My theme for self-education is "the formation of initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle among preschoolers through classes in valeology and obzh". Approximate topics of self-education of preschool educators The results of self-education of the educator in the formation of valeological


(slide 1)

In recent years, one of the leading ideas has been the valueologization of education, according to which children's health is seen as a priority value, goal, necessary condition and result of a successful pedagogical process.

The health of children in the process of their development can not only be preserved or increased, but in a certain way be built and rebuilt. Therefore, within the framework of the valeology of childhood, the most urgent task is the development in children of a conscious need for health and the development of practical skills for leading a healthy lifestyle. In this regard, the problem of the formation of the valeological culture of preschoolers becomes relevant.

(slide 2)

Do you know that VALEOLOGY Is this the science of cultivating healthy lifestyle habits?

Pedagogical valueology studies the issues of training and education of a person who has a strong life attitude towards health and a healthy lifestyle at various age stages of development.

Under valeological education understand the continuous process of education, upbringing and development of human health, aimed at the formation of a system of scientific and practical knowledge and skills, behavior and activities that provide value attitudes towards personal health and the health of people around.

(slide 4)

1. Teaching children the means and methods of assessing their physical condition and using the functional capabilities of the body and natural means of healing to maintain their health.


3. Working with parents to create favorable conditions for the health of students in the family.


Since 2010, I decided to take the topic of self-education "Formation of a value culture through various activities"

- "Valeology" reflects all aspects of a single direction of work with preschoolers to form views on a healthy lifestyle. The question of teaching a child a conscious attitude to his health is an important problem. Children get sick a lot, there is a decrease in immunity. Therefore, I wanted to work deeper on this topic. The most interesting and incomprehensible thing for a child is himself. Who am I? What am I? What can I do? What do I have inside? How was I born? These are just some of the questions a child asks. He cannot answer them on his own, the child needs the help of an adult.

I started my work on the topic “Formation of a valeological culture through different types of activities” from an older age.

(slide 5)

Before starting work with older preschool children on my topic, I studied and analyzed the following scientific and methodological literature:

1 M. Yu. Kartushina “We want to be healthy”

2 M. Yu. Kartushina "The Green Light of Health"

3 N. I. Krylova "Health-saving space in the preschool educational institution"

4 T. S. Nikanorova “Healthy. Health system for preschoolers»

5 G. I. Kulik "School of a healthy person"


I began my work on identifying children's knowledge of healthy lifestyle habits with diagnostics. in the course of observations and conversations with children, I revealed the following ideas of children about health and a healthy lifestyle :

  • children have inaccurate, vague, poorly differentiated, in some cases even erroneous ideas about a person, about an organism, about their health, about ways to improve health;
  • many children do not adhere to hygiene rules on their own (do not wash their hands, do not look after their clothes, do not wear handkerchiefs, etc.), but only do it under the guidance of an educator;
  • children do not take care of their health, many scream, dress incorrectly, often forget to put on warm clothes, not realizing the consequences of such behavior;
  • in a conversation about how to improve their health, most children answer that they should drink pills and syrups. Units call physical education classes, exercises, hardening. This is due to the fact that many parents do not form the need for children to be healthy, they simply treat them when the need arises;

(slide 7)

  • At the beginning of the year, I conducted a survey among parents on the topic of the study. The questionnaire showed a low level of activity of parents. Many do not adhere to the daily routine of a preschooler, most know the common ways to protect the body, but in practice they use little, explaining this by a lack of time and effort. And if they do, then from time to time, without adhering to the system.

(slide 8)

Raising a valeological culture and introducing children to a healthy lifestyle, because a child will not be able to take care of his health on his own until he knows the structure of his body and learns to take care of himself.

1. To form the concept of a person as an inhabitant of the planet Earth, on which the life of all living things depends.

2. To acquaint with the features of the human structure.

3. Form elementary ideas about the work of your own body.

4. To form a sense of caution by instilling knowledge of the basics of security.

5. Use in various areas of children's activities information aimed at forming the habit of a healthy lifestyle.

6. To instill in the child the desire to take care of himself, his body and health in general.

(slide 9)

I carry out these tasks in the following areas:

1. A specially designed system of pedagogical work with children

2. Creation of a developing environment conducive to the formation of healthy lifestyle habits.

3. Working with parents.

(slide 10)

1. I have developed a long-term plan to form the habit of a healthy lifestyle and to ensure the safety of life of preschoolers

It is divided into two main themes:

"Know Thyself"

"Take care of yourself"

The main form of activity of a preschooler is a game, therefore, in joint activities with children, I use various games: “Guess by smell”, “Guess by taste”, “Edible - inedible”, “What will happen if? ”,“ Good - bad ”,“ What did your hands say to you? "etc.

In my practice, I widely use the topics “Why are body parts needed? "," Who are the friends and who are the enemies of our body? ”, “How do we understand each other”, “How do we know what is in front of us? ".

In order to make it easier for children to understand them, information sheets “Vitamins are our friends”, an album “Our helpers are sense organs” were made.

In joint activities with children, I conduct conversations:

Where does garbage come from and where does it go? »

- “Vitamins are our helpers”

Why do we need soap? »

Why do we brush our teeth? »

- What should I do to avoid getting sick? »

“What around us can be dangerous? ",


-How do you wash dishes? »

- "For planting and growing vegetables"

- "In our yard"

-“Where does the dirt come from in the snowballs? ",

We play situations on topics close to children:

“I have a headache, what should I do? »

- "If there is a runny nose"

“Why wear gloves? »

Why do feet need to be warm? »

(slide 11)

To consolidate the knowledge gained in the process of educational activities and through joint activities with children, educators created an appropriate subject-developing environment. The group had:

A sports corner with the attributes necessary for general developmental exercises and non-traditional attributes from waste material.

Cognitive corner on valeology with didactic games, manuals, albums, sliders.

A corner of the simulators, in which there is a “health” disk, a back massager made of waste material, a “ball catcher” eye massager, an ophthalmic simulator, a “roll the ball” breathing apparatus simulator, “health” tracks to strengthen the muscles of the foot.

A green pharmacy, which includes a "garden on the window", where parsley and onions were grown.

A set of oils for aromatherapy (fir, tangerine, pine, juniper)

To improve children's health, they were taught the techniques of acupressure and breathing exercises.

(slide 12)

Creating a developing environment for the formation of the habit of a healthy lifestyle, we taught children to navigate in it, to be able to use it in solving the problems of strengthening, maintaining and maintaining health.

(slide 13)

Together with dads, they held sports events ..

(slide 14)

In 2011, they participated in the competition "Health Corner", where they took

April 2011 The competition "Visual aid in valeology" took 2nd place.

(slide 14)

May 2011.The project “Our choice is health” was implemented

(slide 15)

(slide 16)

Diagnostics showed that as a result of the work, the level of knowledge in the field of valeology significantly increased among children. In the course of observations, it turned out that children began to consciously relate to strengthening their health, and parents show more interest in studying legislative materials and the formation of valeological and physical culture in their families.

(slide 17

In 2013, she recruited children from the first junior group.

During the adaptation period, I got to know and get to know the child and his parents in detail. Studied the features of his mental and physical development. I tried to track what habits the child had in the family. What he likes to play, what are his needs and opportunities, what is the originality of his personality. Through individual conversations with parents, I find out all the subtleties regarding the health and habits of the child.

After all the children had adapted, I carried out the initial diagnostics, the purpose of which was to clarify the children's mastery of the practical skills of the basics of hygienic culture.

The main method of starting diagnostics was the observation of children in the process: washing, dressing, getting ready for bed, hardening.

Based on the diagnostic examination data, I built my further work with children.

I set the goal of my work:

The initial formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in children of early preschool age and identified the following tasks:

1Give the initial simple ideas about a healthy lifestyle;

2. Form initial ideas about yourself as a separate person;

3. To instill in children the habit of neatness and cleanliness, to instill cultural and hygienic skills and the simplest self-service skills.

4. To increase the pedagogical competence of parents on the issues of improving the health of children.

Based on the results of the diagnosis and taking into account the implementation of the tasks, I developed a long-term plan for valeological education on 3 topics

slide 18

Block "I am a man"

Block "I master hygiene and etiquette"

Block "I grow up healthy"

To implement 1 block "I am a man" I used

Didactic games:

1. Who is it.

2. Find yourself in the photo.

3. Than we and the dolls seem to be.

4. Find girls and boys in the picture.

5. What our hands can do, etc.

Finger games and exercises:

1. Magpie - white-sided.

2. Boy with a finger, where have you been.

3. Let's make friends fingers.

4. Friendly family.

She also implemented the project "I'm a boy, I'm a girl"

slide 20

» In my work with children, I paid great attention to the education of a hygienic culture. Not only their health, but also the health of other children and adults depends on the fulfillment by children of the necessary hygienic norms and rules. In my work, I strive to ensure that the implementation of the rules of personal hygiene becomes a daily need for children. At the lesson “Water, water, wash my face” I give knowledge about the need to observe the rules of personal hygiene, the prevention of infectious diseases. We get to know each other and discuss the “Washing every day” models that helped Marianna and Dima remember the process of washing.

slide 21

To consolidate the acquired knowledge, I organized plot-role-playing games with a valueological orientation.

slide 22

So, for example, in the game "Beauty Salon" I demonstrate models "Grow braid to the waist", children clarify the rules for hair care.

slide 23

In the experiment corner, the children and I examined the snow for contamination, and with the help of the Why We Get Sick models, the children get to know what can happen if there is snow. In experimental - experimental activities, children not only consolidate knowledge, their mental activity develops, children draw conclusions regarding the preservation of health.

slide 24

To implement the 3rd block “I grow up healthy”, I pay special attention to the hardening procedures in the daily routine. Tempering activities have their value only with a positive reaction of children. The child needs to be carried away, that's why

hardening was carried out in a playful way. Walking on correction paths.

Foot Strengthening Exercises:

1. Rolling massage balls with your feet

"I'm going, I'm going to my grandmother, grandfather

On a horse, in a red cap.

2. Rubbing feet on hard carpet.

3. Elements of self-massage - “Shake the baby”, “Cheburashka”, face massage:

The sun woke up, touched the cheeks

4. Rolling massage balls (walnuts) between the palms:

"The ball, my baby, lies in my palm

I roll the ball in my palm, I warm my hands.

Palm is the sun

And the fingers are rays.

Wake up rays

Get warm little hands"

It is very important to use rhythmic music that accompanies hardening.

slide 25

Breathing plays an important role. Breathing exercises are included in all wellness exercises.

slide 26

I pay great attention to teaching children the elements of massage. Massage - in itself is not a hardening agent, but it can enhance adaptation to temperature changes. Self-massage of hands and feet is a procedure that a child can get used to and carry out independently. First, it is stroking the palms for nursery rhymes, kneading and rubbing each finger up and down, then rolling six-sided pencils, walnuts, massage balls between the palms.

slide 27

Diagnostics showed that as a result of the work, the level of knowledge in the field of valeology increased among children.

Beginning of the academic year high level -0%, end of the year - 26%

average level -52% end of the year - 36%

low level -48% end of the year - 26%

slide 28

At the beginning of the academic year, the health index was 20.4%. At the end of the year, it increased to 84%.

slide 29

The attendance index was 30.6% at the end of the year increased to 84%. Children are physically developed and very mobile.

slide 30

In 2014, the children moved to the 2nd junior group . The following tasks were set:

1. To form a sense of caution by instilling knowledge of the basics of security.

2. Familiarize yourself with the structure of the human body, with the functions of the main organs, with what a person needs for a normal existence.

3. Give ideas about proper and healthy nutrition, which foods are good for the body and which are not.

In order to teach children personal safety, to develop the need to follow the rules in everyday life or in other extreme situations, I used visual material on the basics of life safety. D / and “Dangerous not dangerous » She talked about the dangers of contact with strangers. For this, I used examples from fairy tales: "The Wolf and the Seven Kids", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Gingerbread Man", "Masha and the Bear", "Cat Rooster and Fox" Played with children typical dangerous situations of contact with strangers: "Let's go to the store , I'll buy you candy", "Do you want to turn the steering wheel?", "I'll take you to your mother." After that, they discussed and came to a consensus about the right actions or how not to act in a given situation. Since animals surround us everywhere, she explained to the children that it is possible to feed stray dogs and cats, but you cannot touch them with your hands, because each animal has its own character, so playing with animals can lead to injuries and bites.

slide 31

They pose a potential danger to children (matches, gas stoves, electrical sockets) using visual material (posters, illustrations from books, a set of postcards "01") explained to children that under no circumstances should they themselves light matches, turn on the stove, touch the included electrical appliances. Here I also used the artistic word "Cat's House" by S. Marshak, etc.

slide 32

During conversations on the rules of the road, she introduced the children to the rules of behavior on the street, consolidated with the children the knowledge of crossing the street along the zebra, looking at the traffic light. Obeying traffic lights, pedestrians cross the street without interfering with each other and without risking being hit by a car; and traffic lights help drivers avoid collisions with other cars and other accidents. They consolidated the children's ideas about the purpose of the traffic light and its signals in a playful way.

When getting acquainted with the parts of the human body, she drew the attention of the children to the fact that the body is arranged so that we can occupy a vertical position: the head is at the top (in the most reliable place); hands half way (it is convenient to use them both above and below); long, strong legs (hold and move the whole body); at the very bottom of the foot (support). I tried to bring the children to the understanding that people should take care of their bodies. Each conversation was practically fixed in the daily life of children; regime moments, for example: when dressing on the street, she said “tie your hats well so that your ears are warm.” Similarly, hands, feet, etc. During regime moments, she drew the attention of children to their well-being, inner sensations, indicating feelings of hunger, thirst, fatigue, talked about ways to eliminate discomfort (dine, drink water, lie down to rest).

slide 33

I traditionally use various forms of organizing physical activity: morning exercises, physical education classes, physical education minutes, indoor and outdoor outdoor games, sports games and entertainment. I use emotionally attractive forms of conducting them: musical accompaniment, movement in the image (we jump like bunnies; we speed up the pace: a fox appeared behind the trees), I draw the attention of children to the beauty and perfection of the human body, to enjoy the movement.

slide 34

We talked about the benefits and harms of products. Implemented the project "Onion on the window"

Another of the most striking manifestations of an unfavorable atmosphere in the group are frequent disputes and quarrels between children, sometimes turning into fights. To teach children how to get out of a conflict situation without reaching a forceful solution. She offered the children to formulate the problem as precisely as possible, name the reason for the quarrel and suggest their own way of resolving the conflict. To prevent the occurrence of conflicts, conversations were held on “Rules of conduct in kindergarten”, didactic games “What is good - what is bad.

slide 35

In my work with parents, I used the "Health Corner" where I placed recommendations, consultations, slide folders

slide 36

In order to form the foundations of a healthy lifestyle among preschoolers and increase the effectiveness of work on the topic, I use the following health-saving technologies:

1. Zmanovsky Yu.F. "Healthy preschooler" social and health-improving technology of the 21st century.

2. Game acupressure for the prevention and treatment of the common cold. A.A.Umanskaya, M.Yu. Kartushina

3. Finger gymnastics. S.E. Bolshakova, A. Beilina, O.I. Krupenchuk, E. Sinitsyna, L. Savina

4. V.F. Bazarny Gymnastics for the eyes

5.A.A. Smetankin Breathing exercises

slide 37

The positive dynamics in the valeological development of preschoolers testifies to the effectiveness of the measures developed by me for the education of a healthy lifestyle.

Beginning of the academic year high level -0%, end of the year - 0%

average level -10% end of the year - 85%

low level -80% end of the year - 15%

The knowledge and ideas acquired by the child about himself, his health, physical culture of life safety will allow him to find ways to strengthen and maintain health.

The acquired skills will help you consciously choose a healthy lifestyle.

The experience gained will help avoid accidents.



Creative report on the topic of self-education

"Formation of valeological culture through different types of activities"


(slide 1)

In recent years, one of the leading ideas has been the valueologization of education, according to which children's health is seen as a priority value, goal, necessary condition and result of a successful pedagogical process.

The health of children in the process of their development can not only be preserved or increased, but in a certain way be built and rebuilt. Therefore, within the framework of the valeology of childhood, the most urgent task is the development in children of a conscious need for health and the development of practical skills for leading a healthy lifestyle. In this regard, the problem of the formation of the valeological culture of preschoolers becomes relevant.

(slide 2)

Do you know that VALEOLOGY Is this the science of cultivating healthy lifestyle habits?

Pedagogical valueologystudies the issues of training and education of a person who has a strong life attitude towards health and a healthy lifestyle at various age stages of development.

Under valeological educationunderstand the continuous process of education, upbringing and development of human health, aimed at the formation of a system of scientific and practical knowledge and skills, behavior and activities that provide value attitudes towards personal health and the health of people around.

(slide 4)

Tasks of Pedagogical Valeology

  1. Teaching children the means and methods of assessing their physical condition and using the functional capabilities of the body and natural means of healing to maintain their health.
  2. Work with the teaching staff of the educational institution.
  3. Working with parents to create favorable conditions for the health of students in the family.
  4. Raising in children a strong motivation for health and a healthy lifestyle based on the development of knowledge about the priority of health and the mechanisms of vital activity of the human body.

Since 2010, I decided to take the topic of self-education "Formation of a valeological culture through various activities"

- "Valeology" reflects all aspects of a single direction of work with preschoolers to form views on a healthy lifestyle. The question of teaching a child a conscious attitude to his health is an important problem. Children get sick a lot, there is a decrease in immunity. Therefore, I wanted to work deeper on this topic. The most interesting and incomprehensible thing for a child is himself. Who am I? What am I? What can I do? What do I have inside? How was I born? These are just some of the questions a child asks. He cannot answer them on his own, the child needs the help of an adult.

I started my work on the topic “Formation of a valeological culture through different types of activities” from an older age.

(slide 5)

Before starting work with older preschool children on my topic, I studied and analyzed the following scientific and methodological literature:

1 M. Yu. Kartushina “We want to be healthy”

2 M. Yu. Kartushina "The Green Light of Health"

3 N. I. Krylova "Health-saving space in the preschool educational institution"

4 T. S. Nikanorova “Healthy. Health system for preschoolers»

5 G. I. Kulik "School of a healthy person"


I began my work on identifying children's knowledge of healthy lifestyle habits with the course of observations and conversations with children, I revealed the following ideas of children about health and a healthy lifestyle:

  • children have inaccurate, vague, poorly differentiated, in some cases even erroneous ideas about a person, about an organism, about their health, about ways to improve health;
  • many children do not adhere to hygiene rules on their own (do not wash their hands, do not look after their clothes, do not wear handkerchiefs, etc.), but only do it under the guidance of an educator;
  • children do not take care of their health, many scream, dress incorrectly, often forget to put on warm clothes, not realizing the consequences of such behavior;
  • in a conversation about how to improve their health, most children answer that they should drink pills and syrups. Units call physical education classes, exercises, hardening. This is due to the fact that many parents do not form the need for children to be healthy, they simply treat them when the need arises;

(slide 7)

  • At the beginning of the year, I conducted a survey among parents on the topic of the study. The questionnaire showed a low level of activity of parents. Many do not adhere to the daily routine of a preschooler, most know the common ways to protect the body, but in practice they use little, explaining this by a lack of time and effort. And if they do, then from time to time, without adhering to the system.

(slide 8)

I set the goal of my work:

Raising a valeological culture and introducing children to a healthy lifestyle, because a child will not be able to take care of his health on his own until he knows the structure of his body and learns to take care of himself.

To achieve my goal, I have identified the following tasks:

1. To form the concept of a person as an inhabitant of the planet Earth, on which the life of all living things depends.

2. To acquaint with the features of the human structure.

3. Form elementary ideas about the work of your own body.

4. To form a sense of caution by instilling knowledge of the basics of security.

5. Use in various areas of children's activities information aimed at forming the habit of a healthy lifestyle.

6. To instill in the child the desire to take care of himself, his body and health in general.

(slide 9)

I carry out these tasks in the following areas:

1. A specially designed system of pedagogical work with children

2. Creation of a developing environment conducive to the formation of healthy lifestyle habits.

3. Working with parents.

(slide 10)

1. I have developed a long-term plan to form the habit of a healthy lifestyle and to ensure the safety of life of preschoolers

It is divided into two main themes:

"Know Thyself"

"Take care of yourself"

The main form of activity of a preschooler is a game, therefore, in joint activities with children, I use various games: “Guess by smell”, “Guess by taste”, “Edible - inedible”, “What will happen if? ”,“ Good - bad ”,“ What did your hands say to you? "etc.

In my practice, I widely use the topics “Why are body parts needed? "," Who are the friends and who are the enemies of our body? ”, “How do we understand each other”, “How do we know what is in front of us? ".

In order to make it easier for children to understand them, information sheets “Vitamins are our friends”, an album “Our helpers are sense organs” were made.

In joint activities with children, I conduct conversations:

Where does garbage come from and where does it go? »

- “Vitamins are our helpers”

Why do we need soap? »

Why do we brush our teeth? »

- What should I do to avoid getting sick? »

“What around us can be dangerous? ",


-How do you wash dishes? »

- "For planting and growing vegetables"

- "In our yard"

-“Where does the dirt come from in the snowballs? ",

We play situations on topics close to children:

“I have a headache, what should I do? »

- "If there is a runny nose"

“Why wear gloves? »

Why do feet need to be warm? »

(slide 11)

To consolidate the knowledge gained in the process of educational activities and through joint activities with children, educators created an appropriate subject-developing environment. The group had:

A sports corner with the attributes necessary for general developmental exercises and non-traditional attributes from waste material.

Cognitive corner on valeology with didactic games, manuals, albums, sliders.

A corner of the simulators, in which there is a “health” disk, a back massager made of waste material, a “ball catcher” eye massager, an ophthalmic simulator, a “roll the ball” breathing apparatus simulator, “health” tracks to strengthen the muscles of the foot.

A green pharmacy, which includes a "garden on the window", where parsley and onions were grown.

A set of oils for aromatherapy (fir, tangerine, pine, juniper)

To improve children's health, they were taught the techniques of acupressure and breathing exercises.

(slide 12)

Creating a developing environment for the formation of the habit of a healthy lifestyle, we taught children to navigate in it, to be able to use it in solving the problems of strengthening, maintaining and maintaining health.

(slide 13)

Together with dads, they held sports events ..

(slide 14)

In 2011, they participated in the competition "Health Corner", where they took

1 place.

April 2011 The competition "Visual aid in valeology" took 2nd place.

(slide 14)

May 2011 .The project “Our choice is health” was implemented

(slide 15)

(slide 16)

Diagnostics showed that as a result of the work, the level of knowledge in the field of valeology significantly increased among children. In the course of observations, it turned out that children began to consciously relate to strengthening their health, and parents show more interest in studying legislative materials and the formation of valeological and physical culture in their families.

(slide 17

In 2013, she recruited children from the first junior group.

During the adaptation period, I got to know and get to know the child and his parents in detail. Studied the features of his mental and physical development. I tried to track what habits the child had in the family. What he likes to play, what are his needs and opportunities, what is the originality of his personality. Through individual conversations with parents, I find out all the subtleties regarding the health and habits of the child.

After all the children had adapted, I carried out the initial diagnostics, the purpose of which was to clarify the children's mastery of the practical skills of the basics of hygienic culture.

The main method of starting diagnostics was the observation of children in the process: washing, dressing, getting ready for bed, hardening.

Based on the diagnostic examination data, I built my further work with children.

I set the goal of my work:

The initial formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in children of early preschool age and identified the following tasks:

1Give the initial simple ideas about a healthy lifestyle;

2. Form initial ideas about yourself as a separate person;

3. To instill in children the habit of neatness and cleanliness, to instill cultural and hygienic skills and the simplest self-service skills.

4. To increase the pedagogical competence of parents on the issues of improving the health of children.

Based on the results of the diagnosis and taking into account the implementation of the tasks, I developed a long-term plan for valeological education on 3 topics

slide 18

Block "I am a man"

Block "I master hygiene and etiquette"

Block "I grow up healthy"

To implement 1 block "I am a man" I used

Didactic games:

1. Who is it.

2. Find yourself in the photo.

3. Than we and the dolls seem to be.

4. Find girls and boys in the picture.

5. What our hands can do, etc.

Finger games and exercises:

1. Magpie - white-sided.

2. Boy with a finger, where have you been.

3. Let's make friends fingers.

4. Friendly family.

She also implemented the project "I'm a boy, I'm a girl"

slide 20

For the implementation of block 2 “I master hygiene and etiquette» In my work with children, I paid great attention to the education of a hygienic culture. Not only their health, but also the health of other children and adults depends on the fulfillment by children of the necessary hygienic norms and rules. In my work, I strive to ensure that the implementation of the rules of personal hygiene becomes a daily need for children. At the lesson “Water, water, wash my face” I give knowledge about the need to observe the rules of personal hygiene, the prevention of infectious diseases. We get to know each other and discuss the “Washing every day” models that helped Marianna and Dima remember the process of washing.

slide 21

To consolidate the acquired knowledge, I organized plot-role-playing games with a valueological orientation.

slide 22

So, for example, in the game "Beauty Salon" I demonstrate models "Grow braid to the waist", children clarify the rules for hair care.

slide 23

In the experiment corner, the children and I examined the snow for contamination, and with the help of the Why We Get Sick models, the children get to know what can happen if there is snow. In experimental - experimental activities, children not only consolidate knowledge, their mental activity develops, children draw conclusions regarding the preservation of health.

slide 24

To implement the 3rd block “I grow up healthy”, I pay special attention to the hardening procedures in the daily routine. Tempering activities have their value only with a positive reaction of children. The child needs to be carried away, that's why

hardening was carried out in a playful way.Walking on correction paths.

Foot Strengthening Exercises:

1. Rolling massage balls with your feet

"I'm going, I'm going to my grandmother, grandfather

On a horse, in a red cap.

2. Rubbing feet on hard carpet.

3. Elements of self-massage - “Shake the baby”, “Cheburashka”, face massage:

The sun woke up, touched the cheeks

4. Rolling massage balls (walnuts) between the palms:

"The ball, my baby, lies in my palm

I roll the ball in my palm, I warm my hands.

Palm is the sun

And the fingers are rays.

Wake up rays

Get warm little hands"

It is very important to use rhythmic music that accompanies hardening.

slide 25

Breathing plays an important role. Breathing exercises are included in all wellness exercises.

slide 26

I pay great attention to teaching children the elements of massage. Massage - in itself is not a hardening agent, but it can enhance adaptation to temperature changes. Self-massage of hands and feet is a procedure that a child can get used to and carry out independently. First, it is stroking the palms for nursery rhymes, kneading and rubbing each finger up and down, then rolling six-sided pencils, walnuts, massage balls between the palms.

slide 27

Diagnostics showed that as a result of the work, the level of knowledge in the field of valeology increased among children.

Beginning of the academic year high level -0%, end of the year - 26%

Average level -52% end of the year - 36%

low level -48% end of the year - 26%

slide 28

At the beginning of the academic year, the health index was 20.4%. At the end of the year, it increased to 84%.

slide 29

The attendance index was 30.6% at the end of the year increased to 84%.Children are physically developed and very mobile.

slide 30

In 2014, the children moved to the 2nd junior group. The following tasks were set:

1. To form a sense of caution by instilling knowledge of the basics of security.

2. Familiarize yourself with the structure of the human body, with the functions of the main organs, with what a person needs for a normal existence.

3. Give ideas about proper and healthy nutrition, which foods are good for the body and which are not.

In order to teach children personal safety, to develop the need to follow the rules in everyday life or in other extreme situations, I used visual material on the basics of life safety. D / and “Dangerous not dangerous» She talked about the dangers of contact with strangers. For this, I used examples from fairy tales: "The Wolf and the Seven Kids", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Gingerbread Man", "Masha and the Bear", "Cat Rooster and Fox" Played with children typical dangerous situations of contact with strangers: "Let's go to the store , I'll buy you candy", "Do you want to turn the steering wheel?", "I'll take you to your mother." After that, they discussed and came to a consensus about the right actions or how not to act in a given situation. Since animals surround us everywhere, she explained to the children that it is possible to feed stray dogs and cats, but you cannot touch them with your hands, because each animal has its own character, so playing with animals can lead to injuries and bites.

slide 31

They pose a potential danger to children (matches, gas stoves, electrical sockets) using visual material (posters, illustrations from books, a set of postcards "01") explained to children that under no circumstances should they themselves light matches, turn on the stove, touch the included electrical appliances. Here I also used the artistic word "Cat's House" by S. Marshak, etc.

slide 32

During conversations on the rules of the road, she introduced the children to the rules of behavior on the street, consolidated with the children the knowledge of crossing the street along the zebra, looking at the traffic light. Obeying traffic lights, pedestrians cross the street without interfering with each other and without risking being hit by a car; and traffic lights help drivers avoid collisions with other cars and other accidents. They consolidated the children's ideas about the purpose of the traffic light and its signals in a playful way.

When getting acquainted with the parts of the human body, she drew the attention of the children to the fact that the body is arranged so that we can occupy a vertical position: the head is at the top (in the most reliable place); hands half way (it is convenient to use them both above and below); long, strong legs (hold and move the whole body); at the very bottom of the foot (support). I tried to bring the children to the understanding that people should take care of their bodies. Each conversation was practically fixed in the daily life of children; regime moments, for example: when dressing on the street, she said “tie your hats well so that your ears are warm.” Similarly, hands, feet, etc. During regime moments, she drew the attention of children to their well-being, inner sensations, indicating feelings of hunger, thirst, fatigue, talked about ways to eliminate discomfort (dine, drink water, lie down to rest).

slide 33

I traditionally use various forms of organizing physical activity: morning exercises, physical education classes, physical education minutes, indoor and outdoor outdoor games, sports games and entertainment. I use emotionally attractive forms of conducting them: musical accompaniment, movement in the image (we jump like bunnies; we speed up the pace: a fox appeared behind the trees), I draw the attention of children to the beauty and perfection of the human body, to enjoy the movement.

slide 34

We talked about the benefits and harms of products. Implemented the project "Onion on the window"

Another of the most striking manifestations of an unfavorable atmosphere in the group are frequent disputes and quarrels between children, sometimes turning into fights. To teach children how to get out of a conflict situation without reaching a forceful solution. She offered the children to formulate the problem as precisely as possible, name the reason for the quarrel and suggest their own way of resolving the conflict. To prevent the occurrence of conflicts, conversations were held on “Rules of conduct in kindergarten”, didactic games “What is good - what is bad.

slide 35

In my work with parents, I used the "Health Corner" where I placed recommendations, consultations, slide folders

slide 36

In order to form the foundations of a healthy lifestyle among preschoolers and increase the effectiveness of work on the topic, I use the following health-saving technologies:

1. Zmanovsky Yu.F. "Healthy preschooler" social and health-improving technology of the 21st century.

2. Game acupressure for the prevention and treatment of the common cold. A.A.Umanskaya, M.Yu. Kartushina

3. Finger gymnastics. S.E. Bolshakova, A. Beilina, O.I. Krupenchuk, E. Sinitsyna, L. Savina

4. V.F. Bazarny Gymnastics for the eyes

5.A.A. Smetankin Breathing exercises

slide 37

The positive dynamics in the valeological development of preschoolers testifies to the effectiveness of the measures developed by me for the education of a healthy lifestyle.

Beginning of the academic year high level -0%, end of the year - 0%

Average level -10% end of the year - 85%

low level -80% end of the year - 15%

The knowledge and ideas acquired by the child about himself, his health, physical culture of life safety will allow him to find ways to strengthen and maintain health.

The acquired skills will help you consciously choose a healthy lifestyle.

The experience gained will help avoid accidents.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution of the city of Rostov-on-Don

"Kindergarten No. 8



Mogilina Alena Alexandrovna



(Job title )


« "Formation of the valeological culture of preschool children". ».


Subject : Formation of the valeological culture of children
preschool age

Relevance of the topic:

In recent years, one of the leading ideas has been the valueologization of education, according to which children's health is seen as a priority value, goal, necessary condition and result of a successful pedagogical process.

The health of children in the process of their development can not only be preserved or increased, but in a certain way be built and rebuilt. Therefore, within the framework of the valeology of childhood, the most urgent task is the development in children of a conscious need for health and the development of practical skills for leading a healthy lifestyle. In this regard, the problem of the formation of the valeological culture of preschoolers becomes relevant.

VALEOLOGY is the science of cultivating healthy lifestyle habits.

Pedagogical valueology studies the issues of education and upbringing of a person who has a strong life attitude towards health and a healthy lifestyle at various age stages of development.
Under valeological education is understood a continuous process of education, upbringing and development of human health, aimed at the formation of a system of scientific and practical knowledge and skills, behavior and activities that provide value relations to personal health and the health of people around.

The purpose of self-education: Increasing pedagogical competence.
Raising a valeological culture and introducing children to a healthy lifestyle, because a child will not be able to take care of his health on his own until he knows the structure of his body and learns to take care of himself.

1. the use of valeological techniques to motivate a healthy lifestyle.

2. using ICT to better demonstrate the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.

3. To form the concept of a person as an inhabitant of the planet Earth, on which the life of all living things depends.

4. To get acquainted with the features of the human structure.

5. To form elementary ideas about the work of one's own body.

6. To instill in the child the desire to take care of himself, his body and health in general.



Work with documents.

Study of the law "On Education", other regulatory documents

Acquaintance and analysis of documentation.

Increasing pedagogical competence

Planning work with children for the new school year.

Studying the literature on the problem, creating a work plan.

Material selection

Studying the theory on the topic: "Valeological education of preschoolers"

The study of literature on the topic.

Material selection

Exchange of experience on the problem through Internet resources


Selection of literature on the topic of self-education

Internet resources, personal library

Raise the level of pedagogical knowledge.


The study of methodological literature

Introduction to literature.

Development of a didactic game on healthy lifestyle
"Be healthy"

Selection of material on the topic.
Internet resources.

Explore, develop and enrich children's play experience


Making a didactic game "Body Parts"

Internet resources

Development of a visual aid using ICT
"Vitamins are our helpers"

Selection of material on the topic.


Continue to work on the creation of methodical folders.
"The ABC of a healthy lifestyle"

Material selection.

Accumulation of experience

"Man is part of the Earth"

Internet resources

To promote the formation in children of consciousness about the uniqueness of a person, his personality in the natural world.


Development of a visual aid using ICT "Eyes are my helpers"

Material selection.
Internet resources.

To introduce the eye as an organ of vision.

To form a concept about the structure of the eye, about the prevention of eye diseases. How to protect your eyes from injury and keep them healthy.

Encourage children to understand the value of vision

Card file development
Memo "Organization of a healthy rhythm of life and physical activity of children.

Material selection


Development of a visual and didactic manual "Daily routine"

Reading literature, selection of material.

"The core of my body"

Material selection

To create in the child an idea of ​​​​the structure of the human body: skeleton, spine, muscles (musculoskeletal system)

Introduce and teach children exercises that help maintain spinal mobility


Development of a didactic game

Internet resources

Conversations with children: "A living motor inside me"

the use of ICT for a more visual demonstration of the material.

Material selection

To bring children to an understanding of the structure and functions of the circulatory system.

Introduce children to exercises that improve blood circulation.


Conversations with children:
"Who is the head of everything"

(The brain is the central control organ of the sense organs and the whole body. Its protector is the skull. The most important properties of the brain: memory, thinking, imagination.)

The use of ICT for a more visual demonstration of the material.

To create conditions for children to understand how the human brain was formed, its main functions.

Tell about the importance of the brain, about the relationship between the functioning of the brain and human health.

Give an idea of ​​the dream.

Familiarize yourself with the rules of preparation for sleep. Sleep hygiene

Development of a plan for self-education for the new academic year.

Selection of methodological literature


« "Formation of the valeological culture of children of senior preschool age"


Relevance of the topic:

In recent years, one of the leading ideas has been the valueologization of education, according to which children's health is seen as a priority value, goal, necessary condition and result of a successful pedagogical process.

The health of children in the process of their development can not only be preserved or increased, but in a certain way be built and rebuilt. Therefore, within the framework of the valeology of childhood, the most urgent task is the development in children of a conscious need for health and the development of practical skills for leading a healthy lifestyle. In this regard, the problem of the formation of the valeological culture of preschoolers becomes relevant.

VALEOLOGY is the science of cultivating healthy lifestyle habits.

Pedagogical valueology studies the issues of education and upbringing of a person who has a strong life attitude towards health and a healthy lifestyle at various age stages of development.
Under valeological education is understood a continuous process of education, upbringing and development of human health, aimed at the formation of a system of scientific and practical knowledge and skills, behavior and activities that provide value relations to personal health and the health of people around.

The purpose of self-education:
Increasing pedagogical competence.
Raising a valeological culture and introducing children to a healthy lifestyle, because a child will not be able to take care of his health on his own until he knows the structure of his body and learns to take care of himself.

1. The use of valeological techniques to motivate a healthy lifestyle.

2. Using ICT to better demonstrate the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.

3. To form the concept of a person as an inhabitant of the planet Earth, on which the life of all living things depends.

4. To acquaint with the features of the human structure.

5. Form elementary ideas about the work of your own body.

6. To instill in the child the desire to take care of himself, his body and health in general.




Work with documents.

Study of the law "On Education", other regulatory documents

Acquaintance and analysis of documentation.

Increasing pedagogical competence

Planning work with children for the new school year.

Studying the literature on the problem, creating a work plan.

Raise the level of pedagogical knowledge.

Selection of material for work with parents on this topic throughout the year.

Studying the theory on the topic: "Valeological education of preschoolers"

The study of literature on the topic.

Exchange of experience on the topic through Internet resources


Selection of literature on the topic of self-education

Take part in the Olympiad among teachers on this topic of self-education

Raise the level of pedagogical knowledge on the topic "Valeology"

Viewing the presentation with the children "I am a man!"


The study of methodological literature

Acquaintance with new publications in the media on this topic

Development of a didactic game on healthy lifestyle
Development of a summary of GCD in valeology

Selection of material on the topic
Development and provision of material on the topic on your page on the site

Explore, develop and enrich children's play experience


Making a didactic game "Body Parts"

Through the Internet - resources search for new didactic games on the topic

Development of a visual aid using ICT
"Vitamins are our helpers"

Selection of material on the topic.


Continue to work on the creation of methodical folders.
"The ABC of a healthy lifestyle"

Selection of material for counseling parents on this topic of self-education

Accumulation of experience through the study of material on Internet resources
Conversation with children "Man is part of the Earth"

Contribute to the formation in children of consciousness about the uniqueness of a person, his personality in the natural world


Development of a visual aid using ICT "Eyes are my helpers"

Selection of material on this topic

To introduce the eye as an organ of vision.

To form a concept about the structure of the eye, about the prevention of eye diseases. How to protect your eyes from injury and keep them healthy.

Encourage children to understand the value of vision

Development of a card index of gymnastics for the eyes
Memo "Organization of a healthy rhythm of life and physical activity of children."

Internet Research - Related Resources


Development of a visual and didactic manual "Daily routine"

Reading literature, selection of material.

Conversation with children on the topic "The core of my body"

Selection of material in the pedagogical piggy bank

To create in the child an idea of ​​​​the structure of the human body: skeleton, spine, muscles (musculoskeletal system)

Introduce and teach children exercises that help maintain spinal mobility


Development of a didactic game on the topic "It is possible - it is impossible"

Increasing the level of personal knowledge through Internet resources

Conversations with children: "A living motor inside me"

Showing children the presentation "Our Heart"

Selection of material in the pedagogical piggy bank.

To bring children to an understanding of the structure and functions of the circulatory system.

Introduce children to exercises that improve blood circulation.

Conversations with children:
"Who is the head of everything"

(The brain is the central control organ of the sense organs and the whole body. Its protector is the skull. The most important properties of the brain: memory, thinking, imagination.)

The use of ICT for a more visual demonstration of the material.

To create conditions for children to understand how the human brain was formed, its main functions.

Tell about the importance of the brain, about the relationship between the functioning of the brain and human health.

Give an idea of ​​the dream.

Familiarize yourself with the rules of preparation for sleep. Sleep hygiene

Development of a plan for self-education for the new academic year.

Selection of methodological literature

Here are sample topics for self-education of educators. Click on the link highlighted in blue and go to the desired self-education topic.
Attention! Plans are not for every topic!
If this information helps someone, I will be very glad!
So here's the list of topics:
1. Activation of the vocabulary of children of the younger age group.

17. Methods for the formation of correct posture and its prevention
disorders in preschoolers.

19. Enrichment of the social experience of preschoolers in kindergarten and family.

20. Improving gymnastics after daytime sleep, its significance.

21. Organization of work in the preschool educational institution for patriotic education.

22. Patriotic education of preschoolers by means
visual arts.

23. Retelling of works of art with the help of pictures.

24. Outdoor game as a means of developing the physical qualities of children (middle, senior) of preschool age.

26. Rules of the road for preschoolers.

27. Techniques for activating mental activity in the process
introducing children to nature.

28. Project activity with children of the younger (middle, older)
preschool age.

29. Project method in the spiritual and moral education of preschoolers.

30. Educational games as a means of forming cognitive
abilities of preschool children.

31. Development of dialogical communication of children in a group of different ages
(4-7 years).

32. The development of play activities in young children.

33. Development of communication skills of older preschoolers through

communication with nature.

34. Development of mathematical concepts in preschool age.

35. Development of mathematical abilities of preschool children
through play activities.

36. Development of fine motor skills of preschoolers.

38. Development of cognitive activity of preschoolers.

39. Development of search and research activities of preschoolers
in the process of experimentation.

40. The development of speech in children of early and younger preschool age.

41. Development of speech - lessons in rhetoric and speech etiquette.

42. Development of sensory abilities of preschoolers.

43. Development of sensory abilities through
didactic game.

45. Development of creative abilities of preschoolers by means
puppet theatre.

46. ​​Speech development of preschoolers

47. The role of motor mode for the health of preschoolers.

55. Theater - as a means of forming a coherent speech of preschoolers.

56. Theatrical activity as a means of developing creative
child's personality.

57. Physical development of children in play activities.

58. Physical culture and health work with children.

59. Formation of communicative qualities in children
junior (middle, senior) preschool age.

60. Formation of communicative qualities in older children
preschool age through communication with nature.

61. Formation of a culture of health in preschool children.

62. Formation of the principles of ecological culture of preschoolers.

65. Formation of children's speech in play activities.

67. Artistic and speech development of children through joint
theatrical activities of children and parents.

68. Ecological education of children in kindergarten.

69. Ecological development of children in the younger (middle, senior)
age group.

Olga Belyaeva
Plan of work on self-education for the 2014-2015 academic year.

Self-education work plan

for 2014-2015 academic year

Form: Individual self-education work plan.

Full name of the teacher: Belyaeva Olga Vladimirovna

Speciality: Caretaker

Education: Higher - Pedagogical

Pedagogical experience work: 10 years

Refresher courses:

Certificate No. 0720 according to topic: "Organization of a health-preserving system work in a preschool educational institution, taking into account federal state requirements "

start date work on the topic: 01. 11. 2012

Estimated end date work: 31. 08. 2016

Subject: "The formation of a valeological culture of preschoolers (3-7 years old) with the use of modern health-saving technologies.

Target: Mastering the methods of valeological education, the introduction of modern health-saving technologies in work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle among preschoolers, the improvement and dissemination of valeological propaganda among teachers and parents.


Increase your own level of knowledge by studying the necessary literature, attending refresher courses, joint work with specialists of the preschool educational institution, selection of the necessary information obtained from various journals, teaching aids, as well as through electronic educational resources.

-Develop long-term work plans with children of different age groups;

Conduct monitoring studies at the beginning and end school year;

Organize a systematic work with children;

Check out the activity center in the group "Cheers";

Provide consultations for teachers topic: "Formation of a healthy lifestyle";

Prepare material and conduct a master class for parents and teachers on topic: "The use of modern health-saving technologies with children in the classroom and in the daily routine";

- On one's own make health-saving attributes for use in working with children;

Stand design for parents: "Be healthy" in the dressing room.


"I'm not afraid again and again say:

health care is the most important teacher's work.

From the cheerfulness, cheerfulness of children depends on their

spiritual life, outlook, mental development,

strength of knowledge, faith in one's own strength.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

In 2012, I chose self-education direction -"Valeology". I believe that valeology reflects all aspects of a single direction work with preschoolers on the formation of views on a healthy lifestyle. The topic of children's health is of concern to everyone today. The problem of the deterioration of the health of the younger generation in recent years has become increasingly important. And human health is laid in childhood. The child's body is very plastic, it is much more sensitive to environmental influences than the body of an adult; and whether these influences are favorable or not, depends on how health develops.

Studies of domestic and foreign scientists have long established that human health is only 7-8% dependent on the success of healthcare and 50% on lifestyle. To be healthy, you need to master the art of preserving and strengthening it. This art, in my opinion, should be given as much attention as possible in a preschool institution, since preschool age is a favorable time for developing the right habits which, combined with teaching preschoolers how to improve and maintain health, will lead to positive results.

Forms work

With children With teachers With parents

GCD (health lessons, conversations, experiments, solving problem situations, physical exercises, various types of gymnastics (breathing, finger, articulatory, emotionally stimulating, awakening, self-massage, acupressure, hardening, studies for training individual muscle groups (psycho-muscular training, games for the development of motor-auditory memory, game trainings,

relaxation exercises, entertaining games on the formation of the basics of a healthy lifestyle, mobile, plot-role-playing, communicative, didactic games, games - situations, auto-trainings "Magical dream", vitamin therapy, music therapy, fintoncidotherapy, facial exercises (mask theater, the use of health-saving attributes, reading fiction (poems, stories, proverbs and sayings about healthy lifestyles, riddles and valeological tales)

Consultations, master classes, workshops on the exchange of experience, round tables with medical employees and specialists of preschool educational institutions, a notebook of interaction with specialists, questioning, attending master classes at a science festival on the topic "Health-Saving Technologies in Educational Institutions", as well as in other preschool educational institutions in order to gain experience Individual consultations, master classes, parent meetings, joint exhibitions, competitions, questionnaires, memos for parents, photo and video reports, folders for moving, constantly changing information on the health stand, a replenished collection of consultations "Family-Healthy"

practical outputs:

1. Holding a parent meeting. Subject: "Health Through Collaboration";

2. Conducting master classes for teachers and parents. Subject: "The use of modern health-saving technologies with children in the classroom and in the daily routine", "Application of modern health-saving technologies in the family";

3. Making a folder-movement. Subject: "The ABC of a healthy lifestyle";

4. Exhibition works. Subject: “I will save my health, I will help myself!”;

5. Making a collection of advice for parents. Subject: "Family - healthy";

6. Preparation and implementation of the project for topic: "The Magic Book of Health";

7. Progress report work per academic year.


Yakovleva N. G. Psychological assistance to a preschooler. - St. Petersburg: Valerie SPD, 2002.

Zebzeva V. A. Organization of regime processes in preschool educational institutions. - M.: TC Sphere, 2007.

Terpugova E. A. Valeological education of preschool children age: a manual for teachers. – Rostov n/ D: Phoenix, 2007.

Knyazeva O. L. I, you, We: Social and emotional development of children from 3 to 6 years: educational- methodical manual for preschool teachers. - M .: Education, 2005.

Frolova E. S., Tsvetkova E. E. Explore myself: educational- a methodological guide for the formation of theoretical knowledge and practical skills of a healthy lifestyle in preschool children. - Yaroslavl.

Obukhova L. A., Lemyaskina N. A. Thirty health lessons for first graders: Toolkit. - M .: TC "Sphere", 1999.

Lazareva N. E. Program in valeology for children of senior preschool age. Yaroslavl, 2006.

Muravyov A. V., Zaitsev L. G. Introduction to valeology: educational-Toolkit. - Yaroslavl, 1997.

Novikova I. M. Formation of ideas about healthy lifestyle among preschoolers. - M .: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2009.

Gavryuchina L. V. Health-saving technologies in DOW: Toolkit. - M .: TC Sphere, 2008.