Physical education in dow. Organization of physical education in dow

"Physical development of children in kindergarten"


Physical education for children the same as the foundation for the building. The stronger the foundation is laid, the higher the building can be erected; the more worries about the physical education of the child, the more success he will achieve in general development; in science; in the ability to work and be a useful person for society.

At no other age is physical education so closely related to general education as the first seven years. In the period of preschool childhood (from birth to seven years), the child lays the foundations of health, longevity, comprehensive motor fitness and harmonious physical development (V.A. Doskin, L.G. Golubeva, 2002).

Raising children healthy, strong, cheerful is the task not only of parents, but also of every preschool institution, since children spend most of the day in them. Kindergartens provide for physical education classes, which should be built in accordance with the psychological characteristics of a particular age, accessibility and expediency of exercises. Complexes of exercises should be exciting, and should also provide for physiological and pedagogical justified loads that satisfy the child's need for movement.

Painful, physically ill developed child usually lags behind healthy children in school. Him worse memory, his attention gets tired faster, and therefore he cannot study well, and parents and even teachers are often mistaken, considering the child to be lazy. This weakness also causes a variety of disorders in the activity of the body, leads not only to a decrease in abilities, but also undermines the will of the child (V.A. Doskin, L.G. Golubeva, 2002). Properly organized physical education contributes to the formation of a good physique, prevention diseases, improvement internal organs and systems child's body.

Physical exercise as the essence of physical education is the main means of directed influence on physical development.

1. Tasks of physical education of children preschool age

The tasks of physical education in preschool institutions are determined by a common goal and specified taking into account the developmental characteristics of children in each age period (D.V. Khukhlaeva, 1984).

The purpose of physical education - formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle, its focus on improving health, physical and mental development, emotional well-being of each child (N.N. Kozhukhova, 2003). In the process of physical education, health-improving, educational and educational tasks are carried out:

Wellness tasks:

1. Increasing the body's resistance to environmental influences by hardening it.

2. Strengthening the musculoskeletal system and the formation of correct posture.

3. Assistance in increasing the functionality of the vegetative organs. The active motor activity of the child helps to strengthen the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, improve metabolic processes in the body, optimize digestion and thermoregulation.

4. Education of physical abilities (coordination, speed and endurance).

Educational tasks:

1. Formation of the main vital motor skills and skills.

2. Formation of sustainable interest in physical culture.

Children's age is the most favorable for the formation of a sustainable interest in physical exercise. However, a number of conditions must be observed.

First of all, it is necessary to ensure the feasibility of tasks,

Educational tasks:

1. Education of moral and volitional qualities (honesty, determination, courage, perseverance, etc.).

2. Promoting mental, moral, aesthetic and labor education (Zh.K. Kholodov, V.S. Kuznetsov, 2004).

Health-improving, educational and upbringing tasks, although they are relatively independent, are in fact closely interconnected, and therefore must be solved in mandatory unity, in a complex. Only in this case the child will acquire the necessary base for further comprehensive, not only physical, but also spiritual development(Zh.K. Kholodov, V.S. Kuznetsov, 2004).

2.Methodology of physical education of preschool children

Means of physical education for preschool children

The means of physical education include hygienic factors, natural forces of nature, physical exercises (D.V. Khukhlaeva, 1984).

A complete solution to the problems of physical education is achieved only with the complex use of all means, since each of them has a different effect on the body.

hygiene factors include the regime of the day, classes, sleep, wakefulness, nutrition; hygiene of clothes, shoes, site, group room, hall, physical education equipment and manuals. These factors increase the effectiveness of the impact of physical exercises on the body (N.N. Kozhukhova, 2002).

natural forces of nature (sun, air, water) increase the functionality of organs and systems and the performance of the body. They are of great importance for hardening the body, training the mechanisms of thermoregulation. The combination of natural forces of nature with physical exercises improves metabolic processes, adaptive and protective functions of the body (E.Ya. Stepanenkova, 2005).

Physical exercise - the main means of physical education. They are used to solve a complex of health and educational tasks, comprehensive development personality of the child, prevention and correction of the psychophysical state of the body (E.Ya. Stepanenkova, 2005).

3. Classification of physical exercises (according to T. Osokina)


basic movements (walking, running, jumping, climbing, throwing, balance)

general developmental exercises

building and rebuilding

dance exercises

Sport exercises

summer (cycling, scooter, swimming)

winter (skating, sledding, skiing, sliding on ice paths)


mobile (plot, plotless)

elements of sports games (towns, basketball, table tennis, hockey)

The simplest tourism

4. Methods and techniques of physical education of preschool children

Method - ( from lat. "Way to achieve the goal") - a system of actions of the teacher in the process of teaching movements, depending on the content of the educational process, specific tasks and learning conditions (N.N. Kozhukhova, 2003).

Reception - an integral part that supplements and specifies the method in detail. They are aimed at optimizing the assimilation of movements, awareness of the motor task, individual development of each child (E.Ya. Stepanenkova, 2005).

Classification of methods

verbal method.

Target: addressed to the minds of children, helps to meaningfully set a motor task for the child, to reveal the content and structure of the movement.

1. explanation

2. explanation

3. instructions

4. giving commands, orders, signals

5. questions for children

6. figurative plot story

8. verbal instruction

visual method

Target: create a visual, auditory, muscular representation of the movement. It is important to ensure the brightness of sensory perception and motor sensations of the child.

1. Visual - visual techniques:

exercise show

usage visual aids(paintings, drawings, photographs)

imitation (imitation)

visual landmarks (objects, field markings)

2. Visual-auditory techniques:

music, songs

3. Tactile-muscular techniques:

direct assistance from the teacher

practical method

Target: to consolidate in practice the knowledge, skills and abilities of basic movements, contributes to the creation of muscle ideas about movement.

repetition of exercises without change and with changes

repetition of exercises in a playful way

conducting exercises in a competitive form (N.N. Kozhukhova, 2002)

5. Forms of work on physical education in preschool institutions

Physical education

Goal and tasks: to form motor skills and abilities; develop physical qualities; satisfy the natural biological need for movement; ensure the development and training of all systems and functions of the child's body through specially organized, optimal physical activity for a given age; give each child the opportunity to demonstrate their motor skills to peers and learn from them; create conditions for the versatile development of children (A.I. Fomina, 1984).

Characteristic: Physical education is the leading form of organizational, systematic training of children in motor skills and abilities. To conduct a lesson, the educator selects physical exercises, determines the sequence of their implementation, draws up a plan-outline, thinks over the methodology for conducting, prepares equipment, places it, monitors the creation of sanitary and hygienic conditions, and the clothes of children. The lesson is held in the 1st junior group 2 times a week, starting from the 2nd junior group up to and including the preparatory group - 3 times a week (2 times in the hall, 1 time in the air). During the summer, all activities are outdoors.

Character traits classes: pronounced didactic orientation; the leading role of the educator; strict regulation of activity and dosing physical activity; constant composition of those involved and their age homogeneity.

Lesson requirements: each previous lesson is connected with the next one and constitutes a system; it is important to ensure optimal motor activity of children; should correspond to the age, level of readiness of children; fitness equipment and musical accompaniment should be used.

Types of physical education classes

Training session: the formation of motor skills and abilities, the development of physical qualities, the improvement of skills and abilities. 50% of all classes.

Subject physical training: built on the same plot ("Zoo", "Cosmonauts", etc.). the tasks of improving motor skills and abilities, raising interest in physical exercises are being solved.

Game activity: built on the basis of a variety of outdoor games, relay races, games-attractions. Motor skills and abilities are improved, physical qualities are developed, interest in classes, physical exercises, motor independence, etc. are brought up.

Comprehensive lesson: aimed at the synthesis of various activities. Problems of the physical, mental, moral development.

Physical education classes: classes are complex in nature, they solve problems, for example, environmental-physical, moral-physical, mental and physical development of the child, etc.

Thematic physical education lesson: dedicated, as a rule, to any one type of sports games or exercises: skating, skiing, elements of playing volleyball, hockey, etc. new types of sports exercises and games are learned and skills are fixed in already mastered movements.

Control classes: are held at the end of the quarter and are aimed at a quantitative and qualitative assessment of the motor fitness of children in basic movements and physical qualities (O.N. Morgunova, 2005)

Modern and folk dances, rhythmic gymnastics, on simulators, with elements of folklore, wu-shu, hatka yoga: increase interest in systematic physical exercises, develop motor independence, improve skills and abilities (N.N. Kozhukhova, 2003).

Physical education in the air one is planned only in the senior group.

Meaning: contribute to the development of the cardiovascular, respiratory, muscular and other body systems, hardening, increase resistance colds, form orientation in space, consolidate skills in vivo.

The structure of the lesson is traditional : introductory-preparatory, main and final part.

The duration of the lesson is 20-25 minutes. depending on the age features).

Introduction (3-6 min. Depending on age characteristics)

building (in warm time of the year); in the cold season - walking, running;

· Types of walking;

3-5 breathing exercises;

Slow running (1.5-3 minutes, depending on age characteristics);

Walking is normal with restructuring to perform general developmental exercises.

Main part (12-20 min. Depending on age characteristics)

General developmental exercises or plotless outdoor game;

Run at an average speed (from 40 seconds to 2 minutes);

Running ends with walking and rebuilding to perform basic movements or to master sports exercises;

Basic movement (new or more difficult to coordinate) or sports exercise (elements of sports games);

Running at an average speed (1-1.5 minutes);

Slow running or jogging at an average pace;

· Narrative outdoor game or relay game.

Final part (3-4 min. Depending on age characteristics)

Slow running

Walking with breathing exercises.

morning exercises

Meaning: involve the entire body of the child in an active state, deepens breathing, enhances blood circulation, promotes metabolism, raises emotional tone, educates attention, purposefulness, evokes emotions and joyful sensations, increases the vital activity of the body, and gives the greatest healing effect.

Conditions, place and time of the event: carried out daily before breakfast, for 10-12 minutes outdoors or indoors (depending on environmental conditions). Throughout the morning gymnastics held in the hall, the windows and transoms remain open, the children are engaged in physical education, barefoot.

Options for morning exercises

Traditional with the use of general developmental exercises

In the water part, short walking and light running are organized, after which the children line up to perform general developmental exercises.

The main part includes general developmental exercises (in the amount of 3-7 depending on the age of the children) or other types of physical exercises: dance-rhythmic, round dance, and outdoor games. At the end of the main part, intensive exercises for loading (jumping, running) are given.

In the final part, walking or sedentary game.

Game character

2-3 outdoor games of varying degrees of intensity or 5-7 general developmental exercises of an imitation character such as "Snowflakes are spinning", "Butterflies are flying" can be included. You can create a whole plot of imitation movements.

Using an obstacle course

The use of an obstacle course allows you to offer exercises with a gradual increase in load, complicate motor tasks, include different types of movements with an increase in the number of repetitions and tempo, alternate physical training aids. You can create obstacle courses using a variety of modules.

Including health jogging

It is necessarily carried out outdoors, in small subgroups of 5-7 people. First, the children are offered a short warm-up, consisting of 3-4 exercises of general developmental impact. Then a run is made at an average speed for a distance of 100-200-300 m (once or twice in alternation with walking), depending on the individual capabilities of the children and the time of year. At the end are offered Breathing exercises.

Using the simplest simulators

General developmental exercises using the simplest simulators (children's expander, gymnastic roller, etc.) and simulators of a complex device ("Bicycle", "Treadmill", "Rowing", etc.).

Physical education minutes

These are short-term physical exercises carried out in order to prevent fatigue, restore mental performance (excite areas of the cerebral cortex that were not involved in previous activities, and give rest to those who worked) (A.V. Keneman, D.V. Khukhlaeva, 1985).

Meaning: improve blood circulation, relieve muscle fatigue, nervous system, activate the thinking of children, create positive emotions and increase interest in classes (G.I. Pogadaev, 2003).

The duration of physical education : 1.5 - 2 minutes; recommended starting from middle group.

The main forms of conducting physical education minutes:

1 . In the form of general developmental exercises - are selected according to the same criteria as for morning exercises. 3-4 exercises are used for different groups muscles, you can finish the physical education session by jumping, running in place or walking;

2. In the form of an outdoor game - games of medium mobility are selected that do not require a large space, with simple rules that are well known to children;

3. In shape didactic game with movements - fit well into classes on familiarization with nature, on the sound (phonetic) culture of speech, on mathematics;

4. In the form of dance moves - are used between the structural parts of the lesson to the sound recording, the singing of the teacher or the children themselves. Melodies of moderate rhythm are most suitable, soft, sometimes smooth;

5. In the form of performing movements to the text of the poem - When choosing a poem, pay attention to the following:

the text of the poems should be highly artistic.

preference is given to verses with a clear rhythm;

classes, its program task;

6. In the form of any motor action and task

guessing riddles not with words, but with movements;

the use of various imitation movements: athletes

(skier, skater, boxer, gymnast), individual labor

actions (chopping wood, starting the engine, driving a car).

Requirements for physical education :

are carried out on initial stage fatigue (8-13-15 minutes of class depending on age, type of activity, complexity educational material);

Exercises should be simple in structure, interesting and familiar to children;

exercises should be convenient to perform in a limited area;

Exercises should include movements that affect large muscle groups that improve the functional activity of all organs and systems;

complexes of physical education are selected depending on the type of classes, their content;

· the physical education complex usually consists of 2-4 exercises: for the arms and shoulder girdle, for the torso, for the legs (N.N. Kozhukhova, 2002).

Physical culture pause

Purpose: physical culture pause prevents the development of fatigue in children and relieves emotional stress in the process of exercising with mental load, which contributes to a faster perception of the program material, an increase in the motor activity of children (N.N. Kozhukhova, 2002).

Exercise requirements: exercises should be familiar to children, simple in content, with a small number of rules, not long in time (no more than 10-12 minutes), accessible. They should allow children to enter and exit the game at any time. At the end of the physical culture break, children should be offered various breathing exercises.

Length of exercise break : takes place during breaks between classes. The duration is no more than 10 minutes.

Place of physical culture break: any well ventilated area group room, bedroom, wide corridor) (L.A. Ryzhkova, 2002).

Physical culture leisure

Physical culture is one of the most spectacular forms active rest(A.V. Keneman, 1985).

Meaning: enhances interest in learning beneficial effect on the child's body, strengthens motor skills, develops speed, agility, endurance, attention, courage, perseverance. Develops organization, promotes the development of a sense of collectivism, friendship (M.M. Borisova, 2003).

The tasks of the educator during leisure activities

Junior preschool age. It is necessary to involve children in all possible participation in collective and individual motor actions, to enrich them with vivid impressions.

Middle preschool age. It is necessary to accustom children to independent participation in joint exercises, while encouraging each child to show their abilities.

Senior preschool age. It is necessary to develop in children the ability to creatively use their motor experience in conditions of emotional treatment with peers, to teach them to take the initiative in various activities.

Sports leisure options

First builds on familiar games and game exercises (conducted in all age groups):

games of low and medium mobility (2-3 times);

attractions, motor tasks in the form of a game;

a game of a competitive nature or a game of great mobility;

game of low mobility.

The second is based on exercises in the main types of movements and sports exercises.(conducted from the second half of the year in the middle group); The organization should be based on the principle of an individually differentiated approach:

Before and after the performance, outdoor games are held;

One subgroup of children performs exercises aimed at developing attention, accuracy of movements. The second is the development of speed, speed of reaction.

Third " Fun starts"is built mainly on games - relay races

(It is carried out in the senior and preparatory groups):

Relay game (should not be more than three stages);

rides that do not carry heavy load;

competition of counting rhymes, riddles, proverbs;

· relay race.

The fourth is based on the elements of one of their sports games: basketball, football, hockey, table tennis, towns ( held in senior and preparatory groups;

Divide the group into two teams of equal strength;

Before the start of the game, teams and captains greet each other;

exchange of pennants, selection of a platform or basket;

The execution of the movements starts on the referee's whistle. In each type of movement, points are counted and posted on the scoreboard;

· summarizing.

Fifth musical and sports ( held in the senior and preparatory groups):

children perform arbitrary exercises to the music with various physical training aids (ribbons, jump ropes, hoops, balls);

The teacher reminds the children of different movements, shows them. You can make a whole musical composition;

Conducting a mobile game;

It is proposed to listen to melodic music;

After listening, the teacher offers to come up with a composition consisting of various arbitrary movements;

The children move to the music.

Methodology for conducting physical education

· Conducted in all age groups, starting with the second youngest group.

· Organized 1-2 times a month in the afternoon.

· Intended for one - two groups of preschool institutions.

· Carried out by the educator in a normal setting, with the usual attributes, both indoors and outdoors.


junior and middle group - 20 - 30 minutes;

senior group- 35 - 40 min;

preparatory group- 40 - 50 min.

At younger and middle preschool age, leisure activities can be introduced fairy tale character or you can use an entertaining plot.

· It is expedient to devote sports leisure to the seasons, interesting sports events, public holidays.

· Musical accompaniment is used.

· Physical culture leisure should not coincide with physical culture classes and holidays (LD Glazyrina, 2001).

Sports holidays

Purpose: contribute to the improvement of children's motor skills, the formation of their interest and need for physical exercises.

Duration: 1 hour - 1 hour 20 minutes, starting from the middle group, 2-3 times a year.

Location: on the site of a preschool institution, in the nearest park, forest, meadow, stadium.

Holiday preparation: it is carried out by the teaching staff of the preschool institution, parents. Active participants in the preparation for the holiday should be children of older groups.

Required for the holiday:

determine the objectives of the holiday, the date, time, place of its holding;

Write a script, prepare a colorful design of the site (hall);

Consider musical accompaniment;

prepare demonstration performances: a parade of participants, competitions, games, competitions;

prepare surprises;

to allocate those responsible for the preparation and holding of the holiday;

Determine the number of participants in each age group preschool institution;

· designate the procedure for holding the results of competitions and competitions, encouraging the participants of the holiday.

Requirements for the organization of the holiday:

The script must correspond to the motto of the holiday (the main idea);

The program must be age appropriate.

Literary content should be methodologically valuable;

Requires musical accompaniment

The decoration of the holiday should be colorful;

Mandatory participation of parents - an indicator effective work preschool institution.

health days, holidays

Meaning. Contribute to the improvement of children, prevent fatigue.

Methodology and content. All activities are canceled these days. training sessions. The motor mode is saturated with games, musical entertainment, hiking, sports games and exercises, competitions, physical education, outdoor work, artistic creativity, leisure activities are carried out, hiking trips; Parents are invited. Health days are held at least once a quarter; holidays - 2 - 3 times a year (N.N. Kozhukhova, 2002).

Independent motor activity

Meaning. It helps to improve health, strengthen physical development, the activity of the cardiovascular, respiratory systems, the circulatory apparatus, the development of motor skills, physical qualities, and increase the efficiency of children.

Management of independent motor activity:

organization of physical culture and play environment: sufficient space for movements; optimal quantity, variety, turnover of benefits;

time for self motor activity children should be fixed in the daily routine (in without fail during the morning reception, before and between classes, for a walk, after sleep, in the evening);

The educator must master special (indirect) methods of activating the movements of children.


    Analyzing the literature on the physical education of preschool children, guided by the experience of teachers - researchers: the features of the physical education of preschool children were determined.

The main feature of the physical education of preschoolers is the game form of physical education. It is one of the interesting and widespread forms of children's activities. The main educational and developmental value gaming activities in that they serve as a natural form of transferring to children the necessary amount of knowledge in the field of physical culture.

Preschool age is the most important period in the formation of the human personality, the period when the foundations of physical health are laid. What is lost in childhood is difficult to make up. It obliges preschool workers work in depth on the problems of physical education of children.

The value of physical education in the pre-school educational institution

Modern preschool education requires significant physical and mental efforts from children. The statistics of recent years is ruthless - for the last 10-15 years, the trend of deterioration in the health of children has been preserved. Deviations in the state of health are observed in more than 70% of children aged 4 to 17 years. The number of healthy children is only about 7-10%. The most common are respiratory diseases, pathology of the musculoskeletal system, diseases digestive tract. The number of visual impairments, posture, disorders of the central nervous system of children is increasing with a corresponding deterioration in the perception of educational material taught in preschool educational institutions.

Physical education is an integral part of the modern education system. Physical Culture in the preschool educational institution serves the goals of the comprehensive development of the individual, including the preparation of children for school. A distinctive and main feature of physical education is the priority of Health. Today's day of physical culture is not the pursuit of results, but the painstaking work of the educator and parents to improve the health of children. In the classroom, it is necessary to take into account the desire, mood, temperament of each child and to teach each self-regulation, adaptation, relaxation. Lesson not only for the muscles, but also for the brain. Many adults now believe that physical education in children is a whim and does not bring benefits, that the school will teach everything. They are deeply mistaken. It is in childhood that all the foundations of future health are laid, and if your child has been accustomed to exercise since childhood, then as an adult, this will greatly help to keep fit, he will perceive physical exercise as an integral part of his life. It is in childhood that the foundation for a healthy life is laid. Group physical exercises with children are very different from the monotonous, constantly identical activities of adults. All classes with children are held in an exciting way, otherwise the children will not want to study, physical activity in such classes is strictly dosed and depends on the age of your child. In the classroom, children are engaged with balls, jump ropes, hoops and other physical culture equipment; play outdoor games, move to the music, participate in sports relay races. Also in these classes, children learn to communicate, develop their social skills, improve their health, classes help to avoid a number of diseases, such as curvature of the spine, flat feet, obesity, strengthen the muscular apparatus, develop flexibility, elasticity of the body, coordination. The mental activity of your child directly depends on his physical training, otherwise he will quickly get tired and will not learn perseverance. Being healthy means feeling good both physically and mentally. Neither fullness, nor a heroic constitution, nor a blush, in themselves, are criteria for health. Its essence is in the harmony of physical and spiritual forces, balance, endurance, the ability to withstand various harmful influences. At healthy child his eyes burn with interest in everything around him, he smiles, ready to play, run, have fun. He is energetic, he is not afraid of any vicissitudes of life.

Natalya Osadchenko
Physical education in the preschool educational institution

Physical education in the preschool educational institution

All-round development physical abilities is carried out in the process physical education. Physical education is a long-term, organized pedagogical process, aiming healthy education, Cheerful, Comprehensive physically developed children.

In progress physical education the following main tasks:

Strengthening health, hardening the body and increasing the level physical development and performance;

Mastering the vital motor skills and abilities, including those of an applied nature;

Upbringing moral and volitional qualities of a person;

Development physical weavings(speed, strength, agility, endurance);

Mastering the technique of performing special sports exercises.

specific remedy physical education are physical exercise. Systematic classes physical exercises have a beneficial effect on the activity of the central uneven system, on the development and strengthening muscular system, circulatory and respiratory organs, reduce fatigue.

In progress physical exercises develop and train all the muscles of the human body, including the heart muscle. A trained heart pumps much more blood into the aorta with each contraction than an untrained heart.

Influenced physical exercises develop and strengthen the respiratory organs, increase the size chest increases its mobility.

Classes physical exercises contribute to the formation of correct, deep breathing, which has a very great importance to enhance lung ventilation.

Veliko educational value systematic studies exercise. They are accompanied by explanations about the effect of exercises on the body, about the amplitude, pace, rhythm, about the most the right way performing exercises.

In human motor activity important role play physical qualities - strength, speed, agility, endurance, and flexibility. Wherein physical qualities always appear together, in mutual connection. This is due to the fact that the human body is distinguished by its internal unity, the unconditional interaction of its functions.

Strength is usually called the ability to overcome external resistance through muscle tension. Strength is manifested to a greater or lesser extent in any movement. IN physical education to develop the quality of strength apply: exercises with objects of various weights (medicine balls, sandbags, exercises with elastic objects, tug games, throwing and pushing exercises, long jumps, etc.

Quickness is the ability of a person to perform movements at the highest possible speed, at a fast pace, starts, running short distances.

Dexterity is the ability to coordinate movements, master new ones, be able to quickly switch from one movement to another, depending on the requirements of a changing environment.

Endurance is the ability of the body to resist fatigue during any motor activity. Various means for developing endurance are physical exercise requiring moderate exertion, but performed long time(walking, alternating walking and running, running, jumping rope, outdoor and sports games).

Flexibility is a property of the human body, characterized by the mobility of the links of the musculoskeletal system. One of the indicators of flexibility is the range of motion. The amplitude of movements affects the manifestation of speed, agility and other physical qualities. For education flexibility, stretching exercises are used, i.e. exercises with an increased range of motion. These are primarily exercises for the arms, legs, torso, head, different kinds walking and running long strides, jumping "on the move", jumping in place, bending the legs to the chest, deep squats on the entire foot, exercises at the gymnastic wall - tilting forward, backward, to the sides, etc.

Facilities physical education.

fixed assets physical education are: physical exercise which are used in gymnastics, sports, games; natural factors of nature (air, sun, water); hygienic working and living conditions.

To achieve the desired results, it is necessary that all means physical education used in combination, but in mutual combination.

Physical exercise. Under physical exercises are understood as conscious motor actions, specially selected and carried out to solve problems physical education. Impact physical exercises on the body is directly dependent on a number of conditions under which the exercises are performed. Such conditions are:

The exercises themselves, since they can be different in their effect on the body;

The conditions in which the exercises are performed, or, in other words, the place and time of the exercises;

Dosage of exercises, i.e. the duration and number of exercises performed depending on age, gender, degree physical preparedness and state of health of those involved;

Applied teaching methodology.

Various physical exercises are widely used in parenting.

Gymnastics. Gymnastics is one of the main means physical education and is a collection of specially selected physical exercises to influence the human body in order to improve health, develop motor skills, physical, strong-willed and moral qualities, as well as to eliminate physical handicaps.

Sport. Sport is such a means physical education, in which the tasks of health promotion, development physical strength and motor abilities are closely combined with the objectives of achieving high results in certain types exercise(in hotel sports.

Games. Games are one of the most popular means physical education, and represent a conscious, active and proactive activity of those involved, aimed at achieving the conditions of the goal voluntarily set by the players.

It is customary to separate mobile and sports games.

Natural factors of nature. Among the means physical education important place occupied by the natural factors of nature - Sun rays, air, and water, which correct use strengthen health and harden the body. These funds are used in physical education as an accompanying exercise exercise but they can also be used on their own.

Hygienic conditions. Compliance with the necessary hygienic conditions plays an important role in physical education. This includes a rigid daily routine, which is understood as a strictly established routine of daily life, a rational distribution of time and work and rest, sleep and nutrition. The daily routine observed for a long time helps to strengthen human health, creates a cheerful, cheerful mood, and increases efficiency.

The main requirements of personal hygiene are cleanliness of the body and care for it; cleanliness of linen, clothes, shoes; accurate maintenance of furnishings and personal items.

Physical education in preschool institutions.

Physical education classes are held in preschool institutions with children (group, individual); morning exercises (charger); physical education minutes; hardening procedures combined with exercise; outdoor games; walks and excursions outside the site; holidays; leisure evenings. In addition, children during the day independently engage in a variety of motor activities. Each of these forms has its purpose and its own characteristics in the methodology; each is assigned a specific place in the mode of the day and week.

Physical the exercises should be regular and long enough for the kindergarten to solve problems physical education and support high level children's performance.

Tasks physical education preschool children.

Tasks physical education preschool children are determined by the common goal physical education and adjusted according to age.

1. Improving tasks - protecting life and promoting health, improving physical development and hardening of the child's body are top priorities. This is due to the fact that organs functional systems in preschool children are still imperfect, the protective functions of the body are poorly developed. Children are more susceptible adverse conditions environment, and they are more likely to develop various diseases.

2. Educational tasks - the formation of motor skills, instilling skills and abilities, development physical qualities, instilling the skills of correct posture, hygiene skills, mastering the available special knowledge. Due to the plasticity of the nervous system, motor skills and abilities are formed relatively easily in children. Most of the movements are used by children in ordinary life for movement, which facilitates communication with the environment and contributes to its knowledge. Proper execution physical exercise more effectively affects the development of muscles, ligaments, joints, bone apparatus. Properly formed motor skills and abilities can save physical forces child. In the process of developing skills and abilities, children develop the ability to easily master more complex movements and various activities that include these movements.

3. Educational tasks. From the early age need to bring up the habit of strict observance of the regime of the day and daily activities exercise, teach the ability to study independently in kindergarten and at home, organize and conduct games with their peers and children more younger age. It is important for children bring up love for arguing, interest in the results of their studies. In progress physical education there are great opportunities for moral, mental, aesthetic, labor education. Important in preschool bring up positive emotions that create a cheerful, cheerful mood, as well as develop the ability to quickly overcome the negative psychological condition. This is necessary because positive emotions have a positive effect on the work of all organs and systems of the body, ensure the speed and strength of the formation of motor skills and abilities.

The issue of protecting and strengthening the physical condition of children is considered one of the most important in almost all kindergartens. In this direction, work is carried out based on compliance with the requirements and sanitary and hygienic standards, the right approach to organizing balanced nutrition, systemic hardening of children, as well as sports and recreational activities.

Today, physical education for children in preschool educational institutions is of particular importance. According to statistics, in Russia last years increased to 60% the number of children aged 3 to 7 years, who are distinguished by functional deviations in their state of health. The main task of the kindergarten is the correct individual approach to each child in order to positively influence the current situation.

It is physical education that is an opportunity for most children to become full-fledged members of society in the future. If you properly engage in physical exercises with a preschool child with a problem they understand, he will learn to interact with peers, striving for the first achievement and development.

As for children with disabilities ( Limited opportunities Health), for them there is an individual approach, taking into account the following features:

  • corrective and compensatory work. It implies the selection of exercises, taking into account the main and possible concomitant ailments. In this case, it is customary to use A complex approach, contributing to the development of physical abilities;
  • preventive measures. This part is one of the most important, as it allows you to increase the tone vitality, as well as health, improve overall well-being and strengthen immunity;
  • psychology. Often the main reason for the behavior of a child of an antisocial nature is self-doubt and self-doubt. As a result, the baby does not understand his role in society and does not know how to interact with peers. Therefore, an integrated approach is designed to help the child overcome such problems;
  • physical education with children with disabilities in the preschool educational institution also includes educational education. This means that all children with these problems should be taught sports culture as well as the rules of the competition, which will help them gain skills to work with other children in a team and subsequently make sports an integral part of their lives.

Note! The main exercises for children with disabilities include such activities that are aimed at acquiring the most important everyday skills, this includes fine motor skills hands, micro orientation, and leg movement. All these exercises are always based on the provisions on the physical and psychological characteristics of the baby, as well as special methodological principles for working with each of them.

For a child without deviations physical activities also play a very important role. Exercise contributes not only to health promotion, but also to physical development. Physical education can help mental activity, and also has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole. In this regard, educators take the following measures:

  1. Morning work-out. It always has a positive effect on increasing efficiency, and also improves well-being for the whole day.
  2. Short-term insertions of physical exercises. They are designed to relieve fatigue and increase mental capacity in order to save the child from feeling overtired.
  3. Various types of hardening with the permission of the parents. Holding sports holidays, which are designed not only to improve well-being, but also to promote physical development, positively influence emotional condition child, which in the future will help him perceive physical exercises as a way to improve mood.
  4. In addition to morning exercises, this includes such types of it as finger, articulatory and respiratory.
  5. For each group, special modes of motor activity are always compiled, in which, in addition to organized varieties of physical education exercises, independent outdoor games are included in the daily routine of preschoolers, taking into account their individual and age characteristics.

Features of physical education in modern kindergartens

The physical development of the baby is the object of constant monitoring by specialists, both pedagogical and medical. Therefore, the task of each institution compiling physical education projects in preschool educational institutions with children is to prepare such programs that will fully meet the requirements of these specialists.

Modern teaching practice allows the only form of work with children, this includes traditional activities that contribute to the achievement of positive dynamics in the issue of the physical development of the child. All methods of conducting physical education exercises in preschool institutions are based on the need to solve the 2 most important tasks:

  • the organization of such a recreational complex, which contributes to the formation of an optimal sequence of movement and gradual increases in physical activity, which in the future will help strengthen the child's immunity, and also has a positive effect on the stimulation of psychophysiological development. This will prevent the development of many pathological changes in organism;
  • satisfaction of age-related needs for physical exercises, which should be perceived by every child as “muscular joy”, and by educators as the main means of integrated development of preschool children. During such physical education classes, kids not only comprehend the features and capabilities of their body, but also communicate with their peers through competitions in mindfulness and dexterity.

Standard sets of exercises

If the child constantly exercises, his appetite and activity for the whole day increase. All exercises are selected in such a way as to affect the muscles of the spine, neck, lower back, shoulders, limbs and pelvis. The main goal pursued by educators is the impact on strengthening the musculoskeletal system, as well as the prevention of a disease such as scoliosis.

It is best to charge fresh air, which is what all educators try to do in the warm seasons, and in winter a ventilated room is well suited, usually it is a sports or music hall. Gymnastics simultaneously with hardening affects the child's body very well. This will have a positive effect on immune system and the resistance of the baby's body to many diseases.

The set of exercises includes three stages:

  • introductory part. Charging (rotation of the head, circular movements of the arms, turns of the torso, tilts);
  • basic exercises. Stretching the muscles of the arms, legs and back, squats with a gradual increase in repetitions, push-ups (if possible);
  • final part. Light running with a transition to a step, shaking the muscles to relax.

The first stage includes various types of walking, as well as running, which are necessary for the gradual activation of various muscle groups. Then you can proceed to such exercises that will help strengthen and strengthen the muscles, as well as mobility in the joints, the formation of posture and coordination. As for the final part, this usually includes some types of gymnastics and moderate walking.


In modern kindergartens, educators have already learned how to find the right approach to all children, including those with disabilities. Exercises will benefit only if they take into account the characteristics of the body of each child.