action movie together;
    • go to night club and dance with him;
    • make love.

    Men are used to solving problems with action, so don't let a guy's bad mood chain his body to the couch. He will only be grateful to you if you help him get involved in some simple activity to distract himself.

    How to cheer up a guy on the phone

    If you are in this moment communicate on the phone, do not postpone the problem indefinitely. Naturally, you can say “come to me, I will entertain you”, but this is not always possible. The best option, is to listen to what the guy is upset about, and then transfer the conversation to another topic.

    Try not to spread the problem, but downplay it, perhaps by frankly saying that there is nothing wrong with it in your opinion, and continue to communicate with questions on a topic that is always interesting to him. For example, who will be the next match of his favorite football team and what are her chances to reach the final this year. Or ask if he's thinking about a new blockbuster starring his favorite actor. Your goal is to switch attention and remind the young person that there are many reasons not to be sad.

    SMS and MMS too great helper, because in it you can send a funny joke, a funny picture. To cheer up a guy via SMS, just insert a lot of animated emoticons into him that perform funny actions - hit the wall, shake their fists, roll with laughter.

    Pick up some nice words, name the guy affectionate nicknames, remind you how you miss him and how you would hug him at that moment if he were around.

    To do this, of course, you need to know at least a few jokes that are guaranteed not to offend, he will like it and will not look like black humor. IN free time be sure to choose and remember what you would like to say to your boyfriend, and when he needs encouragement, just use the blank.

    How to cheer up a guy on the Internet

    More more interesting task becomes when you communicate online. There are many ways to cheer up a guy by correspondence, the main thing is to be tactful and attentive, then you will succeed!

    Chat or e-mail there is an opportunity to express your emotions with emoticons, as we described above. Young people are always good at jokes and ironic mood. Just try to make the boyfriend understand that you are not serious about his gloomy mood, and not about him at all. Joke about the blues, not the person who falls into this blues!

    Send a guy funny picture, of which there are so many on the Internet, the song of his favorite band or the movie trailer of the movie that he is waiting for.

    It's a great idea to send a photo of you two, but he doesn't have one. Surprise plus positive emotions - what you need to raise your spirits. You can also take a selfie on a mobile camera and send him your photo in some funny way - anyone will like this method! The same options are suitable if you are thinking about how to cheer up your boyfriend on VK or on any other website. social network.

    A beloved guy, like any living person, cannot always have a good mood. He is prone to depression and stress. Of course, you don't want to leave it like this. Obviously, the question arises - how to cheer up a guy? There are several ways to please a loved one when you are near him or away from him.

    What to write a nice guy? 5 ways

    Due to a heavy work schedule, two people in love are forced to communicate by correspondence on a social network. And in this case there are 5 right ways that will help cheer up a young man:

    1. Try to make him laugh. Can't you do it yourself? The Internet will help you! Find a joke that you like in the vastness of the World Wide Web and send it to his wall;
    2. If your young man is a romantic, then send him a private message of your joint photo. Be sure to write how you love him and are happy that he appeared in your life. Wait for his answer, then remember together the best moments of your relationship. After a few minutes of such a dialogue, he will forget that he was recently in a bad mood;
    3. Do you know what your boyfriend likes to listen to or watch? Let this be your main "trump card" in an attempt to cheer him up. Send some compositions to his wall in VK or Fb favorite artist, movie with an idol or a selection of the best football goals;
    4. Arrange an erotic photo session at home. Send him the best shot in a private message. He will forget to think about his problems;
    5. Invite him for a walk and unwind, come up with an interesting program for him.

    If you feel that your young man is in a bad mood, then do not try to find out what happened to him. Better distract him and make him forget about the problems.

    How to cheer up by SMS?

    Not everyone has the opportunity to visit a social network. In this case, it is enough to send one SMS to your beloved, she will make him take a different look at life. To achieve good result, you need to use the correct phrases. Here are a few of them:

    • “Come visit today, take a good mood with you. This will become the best gift for me";
    • “Remember, beloved, your envious people are in a state of torment when they know that you are in a good mood. Give them no reason to rejoice”;
    • “Do you want me to smile today? Then give me your good mood!”;
    • “I love you madly when you are attractive. But you become like that only when you are in a good mood!”;
    • "You are the most the best man! Smile, because a smile suits you so much! ”;
    • “Even if everything is bad for you now, remember, I will always be there”;
    • "Smile more often, then you will make me happy."

    Be sure to add a lot of funny emoji to your message. You should not “throw” his phone with messages, one or two phrases are enough.

    Phrases from the category of black humor

    If your betrothed is all right with fantasy and humor, then you can use not the most banal phrases to cheer up:

    • “A nail is a strange thing. From frequent shift holes, it bends, and, remaining in the same one, it will immediately rust”;
    • “Do you want your day to go smoothly? Eat raw toad in the morning. Trust me, it will be the worst thing that will happen to you today”;
    • “Even mice, when they are hurt, still continue to eat thorny plants”;
    • “Are you thinking or just a genius woke up in you?”;
    • “Nothing is known about the real truth, but there are rumors that it is definitely not at the feet.”

    There is still a lot original phrases, but you need to use them only if you are sure that your man is really gifted with a sense of humor.

    How to cheer up a guy if he is around?

    It is much easier to cheer up a loved one when he is nearby. But even here there are some peculiarities.

    • Do you think a man is a strong creature who does not need affection and care? You are wrong! If your lover is not feeling well, then just hug him and tell him how much you love him. Do it sincerely and sincerely;
    • Take advantage of your feminine sexuality. Seduce him, offer to play pranks. From such an offer, he will forget about a bad mood;
    • Men love to be admired. By reminding him of his virtues, you will instantly raise your self-esteem;
    • Plan an entertainment program for the two of you. It should include activities that are interesting to your soulmate. Does he love fishing? Great! Spend your Saturday evening by the water. Is your fiancé a football fan? A joint trip to a sports bar will give a lot of new emotions;
    • If a man likes to have fun, then create a party in his honor right at your place for no reason. Invite your friends, set the table, big company he will forget about his problems;
    • Everyone already knows what the path to the heart of any male passes through. Prepare delicious romantic dinner of his favorite foods. This, although not for a long time, will cheer him up, moreover, he will be able to feel the care of his beloved woman;
    • Surprise your loved one. Such a gift will bring a lot positive emotions not only to him, but also to you.

    It is strictly forbidden to leave a man alone when he is under stress. Of course, he will be able to cope with his problems on his own, but he will feel more comfortable with you.

    How to cheer up on the phone?

    Not only SMS or a post on the wall of a social network can cheer you up, but also a call on mobile phone. Hearing your voice, a man will feel support and understanding from his beloved woman, this will undoubtedly cheer him up and make him look at his problems differently.

    You should not impose yourself if you feel that your partner is trying to avoid this conversation, which means that at the current moment he is not yet ready to open up to you, you should wait a few days, after which you can repeat the call.

    What to do to make your man always happy?

    If your man often comes home from work or school in a depressed mood, then it's time to take action. There are several secrets, applying which, your man will always come home in a good mood:

    1. There should always be a calm and friendly atmosphere in the house. Men love silence, they have no desire to return after work to that house where there are always scandals;
    2. Your loved one should see that he is always expected and welcome, so always meet him with a smile and a light kiss;
    3. Prepare before he arrives delicious dinner and beautifully set the table. This will boost your partner's morale;
    4. Regular sex life- is the key to a good mood for any man. Even if you are tired all day and you get up early, at night you need to allocate time for caresses for your partner;
    5. Plan an active weekend for your family. All week he will walk in a good mood, looking forward to the onset of happy days.

    If you follow the rules above, then you will never be tormented by the question of how to cheer up a guy.

    In this video, Ksenia will talk about 6 ways to cheer up your boyfriend and cheer him up:

    The weather in the house depends on many factors. Often quarrels arise in empty place. The inability to cheer up each other can cause a protracted "war". Let's think about how to cheer up your loved one, how to make the sun come out from behind the clouds again. Of course, we immediately exclude cases when resentment and a bad mood of a loved one are legitimate in relation to your behavior or words. Let's talk about those moments in life when boredom or sadness comes suddenly and out of nowhere.

    The situation is tense

    You should first try to defuse the situation. Suddenly, from thunder and lightning, your cozy nest will light up? In such the situation will suit a well-aimed short joke or anecdote. Some men prefer vulgar humor. Active sports fans can offer something related to their favorite team. Fishermen - about fishing, etc. It doesn’t matter what you joke about, the main thing is that your loved one feels that you are doing it from pure heart and with the desire to cheer him up.

    If you don't like telling jokes, don't remember any. funny incident or stories, you can dress up in something funny and stage a comical situation yourself. You can associate fun dressing up with your partner's favorite pastime or hobby and play a few games of their favorite game together. You can offer him to do something out of the ordinary, extreme, which you have never done in a normal situation.

    All the girls have heard the phrase: "The way to a man's heart is through his stomach." But a good hostess can not only charm with her dishes, but also cheer. On a full stomach, you don’t want to sit and be bored, you want to do something, to be active. A skilled culinary specialist can cook her favorite dishes for her sad half and at the same time decorate them in a fun and unusual way: draw various smiling faces, muzzles, flowers and everything that comes into her head at this creative moment.

    All men are very fond of sweets. Cookies or cakes, a cake and even just sweets will help cheer you up. And if you bake them yourself and at the same time write nice words, draw smiles or funny faces, then your loved one will undoubtedly like such sweets.

    It is not necessary during the meal to remind your loved one that something has broken in the house and requires his efforts. Leave household chores for tomorrow, and today - have fun and take care of each other. Let your partner feel how dear he is to you, how much you love him.

    Men are from the planet Mars and women are from Venus. We are different, so we look at the same things differently. Never forget this. What can upset you, your loved one will not even hurt, and vice versa. Therefore, you should take a closer look at each other. It is not always possible to immediately notice that your loved one has lost his mood, and guessing why - this can be just an overwhelming task. It is not necessary in such cases to inquire and seek reasons. This can only aggravate the condition of your loved one. Just accept his bad mood as a fact and try to disperse the clouds. If your efforts have not brought any results, and your loved one is still gloomy and gloomy, then in no case blame the man that he is to blame for the fact that nothing worked out for you, that he does not appreciate you and does not see your efforts. Just remember the whole situation and wait a little. Perhaps it would be more beneficial for your loved one to be alone for a while, to be alone with their thoughts. Your patience will be rewarded later. A man over time himself will tell you about the reason for his bad mood, if he considers it necessary.

    Guests in the house

    You can invite your friends and girlfriends and have a party or funny Games on outdoors with barbecues. noisy company, faithful friends and comrades-in-arms will undoubtedly drive away all sorrows and sorrows, return a good mood to your loved one. For best effect you can all watch some funny comedy together. The male half can watch the match and cheer for their favorite team, while the female half will prepare delicious snacks and desserts while having fun discussing last news in the fashion world.

    March to bed

    by the most the best remedy from a bad mood is sex. The production of hormones by the organisms in the process of making love does not allow a man to think about something else. You need to try hard to empty your loved one in bed. After a hurricane of passions, a bad mood will not appear on the horizon for a long time, and you yourself will become even more closer friend to friend.

    It is very easy to cheer up a loved one. It is enough to feel your soul mate, treat her with participation. Love is a multifaceted feeling that, like a beacon, will guide you through life's storms and bad weather, reliably protecting your family's fragile ship.