Exercise parent and child. Game training for parents and children “School of Loving Parents”

Currently, issues related to the relationship between adults and children within the family have become particularly relevant in the work of a school psychologist.

The training we bring to your attention is the second stage of a program for teaching adults the skills of partner communication with children. It is assumed that adult participants in the group have received appropriate training in parenting effectiveness training classes (see Festival pedagogical ideas“Open Lesson 2004”, section “Escort Service”, Sacerdova S.N. “Training of parental effectiveness in the work system of a school psychologist”).

The purpose of this training is to develop the skills of cooperation between an adult and a child based on the development trust relationships in family.

The training is intended for parents of students in grades 1-3. IN real work, taking into account the age, intellectual, and personal characteristics of the group members, it can be modified for parents of older preschoolers or younger teenagers.

The training is designed for 4 meetings lasting 2 hours each with a rotation of 1 time per week. The composition of the group is 4 - 6 parent-child pairs, that is, 8-12 people.

The program is based on the methodological developments of Yu.B. Gippenreiter, I.M. Markovskaya, K. Fopel, O.V. Khukhlaeva.

After completing the training, each participant will be able to:

  1. Establish warm, friendly relationships in the family and take care of their preservation.
  2. Provide psychological support to your communication partner.
  3. When achieving your own goals, take into account the goals of your communication partner, even if the partner is a child.
  4. Find effective “win-win” solutions to conflict situations.
  5. Choose a productive communication strategy consciously and competently.

Conducting classes requires a room with free space and walls to which drawings can be easily attached. The room should have several tables, chairs according to the number of participants, and a tape recorder. To carry out some exercises you will need paper, colored pencils (markers), tape (tacks), a ball of thread, blindfolds, and a candle.

General comments to the presenter:

  • This training option is playful, since younger children school age get tired of it pretty quickly group classes and have no experience of reflection. The leader needs to closely monitor the condition of the group members. Sometimes it makes sense to interrupt the exercise and continue it with other participants after a short rest or energetic warm-up.
  • The subject of discussion in the group is the relationship between parents and children that arises during the exercises; communication strategies that partners choose (cooperation, competition, ignoring, etc.); new emotional experience. It is important for the presenter to take into account the age of the children, temperament and personal characteristics of the participants in order, on the one hand, to analyze the exercise, and, on the other hand, not to drag it out, turning it into a tedious event.
  • The program describes in detail first lesson, since it is the most important for establishing emotional contact between group members and the leader. Below is a list and description of the exercises. In some cases, links to relevant sources are provided.

Lesson 1

Goal: to introduce children and parents to each other, to establish a friendly atmosphere in the group, to enhance communication in the family.

Those participants who came to class earlier than others can be asked to draw pictures on the topics “Self-portrait”, “ Friendly cartoon on myself”, “What I like to do on weekends”, etc. This reduces emotional stress, creates mutual interest in children and adults, and sets the mood for further communication. Before the start of the lesson, the drawings are hung on the walls of the room.

1. Exercise “Circle of acquaintances” (20 min.)

Equipment: writing board, fluffy ball of thread.

Part 1. Group members sit in a circle. The presenter asks the question: “Who do you think is here today?” and writes down the answer options on the board - mothers and children, people, adults and not so much, etc. When there are quite a lot of options, the presenter suggests: “Let’s get acquainted!”, and the second part of the exercise begins.

Part 2: game “Cobweb”. The presenter holds a ball of fluffy yarn in his hands. Starting the acquaintance, the leader says his name, wraps the end of the thread around his palm and rolls the ball to one of the children. The presenter asks each child not only to say his name, but also to tell about his mother (father), so that from the description one can guess which of the people sitting in the circle is his parent. You can ask different questions, for example:

  • What's your mom like?
  • What does she like doing?
  • What does she like, what does she not like?

The adult, in whose hands the ball is, talks about his child. Before rolling the ball to the next storyteller, each member of the group wraps a thread around their palm so that the “web” is more or less taut. When the ball returns to the presenter, he asks: “What does what we got look like?” There are many answers - network, cobweb, asterisk, mycelium, etc. The presenter draws the group’s attention to the fact that in life our relationships with loved ones and friends resemble a similar interweaving of threads.

At the end of the exercise, the ball is wound in the reverse order, and all the names must be repeated again so that the participants remember them.

2. Exercise “Swap places those who…” (10 min.)

The leader removes his chair and stands in the center of the circle.

Instructions: Now I will say a certain statement. Those of you to whom this statement applies will need to stand up and quickly change places. Those to whom this statement does not apply remain seated. So, switch places, those who came here today... who love ice cream... who have a brother.

When the rule of the game becomes clear to everyone in the group, the leader takes someone else’s chair during the next change of seats. The group member left without a chair becomes the leader.

This game lifts the mood in the group and brings the participants closer together.

3. Acceptance of group rules (10 min.)

Equipment: a large sheet of paper, markers, tape or pins.

The presenter talks about the need to adopt the rules and invites each participant to express their attitude towards the rules: I agree with the rule being adopted - raise thumb up, disagree - thumbs down and tell me why you think this rule is not suitable for you or the group.

Sample list of rules:

  • Only one person can speak during class.
  • You can only talk in a circle, you cannot whisper with your neighbor.
  • You can only tell other people, even loved ones, about what you yourself did or felt during the training. You cannot talk about how other group members behaved or what they said.
  • Try to participate in all exercises.
  • Take care of yourself: tired of sitting - get up quietly, want to drink - do it without disturbing others, etc.

It is better to record the rules in the form of drawings-symbols on a poster. This may well be done by any of the group members. The poster is attached to the wall for the entire duration of the group's work.

4. Exercise “Getting acquainted with hands” (20 min.)

Equipment: blindfolds according to the number of pairs, a tape recorder, a cassette with a recording of calm music.

Participants sit on chairs in two circles: inner and outer. Children in the inner circle sit with their backs to each other; an adult sits in front of each child, facing him, in the outer circle. In what follows, we will call this method of arranging participants a “carousel”.

Instructions: now we will try an unusual way of communication - with our hands. Adults, please blindfold the children. Return to your place. Close your eyes, take three calm breaths in and out (turn on the music). Reach your hands forward, find your partner's hands. Say hello to them, get to know them, make friends (all commands are given slowly). And now - fight, quarrel... and make peace again, ask for forgiveness. Now, say thank you and say goodbye. Adults, open your eyes and move one chair to the right. You have to new meeting. Close your eyes, stretch your arms forward, etc.

5. Break 5 min.

6. Exercise “Drawing together” (30 min.)

Equipment: sheets of A4 paper, sets of colored pencils according to the number of pairs, tape or buttons for attaching drawings, a tape recorder and a cassette with a recording of calm music.

Instructions: Now you will work in parent-child pairs. I invite each couple to draw a picture called “Our House.” Paper and pencils are already on the tables, please find a seat (only one pair works at each table). You have 15 minutes to complete the task, but you are not allowed to agree on what you will draw or talk to each other at all! Once everyone has finished, each pair will present their piece.

During the exercise, the leader can turn on calm music.

At the presentation of the work (15 minutes), the presenter asks the child to tell how the drawing was drawn, who was the initiator of the ideas, what helped or hindered the work, how they agreed on drawing the details. Also discussed are those features of the interaction between parents and children that manifested themselves at various stages of the task: cooperation, competition, focus on the interests of the partner or ignoring them.

7. Completion of the lesson (10 min.)

A ritual that must be performed at the end of each lesson. The presenter asks everyone to sit in a circle and take turns briefly answering the questions:

  • What do you remember from today's lesson?
  • What seemed unusual?
  • What was the most difficult thing for you to accomplish?
  • If you were bored, what could you do differently next time to change that attitude?

This practice is extremely important because it divides responsibility for what happens in the group between the leader and the participants.

8. Parent circle (10 min.)

If it is possible to immediately discuss the lesson with parents, then the subject of discussion may be typical forms of interaction between children and parents; relationships that arise between a child and an adult during exercises; behavioral manifestations of a child in a group that are unexpected for a parent, etc.

Lesson 2

Goal: developing ideas about non-verbal means of communication, developing the ability to understand a partner without words, developing cooperation skills.

1. Greetings from the presenter, updating the important points of the last lesson for the participants, defining the objectives of today’s meeting (10 min).

2. Exercise “Agree with your eyes” (5 min.)

Instructions: Now each of you will mentally choose a partner. You will need to agree with him with your eyes and at the same time get up from your chairs (or change places if the participants are not sitting, but standing in a circle). Please remember that nodding your head, winking, or waving your arms is prohibited.

Note to the presenter: if the exercise is easy, then after its completion you can simply suggest summarizing what actions we take to help establish contact. However, quite often there are children in the group who cannot join this game. In this case, the game is paused and analysis is carried out immediately.

3. Exercise “Magic Box” (15 min.) – see, part 2, page 45

Goal: training the imagination, developing the ability to understand gestures and movements.

4. Exercise “Mirror” (10 min., performed in the “carousel”)

Equipment: tape recorder, cassette recording rhythmic music.

Instructions: Now you can train both your imagination and your ability to carefully observe your partner. At first those standing in the inner circle will be the mirror. Their task is to accurately repeat the movements shown by the partners standing in the outer circle. Then you will switch roles.

During the exercise, the leader can turn on rhythmic music.

5. Exercise “Old grandmothers” (15 min.) – see, page 43

Equipment: blindfolds according to the number of pairs, two long ropes or chalk.

6. Break 5 min.

7. Exercise “Guess whose hands” (20 min.)

Equipment: blindfolds according to the number of pairs.

Instructions: first, children determine by touch who is who, trying to guess the name. The parents then find their child's blindfolded hands. For more details, see page 103.

8. Exercise “Flashing lights” (5 min.)

Instructions: You need to split into pairs. One person from the pair sits in a circle, the other stands behind his chair. Those standing have their hands hidden behind their backs. There is an empty chair in front of one of those standing; this is the driver. The driver's task is to lure one of those sitting to him by winking at him. The task of the standing participants in the game is to hold their rider by placing their hands on his shoulders. If the rider nevertheless runs over, then the one who missed becomes the driver. After a while you will switch roles.

9. Exercise “Offering fingers” (15 min., performed in the “carousel”)

Part 1. Instructions: Now you will meet in the carousel without words. If you show your fist to your partner, then you remain in place, demonstrating with your whole being that you reject your partner. If you show your partner one finger, it means you simply remain without contact; two fingers – handshake and smile; three fingers - almost a hug, four - a free hug; five – close proximity (the implementation of each choice must be clearly demonstrated). If there is inconsistency in choice in a couple, then contact is made according to a lesser choice.

Part 2. Instructions: each person standing in the inner circle turns to his partner with the words: “I see in you...” and for 30 seconds. speaks, and the partner only listens. Then those standing in the outer circle will address their partners with the same phrase. When they finish speaking, they will take a step to the right and the pairs will change.

After several changes of pairs, a similar exercise is carried out, starting with the words “I like it about you...”.

Part 3. The first part of the exercise is repeated.

10. Completion of the lesson (10 min.)

11. Parent circle (10 min.)

Lesson 3

Target: development of cooperation skills in an adult-child pair, development of the ability to work in a group.

2. Exercise “Monster” (10 min.) – see, part 2, page 83

Goal: developing the ability to establish contact using gaze.

Note to the presenter: before starting the game, you need to agree on how to call adults for help - “Aunt Lena” or by first name and patronymic, which is too long. Usually everyone willingly agrees to call themselves by name.

3. Exercise “Sweet problem” (10 min.) – see, part 1, page 132

Goal: developing the ability to make joint decisions through negotiations, taking into account both your own interests and the interests of your partner.

Equipment: napkins according to the number of pairs, a pack of cookies.

4. Exercise “Ship among the rocks” (25 min) – see, part 2, page 104

Goal: developing the ability to cooperate in a parent-child pair.

Equipment: blindfold.

5. Break (5 min.)

6. Exercise “Night Train” (20 min.) – see, part 3, p.70

Equipment: blindfolds according to the number of participants.

7. Exercise “Island” (10 min.)

Equipment: two newspaper sheets, glued with tape.

Instructions: imagine that there has been a shipwreck, and you are the surviving passengers of the ship. In front of you is a small island, literally the size of a newspaper, I’ll put it on the floor now. Very interesting, can you stay on this island?

Note for the leader: at the beginning of the game, the newspaper freely accommodates all participants. After the group has easily positioned itself on the newspaper, the presenter says: “Very good! But there was a flood, and the island shrank - the newspaper folded in half. What will you do now? You can’t tear or move the newspaper.” Then the newspaper is folded into four, etc.

8. Exercise “Chips on the river” (10 min.) – see, part 3, page 96

Goal: developing group cohesion.

9. Completion of the lesson (10 min.)

10. Parent circle (10 min.)

Lesson 4

Target: development of interpersonal communication skills, obtaining feedback from the participants, ending the group's work.

1. Greetings from the presenter, updating the important points of the last lesson for the participants, defining the objectives of today’s meeting (10 min.)

2. Exercise “Laughing is prohibited” (5 min.) – see, part 2, page 28

3. Exercise “Overcome the obstacle” (15 min.)

Equipment: chairs and tables to create an “obstacle” in the middle of the room.

Instructions: Now the whole group will gather near one of the walls. Each of you needs to get to the opposite wall. To do this, you need to overcome an obstacle. You can do this with the whole group at once, or in turns. After all the participants have gathered on the other side, we will discuss how you did it.

4. Exercise “Bridge over the abyss” (15 min.)

Equipment: long rope.

Instructions: Now you will work in a parent-child pair. Please agree which pair will start working first, second, etc. The first couple will stay here, the rest will go out the door and wait their turn.

Further instructions are given to each incoming pair in turn: imagine that you are travelers, you are now at different points of the route (the participants are separated quite far from each other), and at one fine moment in your journey you find yourself on different sides of this bridge (between the participants a long rope is placed on the floor). The bridge is quite narrow, the river underneath is stormy and cold. Each of you needs to cross the bridge and, without delay, move on along your route. How will you do this?

5. Exercise “Applause in a circle” (10 min.) – see, part 4, page 111

Goal: increasing the level of group cohesion, relieving emotional stress.

6. Break 5 min. Exercise “Trembling jelly” (5 min.) – see, part 2, p.31

Goal: formation positive attitude for the upcoming joint activities.

7. Exercise “Magic Circle” (10 min.) – see, part 3, page 87

Goal: development of mutual trust in the group.

8. Exercise “Creating a statue” (10 min.) – see, part 3, p.85

Goal: development of interpersonal communication skills.

9. Exercise “Postcard” (30 min.)

Equipment: thick A4 paper, pencils, felt-tip pens.

Instructions: each participant folds a sheet of paper in half, places their palm on the outside of the “card,” traces it with a pencil and writes their name inside the “hand.” The cards are simultaneously passed to the neighbor on the left, who must write something inside. Postcards are passed around until everyone has written a suggestion to the others.

10. Exercise “ Last meeting" (10 min.)

Equipment: tape recorder, cassette with a recording of calm music, candle, lighter.

Instructions: Please stand in a big circle. I'll turn on the music, and you close your eyes, take three calm breaths. Imagine that our group meetings are over, you go home. Remember how you came to the first lesson, what you expected from the group. Remember the most unexpected, funniest, most touching moments. Think about what you haven't said to the group but would like to say. In a minute you will have the opportunity to do this (pause). Do deep breath, open your eyes and say it.

Note to presenter: At this point you need to light the candle. The presenter says words of gratitude to one of the participants and hands him a burning candle. When everyone has spoken, and the candle is in the hands of each member of the group, the leader says the final words, holds the candle in the palm of his hand to the center of the circle, with gestures asks the group to come closer and blow out the candle with a single exhalation.


  1. Gippenreiter Yu.B. Communicate with the child. How? – M.: MASS-MEDIA, 1995. – 240 p.
  2. Markovskaya I.M. Parent-child interaction training. – St. Petersburg: LLC Publishing House “Rech”, 2000. – 150 p.
  3. Fopel K. How to teach children to cooperate? Psychological games and exercises: Practical guide: Trans. with German: In 4 volumes. – M.: Genesis, 1998.
  4. Khukhlaeva O.V. Ladder of joy. Correction of negative personality deviations in preschool and primary school age. Toolkit for kindergarten and primary school psychologists. – M.: Publishing house “Perfection”, 1998. – 80 p.

(As part of Psychology Week)

Target: optimization and harmonization of intra-family relationships through games.

  • contribute to the creation positive emotions children and parents in interaction with each other;
  • instill in children a sense of trust and self-confidence;
  • improve interaction between parents and children.

Equipment: audio recordings with funny children's songs, a ball, a blindfold, a candle, matches, chairs according to the number of participants, a box (box), emoticons according to the number of participants.

Progress of the training

To the accompaniment of cheerful music, training participants enter the hall and sit on pre-prepared chairs arranged in a circle.

Psychologist : “Hello parents! Hello guys! We are glad to welcome you to our gaming training.

In preschool age, the leading activity is play activity. Children love to play anywhere and anything, and if parents also join in their games, then the game becomes not just a game, but a source of joy because through the game the child and parents communicate.

The game has powerful developmental characteristics. It influences the development of everyone cognitive processes. Play is of particular importance for development arbitrary behavior, which will undoubtedly be needed upon entering school, which means you need to train it now.”

  1. "Tender name." First, the psychologist, starting with himself, names his full name, and then your name in a diminutive form. Then, in a circle, everyone performs this exercise until it is the psychologist’s turn again.
  2. "Hugs." Psychologist: " Do you often hug your children, just like that, for no reason? Do you think there is required amount hugs for support wellness?

The famous American family psychotherapist Virginia Satir recommended hugging a child several times a day, saying that everyone needs 4 hugs just for survival, and for good health, at least 8 hugs a day. And, by the way, not only for children, but also for adults.”

Parents and children are encouraged to hug each other as tightly as possible.

  1. Game "Guess the child" ». Psychologist: “How well do you know your children? Now we will believe it.”

Parents take turns blindfolded, children sit on chairs. Every parent should find their child by touch.

  1. Game "Tale about Mom." The children are asked to take turns talking about their parents with whom they came.
  2. Game "Tail of the Dragon" or "Golden Gate". At the discretion of the psychologist.
  3. Exercise “Favorite Behavior”. Parents are asked to remember and say what they like about their children's behavior.
  4. Warm-up dance for everyone (dance of little ducklings). The song “Dance of the Little Ducklings” plays. All training participants, together with a psychologist, perform a familiar dance.
  5. Exercise “+ qualities”. Parents are asked to remember and name 3 positive qualities of their child.
  6. Exercise "Candle". A lit candle is passed around in a circle; whoever has the candle in his hands must wish something good to the group for tomorrow.

Psychologist: "Dear Parents! Dance, sing, play with your children. Good childhappy child. A happy child means happy and healthy parents.”

Reflection. Parents and children are invited to evaluate the usefulness, significance, and necessity of the training by putting emoticons of different colors in the box.

Working with parents - Trainings for parents

29.05.2011 12:41

teacher - psychologist,
Children and youth center of the Baltic region
2. Training for parents “We are together.”

3. Nomination
4. The training is designed for "Psychological school for parents» as part of working with parents at the Children and Youth Center. The lesson is conducted with parents together with children. Classes are held once a month.

5. 1) Full communication with parents is very important for the development of children. But many parents only theoretically know and realize what it is proper upbringing children, but experience difficulties in practice. Parents need to not only be educated, but also taught how to proper communication with kids. Our psychological service has developed a number of training sessions where they can communicate with children in a play situation
2) Goals:
1. Creating conditions for cooperation between children and parents in a gaming situation.
2. Creating situations of interaction and cooperation.
3. Description of parents through the eyes of their children
- Expanding understanding psychological characteristics your child;
- activation of communications in the family;
- increasing parents' interest in inner world child;
4) Participants: a group of parents with children of senior preschool or primary school age, 8-10 pairs - mother (father) - child.
5) Equipment: Tape recorder, recordings of children's songs, recordings of musical sketches, paper f. A4, pencils (markers) for each pair of participants.
6) Time: 1 hour – 1 hour 10.
7) Location: educational or training space.
Progress of the lesson
1. Greeting. Warming up
1. Greetings. Each participant greets everyone with the words: “Hello, I’m Sergey.”
2. Acquaintance.
Children take turns standing up and introducing themselves and their parents.
3. "Stand up those who..."
Participants are asked to stand if the description fits:
- read books together;
- have a common hobby;
- help mom wash the dishes;
- help mom take out the trash;
- travel together.
2. Main part. "Cooperation".
1 . "Know your mother."
The child driving is blindfolded. All the mothers take turns calling him. He should recognize his mother by her voice.
2. “Collaborative drawing.”
Children, together with their parents, are invited to draw a picture: one part is drawn by the child, the other by the parent.
3. "Compliments."
Sitting in a circle, everyone joins hands. Looking into your neighbor's eyes, you need to tell him a few kind words, to praise for something. The receiver says: “Thank you, I’m very pleased!”
4. “Describe your mother.”
In turn, each child participant talks about his mother, so that from the description one can guess who his mother is. At the same time, the child is asked questions: “What is your mother like?”, “What does she like?”, “What does she not like?”, “What does she like?”, “What does she not like?”
5. "Song".
A familiar children's song is chosen. Then, in a circle, everyone sings their line. The last verse is sung by everyone in chorus.
3. Conclusion. Reflection “I liked today...”
Each participant finishes the phrase: “I liked it today...”

1. Viktorova Elena Anatolyevna,
teacher - psychologist,

2."Training emotional stability of teachers."
3. Nomination : “The best development of psychological activities for parents and teachers.”
4. The event is designed for "Psychological laboratory» as part of working with teachers at the Children’s and Youth Center. Meetings take place once during the holidays.
5. 1) Pedagogical activity is saturated with various tense situations and various factors that carry the potential for increased emotional response.
Such situations potentially contain an increase in the neuropsychic stress of the individual, which leads to the emergence of neurotic disorders and psychosomatic diseases.
In this regard, the organization of conservation work mental health teacher is one of the priority tasks psychological service DYUTS.
2) Goals:
- formation of regulation skills psycho-emotional states,
-prevention of emotional burnout of teachers.
- increasing competence in communication;
-to develop skills in regulating negative psycho-emotional states;
- reduction of situational and personal anxiety of teachers;
-familiarization of teachers with ways to regulate negative psycho-emotional states;
4) Participants: group of teachers – 15 – 20 people.
5) Equipment: tape recorder, relaxation music recordings, folk music recordings.
6) Time: 40-50 min.
Progress of the lesson
1. Greeting. Warming up
1. Greeting. Each participant in a circle greets everyone with the phrase : “I’m so glad to see you!”
2. "Compliments ».
Participants sit in a circle. Each participant says to his neighbor on the right: “I really like the way you...” The recipient responds with the words: “thank you, I like it myself, but besides, I also...”
2. Main part.
1. A task to understand the intensity of teaching activity.
"Tension of the teacher."
Food for thought: More than 80% of teachers have high level situational anxiety, and 60% - constant anxiety.
Issues for discussion:
-What is the difference between stress and tension as a teacher in communicating with children?
- How do tension and conflict relate in pedagogical communication?
Discussion questions asked, leading to the need to become familiar with the methods of regulation emotional state.
2.Getting to know different ways maintaining psychological health and emotional stability:
1) Breathing exercises.
Exercises with a calming effect.
I.P. – standing, straighten up, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Inhale. As you exhale, bend over, relaxing your neck and shoulders so that your head and arms hang freely towards the floor. Breathe deeply, monitor your breathing. Stay in this position for 1 minute. Then slowly straighten up.
Exercise with a tonic effect.
"Ha - breath"
I.P. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body. Take a deep breath, raise your arms through your sides up above your head. Holding your breath. Exhale - the body sharply leans forward, the arms are thrown down in front of oneself, there is a sharp release of air with the sound “Ha!”
2) Visualization exercise.
"Float in the Ocean"
“Sit comfortably. Breathing is even. Close your eyes and relax. Imagine that you are a float in the ocean. You have no goal, compass, map, rudder, oars. You move where the wind and ocean waves take you. A big wave may cover you for a while, but you emerge again to the surface... try to feel these pushes and surfacing... Feel the movements of the wave, the warmth of the sun, the raindrops... the pillow of the sea below you, supporting you. Listen to your body: what sensations do you get when you imagine yourself as a small float in a big ocean?
3)Dance and movement exercises.
"Dance - round dance."
Participants stand in a circle and join hands. Music is playing. Participants begin to move spontaneously, following the rhythm of the music and their own rhythm, bringing their individual movements into the overall dance. (5 min.0
"Dance individual parts bodies."
Participants stand in a circle. Music is playing. The leader names one by one the parts of the body whose dance will be performed (for example, head dance, shoulder dance, etc.) Participants try to use the named body part as much as possible in the dance.
4) Ways of situational self-regulation.
- Self-persuasion, self-orders to induce a calm state, self-hypnosis of calm and self-control: “I am completely calm,” etc.
- self-control of the emotional state by external expressions of emotions: facial expressions, somatics, the presence of muscle tension, increased breathing rate.
3. Conclusion.
Reflection "I am today…"
Each group member completes the phrase: “I (me) today...”

1 . Viktorova Elena Anatolevna,
teacher - psychologist,
Children and youth center of the Baltic region of Kaliningrad,
address: 236005 Kaliningrad st. Sudostroitelnaya 2
2. Psychological developmental activity " We are growing".
3. Nomination : « Best Screenplay carrying out developmental work with schoolchildren.”
4. This developmental activity is designed to be included in training session choreographic studio. This lesson is held once a week.
Children come to classes after kindergarten or school. In order to help children switch to a lesson in the studio, we include such psychological activities in the lesson.
5. 1) When a child is relaxed, the information he needs to learn is transmitted along the neural pathways more easily, quickly and more fully. In order to help your child get involved in work, you need to help him relax and calm down.
2) Goals and objectives:
- Help your child relax and calm down before class;
- development of coordination of movements;
- development of interhemispheric connections and interhemispheric interaction.
3) Participants: a group of children of senior preschool and primary school age - 15 - 20 people.
5) Equipment: tape recorder, recordings of relaxation music, gymnastic mats, soft toy “heart”.
6) Time: 15-20 min.
Progress of the lesson
1. Greeting, “warming up”.
1. Greeting, introduction.
In a circle, participants pass soft toy“Heart” with the words: “Hello, I’m Alyosha.”
2. Breathing exercise "Twig".
Slowly raise your arms up and inhale through your nose.
Reach up to the sun - hold your breath. Exhalation.
Inhale slowly through your mouth, tilt to the left, hold your breath. Exhalation.
Inhale - exhale.
2. Main part.
A set of kinesiological exercises.
1. "String".
Stand with your feet together and raise your arms up.
We stretch the body while inhaling slowly, stretching with both arms and the body at the same time.
Then - only Right side body (arm, side, leg).
Then - only left-hand side body (arm, side, leg).
2. "Ring".
Take turns and move your fingers as quickly as possible, connecting them into a “ring” with thumb smoothly and alternately sequentially index, middle, etc.
Perform the exercise in forward and reverse order.
3. “Lezginka”.
The left hand is folded into a fist, the thumb is set to the side, the fist is turned with the fingers towards itself. The right hand, with a straight palm in a horizontal position, touches the little finger of the left. After this, the left and right hands change over the course of 6-8 position changes. Add an increase in the speed of changing positions.
4. "Ear - nose."
With your left hand, grab the tip of your nose and right hand- behind the opposite ear. At the same time, release your ear and nose, clap your hands, change the position of your hands “exactly the opposite.”
5. "Thaw and Freeze."
Children are asked to disperse around the room.
Host: “Imagine that your whole body is ice. The music I'm about to turn on will slowly defrost it. Piece by piece. You can move the thawed parts to the music. All other parts must remain motionless.
Imagine that your fingers have thawed and are moving...
Now you can also move your palms...
Now you can move your fingers, palms and arms up to your elbows...
Now you can move your entire arm from your fingers to your shoulder...
Your head and neck have already thawed... You can already turn your head...
The body has thawed... you can move...
The thighs have thawed... the legs are up to the knees... the knees are already bending...
Your legs have thawed... you can move and walk...
At the end of the game, shake your arms and legs thoroughly.
3. Conclusion.
1. "Reaching for the sun."
Stand up, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. As you inhale, slowly raise your arms up, gradually stretching your entire body. Starting with the fingers, then the wrists, elbows, chest, lower back and legs, without lifting the heels from the floor.
Hold your breath - “we reach for the sun with our fingertips.”
Exhale, lowering your hands, relax.
2. Farewell.

Training for parents.

"Path parental love»

Participants: group of parents preschool age 10-14 people.
Equipment: badges, projector, tape recorder, music, recordings of children's songs, A4 paper, pencils (markers), gouache, Whatman paper.

Time: 2 – 2.5 hours.

Location: music hall.

Progress of the training.

Light music is playing. Parents sit in a circle. The presenter approaches each of the parents, introduces himself, draws up a “common business card” - writes the parents’ name on a large piece of paper (in the shape of a flower).

Leading. Good evening, Dear Parents. I thank you for coming to the training. Today we will communicate with you closely, family circle.

Psychological training- This is a training of soul, mind, body. A person learns 10% of what he hears, 50% of what he sees, 90% of what he does.

In the course of our work, we will have to communicate with each other, so we ask all participants to sign and attach business cards/badges so that everyone knows how to contact you.

The topic of today's training: “The path of parental love.”


Exercise " Good warmth" (10 min.)

Goal: promoting cohesion in the group, creating a friendly atmosphere.

Now I invite you to get to know each other.

Stand in a circle and hold hands. “Warmth” will flow from me to the right (left), that is, I will lightly touch my neighbor’s shoulder with my shoulder, calling my name written on the business card-badge, and remembering how affectionately they called me in childhood, my neighbor will do the same to the next one, and so on in a circle. Let's try.

And now the same thing, but with eyes closed. Let's see how the group works together.

Was it difficult to complete the task? Why? How do you feel after completing the task?

Let's continue our acquaintance:

Icebreaker. (Music “On the Road of Good”) (2 min.)

Let's imagine: it's summer, the streets of our city are shining clean, you are all in search of a good kindergarten for your child. Hoops are kindergartens. You will walk around our wonderful city to the music, when the melody stops sounding, you need to get to any kindergarten, no one should be left on the street.

Questions: How did you feel while playing this game? What's your mood?

Main part

It is in such a kind and warm atmosphere that we should probably talk about the most important thing in every person’s life - parental love.
Everyone considers themselves loving parents, and this is quite natural. We truly adore our children, and the best proof of this is that we feel constant love in our souls. But one more thing is important for children - how we show this feeling.

Parenthood is perhaps the most profound responsibility an adult can take on.

Most importantly, the special role of parenting is to love and nurture your children, and to develop in them feelings of high self-esteem and self-confidence.

Communication and relationships with other people arise and develop in childhood. For a child, adults are models in everything. Children learn well what is presented visually; they want to learn everything from their own experience. He is especially attracted to those actions that adults try to hide from him. The baby does not remember everything, but only what struck him. They always try to imitate adults, which is sometimes dangerous. Unable to distinguish bad from good, they strive to do what adults forbid them, but allow themselves. In this regard, in the presence of children, one must refrain from such actions and deeds that cannot serve them well. good example.

Children's speech develops better in an atmosphere of love and calm, when adults listen to them carefully, communicate with children, read fairy tales to them and discuss what they have read.

If a child does not feel sensitivity and love from those around him, then he develops a distrustful attitude towards the world, and possibly a feeling of fear, which can last a lifetime. In the process of developing a child's communication skills, great attention must be devoted to the formation personal qualities baby, his feelings, emotions. When people are happy and at peace with themselves, they transfer these feelings to their relationships with others.

Today, you and I must understand that parental love will bring a child much more happiness if he constantly sees that it is manifested in the parents’ relationships not only towards him, but also towards each other, and the child should feel love.

“Happiness is when you are loved and understood,” and this understanding does not come by itself, it needs to be learned.

So, let's walk with you on the path of parental love.

The purpose of the training is to: promote improvement child-parent relationships and developing skills for effective interaction.

Our task is to show parents the degree of understanding of their child, to help them gain a deeper understanding of their relationship with their children and to emotionally enrich them.

Rules for working in a group.

Goal: focusing participants on compliance with the rules of work in the group and regulation of work.

Leading. The training participants do everything themselves. For our meeting to be productive, we need to adhere to certain rules.

We will not judge each other, we will not discuss anyone. We will create an atmosphere of security, trust, and openness. This will allow you to experiment without being embarrassed by mistakes.

The rules are printed on sheets of paper, let’s discuss and choose those that suit us for effective interaction:

Calling by name and by name.

Do not evaluate each other, do not discuss anyone.

Listen, don't interrupt.


Rule of participation - I take part in the games.

Rule lifebuoy- if it’s difficult for me during training, I can take a break (___times).

Rule Have a good mood.

So, we have defined the rules of conduct during the training. Perhaps someone wants to make adjustments?

Purpose: determining the participants’ expectations from working in the group.
Leading. Dear parents! Here are stickers cut out in the shape of a foot print. Write down your hopes and expectations from our meeting on them.
Next, you should voice them and attach them to the painting “Path of Parental Love”, which depicts a path stretching from the house upward to “Parental Love”. Stickers must be attached at the beginning of the journey, that is, near the house.

Exercise “Immersion in childhood”

Leading. Sit comfortably, place your feet on the floor so that they feel well supported, lean your back on the back of the chair. Close your eyes, listen to your breathing: it is smooth and calm. Feel the heaviness in your arms and legs. The flow of time takes you back to childhood - to the time when you were little. Imagine a warm spring day, you are three or four years old. Imagine yourself at the age at which you remember yourself best. You are walking down the street. Look at what you are wearing, what shoes, what clothes. You are having fun, you are walking down the street, and next to you close person. Look who it is. You take his hand and feel its warmth and reliability. Then you let go of your hand and run happily forward, but not far, wait for your loved one and take his hand again. Suddenly you hear laughter, look up and see that you are holding the hand of a completely different person, a stranger to you. You turn around and see your loved one standing behind you and smiling. You run to him, take his hand again, move on and laugh with him at what happened.

Now it's time to go back to this room. When you are ready, you will open your eyes.


Did you manage to plunge back into your childhood?

Did you feel reliable shoulder, accompanying you in childhood?

What does “a reliable shoulder” mean to you?

How did you feel when you lost support?

What did you want to do?

Exercise “Role playing”

Task for group No. 1. (Completion time – 5 minutes).

On behalf of the child, tell us how you managed to wet everything that was possible from your clothes in a single spring puddle, at the moment when your mother started talking with a friend who unexpectedly approached. Hint: speak on behalf of the child, voicing the possible course of his thoughts.

And the mother’s reaction when she saw the wet child...

Summary. I think a reminder of this opportunity for adults to penetrate into the world of children will help to better organize the upbringing process and more fruitfully build interaction in the family.

Task for group No. 2 (Preparation time - 5 minutes)

Parent and child are selected.

Dear parents! You are in a hurry, you ran to the kindergarten to pick up your child. A car is waiting for you on the street, and your daughter (son) is capricious and doesn’t want to get dressed.

Your reaction, actions, etc.?

Summary. Data role-playing games not only illustrate possible situations, but also allow everyone to think about what I would do in response to my child’s behavior, what I could teach him.

Exercise to lift your mood and relieve fatigue. "Musical River"

Music sounds and parents, together with the presenter, perform the “Dance of the Little Ducklings”.

Exercise “Associations” (3-5 minutes)

Our goal is to educate happy child. Who can raise a happy child. The ideal parent. Who is a happy child? Who is the ideal parent? We will answer these questions by working in groups.

Instructions: the group is divided into 2 teams.

Team 1: Write your associations when you hear the word “happy child.”

Team 2: Write your associations when you hear the word “ effective parent»

The most important teachers for children are parents. The parental home is the first school for a child. The family has a huge influence on what the child will consider important in life, on the formation of his value system. No matter how long a person lives, from time to time he turns to experience from childhood, to life in the family: “what my father and mother taught me.”

I invite you to watch the video “Happiness is Simple.”


How are you feeling now?

What feelings did you experience while watching the video?

Did you want to do something?

Have you changed your mind about your relationship with your child?

Presenter: Often, parents and educators, when making comments to children in life-threatening situations, use the wrong tactics. Instead of telling the child what to do, parents tell him what not to do.

As a result, the child does not receive the necessary information, and the words of an adult provoke him to do the opposite (For example, what will a child do when he says: “Don’t go near the TV!”).

The appeal to the child should be positive, i.e. assume reactive action rather than inaction.

Exercise “Non-childish prohibitions”

One participant is selected and sits on a chair in the center of the circle. All the others come up to him one by one and tell him what they forbid him to do - what the participants most often tell their child. In this case, the part of the body that was affected by the ban is tied with a ribbon. For example: “Don't shout!” - the mouth is tied, “Don’t run” - the legs are tied, etc.

After all participants have spoken, the person sitting is asked to stand up. Since he cannot get up, he needs to be untied. To do this, each participant approaches the ribbon that he tied and lifts the ban, that is, he says what can be done. Thus, the essence of the ban remains. For example: “Don’t shout - speak calmly.”


Reflection of a participant playing the role of a child:

How did you feel when your “parents” constrained and limited your freedom?

Which part of your body did you feel most restricted in movement?

How did you feel when you were asked to stand up?

What did you want to untie first?

How are you feeling now?

Reflection of participants playing the role of an adult:

How did you feel when you saw an immobilized child?

What did you want to do?

Is it easy to find words to reformulate the ban?

What feelings are you experiencing now?

Host: It is known that there are no ready-made recipes for education. How an adult should act in a given situation is up to him to decide. However, you can lose, like in the theater, difficult situations, discuss them and try to understand what the child is experiencing in this or that case.

The child’s ideas about the world have not yet been formed, and his life experience is negligible. Our task - the task of adults surrounding the child - is to help navigate a world that is still incomprehensible to him, to explain what is dangerous and impermissible, and what is acceptable and even necessary for the baby. Who, if not an adult, will protect the child, warn against dangers and at the same time teach him to understand the endless “don’ts” and “dos”! To teach this to children, parents themselves need to be well versed in this.

I suggest you take the “Dos and Don’ts” group test.

Test “Dos and Don’ts”

Punishment is impossible

Punishment is possible

Child is sick

Before bedtime

Immediately after sleep

While eating

During class

During the game

Immediately after mental or physical trauma

The child is sincerely trying to do something, but he is not succeeding.

The parent is in a bad mood

After the test is completed, a discussion is held:

When, in what situations is it possible and when not to punish a child?

In conclusion, teachers are asked to cut off the “Punishment is Possible” column of the test with scissors.

The remaining part can be used as a “memo”.

Host: How much warmth of the heart is lost due to the inability to understand others and oneself. How many dramas, big and small, would not have happened if their participants and those around them had the ability to sympathize, forgive, and love. You also need to be able to love, and this skill is not given by Mother Nature.

The biggest deficit our children experience is a deficit of affection. Parents sometimes don’t find time, forget, or maybe even feel embarrassed to caress their child just like that, obeying some kind of inner impulse. The fear of spoiling their children makes parents be overly harsh with them.

This task will allow each of us to show a little more affection, attention, and love.

Exercise “Sun of Love”

Each participant draws a sun on a piece of paper and writes the child’s name in the center. With every ray of sunshine, you need to list all the wonderful qualities of your children.

Then all participants show their “sun of love” and read out what they wrote.

Host: I suggest you take this Sunshine home. Let its warm rays warm the atmosphere of your home today. Tell your child how you appreciated his qualities - give your child warmth, affection and attention.

Leading. Our meeting is ending, so let's determine whether our expectations have come true. If yes, you need to rearrange the stickers on the path of Parental love.

At the end of the lesson, parents and the leader drink tea for round table!

See you again!


Kryazheva N. L. “We rejoice together”: the development of the emotional world of children, series: “Workshop”, Yekaterinburg, 2006.

Markovskaya I.M. “Training interaction between parents and children”: goals, objectives and basic principles, S.-P., 2005.

Sakovich N.A. “The practice of fairy tale therapy”: a collection of fairy tales, games and therapeutic programs, S.-P., 2005.

Chernetskaya L.V. “Psychological games and trainings in kindergarten”, series: “I give my heart to children”, R-on-D., 2005.

Chernyaeva S.A. "Psychotherapeutic fairy tales and games." Series: “Art Therapy”, S.-P., 2004.

Purpose of the training: help parents find ways to understand their own child’s behavior, contribute to the development of parental competence through increased awareness and understanding of the mechanisms effective communication and the formation of skills and abilities for constructive interaction with children in the family.

: Hello! Today we have gathered to try together to get rid of our problems, become better, learn to treat the child with understanding and respect, and learn to communicate. The word "communication" is one of the the most important words in the life of every person, and for the development of a child it is more important. In the process of communicating with parents, his personality is formed. By watching how mother and father communicate with each other, the child learns behavior that he will use in his future. adult life. Therefore, our task is to show you by our own example which positions of parents in communication are the most effective, and which ones, on the contrary, will make you think about changing your attitude towards your children.

1. Greeting “Pass the package”

Goal: to stimulate the attention of training participants, to activate them Creative skills, involve parents in joint activities, help parents get to know each other.

Host: Before we get to work, let's get ready for joint activities. A warm-up game will help us get in the mood.

I suggest you paper bag, on each of the packages, folded into each other, tasks are written. Pass the package around or throw it to each other. We will begin the task under musical accompaniment. When the music stops, the one who has the package at that moment removes the top layer and reads and completes the task. The game will continue until all layers of packages are finished.

Examples of questions and tasks: name your favorite color, say your name, favorite hobby, what music do you listen to, what qualities do you value in people, what is your favorite movie, sing your favorite song, what season do you like best, a vivid memory from childhood, what did you want to become as a child and did your dream come true?

Presenter: Dear parents! Our meeting will be unusual. I suggest you leave everything that happens in your memory. I offer each of you a diary for work at today's meeting. I recommend being frank, sincere, and open in your answers, because this will help you find gaps in your child’s upbringing and analyze them. Your answers will be confidential, so I hope for cooperation and achieving complete mutual understanding.

Open the diaries and fill out the first page.

2. Presentation “Let’s get to know each other” (work in diaries)

Name______________________________________ ____________________________________________________________

Your credo_______________________________________________________________________________

Your family values__________________________________________________________


To make your work more efficient, I suggest you fill out the badges with your name.

3. Task “Flower” (work in diaries)

Leading: Folk wisdom says: “The sweetest sound for a person is his name.” If you want to attract a person’s attention to yourself, to set him up for communication, then you should address the person, the child, by name. What do you name your child?

Help find positive traits The “Flower” task will help you with your child.

Instructions: I suggest filling in the petals. Write your child's name in the middle. On leaves sweet words, and on the petals are the positive qualities of the child.

Conclusion: there are a lot of petals and apparently it’s very difficult for you to find kind words. Describe the child's qualities in a positive way.


It was difficult?

How did this exercise make you feel?

Was it easy for you to fill out? Why?

What difficulties do you encounter in raising and communicating with your child? The test on the next page of our diary will help us with this.

1. Test for parents “Family education” (work in diaries)

Please carefully read the content of each question and choose the answer option that matches your opinion. Your answers will determine the condition family education and the features of its influence on mental condition your children. Please answer honestly. Don't think too long about questions.

The questions on this test can be answered with “yes”, “no” or “don’t know”.

Download the test “Family education”

Conclusion: each of B you analyzed your answers and thought about it, are correct are your approaches to education children? IN our Everyday life we often encounter different situations In communication and behavior with children, we forbid listening, seeing, touching, jumping. I would really like you to play the game "Prohibition".

1. Game exercise"Ban".

The presenter selects one of the parents to perform the exercise, who will portray the child.

Presenter: Please look at your chairs, who will have the geometric figure- the triangle goes into a circle. You are a child and I am a mother. I take great care of my child, so that he does not get dirty, so that he does not get sick, etc. I forbid the child to jump through puddles, run along the street (ties his legs with a strap or ribbon), forbid him to touch sticks on the street, collect stones and put them in his mouth (ties his hands), forbid him to look at things that, in your opinion, are not necessary see the child - (blindfolds), listen to what adults say (blindfolds the ears), I don’t want to talk to the child and say shut your mouth - (gags). Look at my child, whether in this state he will be able to communicate effectively with peers, satisfy his needs, and develop fully.

All these actions and words of parents negatively affect the development of the child, but in each case a compromise can be found, help me.

Parents find a compromise to solve difficult situations:

Do not tie your feet - put on rubber boots;

Do not tie your hands - wash your hands after a walk;

Do not blindfold your eyes or ears - speak in a calm voice, do not swear;

Don't gag - listen to the child;

Presenter: together we found options to solve the problem. You cannot forbid a child to learn the world, only in knowledge environment and in communication with parents, the child develops and this affects the socialization of the child.

2. Fairytale therapy “Purple Kitten”

(reading a fairy tale is accompanied by a show)


What is the fairy tale about?

If we translate it to the topic of education, can the methods be traced?

Conclusion: is this really a fairy tale about attitudes towards education? Cat, boar and crow are parenting methods that parents use and they are not always effective. In essence, it is guilt, threat and ridicule. And the Moon is a symbol of faith, it does not raise a kitten, but expands its world, its horizons. And the main thing is not that he learned what they wanted from him, but that the moon found the right approach in education.

Presenter: during communication, each person learns to regulate how own behavior, and the behavior of the other. People encourage and stimulate by their own example various types activities, and can even manipulate. When communicating, people gradually change each other. We will find out how we change during the next exercise.

Busy parents who are tired after work are especially vulnerable to bad behavior child outdoors, indoors. Therefore, I propose an exercise that will make you think about changing your attitude towards children.

3. Game exercise “How do you feel better?”

: I invite parents to join in pairs and each pair to cover a short distance along the tape. I offer cards with statements that you will use to accompany the movement of your partner - the “child”

Conditions for passing: one participant walks along the tape, and the other at this time accompanies his movement, first with the words: “Go, I told you, immediately, go correctly, as I tell you,” and then: “Maybe you won’t go, but what if If you fall, you’ll still get dirty.” And the last thing: “It’s okay, I’m walking next to you. You’re doing well, you’re going well, go ahead.”

Conclusion: while doing the exercise, each of you was in the role of a child or in the role of a parent, how did you feel? In which role did you feel more comfortable, in the role of the child who walked, or the parent who accompanied? Which words prevented you from walking, which ones, on the contrary, helped. Parents discuss their feelings.

It is necessary to carefully choose expressions about the child’s activities, not to humiliate him, and to explain the consequences of his actions.

Presenter: on in this example you have seen the negative and positive moments of communication between an adult and a child. Psychologists have combined certain situations into several parenting models.

4. Exercise “Models of education”

Presenter: Models of education are stable relationships between elders and younger ones, where the educational role belongs to the elders. They are sometimes conscious, sometimes not fully realized. In some cases, it happens that you verbally declare one model of education, and implement another in your actions. It is quite common for parents to use several models simultaneously in their practice.

Education can be more problematic and controversial, but it can also be quite successful and correct. Take cards with pictures that reflect certain models of education. Each pair should analyze the images.

After analyzing each parenting model, the psychologist offers to answer the question.

In your opinion, which model of upbringing is most conducive to the formation of a child’s personality and his social and moral development.

Parents' discussion.

Conclusion: I hope that after discussion this issue each of you has determined for yourself that by cultivating in them courage, self-confidence, honesty, hard work and other socially worthy qualities, all this leads to the development of socially adapted and mentally healthy baby in modern society.

Presenter: in order to find out another secret in raising and communicating with a child, I propose to take part in the experiment, and you will see how necessary it is to treat your child humanely (with respect, care, attentiveness, affability, sincerely, touchingly).

5. Exercise “Glasses”

Purpose: with the help of a metaphor, draw the attention of parents to the need for a humane attitude to raising a child

Materials: three glasses of water, a teaspoon, gold powder, a lump of earth.

Instructions: in front of you are three glasses of clean water. Let's imagine that each of them is a child born with pure feelings, whose views on the world and ideas about it have not yet been formed or are just beginning to form.

So, let's take the first glass and leave it unchanged. What's going on in this glass? We don't know for sure, something can get into it without our attention.

Throw a piece of earth into the second glass and stir it. What happened in the glass? The water became dirty and dark.

Add gold powder to the third glass. What's going on in this glass? The water sparkled with golden sparkles.

Conclusion: This is what happens in raising your child. When we leave it without proper attention and supervision, it can develop further. But in what direction? When we put only “dirt” into a child - screaming, criticism, dissatisfaction with him, insults and humiliation, then the child begins to respond to us in the same way. When we invest attention, love, respect into a child, then the child responds to us with goodwill, normal harmonious development of your personality.

Presenter: we have learned, learned, gained knowledge, I suggest you develop for yourself the rules of communication and interaction with your child.

6. Exercise “Memo for every day” (work in a diary)

Please complete within three minutes

1. I will never_________________________________________________________________

2. I will always know_________________________________________________________________

3. I will always show interest in ________________________________________

4. I must_______________________________________________________________________________

5. I can’t______________________________________________________________________________

6. I wouldn’t like ________________________________________________________________

7. I want______________________________________________________________________________

Host: I hope that you will use these rules when difficulties arise in communicating and raising a child.

Presenter: Today you learned a lot, someone found the answer to a question, someone discovered something new. I also wanted to know your opinion about our meeting, did you need it, was the material fully disclosed? Write down your attitude on flowers. Each of you has them. On back side I ask you to fill out the sentences and voice them, passing the flower to each other to form a wreath.

7. Exercise “Wreath of Desires”

Summing up the training.

I have learned that____________________________________________________________________

It was interesting _______________________________________________________________

I will always be _____________________________________________________________________

Conclusion: I am very grateful for our meeting, thank you for your active, productive participation. Write your wishes, there may be a problem at our next meeting.

Supplements to the training of a kindergarten psychologist for parents “When there are “difficult” parents in the family”

Participants: group of parents of preschool age 8-12 people.

Equipment: badges (according to the number of participants), magnetic board, projector, tape recorder, music recordings, paper f. A4, pencils (felt-tip pens).

Time: 2–2.5 hours.

Location: music room

Progress of the training

Light music is playing. Parents sit in a circle. The presenter approaches each of the parents, introduces himself, draws up a “common business card” - writes the parents’ name on a large piece of paper (in the shape of a flower).

Leading. Good evening, dear parents. I thank you for coming to the training. Today we will talk to you in a close, family circle.

Psychological training is training of soul, mind, body. A person learns 10% of what he hears, 50% of what he sees, 90% of what he does.

During the work we will have to communicate with each other, so we ask all participants to: sign and attach business cards so that everyone knows how to contact you.

Topic of today's training:"The path of parental love."


Exercise “Kind warmth”(10 min.)

Target: promoting cohesion in the group, creating a friendly atmosphere.

Now I invite you to get to know each other.

Stand in a circle and hold hands. “Warmth” will flow from me to the right (left), that is, I will lightly touch my neighbor’s shoulder with my shoulder , calling my name written on the business card-badge, and remembering how affectionately they called me in childhood, my neighbor did the same - to the next one, and so on in a circle. Let's try.

And now do the same thing, but with your eyes closed. Let's see how the group works together.

Was it difficult to complete the task? Why? How do you feel after completing the task?

Let's continue our acquaintance:

Find a pair. (2 minutes.)

Let's imagine: Warm autumn, foliage is falling, colorful leaves lie on the ground. You are walking through the forest, the leaves rustle under your feet. There is a beautiful lake in front of you, the water glistens, and you want to go on a boat and enjoy the smell of the forest, water and this beauty. Hoops are boats. To the music, you will walk along the shore of a wonderful lake, around which there is a colorful autumn forest, when the melody stops sounding, you need to choose a boat, their number is limited. No one should be left on the shore.

Questions: How did you feel while playing this game? What's your mood?

Main part


It is in such a kind and warm atmosphere that we should probably talk about the most important thing in every person’s life - parental love. Everyone considers themselves loving parents, and this is quite natural. We truly adore our children, and the best proof of this is that we feel constant love in our souls. But one more thing is important for children - how we show this feeling.

Parenthood is perhaps the most profound responsibility an adult can take on.

Most importantly, the special role of parenting is to love and nurture your children, and to develop in them feelings of high self-esteem and self-confidence.

Communication and relationships with other people begin and develop in childhood. For a child, adults are models in everything. Children learn well what is presented visually; they want to learn everything from their own experience. He is especially attracted to those actions that adults try to hide from him. The baby does not remember everything, but only what struck him. They always try to imitate adults, which is sometimes dangerous. Unable to distinguish bad from good, they strive to do what adults forbid them, but allow themselves. In this regard, in the presence of children, one must refrain from such actions and deeds that cannot serve as a good example for them.

Children's speech develops better in an atmosphere of love and calm, when adults listen to them carefully, communicate with children, read fairy tales to them and discuss what they have read.

If a child does not feel sensitivity and love from those around him, then he develops a distrustful attitude towards the world, and possibly a feeling of fear, which can last a lifetime. In the process of developing a child’s communication skills, great attention must be paid to the formation of the child’s personal qualities, his feelings, and emotions. When people are happy and at peace with themselves, they transfer these feelings to their relationships with others.

Today, you and I must understand that parental love will bring a child much more happiness if he constantly sees that it is manifested in the parents’ relationships not only towards him, but also towards each other, and the child should feel love.

“Happiness is when you are loved and understood,” and this understanding does not come by itself, it needs to be learned.

So, let's walk with you along the path of parental love.

The purpose of the training is: promoting the improvement of parent-child relationships and developing effective interaction skills.

Our task– show parents the degree of understanding of their child, help them better understand their relationship with their children and emotionally enrich them.

Rules for working in a group.

Target: emphasizing participants on compliance with the rules of work in the group and regulation of work.

Leading. The training participants do everything themselves. For our meeting to be productive, we need to adhere to certain rules.

We will not judge each other, we will not discuss anyone. We will create an atmosphere of security, trust, and openness. This will allow you to experiment without being embarrassed by mistakes.

The rules are printed on sheets of paper (can be written on the board), let's discuss and choose those that suit us for effective interaction:

  • Calling by name and by name.
  • Do not evaluate each other, do not discuss anyone.
  • Listen, don't interrupt.
  • Confidentiality.
  • Rule of participation - I take part in the games.
  • Lifebuoy rule - if I find it difficult during training, I can take a break (__times).
  • Rule of good mood.
  • ________ (training participants can add their own rules).

So, we have defined the rules of conduct during the training. Perhaps someone wants to make adjustments?

Exercise “My Expectations”

Target: determining the participants' expectations from working in the group.

Leading. Dear parents! Here are stickers cut out in the shape of a heart. Draw a symbol that characterizes your family and write down on them your hopes and expectations from our meeting. Next, you should voice them and attach them to the “Path of Parental Love” poster, which depicts a path stretching from the house upward to “Parental Love.” Stickers should be attached at the beginning of the path, near the house.

Picture 1.

Exercise “Immersion in childhood”

Quiet, light music sounds.

Leading. Sit comfortably, place your feet on the floor so that they feel well supported, lean your back on the back of the chair. Close your eyes, listen to your breathing: it is smooth and calm. Feel the heaviness in your arms and legs. The flow of time takes you back to childhood - to the time when you were little. Imagine a warm spring day, you are three or four years old. Imagine yourself at the age at which you remember yourself best. You are walking down the street. Look at what you are wearing, what shoes, what clothes. You are having fun, you are walking down the street, and a loved one is next to you. Look who it is. You take his hand and feel its warmth and reliability. Then you let go of your hand and run happily forward, but not far, wait for your loved one and take his hand again. Suddenly you hear laughter, look up and see that you are holding the hand of a completely different person, a stranger to you. You turn around and see your loved one standing behind you and smiling. You run to him, take his hand again, move on and laugh with him at what happened.

Now it's time to go back to this room. When you are ready, you will open your eyes.


– Did you manage to plunge into your childhood?

– Did you feel a reliable shoulder accompanying you in childhood?

– What does “a reliable shoulder” mean to you?

– How did you feel when you lost support?

– What did you want to do?

Exercise “Role playing”

Task for group No. 1.(Execution time – 5 minutes).

On behalf of the child, tell us how you managed to wet everything that was possible from your clothes in a single spring puddle, at the moment when your mother started talking with a friend who unexpectedly approached. Hint: speak on behalf of the child, voicing the possible course of his thoughts.

And the mother’s reaction when she saw the wet child...

Summary. I think a reminder of this opportunity for adults to penetrate into the world of children will help to organize the upbringing process more competently and build more fruitful interactions in the family.

Task for group No. 2.(Prep time – 5 minutes)

Parent and child are selected.

Dear parents! You are in a hurry, you ran to the kindergarten to pick up your child. A car is waiting for you on the street, and your daughter (son) is capricious and doesn’t want to get dressed.

Your reaction, actions, etc.?

Summary. These role-playing games not only illustrate possible situations, but also allow everyone to think about what I would do in response to my child’s behavior, what I could teach him.

Exercise to lift your mood and relieve fatigue.

Music is playing. Parents, together with the presenter, perform the “Dance of the Little Ducklings”.

Exercise "Associations"(3-5 minutes)

Our goal is to raise a happy child. Who can raise a happy child. Who is a happy child? What is an effective parent? We will answer these questions by working in groups.

Instructions: the group is divided into 2 teams.

Team 1: Write your associations when you hear the word “happy child.”

Team 2: Write your associations when you hear the word “effective parent”


The most important teachers for children are parents. The parental home is the first school for a child. The family has a huge influence on what the child will consider important in life, on the formation of his value system. No matter how long a person lives, from time to time he turns to experience from childhood, to life in the family: “what my father and mother taught me.”

I invite you to watch the video “Happiness is Simple”(Annex 1). The author of the video is Alisa Pashkova.


  • How are you feeling now?
  • What feelings did you experience while watching the video?
  • Did you want to do something?
  • Have you changed your mind about your relationship with your child?

Leading: Often, parents and educators, when making comments to children in life-threatening situations, use the wrong tactics. Instead of telling the child what to do, parents tell him what not to do.

As a result, the child does not receive the necessary information, and the words of an adult provoke him to do the opposite (For example, what will a child do when he says: “Don’t go near the TV!”).

The appeal to the child should be positive, i.e. assume reactive action rather than inaction.

Exercise “Non-childish prohibitions”

One participant is selected and sits on a chair in the center of the circle. All the others come up to him one by one and tell him what they forbid him to do - what the participants most often tell their child. In this case, the part of the body that was affected by the ban is tied with a ribbon. For example: “Don't shout!” – the mouth is tied, “Don’t run” – the legs are tied, etc.

After all participants have spoken, the person sitting is asked to stand up. Since he cannot get up, he needs to be untied. To do this, each participant approaches the ribbon that he tied and lifts the ban, that is, he says what can be done. Thus, the essence of the ban remains. For example: “Don’t shout – speak calmly.”


Reflection of a participant playing the role of a child:

– How did you feel when your “parents” shackled and limited your freedom?

– Which part of the body did you feel the most acutely?

– How did you feel when you were asked to stand up?

– What did you want to untie first?

– How do you feel now?

Reflection of participants playing the role of an adult:

– How did you feel when you saw the immobilized child?

-What did you want to do?

– Is it easy to find words that allow you to reformulate the ban?

– What feelings are you experiencing now?

Leading: It is known that there are no ready-made recipes for education. How an adult should act in a given situation is up to him to decide. However, you can play out difficult situations, like in a theater, discuss them and try to understand what the child is experiencing in a particular case.

The child’s ideas about the world have not yet been formed, and his life experience is negligible. Our task is task of adults, surrounding the child - to help navigate in a world that is still incomprehensible to him, to explain what is dangerous and impermissible, and what is permissible and even necessary for the baby. Who, if not an adult, will protect the child, warn against dangers and at the same time teach him to understand the endless “don’ts” and “dos”! To teach this to children, parents themselves need to be well versed in this.

Exercise “Prohibiting - Allowing”

Three colored sheets corresponding to the prohibited zones are attached to the board.

  • green symbolizes the zone " Absolute freedom»;
  • yellow – “Relative freedom” zone;
  • red – “Prohibited” zone.

Training participants are asked to make a list possible actions children, dividing them into three main zones. The resulting options are analyzed: parents, together with the facilitator (psychologist, teacher), predict possible situations and mistakes made.

Leading: How much warmth of the heart is lost due to the inability to understand others and oneself. How many dramas, big and small, would not have happened if their participants and those around them had the ability to sympathize, forgive, and love. You also need to be able to love, and this skill is not given by Mother Nature.

The biggest deficit our children experience is affection deficit. Parents sometimes don’t find time, forget, or maybe even feel embarrassed to caress their child just like that, obeying some kind of inner impulse. The fear of spoiling their children makes parents be overly harsh with them.

This task will allow each of us to show a little more affection, attention, and love.

Exercise “Sun of Love”

Each participant draws a sun on a piece of paper and writes the child’s name in the center. With every ray of sunshine, you need to list all the wonderful qualities of your children.

Then all participants show their “sun of love” and read out what they wrote.

I suggest you take this Sunshine home. Let its warm rays warm the atmosphere of your home today. Tell your child how you appreciated his qualities - give your child warmth, affection and attention.


Leading. Our meeting is ending, so let's determine whether our expectations have come true. If so, you need to rearrange the stickers on the road of Parental Love. The path along the path of parental love does not end; walk with your children with love, care and hope. Bon Voyage!

At the end of the training, parents and the presenter drink tea at a round table!