Health Council. Pedagogical Council "The use of health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions

teachers' council

"Health-saving environment of MDOU - conditions for the physical and mental health of children"

In 2011 one of the annual tasks - Preserve and strengthen the health of pupils through the system of physical culture and health-improving work and hardening procedures that has developed in the garden. Our teachers' council is devoted to the topic: "Health-saving environment of MDOU - conditions for the physical and mental health of children" The form of organization is a business game.

Target of our teachers' council: To identify ways and means of forming a culture of health and to determine the reserves and opportunities for improving work in this direction.


To acquaint teachers with the essence and structure of health culture and the possibilities of its influence on the educational process.

To study and analyze the experience of MDOU on the use of health-saving technologies.

To identify and analyze indicators of the social and psychological health of pupils.

Determine opportunities, conditions and main directions for improvement pedagogical activity on building a culture of health in kindergarten.

Preliminary work with educators:

Monitoring the state of work on the health protection of children:

Research on children's health,

Diagnosis of physical readiness of preschoolers;

Analysis of the professional competence of educators;

Thematic check of the state of physical culture and health-improving work;

Research among parents - questioning "What is the place of physical education in your family".

Plan of the pedagogical council.

The relevance of this topic is the message of the head. MDOU.

Classification of health-saving technologies. deputy head for water resources management

The system of health work - art. m/s,

Health-saving environment as a condition for the physical and mental health of children. senior caregiver

Physical culture and health technologies in preschool education. Head of physics sun.

Technology for ensuring the social and psychological well-being of the child. Teachers - psychologists -,:

a) Reaction exercises;

b) Group relaxation with musical accompaniment;

c) Presentation of information folders "Psychologist's advice".

Practical-analytical part.

Approval of the decision of the teachers' council.

Epigraph "Movement as such can by its action replace any remedy, but all the medical remedies of the world cannot replace the actions of movement."

Success in everyone's life directly depends on the state of health. This is what they have been trying to instill in us since childhood. Having matured, we understand the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, but, as always, we start it “on Monday”. We need to change something urgently! We need healthy and happy children! We will not convince you of the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. Well-known, successful and wise people will do it for us. Quotes for you to choose for the word and at the end of the teachers' council they were voiced.

Every day I am more and more convinced that success in life depends on the state of health. When we feel bad, we are in a bad mood - we are capricious and live in a state of "leave me alone." But when we are healthy, we are ready to move mountains. It is unfortunate that many of us understand the value and importance of health, becoming already very adults.

It is undeniable that the main task of the kindergarten is to prepare the child for independent living, giving him the necessary skills and abilities for this, cultivating certain habits. But can every professionally trained teacher, just an adult responsible person dispassionately relate to the unfavorable state of health of his pupils, his progressive deterioration? One of the answers to this, largely rhetorical question, was the demand for health-saving educational technologies by teachers of an educational institution.

The concept of "health-saving educational technologies”appeared in the pedagogical lexicon in the last few years and is still perceived by many teachers as an analogue of sanitary and hygienic measures.

We are of the opinion that the effectiveness of the positive impact on the health of children of various health-improving measures that make up health-saving technologies is determined not so much by the quality of each of these techniques and methods, but by their competent “integration” into common system aimed at the benefit of the health of children and teachers and meeting the unity of goals and objectives. A chaotic set of methods that are somehow related to the stated goal does not constitute any technology, including health-saving!

The urgency of the problem. - Manager

Classification of health-saving technologies.


Before we start talking about health-saving technologies, let's define the concept of "technology".

1. What is “technology”?

What are the components of the term "technology"?


Your answers are correct. You need to combine them into a definition. (This definition is proposed by Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences)

Technology is a tool for the professional activity of a teacher, respectively, characterized by a qualitative adjective - pedagogical. The essence of pedagogical technology lies in the fact that it has a pronounced phasing (step by step), includes a set of certain professional actions at each stage, allowing the teacher to foresee the intermediate and final results of his own professional and pedagogical activity even in the design process. Pedagogical technology is distinguished by: specificity and clarity of goals and objectives, the presence of stages: primary diagnosis; selection of content, forms, methods and techniques of its implementation; using a set of means in a certain logic with the organization of intermediate diagnostics to achieve the designated goal; final diagnosis of achieving the goal, criteria-based assessment of the results.

2. What is health-saving technologies?


Health-saving educational technologies -

a systematically organized set of programs, techniques, methods of organizing the educational process that does not harm the health of its participants;

qualitative characteristics of pedagogical technologies in terms of their impact on the health of students and teachers;

technological basis of health-saving pedagogy.

3. What is the purpose of health-saving technologies in preschool education?


Right. Health-saving technologies in preschool education are technologies aimed at solving the priority task of modern preschool education- the tasks of preserving, maintaining and enriching the health of the subjects of the pedagogical process in kindergarten: children, teachers and parents. The purpose of health-saving technologies in preschool education in relation to a child is to ensure a high level of real health for a kindergarten pupil and the upbringing of a valueological culture as a combination of a child’s conscious attitude to a person’s health and life, knowledge about health and the ability to protect, maintain and preserve it, valuelogical competence, which allows a preschooler to independently and effectively solve the problems of a healthy lifestyle and safe behavior, tasks related to the provision of elementary medical, psychological self-help and assistance. For adults, promoting a culture of health, including a culture of occupational health preschool educators and valeological education of parents.

4. What types of health-saving technologies are used in a preschool educational institution?

Answers of teachers.

Hardening, physical education, physical education minutes, morning exercises, walks on fresh air.

Fulfillment of the requirements of SanPiN, strict adherence to the daily routine

The teacher seeks to create a favorable emotional environment in the group

Teachers carry out a student-centered approach to children. It also contributes to the health of children.


You correctly list the forms of work that are carried out in kindergarten. It is necessary to classify their different types.

Types of health-saving technologies in preschool education - classification of health-saving technologies according to the dominance of goals and tasks to be solved, as well as the leading means of health saving and health enrichment of the subjects of the pedagogical process in kindergarten.

Can be distinguished the following types health-saving technologies in preschool education:

- medical and preventive;

- physical culture and health;

Technologies for ensuring the socio-psychological well-being of the child; health saving and health enrichment of teachers of preschool education;

- valeological education of parents;

- health-saving educational technologies in kindergarten.

The facilitator pins (or writes down) types of health-saving technologies on the board.

5.Name the constituent elements of medical and preventive technology.

(Teachers call, the leader attaches on the board or writes down the elements of medical and preventive technology)

Organization of health monitoring of preschoolers

Organization and control of nutrition of children of early and preschool age,

Physical development of preschoolers,


Organization of preventive measures in kindergarten;

8. Technologies of health saving and health enrichment of teachers.

technologies aimed at developing a health culture of teachers, including a culture of professional health, developing the need for a healthy lifestyle.

Leading: The main educators of the child are the parents. From how the child’s day regimen is properly organized, what attention the parents pay to the child’s health, his mood, the state of physical comfort depend. healthy image child's life, to which he is accustomed in an educational institution, can either find everyday support at home, and then be fixed, or not find, and then the information received will be superfluous and painful for the child.

9. Technologies of valeological education of parents.

slide folders, conversations, personal example teacher, non-traditional forms of work with parents, practical demonstrations (workshops), and other forms of work.


Health-saving educational technologies.

the most significant of all of the above on the health of children. What health-saving educational technologies are used in the work?

the work uses elements of health-saving technology (“technology of liberated development”). Distinctive feature this technology is as follows:

Classes are held in the mode of changing dynamic positions. Children spend part of the lesson standing: they can listen, examine distant objects. Part of the lesson is spent sitting. Thus, the spine is preserved and strengthened, posture is formed. Children at the beginning can stand no more than 3-5 minutes. Then the duration increases to half the lesson.

Visual trajectory charts are used for warm-ups and visual coordination exercises. Exercises are carried out in combination with movements of the eyes, head and torso in a free standing position and are based on visual-search stimuli. Various visual landmarks are located on the ceiling or wall and children are invited to find with their eyes any toy or figure. Then “run” with your eyes in a circle, in reverse side, then from bottom to top, then from top to bottom.


The mark on the glass (according to Avetisov) allows you to train the eye muscles, contraction of the lens muscles. Helps prevent myopia.

The child is offered to look at the circle pasted on the glass, answer how many branches are in the picture, then look at the most distant point outside the window and tell what he sees there.

visual-spatial activity. Children are offered to find visual material in the space of the group. These can be riddle riddles, words with given sounds, etc.: in the work of a teacher, elements of W. Bates' technology can also be used. It is quite effective and interesting for both teachers (and children).

Leading: Which of these elements can be used in the work of teachers with children?

(Teachers are invited to name the elements of technology. If the teachers do not name, the presenter himself attaches the names of the technology elements)

Teachers call:

mode of changing dynamic poses (according to Bazarny),

diagrams of visual trajectories (according to Bazarny),

mark on glass (according to Avetisov),

visual-spatial activity of children (according to Bazarny).

(Thus, teachers fix once again the names of the elements of health-saving technologies, and the presenter can check the correctness of remembering the names by teachers)

10. Teachers are offered task cards. For a correct answer, 1 point is awarded. If the teacher gives an example - an additional point. The maximum number of points is 12

An approximate sample filled out by the teacher of the card:

Give an example

Define "technology"

A tool for the professional activity of a teacher.

TRIZ technology, personality-oriented approach technology, etc.

These technologies ensure the preservation and enhancement of children's health under the guidance of the medical staff of the preschool educational institution in accordance with medical regulations. rules and regulations

Medical and preventive technologies in preschool education

Organization of monitoring of children's health, development of recommendations for optimization child health, organization and control of nutrition, physical development, hardening, organization of preventive measures in kindergarten, organization of control and assistance in compliance with SanPiN, organization of a health-saving environment in a preschool educational institution

The elements of this technology are the development of physical qualities and physical activity of children

Physical culture and health technologies in preschool education

Becoming physical cultures of preschoolers, breathing exercises, massage and self-massage, prevention of flat feet and the formation of correct posture, cultivating the habit of everyday physical activity and health care

The purpose of technology is the formation of a conscious attitude. reb to human health and life

Health-saving educational technologies in kindergarten

These technologies include the technology of personality-oriented education and training of preschoolers. The leading principle of such technologies is taking into account the personal characteristics of the child.

Name the tasks of the technology for ensuring the socio-psychological well-being of the child

Ensuring emotional comfort and good psychological well-being of the child in the process of communicating with peers and adults. in children garden and home

These technologies include technologies of psychological or psychological-pedagogical support of a child's development in the pedagogical process.

For what purpose is the technology of health enrichment and health saving of teachers used in preschool educational institutions

In order to develop a culture of health of teachers, the development of the need for a healthy lifestyle

A sick teacher thinks about his illness, not about creative work with kids. The teacher must first of all be able to be healthy himself, and then teach this to children. Must be able to stay healthy in working with children (including mental health)

The task of these technologies is to ensure the valeological education of parents

Technologies of valeological education of parents

Folders, folders, trips to the forest with parents, round tables on health issues, etc.

Cards with teachers' answers are collected. (At the next pedagogical hour, the number of points is calculated).

"Health-saving environment as a condition for the physical and mental health of children"

The problem of health formation in modern conditions should be considered as a problem of an integrated approach to raising children, in which the child is not an object of pedagogical influence, but an unformed personality protected by an adult.

“If you cannot raise a child so that he does not get sick, then, in any case, it is quite possible to maintain a high level of health in him.” .

The relevance of the developmental pedagogy of recovery is due to the creation in the preschool educational institution of an effective health-saving, pedagogical system that will allow timely overcoming violations of the health status and development of the child.

A health-saving environment is a flexible, developing system that does not oppress the child, the basis of which is an emotionally comfortable environment for staying and a favorable regime for organizing the life of children.

Most of the time in preschool child conducts in a group. Therefore, the preservation and strengthening of their health depends on how competently the activities of the educator to organize the emotionally comfortable regimen of children will be built.

Teachers achieve a favorable emotional environment in the group, carry out a personality-oriented approach to children, which contributes to the preservation of children's health. Ensuring the socio-psychological well-being of children contributes to the creation of emotional comfort and good psychological well-being of children in the process of communication in kindergarten and at home.

In each group, a health-improving day regimen was created that promotes harmonious physical and full-fledged mental development, providing for a variety of activities throughout the day in accordance with interests and needs, taking into account the time of year, the age of children, as well as their state of health.

Also, in all groups, conditions have been created that contribute to the realization of the needs of children in movement.

Subject-developing environment:

The groups are equipped with zones of physical activity (physical education equipment, motor toys, sports toys), health paths;

Sports equipment and equipment meet sanitary and hygienic requirements (safe for children, easy to clean);

Physical education allowances correspond age characteristics, the space of the motor zone, periodically change taking into account the implementation of the program, the interests of children and the results of individual work;

Safe storage of physical culture equipment, convenience of its arrangement are provided;

Installation of physical education equipment, in the group (carpet track) and in the hall protective covering guarantee the safety of children's physical exercises;

Sports equipment provides for meeting the needs of children of different levels of physical fitness in movement and their motor preferences depending on gender.

The gym is equipped. Two days a week (Wednesday and Thursday) in the evening it is empty, and you can hold joint events with your parents.

There are two sports grounds on the territory of the MDOU, for regular work with children in terms of physical education, there is a portable sports equipment for the development of motor activity and physical education (benches, arcs, cubes).

Draft decision of the teachers' council:

1. Develop a strategy for organizing work on the health protection of pupils.

2. Analyze and improve the system methodical work to improve the competence of teachers.

3. Make a card file of health-saving technologies for preschool educational institutions.

Pedagogical Council No. 3 "Social and moral education - important factor socialization of pupils"

"Initiation to the generally accepted norms and rules of relations with

peers and adults” (educational area “Socialization”) Politeness lessons

Using the technology of project activities in the preschool educational institution on the topic "My city of Romanov-Borisoglebsk"

Teachers' Council No. 4 "Creating the necessary conditions for a unified educational space in preschool educational institutions for the speech development of pupils"

"New word" - 2 ml. gr. Golubkova N. IN.

"World of Sounds" - middle group.


“Clever speech is pleasant to listen to” - senior group

“We create, we invent, we compose” - a preparatory group for school


preservation and strengthening of children's health;

search for effective forms for the formation of children's motivation for a healthy lifestyle,

the formation of parents, teachers, pupils of responsibility in maintaining their own health.

Health-saving technologies in MBDOU - these are technologies aimed at preserving, maintaining and enriching the health of the subjects of the pedagogical process in kindergarten: children, teachers and parents.

The purpose of health-saving technologies: to form a conscious attitude to the observance of cultural and hygienic requirements and health-saving behavior in everyday life, emotional well-being, social skills and self-confidence.

. Medical and preventive technologies

Health monitoring

Organization of preventive


Balanced diet

Rational daily routine

Healthy environment

Control and assistance in ensuring the requirements of SaNPiN

Physical culture and health technologies

Motor mode

Dynamic pauses



Mobile and sports games

health days

Sports entertainment, holidays

Socio-psychological technologies



Music therapy


fairy tale therapy

Educational technologies

Educational activities by region:

Physical development;


Artistic and aesthetic development.

Valeological education of parents

Open days

Speeches at parent meetings


Information for stands


Booklets, etc.


The term "stretching" comes from the English word "stretching" - "stretching". The name speaks for itself:

Stretching is a special type of aerobics, aimed mainly at stretching the muscles of the body, developing flexibility and elasticity.

Strength stretching - exercises for stretching and at the same time for muscle strength. This type is also better practiced by people with experience in systematic stretching.

(group report No. 5).


The basis of rhythmoplasty is a variety of simple movements (dance, imitation, general developmental, etc.), which allow expressing various emotional states, plots, images.

In rhythmoplasty classes, the child not only masters a variety of motor skills and abilities, but also acquires the skills of creative understanding of music, its emotional and bodily expression.

The work is built in two directions:

Gymnastics to music, with physical activity; - dance gymnastics, which requires expressiveness, plasticity and flexibility.

(group report No. 2).

Su Jok therapy

Translated from Korean, Su-brush, Jok-stop. This method was developed by a South Korean scientist, Professor Pak Je-woo. The technology is interesting in that such exercises can be carried out not only by speech therapists and teachers in kindergarten, but also at home by the parents themselves.

(Group report No. 5, Sushko G.S.).

Hatha yoga

Hathi yoga exercises are based on ancient Chinese health systems, promote the regulation of breathing, the respiratory system and other body functions, and also have a calming effect on the central nervous system relieve fatigue.

(group report No. 4).


Serso" in French - a hoop. IN preschool games in serso are recommended to be used, starting from the older group. These games contribute to the development of basic motor qualities (dexterity, strength, speed, endurance), help orientation in space, coordination of actions, train the vestibular apparatus, influence the formation of moral and volitional qualities (mutual assistance, endurance, discipline, courage, perseverance, etc.). etc.), bring up the desire to perform the exercise not only correctly, but also beautifully, easily, naturally.

(group report No. 6).


  • Finger gymnastics - With younger age individually or with a subgroup daily. Recommended for all children, especially those with speech problems. It is carried out at any convenient time interval (at any convenient time).
  • Gymnastics for the eyes - daily for 3-5 minutes. at any free time depending on the intensity of visual load from middle age. It is recommended to use visual material, showing the teacher.
  • Respiratory gymnastics - in various forms of physical culture and health work. Provide ventilation of the room, the teacher instructs the children on the mandatory hygiene of the nasal cavity before the procedure. It is used as the main element in carrying out educational activities with children on physical development.
  • Corrective gymnastics - in various forms of physical culture and health work. The form of conducting depends on the task and the contingent of children.
  • Orthopedic gymnastics - in various forms of physical culture and health work. It is recommended for children with flat feet and as a prevention of diseases of the supporting arch of the foot. .

(group report No. 3).

Fitball gymnastics

Fitball-gymnastics modern form corrective gymnastics has an advantage over traditional methods, since it allows solving health-improving, therapeutic, educational and educational tasks:

(group report No. 1).

The decision of the pedagogical council

group work: teachers are offered a list of key phrases for making a decision:

Include in the work (study, think over ..) ...


To improve the competence of teachers in...

Create on groups...

Analyze the incidence of...

Take notes on...

Present the results of the work on ......

Put into practice...

Strictly carry out ...)

Pedagogical Council in kindergarten "Creating conditions for maintaining and strengthening children's health, physical education and health work in preschool educational institutions"

Anufrieva Irina Viktorovna, senior teacher of MDOU "Kindergarten" Bell "r.p. Dukhovnitskoye, Saratov Region
Description: My publication will be of interest to senior educators, methodologists, deputy heads of the preschool educational institution, all those who organize educational and methodological work in the preschool educational institution.
Conduct form:
traditional, with the use of game techniques.
Target: search for ways to optimize the creation of conditions for improving physical education and health work in preschool educational institutions.
1. Systematize physical culture and recreation work in preschool educational institutions.
2. To expand the knowledge of teachers, taking into account modern requirements and social changes in the formation of the foundations of physical education and a healthy lifestyle.
3. Develop creative potential teachers.
4. Search for effective forms, the use of innovative approaches and new technologies in the organization of sports and recreation work in preschool educational institutions.
Preliminary work:
1. Preparation of an information stand about the planned pedagogical council.
2. Selection and study of literature on the issue of physical culture and health work.
3. Consultations for teachers on this issue, according to annual plan work.
4. Open events on the topic of the pedagogical council.
5. Thematic control “Creating conditions for maintaining and strengthening the health of children in preschool educational institutions. Organization and efficiency of work on the development of motor activity in children in the daily routine.
6. Working with parents: designing stands, questioning parents.
7. Development of a scenario for holding a pedagogical council.
8. Preparation of a draft decision of the pedagogical council.
9. Homework for educators:
**teachers of each group should be ready to analyze solutions, their methods, pluses and minuses in working on the topic of the teachers' council (the first annual task).
** be ready to conduct an (interesting, “unhackneyed”) outdoor game, introduce the hardening procedure, physical minutes, finger training.
I suggest that the secretary take his place and begin work.

1. On the implementation of the decision of the previous teachers' council, senior educator Anufrieva I.V., senior educator.
2. introduction on the topic of the teachers' council - senior educator Anufrieva I.V.
3. "Analysis of the health status of pupils of the MDOU" Kindergarten "Kerokolchik", recreational activities held in the preschool educational institution", nurse Seyutova S.A.
4. Results thematic review, senior teacher Anufrieva I.V.,
5. "Health and game hour" in senior group No. 4 "Chamomile", teacher Kuzminova N.V. Video review, discussion.
6. business game. Conducted by physical education instructor Kurbatova M.V. and senior teacher Anufrieva I.V.
7. Draft decision of the pedagogical council.
8. Organizational issues.

I would like to hope that all teachers will actively participate in the work of the teachers' council, share positive experience on the problem under discussion, ask questions, comment.

The course of the teachers' council:

1. On the implementation of the decision of the previous teachers' council, Anufrieva I.V., senior educator (report).

2. Introductory speech on the topic of the teachers' council- Anufrieva I.V., senior educator

There is no task more important and at the same time more difficult than raising a healthy person.
At preschool age, the foundation of health is laid, the vital systems and functions of the body mature and improve, movements, posture are formed, physical qualities, initial hygiene skills and self-service skills are developed. Habits, ideas, character traits are acquired, without which a healthy lifestyle is impossible.
Everything I have listed is the content of our work with you on the organization of sports and recreational activities with kids.
And home target this work:
*preservation and strengthening of the psychophysical health of children.

In our kindergarten, active work is being carried out on health protection, the physical development of children, and increasing physical activity. This is facilitated by the accessible and safe subject-developing environment created in the preschool educational institution: music, sports halls with appropriate equipment, sports corners in group rooms ah with equipment for sports games, a medical unit, a speech therapist's office, sports grounds.
This is the model of the organization of physical culture and health-improving activities.
Planning of physical culture and health-improving work is carried out within the framework of the Main Educational Program of the MDOU "Kindergarten" Kolokolchik ". In this direction, plans have been developed for physical culture and health improvement, treatment and prevention, sanitary and educational work. A block complex-thematic planning for all age groups, long-term plans have been developed, protocols for medical and pedagogical control of physical culture and health work are being carried out, where nutrition, hardening, and independent motor activity are controlled.
Also, work on health saving is implemented through physical education, daily routine, education of cultural and hygienic skills, sports activities, walks, various gymnastics and much more.
Of no small importance is the fact that we involve parents in solving physical culture and health problems. And it gives a big positive result ...
It is possible to evaluate the effectiveness of this work on the basis of an analysis of the results of an objective study of the state of health, physical development, physical fitness of children using monitoring technology, as well as a survey of parents (read the conclusion on the slide).
The effectiveness of physical culture and health work in our preschool educational institution directly depends on the interaction and mutual understanding of teachers - specialists, medical workers, parents of pupils and the whole team. Only by joint efforts we solve the set tasks and achieve positive results.
This is what I was talking about positive aspects aspect. Now I would like to listen to you: do we have shortcomings in the work on this issue, what prevents us from doing work at a high level, what are the “pluses”, what are the “minuses”?

3. "Analysis of the health status of pupils of the MDOU" Kindergarten "Kerokolchik", recreational activities held in the preschool educational institution", nurse Seyutova S.A.
One of the main tasks of the staff of our preschool institution is to improve the health of children through the organization of hardening, cultivating the habit of daily physical activity, a healthy lifestyle.
And this is not accidental, since there is no task more important and at the same time more difficult than raising a healthy child.
Indeed, it is at preschool age that the foundation of health is laid, movements, posture are formed, physical qualities are acquired, initial hygiene and self-service skills are developed, habits, ideas, character traits are acquired, without which a healthy lifestyle is impossible.
This work is carried out in our institution comprehensively: it includes the prevention of morbidity, injuries, hardening of children, compliance with the San Pina rules, medical examinations are organized in a timely manner, and preventive vaccinations are monitored.
At the beginning of each academic year, all pupils are divided into health groups:
Analyzing the distribution of pupils by health groups, we can conclude that in comparison over three years the number of pupils with the 1st health group has increased, and with the 3rd group it has decreased. This is a positive trend.
Medical control over the state of health is carried out by specialists once a year. I regularly monitor the organization of optimal sanitary and hygienic conditions: ensuring daily wet cleaning of group rooms, compliance with the air-thermal regime, physical activity in physical education.
During the year, a monthly analysis of the incidence and attendance is carried out for all groups and the total for kindergarten, so in 2015 it was 81.5%.
There are no cases of injury.
A comparative analysis of absences due to illness by one child revealed that the level of health status is consistently optimal, which indicates the satisfactory work of the team to preserve the health of children.
A system of hardening measures has been developed in the preschool educational institution, which are carried out all year round, their appearance and methodology vary depending on the season and weather (daily walks, walking barefoot, wake-up minutes, and others).
It has become a tradition to hold “Health Days” for children whose organizations are actively supported by their parents. In kindergarten, enhanced fortified nutrition, the presence of vegetables and fruits, the use of phytoncides (onion, garlic, lemon) are carried out.
Educators daily conduct morning exercises, finger exercises, invigorating exercises after sleep, physical education in the classroom, in order to prevent overwork, dynamic hours for a walk.
Conditions are created in the kindergarten to protect and improve the health of children and improve their physical health. Each group has sports corners with non-standard sports equipment.
The kindergarten has playground with gym equipment.
Teachers use a variety of forms and methods of organizing physical activity.
Every month, the head of the institution analyzes the attendance and incidence of kindergarten children.
An assessment of the physical development of children was carried out. On the basis of anthropometric data, a conclusion was made about the state of physical development. On average for academic year children grew by 3-4 cm and gained 2.5-3.0 kg in weight.
Influenza prophylaxis was carried out seasonally to reduce the incidence of the disease and colds: vaccination of children against influenza, aromatherapy, quartzization of groups.
For the purpose of sanitary and educational work with parents to preserve and improve the health of children, the materials on the Health stand are updated monthly.
Conclusion: Teachers, administration and me are further searching for effective ways to preserve and improve the health of preschoolers, which include increasing the role of parents in the improvement of children, introducing them to a healthy lifestyle. It is also planned to strengthen preventive work among parents of pupils and teaching staff

4. The results of the thematic audit "Creating conditions for maintaining and strengthening the health of children in preschool educational institutions, organizing sports and recreational work." , Anufrieva I.V.

Analytical reference
Period: from 10/21/15 to 11/16/15
basis purpose This control is an assessment of the level of formation of practical knowledge and skills of teachers in the field of preserving and strengthening the health of children and using health-saving techniques and technologies in practice.
1. To study the state of upbringing and educational work with children on the problem, to analyze the system of work of teachers on the use of health-saving technologies in joint activities with children and parents, to identify the ability of educators to creatively approach this issue using non-traditional forms of interaction and cooperation with parents.
2. Assess the conditions (environment, mode, load, motor mode) of children's stay in a preschool educational institution according to the criterion of "health saving", assess the state of the subject-developing environment in kindergarten groups, which contributes to the development of skills in children that promote a healthy lifestyle.
3. Determine the prospects for the activities of the teaching staff for the further application of various types of health-saving technologies in organized educational activities with children.

The test was carried out in all age groups.
The systematic implementation of traditional health-saving technologies was controlled. Such as: morning gymnastics, gymnastics after sleep, "Health and game", "Dynamic hours", the presence of consultations and folders - movements for parents on this topic, sports corners. As well as the use of non-traditional methods in working with children, namely: the use of breathing exercises, point self-massage, psychological training elements, sand therapy, art therapy, etc.
Conversations and observation of teachers showed that not everyone uses such forms of organizing children's physical activity as gymnastics after sleep, outdoor and sports games during the day, as well as preventive measures ( different types hardening, self-massage, breathing and corrective gymnastics). Remarks to the groups "Sunflowers", Bees".
During the verification process, it was revealed that educators improved their professional level on this issue by studying special methodological literature, online consultations.
The results of the audit showed that non-traditional methods and health-saving technologies are used in work with children in each age group.
The work of a valeological nature is well organized in groups: children through various methods and ways to gain knowledge about healthy lifestyles, which will help him to know himself, get rid of complexes, teach him to analyze his state of health, well-being, behavior, give himself an objective assessment, help to master the skills of maintaining and strengthening health.
Great importance is given to the organization of a full day's sleep. Various methods are used to put children to sleep: lullabies in recordings, reading fairy tales and listening to audio productions. After a day's rest, gymnastics is carried out after sleep, "Health-Gaming Hour" in combination with preventive procedures.
Teachers are highly competent in organizing a subject-developing environment on this topic: sports corners are well-designed, furniture is marked, sports equipment meets sanitary and age requirements ..
For the development of physical qualities, the formation motor skills and skills, nurturing the need for self-study physical exercises in each group are equipped with sports corners. They have all the necessary physical education equipment for independent motor activity of children, attributes for outdoor games, physical education equipment for gymnastics after sleep, equipment for individual preventive work with children.
Note on this issue: must be replenished annually and preferably at the beginning of the year the equipment in the " Sports corners».
Physical education classes are held at a high level: the structural parts correspond to the type of the lesson; a comprehensive selection of all program material for the development of movements and physical qualities is carried out. Fizruk provides a differentiated approach to children, taking into account physical fitness.
Viewing the morning exercises showed the ability of educators to select physical and drill exercises in accordance with age, preparedness; use various attributes and sound accompaniment; build a plot. But not everyone has a description of outdoor games, a card index of morning exercises and corrective exercises.
An analysis of the plans revealed a variety of forms of work with parents on physical education: parent meetings, consultations, issues of health bulletins, involvement in participation in sports holidays, joint physical education classes.
I would like to note the state of documentation in some groups, which confirms the use of a variety of forms of work in physical education. These are the groups "Violet", "Asterisks", "Why".
Visual information for parents in groups is also presented quite clearly. But there is a need to diversify the design of materials according to acceptable methods of hardening, self-massage.
During the thematic control The following deficiencies have been identified:
- insufficient attention is paid by teachers to health-improving activities that contribute to increasing the motor activity of children in the morning period of time.
- group teachers do not follow the schedule of walks with children, the time of the walk is unreasonably reduced or it is not carried out at all;
- there is no enrichment of the walk with external material for the organization of the motor regime (spring - autumn - winter period).

Conclusion: The control showed that physical education and health work in kindergarten, in general, is carried out at a fairly high level. The level of professional skills of teachers is quite high. They qualitatively plan work in this direction, use various forms of organization of physical culture and health-improving work, tempering procedures, competently build an educational space, and involve parents in work in this direction.
1. It is necessary to replenish annually and preferably at the beginning of the year the equipment in the "Sports Corners".
Deadline: until January 2016
responsible: educators
2. Pay attention to maintaining the schedule of walks and enriching walks in the spring - autumn - winter period with portable material for the organization of the motor regime.

responsible: educators
3. Systematically update the information corner for parents "Non-traditional healing methods of working with children."
Deadline: within a year
responsible: educators
4. Update (who don't have to do):
*Card file of walks;
*Card file of various games held in the group;
*Complexes: "Morning gymnastics", "Health-improving game hour", "Dynamic hour"

5. Video review, discussion of "Health-improving game hour" in the senior group No. 4 "Chamomile", teacher Kuzminova N.V.

6. Business game. Conducted by a physical education instructor Kurbatova M.V. and Anufrieva I.V.

Fizruk's message on the topic "Physical education in kindergarten."

The systematic motor activity of children, filled with a variety of content, plays important role in their physical and mental development. Expansion and enrichment of children's motor experience is one of the main tasks facing kindergarten teachers in terms of physical education.
The content of physical education in our preschool educational institution includes:
physical education, sports activities and entertainment;
classes and activities on healthy lifestyle and valeology;
walks 2 times a day;
morning exercises and exercises after sleep;
physical education minutes, dynamic clock;
musical and rhythmic classes;
independent motor activity children.
What is needed for a complete physical education?
First, specially created conditions, i.e. material base - premises, education, pedagogical work: ability to organize motor activity children, to teach children various outdoor games, physical exercises, etc., the educator must instill in them the need for a cultural movement.
Secondly, we need a knowledge system based on the following principles:
1. continuity (from morning to evening);
2. voluntariness (cause desire, not force);
3. availability of exercises;
4. alternation of organized forms with independent motor activity.
All this forms the physical culture of children.
And today we will check your knowledge base in this matter ...

Pedagogical workshop on physical culture
(in the form of a business game).

Teachers are divided into 2 teams.

1. Both teams are invited to write down the tasks of physical education on prepared sheets of paper.

Tasks of physical education:
Wellness: protecting the life and strengthening the health of children, promoting proper physical and mental development child's body, increasing mental and physical performance.
Developing: the development of movements, the formation of motor skills and physical qualities (agility, speed, strength, endurance), the formation of correct posture.
Educational: enriching children's knowledge about their body, health, about ways to strengthen it, preserve it, and take a responsible attitude..
Educational: education of positive character traits (courage, determination, perseverance, mutual assistance), strong-willed qualities (willpower, the ability to win and lose), the formation of the habit of a healthy lifestyle, the desire to exercise (including not for the sake of achieving success as such, but for your own health).

2. Teams are asked to remember 2 finger games and show them off.

3. There are cards with statements on the tables. wise people living in different time but agreeing in one opinion. I invite you to read them and express your opinion about what is written on them. Say whether you agree with this aphorism or not. And why? How do you understand this aphorism?

Sayings of wise people living at different times:
* "You must certainly shake yourself up physically in order to be healthy morally." L.N. Tolstoy
* "It is not yet clear whether a healthy mind lives in a healthy body, or vice versa - a high spirit generates health." F. Abramov.
* "Health disturbs all the other blessings of life to such an extent that, truly, a healthy beggar is happier than a sick king." A. Schopenhauer.
* "You can't heal the body without healing the soul." Socrates.

4. The teachers of each team show 2 options for physical education.
5. Ask each other one question (on the topic of the teachers' council) - thinking for 1 minute.
6. Task for the teams: organize and conduct an outdoor game.
7. Creative task: develop the principles of "Joyful Physical Education"
Principles of Joyful Physical Culture:
A. Each lesson is a new game or a trip to the country of Physical Education
b. Physical training is a plot and competitive complex. Dosage is carried out taking into account health groups
V. Class planning should be thematic in nature and take into account the interest of children and the seasons
d. Use a highly artistic and figurative word, music, as well as theatricalization (“You are a cat, you are an elephant calf ...”, as well as costumes, hats, etc.)
e. Each lesson is a meeting with a new one.

8. Hardening: Surprise your rivals with a new hardening treatment…
9. Complete health proverbs (co-op)
Purity - (health guarantee). Health is more expensive (gold). Live clean - (to be healthy).
Health is in order (thanks to charging).
If you want to be healthy (harden up).
IN healthy body(healthy spirit).
Health for money (don't buy).
Take care of the dress again (and health from a young age).
There will be health (everything will be).
10. And in conclusion - "brain analysis" - Pedagogical situations

Pedagogical situations
1. Comment on this dialog.
Conversation between two mothers
- My child began to go to kindergarten and began to get sick often. I think that the educators are to blame for this: they do not look after the children well.
- You're right, my child is not sick, because we sit at home with him.
If you, a kindergarten teacher, accidentally heard such a dialogue, how would you react?

2. Mom brought the child to kindergarten and saw that the transom was open in the group, expressing dissatisfaction with the teacher of the group and after listening to the arguments of the teacher, she turned to the administration of the kindergarten.
* What could the educator answer to the mother's dissatisfaction?
* Is mom right?

3. The child does not want to eat. Grandmother tries to make him eat the prescribed portion, using a fairy tale, jokes. Mother promises to buy new toy. Father says: “If you don’t want it, don’t eat it.” Who is right?
4. You are out for a walk with the children, it's raining. How to turn this weather phenomenon into a factor child development? (organize an outdoor game: "Let's run away from the rain"; in the summer in an ecologically clean area, use it as a hardening factor)
5. The child cannot get used to kindergarten: he does not eat, does not sleep during sleep, constantly cries. Parents have a number of complaints. They say that teachers cannot find an approach to the child. To the question: is the daily regimen observed at home, the parents answer that it is observed. I propose to express their suggestions and recommendations on how to get out of this situation.

6. During the year, the child had been ill more than 4 times with acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections. Can such a child be considered frequently and long-term ill? What kind of work should be done with such a child by educators, parents, honey. staff.

11. Reflection "Grandma and Little Red Riding Hood" (teachers beat).

Enter Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother. The following dialogue takes place between them:
- Grandmother, grandmother, why do you have such a wrinkled face:
- This is because I did not like to wash my face in the mornings and evenings, my granddaughter.
- Grandma, why do you have such yellow teeth?
- Because I did not clean them and smoked, like your grandfather.
- Grandmother, grandmother, why do you have such dull eyes?
- Because I didn't like eating carrots, my granddaughter.
- Grandmother, grandmother, why are you all trembling and walking slowly?
- This is because, my Baby, that in the morning I never did exercises ...

This is the kind of reflection and attitude we have today.
Be healthy!

7. Draft decision of the pedagogical council No. 2.

1. Continue to give great attention strengthening the health of pupils through the rational use of health-saving technologies and familiarization with a healthy lifestyle.
Responsible: educators. Deadline: permanent.
2. In order to create an integrated system of physical culture and health-improving work, develop a program " Healthy preschooler».
Responsible: senior teacher, creative Group educators, nurses.
Deadline: February 1, 2016

3. Supplement
- physical education corners:
** interesting illustrative material to introduce children to sports and other interesting information;
**regularly replenish the corners with non-traditional benefits, attributes for physical education and health work with children.
- documentation:
** Card index of walks;
** Card file of various games held in a group, on a walk;
**Complexes: "Morning gymnastics", "Health-improving game hour", "Dynamic hour"
Responsible: educators. Deadline: February 1, 2016

4. Continue to promote a healthy lifestyle among parents through various forms of work: parent meetings, health corners, information stands, booklets, memos, conversations, consultations, entertainment with parents, etc.
Responsible: educators. Deadline: within a year

5. Plan and conduct a "Health Day" as joint event with parents.
Responsible: physical education instructor, educators.
Deadline: until March 1, 2016

8. Organizational issues.

Stulova Ekaterina Alexandrovna senior educator MADOU No. 25 r.p.Priyutovo
“To acquire health is courage, to preserve it is wisdom, and to skillfully manage it is art”
François Voltaire

I. Page one "Introductory"
Game exercise.
If I were a good wizard, what would I do to ensure that all children on earth would be healthy!
Introductory part /parable/: “Once upon a time, gods lived on Mount Olympus. They got bored, and they decided to create a man and populate the planet Earth. For a long time they thought about what a person should be. One of the gods said: "A man must be strong", another said: "A man must be healthy", the third said: "A man must be smart." But one of the gods said this: "If a man has all this, he will be like us." And, they decided to hide the main thing that a person has - his health. They began to think, decide - where to hide it? Some suggested hiding health deep in the blue sea, others behind high mountains. Where do you think the gods hid health?
One of the gods said: "Health must be hidden in the person himself." This is how people have been living since ancient times, trying to find their health. Yes, not everyone can find and save the priceless gift of the gods! This means that health is hidden in me, and in each of us and in each child.
So, the theme of our today's teachers' council is devoted to health.

"Health is more precious than wealth" - said the French writer Etienne Rey, who lived at the end of the 19th century. The same is true for many of us. They talk about health, argue about health, wish for health. From the early childhood Each of us is aware of the importance of a reasonable attitude to our health...
How do you feel about your health, dear colleagues? Please continue the phrase: "The path to health is ..." (quick survey of teachers)
We clarified that the path to health is proper nutrition, systematic physical activity, lack of stressful situations and much more. But the most important thing is that it depends, first of all, on ourselves.
Conclusion: slide "Healthy person - ..."
Associations exercise: What associations do you have when you think about your child's health? Teachers voice associations, the leader of the teachers' council writes down on the strips and puts around the "Child Health" model. After the associations are named, a summary is made summarizing the answers.
According to generally accepted ideas, the structure of human health is provided by health care only by 10-12%, heredity belongs to 18%, environmental conditions - 20%, and the largest contribution - 50-52% - is lifestyle. If we consider that our health care is in itself painful, and the situation with the environment is at least unfavorable, then the "controlling stake" - these same 50-52% - is in our hands.
Thus, in order for our children in kindergarten to be healthy, it is necessary to teach them safety in modern conditions, a conscious attitude towards their health, i.e. adapt children to the conditions that they can expect or will certainly expect. And, of course, it is necessary to educate children's need for a healthy lifestyle, to teach them to treat their health correctly. Therefore, we need to perform the following tasks: develop a conscious attitude towards our health; form the need for a healthy lifestyle; continue to create conditions for protecting the lives and improving the health of children.
How to correctly dispose of this "controlling stake" in a preschool will be discussed at our teachers' council.
II. Page two "Information"
Let's imagine the health of a child in the form of a wonderful planet, which we must protect, protect from all misfortunes and adversities (a model is exhibited).
First we need to find out what is health?
To date, more than 79 concepts of "health" have developed in science. It turned out that it is not so easy to give him an exhaustive definition. So what is "health"? (Answers of educators)
1. Health is a normal function of the body at all levels of its organization.
2. Health is a dynamic balance of the body and its functions with the environment.
3. Health is the ability of the body to adapt to constantly changing conditions of existence in environment, the ability to maintain the constancy of the internal environment of the body, ensuring normal and versatile life, the preservation of the living principle in the body.
4. Health is the absence of disease, disease states, painful changes.
5. Health is the ability to full implementation major social functions.
6. Health is complete physical, spiritual, mental and social well-being. Harmonious development of physical and spiritual forces, the principle of the unity of the body, self-regulation and balanced interaction of all organs.
Read again the definitions of what health is. And choose the wording that is closest to us and corresponds to the topic of today's teachers' council.
The most comprehensive and generally accepted is the formulation developed by the World Health Organization: “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being. Harmonious development of physical and spiritual forces, the principle of the unity of the body, self-regulation and balanced interaction of all organs"
We will focus on the physical health of the child. To build an effective system of physical culture and health work, you need to know what is most important for the life and health of a person, and a child in particular. Try to determine which three whales» Keeping the life and health of the child? (model "THREE whales" is exhibited)
To provide a child good health, of course, a lot is important: both a healthy lifestyle and the right, good nutrition, and the state of the musculoskeletal system, etc. However, as Vera Grigoryevna Alyamovskaya and Yuriy Fedorovich Zmanovsky assert in their studies, the main “whales” on which human life and health are based are the state of the cardiovascular, respiratory and immune systems of the body (identification badges are attached to the “whales” models, indicating: "heart" - the cardiovascular system, "cloud" - the respiratory system, "flower" - the immune system).
Judge for yourself, without food a person can live for some time, having disorders in the musculoskeletal system, perhaps he will be chained to a wheelchair, but still he will live. And if the activity of the heart is disturbed or the lungs stop absorbing oxygen, and the simplest virus, once it enters the body, will not encounter obstacles in the form immune system, I think you don’t need to be a doctor to draw a conclusion where this will lead. Therefore, these same "WHALES" that support the health of the child are so important.
The main means of developing the cardiovascular, respiratory and immune systems are movements. It may seem that all this is not new to us. But do we know which movements should be given preference precisely at preschool age, what conditions should be met in the first place in order to provide them with a health-improving orientation?

III. Page three "Pedagogical piggy bank"
The teacher of the mixed-age group Gazizullina V.S. he will tell us about the organization of motor and recreational moments in the course of direct educational activities.

VI. Page six "Only with us!"
According to BN Chumakov, one cannot buy health, one can only earn it by one's own constant efforts. But in order to preserve the health of the child, it is necessary to unite the efforts of all the adults around him (parents, educators, doctors, teachers, etc.) in order to create an atmosphere around him filled with the needs, traditions and habits of a healthy lifestyle. Today I am Fedotova O.G., a children's fitness instructor, to introduce us to innovative forms of physical culture and health work with children "Game Stretching".

VII. Page seven "Interaction with parents"
It is no secret that favorable conditions for the development, education and upbringing of a preschool child can be realized only if the kindergarten and the family work closely together.
The joint activity of preschool teachers and parents to preserve and strengthen the health of the child, the formation of a healthy lifestyle, the basics of hygienic and physical culture has not only pedagogical, but also deep social significance. After all, the health of children is the future of the country, the basis of its national security.
An important element family education is physical education. However, in this direction, we observe a clearly insufficient activity of parents in the physical education of children. Meanwhile, family physical education contributes both to the full development and strengthening of the health of children, and the establishment of a favorable family microclimate. Thus, the further search for effective ways to preserve and improve the health of preschoolers should include increasing the role of parents in improving the health of children, introducing them to a healthy lifestyle, and creating traditions of family physical education.
Organization of interaction with the family on the problem of strengthening and maintaining the health of children. Sharifullina I.B.
Currently, preschool educational institutions are focused on finding new effective forms of organizing communication with parents in matters of preserving and strengthening children's health. At the same time, the teacher always needs to act as a qualified consultant who can teach, suggest desired material, give right advice Discuss with parents the difficulties that have arisen.
Tips for parents "Solve pedagogical problems"
a) The family went for a walk in the forest. While resting, a 9-year-old son climbed to the top of a tree. My 5 year old daughter also tried but failed. She began to cry and begged her parents to help her. Which of the suggested reactions of parents is the most correct?
1. Parents yelled at their son, demanded to immediately get down from the tree, and both children were strictly forbidden to climb trees, explaining to them that it was dangerous.
2. The father praised his son for his dexterity, helped his daughter climb the lower branch of the tree, then climb down on her own. The girl repeated the exercise several times.
3. The mother calmed the crying daughter, affectionately asked her son to come down to the ground, and then spanked him.

c) The child does not want to eat.
Grandmother tries to make him eat the prescribed portion, using a fairy tale, jokes.
The mother promises to buy a new toy.
Father says: “If you don’t want it, don’t eat it.” Who is right?

VIII. Page eight "Exercise for the mind"
Continue the phrase:
The process of changing the forms and functions of the human body - ... (physical development).
The main specific means of physical education is ... (physical exercises).
Children's tourism is ... (walks and excursions).
Walking, running, jumping, climbing and throwing - (the main types of movement).
What determines the health of children? (organization of an optimal motor regimen; walking; airing; prevention of colds; safely organized environment; observance of the daily routine)
You are out for a walk with the children, it's raining. How can this weather phenomenon be turned into a factor in child development? (organize an outdoor game: "Let's run away from the rain"; in the summer in an ecologically clean area, use it as a hardening factor), etc.

IX. Page nine "Expert opinion"
Acquaintance with the results of thematic control
CONCLUSION: exercise "Formula of health"

X. Page ten "Page wise thoughts» (Analytical)
Summing up and draft decision of the pedagogical council.
Dear colleagues I would like to hear your opinion about these speeches. Can they, having become the basis of physical education in a preschool educational institution, solve the problem of motor activity of preschoolers (answers of teachers).
In order to achieve positive results in the health protection of children, a purposeful integrated system of sports and recreational activities is needed both in kindergarten and in the family. And we, preschool teachers, need:
- Pay special attention to the organization of outdoor games, as a means of increasing the motor activity of preschoolers.
- Maximize the time spent by children in the open air with the obligatory organization of motor activity
- Rationally combine physical education with hardening procedures
- Increase the reserve capacity of the child's body through regular outdoor games, physical exercises.
I propose that these proposals be included in the decision of our teachers' council.

Lucky is he who is rich in kindness,
Who himself blooms, is happy with someone else's happiness,
Someone else's happiness for good people
Sometimes more expensive than their own awards.
And those who are angry always live worse,
They are punishing themselves with their own evil.
Human anger is a heavy burden
And his punishment and hell.
Mirza Shafi Vazeh

XI. The decision of the pedagogical council.

Used Books.

1. Adashkyavichene E. I. Methods of physical education of children in preschool institutions / E. I. Adashkyavichene. - Minsk: Ushversggetskas, 1998.
2. Beznosikov I. Ya. Physical culture and health work with preschool children: Educational and methodological guide. / I. Ya. Beznosikov. - Minsk: "Four quarters", 1998. - 66 p.
3. Bezrukikh M. M. Age physiology (Physiology of child development) / M. M. Bezrukikh. - M .: Information Center "Academy", 2009. - S. 360
4. Bondarevskaya E. V. Humanistic paradigm of personality-oriented education / E. V. Bondarevskaya // Pedagogy. -1997. - No. 4. - S. 12 14.
5. Weiner E. N. General valueology: Textbook / E. N. Weiner. - Lipetsk: Lipetsk publishing house, 1988. - 183 p.
6. Iovva O. A. Education careful attitude to their health in children of sanatorium groups of a preschool educational institution / Izvestiya SFU. Pedagogical Sciences. Rostov n / a, 2010. No. 11. - 0.6 p.

I bring to your attention the task “Find the right answer”, by completing which we will highlight the components of a healthy lifestyle, so the first question is:
1. Complete the definition: the absence of disease and physical defects, but also complete physical, mental and social well-being:
2. Hardening is -
Training the body to the action of various meteorological factors
Physical exercise
3. A system that creates the maximum possible conditions for the preservation, strengthening and development of the spiritual, emotional, intellectual personal and physical health of all subjects of education:
Physical Culture
Health saving technologies
Computer techologies
4. What, according to the well-known slogan, is the key to health:
5. What is the name of the science of health:
6. There are many proverbs and sayings about health. Which of the following proverbs is wrong?
Money can't buy health
Health is cheaper than wealth
Health is the most precious thing in the world

7. The state in which the majority slows down
physiological processes and are created Better conditions to restore the health of the body
A game
8. To what educational field can be attributed to the following proverb:
“I move, so I live” -
Physical Culture
9. The rational distribution of time for all types of activities and recreation during the day is -
A game
Daily regime


  • preservation and strengthening of children's health;
  • search for effective forms for the formation of children's motivation for a healthy lifestyle,
  • the formation of parents, teachers, pupils of responsibility in maintaining their own health.

Start the teachers' council with an analysis of the implementation of the decision of the previous teachers' council.

Dear colleagues, you see the agenda of the teachers' council on the screen (SLIDE 2)

The course of the teachers' council

"Health is more precious than wealth" - said the French writer Etienne Rey, who lived at the end of the 19th century. The same is true for many of us. They talk about health, argue about health, wish for health.

Dear Colleagues! Please continue the phrase: "The path to health is ..." (quick survey of teachers) (SLIDE 3)

We clarified that the path to health is proper nutrition, systematic physical activity, the absence of stressful situations, and much more. But the most important thing is a healthy lifestyle.

(SLIDE 4) According to generally accepted ideas, the structure of human health is provided by health care only by 10-12%, heredity belongs to 18%, environmental conditions - 20%, and the largest contribution - 50-52% - is lifestyle. Children themselves, of course, cannot ensure a healthy lifestyle. But this can be done by adults: at home - by parents, in kindergarten - by employees of the kindergarten.

In general, preschool institutions have developed a systematic approach to the organization of recreational work with children. However, any system will not last long enough and effectively if it is not improved and updated. There are a lot of grounds for modernizing health-improving work in preschool educational institutions. One of the main ones is the increase in the incidence of children.

(SLIDE 5) According to the data of the Research Institute of Pediatrics, today only 14% of children can be called conditionally healthy, that is, without pathologies, serious psychological and physical illness, while about 40% suffer from chronic diseases almost from birth, and 50% have problems in the development of the musculoskeletal system.

Disappointing statistics, right? And this is only official data. In reality, things could be much worse.

(SLIDE 6) In addition, the state of health of children from a purely medical has become a pedagogical problem. At low rates health and poor attendance can not be implemented educational programs. Therefore, health saving in preschool educational institutions is one of the most urgent problems of modern society.

Today, at the teachers' council, we will find out what conditions are created in our kindergarten for health-saving work, what health-saving technologies are used by the teachers of our preschool educational institution.

First, let's understand the concepts.

The most comprehensive and generally accepted is the HEALTH formulation developed by the World Health Organization: (SLIDE 7) “Health is not only the absence of disease or infirmity, but a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being.

What is the most important thing for the physical health of a person, and a child in particular?

In order to ensure good health for a child, of course, many things are important: a healthy lifestyle, and proper, nutritious nutrition, and the condition of the musculoskeletal system, etc. However, as Vera Grigorievna Alyamovskaya and Yuri Fedorovich Zmanovsky state in their studies, the main “pillars” on which human life and health are based are the state of the cardiovascular, respiratory and immune systems of the body (SLIDE 8)

Judge for yourself, without food a person can live for some time, having disorders in the musculoskeletal system, perhaps he will be chained to a wheelchair, but still he will live. And if the activity of the heart is disrupted or the lungs stop absorbing oxygen, and the simplest virus, once it enters the body, does not encounter an obstacle in the form of the immune system, I think you don’t need to be a doctor to draw a conclusion what this will lead to. Therefore, these very “WHALES” that support the health of the child are so important.

(SLIDE 9) The main means of developing the cardiovascular, respiratory and immune systems are cyclic movements (running, walking, swimming, jumping, etc.), in which the same action is repeated, allowing you to alternate muscle relaxation and tension. It is cyclic types of movements that are most natural for a preschooler.

The development of the respiratory system is also directly related to movement. Studies have shown that the body's ability to absorb oxygen from the air increases with regular exercise, but ... only in the fresh air! A walk for a preschool child should be 4 - 4.5 hours a day and should be interesting, exciting, full of various motor activities.

How are things in our kindergarten? (announce the results of the control of going for a walk)

The system of immunobiological protection is quite complex, but it is also associated with movement. These are special movements. They occur due to the activity of the thermoregulatory apparatus. When the temperature of the external environment changes, the blood from the internal organs either rushes to the skin, then again flows to internal organs. This is movement within the body, movement at the cellular level. Studies have shown that with the inclusion of the thermoregulatory apparatus, the immune defense system automatically turns on. Natural factors have a hardening effect on the child's body. No wonder they say: “The sun, air and water are our best friends”

Let's define the concepts "Technology" and "Methodology"? Very often these concepts are confused. (SLIDE 10)

Technology - in a broad sense - a set of methods, processes and materials used in any industry,

A technique is, as a rule, some kind of ready-made "recipe", an algorithm, a step-by-step instruction, a procedure for carrying out any targeted actions.

(SLIDE 11) Health-saving technologies are technologies aimed at preserving, maintaining and enriching the health of the subjects of the pedagogical process.

Each preschool has a variety of programs. In each - health-saving technologies.

(SLIDE 12) Complex (aimed at the formation of universal abilities in a child)

“The program of education and training in kindergarten”, ed. M.A. Vasilyeva

(Sections “Physical and recreational work”, “Upbringing of KPs”, subsection “Physical culture” of the section “Teaching in the classroom”)

  • “Childhood” Authors: T.I. Babaeva, N.A. Notkina (section “Raising children healthy, strong, cheerful”)
  • “Rainbow” Author L.D. Gusarova (Sections “We form the habit of a healthy lifestyle”, “Physical culture”)
  • “Origins” by M.A. Runova (section “Physical development”)
  • “Continuity” authors V.G. Bolshenkov, V.K. Balsevich (section “Health and physical culture”

(SLIDE 13) Partial (or specialized) include one or more areas of the child's development. Among them, the programs of the sports and health improvement direction, the valeological direction and highly specialized programs are singled out.

The programs of the physical culture and health improvement direction include:

  • “Physical culture for preschoolers” (L.D. Glazyrina)
  • “Program for the development of motor activity and health work with children” (V.T. Kudryavtseva)
  • “Health” (V.G. Alyamovskaya)
  • “Theater of physical education of preschoolers” (N.N. Efimenko)
  • “Physical culture program from 3 to 17 years old” (V.P. Shcherbakov)

To valeological programs directions are:

  • “Health from childhood” (T.S. Kazakovtseva)
  • “Hello” (M.L. Lazarev)
  • Highly specialized programs include:
  • “Start” (L.V. Yakovleva, R.A. Yudina)
  • “SA-FI-DANCE” (Zh.E. Firileva, E.G. Saykina), which has been used by our PHYSICAL instructor for several years

Technologies are also distinguished, in particular: social and health-improving technology “Healthy preschooler” Yu.F. Zmanovsky

In the comprehensive program “From birth to school”, the content of the educational area “Health” is aimed at achieving the goals of protecting children's health and forming the basis of a health culture through the solution of the following tasks (SLIDE 14):

  • Preservation and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children
  • Education of cultural and hygienic skills
  • Formation of initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle

Of course, you noticed that3 these tasks are present in all age groups. But if tasks 1 and 2 are slightly supplemented, then the tasks of forming initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle become more and more extensive and deep.

Let's see what types of technologies are used in preschool

(SLIDE 15) Medical and preventive technologies ensure the preservation and enhancement of the health of children under the guidance of the medical staff of the preschool educational institution in accordance with medical requirements and standards, using medical means.

The tasks of this activity are to organize:

  • child health monitoring
    (Documentation analysis: presence in groups of a map of physical development and health, a list of health / morbidity.
  • development of recommendations for optimizing children's health;
  • control over the nutrition of children, physical development, hardening;
    (Voice the results of the thematic check)
  • preventive measures in kindergarten (immunization, gentle treatment during the adaptation period, etc.);
  • control and assistance in ensuring the requirements of SanPiNs;
  • health-saving environment in the preschool educational institution.

Monitoring of the state of health and physical development of children is carried out by doctors and teachers. All work on the physical education of children is built taking into account their physical fitness and existing deviations in the state of health.

(SLIDE 16) Sports and health technologies are aimed at the physical development and strengthening of the child's health.

  • develop physical qualities
  • control motor activity and the formation of physical culture of preschoolers,
  • form the correct posture,
  • to prevent disorders of the musculoskeletal system
  • heal with the help hardening agents,
  • nurture the habit of daily physical activity and health care

Physical culture and health-improving activities are carried out in physical education classes, as well as in the form of various gymnastics, tempering procedures (barefoot walking, air baths, etc.), physical minutes, P / and, organization of walks, etc.

(REFERENCE TP: Implementation of recreational activities in the daily routine)

(SLIDE 17) Technologies for ensuring the socio-psychological well-being of a child are technologies that ensure the mental and social health of a preschool child.

The main task of these technologies

  • ensuring emotional comfort and positive psychological well-being of the child in the process of communicating with peers and adults in kindergarten and family,
  • ensuring the social and emotional well-being of a preschooler.

The implementation of these technologies is carried out by a psychologist through specially organized meetings with children, as well as by a teacher and preschool education specialists in the current pedagogical process of a preschool educational institution. (Polite address to children, calm speech of the educator, attentive, caring attitude, etc.)

(SLIDE 18) Health saving and health enrichment technologies for preschool teachers - technologies aimed at

  • development of a health culture for kindergarten teachers, including a culture of professional health,
  • development of the need for a healthy lifestyle.

A teacher who guards the health of the child, educates the culture of the health of the child and parents, first of all, must be healthy himself, take care of his health, not overworked, must objectively assess his own strengths and weaknesses associated with professional activities.

How do teachers assess their health and readiness for health-preserving activities?

QUESTIONNAIRE RESULTS - (Questionnaire for teachers - Appendix No. 1)

(SLIDE 19) Technologies of valeological education of parents

The main educators of the child are the parents. From how the child’s day regimen is properly organized, what attention the parents pay to the child’s health, his mood, the state of physical comfort depend. The healthy lifestyle of a child, to which he is taught in a preschool educational institution, can either find daily support at home, and then be fixed, or Not find, and then the information received will be superfluous and painful for the child.

Information and educational activities are expressed in

  • the formation of a healthy lifestyle in parents as a value,
  • in acquaintance of parents with various forms of work on physical education in preschool educational institutions,
  • informing about the state of health and physical development, about the level of motor fitness of their child,
  • attracting parents to participate in various joint physical culture leisure activities and holidays.

In our kindergarten, interaction with parents on health issues is carried out through various activities. According to the results of a survey of teachers, these are: parent-teacher meetings, oral and written consultations, sliding folders, sports holidays, etc.

(Analysis of visual agitation in parental corners - based on the results of the TP)

Report the results of the parent survey. (Questionnaire - Appendix No. 2)

(SLIDE 20) Health-saving educational technologies are, first of all, technologies for educating a culture of health in preschool children.

  • the formation of a child's conscious attitude to health and life,
  • accumulation of knowledge about health,
  • development of skills to protect it.

Health-saving educational technologies are the most significant among all known technologies in terms of the degree of impact on children's health.

Educational activities involve conducting classes and conversations with preschoolers about the need to observe the daily routine, the importance of hygiene and motor culture, health and means of strengthening it, the functioning of the body and the rules for caring for it, when children acquire cultural skills and a healthy lifestyle, knowledge of the rules of safe behavior and reasonable actions in unforeseen situations. (i.e., all that “filling” 3 tasks of the educational area “health” of the program “From Birth to School”)

The survey showed that teachers are not competent enough in theoretical issues of health conservation

Let's see how things work in practice.

What health-saving technologies are used in groups? (SLIDE 21)


(in the course of the speech, put a tick in the appropriate columns)

1 gr 2 gr 3 gr
Exercise after sleep
Finger gymnastics
Breathing exercises
Gymnastics for the eyes
Prevention of flat feet
Prevention of posture disorders
mouth rinse
Extensive wash with cool water
Hardening (Barefoot walking, trampling on wet paths, etc.)

So, in our kindergarten, various forms of organization (health-saving technologies) of work on the physical education of children are used. Special attention in the daily routine, it is important to pay hardening procedures

I draw your attention to the fact that one of the most effective hardening procedures in everyday life is a walk, during which children can sufficiently realize their motor needs. The best form for this is outdoor games and physical exercises on the street. In addition, during a walk, the respiratory organs are hardened, the cardiovascular system is trained, the child's immunity is strengthened - the very 3 pillars on which the health and life of the child rest.

So what is the health of the child? I suggest you make a model of a HEALTHY CHILD in the form of a TREE (group work)(SLIDE 22)

  • The trunk is health
  • Roots are factors that ensure good health
  • Krona is a consequence, i.e. what will the child be like

(Factors: (proper nutrition, daily routine, healthy lifestyle, proper sleep, hardening, outdoor walks, physical activity, etc.)

Consequence - integrative qualities:

  • physically developed, mastered basic cultural and hygienic skills
  • curious, active
  • emotionally responsive
  • mastered the means of communication and ways of interacting with adults and peers
  • able to manage their behavior and comply with elementary generally accepted norms and rules of behavior
  • able to solve intellectual and personal tasks adequate to age
  • having primary ideas about himself, family, society, state, world and nature
  • having mastered the universal prerequisites for learning activity
  • mastered the necessary skills and abilities)

Thus, we have a model of a healthy child. (SLIDE 23)

And our task is to "nourish" the roots - to create conditions that ensure the good health of the child.

So, our faculty meeting is coming to an end. I propose to start developing solutions (SLIDE 24)

(work in groups: teachers are offered a list of key phrases for making a decision:

  • Include in the work (study, think over ..) ...
  • Test.....
  • To improve the competence of teachers in...
  • Create on groups...
  • Analyze the incidence of...
  • Take notes on...
  • Present the results of the work on ......
  • Put into practice...
  • Strictly carry out ...)

While the draft decision is being formulated, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the 10 rules of a healthy lifestyle. (SLIDES 25-36)

Board decision:


  1. Antonov Yu.E., Kuznetsova M.N., Saulina T.F. “Healthy preschooler: social and health technology of the XXI CENTURY”
  2. Antropova M.V., Kuznetsova L.M. “How to monitor the development and health of the child”
  3. Solovieva N.I., Chalenko I.A. "Healthy lifestyle"
  4. Tarasova T.A., Vlasova L.S. "Me and my health" Practical guide for the development and strengthening of healthy lifestyle skills in children from 2 to 7 years
  5. Wellness work in preschool educational institutions” ed. IN AND. Orla, S.N. Agadzhanova
  6. “Modern programs for the physical education of preschool children” compiled by S.S. Bychkova