Abstract "traffic light" on traffic rules in the first junior group. Scenario for a lesson on traffic rules in the first junior group “Children-friends of traffic rules”

Makarova Yulia Vyacheslavovna

MADOU "Kindergarten "47"

RM Saransk

position teacher

Abstract "Traffic Light" on traffic rules in the first junior group

Target: introduce children to the traffic light, explain its purpose, and talk about the sequence of signals.


1. Introduction to color (red, yellow, green).

2. Develop the ability to answer questions, talk about the actions of a pedestrian or driver in a given situation.

3. Develop a desire to help each other and play together. Continue to familiarize yourself with the rules of crossing the road while maintaining your safety.

Preliminary work- Conversation about the rules traffic, outdoor games “Visit the dolls”, “Train”, plot role-playing game“Traffic Light”, “Car”, looking at illustrations.

Equipment: sponge paints, traffic light drawing for coloring, circles for traffic lights, car and pedestrian traffic lights made of cardboard.

Progress of the lesson.
1 . The teacher reads out a riddle about a traffic light.
Three colorful circles
They blink one after another.
They light up, blink -
helping people.
(traffic light)
Children guess the riddle.
2 . Educator: Guys, today we will talk about traffic lights. How many of you know what a traffic light is and what types they are?
Children's answers.
Educator: A traffic light is a device that stands on the edge of the road and indicates signals to drivers and pedestrians. There are pedestrian and automobile traffic lights. Pedestrian ones are intended for pedestrians, and automobile ones are for cars, motorcycles, trolleybuses and buses. Pedestrian traffic lights have two signal circles (the teacher shows a pedestrian traffic light made of cardboard), red and green. They depict little men. It's on red, which means you can't go, you need to stop. The green man is walking, which means the path is open and we can go.
At the car traffic light (the teacher shows a car traffic light made of cardboard) there are three signal circles. This is red - cars

stop, yellow means that the driver must pay attention and the next signal will now light up. A green signal indicates that the vehicles

can go.
These two traffic lights work together in harmony, if the pedestrian traffic light turns green, then the car traffic light shows red so that cars stop and pedestrians can pass.

3. Physical education minute
Red light stop (children stand with their hands raised up and make cross movements with them)
Yellow light - attention (children turn their heads to the right and left)
The green light is open for us (they walk in place)

4. The phone rings in the group, the teacher answers:
- Hello, yes, I’m listening, kindergarten. And who is it? What's happened? Yes, yes, of course, we will help!
Educator: guys, Pinocchio is coming to visit us (Pinocchio appears with a sheet of paper), he can’t even color the traffic light circles, let’s help him?
Children's answers
The teacher invites the children to dip a sponge in paint and paint the traffic light with Pinocchio.
Educator: Well, Pinocchio, your traffic light is ready, now let’s see how our guys have understood the rule of using a traffic light. Let's play the game “Stop and Go” just like you and I. (The teacher shows the children a pedestrian traffic light, and one by one closes the circles of the traffic light; the children must say what to do at this signal.)
5 . Children say goodbye to Pinocchio and attach traffic lights in a group in the traffic rules corner.

d/s No. 17 “Cockerel”.





To help us

The path is dangerous

Burns day and night

Green, yellow, red

Children (in unison): Yes

This kind of sign is

He is on guard for the pedestrian

Let's go with Mishka together

We're on the way to this place

Game “We are pedestrians”

The traffic light is red!

The path is dangerous - there is no passage!

If the light turns red,

This means it’s dangerous to move!

Children: No.

"Come on - the way is open"

Summary of an entertainment lesson on traffic rules for children first junior group

The journey of the bear cub Mishutka to the land of traffic rules

d/s No. 17 “Cockerel”.

The journey of the bear cub Mishutka to the country of traffic rules in the 1st junior group.

Target: Introduce children to the rules for safely crossing the road at a pedestrian crossing.

Familiarization with the road markings of pedestrian crossings - “zebra”;
Provide knowledge about traffic lights;
Develop a conscious attitude towards the rules of safe behavior on the road.

Continue to work on strengthening the ability to act according to traffic lights.


Bear toy, model of a road with a pedestrian crossing (zebra crossing), road sign: pedestrian crossing and traffic light, toy cars on the road layout.


Children sit on chairs next to the teacher.

Educator: Today I will tell you a fairy tale about a little bear cub Mishutka (puts out a toy bear, he greets the children), who did not know the rules of the road, and therefore crossed the road wherever he wanted.
Little Mishutka found out that a wonderful home for children had opened in the village of Anna, called the Rostok kindergarten, he so wanted to see how the children lived there. He was in such a hurry that he crossed the road not at the Zebra crossing and was almost hit by a large truck , she barely managed to slow down. Mishutka was very scared and thought, “After all, I almost had an accident. Why?” Guys, why do you think trouble almost happened to him? (The teacher leads the children to the conclusion that they need to cross the road only with adults and in special places called pedestrian crossings when the traffic light is green.

The teacher reads a poem about traffic lights:

To help us

The path is dangerous

Burns day and night

Green, yellow, red

Educator. Guys, let's show Misha how pedestrians behave on the road?

Children (in unison): Yes

The teacher reads a poem about this transition:
This kind of sign is

He is on guard for the pedestrian

Let's go with Mishka together

We're on the way to this place

(The teacher shows the layout of the pedestrian crossing)

Game “We are pedestrians”

Material: model of a pedestrian crossing marked with a zebra crossing, a pedestrian crossing sign, and a traffic light.

Mishka is standing at the pedestrian crossing. Waiting for the traffic light to cross the street. The teacher shows a red traffic light.
The traffic light is red!

The path is dangerous - there is no passage!

If the light turns red,

This means it’s dangerous to move!

Educator: “You can move on”

Children: No.

Misha is standing. The teacher shows the green traffic light: “Can I cross the road?”

Misha crosses the road at the zebra crossing. The game is repeated several times.

Educator: The green light is on

"Come on - the way is open"

Educator: Misha, did you like our game?

Misha: Yes, guys, you know the rules so well that I also remembered them and will tell my friends about them so that they don’t get into trouble like me.

Educator: Mishutka, what will you tell your friends?

Mishutka: I will tell my friends that you need to cross the road only in the designated place and at the pedestrian crossing when the traffic light is green, and take your mom or dad with you.

Mishutka: Thank you guys, now I’ll go home and be very careful on the road.

Educator: Mishutka, come visit us again, we will tell you about other road safety rules.

Mishutka: I’ll definitely come, goodbye!



Summary of an entertainment lesson on traffic rules for children of the first junior group

The journey of the bear cub Mishutka to the land of traffic rules

D/s No. 17 “Cockerel”.

The journey of the bear cub Mishutka to the country of traffic rules in the 1st junior group.

Target: Introduce children to the rules for safely crossing the road at a pedestrian crossing.


Familiarization with the road markings of pedestrian crossings - “zebra”;
Provide knowledge about traffic lights;
Develop a conscious attitude towards the rules of safe behavior on the road.

Continue to work on strengthening the ability to act according to traffic lights.


A bear toy, a road model with a pedestrian crossing (zebra crossing), a road sign: a pedestrian crossing and a traffic light, toy cars on a road model.


Children sit on chairs next to the teacher.

Educator: Today I will tell you a fairy tale about a little bear cub Mishutka (puts out a toy bear, he greets the children), who did not know the rules of the road, and therefore crossed the road wherever he wanted.
Little Mishutka found out that a wonderful home for children had opened in the village of Anna, called the Rostok kindergarten, he so wanted to see how the children lived there. He was in such a hurry that he crossed the road not at the Zebra crossing and was almost hit by a large truck , she barely managed to slow down. Mishutka was very scared and thought, “After all, I almost had an accident. Why?” Guys, why do you think trouble almost happened to him? (The teacher leads the children to the conclusion that they need to cross the road only with adults and in special places called pedestrian crossings when the traffic light is green.

The teacher reads a poem about traffic lights:

To help us

The path is dangerous

Burns day and night

Green, yellow, red

Educator. Guys, let's show Misha how pedestrians behave on the road?

Children (in unison): Yes

The teacher reads a poem about this transition:
This kind of sign is

He is on guard for the pedestrian

Let's go with Mishka together

We're on the way to this place

(The teacher shows the layout of the pedestrian crossing)

Game “We are pedestrians”

Material: model of a pedestrian crossing marked with a zebra crossing, a pedestrian crossing sign, and a traffic light.

Mishka is standing at the pedestrian crossing. Waiting for the traffic light to cross the street. The teacher shows a red traffic light.
The traffic light is red!

The path is dangerous - there is no passage!

If the light turns red,

This means it’s dangerous to move!

Educator: “You can move on”

Children: No.

Misha is standing. The teacher shows the green traffic light: “Can I cross the road?”

Children: Yes.

Misha crosses the road at the zebra crossing. The game is repeated several times.

Educator: The green light is on

"Come on - the way is open"

Educator: Misha, did you like our game?

Misha: Yes, guys, you know the rules so well that I also remembered them and will tell my friends about them so that they don’t get into trouble like me.

Educator: Mishutka, what will you tell your friends?

Mishutka: I will tell my friends that you need to cross the road only in the designated place and at the pedestrian crossing when the traffic light is green, and take your mom or dad with you.

Mishutka: Thank you guys, now I’ll go home and be very careful on the road.

Educator: Mishutka, come visit us again, we will tell you about other road safety rules.

Mishutka: I’ll definitely come, goodbye!

Fun according to traffic rules in junior preschool educational institution group

Chernikova Dina Nikolaevna, teacher MBDOU children's garden No. 1 in the village of Staroye Melkovo, Tver region, Konakovsky district.
Description of material: I offer you a summary of entertainment for children of the younger group (2-3 years old) according to the traffic rules “Parsley visiting the guys.”
This material will be useful to teachers of the younger group. This is a summary of educational entertainment aimed at developing children's understanding of the rules of behavior on the roadway and consolidating children's knowledge about the operation of traffic lights.

Summary of entertainment in the junior group on traffic rules on the topic “Parsley visiting the guys”

Integration educational areas: "Cognition", "Safety", "Reading" fiction", "Communication", "Socialization".
Goals: expand children's knowledge about the roadway, sidewalks, rules for crossing the street, pedestrian crossings, traffic lights; understand the meaning of green, yellow and red traffic lights.
Tasks: Educational: to form in children an idea of ​​the rules of behavior on the roadway, on the sidewalk, to bring to the consciousness of children what violation of traffic rules can lead to. Educational: develop attention, spatial orientation, and the ability to act on a signal;
Speech: develop children's spoken language, enrich lexicon words “Traffic light”, “Pedestrian crossing”, “Pedestrian”, “Sidewalk”; Educational: raise competent pedestrians.
Material: layouts of a traffic light, roadway, illustrations on the topic, a toy - Parsley, a book as a gift. Methodical techniques: game situation, viewing illustrations, conversation-dialogue, analysis, summing up.

Progress of entertainment.

1. Organizational moment.

Educator: Children, guests have come to us. Let's say hello and smile at them (children greet guests), (knock on the door).
- Guys, someone came to us again. Who is this? (Parsley enters the toy on the teacher’s hand

Parsley: Hello guys!
"Going to your kindergarten

I was confused, I was lost...

Without knowing the traffic lights,

Almost got hit by a car!

Guys, can you help me?

And, if possible, tell me,

How to cross the road

So as not to get hit by a car!”

Educator: Of course, Petrushka, we will be happy to help you, stay with us. Today the guys and I will talk about traffic rules, traffic lights, and pedestrian crossings.

Educator: Guys, guess the riddle:
Day and night I'm burning

I give signals to everyone,

I have three colors.

What is my name, friends?

Children: Traffic light. (The teacher shows the layout of the traffic light)

Educator: Parsley, tell us what a traffic light is for?

Parsley: What to tell? It looks like a Christmas tree, colorful lights are on, you can dance around it.

Educator: Guys, is Parsley speaking correctly?

Children: No.

Educator: Children, what do traffic lights mean?

Children (in chorus):
Red - stop,

Yellow - wait

And green - come on in!
Educator: Parsley, at what traffic light will you cross the road?

Parsley: Forgot.

Educator: AY! AY! AY! Children, at what traffic light do we cross the road?

Children: Green.

Educator: Guys, where did you see the traffic light? (children's answers)-That's right, guys! In our village it takes place big road which must be crossed using a traffic light at a pedestrian crossing. The traffic light commands the crossing. - Guys, I brought you a model of a road with a pedestrian crossing. Look at him (children look at the model: recognize their houses, the road)

“Everywhere and everywhere there are rules,

You should always know them.

They won't go sailing without them.

From the ship's harbor.

Around the city, down the street

They don’t just walk like that:

When you don't know the rules

It's easy to get into trouble.

Be careful all the time

And remember in advance:

They have their own rules

Driver and pedestrian"

Educator: There is a traffic light, it lights up red. So, stand still! Crossing the road is prohibited! The cars are rushing at full speed. It's dangerous to go out on the road. Cars, motorcycles and even bicycles will not have time to stop!
“Don't go through red lights.

Red light is dangerous!

A bicycle will fly

You will become terrible!
-The traffic light turns yellow. This is a signal - “attention”! All the cars start to slow down in order to stop in time. And we, pedestrians, are preparing to cross. We’re not going yet, but we’re just getting ready to go.

“And if it’s yellow, no entry.

Yellow light - attention!

Prepare for the transition

You, my friend, in advance"

Finally the light turns green. Now you can move freely. All the cars have stopped, go to your health: don’t be afraid, don’t hesitate and don’t run - in case you fall!

“Green light is transitional

You are, of course, waiting for him.

Green light - pedestrian,

If you're walking!

Educator: What is the name of the part of the street along which pedestrians must walk?

Children: Sidewalk (the teacher shows the sidewalk on the model).

Parsley: I remember: I am a pedestrian, walking along the sidewalk.

Educator: In pedestrian work, the most important and difficult thing is to cross the road. So please answer me this question: where should pedestrians cross the road?

Parsley: On transition.


Children: Yes.

2.Looking at the illustrations and talking about them.

(Teacher, Parsley and children sit on the carpet and look at illustrations with situations)

Educator: Guys, who helps pedestrians cross the road? (children's answers)

"To help you

The path is dangerous

We burn both day and night -

Green, yellow, red"

Educator: Why is it dangerous to talk while crossing the road? (children's answers

“If you talk as you pass,

You could quickly end up in a traffic accident."

Educator: Well done boys! And you, Petrushka, remember.

Parsley: I listen to everything carefully.

Educator: Is it possible to run while crossing the road? (children's answers)

"In front of a fast car

No one can run!

I need my mother by the road.

Hold your hand tightly!”

Educator: Is it possible to play with a ball near the road? (children's answers)

“We must remember every hour: it’s dangerous to play near the roads!

You need to choose a place where it’s not scary to play.”

3. Outdoor game “We are crossing the street”

(the teacher invites the children to play)

“The traffic light has three windows:

Look at them as you go.

If the red light is on in the window:

“Stop! Do not rush! "- He says.

Red light - it's dangerous to walk,

Don't risk yourself in vain (children stand in front of the pedestrian crossing)

If suddenly a yellow window flashes,

Wait, wait a little (the children got ready to go)

If the green light is on in the window,

It is clear that the path is open for pedestrians.

Green light suddenly lit up

Now we can go.

You, traffic light, good friend

Drivers and passers-by (children walk along the passage)
Educator: Parsley, did you remember everything? What must be observed in order not to get hit by a car?

Parsley: You must follow the traffic rules.

Educator: Children, did Petrushka answer correctly?

Children: Yes.

Educator: And so that you don’t forget them, we are giving you a book about the rules of the road. Read it carefully and you will become familiar with other rules that we have not yet talked about today.

Parsley: Thank you guys. Goodbye! (children say goodbye to Petrushka)

Educator: Our game is over. Guys, now you know the rules of how to behave on the road, but that’s not all the rules. Another time we will continue to get to know them.

Project on traffic rules for children of the first junior group “We are going, going, going.

Completed by: Arbuzova Maria Vladimirovna

Project type information and gaming

Project participants: educators, children of the first junior group (2-3 years old, parents.

By time: short-term(2 weeks)

Relevance. Relevant and simple a vital necessity Teaching children traffic rules is undeniable. To kid preschool age It is difficult to understand the danger that a car poses. Often the culprits in road accidents are children themselves, who play near roads, cross the street in in the wrong places. Is it easy to teach a child to behave on the road? At first glance it seems easy. You just need to introduce him to the basic requirements of traffic rules and there will be no problems. It's actually very difficult. After all, parents themselves violate these rules every day in front of their children, and do not think that they are setting an impossible task for their child: what is the right way? What do they say or what do they do? It is known that habits established in childhood remain for life. Therefore, from the very early age It is necessary to teach children safe behavior on the streets, roads, in transport and traffic rules. Both parents and preschool institutions

Target: Ensure the accumulation of ideas about various types transport in young children. Develop basic knowledge about the rules of behavior on the road.


1. Give children an idea of ​​the types of transport.

2. Note the characteristic features transport.

3. To form in children an idea of ​​the rules of behavior on the roadway.

4. Introduce traffic lights and pedestrian crossings.

5. Develop attention, memory, thinking, speech, fine motor skills, activate the dictionary.

Content project activities


Preparatory stage.

1. Preparation of poems, riddles, games on the topic of transport, traffic rules, illustrative material.

2. Preparation of attributes for games, GCD.

3. Preparation of consultations for parents.

4. Compilation long-term plan main stage.

Practical stage. Working with children: educational activities, outdoor games, didactic games, observations, reading works of fiction, productive activities. Work with parents: consultations, memos, conversations, design of moving folders, joint production of didactic material.

The final stage. Complex lesson“We are going, going, going...”, design for an exhibition of children's works.

Expected Result. Children will be formed initial presentations about different types of transport, rules of safe behavior on the street. They should know:

The purpose of a traffic light and each of its colors;

What kind of transport moves on the road?

Components of the machine.

Parents will be more attentive to teaching their children safe behavior skills.

Teachers will replenish traffic rules corner attributes for games, didactic games, they will create a card index of poems about transport, traffic lights.

Project implementation plan.


Examination of illustrations “On a City Street” Book “On a City Street”.

P/i "Sparrows and the car"

Observing passing vehicles while walking. Continue to introduce children to vehicles and their purpose.

D/i “Assemble a car” ( cut pictures)

Target. To develop in children the ability to form one whole from 2 parts and to distinguish the assembled type of transport. GCD Drawing. Subject. “Path for cars” - drawing a horizontal line without lifting your hand.

Interaction with parents. Together with your children, observe the traffic lights at the intersection.


Conversation based on pictures “Traffic light” Give to children elementary representations about traffic rules (the traffic light regulates the movement of vehicles and pedestrians; the red light of the traffic light must stand, the green light must move; you can only cross the street with an adult, holding your hand tightly.

P/i “Traffic signals”;

D/i “Assemble a Traffic Light” Purpose: to consolidate the idea of ​​​​the purpose of a traffic light and its signals. Assemble a whole from parts according to a model.

Reading N. Migunov “Learning to cross the road”

GCD Sensory. Subject. "Close - Far"

Target. Give children an idea of ​​the concept of close - far, consolidate knowledge of red, green, yellow color. Enrich children's sensory experience while playing with colorful toys.

Interaction with parents. Watch cars and trucks with your children


D/i “Big - small” Goal: to consolidate children’s ability to select garages in accordance with the size of the car, to consolidate the names of vehicles.

D/control "Car" (ZKR)

Reading A. Barto “Truck”, N. Pavlov “By car”.

P/i "Colored cars",

GCD Speech development. Subject. “Examination and description of the toy” (car). Purpose. Improve your understanding of cars and trucks. describe the main parts and the purpose of each of them and actions with machines. Develop the ability to describe a car in words in 2–4 sentences.

Interaction with parents. Consultation “Children's safety on the street”;


Consideration thematic pictures from the series "Transport". D/i “Fix the car” Goal: to improve the understanding of cars and trucks, to assemble a whole geometric shapes

Reading: S. Marshak “Ball”, V. Berestov “About the Car”;

P/i "Cars".

GCD Modeling Theme. "Colorful Wheels"

Goal: to develop the ability to roll plasticine balls in a circular motion hands; flatten the workpiece; consolidate knowledge of colors.

Interaction with parents. Read stories, poems, and fairy tales to children on the topic “Road Traffic.”


Reading: V. Semerin “Hold on road rules strictly";

Car prints on wet sand.

Finger gymnastics

“I will call transport”

Game-dramatization “How a car rolled animals”

GCD Design “Building a car” Goal: develop constructive skills, select correctly construction material build simple buildings.

Interaction with parents. Information stand “For parents about traffic rules.”

Larisa Bakhmanova

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

kindergarten No. 8 "Ayuna"

« Children are friends of traffic rules» .

Child safety on the road 1 junior group.

Made up: Bakhmanova L.V.

Educator 1 ml. groups"Firefly"

Scenario for a traffic rules lesson in the 1st junior group.

« Children are friends of traffic rules» .

Target: To form children’s ideas about traffic rules and road signs. Introduce children to the rules of safe behavior on the street. Teach them practically, apply familiar traffic rules in various situations. Develop thinking visual attention, the ability to navigate the world around us.


Continue to develop the skill of safe behavior on the roadway;

Expand children's knowledge about traffic lights and the meaning of their signals.

Form friendly, friendly relationships between children;

Help children feel the joy and pleasure of joint motor, play, and dance activities;

Create a desire to follow traffic rules

Activating the dictionary:

Reinforce in children's speech words: pedestrian, crossing, traffic light, names of traffic light colors.

Methods and techniques: game moment, artistic expression, conversation, task, explanation, consolidation.

Integration of educational regions: "Safety", "Cognition", "Socialization", "Communication".

Preliminary work:

- conversation "Traffic signals : red, yellow, green”, “About striped "zebra" and road sign "Crosswalk".

- didactic games: "What is a street", "Colored Cars"

Reading fiction literature: Ya. Pishumov "Cars", B. Zakhoder "Chauffeur", M. Plyatskovsky “Stop the car!”, S. Mikhalkov "If the light turns red", B. Zhitkov "Traffic light"

Looking at photos "Streets of our city", illustrations for works of fiction.

Application "Traffic light",

design "The Wide and Narrow Path".

Progress of the lesson.

Traffic light: Hello my little friends! I'm glad to see everyone today. I'm a traffic light.

Educator: Traffic light, we invited you! Our guys already know who a traffic light is and why we all need it. Every morning we walk or drive to kindergarten and see you at the crossroads. And you are so lonely, you stand and stand, you work and work. And we decided to arrange your holiday. After all, you are our true friend.

Traffic light: thanks friends. What are my favorite colors?

Children with the help of the teacher they answer in unison: Red, yellow, green.

Traffic light: Oh yeah! My favorite color is red. Because when I turn on the red light, everyone stops and can rest for at least a minute, look into each other’s eyes and say: "I love you!", just like now - hold hands friends and loudly tell each other the most important words: "I love you".

Children answer in chorus: "I love you".

My favorite color is yellow - it's for everyone speaks: "Carefully! The road is not only interesting, but also dangerous! This color is for all of you speaks: “Be careful and take care of each other”.

My favorite color is green, because it is movement, it is life, it is health, and for this, drivers and pedestrians, all road users, together let's say: "Guys let's be friends!"

Traffic light: You can play. Ready? A game first"Colored balls". She will help me find out if all the guys know the most important colors on the road well.

A game "Colored balls". In a large basket there are plastic balls of 3 colors. IN different places colored circles laid out. Next to each flag is a certain color. On signal traffic light: “1,2,3 – start!” children Arrange the balls in circles by color.

Traffic light: Well done boys! How cleverly you handled the task. But do you know what kind of striped path this is and why it is needed? How should you cross the road? Who should skip whom?

A traffic light leads children to a simulated pedestrian crossing.

Traffic light: Pedestrian, pedestrian,

Remember about the transition!

Underground, above ground,


Know that it is only a transition,

It will save you from cars.

Music a game “You clap with us...”.

Traffic light: “Guys, thank you for the holiday. I am very glad that I have made so many new friends! But, it's time for me to return to work. Goodbye friends! See you again on the road!”

The traffic light goes away.

Layout guide for didactic game "Our town".

At any time of the year our children walk along the streets of their city and to help them, a manual was produced on which, like on a simulator, we practice traffic rules.

Along the way, teach them to follow the rules that they known:

All people need to know the traffic rules

To carry them out with precision and correctly!

So that the traffic rules in the city are not at all violate:

Pedestrians and drivers must respect each other!

Don't go to the red light, hurry to the green!

You, driver, slow down when people are on the way!

Pedestrian, walk along the zebra crossing and don’t run here and there,

Then the driver will have peace of mind when driving in the city!

You need to know the traffic rules and follow them honestly!

This is how my children and I play kindergarten, we study all the types of transport that are in our city, and on the model we practice what we have learned knowledge classes! In this way, we strive to develop safe behavior on the roads of our students, consolidate knowledge of traffic lights, develop speech, logical thinking, we replenish children’s vocabulary on this topic, observe the culture of behavior on the streets of our city, cultivate honesty, decency, respectful attitude to the people around you.

Consultation for parents.

Is it easy to teach a child to behave correctly on the road?

On easy at first glance. You just need to introduce him to the basic requirements of the Traffic Rules and there will be no problems.

It's actually very difficult. After all, we, parents, violate these very notorious Rules every day before the eyes of our own child, and do not think that we are setting before our child an insoluble problem. task: which is correct? What do they say or what do they do?

If you are really interested in your child having the skills to behave safely on the road, then do not reduce the learning process to empty and useless phrase: "Be careful on the road". She does not explain to the child what exactly he should be afraid of on the road. Where might he be in danger?

The child must firmly know that the road can only be crossed in designated areas. places: at a pedestrian crossing and at an intersection. Therefore, before going out onto the road, stop with your child at a distance of 50 cm - 1 meter from the edge of the roadway, pay attention to the fact that you must look left and right with your head turned, and if there is no dangerous traffic on both sides, you can go out onto the road Part. You need to cross the road with a calm, measured step and under no circumstances run. At a controlled pedestrian crossing, explain to your child the meaning of the traffic light.




1. Expand children’s knowledge about the rules of behavior for pedestrians and drivers on the street.

2. Strengthen children’s understanding of traffic lights.

3. Teach children to distinguish road signs (warning, prohibiting, prescriptive, informational, intended for drivers and pedestrians.

Material: model of a street with houses, intersections, cars (toys, pedestrian dolls, driver dolls, traffic lights (toy, road signs, trees (layouts).

The game is played on a layout.

Progress of the game

First option(for pedestrians).

With the help of dolls children play out various traffic situations. So, at a controlled intersection, when the traffic light is green, the dolls cross the street, when the traffic light is yellow they stop and wait, and when the traffic light is red they continue to stand.

Then the dolls walk along the sidewalk or side of the road to a pedestrian crossing marked with an information sign "Crosswalk", and there they cross the roadway.

Second option (for drivers).

The presenter shows the road signs: "Traffic light regulation", « Children» , "Crosswalk" (warning); "No entry", "Sound signal prohibited" (prohibiting); "Moving Straight", "Move to the right" (prescriptive); "Bus Stop Location", "Crosswalk", "Underground crossing" (informational and indicative). Children explain, what each signal means, play out traffic situations.

Colored cars

Target: to train children in the ability to respond to color, develop attention, reinforce the rules of the road.

Material: colored steering wheels, signals (cardboard circles that match the color of the steering wheels.

Progress of the game: Children placed along the wall or along the edge of the site. They are cars. Everyone is given a rudder different color. The leader stands facing the players with signals of the same color as the steering wheels. The presenter raises a signal of a certain color. Children, whose steering wheels of the same color run out. When the leader lowers the signal, children they stop and go to their garage. Children During the game they walk, imitating cars, observing traffic rules. The host then raises a flag of a different color and the game resumes.

The presenter can raise one, two or three signals at the same time, and then all the cars leave their garages. If children won't notice that the signal is omitted, the visual signal can be supplemented verbal: “Cars (names color, stopped.” The presenter can get by with just one verbal signal: "Blue cars are leaving", "Blue Cars Come Home".