Plan of work with parents in the middle group according to the Federal State Educational Commission for the year. Annual plan of work with parents in the middle group

The annual plan of work with parents of the middle group was drawn up taking into account the annual tasks of the preschool educational institution and the "Life Calendar" of the preschool educational institution.


1. Parent meeting "Development of creativity in children."

2. Exhibition "Gifts of Autumn" (compositions of vegetables, fruits, seeds).

3. Consultation "Features of the development of children 4-5 years old."

4. Folder-slider "What a child of 4-5 years old should know."

5. Entertainment "Goodbye, autumn!".

6. Individual conversation "We teach the child to communicate."


1. Exhibition "My northern city" (drawings, crafts for the City Day).

2. Meeting of parents with the inspector for the protection of children's rights of the preschool educational institution "The child also has rights."

3. Information stand "Rights of the child".

4. Individual consultation "How to spend a weekend with children."

5. Making bird feeders "Let's help the birds" (teacher, parents, children).

6. Folder-slider "A toy in a child's life."


1. Parent meeting “Features and problems speech development in middle-aged children."

2. Exhibition "Decorate the group for the holiday" ( joint crafts children and parents).

3. Meeting with the head nurse of the preschool educational institution "Proper nutrition of the child."

4. Information stand "Safe New Year».

5. Matinee "Hello, holiday - New Year!".

6. Folder-slider "History of Santa Claus".

2. Folder-slider "Math is easy."

3. Bring books to decorate the exhibition "Books we read at home."

5. Consultation "Family and family values".

6. Questioning "The place of sport in your family."


1. Round table"IN healthy body- a healthy mind.

2. Meeting with the instructor in the PHYSICAL DOWN "Sport in the life of a child."

3. Consultation "Sport and children".

4. Individual conversation "Safety in everyday life".

5. Involve parents to help organize and hold the sports festival "Our army is strong."

6. sports holiday to the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland.


1. Workshop "Participate in competitions."

2. Meeting with the person responsible for teaching children the traffic rules of the preschool educational institution "ABC of the little pedestrian."

3. Offer to make a machine from waste material, for the "Traffic" corner.

4. Information stand "Red, yellow, green".

5. Matinee "Feast of grandmothers and mothers."

6. Consultation "Good advice for parents."


1. Parent meeting "What we have become in a year."

2. Exhibition "Towards Spring" (drawings, crafts).

3. Entertainment "Spring is coming to us!".

4. Folder-slider "Telephone etiquette".

5. Consultations "Children and computer".

6. Questioning " Modern technologies and a child."

1. Reporting exhibition of the circle "Skillful Hands".

3. Meeting with the teacher additional education on IZO "Draw cartoons".

4. Conversation "Proper nutrition of the child in the summer."

5. Consultation "Games with a child on the way."

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 114 of the combined type" of the Soviet district of the city of Kazan.

Agreed I approve

on pedagogical council No. 1 dated September 1, 2016. Head Akhmetshin I.V.

______________ ______________

"__" __________2016 "__" __________2016



FOR 2016-2017.



Labutina A.G.

Kazan 2016

long term plan work with parents middle group"Teremok"

for the 2016-2017 academic year.

Target: Involvement maximum number parents in the educational process carried out with children of the middle group.


1. Create conditions for the openness of images in the space of the group (information of parents about upcoming topics of the week, baby product expected help from parents, participation of parents in events, activities, sensitive moments, etc.)

2. Provide psychological - pedagogical education parents in the following areas:

Features of the development of children 4-5 years of age;

Creation optimal conditions home for the child;

Ways of communication and interaction with the child;

3. Implement into work non-traditional forms interactions with parents.

Expected Result:

Establish between teachers and parents trusting relationship which will lead to the creation of a favorable climate for the development of the child.

Parents will have an interest in the process of raising and educating children.

The professional level of teachers will improve.

Children will have a positive motivation for attending kindergarten.

Long-term plan for working with parents in the middle group No. 6 for 2016-2017





1.Decoration of the parent corner on the topic "Knowledge Day".

Joint preparation for the academic year.

Purpose: To aim, involve parents in active, joint work in the new academic year.

2. Acquaintance with the family: meetings, acquaintances, questioning of families "Your wishes for the upcoming academic year."

Purpose: to identify requests, interests and wishes in the organization of educational and upbringing services in the Kindergarten.

3. Informing parents about progress educational process: days open doors, individual and group consultations, parent meetings, design of information stands.

4. Informing parents about factors affecting physical health child (calm communication, nutrition, hardening, movement).

5. Joint celebration of the Day of Knowledge.

7. Photo essay "Memories of summer".

Educator, professionals, parents.



5. Conversation with parents about how the lifestyle of the family affects the health of the child.

6. Acquaintance of children with recreational activities held in kindergarten.

7. Clarification of the importance of children visiting a section, a studio focused on the improvement of preschoolers.

8. Informing parents about the age characteristics of children.

Parent meeting "Age characteristics of children 4-5 years old."

Purpose: To give knowledge about the age characteristics of middle-aged children preschool age.

10. Consultation "Home Library".

Educators, parents.



1. Making the parent corner "Autumn". craft competition from autumn leaves"Charm of Autumn"

Target: Get parents involved visual activity at home, enhancing the creativity of parents and children.

2. Informing parents about the progress of the educational process.

3. Involving parents in joint observations with children seasonal changes in nature.

4. Consultation for parents:

Daily routine and its meaning. Creating conditions at home for a good rest and development of children.

5. Jointly with parents and with the participation of the medical and psychological service of the kindergarten, the creation of individual programs for the improvement of children and family support in their implementation.

7. Questioning "My child".

8. Observation from the inside "Rules of Etiquette".

9. Action "Game Corner".

10. Problem round table "The need for security - the basic need of the child."

Educators, parents, children, psychologist and honey. sister.



1. Exhibition of family drawings "What did autumn bring us?".

2. Informing parents about the progress of the educational process.

3. Involving parents in observing seasonal changes in nature with their children.

5. Involving parents in joint preparation with children for thematic holiday"Autumn".

7. Training "Good morning".

8. Round table "Familiarization with the rules of safe behavior on the street."

9. Round table "Safety in your home".

10. Leisure "There are a lot of rules of the road in the world."

Teachers, parents, musicians supervisor.





1. Making the parent corner "Autumn".

2. Competition of crafts fromvegetables, fruits, seeds"Gifts of Autumn".

Purpose: To involve parents in joint creativity, to develop a desire to participate in the life of the group.

3. Action "Day of good deeds".

4. Consultation "Portfolio of a preschooler".

Target: Offer parents a new activity that is useful for children and parents - making a preschool portfolio, give recommendations on production, design.

5. Acquaintance of parents with the forms of work preschool on the safety of preschool children.

6. Joint holding of a holiday dedicated to autumn "Autumn Ball".

8. Round table "We educate with kindness."

9. Preparation of the exhibition "Home Sketches".

10. Exhibition of children's works dedicated to the Day of the elderly.

Goal: To please your loved ones with your work. To convey in the drawing your love for grandparents.



2. Informing parents about the progress of the educational process.

4. Consultation for parents about proper nutrition preschoolers.

5. Joint holding of "Health Day".

6. Consultation "Why are bans needed?"

Target: To improve the pedagogical culture of parents.

7. Parent forum "What books to read to children?".

8. Exhibition family photos"From a smile a gloomy day is brighter!".

Educators, parents, children.



1. Design of a parental corner on the topic "I am a person in the world."

2. Informing parents about the progress of the educational process.

4. Help parents to realize negative consequences destructive communication in the family, excluding people close to the child from the context of development.

5. Involving parents in the improvement of the kindergarten site.

7. business game"The role of the family in the upbringing of children".

Educators, psychologist, parents.



1. Making a parent corner on the topic “Introduction to folk culture and traditions."

2. Informing parents about the progress of the educational process.

4. Acquaintance of parents with the possibilities of labor education in the family and kindergarten, with the need to develop the child's self-care skills, help adults, and the presence of household duties. Acquaintance with the best experience family labor education through exhibitions, master classes and other forms of interaction. Bringing parents' attention to various forms joint with children labor activity in kindergarten and at home, contributing to the formation of interaction between adults and children, the emergence of a sense of unity, joy, pride in the results of common work.

6. Consultation "Development of ideas about color, shape and size through educational games."

Purpose: To give in-depth knowledge of mathematical educational games for parents.

Educator, parents.





2. Informing parents about the progress of the educational process.

4. Informing parents about the benefits of walking and excursions to get a variety of experiences that cause positive emotions and sensations (visual, auditory, tactile, etc.).

5. Joint participation in the sports festival "If you want to be healthy ...".

Purpose: To involve families in healthy lifestyle life, to educate in joint sports activities respect for one's health and interest in physical education.

6. Game training"Always say yes".

7. Workshop "Role of didactic game in the education and development of children.

8. Consultation "Day off".

9. Photo report “Playing at home”.

Educators, parents, physical instructor culture, children.



1. Making a parent corner on the topic "My city, my country."

2. Workshop "Aggressive child".

3 .

4. Joint planning with parents of weekend routes to historical, memorable places, places of rest for citizens.

5. Consultation "Four commandments of a smart parent."

Target: To improve the pedagogical culture of young parents.

6. The project "My flower".

Educators, parents.



1. Consultation "Formation of the foundations of a culture of health among preschoolers."

2. Competition for the manufacture of bird feeders: "Birds are our smaller feathered friends."

3 .

5. holiday event"Mothers Day".

6. Exhibition children's creativity"To my mom".

Target: Attract children, dads to joint art activities, please mothers of the group on Mother's Day with hand-made crafts, a newspaper.

Teachers, parents, musicians leader, children.



1. Workshop " family school security."

2. Informing parents about the progress of the educational process.

3. Advice for parents on home reading.

5. Conversations with parents about the prevention of colds.

6. Consultation "Sports simulators at home".

7. Discussion "Formation of independence in children."

8. Creative exhibition "Our mothers can do everything."

Educators, parents.





2. Informing parents about the progress of the educational process.

3 . Advice for parents on home reading.

4. Involving parents in the preparation of the New Year tree (learning songs and poems with children, making New Year paraphernalia, Christmas decorations, carnival costumes).

5. Consultation "Winter games and entertainment".

6. Photo exhibition "Movement is life!"

7. Competition of crafts "Magic snowflakes".

9. Training "Safety of children on holidays".

Educators, parents.



1. Making a parent corner on the theme "New Year's holiday".

2. Informing parents about the progress of the educational process.

3 . Advice for parents on home reading.

4. Action "Help the birds to spend the winter."

5. Competition Snow Town.

6. Questioning "Healthy lifestyle".

7. Exhibition of drawings "Here came the New Year."

Purpose: to evoke positive emotions in parents.

8. Making a folder-slider "Day of the Constitution of Russia".

Educators, parents.



1. Making a parent corner on the theme "New Year's holiday".

2. Informing parents about the progress of the educational process.

3. Advice for parents on home reading.

4. Round table "Traditions of the New Year".

5. Preparation of an exhibition of crafts and souvenirs "In the workshop of Santa Claus."

6.Decoration group room for the holiday.

7. Consultation "Joint target walks through the streets of the city during the pre-holiday period.

8. Discussion "What to give a child."

Educators, parents.



1. Making a parent corner on the theme "New Year's holiday".

2. Informing parents about the progress of the educational process.

3. Advice for parents on home reading.

4. Jointly spent holiday.

Purpose: To develop the desire to conduct actively joint holidays, to receive satisfaction from the entertainment prepared by the general team, to cultivate cohesion.

5. Round table " New Year holidays How to avoid trouble.

6. Parent meeting "The role of play in the life of preschool children."

Purpose: to give parents knowledge about the importance of the game in the development of the child;

be interested in the problem; introduce the child to the game in a family environment; listen to the opinions of parents on the problem, help to get out of controversial situations, substantiating them.

7. oral journal: "Role story game in the development of preschool children.

Target: To acquaint parents with a variety of games - role-playing, and give knowledge about its conduct, materials and tasks. Replenishment plot - role playing in the benefit group.

Educators, parents, music leader, children.








2. Informing parents about the progress of the educational process.

3. Parents' recommendation for home reading (stories, poems about wild animals, birds).

5. Photo exhibition "Winter brought us a wonderful holiday."

6. Seminar-workshop "So different".

7. Consultation "Measures for the prevention of influenza."

8. Reminders for parents: "The Art of Punishing and Forgiving", "How to Communicate with Children Properly". Individual conversations, discussion of specific problems, cases.

Educators, parents.



1. Making a parent corner on the topic: "Winter".

2. Consultation "Winter injuries".

Target: Update knowledge of precautionary measures in winter time on the street.

3. Recommendations for parents on home reading (stories, poems about pets).

4. Recommendations to parents regarding active winter recreation with children (sledding, skating, skiing, walking, feeding wintering birds) and developing safe behavior skills during the holidays.

5. Compilation of an album of photographs "Wonders of Nature".

Target: Involve parents in the creation of the album, activate joint activities.

6. Creative workshop "Mom, dad, I am a sports family."

7. Workshop "Hyperactive children".

8. Drawing on the theme "Dangerous icicles." Observation from the inside "Icicles and the safe route", teach children to follow the relevant safety rules.

Educators, parents, children.



1. Making a parent corner on the topic: "Winter".

2. Round table "Gatherings".

Target: To rally a team of parents by holding a joint evening, to give an opportunity to speak out on pressing problems, to cultivate a desire to find a way out of the situation peacefully, to listen to the advice of a psychologist.

3. Recommendations for parents on home reading (stories, poems about domestic and wild birds).

4. Recommendations to parents regarding active winter recreation with children (sledding, skating, skiing, walking, feeding wintering birds) and developing safe behavior skills during the holidays.

5. “Creation of the newspaper “Winter Walk”.

6. Advice for parents: "The development of coherent speech in preschool children with the help of a theatrical game."

Target: To acquaint parents with how theatrical games affect the speech of children, what educational tasks help to solve the introduction of children to the theater.

Educators, parents, psychologist.





2. Informing parents about the progress of the educational process.

3. Parents' advice for home reading.

5. Discussing developmental issues with parents gaming activity children, ensuring successful socialization, assimilation of gender behavior.

7. Consultation "Physical education!"

Educators are parents.



1. Making a parent corner on the topic: "Defender of the Fatherland Day."

2. Informing parents about the progress of the educational process.

3. Tips for parents to read at home.

4. Involving parents in the preparation of the holiday "Defender of the Fatherland Day" (learning songs and poems with children, making holiday paraphernalia).

5. Workshop "Anxious child".

6. Consultation "The role of the family in ensuring the psychological health and safety of children."

7. Business game "We protect the health of children together!".

8. Exhibition: "Valentine with a surprise" (for native hands child).

Target: Develop a desire to please dads and moms with their congratulations, drawings, good wishes.

Educators, psychologist, parents, children.



1. Making a parent corner on the topic: "Defender of the Fatherland Day."

2. Joint holding of a holiday dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day.

3. Newspaper "The best dad!".

Target: To evoke positive emotions in parents, in children, pride in dads.

4. Consultation "How to choose a toy for a child."

5. Exhibition of children's drawings on the theme: "My dad."

Purpose: To develop the desire to please dads with their congratulations, drawings, good wishes; with mothers.

6. Consultation: "I need you, dad!"-

Purpose: To provide knowledge about the importance of the role of the father in the upbringing of the child, to improve the pedagogical culture of fathers.

Educators, musicians leader, parents, children.



1. Making a parent corner on the topic: "March 8".

2. Informing parents about the progress of the educational process.

3 . Advice for parents on home reading.

4. Involving parents in the preparation of the holiday "March 8" (learning songs and poems with children, making holiday paraphernalia).

6. Workshop "Shy child".

Educators, parents.





1. Making the parent corner

Providing psychological and pedagogical support for the family and increasing the competence of parents in matters of development and education, protection and promotion of the health of children, involving families directly in educational activities.

Parent survey:
"We are glad to see you!"(primary questionnaire for parents)
Purpose, tasks: Identification of requests, interests and wishes in the organization of educational and educational services in GBOU.
Responsible: Educators

"Using Unconventional Drawing Techniques in the Family"
Purpose, tasks: Improve parent engagement joint activities with children in drawing; instilling in parents a sense of responsibility for the development creativity in children at home.
Result, product: Questionnaire analysis
Responsible: Educators

General meeting for parents: "Preschool childhood"
Purpose, tasks: Preparation for the school year, parental contracts, kindergarten rules, familiarization with the complex of recreational activities. Expert advice
Responsible: Senior educator, specialists

Group meeting "Do you know your child"
Age psychological features middle-aged children. Acquaintance with the program, work plan for the academic year.
Purpose, tasks: Familiarization of parents with the requirements of the program of the middle group, the plan for the year. Involvement of parents to participate in all activities, exchange of views.
Result, product: Minutes of the parent meeting
Responsible: Educators

Presentation own child: "My joy"- (photos, stories, etc.) - as part of the celebration world day child
Purpose, tasks:
Result, product: Photo materials, portfolio of pupils

Organization of sports games "Merry Glade"
Purpose, tasks: Formation in parents and children of ideas about a healthy lifestyle, preservation and strengthening of the health of pupils.
Responsible: Physical education teacher

Exhibition of joint drawings "How we spent the summer"
Purpose, tasks:
Responsible: Parents, educators

Consultation "Non-traditional drawing techniques"
Purpose, tasks: Introduce parents to non-traditional techniques drawing.
Responsible: Educators

Information stand "Daily routine", "Our classes", "Tasks for the school year", "What a child of 4-5 years old should know"
Purpose, tasks: Informing parents about the work of the institution
Result, product: Folder with materials in the corner for parents
Responsible: Educators

Joint design of visual information "ABC of Health"
Purpose, tasks:
Result, product: Folder with materials in the corner for parents
Responsible: Parents

Filling in the social passport of the family
Purpose, tasks: Reveal social status families
Result, product: Analysis
Responsible: Educators

How to become a happy parent
Purpose, tasks: To provide parents with timely assistance on the issue of education of interest, to contribute to the achievement of a common point of view
Result, product: Folder with materials in the corner for parents
Responsible: Educators

Joint design of visual information "Television and the child", "Formation of correct posture skills"
Purpose, tasks: Improving the pedagogical culture of parents. To enrich the knowledge of parents on the promotion of children's health.
Result, product: Folder with materials in the corner for parents
Responsible: Parents

Exhibition of joint creative works "Gifts of Autumn"
Purpose, tasks: Presentation of joint creativity of children and adults
Result, product: Exhibition design
Responsible: Parents, educators

Parent participation in musical celebration"Golden Autumn"
Purpose, tasks: Involving parents in the life of the group
, parents

Master class for children and parents " Marine life» (drawing using cotton pads)
Report on the work of the circle " magic colors» for the month of October (presentation)
Purpose, tasks: Introduce parents to the work of the circle. Learn how to draw with cotton pads. Building partnerships with parents.

Consultation "Toy - a bit of history" (as part of the World of Game festival)
Purpose, tasks: Introduce parents to the history of the toy
Result, product: Folder with materials in the corner for parents
Responsible: Educators

Joint design of visual information Evening games”, “Games with children in the kitchen”
Purpose, tasks: Improving the pedagogical culture of parents. To enrich the knowledge of parents about educational games.
Result, product: Card file of educational games
Responsible: Parents, educators

Joint holding of the week "Games and toys" with parents
Purpose, tasks: Involving parents in the life of the group
Result, product: Photo report
Responsible: Educators, parents

Exhibition of joint creative works "Amazing is near" (within the framework of the week "Games and toys")
Purpose, tasks: Presentation of joint creativity of children and adults
Result, product: Exhibition design
Responsible: Parents, educators

Information stand "Rights of the child"
Purpose, tasks: To acquaint parents with the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, to give knowledge about legal education children
Result, product: Folder with materials in the corner for parents
Responsible: Educators

Joint design of the wall newspaper "Our Moms!"
Purpose, tasks: Treat moms on Mother's Day. Involvement of dads in the work of the group, aesthetic education children.
Responsible: Parents, educators

Creative workshop for children and parents "The sun for mom"(in celebration of Mother's Day)
Report on the work of the circle "Magic colors" for the month of November(presentation)
Purpose, tasks: Introduce non-traditional technique sgraffito. Building partnerships with parents. Creation favorable atmosphere love, happiness
Result, product: Presentation, summary, drawings, photo report on the school website
Responsible: Educators, parents

Information stand "One - at home" - laws and rules for parents
Purpose, tasks: Informing parents about the basics of child safety
Result, product: Folder with materials in the corner for parents
Responsible: Educators

Consultation "New Year traditions"
Purpose, tasks: Introduce parents to the traditions of celebrating the New Year at different peoples
Result, product: Folder with materials in the corner for parents
Responsible: Educators

group Parent meeting"Family traditions"
Purpose, tasks: Presentation of the experience of the organization family holidays. Acquaintance with the best experience on this topic.
Result, product: Creation of a group book
Responsible: Educators, parents

Exhibition of joint creative works "Gifts to Santa Claus"
Purpose, tasks: Presentation of joint creativity of children and adults
Result, product: Exhibition design
Responsible: Parents, educators

Joint creation of the wall newspaper "In New Year's fairy tale- together"
Purpose, tasks: Involving parents in the life of the group
Result, product: Wall newspaper
Responsible: Parents, educators

Joint decoration of the group for the New Year "Winter's Tale"
Purpose, tasks: Involvement of children and parents in festive decoration the subject-spatial environment in the group, the development of an artistic and aesthetic attitude to the world around.
Result, product: Organization of the object-spatial environment
Responsible: Educators, parents

Participation of parents in the New Year's holiday
Purpose, tasks:
Result, product: Photo report
Responsible: Music director, educators

Poetry competition "All for Grandfather Frost"
Purpose, tasks: Creating a festive new year mood
Result, product: Implementation of the tasks of the child's social and emotional development
Responsible: Educators, parents

Master class for children and parents "Cheerful monkey"(salt dough craft - a symbol of 2016)
Report on the work of the circle "Magic colors" for the month of December(presentation)
Purpose, tasks: Get familiar with this technique. Building partnerships with parents.
Result, product: Presentation, summary, crafts, photo report on the school website
Responsible: Educators, parents

Consultation "Views active rest with a child in winter
Purpose, tasks: Introduce active species recreation.
Result, product: Folder with materials in the corner for parents
Responsible: Educators

Involving parents in the creation of snow buildings on the site
Purpose, tasks: To develop the desire of parents and children in joint activities to spend holidays, to cultivate interest in joint work and playing with snow.
Result, product: Organization of the subject-spatial environment on the site.
Responsible: Educators, parents

Photo Newspaper Contest "Winter Fun"
Purpose, tasks: Involvement of parents in the life of the group
Result, product: Photo newspapers
Responsible: Parents, educators

Joint week " winter games and fun" with parents
Purpose, tasks: Involving parents in the life of the group
Result, product: Photo report
Responsible: Educators, parents

Exhibition of joint creative works "Miracles of a winter fairy tale"
Purpose, tasks: Presentation of joint creativity of children and adults
Result, product: Exhibition design
Responsible: Parents, educators

Poster information "On the inherent value and originality of preschool childhood"
Purpose, tasks:
Result, product: Folder with materials in the corner for parents
Responsible: Educators

Joint leisure "Magic snowflakes"(with the participation of parents)
Acquaintance with the work of the circle "Magic colors" for the month of January(presentation)
Purpose, tasks: Introduce non-traditional snowflake drawing techniques (candle + watercolor, stamp, toothpaste, salt). Create a joyful festive mood. Forming partnerships with parents
Result, product: Presentation, summary, drawings, photo report on the school website
Responsible: Educators, parents

Consultation "The problem of fatherhood in modern society"
Purpose, tasks:
Result, product: Folder with materials in the corner for parents
Responsible: Educators

Joint design of visual information "About boys and dads"
Purpose, tasks: Improving the pedagogical culture of parents.
Result, product: Folder with materials in the corner for parents
Responsible: Parents

Opening of the mini-museum of military prowess
Purpose, tasks: Education of moral and patriotic consciousness of children
Result, product: Implementation of the tasks of moral and patriotic education of preschoolers. Museum exhibits.
Responsible: Parents, educators

Photo exhibition "My dad is a warrior"
Purpose, tasks: Formation respectful attitude and feelings of belonging to his family, to his father. Involving parents in the life of the group.
Responsible: Parents, educators

Exhibition of joint creative works "My dad is the best"
Purpose, tasks: Presentation of joint creativity of children and adults
Result, product: Exhibition design
Responsible: Parents, educators

"Daddy's Lessons" - organization of joint activities in groups with the fathers of pupils
Purpose, tasks:
Result, product: Photo report
Responsible: Educators, parents

military sports game"Zarnitsa" with the participation of fathers
Purpose, tasks: Involving parents in joint activities
Result, product: Abstract, photo report

Round table for parents "Family creativity"
Report on the work of the circle "Magic colors" for the month of February(presentation)
Purpose, tasks: Broadcasting the experience of using non-traditional drawing techniques at home, exchange of opinions. Building partnerships with parents.
Result, product: Presentation, summary, creative work, photo report on the school website
Responsible: Educators, parents

Consultation "Aspects of the relationship between mother and child"
Purpose, tasks: Provide parents with timely assistance on the issue of education of interest.
Result, product: Folder with materials in the corner for parents
Responsible: Teacher-psychologist

Joint design of visual information "Raising the future woman"
Purpose, tasks: Improving the pedagogical culture of parents
Result, product: Folder with materials in the corner for parents
Responsible: Parents

Photo exhibition "The most charming and attractive"
Purpose, tasks: Formation of a respectful attitude and a sense of belonging to one's family, to one's mother. Involving parents in the life of the group.
Result, product: Photo exhibition
Responsible: Parents, educators

Exhibition of joint creative works "My mother", "Mom's mother"
Purpose, tasks: Presentation of joint creativity of children and adults
Result, product: Exhibition design
Responsible: Parents, educators

"Mom's Lessons" - organization of joint activities with the mothers of pupils
Purpose, tasks: Involving parents in joint activities
Result, product: Photo report
Responsible: Educators, parents

Participation of parents in the celebration dedicated to Women's Day
Purpose, tasks: Involvement of parents in the life of the group. To develop the desire to actively spend joint holidays, to cultivate cohesion.
Result, product: Photo report
Responsible: Music director, educators

Poster information "Family reading", "The role of fiction in the development of children's speech"
Purpose, tasks: Raising the attention of parents to the problem of using children's books and literary works.
Result, product: Folder with materials in the corner for parents
Responsible: Educators

Joint holding theme week"Book Week"
Purpose, tasks: Attracting the attention of parents to the problem of using children's books and literary works; development of cognitive, creative and emotional activity of children in the process of reading.
Result, product: Replenishment of the subject-developing environment for familiarization with fiction
Responsible: Educators, parents

Master class for children and parents "Colorful palette"
Report on the work of the circle "Magic colors" for the month of March(presentation)
Purpose, tasks: To acquaint parents with the monotype technique, the performance of work in this technique. Building partnerships with parents.
Result, product: Presentation, summary, drawings, photo report on the school website
Responsible: Educators, parents

Consultation "Child and adult in the modern world"
Purpose, tasks: To provide parents with timely assistance on the issue of education of interest, to contribute to the achievement of a common point of view.
Result, product: Folder with materials in the corner for parents
Responsible: Senior teacher

Joint design of visual information “Funny newspaper!”, “Children from children!”
Purpose, tasks: Invite parents to active life in Group
Result, product: Folder with materials in the corner for parents
Responsible: Parents, educators

Open Day
Purpose, tasks: To acquaint parents with the course of affairs in the group, classes, regime moments. Give the opportunity to observe your child in the team. To cultivate respect for educators, interest in the educational process.
Result, product: Photo report, plan
Responsible: Senior educator, educators, specialists

Participation in the community work day "Clean City"
Purpose, tasks: To develop the desire of parents and children to spend holidays in joint activities, to cultivate interest in joint work.
Result, product: Organization of the object-spatial environment on the territory of the institution.
Responsible: Educators, parents

Poster information "Role breathing exercises in improving the health of the child"
Purpose, tasks: To expand parents' ideas about health-saving technologies.
Result, product: Folder with materials in the corner for parents
Responsible: Educators

"Funny Runs" competition with the participation of parents - as part of the Health Day
Purpose, tasks: Introducing children and parents to a healthy lifestyle
Result, product: Solving the problems of preschool children's health care.
Responsible: Physical education teacher, educators

Exhibition of joint creative works "Space Ideas Fair"
Purpose, tasks: Presentation of joint creativity of children and adults
Result, product: Exhibition design
Responsible: Parents, educators

Joint leisure for children and parents "Waltz of Flowers"
Report on the work of the circle "Magic colors" for the month of April(presentation)
Purpose, tasks: Acquaintance with non-traditional techniques in the image of flowers. Create a joyful, festive mood. Building partnerships with parents.
Result, product: Presentation, summary, drawings, photo report on the school website
Responsible: Educators, parents

Consultation "Child and the road" - laws and rules for children and parents
Purpose, tasks: Road traffic injury prevention
Result, product: Folder with materials in the corner for parents
Responsible: Educators

Exhibition of joint creative works "Let there always be sunshine!" to the Victory Day
Purpose, tasks: Presentation of joint creativity of children and adults
Result, product: Exhibition design
Responsible: Parents, educators

"Heroes next to us" - a meeting with veterans of the Great Patriotic War
Purpose, tasks: Education of moral and patriotic feelings
Result, product: Photo report
Responsible: Educators

"Cozy Harbor of Childhood" - review competition of plots, lawns, flower beds
Purpose, tasks: Involving parents in creating conditions for organizing walks and play activities for children on the playground in the summer
Give the opportunity to show unity, creativity, interest in the improvement of the site.
Result, product: Organization of a subject-developing space on walking area. creative work children and adults.
Responsible: Educators, parents

"We are tourists" - a trip with parents
Purpose, tasks: Introducing children and parents to a healthy lifestyle, solving problems physical development children. Engage in outdoor recreation. Bring up friendly relations between children, parents and caregivers.
Result, product: Implementation of health protection tasks
Responsible: Physical education teacher, educators, parents

Joint design of visual information "My family"
Purpose, tasks: Create value family education
Result, product: Folder with materials in the corner for parents
Responsible: Parents

Questionnaire "I'm in kindergarten"
Purpose, tasks:

Involving parents in educational process:

Consultations, conversations

parent meetings

Issue of joint wall newspapers, photo newspapers

Possibility for parents to attend classes

Participation of parents in group activities, kindergarten

Improving psychological and pedagogical knowledge:

Individual, thematic consultations

Conversations with parents

Open classes

Open days

Parent survey

Planning work with parents in the middle group No. 7 "Funny octopuses" for 2011 - 2012 academic year. year

Tasks for the year:

  • Inform parents about the developmental features of children 5 years of age.
  • Activate and enrich the educational skills of parents.
  • Involve parents to actively participate in the life of the group and the children's hell.
  • Maintain their confidence in their own teaching abilities.
  • Raise pedagogical level parents.


1. Arrange material in parent's corner on the topic "Autumn", "Road without danger", "What a child should know and be able to do at 4 years old."

2. Congratulate September birthdays.

3. Design a stand "Mode of the day", "We are engaged - we try very hard."

4. Organize a parent meeting "Let's get to know each other."

5. Invite parents to insulate the bedroom and group windows.

6. Organize a community work day to improve the site.

7. Invite parents to help in the preparation of teaching aids (pencil cases, Gyenesh blocks).

8. Invite parents to take part in family competition drawings on the rules of the road.

9. Post information about the anthropometric data of children.

10. Invite parents to bring illustrations, various material about traffic rules, to create an album in the group "We teach the rules of traffic."

11. Design a stand "Children boldly walk the streets if you remember these rules."

12. Introduce parents to necessary package documents for registration of a social place in the kindergarten.

13. Offer to take part in the photo contest "Little Fashionista".


1. Congratulate the October birthdays.

2. Thank the parents who took part in the subbotnik on September 24, 2011, and the parents who helped in winterizing the windows (09/14, 09/19, 09/28).

3. Design a stand "Study with us."

4. Conduct a consultation for parents "Beware of the flu!".

5. Interview parents about preventive flu vaccinations for children.

6. Design a stand "Doctor Aibolit's advice".

7. Update the material in the parent corner “Speech therapist tips”, “Red, yellow, green”, “Where is my dad?”.

8. Thank all participants in the family drawing competition according to traffic rules.

9. Hold a family drawing competition “What did autumn bring us?”.

10. Offer parents to help in the selection of material for didactic and role-playing games (boxes, pictures, etc.).

11. Thank you for participating in the contest "Fashionista", congratulate Arina Zhidkikh on winning the contest.


1. Congratulate the November birthdays.

2. through the parent's corner with a victory in the family drawing competition of the family of Dasha Bodrova, Liza Kurganskaya.

3. Design a stand "We are engaged" (November).

4. Invite parents to replenish the material in a corner of nature (bring postcards, pictures from indoor plants to create an album "Indoor plants").

5. To supplement the material of the stand "Doctor Aibolit's Advice" - "You need to know about chickenpox."

6. Invite parents to take part in the craft competition "Symbol of the Year 2012".

7. Draw up the material “Secrets of love and understanding”, “ left-handed child- This is fine?

8. Consultation of a speech therapist N.Yu. Kuzmenko "Why does the child say that?"

9. Design the material "Development sound culture speech of children 5 years of age.

9. Create a photo newspaper "Our four-legged friends."

10. Invite parents to a general parent meeting.

11. Announce taking pictures of children.


1. Congratulate the December birthdays.

3. Update the material in the parent corner "Atmosphere of the child's pedagogical safety", "My shy child".

4. Organize a competition "New Year's toy".

5. To thank the parents of Roma D., Dasha B., Liza K., Dana R., Karina Sh., Igor Ch., Dasha Z., Sonya V., Sasha G. for their help in creating the albums “We teach the rules of traffic” , "Houseplants".

6. Update the material of the stand "Doctor Aibolit's Advice" - "We grow healthy child"," Protect the ears of children.

7. Hold a parent meeting "Sources of kindness."

8. Advice for parents "Our hands are not for boredom."

9. Invite parents to help in making New Year's costumes.

10. Organize parental committee(About New Year's gifts).


1. Congratulate the January birthdays.

2. Design a stand "Study with us" (December).

3. Express gratitude to parents for creativity and invention in the manufacture of New Year's costumes. To thank Irina Nikolaevna Bodrova, Olga Sergeevna Bolshakova, Tatyana Sergeevna Luzhkova for organizing and delivering New Year's gifts.

4. Congratulate the families of Dasha B., Lisa K., Alyosha Sh. Karina Sh. on the victory in the “Symbol of the Year 2012” contest.

5. Congratulate the winners of the New Year's Toy competition - the families of Dasha B., Lisa K, Karina Sh ..

6. Design the material: “Parental misconceptions about cold weather”,“ Arkhangelsk is a city of military glory ”,“ Arrange a holiday for children.

7. In the corner of health, place the article "Reminder for safe behavior."

8. Questioning of parents "What do we know about rights?".

9. Consultation for parents "Convention on the rights of children" - soc. teacher Zubareva V.A.

10. Prepare a memo for parents "The Art of Punishing and Forgiving".

11. Invite parents to attend group classes.


1. Congratulate the February birthdays.

2. Design a stand "Study with us" (February).

3. Consultations: “What to do with a child at home?”, “Why is he naughty?”.

4. Complete the material "If the child has no friends",.

6. Announce creative competition"Best Flower"

7. Issue of the photo newspaper "My dad is the best!".

9. Congratulate dads and grandfathers on the holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day.


1. Congratulate the March birthdays.

2. Design a stand "Study with us" (March).

4. Invite mothers and grandmothers to a spring concert.

6. Consultation "Do not offer TV instead of a friend."

7. Offer to take part in the competition " Easter Egg».

8. Design a stand according to the traffic rules "Attention, traffic light".

10. Conduct a survey of parents "Is my child polite?".

11. Consultation "Secrets of raising a polite child."

12. Thank the parents for the selection of material for didactic and role-playing games.

13. Hold a group parent meeting.

14. Invite parents to bring funny and funny photo children (to create a photo newspaper).

15. Thank all the parents who took part in the "Best Flower" contest.


1. Congratulate the April birthdays.

2. Design a stand "Study with us" (April).

3. Design a photo newspaper "Smile with us."

3. Consultation of a speech therapist “Does your child speak correctly?”

4. Update the material in the parent corner “How to spend a day off with a child?

5. Design the material "Attention-road!".

6. Invite parents to bring onions for planting in a group.

7. Congratulate the winners of the "Easter Egg" contest - the families of Dasha B., Alyosha Sh., Karina Sh., Sonya V., Liza K., Veronica R..

8. Design an exhibition of the best children's works "The World of Creativity".


1. Congratulate the May birthdays.

2. Design a stand "Study with us" (May).

3. Consultation "Summer is coming soon".

4. Design the material "Thank you mom, dad for being in Anapa."

5. Invite parents to a community work day to improve the site.

6. Offer to bring flowers, seedlings for planting on the site.

7. Place material for parents: “Advice to grandparents on raising grandchildren”, “Development of speech in mental development child”, “Smile for health”.

8. Post information about the anthropometric data of the children of the group.

9. Involve parents in the design and assistance in organizing the holiday "Hello, summer!".

Natalia Golovina
Perspective plan for working with parents (middle group)

Perspective plan for working with parents in the middle group


1. Joint preparation for the academic year.

Questionnaire "What do you like about kindergarten". Target:Join parents to active, joint work in the new academic year.

Reveal Interest parents, in participation in activities in kindergarten.

2. Consultation « Healthy teeth» . "How to brush your teeth properly".Target:Introduce parents with a set of measures for the prevention of dental diseases, the implementation of recommendations on the organization of preventive work to reduce the incidence of caries.

3. Parent meeting« Average age - age whychek" Peculiarities mental development children. Goals and objectives for the new academic year. Diagnostic results. Target:To uncover age features children of five years old. introduce parents with group work for the school year. Talk about your goals and objectives.

4. Folder-slider "Autumn has come to visit us". Target:Introduce parents with games in autumn period, poems, riddles, proverbs about autumn.

1. General Parent meeting.

"Main directions work for the new academic year.

Target:Introduction parents with a plan kindergarten for a year. attraction parents to participate in all kindergarten activities and groups.

2. Exhibition of drawings "Safe road through the eyes of children". Prevention of road traffic injuries.

3. Children's exhibition works dedicated to the Day of the elderly. Target: Please with your works of loved ones. To convey in the drawing your love for grandparents.

4. Consultation "Tantrums"Target:Give parents new information how to prevent a problem, how to deal with a problem if it already exists.

1. Competition: "Amazing nearby!".Organization of a joint parents work and children in the manufacture of crafts from natural material. Target: To develop imagination and interest, the desire to make crafts beautiful.

2. Sports festival with parents"If you want to be healthy...". Target:To introduce families to a healthy lifestyle, to cultivate respect for one's health and interest in physical education in joint sports activities.

3. Photo frame: "Portrait of my mother" for Mother's Day.

4. Day of good deeds

"Our smaller friends!" (Making a bird feeder.) Target:Attract parents to work together; bonding between children and adults.

1. Photo exhibition "Our Kindergarten Games"Target:Show parents what do children do during the day in kindergarten.

2. Competition: "Gift for Santa Claus". Organization of a joint parents work and children in the making New Year's toys from a variety of materials.

3. Consultation « Chewing gum benefit or harm".Target:Introduce parents with new information.

4. Joint holiday "Hello, New Year!". Folder-slider

"How to celebrate the New Year!", "Congratulations for everyone!".Target: To develop the desire to actively spend joint holidays, to receive satisfaction from the entertainment prepared by the general team, to cultivate cohesion.

1. Round table "Raising Kindness".

Parent Forum"Let's Talk About Morality".

Reminder for parents: "On the protection of the rights and dignity of the child in the family" Introduce in the best possible way communication, punishment, encouragement of children, explaining to them the norms of morality. Discuss domestic problems in communication with children, offer help at home.

Individual conversations, discussion of specific problems, cases.

2. Parent meeting"Development of the correct speech of the child in the family"Target:Introduce parents with the features of the formation of children's speech, with the ways of its development in given period life. Suggest memos - tongue twisters.

1. Maslenitsa.

"Seeing off winter!", « delicious pancakes Consultation "Merry Shrovetide".

Target:Join parents to the celebration of the Russian traditional holiday.

2. Exhibition: "Valentine with a surprise" (for the child's native hands). Target: To develop the desire to please dads and moms with their congratulations, drawings, good wishes.

3. Design of family newspapers, dedicated to the Day Defender of the Fatherland, "Our Wonderful Dads". Target: To develop a desire for joint activities of mother and child, to please dads with their congratulations, drawings, good wishes.

4. Consultation "Anxiety and Health" introduce parents with new advice. Offer to watch your child.

1. Thematic exhibition drawings: "The most charming and attractive!" Design of the newspaper dedicated to the Day of March 8, "Our Wonderful Mothers".Target: To develop the desire to please mothers with their congratulations, drawings, good wishes.

2. Competition for the best reader. Target: Identification of talented children.

3. Parent meeting: A quiz-experts in health saving. Target:Attract parents for the quiz. Reveal knowledge about health.

4. Open day for parents.

Article "How to prevent spring beriberi".

Target:Introduce parents with the progress of the group, occupations, regime moments. Give the opportunity to observe your child in the team, classes. Cultivate respect for teachers kindergarten, interest in the educational process.

1. April fool's day.

Visual information: from children "Funny newspaper!", "Children's laughs!" (selection of jokes, cases, photos, etc.) Target: Continue to attach parents to an active life in a group and the ability to spend holidays, holidays together with children.

2. Participation parents"Little Gardeners";

3. Marathon "Good deeds of the master!".

Target:Join parents To labor education children, to develop the desire to do as many useful things as possible for others.

4. Friendly meeting "Sport, game, friendship" (joint sports leisure).

Decoration groups proverbs about health and sports, gifts for dads. Target: Continue to attach parents and children to a healthy lifestyle, to develop the desire and ability to spend their holidays usefully, cheerfully, energetically; educate the desire to please dads with their skills.

1. Landscaping and landscaping groups with parents.

Target:Attract parents site preparation for summer period work. To give an opportunity to show unity, creativity and interest in the improvement of the site.

Target:Rally on joint entertainment team groups and congratulations to all birthdays! Get positive emotions from the meeting.

3. Consultation: "How to organize a summer vacation for children"

Target:Introduce parents With summer vacation children. Games, swimming, trips, etc.

4. Final Parent meeting: "Raising Kindness"

Folder-slider: What should a graduate know and be able to do? middle group» Diagnostic results.

Target: Give information about the progress of children at the end school year, prepare parents by the beginning of next year.