Motor mode of children in preschool educational institutions. The value of physical activity in preschoolers

« Motor activity of preschoolers»

Physical education instructor

Vasilyeva E.Yu.

In the general system of comprehensive and harmonious development of a person, the physical education of a child of preschool age occupies a special place. IN preschool age the foundations of good health, proper physical development, and high performance are laid. During these years, the formation motor activity, as well as the initial education of physical qualities.

Movement is a means of knowing the world around us, meeting the biological needs of the body. It is difficult to overestimate the role motor activity in expanding the functional capabilities of the developing organism, in improving motor activity. But the lack of movement can lead to pathological changes in the body. According to the legal documents regulating the sanitary and epidemiological rules and norms for preschool educational institutions, the maximum duration of continuous wakefulness of children aged 3-7 years is 5.5-6 hours.

Under motor activity is understood as the total number of motor actions performed by a person in the process Everyday life. In the theory and methodology of physical education, there are: regulated, partially - regulating and unregulated motor activity.

The regulated motor activity is the total volume of physical exercises and motor actions specially chosen and directed on the body of preschoolers.

Partially regulated motor activity is the volume of motor actions that occur in the course of solving motor tasks (for example, during outdoor games).

Unregulated motor activity includes the volume of spontaneously performed motor actions (for example, in everyday life).

Motor activity is a biological need of the body, the satisfaction of which depends on the health of children, their physical and general development. Motor activity is a derivative not only of the individual characteristics of children, but also of the motor regime, which is established in a children's institution and at home.

The need of preschool children for physical activity is quite high, but it is not always realized at the proper level. Currently, children spend more and more time playing computer games, designing, watching TV shows. The independent physical activity of children, both in the family and in kindergarten, is increasingly limited. duration increases educational activities with a predominance of static postures.

Motor activity is a natural need of children to move, the satisfaction of which is the most important condition for the harmonious development of the child, the state of his health. Therefore, an increase in motor activity during the day helps to satisfy his needs for movement. This condition requires the teacher to have detailed thoughtfulness, a clear organization of the children's regimen:

Alternation of active and passive activity;

Increase in general and motor density of all forms of physical education;

The use of organized, individual, independent physical education classes.

Such thoughtfulness should underlie the motor activity of children not only during the day, but also during the week, month, and entire school year. During the child's stay in DOW use different forms of physical education should provide physical activity in the range from 9,000 to 15,000 movements, which corresponds to the physiological needs of the preschooler's body. The duration of physical activity of children during the period of wakefulness should be at least

50-60% of the time, while 90 - medium and low intensity, 10-15% - high. The fulfillment of these requirements will ensure the prevention of the child's fatigue throughout the day, and will create conditions for proper physical development.

The teacher should be aware of possible deviations V motor development children and related educational tasks. Experts highlight:

Low mobility and frequent periods of inactivity in children;

Great mobility with a high intensity of movements, monotony or stereotyped movements, their aimlessness;

Lack of creativity in motor activity.

The educator, taking into account the listed deviations, activates interest in movement or teaches to control movements and perform them accurately, enriches the composition of movements and the content of the activity in general, or develops motor creativity.

In order to ensure sufficient physical activity of children, it is recommended to fix a special time for this (morning, afternoon, evening walks, physical culture breaks between classes, etc.), as well as the multifunctional use of preschool educational institutions to increase the motor component in the daily routine.

big role in driving mode plays independent motor activity of children, organized without the explicit intervention of the teacher. At the same time, it is necessary that children have at their disposal benefits that stimulate a variety of motor activities. Sports corner with a set of sports equipment (balls, hoops, bags, cords, ropes, ribbons, scarves, ribbed boards, etc.), hats for outdoor games, mats for the prevention of flat feet, a health path.

Games for active motor activity of children in conditionsyah group.

Mat games

Equipment: textile rugs different colors 25 x 25 cm with multicolored geometric shapes in the center (options for the design of the front side of the rugs may be different). The underside of the mats must be made of non-slip material.

Game "Classics"


Organization: rugs are laid out on the floor in alternation: 1st row - two rugs side by side, 2nd row - one rug, 3rd row - two rugs side by side, etc.

Game progress:

Children take turns jumping on the rugs as in the classics.

1st option: two legs apart, two legs together, two legs apart;

2nd option; two legs apart, on one leg, two legs apart;

3rd option: legs with a cross, legs together, legs with a cross.

Game "Giant Steps"

Target: development of spatial imagination and perception, large motor skills, coordination; formation of cross movements.

Organization: mats are laid out in a circle, at a distance of a large step of the child.

Game progress:

Children take turns stepping from mat to mat in various ways (straight, side steps, on toes, on heels, back to front).

Game "Vesyo" barking path”

Target: development of spatial imagination and perception, large motor skills, coordination, attention; formation of cross movements; fixing spatial relations in speech; consolidation of knowledge of color, shape, exercise in jumping and running.

Organization: rugs are located on the floor randomly, at a distance of a small jump.

Game progress:

The leader is chosen, who is the first to jump from rug to rug, the children follow him, trying not to make a mistake and jump on the same rugs.

Game "Take your place"

Target: development of spatial imagination and perception, large motor skills; coordination, attention; formation of cross movements; fixing spatial relations in speech; consolidation of knowledge of color, shape.

Organization: rugs are arranged in a large circle.

Game progress:

The teacher gives a verbal instruction to any playing child which rug he should take (for example: “Stand on a red rug with a green oval in the middle”). After the preschooler takes his place, he himself instructs the next player; he, in turn, continues the game, and

until all the players have taken their seats. At the signal of the teacher, the children scatter or run in a circle; at the next signal, the children occupy:

Option 1 - own rugs;

Option 2 - any rug.

After that, each of the players must say which rug he was on (for example: “I am standing on a blue rug, in the middle of which there is a red triangle”).

Silent Trainer Games

Equipment:“Quiet Trainer” - silhouettes of children's hands pasted on the wall in various variations from the floor to 1.5 m, silhouettes of legs from the floor to 70 cm; multi-colored strips (5-10 pieces) 1.0-1.50 m long for bouncing.

Game "Get the berry"

Target: development of coordination, spatial imagination and perception, understanding of spatial relationships (right - left); training of the muscles of the shoulder girdle and arms.

Organization: on the wall, above the silhouettes of the palms, an image of berries is pasted.

Game progress:

On command, a pair of children should rise along their palms from the floor to the berry. You can only take one hand off the wall. Hands are placed on the silhouettes, respecting the right - left. The one who picks the berry first wins.

The game "Walk on the wall"

Target: development of coordination, training of muscles of the back and legs, relaxation. Organization: a soft rug is spread near the wall.

Game progress:

Children take turns lying down on the floor and trying to “walk” along the path on the wall. They start from the floor, gradually raising their legs higher and higher, moving to the “Birch” position.

Game "Jump to the shelf"

Target: development of coordination, spatial relations (right - left), exercise in high jumps, foot training.

Organization: Children line up one at a time. Multi-colored strips are glued to the wall at a height of outstretched hand most low child and up to the height of the tallest jump.

Game progress:

Children take turns jumping up against the wall, trying to reach as high as possible to the multi-colored stripes.

Game "Confusion"

Target: development of coordination, spatial imagination and perception, understanding of spatial relationships (right - left), training the muscles of the shoulder girdle and arms.

Organization: silhouettes of palms are pasted on the wall in random order. Children can play alone or in pairs.

Game progress:

Children pass their palms along the silhouettes from top to bottom, hands can only be placed on paired silhouettes (right - left), while the hands have to be turned in different directions.

Option 1 - the child plays alone and simply “walks” with his hands along the wall;

Option 2 - children play in a pair “Who will get to the conditional mark faster?”. At the same time, hands can be crossed, children can change places, but do not take their hands off the wall;

3rd option - one child is leading, he gives commands to the other child where to go (for example, the right one is red, the left one is green, etc.).

Such activity stimulates the motor creativity of children, contributes to the mastery of new types of movements. This is ensured by the search for new forms and content of role-playing games.

It is necessary to expediently equip group sites with equipment and remote equipment (rope ropes, football and basketballs, scooters, bags for throwing at a distance). Its placement should contribute to the motor activity of children, and its selection should maintain children's interest in different types of movements. In everyday life, children should be given more independence, not to hamper the initiative, the desire for motor creativity. The participation of the educator in games is desirable: the personal example of an adult increases children's interest in motor activity, allows the teacher to unobtrusively monitor the entire group of children and direct the activities of each child.

Rational combination different types classes in physical culture is a whole range of health-improving, educational and educational activities. The content and construction of classes is different, each of them to some extent has its own specific purpose.

Morning exercises, exercises after daytime sleep, walks, trips to the park, outdoor games and physical exercises during a walk perform organizational and recreational tasks.

Physical education, motor warm-up relieve fatigue in children and increase their mental performance.

Finger gymnastics develops in children fine motor skills which contributes to the formation of speech and writing.

In the classroom, children learn, acquire the necessary skills, abilities, knowledge.

Weeks of health, sports leisure, sports holidays is an active holiday.

Interest circles develop children's motor skills and creativity.

Individual and differentiated work is designed to correct physical and motor development.

Corrective gymnastics (prescribed by a doctor) solves therapeutic and prophylactic problems and is intended for children with poor health.

Logo-rhythmic gymnastics is necessary for the prevention of speech disorders in children and the development of motor skills.

Depending on the purpose, all of the above types of classes, their nature can change and be repeated at different intervals during the day, week, month, year, making up the so-called health-improving motor regimen for preschoolers.

Giving particular importance to the role of physical activity in improving the health of preschoolers, it is necessary to prioritize the daily routine.

The first place in the motor mode of children belongs to sports and recreational activities. These include well-known types of motor activities: morning exercises, outdoor games and physical exercises during walks, physical education sessions in classes with mental stress, motor warm-ups between classes, etc.

In order to optimize the motor activity and hardening of children in the practice of preschool institutions, it is necessary to introduce additional types of motor activities, interconnected with a complex of hardening measures, as well as to introduce non-traditional forms and methods of their implementation. These activities include:

Health running in the air;

Jogging along massage paths in combination with air baths;

Gymnastics after a daytime sleep;

Motor warm-up during a break between classes;

Individual work with children on the development of movements and regulation YES children on an evening walk;

Walking trips to the park;

Corrective gymnastics combined with hydromassage and dry body massage;

Use of the sauna with contrast body dousing and dry massage followed by games in the pool.

The second place in the motor mode of children is occupied by training sessions in physical culture - as the main form of teaching motor skills and developing optimal YES children. Conduct physical education classes at least three times a week in the morning (one in the air). The formation of subgroups should be carried out taking into account three main criteria: health status, level YES and physical fitness.

If there is a swimming pool, it is necessary to conduct swimming lessons for children at least twice a week (preferably in the afternoon, in subgroups of 10-12 people).

The third place is given to independent motor activity that occurs on the initiative of children. It gives a wide scope for the manifestation of their individual motor abilities. Independent activity is an important source of activity and self-development of the child. Its duration depends on the individual manifestations of children in motor activity, and therefore the pedagogical guidance of children's independent activities should be built taking into account the level YES.

Along with the listed types of physical education classes, there are many importance is given to active recreation, physical culture and mass events in which parents and children of a neighboring preschool educational institution can take part. Such activities include a week of health, sports leisure, physical culture and sports holidays in the air and water, games, competitions, sports days.

Walking is the most auspicious time for outdoor games and physical exercises. Their duration is 10-15 minutes. So, on the days of physical education classes, include games, physical and drill exercises of medium and low intensity at the end of the walk. On other days - 1-2 outdoor games and 1-2 physical exercises with a more intense load, which were studied in a physical education lesson. The forms of organizing outdoor games and exercises during a walk can be different, depending on the nature of past and upcoming classes, the time of year, and the individual characteristics of children.

The teachers are running all over the room. At the teacher's signal, they quickly stop in place and take some kind of sports pose in pairs: squat, raise their arms to the sides, etc. The teacher notes whose figure is more interesting.

Thus, the motor mode of a preschooler with a health-improving orientation, which includes the most priority forms of physical education, allows you to form required volume and to control the motor activity of children in a preschool institution.

YES - physical activity.


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The physical development of the child is an important function of the preschool educational institution. Today speech in preschool program it is no longer about physical education, as such, about physical development in general, which involves the development of motor activity, the physical qualities of preschoolers, knowledge of one's body, its functions, the purpose of its main parts, the body's capabilities, to develop within the framework of individual capabilities, one's own potential.

important pedagogical condition which determines the activity of children and optimizes the motor mode in preschool and at home, is the development of their interest in systematic studies exercise.

Developing interest in movement

The selection of interesting and accessible physical exercises, the use of simulation and game tasks contributes to which he is studying. Preschoolers are happy to jump like "bunnies"; perform walking with a clear step, like "athletes on parade"; walk along a log, like "tourists on a bridge over a stream."

The child has a need for movement. At an early age, it occurs in connection with objective activity, later it is realized in a variety of games, physical exercises and feasible work.

Given the fatigue of babies from monotonous movements, and the fact that they still do not know how to rationally regulate their activities, it is necessary to observe the change in movements in alternation with a short rest.

The development of interest in movements in preschool children is facilitated by simulation and game tasks, plot, conversations about physical education and sports, excursions to the stadium, viewing thematic filmstrips and films about big sports and famous athletes, sports holidays and olympiads in educational institutions and the like.

Musical accompaniment of movements in children

Given that emotions are the core of a child's development, parents need to take care of the constant positive attitude pupils on, while using various forms and methods of teaching children movements at home.

This problem can be solved by musical accompaniment of children's movements, the inclusion of elements of dance exercises, as well as exercises from oriental health systems; the use of facial and pantomimic movements, the organization and conduct of non-standard physical education classes, and the like.

A remarkable effect is the use of plot complexes in a preschool educational institution and at home during morning exercises, physical education classes in the form of pedestrian crossings to a park, forest, river using natural material.

Motor activity of children while walking

Preschool children love the figure procession. With it, you can start physical education for a walk, hiking. Marching perfectly organizes and unites children, develops a sense of rhythm, forms interest in movements, activates not only the motor sphere, but also the physiological system.

Marching attracts children with unusual movements and skills during walking, originality of turns, buildings and rearrangements, especially when it is carried out to music.

One of the ways to form children's interest in physical exercises and physical culture skills is walking, excursions to the stadium, watching the training of athletes, visiting the sports grounds of the school and the swimming pool. Interesting conversations with children about what they saw, meetings in kindergarten with athletes and coaches will enrich pupils with knowledge about the importance and role of physical education and sports in human development and strengthening of his health.

Filmstrips and films about big sports and famous athletes, hardened people living in the north, visiting sports competitions at the stadium, holding sports festivals in educational institutions, participation of children in public events at the stadium, viewing pictures on sports topics contribute to an increase in interest in sports events, the development of appropriate skills.

Formation of physical skills in nature

Classes in the bosom of nature for a growing organism are of particular value, since they contribute not only to fostering interest in movements, but also increase efficiency, reduce the level of childhood morbidity.

The widespread use of natural factors: terrain (ascents, descents, jumping over potholes, etc.) teaches children to overcome natural obstacles, contributes to the formation of strong motor skills, develops physical qualities, and brings up moral and volitional character traits.

Periodic holding of these events makes physical education not only useful, but also pleasant, cheerful, relaxed, musical. Positive emotions, the smells of natural material cause great joy in children, sharpen the senses, awaken the thought, activate motor actions, and contribute to the development of physical skills. Activities in nature have the maximum impact on the interests of children and are an effective part of the motor regimen.

Forms and methods of development of motor skills in children

The development of children's interest in performing movements indicates that the use of various forms of work, methods and techniques, means, various movements and skills, the use of optimal methods for their implementation, the motivation of preschool children's motor activity, increase their interest in physical education, morning exercises, outdoor games and games. and sports activities.

In the course of performing movements, the desire to do them quickly, efficiently, deftly, like real athletes, is activated. When improving the basic movements and skills in games, the competition method has a significant effect. The use of this method causes a great positive response in babies: joy, pleasure, laughter, screaming.

Emotional upsurge, according to L. Grimak, "turns on the muscles and awakens the brain."

Ensuring the motor activity of children during the day, determining the volume of the motor regime indicate that all the work done to develop children's interest in systematic physical exercises ultimately provides sufficient motor activity for preschoolers, which is the key to normal growth child.

The role of outdoor games in the development of motor skills

Essential for the creation of a full-fledged motor regimen are outdoor games organized by the educator, and a variety of independent games, as well as exercises and games of a sports nature that are performed by children during walks.

Increased physical activity during games also contributes to children's communication. Games in which they participate as a subgroup are longer and more active than individual games.

Basically, these are games of medium mobility that were previously learned with children. At this time, you can also offer individual children training with the ball, jump rope (older children). Those children who show independence should be encouraged to repeat exercises they enjoy on their own initiative.

With older children, sports games and relay races should be played more often.

It is necessary to appropriately distribute the physical activity of children during their stay in a preschool institution. The second half of the day requires special attention, when sedentary and calm activities are often carried out by preschoolers. It is necessary to monitor the state of health of children, carrying out individual management of their activities.

Individual lessons for the development of motor skills

Individual work should also be aimed at activating sedentary children, improving the physical and motor fitness of weaker preschoolers.

The educator provides one of them with assistance in performing the exercises, and reminds others how to do them, encourages and evaluates motor actions. Some children are offered to rest, preventing them from fatigue and too much overheating from motor activity.

Movement is one of the universal manifestations of human activity. Movement is the main function small child; through movement, he cognizes the world, improves the motor apparatus, regulates the metabolic processes, on the mutual harmony of which growth and its physical development depend.

Doctors' observations suggest that mobility is characteristic of healthy children, and inactivity, as a rule, is characteristic of those suffering from some kind of illness. Unfortunately, not knowing this, children are often forced to behave calmly, to sit in one place for a long time, which delays their physical and mental development. “Function creates an organ” is a biological law that everyone should know.

Skeletal muscle exercise provides the energy needed to maintain body temperature and high level metabolic processes. The higher the activity of skeletal muscles, the more harmonious the exchange, the more complete the function of organs and systems. Moderate but systematic muscular activity hardens the body, increases its resistance to harmful factors, infections, favorably affects the regulation of physicochemical processes in tissues.

Movement is a means of harmonious development of personality. This is not only the path to health, but also to the development of intelligence. Movement, especially of the fingers, stimulates the development and activity of the brain, its various departments. Properly organized physical education contributes to the development of children logical thinking, memory, initiative, imagination, independence. Children become more attentive and observant, more disciplined. Their will is strengthened and character is developed.

The development of motor skills and their quality have a significant range and depend not only on the individual typological characteristics of the child (genetic properties), but also on the conditions of education, on correct mode sleep, wakefulness, nutrition, gymnastics.

A young child is characterized by a tendency to intensify the processes of excitation and inhibition. Optimal excitability of the brain, contributing to normal course physiological processes, largely depends on the development of the motor analyzer, on its perfection, on motor activity. A special role in maintaining optimal excitability of the cerebral cortex is played by a positive emotional tone (joyful state), which is best implemented in the game.

Game activity in combination with contrast air baths, additional physical activity on playground formed the basis of the health-improving methods proposed by N.D. Gorelik, Yu.F. Zmanovsky, B.S. Godun and others. The authors note a good health effect such activities, manifested in a decrease in the incidence of children, improvement of their neuropsychic state, physical development, physical fitness. Research data show that improving the conditions of physical education in preschool educational institutions can reduce the incidence of acute respiratory viral infections by 2 times, facilitate its course in patients, and reduce the number of disorders of the musculoskeletal system by 1.5 times.

The basis of traditional methods of physical education in preschool institutions is the scheme of formation of motor skills, laid down in the first third of the 20th century (the teachings of I.P. Pavlov). An adult demonstrates movement - children reproduce it many times, a dynamic stereotype (skill) is formed with the transfer of the learned pattern to new situations and its final consolidation. Positive result- A well-established motor skill. Culture as an element of "physical culture" is nominally present in the traditional theory and practice of physical education of children. The value orientation of traditional physical education in the preschool educational institution has been and remains the normative ways of organizing physical activity adopted in it. Pedagogical work in fact, it is replaced by coaching, which is carried out more or less successfully by a physical education instructor, although the qualification of an educator-instructor is more necessary. An alternative to such sports education is proposed and put into practice preschool education outdoor games, but they often turn into a way of motor training for children.

Concentrating its efforts on motor training, traditional practice, in essence, removes the task of animating movements, developing motor imagination, which is a project of future movements that the child will have to implement in new, non-standard situations.

Useful in such cases role-playing game, which periodically interrupts the motor activity of children. In it, children are faced with the need to quickly rebuild images or create new ones. The image carries a specific code of that holistic psychosomatic state, which should accompany the construction and creative execution of any movement. The free construction of a motor image by a child contributes to the development of his motor skills. The task of the teacher is to pick up these images in the proposed game.

On the days of planned physical education, movement determines about 10% of the child's active state; 22–25% of the time is occupied by outdoor games during walks, another 10–15% is given by active movements, morning hygienic exercises, labor processes, etc., determining, together with the above regime moments, about 45–50% of the time spent in kindergarten . Without active movement, children spend more than 50% of the time, while the optimal reference density of movements for them is 70–75%. In the structure of sedentary moments, about 25% is daytime sleep, about 10–12% is nutrition, 6–8% is forced waiting in preparation for meals, 15–17% is table work.

An unfavorable picture of hypokinesia in preschool pupils even more aggravated with hidden timing, when the teacher does not know what is the object of research. In 7 cases out of 10 there is an unreasonable refusal to take a second walk (observations were carried out in November-December), in 4 cases out of 10 there is a conscious restriction of mobility: the teacher seats the children on chairs in a square and makes them sit still while absent for some reason. affairs, leaving one of the children to the eldest, who then reports who and how behaved. For a child, immobilization is the worst punishment. It can last from 10 to 30 minutes and adversely affects not only the physical, but also the neuropsychic state of children.

The conducted timing also showed a decrease by almost a third of the children's motor activity due to the absence of those regime moments that should be motor-saturated. This applies to walks without organizing outdoor collective games, while educators of adjacent groups on the site exchange breaking news. Some children refuse to active rest preferring passive walks.

It is necessary to additionally look for ways to prevent hypokinesia in children in kindergartens. The fight against physical inactivity in childhood is an important link in the primary prevention of obesity, atherosclerosis, osteochondrosis, coronary heart disease and other chronic nonspecific diseases in adults. It has been proven that their formation begins in childhood. The sooner measures are taken to preserve and promote health, the more effective they will be.

In addition to the organizational improvement of the planned routine activities (morning hygienic gymnastics, physical education lessons, walks, etc.), we advise you to pay attention to the possibility of using for purposeful gaming activity the period from daytime sleep to a reinforced afternoon snack, pushed back by 1 hour according to the regimen. This one and a half hour period of time naturally fits into the daily regimen as a health-improving game hour, which allows you to carry out mandatory hardening procedures, increase the motor activity of children through organized play activities, and also cause a child’s appetite by the time of taking an enhanced afternoon snack due to active energy consumption.

General requirements for the health-improving game hour

The health-improving game hour is conducted by the teacher of the group daily after nap directly in the bedroom and group room in the cold season and on the site - in the warm season. Group lessons, somewhat longer than a physical education lesson, in duration (up to 25–30 minutes for younger children and up to 35–40 minutes for older preschoolers). In children younger age exercises and movements should be associated with the game, display, in older children - the word prevails or the word is combined with the display. The recommended structure of the health-improving game hour for preschool children is presented in tab. 20.

Table 20

The structure of the health-improving game hour

The most universal and effective is the form of a training session. It doesn't always look like traditional lesson, but the main components of the lesson (preparatory, main and final parts) must be present in any form of organization of the lesson.

The purpose of the warm-up is to provide gradual preparation functional systems child to more intensive loads. During the warm-up period, it is necessary to carefully prepare those muscle groups that will be most involved in the main part of the lesson. Typically, the warm-up uses multi-tempo walking, running, imitation jumps, etc. Warm-up exercises involving various groups muscles (1–2 min), breathing exercises (2–3 min).

The main part of the lesson is devoted to the development of physical qualities or learning movements by performing gymnastic exercises with various subjects in a game or relay mode (12-15 minutes) and a mobile role-playing game (12-15 minutes). The most complex movements are learned at the beginning of the main part of the lesson, and it is better to develop and improve physical qualities in next sequence: exercises for coordination, speed, strength, endurance. Duration of the main part from 20-2 5 min. younger preschoolers, up to 25-30 minutes - for the elders.

In the final part of the lesson - calm walking, relaxation exercises, light jogging, breathing exercises (2-3 minutes). The lesson is held with children dressed in lightweight sportswear (first in a T-shirt and shorts, then only in shorts), barefoot, in a well-ventilated room with an air temperature of 16 to 20 °, with a gradual decrease depending on the physical activity of children to 12 °. Temperature regime health-improving game hour, when combined with a pulsating microclimate, is described in detail in the methodological manual for hardening children.

On the days of the health-improving game hour, a physical education lesson is not excluded. They somewhat reduce the motor game load and pay special attention to special hardening procedures (wet rubdowns, contrast foot baths, etc.).

The modern concept of the organization of physical culture in kindergarten involves the use of outdoor games as the main component of planned physical education classes, included integral part in the Kindergarten Education Program. Children learn by playing. It is in games that they enter into different, sometimes complex relationships with their peers, showing dexterity, courage, and ingenuity. For children, everything around is fun, joyful and exciting game. If they like it, they are ready to play the same game many times in a row. For preschoolers, all the activities that the teacher conducts in physical education come down to the game.

The gameplay in the DOW should be focused on compliance with the requirements, in which games should:

Influence the psychophysiological development of children;

Develop motor skills;

Organize children for collective action;

Easy to digest by children;

To the extent possible, be carried out in the fresh air;

Easy to digest by teachers for working with children;

Do not require special devices and benefits. Yu.F. Zmanovsky. In addition to the 10-15-minute game, he introduced a warm-up, physical education part (gymnastic exercises different orientation) and the final part, in which great importance gave breathing exercises.

Then it was proposed to combine air baths with games: the children played games half-naked - at first in open T-shirts, panties, socks and slippers, and later only in panties and slippers. The dosage of air baths ranged from 7 to 28 minutes and was in close connection with the temperature conditions and the intensity of physical stress. So they began to combine the use of physical exercises in the form of outdoor games and tempering procedures, their main provisions were developed:

Outdoor games and exercises should simultaneously involve a large group of muscles. This corresponds to such movements as walking, running, jumping, throwing, climbing. Less acceptable are movements involving a limited number of muscles: head turns, lateral torso tilts, shoulder movements, etc .;

Exercises are desirable in which all children are involved at once, and not in turn;

Exercises should be accessible and simple, not require long preparation and a lot of attention. Such tasks should be given that children can immediately complete after being shown by the teacher or that they are already familiar with;

It is important to arouse interest in these activities in children, to arouse a desire to temper;

During classes, those tasks that the child performs with joy are valued, unaware that he obeys the wishes of adults;

Tempering activities associated with movement can be used in kindergarten throughout the year in various types of classes.

We are convinced that games are preferable to ordinary gymnastic exercises. Organized outdoor games develop strength, speed, endurance, flexibility, dexterity in children. They are the basis for the harmonious development of the child. The value of collective games lies in the fact that they represent the first step in the collective communication of children, help develop the child's independence, his creative imagination and fantasy. The advantage of the game is also that children who, for health reasons, are classified as different (according to the permitted physical activity) groups. In the game, individual dosing of the load is possible.

Mobile games are one of best practices air hardening, the conditions for which are created in indoor classes, if the elementary requirements for the preparation and maintenance of physical culture and gaming classes are observed.

The longer the game, the longer the same set of exercises is worked out, the more children are included in them with great pleasure. Frequent change of games is impractical, it is better to complicate the already familiar ones, increasing the distance to be overcome, changing the rules of the game, requiring greater clarity in the execution of tasks.

Children for whom the movements used in the game are not difficult are usually active and cheerful. If during the game the child fails to pass, run or throw an object, his emotional tone decreases, he ceases to rejoice, becomes passive. The educator should pay attention to such children, try to ensure that they make feasible movements and become active.

One should not praise some children and emphasize the awkwardness, sluggishness of others. We must remember about individual typological features: children lagging behind their peers feel their inferiority, gradually refuse to study, become inactive.

Games with children should be played daily. Not a single day should pass without a game and gymnastic exercises, in which special hardening procedures should be woven into a natural element.

Organization of the motor regime of preschoolers during the day

One of the main factors in the improvement of children is physical activity. The first seven years are the years of rapid mental and physical development of the child, whose body and its functions are far from perfect and are easily exposed to various influences. That is why it is so important that during this period of development of children we provide them with a pedagogically appropriate environment. From the state of health of the child, the ability to control his movements, his dexterity, orientation, speed of motor reaction, his mood, the nature and content of the game, and further achievements in educational and labor activities largely depend.

The correct organization of the physical education of children in everyday life ensures the implementation of the motor regimen necessary for a healthy physical condition the child and his psyche during the day.

Health-improving and upbringing-educational tasks of the program of physical education of children are carried out in various forms: outdoor games, walks, individual work with individual children and small groups, self-study of children with various types of physical exercises and sports holidays. The child receives the basis for the successful mastery of motor skills in systematic physical education classes. However, the improvement, sustainability of acquired skills and their independent acquisition by the child in various conditions life cannot be accomplished by occupation alone. To give children the opportunity to exercise and independently apply skills in their activities, the teacher uses various forms of work in the established daily routine.

In addition to daily morning gymnastics and a certain number of physical education classes per week, the teacher during the day must provide time for a variety of outdoor games, individual lessons and provides an opportunity for children to unite and play or exercise on their own.

Outdoor games as the main motor activity of preschool children are planned by the teacher at different times of the day in accordance with the regimen of each age group. In the morning, before breakfast, there are always games on the interests of children. Among them there are also independent outdoor games of small children's groups. Outdoor games and physical exercises during a walk are a form of daily work of a preschool institution for physical education. On a walk, the duration of games and exercises is 10-12 minutes, if a physical education lesson is planned that day, 30-40 minutes on other days. In the evening, outdoor games and physical exercises should be given 10-15 minutes. This form of work opens up wide opportunities for the physical improvement of children, strengthening their health and tempering. It is important that children have at their disposal game material, physical education aids and equipment that stimulates physical activity. Therefore, it is extremely important to search for new forms and content of role-playing games ("Rocket launch", "Firefighters in training", "Sports competitions", etc.).

The driving environment should be saturated with various equipment and sports equipment that contribute to the development of the game. To stimulate motor activity in the group, it is necessary to create obstacle courses on the site so that children can perform various motor tasks (walk along the paths, jump from bump to bump, climb into the tunnel, climb the ladder-"mast", etc.). You can strengthen the "Hit the Ring" simulator, make markings on the floor for playing "Classics". It is desirable to organize the space in such a way that there is an opportunity for multi-variant games. In addition, it is good to have a card file of various games, movements, exercises in the group, consisting of cards on which general developmental exercises are schematically depicted, the main types of movements, elements of rhythmic gymnastics and acrobatics, fragments of relay races and other outdoor games. Working with cards helps children to use the accumulated motor experience in independent activities, teaches them to organize competitions with their peers, and obey the rules. It is necessary to take out toys (reins, turntables, wheelchairs, etc.) and small physical education aids (sticks, hoops, balls, ropes, etc.) to the sites.

Thus, a variety of outdoor games contribute to the comprehensive development of children, contribute to the improvement of the body, enrich the life of children with new content, educate their feelings, behavior, orientation in the environment, independence and creative initiative.

Individual work with children in physical education must be built on the basis of knowledge of age and a thorough study of the individual typological characteristics of children. Individual work begins at an early age. It is planned throughout the day during the hours of games, walks, it should be a natural and organic part of the overall pedagogical process. Achieving success in teaching motor actions, the educator not only offers the child to perform the exercise correctly, for example, according to his model, but also tries to arouse interest in the task. In the process of individual communication with the teacher at a pace convenient for the child, he, consciously perceiving the task and relying on the guidelines indicated to him, performs it. In these cases, individual training not only contributes to the development of this motor action, but also develops the child, activates his mental activity. Combining children into small groups is also advisable when conducting outdoor games with rules, in order to clarify these rules, and to learn the obligation of these performances. The selection of shy children as leaders, the involvement of sedentary children in motor activities, etc. Thus, complex tasks individual work and work with small groups of children require from the educator fine craftsmanship, a sensitive attitude towards children, and a strict comparative accounting of the results of work, showing the progress of the mental and physical development of children.

Physical education (short-term physical exercises) are held in the middle, senior and preparatory groups during the breaks between sessions, as well as during the session itself. The value of physical education is to change the nature of the activity and posture of the child through motor activity, relieving fatigue, restoring the emotionally positive state of the psyche. Physical education in the process of the lesson itself can be held sitting or standing at the table at which the children are engaged. It consists of 2-3 trunk extension exercises, arm movements that activate the muscles and expand the chest, and step in place. All this is done within 1-2 minutes. Physical education between two classes can be carried out in the form of an outdoor game and exercises. A prerequisite for physical education is fresh air (open transoms, windows). At the end of the exercise, and if an outdoor game was held, a short walk, the teacher reminds the children what else they will do and offers to calmly take their seats.

No less important is independent motor activity during the day. Being engaged independently, the child focuses on actions leading to the achievement of the goal that captivates him. Achieving its successful implementation, he changes the methods of action, comparing them and choosing the most appropriate. The incentive for independent motor activity of children of all age groups is, first of all, the presence in the group or on the site of various toys, small and large physical education aids. In the group of children of the third year of life, toys that stimulate independent initial actions are advisable: various wheelchairs, strollers, cars, balls, balls that are convenient for throwing, tossing, rolling into gates, etc. Of the major benefits that encourage children to move, slides are needed, ladders, benches, boxes and other devices on which children practice climbing, crawling, crawling, etc. under the guidance of a teacher.

For independent motor activity of children of the fourth year of life, the teacher selects motor toys, small physical education aids and games in accordance with the instructions of the Kindergarten Education Program. For throwing and throwing exercises, balls of various sizes, bags, rings, various interesting in design and shape: ring throws, throwing shields, hoops, short and long ropes. For children of older groups, especially preparatory, it is advisable to play games with elements of sports games - volleyball, basketball, towns, badminton, table tennis, preparing children to familiarize themselves with the rules of these games and to master some of the simplest elements in order to prepare for school and playing sports.

A large place in the independent activity of children should be occupied by outdoor games with rules: they develop creative initiative, organizational skills, develop criteria for assessing the behavior of participants and the implementation of the rules, bring children together.

All the specified variety of independent motor activity of children is provided for in the plan of the educator. All the diverse motor activities of children during the day take place under the guidance of an educator. The creation of a calm environment, the maintenance of a cheerful mood of children, the expedient employment of each child, a change in activity, its dosage, and observance of the entire motor regimen depend on it. The teacher should be ready in any case to help the children and at the same time not to rush and not deprive them of initiative, the opportunity to think, to show effort in mastering physical exercises, performing various game tasks, etc.

The life of children during the day should proceed within the established regime, without haste and constant haste, contrary to the basics of hygiene of the child's nervous system. Physical education in all its components it alternates with other activities and activities of children. If this alternation is systematically observed, the daily routine causes a positive reaction of children.

The tasks of the educator are to ensure that the children are able to learn something new every day, improve what is already familiar, enrich their knowledge and feelings, and, leaving home, have an interesting prospect for tomorrow - to play the promised interesting game go on a long walk. Each educator can create such an interesting full-fledged life.

Leshkova Larisa Anatolievna,


MBDOU kindergarten №40 "Snegurochka"


In its historical development, the human body was formed in conditions of high motor activity. Primitive man every day I had to run and walk ten kilometers in search of food, constantly escape from someone, overcome obstacles, attack. So five main vital movements stood out, each of which had its own meaning: running and walking - to move in space, jumping and climbing - to overcome obstacles, throwing - to defend and attack. For millions of years, these movements were the main condition for the existence of man - the one who mastered them better than others survived. For many years there was no need to measure movements - a person moved at the limit of his capabilities.

Now we see the opposite picture. The development of science and technology has contributed to a gradual decrease in the physical activity of people, which over time began to adversely affect their health. Physiologists consider movement to be an innate, vital human need. Its complete satisfaction is especially important at early and preschool age, when all the basic systems and functions of the body are being formed. Studying the development of the brain and its functions, it has been objectively proven that during any motor training, not the hands, but the brain are exercised. Scientists recommend that teachers use movement as the most important means mental development children.

Hygienists and doctors say: without movement, a child cannot grow up healthy. Movement is a warning of various diseases, especially those associated with cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous systems. Movement is the most efficient remedy. Doctor and teacher V.V. Gorinevsky, as a result of deep medical research, came to the conclusion that the lack of movement not only adversely affects the health of children, but also reduces their mental performance, inhibits overall development, and makes children indifferent to the environment.

According to psychologists: Small child cognizes the world through activity. And its activity is expressed, first of all, in movements. The first ideas about the world, its things and phenomena come to the child through the movements of his eyes, tongue, hands, movement in space. The more diverse the movement, the more information enters the brain, the more intense intellectual development. The development of movements is one of the indicators of the correct neuropsychological development at an early age. Cognition of the environment through movement most of all corresponds to the psychological and age characteristics of children in the first three years of life.

All famous teachers from antiquity to the present day note: movement is an important means of education.

More J.-J. Rousseau wrote about movement as a means of knowing the surrounding world. He pointed out that without movements the condition of such concepts as space, time, and form is inconceivable. K.D. Ushinsky repeatedly emphasized the role of movements in mastering the child's native language.

According to E.A. Arkin, intellect, feelings, emotions are excited in life by movements. He recommended that children be given the opportunity to move both in everyday life and in the classroom. Academician N.N. Amosov called movements the "primary stimulus" for the child's mind. Moving, the child learns the world around him, learns to love it and purposefully act in it. Movement is the first source of courage, endurance, determination of a small child, and in older children it is a form of manifestation of these important human qualities.

A child of the 21st century, according to academician N.M. Amosov, faces three vices of civilization: the accumulation of negative emotions without physical relaxation, malnutrition and hypodynamia.

The last two circumstances, according to scientists, lead to acceleration - the accelerated development of the child, and first of all - an increase in height and body weight. Internal organs in their development lag behind growth, therefore, there are various diseases and deviations.

Scientists have found that a high need for movement is genetically inherent in human body, is conditioned by the whole course of its evolutionary development. There was a need to compensate for the "movement-existence" with specially invented movements - physical exercises.

N.A. Fomin, Yu.N. Vavilov propose to define motor activity as a natural basis for the accumulation of human health reserves. E.A.Stepankova defines motor activity as “the basis individual development and life support of the child's body. Researchers (E.V. Khrushchev, S.D. Polyakov, T.I. Osokina, Yu.F. Zamanovsky) consider the systematic use of cyclic exercises in walking, running, jumping as one of the main conditions for organizing a child’s motor activity. Long evenly repeated cyclic exercises are considered as the most important component of the motor regime of a growing organism, which at the physiological level contributes to the normalization of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, as well as an increase in mental and physical performance, consciousness and strengthening of positive emotional background.

Various types of cyclic motor exercises are also means of developing general endurance. According to experts, there is a direct correlation between the development indicators of this quality and the level of formation of motor skills and abilities.

The relevance of this problem lies in the fact that most children experience a "motor deficit", that is, the number of movements they make during the day is below the age norm.

Hypodynamia threatens the health of our children. Many understand this concept in a simplified way - as a lack of movement. But this is completely false. Hypodynamia is a kind of disease, the definition of which sounds rather ominous "a violation of the functions of the body (musculoskeletal system, blood circulation, respiration, digestion) with limitation of motor activity." The reason for this is the high incidence of children, an increase in the number of children suffering from obesity, cardiovascular diseases, which leads to a reduction in life by 5-15 years. Many children need psychological correction, as they are characterized by serious psychological distress, and we know that physical health forms an inseparable unity with mental health and emotional well-being.

Thus, physical activity is the biological need of the body for movement, the degree of satisfaction of which depends on the level of children's health, their physical and general development. In the socio-biological development of the child, it should be emphasized that children have a high plasticity of all aspects of life, ensuring the interaction of the body with the environment of existence, the child accumulates motor experience due to the absence of a rigid genetic program that limits the manifestation of motor function. In this regard, according to the definition of N.A. Fomin and Yu.N. Vavilov, the accumulation and enrichment of the child’s motor experience in order to use the “motor wealth” at subsequent stages of life is biologically justified.

From the standpoint of the problem I am studying, it must be emphasized that the acquisition by a child of a huge number of motor skills, which largely overlap innate motor inclinations due to high brain plasticity and an extended period of biological maturation, can only be achieved with a purposeful, well-organized motor mode in a group.

The following principles of organizing the motor mode of children in the group are observed in the work:

The principle of scientific character is the reinforcement of all activities aimed at improving health with scientifically based and practically tested methods.

The principle of completeness and integration is the solution of health problems in the system of the entire educational process.

The principle of activity, consciousness - participation in the search for new effective methods and purposeful activity for the health of children.

The principle of addressing and continuity - maintaining communication between age categories, taking into account the state of health.

The principle of effectiveness and assurance is the realization of the rights of children to receive assistance and support.

After analyzing the work of specialists in this field, we formulated the following tasks:

  1. To study the state of the problem of optimizing the motor activity of younger preschoolers.
  2. Conduct a set of diagnostics to identify the level of motor activity.

3. Develop a methodological set of measures to optimize the motor mode.

Theoretical and methodological base: research on the problem of motor activity of younger preschoolers (V.A. Shishkina, M.A. Runova, M.N. Aliev, etc.); on the problem of the development of physical qualities of preschoolers (E.N. Vavilova, Z.I. Kuznetsova, M.Kh. Spaeva, etc.); research on the problem of the development of children's motor activity based on the predominance of cyclic exercises in preschool educational institutions (E.V. Khrushchev, S.D. Polyakov, I.N. Bocharova, T.I. Osokina, Yu.F. Zmanovsky, etc.).

Research methods.


Analysis of pedagogical literature on the research topic;

Interpretation of literary sources;





Methods of mathematical processing of experimental data.

Features of motor activity in the life of a child of primary preschool age

The need for movement is inherent in the human body, due to the entire course of its evolutionary development. There was a need to compensate for the "movement-existence" with specially invented movements - physical exercises. Gradually, the problem of determining the norms of physical activity of children arose.

I asked myself two questions:

Do children of primary and secondary preschool age move enough in the conditions of a preschool institution;

Are there any norms for physical activity of preschool children?

When analyzing the daily routine of children of primary preschool age, factors that limit the motor activity of children were revealed. Program "Education and education in kindergarten" edited by

Vasilyeva M.A. for conducting classes in 2 junior groups kindergarten 165-220 minutes a week are allotted: 75 minutes are PHYSICAL and MUSO classes. The remaining 90 minutes are devoted to classes, when children spend most of their time in a static position (at tables, on the carpet, standing), and this increases the static load on certain muscle groups and causes them to fatigue.

Thus, the strength and efficiency of the skeletal muscles are reduced, which entails a violation of posture, curvature of the spine, flat feet, delay age development speed, agility, coordination of movements, endurance, flexibility of strength.

After analyzing the independent activity of younger preschoolers, she concluded that the majority of children experience a “motor deficit”, that is, the number of movements they make during the day is below the age norm.

A lot of time in younger groups is spent on feeding, changing clothes, hygiene procedures: Toddlers have poorly developed self-care skills. In addition, these children make it difficult to organize their activities, which also adversely affects their motor activity. Children find something to do, taking into account their interests, but they still cannot diversify their activities. In many ways, the mobility of children depends on their motor skills. There is a need for organized motor activity.

As a result of special studies, scientists have established indicative norms for the motor activity of children.

What units can be used to measure a child's movements? First of all - conditional steps. For this, a special device is used - a pedometer. This is the so-called range of motion. For children of primary and secondary preschool age, with a 12-hour stay in kindergarten (including 2 hours of sleep), it is 7.5-9.5 thousand, for older children it is 11,000-12,500 thousand steps.

As you can see, with age, the number of movements in children increases.

Another indicator is the duration of physical activity of preschoolers. Children should move at least 45 - 50% of the entire period of wakefulness, which allows you to fully meet the biological need of the child's body for movement.

Thus, according to the results of diagnostics, the general motor mode does not contribute to the achievement of the proper level of motor activity in children. So, the number of children is 3-4 summer age, who have a more favorable level of physical activity, amounted to 35% of the total number of examined, and 65% are hyperactive and sedentary children.

In this regard, there is a need to improve the motor regime of children, which will contribute to the maximum development of each child, the mobilization of his activity of independence.

Depending on the degree of mobility of children, they can be divided into three main subgroups (high, medium, low mobility).

Children of average mobility are distinguished by the most even and calm behavior, uniform mobility throughout the day. Movements are usually confident, clear, purposeful.

Children of high mobility are characterized by unbalanced behavior, more often than others fall into conflict situations. According to my observations, due to excessive mobility, these children do not have time to understand the essence of the activity, as a result of which they have a "low degree of awareness of it." Of the types of movements, they choose running, jumping, avoid movements that require accuracy, restraint. Their movements are fast, sharp, often aimless. The main attention in the development of the motor activity of children with high mobility should be given to the education of purposefulness, controllability of movements, and the improvement of the ability to engage in more or less calm types of movements.

Children with low mobility are often lethargic, passive, and get tired quickly. They have little physical activity. They try to move aside so as not to disturb anyone, they choose activities that do not require a lot of space and movement. In sedentary children, it is necessary to cultivate interest in movements, the need for mobile activities. Special attention pay attention to the development of motor skills and abilities.

Thus, the organization of the motor regime should be aimed at developing the motor skills of children in accordance with their individual abilities and health.

In our group, the daily routine provides for a variety of activities for children throughout the day in accordance with the interests and needs, taking into account the season, the age of the children and the state of health.

The results of studies of the initial state of health and the level of development of children showed a steady trend of deterioration in the initial quality of health of children entering kindergarten. All children have 2 health groups. Considering the structure of chronic diseases, it should be noted that respiratory diseases are in the first place; on the second - diseases of the musculoskeletal system, on the third - allergic diseases. In children, frequent ARVI diseases are observed during epidemics, and due to unfavorable environmental factors.

In this regard, health-improving measures have been developed aimed at increasing the body's resistance to diseases, general tone and motor activity, as well as exercises to prevent diseases of the eyes and the musculoskeletal system.

To create a holistic system of health savings for children, it is very important to organize the physical activity of preschoolers.

In our kindergarten and in the group there are the necessary conditions to increase the motor activity of children, as well as for their relaxation and rest. The group is equipped with a sports corner, which presents a variety of equipment, hand-made manuals, which increase interest in organized and independent physical activity, develop physical qualities.

All equipment is located so that it is accessible to children. Much attention is paid to the organization of motor activity for a walk.

On the territory of the kindergarten there is sports and play equipment, as well as a variety of portable material is used for a walk to increase physical activity.

Preschool age is the period of the initial formation of the personality, the period of development of personal mechanisms of behavior.

The main goal of personality development - the realization by the child of his "I", as well as experiencing himself as a social individual - can be successfully solved in the process of doing physical exercises in kindergarten. Movement, even the simplest, provides food for children's imagination, develops creativity, which is the highest component in the structure of personality, is one of the most meaningful forms of a child's mental activity, which scientists consider as a universal ability that ensures the successful implementation of various types of activities.

Motor creativity reveals motor characteristics to the child own body, teaches to treat movement as a subject of game experimentation.

The main means of its formation is emotionally colored motor activity, with the help of which children learn to express their emotions and states through movements of the body in an imaginary situation, to look for creative compositions. Create new storylines, new forms of movement.

Of particular importance in the formation of motor creativity of preschoolers are game motor tasks, mobile sport games, sports entertainments that are always interesting for children, they have a great emotional charge, are distinguished by the variability of their constituent components, and make it possible to quickly solve motor problems. Children learn to invent motor content for the proposed plot, independently enrich and develop game actions, create new storylines, new forms of movement. This eliminates the habit of mechanical repetition of exercises, activates within the available limits creative activity on independent comprehension and successful application of familiar movements in non-standard conditions. Gradually, collective creativity, organized by an adult, becomes an independent activity of children.

Motor activity contributes to the formation of one of the important human needs - a healthy lifestyle. It represents the attitude of a person towards own activities supporting and strengthening his health. The health of the child, with which the term is semantically associated: healthy lifestyle life - an indicator of the level of development of the society in which he lives.

At preschool age, self-esteem begins to take shape - the most complex product of the development of the child's consciousness, manifested in the assessment of the personality of itself.

The formation of self-esteem is facilitated by exciting motor activity associated with a clear focus on the result (dramatization games, sports and outdoor games, sports exercises, relay race games). The child evaluates his "I" by the direct efforts that he made to achieve the goal. In connection with the development of self-esteem, such personal qualities as self-respect, conscience, pride develop.

Motor activity activates the moral development of the child's personality. First, it contributes to the formation of such positive personal qualities like sympathy, the desire to help, friendly support, a sense of justice, honesty, decency. This is evident in games and game exercises, the implementation of which puts the child in front of the need to make contact with a peer, to assist in the performance of a motor task, to find the best options for coordinating actions.

Thus, it is necessary to show the children the dependence of the overall result on the performance of certain actions by each child, on a kind and fair attitude towards comrades (to help a comrade, if he cannot follow the rules of the game, use polite forms of offering services, comments). The presence of a game moment helps to maintain in all children an interest in performing a common motor task, without which it is impossible to achieve the ability to see another, act with him. Mutual responsibility provides the child with the possibility of self-affirmation, develops confidence, initiative, forms a sense of camaraderie.

Motor activity is an important factor in the formation of the personality of a preschool child. In the course of learning motor actions, the development of cognitive, volitional and emotional forces of the child and the formation of his practical, motor skills take place.

This means that movement training has a targeted effect on inner world the child, his feelings, thoughts, gradually developing views, moral qualities; motor actions performed by children are beneficial for health and general physical development.

Teaching motor skills and abilities requires a child's composure, attention, concreteness of representation, activity of thought, development of memory: emotional, if the learning process causes interest and an associated emotional response; figurative - when perceiving a visual pattern of the movements of the educator and the performance of exercises by children; verbal-logical - when comprehending the task and memorizing the sequence of performing all elements of the exercise, content and action in an outdoor game and their independent implementation; motor - motor - in connection with practical implementation exercises by the children themselves; arbitrary, without which consciousness is impossible, independent execution exercises.

Thus, in the process of learning movement, children develop mental abilities, moral and aesthetic feelings, a conscious attitude to their activities and, in this regard, purposefulness and organization are formed. All this in interconnection is the implementation of an integrated approach to the learning process, which contributes to the formation of a comprehensively developed personality.

The sooner the child realizes the need for his direct familiarization with the riches of physical culture, the sooner he will form an important need that reflects a positive attitude and interest in the physical side of his life.

Thus, the following formula can be derived:

Cyclogram of motor activity of young children







Reception on the street.

The main types of movements.

Total: 20 minutes

Reception in a group

Total: 20 minutes

Let's jump like "sparrows" (with moving forward a distance of 2-3 m)

Let's jump-eat like "grasshoppers" (in length from a place)

We fly like birds

(alternating running in all directions with running to the agreed place on a signal)

"Fast Legs"

(running with a change in pace, slow up to 1 minute, fast 10 meters)

"1,2,3 - run to the tree" run at the signal of the teacher to the indicated place)

“Who is the fastest and most agile” (to run away from catching up)

" Who is first"

(running for distillation)

"The birds are pecking at the grains"

"Hen and chickens" (walking in pairs, wide and small steps with a change of direction on a signal and a wave of hands)

"I'm going to visit"

(walking in a line from one side of the site to the other)

"Soldiers" (walking in a column one at a time with a high knee lift)

Carousel (walking in a column in a circle holding hands with a change of direction on a signal and with an acceleration and deceleration of the pace)

"Herons" (stand on one leg for 4-8 seconds)

“We are walking along a narrow path” (shifting the heel of one foot to the toe of the other)

Let's spin like "leaves, snowflakes"

"From bump to bump"

(walking in a column one at a time, stepping forward, backward)

"The most accurate"

(rolling the ball under an arc in order to knock down the pin)

"Toss and Catch"

(throwing the ball up and catching with both hands)

"Who is the smartest"

(catching the ball thrown by the teacher, distance 70-100 cm)

"My fun ball"

(throwing the ball with both hands on the ground and catching it while standing)

(throwing at

range right and left hand)

Wellness walk around the kindergarten (7 minutes)

"Nimble guys" (rolling the ball to each other with increasing distance)

"Catch the ball"

(crawling on all fours behind a rolling ball)

"Colorful balls

(rolling the ball between objects)

Let's jump like "balls"

(with advancement forward by 2 meters)

"Merry Parsley"

(jumping on two legs from hoop to hoop)

"Nimble mice"

(jumping with a change of position of the legs)

Let's jump like "bunnies" (on two legs around objects)

"Smart Kittens"

(jumping on two legs up from a place, taking out a suspended object)

"Forest bugs" (walking on toes with stepping over objects)

"Large and small feet"

(walking in pairs with wide and small steps, see the direction signal)

"Hush the mouse" (walking in a column one by one with a "snake", bending around objects)


(walking in a circle with a change of direction)

"Soldiers" (walking in a column on the 1st with a high knee lift)

" Who is bigger"

(throwing the ball up and catching it with both hands)

"Hurry catch" (catching the ball thrown by the teacher lem 70-100 cm)

"The most accurate" (rolling the ball under the chair)

"Get in the basket"

"Gymnasts" (walking on the bench)

"Nimble bugs" (crawling on all fours between objects

"Attentive guys" (combat exercises turns)

Climbing into the hoop

"Musical pause"

Morning exercises (massaging track 2 and 4 weeks)

round dance game


Text motion games



9:00-9:45 Crossings (through the 1st floor)

FIZO (3 minutes)

MUZOT (3 minutes)

FIZO (3 minutes)

MUZOM (2 minutes)

Walk. Greeting children of others in different ways of running (6 minutes)

Approach the object of observation in different ways of walking

Outdoor games

10-12 minutes

Independent motor activity

Individual work on the main types of movements

Total: 32 minutes

Quest Run

Running "snake"

Run with change tempo: in slow 50-60 sec, in fast at distance. 10m

Regular running with alternating on toes

Running in a column one at a time: in a straight line, along a winding

"Be careful

(with the performance of tasks: with a stop, squat, turn.)

"Nimble Kittens" (snake walking)

"Friendly Guys"

(in pairs, in a column one at a time)

Ball games, orientation in space, drill exercises

Running games, story

Throwing games, sledding, sliding

Games with jumps, objects

Games for the development of balance, a walk on the site.

"Get to the toy"

"Do not hurt"

(crawling under the arc without touching the ground)

"Take it and don't drop it"


"Be careful"

(stepping over cords)

"Get in the gate"

(rolling the ball to knock down the pin)

"Hit the Basketball Basket"


(run with change of pace)

"Roll the ball down the track"

(rolling the ball on the plank)

"Get to the toys"

Walking, balance

Rolling, throwing and catching

Health walking around the kindergarten 400 meters with increasing load. 10 minutes

Walking along the massage paths with exercise. hygiene procedures.

Independent activity of children.

“Get into basketball. basket"

"Nimble Kittens" (climbing and descending stairs)

"Get to the toy"

"Take it and don't drop it"


"Be careful"

(stepping over)

Motor hour


Outdoor games (10-12 minutes)

Independent physical activity.

Individual work on the main types of movements. Total: 27 minutes

Let's jump like "sparrows" (with advancement forward at a distance of 2-3 m)

Let's jump like "frogs" (taking the object up from the place)

Let's jump like "bunnies" (on two legs in place).

Let's jump like "grasshoppers" (in length from a place)

Let's jump like "balls" (up from a place)

" Who is first"

(running race)

"Merry Carousel"

(running in a circle holding hands with an accelerated slow pace

"Train" (running in a column one after another with a stop on a signal)

"Fast Legs"

(running with a change in pace, in slow up to 1 min, in fast 10m

"Be careful" (running with tasks)

"Fox and cubs" (walking on toes)

"Like toy soldiers" (high knee raise)

"Make no mistake"

(walking with tasks)

“Chicken and chickens” (x.pairs, wide and small steps with a change of direction on a signal and a wave)

"The birds are pecking at the grains

(alternating walking in all directions with walking in a flock)

Games with jumps, objects

ball games

Games for the development of balance

Running games

Throwing games, sledding


(run with change of pace)

"Herons" (stand on one leg for 4-8 seconds)

"Take it and don't drop it"


“Roll the ball along the track rolling the ball on the plank)

"Jumpers" (jumping over objects, 5-10 cm high)

Throwing, crawling, crawling

Walking, balance

Rolling, throwing and catching

Running, drill exercises (turns)

Health walking around the kindergarten 1 lap (5 minutes)

Independent motor activity.

"Catch the ball"

(crawling on four

skating for a rolling ball)

“Multi-colored balls” (rolling the ball between objects)

« Accurate shooter"(throwing the ball with two hands from below into the distance)

"Nimble guys" (rolling the ball to each other with increasing distance

“Who is the most dexterous” (jumping over 3 ropes)

"Gymnasts" (bench)

"Do not touch" (pass by a moving object)

"The ball runs along the track" (rolling the ball on the bench)


The systematic implementation of recreational activities and a rationally organized motor mode in the group will improve the health of children, increase the level of their functional capabilities and motor development.

Thus, from the position of the problem I am studying, it must be emphasized that the acquisition by a child of a huge number of motor skills that largely overlap innate motor inclinations due to high brain plasticity and an extended period of biological maturation will be achieved with a purposeful, well-organized motor mode in the group. ,

help strengthen muscles, develop coordination of movements, create real opportunities for mastering the main types of movements. The movements of children will become more confident, more purposeful, unnecessary efforts will be reduced, children will become more active, more independent. Further growth of strength will expand motor capabilities and lead to the emergence of new movements, as well as the existing motor skills and abilities will be improved.

The sooner the child realizes the need for his direct familiarization with the riches of physical culture, the sooner he will form an important need that reflects a positive attitude and interest in the physical side of his life.


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  5. Alyamovskaya V.G. Lecture No. 2 "Main directions and ways to optimize health activities of the preschool educational institution"- M .: Pedagogical University "First of September", 2005.- 80s.
  6. Alyamovskaya V.G. Lecture No. 3 "Psychology of health of a preschooler" - M .: Pedagogical University "First of September", 2005.- 80s.
  7. Alyamovskaya V.G. Lecture No. 4 "Health-improving orientation of physical activities." - M .: Pedagogical University "First of September", 2005.- 80s.
  8. Alyamovskaya V.G. Lecture No. 5 "Psychological and pedagogical monitoring of health and physical education of preschoolers." - M .: Pedagogical University "First of September", 2005.- 80s.
  9. Alyamovskaya V.G. Lecture No. 6 "The specifics of the organization of recreational activities in a preschool educational institution of a compensating type" - M .: Pedagogical University "First of September", 2005.- 80s.
  10. 10. Alyamovskaya V.G. Lecture No. 7 "Traditions and principles of family education in the health-improving activities of the preschool educational institution"
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  1. 37. Morgunova O.N. Physical culture and health work in the preschool educational institution. Voronezh, 2005.- 196 p.
  1. 38. Penzulaeva L.I. Physical education classes with preschoolers. M .: education, 1986.- 112 p.
  1. 39. Podolskaya E. I. Outdoor sports for children aged 3-7 years. Volgograd: Teacher, 2010.- 199 p.
  2. 40. Podolskaya E.I. complexes therapeutic gymnastics for children 5-7 years old. Volgograd: Teacher, 2010.- 143 p.
  1. 41. Podolskaya E.I. Unusual physical education activities for preschoolers. Volgograd: Teacher, 2010.- 167 p.42. Runova M.A. Motor activity of a child in kindergarten. M .: Education, 2000.- 145 p.
  1. 43. Tolkachev B.S. Physical culture and health. M.: 1992.- 176 p.
  2. 44. Telyuk S.A. Walking with children. D / V No. 1 1990.
  3. 45. Utrobina K.K. Entertaining physical education in kindergarten. M .: Education, 2003.- 177 p.
  1. Frolov V.G. Physical education, games and exercises for a walk. M.: Enlightenment, 1986.- 159 p.
  2. Shishkina V.A. Movement + Movement. M.: Enlightenment

We invite teachers preschool education Tyumen region, YNAO and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra to publish their methodological material:
- Pedagogical experience, author's programs, teaching aids, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed notes and scenarios of educational activities, projects, master classes (including video), forms of work with families and teachers.

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