Patterns for embroidery stitch for beginners. Embroidery stitch lessons for beginners. Traditional Russian smooth surface

To a simple question: “How to embroider with stitch?” there is a logical answer - you can learn this type of needlework in just 1 evening! Check out simple stitch embroidery techniques to understand how easy it is to create interesting patterns and patterns with it.

Preparation for work

The name of the technique corresponds to the appearance of the resulting embroidery - if you run your hand over your work, you will feel how smooth the stitches that fit tightly together turned out.

To embroider with satin stitch, you will need standard materials and sewing accessories with certain characteristics. For example, it is best to work in this technique on a straightened stretched material - the hoop will help you with this.

As with the cross stitch technique, floss is considered the best thread for this type due to its qualities:

  • you can independently adjust the thickness of the thread;
  • the fibers in the floss are not twisted tightly, so that the pattern of the work is not deformed;
  • needlework stores offer the widest range of threads of this type.

It is best for beginners to learn how to embroider with this material. Professionals can try embroidery with silk, linen or woolen threads.

Pay attention to the needle - choose thin short types with a large eye for easy threading.

If desired, you can embroider with stitch on any type of fabric. But beginners are advised to use cotton, linen and wool. Over time, you can also move on to fine work on silk.

Types of embroidery

Due to the fact that satin stitch embroidery is present in the customs of different peoples of the world, several methods of execution have taken shape in this technique. They are easily distinguished by the appearance of the embroidery and the threads that are used in the process.


The simplest type of satin stitch, on the basis of which other embroidery methods are formed. All you need is to mark the pattern on the fabric with a graphite pencil or a remnant of soap.

Now start embroidering: bring the thread from the bottom of the fabric up at the very beginning of the pattern and stick it in at the end. Repeat the same action on the reverse side in reverse order: the thread must be stretched from the end to the beginning.

By learning to embroider with satin stitch in this way, you will get a product with double-sided embroidery. The technique is best used for the design of large, not very complex elements.


Embroidery with contour stitch exists as a simple subspecies. The difference is that you do not shade the entire area of ​​the pattern with stitches, but only form its outline.

For example, flower petals are often formed in this way, leaving empty centers that can be filled using a different needlework technique. Embroidery with a contour stitch also turns out to be double-sided.

Vladimirskaya expanse

Beginners are advised to learn how to embroider with satin stitch in this way: when you bring the needle to the wrong side, you do not need to stretch the stitch through the entire pattern. It is enough to make a small stitch to the side and get the thread from the right side as close as possible to the previous seam. The second name of Vladimir embroidery is Verkhoshov.

This method allows you to reduce the amount of material used by 2 times! Unfortunately, the embroidery is one-sided. Therefore, it is better to refuse to decorate shawls in this style, preferring pillowcases and duvet covers.


If you have already mastered simple types and methods, you can learn to embroider with a shadow stitch. It allows you to create in the paintings an interesting effect of the transition of one color to another - a gradient. So you will achieve more naturalness of the picture.

For example, you need to embroider a petal. From one corner, start making dark pink stitches of varying lengths. Fill the middle of the part with light pink seams of different sizes. Complete the petal with white stitches. So you mix the colors together, creating a smoother, almost imperceptible transition.

Embroidery techniques

Different details of the same pattern require you to skillfully perform different stitch embroidery techniques. For example, large details can be embroidered with long stitches of different lengths, while narrow stripes should be decorated with short small stitches.

Embroidery techniques can often be confused with its types. To distinguish between them, remember that one type of embroidery can be performed by several techniques at the same time.

Straight stitch

It is enough for a novice master to learn this seam in order to embroider the simplest patterns with a satin stitch.

It was from him that the name of a simple type of embroidery came from. With a simple stitch, large background details and thick outlines can be embroidered. But small details and thin lines with a straight stitch will look sloppy.

forward needle

The most elementary way of embroidery, which even those who do not know how to sew or embroider know. It is often used to baste the details of a work in progress.

With the help of embroidery with a needle forward, you can indicate the conditional boundaries of the pattern without outlining the sketch of patterns with a pencil.

Line seam

A line stitch is perfect for forming thin lines of a pattern - plant stems, pistils, stamens. With its help, the outline of the embroidery is also outlined after removing the conditional seam forward with a needle.

A variety of a line seam can be called a stalk - the stitches in it do not go one after another, but obliquely, slightly touching each other on one of the sides.

chain stitch

By itself, this technique does not apply to satin stitch embroidery. But with its help you can create decorative elements like an interesting edging of the overall pattern.

Chain stitch is the execution of a sequence of loops.

Home violet: master class

This master class will tell you how to embroider elementary patterns in the form of violets. These flowers can decorate the pocket of a blouse, the corner of a pillowcase or a duvet cover. With this sketch you can cope in just half an hour!

Prepare yellow threads of 2-3 shades - from light lemon to wheat, 3 shades of blue threads, 1 purple and 2 green. Stretch a clean, smoothed fabric over the hoop. Draw a sketch of the image with a simple pencil.

  • Start embroidering from the top petal. Sew the upper part of the part with a line seam. Now with a smooth stitch in the form of a simple stitch of different lengths, fill the petal to the middle. Simple seams should overlap the lowercase so that it is not visible.

  • Fill the rest with a dark blue shade. With the same color, begin to decorate the top of the petals to the left and right of the top.

  • Finish off the top pieces with light blue yarn. You can also sew a few stitches of this color on the top petal for more naturalness.
  • Sew the contour of the lower petal in soft yellow with a line stitch. Start filling the empty space with the same color from bottom to top.

  • Work on the top of the lower petal and the middle with a darker shade of yellow. Over the middle, walk with a contour line seam.
  • From the middle of the violet to the middle of the petals, make a few rare stitches with a dark purple satin stitch.

The leaves should be embroidered using the same technique as the petals: their right half is made in light green shades, the left half in more muted tones. Rare veins should be embroidered in dark green.

If this master class seemed too simple for you, try to make a more interesting composition - a strawberry using the satin stitch embroidery technique, with a leaf and dew drops from beads. You can find instructions with a sketch in the next video.

While you are just learning to embroider with satin stitch, use simple sketches of large sizes with a minimum of small sinuous details as you work. Gradually improving the technique, move on to more difficult but interesting drawings that you can prepare yourself or find on specialized Internet portals.

Mayuka Morimoto Oyanagi, then this is the continuation of the Lessons of beautiful stitch embroidery, just for you. First, I will tell you a little about what we need and a little about the technique of such embroidery.

For embroidery we need:

Needle is selected for threads and fabric, but we must remember that the thinner the needle, the more skillful the embroidery looks.

Threads- floss, silk, iris.

hoop or frames, hoops of course hold the fabric better, but this is a matter of habit.

Weave any from the thinnest - silk and batiste to the densest - linen or wool. But it is better that the material you use is not overly fibrous, as they say “loose”, since with a large number of small details and a thin thread, the pattern will simply be lost. And it is better to learn to embroider on smooth and dense fabrics, such as coarse calico.

Scissors, thimble.

Paper for drawing.

Artistic embroidery

The main thing in satin stitch embroidery is the stitches, even, smooth, closely adjacent to each other and quite dense. They should completely cover the fabric. The edges of the embroidery must be even and be sure to repeat the contour.

The translated pattern for embroidery must be in natural size, as it is translated using carbon paper.

The contour of the embroidery, as well as the guide lines, are sheathed with a back, the contour to make the embroidery more convex, and the guides so that the direction of the stitches can be seen. Contours and guides are made with a thread of the same color as the main pattern.

The embroidery is processed from the background (edge) to the foreground to create a dimensional picture. Animals (birds) are embroidered from the lower part of the body to the head, ending with the nose (beak), which is the very front of the picture. This way you can embroider stitches to look like layers of fur or feathers. The needle must be taken out of the seam of the back (stroke).

Most often, animals are embroidered with alternating long and short stitches using different shades of thread, but you can also alternate stitches of different lengths, such as long, medium and short.

Before starting work, we fasten the thread on the front side with short seams in a place that has not yet been embroidered, and after finishing work or color, under the embroidered stitches.

And now let's take a closer look at examples of Mayuka Morimoto Oyanagi satin stitch embroidery.

  1. Lessons of beautiful satin stitch embroidery - Sparrow.

A sketch is drawn on paper and transferred to the fabric.

Thread colors are selected, DMC floss threads are used for embroidery.

Beginning of embroidery.

Hoop embroidery

Brooch decoration, rear view.

Finished brooch "Sparrow" complete with an embroidered bag.

2. Lessons of beautiful stitch embroidery - Hamster.

Most people have some kind of hobby, so to speak, an occupation for the soul. As for women, many people like to do embroidery. - There are a lot of types of this handicraft art today. We will talk about one of them, namely, stitch embroidery.

What is needed for such embroidery

For embroidery stitch you will need:

  • needles;
  • threads;
  • fabric - linen, cotton, silk, satin; specialists can do this —embroidery even on clothes—;
  • scissors;
  • - an embroidery machine - you will not need it, but a hoop or a frame is a must;
  • tracing paper or carbon paper in order to transfer the contours of the pattern from the "scheme" to the fabric;
  • thimble.

How to do it correctly - detailed step by step instructions

And now you will learn how to do satin stitch embroidery for beginners with step by step photos. Depending on which type of stitch you choose, the execution technique will be different. In any case, initially you need to secure the pattern and fabric well between each other with pins or needles.

Then transfer the drawing to the fabric using tracing paper or carbon paper.

flat surface

Artistic surface

Shadow surface

To make your embroidery of high quality, and the process of needlework enjoyable, pay attention to the following details:

  • If you are a beginner, it is better to choose a thin and at the same time dense fabric. Ideal - coarse calico or cotton. But it is better to refuse silk and satin at the initial stages.
  • Before starting work, you need to carefully iron the fabric. Thus, the drawing will turn out neat and even.
  • Choose needles according to the thickness of the threads. Remember that a very thick needle leaves puncture holes in the fabric.
  • Multi-purpose threads for satin stitch embroidery are floss. They are the best choice for a beginner. Depending on the thickness of the fabric, floss embroidery can be in one, two or more threads. If the fabric is too rough, use woolen threads. To decorate very delicate and delicate works, you can use satin or silk threads.
  • You can embroider patterns of different sizes, however, for beginners, it is better to choose small pictures or ornaments that can be filled in width with a one-stitch seam

A step-by-step guide to satin stitch embroidery for beginners in a video lesson

Want to learn how to embroider but don't know where to start? Then watch this video, which contains the most useful life hacks. How to transfer the design from paper to fabric, how to insert the fabric into the hoop, where to start your first stitches - you will learn about this and much more from this video.

Step-by-step guide to embroidery with shadow stitch for beginners

The play of colors, smooth transitions from one shade to another - these are the tasks you need to cope with while embroidering certain patterns so that your work looks like a masterpiece. To do this, you need to master the shadow surface, the task of which is to convey, with the help of stitches and thread colors, the alternation of shadows, partial shadows and light on embroidery.

Step-by-step master class of volumetric embroidery of a flower with a satin stitch for beginners

Have you already learned how to embroider with satin stitch, but want to add a twist to your work? Then carefully watch this video, the heroine of which will show you how to make the drawing more realistic using the “3D embroidery technique”.

Now, having mastered the three main types of smooth surface, you can safely get to work. Remember that it is better for beginners to start embroidering with simple patterns, gradually complicating their patterns.

Over time, when you become a professional in your field, you can decorate many things with satin stitch embroidery: —carpets—, bedding, clothes, and even accessories. And if you combine this type of needlework with some others, for example with "embroidery with rhinestones", ribbons or beads, then you can get an exclusive ornament in general.

Dear needlewomen! Do you like embroidery? Share your thoughts and feel free to ask questions!

Preparing for the stitch embroidery process

Any satin stitch embroidery process begins with the selection of materials. And, it is especially necessary to approach this issue carefully if you are one of the beginner embroiderers. It would be useful to first study the lessons for beginners, watch the embroidery master class. And it's better not to be alone. For some, it will be convenient to study books, while for others, the video format is preferable. On the Internet, and not only, a huge amount of information. It is enough to drive into the search program: "Lessons on the topic: satin stitch embroidery for beginners". Many periodicals include lessons in printed format, and some come with CDs for those more familiar with the video format.

The next step is the selection of accessories. The most important tool of any embroiderer, no matter what stitch embroidery technique she likes, is a needle. To choose the right needle, you need to remember that here your choice directly depends on the fabric and threads, and you also need to take into account the selected patterns or patterns. The thinner your needle, the neater the satin stitch will look when completed. In the process of embroidery, you can use a hoop or a frame, which is convenient for anyone. The work is stretched completely on the frame and removed after the embroidery is completed. The hoops often have to be rearranged, but they provide greater fabric tension and maneuverability during operation, and this is of great importance for satin stitch embroidery, especially for beginners.

The fabric is selected depending on the quality of the threads and the desired result. If you are embroidering with cotton floss, then it is better to choose cotton fabrics, and if you want to use silk threads, then pay attention to thin cambric.

In addition to all of the above, you can not do without small scissors with thin tips, a thimble and carbon paper. Although you will only need the latter if you decide to transfer your drawings to the fabric with the help of it.

It would be nice to get a book containing stitching lessons for beginners, so that you can look there when a difficult case arises.

For beginners, it is better to take a simple fabric and cotton floss. Since at the very beginning we learn to simply correctly fill in the pattern with stitches.

Transferring a pattern to fabric

There are several options for creating a pattern on fabric. You can just draw it with a pencil. And you can even depict a watercolor picture, while using partial stitching. This stitch embroidery technique makes it easy to create completely unique designs. Especially if you are good at drawing. You can use a banal carbon copy. To do this, put it on top of the fabric, and on top of the pattern you want to embroider and pin all the layers with pins to prevent them from moving. Now just circle all the available patterns along the contour and disassemble the created design.

Another option is to transfer the satin stitch pattern to the fabric using glass. A lamp is placed under the glass, and a drawing is placed on top and covered with a cloth. Then a pattern is drawn around the contour, translucent through the fabric. It is better to draw with a pencil or a water-soluble marker. To get started, select schemes containing simple drawings or patterns. Smaller sizes are better. So that at the very beginning of acquaintance with satin stitch embroidery, you do not get tired once and for all of the embroidery process.

Learning to embroider

In the modern world, there are many sources that offer us more than one master class on satin stitch embroidery, both in printed format and in the video version. Beginners in satin stitch embroidery should first turn their attention to patterns that are letters or small flowers and twigs.

Organize your workspace, turn on a video or open a book containing a master class that describes your chosen stitch embroidery technique and try to embroider your first small drawing.

Double-sided surface without flooring

Thread the floss into the needle, folding it in half before that. Sew the first two stitches along the outline. Then begin to gradually fill in all the available space with the smoothness, stacking the stitches while embroidering parallel to one to the other. Use the "forward needle" technique. Upon completion of embroidery, the space must be filled both from the front and from the wrong side. Immediately learn to create a beautiful inside out. It should not have knots at all. The described technique is called - two-sided surface without flooring. First you need to achieve perfectly laid stitches on small elements. Therefore, before moving on to multi-color plot pictures in satin stitch embroidery, practice embroidering letters or small floral motifs.

Video: simple monogram stitch embroidery

Technique for making stitches in satin stitch embroidery

Stitch "forward needle"

The stitch with which you need to start your acquaintance with satin stitch embroidery is called "forward the needle." We fix the thread on the contour and create a stitch 2-3 mm in size. We retreat 2mm and repeat the stitch again. Thus, we execute the contour.

Then, with the help of a dashed stitch, the entire space is filled with smoothness. It is performed as follows. We make a stitch no more than 7mm long, and then repeat it in the opposite direction, stepping back a little from the edge of the stitch. Filling technique may vary. It is possible to lay stitches on our, for example, flowers or letters, vertically, horizontally and even in an oblique direction. The last styling option looks the most interesting in the finished work.

The technique of this stitch embroidery involves the use of some more stitches.

Straight stitch technique

The straight stitch is the simplest and at the same time the oldest of all those existing in the work of the satin stitch. Can also be performed in either direction. It can be used to mark an outline, to fill in the inside, and on its own. To fulfill it, we conditionally designate two points on the fabric. In the first, we will bring the needle from the bottom up with the thread already fixed, and then we will introduce it into the second imaginary point. This will be the finished stitch. The most important thing in satin stitch embroidery is to learn how to make these stitches of the same length, and also to make sure that the thread does not stretch too much, then the patterns embroidered with satin stitch will look just perfect.

stalk seam

The next stitch in satin stitch embroidery that needs to be mentioned is the stalk stitch. Most often, this stitching technique is used to embroider the stems of plants or twigs. That's where the name probably came from. It consists of stitches tightly pressed together and forming a line. The line can be either straight or irregular. Each stitch in this seam starts from the middle of the previous one. We try to keep the working thread constantly from one direction so that the structure of the seam is not disturbed. The direction, like the aforementioned seams, can be absolutely any. At the end of the embroidery, the ideal stem stitch should look like a lace. The place of the beginning and end of each stitch should be almost imperceptible. From the wrong side of the work with a satin stitch, this seam looks like a line.

Line seam

The line seam with the name already declares its appearance. It has the appearance of a machine stitch and is, of course, a contour stitch in satin stitch embroidery. With it, it is easy to create perfectly smooth lines. The stitches of this seam are absolutely equal to each other and, as it were, come out of each other. The thread should be loose and not pull the fabric.

chain stitch

Another seam - tambour. It has different names - chain, spikelet, butterfly and others. But the basis of all its variants is the same technique. To perform this stitch, we bring a needle with a fixed thread to the face. We hold the thread with the other hand and insert the needle into the same hole where it came out. A loop is formed, which must be secured at its top with a short stitch. You can create a chain of such loops. Then you don’t need to fix it, but simply bring the needle out from the bottom up at the top of the loop and repeat the same thing.

Seam "lace"

One of the rather interesting stitches in satin stitch embroidery is the “lace”. The embroidery technique for this stitch includes two steps. The first is the execution of a “forward needle” seam, observing the gaps between adjacent stitches no more than half the length of each. And the second is the passage through the completed stitches of the working thread. We draw the needle under each stitch always from the same direction - from top to bottom or vice versa. The fabric is not pierced.

What is smooth

plain surface

If you are a beginner in the embroidery world, especially in satin stitch embroidery, then the first type of this embroidery is a simple satin stitch for you. This is such an embroidery technique in which each element of the pattern is performed separately and consists of stitches tightly pressed and arranged parallel to each other. The face and the wrong side of such a work done with a satin stitch should look exactly the same.

Here it is important to properly fasten the thread. To do this, run in the center, for example, a petal a few stitches "forward needle". Then pull the thread so that its end remains in the thickness of the fabric, and start embroidering with smooth stitches with straight stitches, tightly spaced in relation to each other. Your stitches will hide the end of the thread, and it will remain invisible.

contour surface

The direction of the stitches when embroidering with satin stitch can be any, but their parallelism must certainly be observed.

The next view is the contour surface. This stitch embroidery method is ideal for decorating pillows, tablecloths or clothes. In this version, the embroidery is only on the contours of the scheme, and the inside remains unsewn. Each stitch is located in parallel and follow strictly the previous one. This is double sided embroidery. The middle of such sheets or flowers is made with one of the types of contour seams and left unfilled.

Shadow surface

Shadow technique is a type of satin stitch embroidery, the effect of which is achieved by using stitches of different sizes and directions. It is with the help of the color of the threads and the size of the stitches that this embroidery creates a change of light and shadow on the finished work. The main thing is to adhere to the fact that the illuminated areas of the work should be embroidered with light tones of threads, and the darkened areas with dark ones. In such work, it is with the help of shading that relief and volume are created. The most impressive in this version will look embroidery, depicting Gzhel.

The fan stitch is a group of stitches of different lengths mixed with each other. It is used when embroidering semicircular elements, which are so often rich in various patterns. Stitches can be directed both from the inner edge to the outer, and in the opposite direction. The main thing is that they should move as if along the radius of the circle. First we make two guide stitches, and


then add more, between them. Inner fill stitches must be of different lengths and not collide at the same point.

The most economical option for embroidering with satin stitch is the “top stitch” technique. It is a one-sided smooth surface, which from the wrong side looks like a dotted line located along the contour of the pattern. Embroidery with such a satin stitch contains quite large stitches, usually located from the center to the edge or vice versa. Their location depends on the shape of the pattern used. The centers of the flowers are usually filled with a satin stitch.

White welt

White smooth surface - is a multi-layered embroidery. First, after designating the contours, the inner part is filled in one layer. And after that, another layer is embroidered, opposite in direction to the previous one. This embroidery is perfectly combined with welt stitch.

The slotted surface is characterized by the presence of holes made in the canvas, which are sheathed with a roller and have various shapes. Such a smooth surface is performed on a thin and durable material, such as linen, with floss threads. The embroidery on the wrong side of the material should be without transitions, so each hole is sewn separately. When embroidering, the fabric inside the element is cut with a cross. Then, using a needle, the cut edges are folded to the wrong side, and the edge is sheathed. After the work is completed, the edges of the fabric are cut from the inside with scissors.

Modern craftswomen have greatly simplified the technique of embroidering with satin stitch. The seams that are performed today differ from their predecessors in the simplicity of their execution. They are performed, as a rule, with thick threads and along the contour of the pattern. But they are still based on all of the above variants of seams and techniques that have been and are used in satin stitch embroidery.

Video: satin stitch embroidery master class

Smooth is a great way to decorate adult and children's clothing, home textiles, accessories and interior items, for example, embroidery can be framed and hung on the wall or done on a pillowcase for a sofa cushion.

Patterns on the fabric form stitches laid straight or at an angle, they can fill the elements either completely or partially.

With all the variety of ready-made works, learning to embroider with satin stitch is not so difficult, you just need time and patience. However, they are necessary when mastering any needlework.

For work, you need threads, needles and a basis for embroidery.

Embroidery needles

There are no special requirements for embroidery needles. The main thing is to choose them correctly according to the thickness of the fabric and threads chosen for work. The fact is that it will not be possible to thread thick threads into a needle that is too thin, and a needle that is too thick will leave large holes on the fabric, which will make the pattern look sloppy. Ideally, the needle should be slightly thicker than the selected thread.

If you focus on the fabric, then silk and other thin materials are embroidered with needles from number 1 to number 3, for cotton or wool of medium thickness - with needles from number 4 to number 8, and for drape and similar fabrics - with needles from number 9 to 12. th number.

Embroidery threads

The thickness of the embroidery thread is determined based on the thickness of the base fabric. For thin materials, silk and cotton threads are suitable.

It is very convenient to work with floss threads, because their thickness is easy to adjust, and the color palette is so diverse that you can easily embroider pictures with complex color transitions.

For thicker fabrics, choose woolen and thick cotton threads, such as iris.

In preparation for work, you will need ordinary bobbin threads, however, you cannot embroider with them. Due to the strong twisting, they will constantly twist, the stitches will turn out to be uneven and sloppy. These threads are needed to transfer sketches to fabric.

Basis for embroidery

When embroidering with satin stitch, the choice of base fabric is not as important as in the case of cross stitch. Therefore, the choice of material for work is determined by what object you want to decorate.

For example, for bed linen choose coarse calico, satin or silk.

Another factor when choosing a fabric is how comfortable you are with counting the fibers.

Just as important is how the wrong side of the fabric looks. Carefully consider the texture and color of the fabric before buying. Also make sure that you know the composition of the canvas and whether it requires special care.

If we are talking about outerwear for autumn or spring, a thin drape will do.

Before you start, be sure to straighten the fabric. This can be done by pulling out 2 equity threads and 2 weft threads from all sides of the flap. After that, cut off the uneven edges. Wash and steam the fabric. This is necessary so that it does not sit down after embroidery, as this will distort the pattern, the work will lose its shape and attractiveness.

Schemes for embroidery

The easiest way is to purchase a ready-made kit for embroidery, which includes a base with a printed pattern or a separate pattern of a pattern, a needle and threads of the required colors. Such sets are convenient, first of all, for beginners. However, they are not cheap, and therefore for the first experience it is better to choose something simpler.

The smooth surface is good because to use the pattern you like from a magazine, book or postcard, it does not require special processing. You can simply transfer it to fabric using tracing paper. Carefully secure the base fabric and pattern image so that the pattern does not move.

If you need to transfer the image of embroidery to a dark fabric or fabric with a pile, you can put a sheet of tracing paper with the necessary pattern on the base and sew all the lines with simple sewing threads in a contrasting color, and then carefully remove the paper: a sketch of the pattern will remain on the fabric, which can then be removed.

Stitch embroidery technique

Satin stitch embroidery includes several basic seams and techniques, having mastered them, you can create works that are very different in style and level of complexity. Of course, any embroidery begins with fixing the thread on the fabric. The optimal length of the working thread is the distance from the hand to the elbow.

The main sign of mastery is considered not even the perfectly executed front side of the embroidery (this is implied by itself), but its wrong side. It should not have knots, freely hanging ends of threads, extra sloppy stitches. There are certain rules for securing the thread at the beginning of work and at its end. This can be done in several ways:

- the loop method, described in detail below, in the article "Cross Stitch";

- in the second method, one small stitch is made on the wrong side (leave the tip of the thread free), after which the same stitch is laid, but perpendicular to the first (Fig. a). The free end of the thread is held with a finger over the second stitch, and the working thread is brought to the front side so that it tightens it (fig. b);

Rice. a, b. Fastening the working thread at the beginning of work

At the end of the work, the thread is hidden under the embroidery.

You can also do this in two ways:

- if the element was completely finished, then it is simply brought to the wrong side of the work and stretched under the stitches (Fig. a);

- if the working thread has run out, but the element has not yet been completed, lay 3-5 small stitches along the front side, and later close them with embroidery (Fig. b).

Rice. a, b. Fastening the working thread at the end of work

In satin stitch embroidery, several basic seams are used, with which you can achieve various effects:

- a “forward needle” seam is necessary for making contours and individual lines, while it is better to use thick threads for work so that the stitches of the seam are clearly visible. The “forward needle” seam is always performed from right to left, and the needle is directed in a straight line, the stitches should be the same, as well as the distances between them (Fig.). It doesn’t matter if the stitches and distances are equal in length, here you need to choose the most decorative option.

Rice. Seam "forward needle"

If desired, the “needle forward” stitch can be made more interesting by skipping the thread between its stitches. If you direct the needle successively up and down, you can get an interesting variety called a “wave” (Fig. a - c).

Rice. a - in. Seam "wave"

If you constantly direct the needle down, you get a seam called a “lace” (Fig.);

Rice. Seam "lace"

- the “back needle” seam on the front side is similar to the “needle forward” seam, and on the wrong side it coincides with the stalk seam. It is also performed from right to left, but the needle is inserted into the tissue behind the place where the thread was brought out to the face (Fig.);

Rice. Seam "back needle"

- stems in floral patterns and the contours of individual elements are formed with a stalk seam. The needle in the process of work is brought to the front side of the fabric approximately in the middle of the previous stitch tightly to it, directing it from left to right or from bottom to top (depending on the element) (Fig.);

- buttonhole stitch is used for embroidery of individual elements or for processing the edge of the product; then it is better to perform it on the floor.

Unlike the previous seams, it is performed from left to right, piercing the fabric from top to bottom. The thread is brought to the front side of the fabric at the beginning of the element, after which an adjacent stitch is made at the desired distance, leaving the working thread under the needle (Fig.).

The stitches can be located close to each other (fig. a), at some distance, be of different heights (fig. b) or direction (fig. c).

Rice. a - in. Buttonhole stitch options

When making the edge of the product, the buttonhole seam is often performed along the flooring. To do this, the pre-embroidered area is stitched with a “needle forward” seam, and then this is fixed with a buttonhole seam, placing the stitches close to each other (Fig.);

Rice. Loop seam on flooring

- the “narrow satin roll” seam is embroidered in two stages. First, all the elements must be sewn with a “needle forward” seam, and small stitches of the same length must be sewn on top, placing them close to each other (straight or at an angle). The needle is inserted into the tissue from top to bottom (Fig.);

Rice. Seam "Narrow Satin Roll"

- the “knots” seam is great for performing work in plant elements, adds volume to the work and is very easy to perform. The needle is brought to the front side of the work, wrapped around it several times with a working thread, another puncture is made next to the first one and the working thread is carefully pulled out.

on the reverse side. At the same time, the wound thread must be held so that it does not get tangled, but forms a knot (Fig. a, b);

Rice. a, b. Seam "knot"

- the "chain" seam is useful for the design of simple and curvilinear contours.

The needle with the working thread is brought to the front side at the beginning of the element, after which it is injected next to the first puncture and brought back to the face at the point below (Fig. a). The remaining stitches are performed similarly (Fig. b);

Rice. a, b. Seam "chain"

- a buttonhole stitch is similar to a single stitch of a chain stitch. It is performed in the same way, but after the working thread is brought out to the face at the lowest point, the needle is injected into the fabric under the loop thread, making an attachment (Fig. a, b).

Rice. a, b. Seam "loop fastened"