Corporate holiday on the day of the railwayman. Musical entertainment in kindergarten for children of the senior group "Day of the railwayman". Scenario

Scenario concert program, dedicated to the Day Railwayman.

The concert numbers presented in this scenario can be shown both from the stage and at a corporate party. The melody of the song "There is only a moment" sounds. There are 2 hosts on stage.

Everything is ghostly behind the car windows,
The train takes you to an unfamiliar distance,
There ahead we see only hope,
And sadness is left behind.

Half stops and stations fly by
Do not count how many there are along the way.
The snow outside the window accompanies us with dances.
In the rhythm of the wheels I hear: "Don't be sad!"

Anyone who has ever been a passenger on a train
Knows how hard it is for you.
Thank you railroaders.
My song is dedicated to you.

Lead 1. Today is the Day of the Railwayman, and even a person whose life is in no way connected with trains and stations will surely have memories of nights in the car, passing under the sound of wheels.
Lead 2. The romance of the roads attracts everyone, regardless of age and position. Therefore, all of us, passengers, today congratulate those who make such travel possible. Happy holiday, dear railroad workers! (A word for congratulations and awards to employees of the administration of the enterprise.)
Lead 2 For all those who have devoted their lives to the railway, this song sounds.

(At the discretion of the event organisers.)

Lead 1. Let's remember who we should thank for this holiday.
(A screen is installed in the background of the stage, on which a presentation is projected from a computer. The presentation tells about the history of the emergence and development of Russian railways. Accompanied by suitable music).

Lead 2.(Announces musical number at the discretion of the organizers)
Lead 1. By the way, my friend's wife is a conductor, so he says that it's just awful!
Lead 2 Why not?

Lead 1. He says that he has to rock the bed all night.

As soon as you stop, she gets up and locks the toilet with a key ...
Lead 2 To congratulate you, dear railway workers, the most famous conductor, Veerka Serduchka, came to the concert. We meet!
My dear colleagues, happy holiday to you, our beloved!
Hello, dear Vera, happy holiday to you too! By the way, according to statistics, there are fewer accidents on the railway than on the highway. You don't know why?
Of course I know. Firstly, because trains never jump into the opposite track. And secondly, have you ever seen a machinist kissing a stoker on the go?
(Serduchka's monologue)

Again, the joints of the train creak.
I'll get tired of myself.
Blackens the abyss outside the window.
Stations - light, but rare,
Stations are short.

And the passengers are asleep.
And a quiet whistle
replaced by a roaring growl,

There is no better locomotive
There is no driver better!

6th Rushing along the rails of the train,
Powerful Lineups
The cargo is being transported here and there,
Like crossings!
Passenger at the window
Full of proud arrogance:
He will see the whole world,
Cities and villages!

7th Suitcases and bags
Nestled under the shelf.
He takes out pies:
The path is quite long!
How much joy brings
The train is our helper...
All thanks to you.

Lead 1. The younger generation dedicates its concert number to everyone who is present at our celebration.
(Children sing the song "Blue Wagon")

Lead 2. The significant anniversary of the 65th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 The words of our gratitude are addressed to the railroad veterans who went through the roads of the war, and to all those who today are on a well-deserved rest and with their active participation help the teams to solve the tasks they face.

Lead 1. We wish all railwaymen, transport veterans and their families good health and prosperity, meet our holiday with optimism and new successes in work. And the honorary machinist will speak before you ...
(The machinist enters the stage and reads poetry)

Many different professions
Yes, we can see with you
Bequeathed by fate.
You are a machinist, so am I
The train has become our home
We are sad at times, and yet
We are waiting for the native station.
Today the way to the west
And tomorrow - to the east,
Traveled around Russia
We are far and wide.
Sometimes the path is not easy
Snowstorm, snowdrifts, heat,
But there are many passengers
Behind our back.
We, brother, are responsible for them,
Cause people believe us
No wonder the preference
Given to trains.
Many different professions
Do not count them all
And the railroad workers
Special honor!

Lead 2. For railroad veterans, this is a musical number.
(Musical number at the discretion of the organizers)

Lead 1. Our concert is coming to an end, but the celebration continues. We invite everyone to the territory of the enterprise, where you will find many interesting attractions, such as: Pulling train.

Lead 2. Relay with a sleeper.

Lead 1. Racing on pytemepitelnyh carts.

Lead 2. Competition for the speed of hammering and pulling out crutches into wooden ones
sleepers by hand.

Lead 1. Throwing various hand tools for a distance.

Lead 2. The holiday will end at 22-00 with festive fireworks, which will fire 10 electric locomotives VL80 *, driving under a wire with direct current.
Lead 1. There is no person on earth who has not traveled by rail at least once in his life. Songs and poems were dedicated to her, classics wrote about her - all because the muse of changing places excites our imagination.
Lead 2. We wish you success in your interesting but difficult work, happiness in personal life and, of course, health! Happy holiday!

(Final musical number. At the discretion of the organizers)

The script used materials from the following sites:

Railroad Day is a holiday of people who are related to the main transport artery connecting the cities. Traditionally prepared for the holiday solemn events which can not do without fun competitions, games, quizzes and fun competitions between railway workers and everyone who wants to share this day with them.

fun train

This is a game whose rules are simple and understandable to everyone.
1. Participants place their hands on the waist of the player who is standing in front of them, lining up like this in a chain.
2. The first player blows the whistle to call for movement.
3. Moves first quickly and unpredictably, trying to get around obstacles.
4. Other participants do not disengage their hands, trying to maintain their chain composition.
For real funny game it turns out if the players shout “Tu-tu” along the way. Those left in the chain are the winners.
The spirit of rivalry is brought into this game by dividing the guests into two teams. The one whose train will be longer by the end of the competition will win.

Catch the stowaway!

Enough space is allocated for the game so that the participants can maneuver freely. 4 to 6 players can take part. All but one, who acts as a stowaway, are blindfolded. The leader gives a signal, after which the pursuit of the offender begins. Watching such a game is just as fun as participating in it. Players will not only have to catch a stowaway blindly, but also determine by touch that the one they were looking for was caught.

Go through the tunnel

Guests are divided into two teams, in front of each there are several chairs. The host gives a signal, after which the first members of the opposing teams run to the chairs, lie on the floor and try to crawl under the obstacles. After successfully passing the “tunnel”, they return to the team and pass the baton to another. The team with the full complement will win. will pass faster tunnel. In order not to upset those guests who, due to their complexion, cannot crawl under a chair, they alternatively use a rope (it is pulled at a certain height).

Gather your composition

The game is played by two teams with an equal number of players. Each is given the same number of chairs. Rules of the game.
1. Team players simultaneously run with a chair in their hands to the finish line, put it on a certain (previously marked) point, and return to the team.
2. The next ones run with chairs to the finish line, leaving them behind the previous ones put up earlier.
3. When all the players have arranged the chairs with a train, the first one runs to his chair, sits on it and shouts: “The train is leaving!”. These words are a signal to other team members who need to run to the chairs faster and sit on them.
The team that completes the task the fastest wins.

All for passenger comfort

A great game for ladies who can try their hand at the role of conductors of an unusual train. Each of the two teams has five girls.
They are waiting for a capricious passenger who needs to be served so that the road is comfortable.
1. The task of the first conductor: put the chairs in a row, put the passenger to bed.
2. The task of the second conductor is to bring a pillow to the passenger.
3. The task of the third guide: cover with a blanket.
4. Task four: bring tea and drink it.
5. Task five: wake up the passenger.
The group of conductors that does everything faster wins.
There is another version of the conductors' competition. For it, you need to choose two players. In front of each conductor is not an easy task- to please a passenger who is either cold or hot, or the tea is unsweetened, or the pillow is not soft enough. In the role of a passenger, an ingenious guest of the holiday is preliminarily chosen. For the sake of a joke, you can take several passengers, whom the “conductors” will try to please in everything at the same time. Physical endurance, moral endurance, tact and willpower are evaluated to determine the winner.

Bring the tea

First, with the help of improvised items, they build a “carriage corridor”, making it narrow. It differs from the usual tortuosity. At the end of the "corridor" the conductors are waiting for a passenger who is eager to warm himself with tea. The task of the participants, acting as conductors, is to bring tea to the passenger, overcoming a difficult path, spilling a minimum of liquid. So that the competition is not dangerous, cups of iced tea (another drink) are given to the players. The winner is a smart and fast guide.

Drag composition

Many are familiar with the tug-of-war competition. On the day of the railwayman, the game can be called jokingly "tugging the composition." Teams, after the leader's signal, pull the "composition" towards themselves. The winner is the one who has the strength to pull the “composition” to his side (beyond the line indicated earlier).

Railway song contest

Not enough music at the party? Use a simple contest that vocal connoisseurs will appreciate. The task of the participants is to remember more songs that mention the railway theme. It is important not only to remember the song, but also to sing a few lines. Vivid examples of such compositions are “Rushing train”, “Again she ran away from me”, “Conductor”, “Wait, locomotive”.

Competition of railway writers

A competition that tests the memory of railroad workers. It is enough to invite several participants of the festive event, whose task is to name more masterpieces of the literary world, where there would be a mention of the railway theme. Believe me, there are many more works besides Anna Karenina. Among them are "Heinrich", "Moscow-Petushki", "Intruders".

Test for knowledge of the rules

Train instructions are prepared in advance. The competition is musical, so they choose a phonogram (preferably songs that are well known to everyone). The task of the players.
1. Read the instructions.
2. Get acquainted with the proposed melody.
3. Try to sing instructions to the music, modifying them, choosing a rhyme, but leaving the meaning.
The winner is chosen by voting. The losers are given consolation prizes.

Build a railroad

The game involves two teams, each of them will have to build their own "railway". Use personal items. Belts, ties, shawls, scarves, etc. can be used. The game will amuse those present. Thirsty to win, than they don’t sacrifice for the sake of the “railway”.

What ticket do you have?

You can't get on the train without a ticket. In this competition, the participants guess which tickets the passengers of their train have. The team that guesses the ticket type faster wins.
1. Such a ticket informs about a future event, a certain event (the answer is an invitation).
2. It is purchased for the use of public transport, its validity period is one month (the answer is a travel pass).
3. It is needed in order to see the performance of an idol, a star (the answer is a concert ticket).
4. He will allow you to become a participant in the prize draw (the answer is a lottery ticket).
5. With its help, knowledge is checked (the answer is an examination ticket).
6. The one that everyone has, but they want more (the answer is bank).
If celebratory event in honor of the Day of the Railwayman is coming to an end, but the guests want to have fun, simple universal contests are also used.

skill competition

Oh, how many tasks and responsibilities have secretaries working on the railroad. Don't believe? Try to take on this role. For the competition in advance:
prepare simple cardboard folders with strings;
Folders are stacked.
The essence of the competition
1. At the player's signal, folders are tied.
2. You need to tie, strictly following this rule: the bottom tie of one folder is connected to the top tie of the second, etc.
The winner is the one who copes with the task, do not make mistakes, the fastest.

Whose train is faster

Modified, familiar to many competition. For him, you will need two toy trains, they are tied with a thread to pencils. The task of the players is to wind the thread faster (using a pencil) so that the composition reaches the finish line. The winner gets his "fast train".

Who will quickly escape from the evil head of the train?

Don't fall under the arm evil boss trains are not as easy as it seems. Players will have to run, or rather, jump in bags. To escape, the participants need to move faster. The first three players who escaped the boss at the finish line receive prizes, the rest are to be sympathized with.
The celebration ends with the distribution of awards. Issue medals or diplomas, according to nominations.
1. The most dexterous and attentive conductor.
2. The best voice of the composition.
3. Fast-footed railwayman.
4. Strong railroad.
5. Inventive railway worker.
6. The most active participant.
Railway Day is a holiday that can be made unforgettable by turning to proven contests, quizzes and games. They will not let guests get bored and sit still. Even those people who prefer to watch the fun from the side, avoiding active participation in competitions, enjoy an exciting scenario.

Scenario of musical entertainment "Day of the railwayman

Target: to instill in children respect for railway professions, a sense of pride in Russian railways.
Tasks: evoke an emotionally positive attitude towards entertainment, develop Creative skills. To develop early career guidance to the choice of railway professions.
Today we meet dear guests,
Beautiful we dressed up, a little light.
Congratulations to all railroad workers,
And we send from all the children:
Children: Hello!
Children read poetry
1st child:
Who will answer why
So beautiful all around?
And where we don't look
Friend on the left and friend on the right.
Very fun today, ringing songs sound!
Kindergarten celebrates Railroad Day!
2nd child:
Happy Railway Day
Our favorite kindergarten
We wish you happiness, joy
For guests and children!

Leading: May this day be joyful
Poems sound and songs flow
Let with us in a festive round dance
All guests dance and laugh.

Round dance "The holiday has come to us"

- The profession of a railway worker is interesting, necessary and honorable. Many children dream of working on the railroad in the future. Arseniy, for example, wants to become a machinist.

The poem "I will be a machinist"

Antoshka wants to be a doctor,
Valerka is a hockey player,
And I already decided a long time ago
That I will be a machinist.

I will drive trains
I can do work.
Carry people all over the country
Sit down, who cares.

Rush my train, only smoke
Grows in a clean field.
You envy me
Doctors and footballers!

I'm not even six yet
But I'm in a hurry to grow up.
The days go by unnoticed
Kindergarten, school, institute ...
You wait a little
favorite road!

Trains take us from station to station
Through the carriage window, all of Russia is visible.
Rivers, groves, towns, cities flash by.
Forests, spacious fields and herds in the meadows.
The wheels are knocking merrily, in a hurry, running
As if they are singing a cheerful song with us.

Guys, let's take a ride on the train with you?
But before you set off on our journey, you guys must solve riddles.
I went into the gray house
But he didn't stay in it for long.
This house turned out
Fast in a different city.

Four brothers
They chase each other
And they can't catch up
The thread is pulled
And do not roll into a ball
iron huts
Holding on to each other
On the way he stands
On one leg
And bright eyes
Winks at me

Who is on the rails, on the tracks
Trains leads to us?
Leading: And now the guys will hit the road, let's close our eyes and ... we will find ourselves at the magical station. The children open their eyes: the guide is in front of them.
(music station sounds)
Conductor: Hello my dear passengers! We are glad to see you on the platform, from which our train will depart in a few minutes. What do we need to get on the train? Right! Ticket!
Leading: Let's take a train ticket with you guys. And we will get it for the poems that you know about the railway.
Children read poetry
1st child:
Lots of threads
Live silver
Unwound its balls,
To take us by rail
Trains drove day and night.

2nd child:
There is no more reliable railroad,
Any child knows this
If these are "roads of Russia",
The road has a steel character.

3rd child:
In our difficult time - to work,
Do not fall behind and do not go astray,
After all, not everyone can do it -
Locomotives on rails to carry.

4th child:
Russian Railways are sonorous violins
In a huge orchestra of the country,
And any man without error
These sounds will be heard in the distance.
(praises children, distributes tickets and asks to take their seats)
Conductor: And to make it more fun for us to go, let's sing a song.
The song "Electric Train" Vidisheva M.M. (to the music. "Ah, Samara town!")
Children sing while sitting on chairs, swaying to the beat of the music, like passengers in an electric train.

1. It’s not a bird, it’s not a bird
He sings this song.
This is our train
Gaining full speed.

Overcrowded wagons
It's just rubbish
Sing along to our song
Diesel horns.

2. And birches, like sisters
Freezing on the hill
Waving, waving the train
Early in the morning at dawn.

Conductor: Attention attention! Our train stops at a beautiful forest clearing. Train stop 15 minutes. Come out the children from the cars.
Leading: Children, now let's play with you.
Mobile game "PAROVOZIK"
Purpose of the game: to develop dexterity, physical strength and endurance.
Materials needed for the game: a rope to mark the start (finish) line, flags on a stand or other items to indicate the turn point.
Game progress
All players are divided into 2 teams. On a signal, the first player runs, runs around the flag and comes back. At the start, the next player clings to him, putting his hands on his waist, and they run the same distance together. Then, at the start, a third player joins them and everything repeats from the beginning. The action is repeated until all members of the team run the distance, grappling into a train. The first team to return to the start wins. The longer the trains are, the more fun the game will be.
The heroes of the holiday monitor the implementation of the rules of the game.
Conductor: Attention, attention! Citizens passengers! There are 3 minutes left before the train departs. Please take your seats.

Our train rushed on
Coppices are cities.
Let's sing ditties now.
Children, are you all ready?
Children: Yes!
1. Machinists love songs,
We are not far behind them.
Our children's ditties
We sing to you from the heart.
2. There is a lot of cargo on the platforms:
Coal, wood, metal, ore.
Everything needs to be delivered urgently.
In our villages, cities.
3. He sits at the computer,
Red girl.
Issues tickets to everyone
All the way to the border
4. The driver is young,
Call him Andryusha.
How to buzz in a whistle,
Pawns ears.
5. About the railway
You can sing until the evening
Yes, we have such a problem -
We have nothing more to sing
Conductor: Attention, attention! Our train makes a stop at the postal station. Train stop 15 minutes. Come out the children from the cars.
Leading: Guys, what are the trains? passenger, postal-luggage, cargo. And what do mail and luggage trains carry?
Relay "Mail train"
Whose team will deliver the “package” faster
Conductor: oh guys, we have an emergency, the train whistle has disappeared, how can we go without it? How are we going to signal the train, call the passengers? (Music "Song Shapoklyak" Lyrics by E. Uspensky, music by V. Shainsky)
(Shapoklyak enters importantly to the music)

Shapoklyak- What's going on here? Why gathering?
Holiday? So are you congratulating me?
Well done, right! Let's quickly gifts! Where are they? Why can't I see?
Leading Guys, do you know who this is? (Shapoklyak)
We don't have gifts for you. After all, today is not your holiday
Shapoklyak- Ah well! If you don’t want to give gifts, then I will interfere with you, disrupt your performance! And I won’t give you a whistle (teasing)
Leading- So you messed it up? Give us back the Engine, we have a holiday
Shapoklyak- I'm not going back! And I'm not going back! And I'm not going back! (sticks tongue out) - He can't go without a signal. Ha-ha!
Leading- And then we will not sing your favorite song to you!
Shapoklyak- " Blue carriage?"
Leading- Yes.
Shapoklyak- Okay, so be it, sing, and then I will return your horn.
Leading- No, really, first you return our whistle, and then we will sing to you!
Shapoklyak- Okay, so be it.
Shapoklyak (interrupting) - That's it, I returned it to you, sing my favorite song faster.
Leading- Are you still going to be mean?
Shapoklyak - Of course not!
(Song "Blue Wagon" Lyrics by E. Uspensky, music by V. Shainsky performed by children)
Shapoklyak- Thank you, thank you! You touched me with your singing! Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka gave you gifts, but I didn’t want to give them to you, but after my favorite song I became kind! Well, that's all for now! Great things await me! I'll go to Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka.
(gives gifts-package and leaves)
The beep sounds.
Conductor: Attention attention! Citizens passengers! Our journey ends and we return to our native kindergarten. Passengers are requested not to forget their belongings in the carriage.
(children leave the playground by train)

1. Stashkova T.N., Sheboldina L.N. program "We are the future railway workers" M. Publishing house "Gnome and D", 2007
2. Blokhina E.V., Yakunina T.V. program "Railway traditions in the education of preschoolers"
3. Used Internet resources

At the beginning of August, on the first Sunday of the month, our country celebrates the Day of the Railwayman. In 2019, its date falls on August 4th. 1 million 200 thousand people work in this industry in Russia.

Behind long years There are traditions of this holiday. The program of events includes concerts of professional and amateur art groups, exhibitions, sports competitions. At many enterprises there are evenings timed to coincide with the holiday.

Scenario of a corporate party for the Railwayman's Day

Holding a corporate holiday on the occasion of the Day of the railway worker can be started with a congratulation:
– Dear railroad workers! Today is your holiday, and we are happy to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts! Thank you for your hard work and the right job that you do every day for our common good. We wish that the green semaphore always burns for all your undertakings!

– The railway is the world
Ways, roads, platforms and someone's destinies.
And to all who gave themselves entirely to her,
The lowest bow! It won't even be enough!

Responsibility, attention, account -
All this is about you, dear guardian.
The railroad is the whole world,
And you are the most important ruler in it!

So let the work please you
Brings goodness and prosperity.
And let the family understand you
And pampered with love and attention!

Then on corporate event, timed to coincide with the Day of the Railwayman, a story about this solemn date will be heard.

Dear friends! Today we celebrate wonderful holiday. Did you know that its history spans over a hundred years? It was established in 1896 and timed to coincide with the birthday of Emperor Nicholas I, thanks to whom the construction of railways in Russia began.

- Under Nicholas was built Railway to Tsarskoye Selo, the road between Moscow and St. Petersburg. IN pre-revolutionary period, until 1917, the Railwayman's Day was celebrated in our country on June 25th.

- And then the holiday was forgotten for almost twenty years. The tradition of honoring workers in this industry was revived in the USSR only in 1936. The Day of the Railwayman began to be celebrated on July 30, and later his celebration was moved to the first Sunday of August.

Further, according to the plan for holding the holiday for the Day of the Railwayman, the floor will be given to the management. The solemn part will end with the awarding the best employees, presenting them with diplomas and memorable gifts.

– Railways –
Arteries of the country!
It is clear to many
How important they are!

And the railroad
Profession people
sensible, cautious
In responsible work!

And summer gathered again
Friends of steel machines,
So that good holiday this
Mark heartily!

And we congratulate you
And we sincerely wish
Health - for a hundred years,
In business - green light!

Invite several employees to the stage who will tell you what influenced their choice of profession, what qualities they value most in people, which of their veteran colleagues are most often remembered. You can organize an amateur art concert in which your colleagues will take part.

Contests at the corporate party on the Day of the Railwayman

Scenario corporate celebration The day of the railroad may include funny Games and contests. The presenters will offer those who wish to answer the questions of the quiz.

1. What was the name of the railway workers in the nineteenth century before last?
a) coachmen (correct);
b) drivers;
c) wayfarers;
d) plantains.

2. Which of the professions actually exists?
a) highway flyer (wrong answer);
b) tracker;
c) road overseer;
d) platform controller.

3. What position is available in the staff list of the railway station?
a) rail layer (correct answer);
b) the compiler of the protocols;
c) the compiler of trains;
d) carrier of suitcases.

4. What device allows the rolling stock (trains) to move from the main track to adjacent ones?
a) arrow (correct);
b) barrier;
c) semaphore;
d) shoe.

5. What does the conductor carry on the train?
A) silver plate(wrong);
b) bed linen;
c) spare wheels;
d) gossip about passengers.

After that, team competitions will begin under the corporate program for the Railwayman's Day.

The presenters will announce the baton “Who will pass the ticket faster”.
- Passengers hustle
They fuss and run.
Suitcases, suitcases,
Suitcases here and there.
They run straight to the checkout.
- Give us a ticket!
- Oh, please take it! -
Sounds like a polite answer.

The contestants are divided into teams. Their members must pass the "ticket" issued to them along the chain to the end of the "train" as soon as possible.

The leader will take the floor again:
“Unfortunately, tickets have been purchased for all passengers. And now we will need to find the "hares".
All participants are blindfolded, except for one, who will be the stowaway. At the signal of the leader, blindfolded players will have to find the "hare".

The next relay race is called "Serve the Passenger". 5 people are selected from each team. They have to serve the passengers.

The first participant, on a signal, runs to the passenger, puts three chairs in a row and puts him to bed. The second participant carries a pillow to the passenger, the third - a blanket. The fourth person offers a glass of tea or other drink and gives the passenger a drink. And the fifth with an alarm clock rings over the passenger's ear so that he does not oversleep his stop. The team that completes the task first wins.

Another competition is called "Steam". Teams line up behind their captain. At the signal of the leader, the "locomotives" set off. Participants need to pay attention to the leader's signals. If the yellow flag is folded, then they go fast, if it is deployed - slowly, if the red semaphore is on, you need to stop.

Then a relay race is held "Whose train will arrive faster?". Team members stand up like a “train”, holding on to each other, and thus come to the finish line. The task of the leader in front, who is constantly changing the route, is to create obstacles on the way so that some of the participants are eliminated from the game.

The scenario of the holiday for the Day of the Railwayman will be enlivened by musical competitions.

- Without what it is difficult to imagine a railway worker? That's right, no whistle. Therefore, I invite everyone to take part in the "Funny Whistles" contest.

4-6 participants are selected, each receives a whistle. The task is to whistle the melodies of a song.

After that, it is carried out team competition"Name the song."
- I suggest you play
Songs you must name
Only songs are difficult -
Lyrical and groovy!

The facilitator will ask the participants to list as many songs as possible that mention the railway. (These can be the songs “Our locomotive is flying forward ...”, “Wait, locomotive, don’t knock, wheels ...”, “I’m standing at the half-station”, “The train will go to Tikhoretskaya”, “Lilac fog”, “Blue car”, “He went away on a night train ... ", etc.).

Then the jury will sum up the results of the competitions and award prizes to the winners.

A will complete corporate party on Railwayman's Day poetry reading:

Rails, sleepers, stops,
Passengers, sorting,
Freight transportation…
And yet the schedule is tight.

On wheels you live
Even sleep at work -
Everything is under the sound of wheels.
Traveling is not an issue for you.

We wish you today
So that you are always lucky on the way,
unusual passengers
To you so that the wind skidded.

Among them: success, health,
Optimism, luck, laughter.
By the way, they need, imagine
Only one wagon for all!

Railway workers are funny people, so they will gladly dilute solemn part festive evening entertaining games with a professional bias.

Here are some examples of such games:

***Fun Train***

Players line up in a chain, holding each other by the waist. The player standing in front gives a signal with a whistle and starts moving, avoiding obstacles along the way, turning sharply into different sides and gradually picking up the pace. At the same time, it is advisable to periodically shout: “Tu-tu.” The task of the rest is to keep the composition without disengaging their hands.

If there are many participants, you can split into two teams, so it will be even more fun. The team that keeps their train the longest wins.

***Find a free rider***

All participants are blindfolded, except for one, he will be a stowaway. At the signal of the leader, blindfolded players try to find the "hare". This spectacle is very funny, because you can catch and identify a free rider only by touch, and this is not so easy.


The players are divided into two teams. Two or three chairs are placed in front of each team. On a signal, the first players from the teams run to the chairs and crawl under them. Then they run back to the start, and pass the baton to the next participants. The team whose players go through the tunnel first wins.

If the build of the players does not allow them to crawl under the chair, you can simply pull the rope at the height you need.

***Collect the cast***

The game requires two teams of players and the same number of chairs. Teams line up at the start with their chairs. On a signal, the first participant runs with a chair to the finish line, puts it in the designated place and rushes back. The second player runs and puts his chair behind the first, like a train. Then the rest of the participants do the same in turn. When the last player has set up his chair at the finish line, he sits in front of the "train" and shouts "The train is leaving!". After these words, everyone else rushes to take their places on their chairs. The first team to assemble their line-up wins.

**Everything for the passenger***

For this relay, two teams of female guides of 5 people are needed. At the finish line, each of the teams is waiting for a passenger who needs to be served in full. The first girl, on a signal, runs to the passenger, puts three chairs in a row and puts him to bed. The second girl carries a pillow to the passenger, the third - a blanket. The fourth girl carries a glass of tea (or other drink) and gives the passenger a drink. And finally, the fifth conductor runs with an alarm clock and rings them over the passenger's ear so that he does not oversleep his stop. She then pushes him out of the "wagon". The first team to complete all these actions wins.

***Squad dragging***

This competition is reminiscent of a tug of war, but since we have, then the name of the competition should be appropriate. Two teams, on a signal, begin to pull the rope, that is, the “composition”, each in their own direction. The team with the stronger members wins.

***Song Contest***

simple and fun competition for lovers and connoisseurs of vocals. You need to remember and sing as many songs about trains as possible. Here are examples of these songs: “Blue Wagon”, “Lilac Fog”, “He drove away on a night train”, “Wait, locomotive”, “She ran away from me again”, “The train is rushing”.

Based on the results of the competitions, the best participants can and should be awarded medals:

  • Best Railway Voice
  • The fast legs of the railroad
  • The nimble hands of the railroad
  • The beauty of the railway
  • The strength of the railroad
  • Most Active Member
  • The most caring conductor
  • Most attentive driver

Happy railroad day!

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