Family fun for new year at home. Video: Family competitions for the new year. Holiday script. In the forest with family and friends

If you can't refuse home gatherings, at least diversify the table with treats that you have never tried. Let there not be a single familiar dish and drink on your table. Taste the cuisine of another country, ask your friends for recipes for delicious dishes and make your own cocktails - alcoholic or not.

There is still a lot of time before the New Year, so you will have time to make an unusual menu.

By the way, if you decide to cook traditional dishes of other nations, why not celebrate the holiday in the style of the country whose cuisine you have chosen?

2. Join the traditions of another country

This is another way to celebrate the New Year with relatives and friends, but make it unusual and memorable. Decorate your home in the style of another country. For example, Japanese kadomatsu or Chinese lanterns and pictures with wishes.

Give each other special gifts, such as homemade candles in Sweden, dogwood sticks in Bulgaria, paired items like cups or candles in China.

10. Celebrate the New Year on a plane

As a rule, plane tickets become more expensive on the eve of the holidays, as people tend to celebrate the New Year already on the spot. And on the dates of the holidays themselves, on the contrary, tickets become much cheaper.

If you take tickets for December 31, you will kill two birds with one stone: save on the road and get an unusual experience of celebrating the New Year a few kilometers above the ground.

The more interesting you spend this day, the more chances you have for a New Year's miracle.

And how did you celebrate your brightest and most memorable New Year? Share your experience in the comments.

Hello dear readers! Congratulations on the upcoming New Year. I promised you a surprise for the holiday,

How to celebrate the new year at home interesting and fun? Many people ask themselves this question before the New Year. At your service is a ready-made script and recommendations from an experienced toastmaster with 15 years of experience, the organizer of many memorable parties at home.

You can start celebrating from 22.00. After the traditional toasts for the outgoing year and “There is a small gap between the first and second”, I propose to read to the guests present a message about how they drink different alcoholic beverages.

How different alcoholic drinks are drunk

TURKISH VODKA: Brought - Opened - Tried - Closed - Donated;

TEQUILA: Licked - Drank - Bit;

COGNAC "FRIENDSHIP": Opened - Closed - Threw away;

YOUNG MOLDOVAN WINE: Drank - Jumped up - Ran - Didn't have time;

EXPENSIVE FRENCH WINE: Bought - Delivered - I look;

VODKA: Drank - Wanted - Seduced - Disgraced - Fell asleep;

MARTINI: Ordered - Drank - Gave;

SOVIET CHAMPAGNE: Bought - Drank - Crying - Laughing - Sleeping - I'm taking it home;

BEER: I drank - I went - I drank - I went - I drank - I drank - I fell asleep - ...

Offered before how to celebrate new year at home for real, hold a couple of competitions and dance a little.

Think in advance where you will dance and hold New Year's competitions at home.

Invite guests to start having fun and play New Year's KVN. To do this, you need to create two teams (if there is a husband and wife, it is better in different teams, but not newlyweds).

Each team chooses a captain and comes up with a name, in the theme of the New Year.

The telegrams sent to them for the New Year are read to the participants. Need to guess who sent them? For example, you can read and say the answer to one of the telegrams.

Guess whose telegram.

1. “I allow you to get drunk today, you won’t drink me anyway”

2." We wish you that we come true "

3. "If you get drunk, then there is nothing to blame on me."


2 Competition - Guess the proverb.

In turn, from each team, one by one, they go to the leader, choose one of the pieces of paper offered by the fan. There is a proverb or saying written on it.

Task: show your team the content of the proverb without words, using facial expressions and gestures so that your team can guess it. If their own team does not guess, the other team can guess.

For each guessed proverb - 1 point.

Remember, the main thing is that you can celebrate the New Year at home in a fun and interesting way.

Here are examples of proverbs that can be shown relatively easily and funny.

A woman with a cart is easier for a mare.

Do not dig a hole for another, you will fall into it yourself.

Do not open your mouth at someone else's loaf

After the meeting of the New Year, you can continue KVN.

3Competition- mathematical.

Everyone participates or if there are a lot of people - 4-6 people. Arrange them in a circle in this order: from one team - from another, from one team - from another.

One after another, in a circle, the participants must name in order the numbers from 1 to 30, but ... if a number with the number 3 comes across or the number is divisible by 3, then instead of the number the player must say: “Happy New Year” and raise his hands.

The erring person is out of the game, and the count starts from 1 from the next person behind the erroneous person. The team whose members (or member) remained and did not make a mistake wins.

4 Competition

Captains are involved. On a signal, they begin simultaneously to tell a story on the topic: How I spent today.( or any other topic )

The task is to talk over the opponent, that is, whoever stops his story first - he lost.

What will you get?

  • The full version of the script for the New Year at home
  • For each competition video an example of a competition with a detailed description of the competition in HD quality
  • As a bonus, files with ready-made materials needed for the games are attached, which can be directly printed and immediately used for the holiday.
  • Live hands-on New Year's Eve experience

Who is this course for?

  • For those who go to the New Year and want to organize an unusual, bright, cheerful and unforgettable holiday
  • For leisure organizers, parents and all those who want to give their friends and loved ones a memorable New Year
  • For beginners leading weddings, anniversaries, corporate parties and entertainment and gaming programs.
  • For the owners of the house who want to often invite friends and relatives to visit them, surprise them with a warm, cheerful holiday atmosphere in their house
  • For those who want to relax, laugh and have fun
  • For those who want to learn how to arrange a holiday for every taste and in any company

Why me?

  • I have 15 years of practical experience in professional weddings, anniversaries and parties
  • 30 years of experience in the school, where evenings, competitions and games were held with youth, parents and teachers
  • All my life I organize and lead all New Year celebrations in small and medium-sized companies at home
  • All anniversaries and birthdays of my closest friends and relatives happen only with my active participation (including my wedding and wedding anniversary at home)
  • From the age of 15 I have not parted with a camera, the whole history of my life and the life of people close to me has passed through my camera.
  • Now, for the last 20 years, everything is also recorded on video.
  • I have a great desire to boast of my skill and skill in arranging fun at the table and in any company to be a skirmisher of festive mood
  • I want you to use my experience for your home holidays and family celebrations, as well as actively apply the knowledge gained in practice anywhere

In honor of the holiday, get a 70% discount. Cheerful mood for the price of a bottle of champagne.

Do you want a cheerful mood for the whole year 2015? -

I have appeared, where you will find a lot of interesting material for having fun holidays at home and in any company.

Actively share with your friends in social networks what you like.

Everyone knows the "rule" about how you celebrate the New Year - that's how you live it.

But the most important tradition, more precisely, even the "New Year's law" sounds like this: New Year should be celebrated cheerfully and solemnly! And how you spend it is up to you.

The main thing is the right attitude! Admit it, what thoughts come to mind to many of your acquaintances and friends (and maybe you too?) At the mention of the New Year? Probably something like this: “Well, the New Year is coming again. What does it mean? This means another shopping spree, heavy bags, Olivier salads and herring under a fur coat, overeating on the night of 31 to 1, and then a mountain of dirty dishes, a hangover, a headache ... God, why does everyone love this one so much New Year? So much fuss, running around, trouble, and all for what? We'll sit by the TV all night anyway. And the wits also say: “New Year is the brightest and most romantic holiday!” What is so romantic about it? Well, just think, a Christmas tree, toys, candles, gifts... And what's so special about it?..»

So, this is the wrong attitude! Down with boredom and despondency! Arrange an unforgettable holiday for yourself and your friends! Prepare for New Year's Eve under the motto: "Boredom does not belong here!" Just imagine what a wonderful beautiful Christmas tree - all in colorful balls, tinsel, bright lights, bows! And the smell! .. The smell of a Christmas tree from the frost and ripe tangerines! And the snow! White, iridescent in the light, fluffy, light! White color is the color of freshness, purity.. Don't you feel like New Year yet? After all, this means buying gifts in rustling packages, Santa Clauses in toy stores, champagne bubbles, chiming clocks, congratulations, a festive table with candles, favorite salads. After all, this is the most romantic and bright holiday in the goal! And what if we cancel the traditional seat in front of the TV with a festive program and arrange ... at least a carnival!

Here are some simple tips to help you make this wonderful, magical holiday just fabulous!

1. Make blanks for New Year's masks in advance so that each invitee can choose who he will be this evening. You can make it easier and give guests a “task” to make a mask for themselves.

2. Arrange a contest for the most original toast or the most unusual New Year's wish in the "image", that is, come up with a congratulation on behalf of your character. You can pre-distribute the names of the characters to the guests.

3. Host a toasting contest. There may be several options here:

- just New Year's toasts will sound;

- you can give guests cards designed in the form of New Year's cards (which, by the way, you can make yourself) and write the first part of the toast on them, and the guest must come up with a continuation for him.

4. Arrange "Fortune-telling crackers." To do this, you need to make crackers with different fillings, according to which guests will determine what awaits them in the new year. For example, these could be:

Coins (to wealth);

Chocolate candy (for a sweet life);

Apricot or cherry pit (for a rich harvest in a summer cottage; and it doesn’t matter if there is no summer cottage, then it will be!);

Key (to purchase an apartment);

Pupsik in a smart suit (for the purchase of new outfits);

Train ticket (for travel);

Vitamin (to excellent health and longevity);

Theatrical program (to a rich social life), etc.

5. Dress up your beloved dog and cat as Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. Let them also feel in their own skin what a real holiday is! If there are no pets, then there is a reason to get them - at least as a New Year's gift to your beloved / beloved!

6. Arrange a competition for the best homemade Christmas tree toy. Only you need to prepare for this in advance: buy colored paper, glue, felt-tip pens, sparkles, ribbons and other little things that, in your opinion, may come in handy for this competition.

7. If the guests wish, you can arrange an acting competition: to stage, for example, some New Year's or just a children's fairy tale, remaking it in a new way. If the invitees have the appropriate mood, then the sea of ​​\u200b\u200blaughter and fun is guaranteed!

Are you already ready to go? Great! In the end, at least once a year, you can remember that we were all once children, that we all love have fun and fool around, joke and laugh. And when else can you afford it to the fullest, if not in the New Year!

Hang two blank sheets of paper on the wall, choose the two most daring guests, tie their hands behind their backs. Give them brushes, water jars, paints, or markers. Now their task is to draw the symbols of the outgoing year without the help of hands on blank sheets of paper.

All players receive one paper snowflake. The main task is to blow your snowflake as far as possible. After all the snowflakes are on the floor, the presenter, to the surprise of all those present, calls the winner the one whose snowflake fell closest to the start. It turns out that the winner of the "fresh breath" contest has to pin the snowflake to the floor before anyone else.

The girls remain in the room, and the leader takes the young people to another room. Each girl must choose one ball from the Christmas tree, then young people enter the room one at a time. Each guy who enters chooses one ball on the tree, if this ball is guessed by some girl, then he kisses this girl on the cheek. Then the young people go out and go in the second circle. The girls are already guessing other balls. If a young man names a ball that a girl has thought of, whom he has already kissed on the cheek, then he must kiss her on the lips.

For this game you will need Christmas decorations made of cotton wool. You need to attach wire hooks to them, in addition, you need to make a fishing rod with the same hook as on the toys. The task of the players is to hang cotton toys on the Christmas tree with the help of this fishing rod. The one who hangs up his toys the fastest wins. For this competition, the tree must be in a stable position.

Several participants stand in the middle of the room, they are blindfolded, then each participant must be rotated several times around its axis. The task of the players is to go in the direction where the tree stands and hang toys on it, which the host gave them in advance.

All guests sit in a circle and take turns pronouncing the names of films that are somehow connected with the New Year. Whoever does not pronounce the name is eliminated, the one who names the most similar films wins.

Each participant receives empty bottles and one spoon in their hands, with the help of these items they must perform a New Year's melody. The jury evaluates their melodies and chooses the most New Year's of them.

In this contest, you can simply ask questions to your guests, questions must be related to the New Year.

In what year did Peter I order to celebrate the New Year in the winter months? (1700)

In which country is it customary to throw old dishes and furniture out of the window on New Year's Eve? (Italy)

In what year did the first New Year's card appear in London? Hint: between 1800 and 1850. (1843)

In Germany, the New Year is not celebrated for one day, but for much longer. When does the New Year holiday start in Germany? (December 6)

In almost all countries, the New Year's clock strikes twelve times, thus signifying the onset of the New Year, but in Japan they strike many more times. How many times do Japanese clocks strike to announce the new year? Hint: 80 to 130 hits (108)

According to the scenario, each guest is given sheets of paper, on top of which all participants must write their intentions for the next new year, then the upper part is folded so that it is not visible what is written. After that, this sheet must be passed to a neighbor sitting to his right, and he, in turn, must write the reason why this decision was made. Sample phrase: “I intend to make………………(decision) because………………………(reason).” Next, the players read aloud what happened.

For this game, you will need paper, pencils and the imagination of your guests. The facilitator asks each player to write a letter to Santa Claus on behalf of the player sitting on the left. The facilitator gives the players 5-6 minutes to write this letter. After the time is up, the players pass these letters to the neighbors who sit to their left. Thus, each player reads a letter from himself, but written by a neighbor. In this competition, the host must reward the players for their originality.

For this game you need to form two teams. Each team must "stage" the song. For this game, you can assign roles in advance, or team captains can do it. Songs are best suited for dramatizations: “Three White Horses” performed by Vitas, “Yolka” performed by Verka Serduchka.

So, we wish your home New Year, which will be organized with the help of our script, to become one of the most fun holidays in your life.

Perhaps it can be called the most favorite holiday. Traditionally, it is celebrated by people in a warm family circle. On these magical days, many people have the New Year holidays, that is, it becomes possible to fully relax for several days and not worry about business. Those who soon have to celebrate the holiday are sure to think about the question of how to have fun in the New Year. After all, I want to make it unforgettable, full of wonders and amazing discoveries. This article talks about how to have a fun New Year's Eve with family and friends.

We decorate the Christmas tree

What holiday can be without a symbol of the New Year holidays? In many cultures, the Christmas tree becomes the main attribute of the celebration. The kids love to dress up this forest beauty. If you have small children in your house, then it is better to opt for a live Christmas tree. So it will be more interesting. Artificial, of course, also looks very nice, but this option is for those who are older.

If you want to spend the New Year at home having fun, then devote enough time and attention to decorating the Christmas tree. You should take care of purchasing New Year's toys in advance. Various balls, garlands, crackers and icicles will be a wonderful addition to the New Year's beauty. Take the time to decorate the Christmas tree with your children. It should be noted that the children do not have to be persuaded for a long time. It is possible that you will only have to manage the process, and the kids will do everything themselves.

New Year's table

Usually on December 31, all good housewives try to demonstrate their culinary skills to guests. I want to cook something unusually tasty to surprise everyone. Therefore, many women before the holiday persistently seek out a variety of recipes for festive dishes. If the topic is relevant for you, how to have fun in the New Year with your family, then remember that the choice of salads and snacks is very important. Of course, the meaning of the holiday is not to overeat all night, but there should be plenty of everything.

Selection of gifts

Children with special rapture are waiting for the holiday to come, also because Santa Claus appears on New Year's Eve. Every child dreams of something of his own, intimate. It could be a new toy, a book, or a bike. If you want to truly please your child, you should take care of this issue in advance. Choosing gifts is not an easy task. First you need to find out exactly what the baby is dreaming of, purchase the desired item and, when the time comes, discreetly put it under the Christmas tree.

How to have fun in the New Year? Just try to keep yourself in a good mood for a few days, then your family will follow a positive example.

Writing letters to Santa Claus is an effective way to find out what your children dream about. Be attentive enough to their desires, then subsequently you will not have to frantically remember what they asked the fairy-tale character for. Even better, if each of the children write down their desire on a separate sheet of paper. Then the parents will have material confirmation in their hands. And what delight the children will experience when they receive the desired gifts! It's impossible to describe in words!

Awards and congratulations

When you sit down as a family to spend the outgoing year, it would be nice to list what good things happened over the past twelve months. You should first note the successful events in general, and then remember the personal achievements of each family member. Surely each of you somehow excelled. Such attention to success and victories teaches the child to think positively, to make plans for the future. Come up with and prepare in advance original letters that would demonstrate the achievements of your child. He will be very pleased to know that his parents celebrate his victories and consider them important.

It will be great if the kids themselves prepare greeting cards for older relatives. They may not think to do it themselves, so they should be reminded in time that grandparents would be very pleased to hear kind words from their grandson and granddaughter.

Interesting contests, original wishes

Should not be limited to eating goodies and watching television programs. If possible, keep yourself and your guests busy with interesting activities, come up with your own contests in which everyone can participate. If you are planning to celebrate a holiday outside the home and are thinking about how to have fun, then our tips will certainly come in handy.

Try to come up with as many surprises as possible, all kinds of contests and bright congratulations. For example, you can write personal wishes for everyone on beautiful colored paper, and then collect them in a bag. Imagine how interesting it will be for your friends to pull out these strips of paper with their own hands and read what is written! If you are still worried about how to have fun in the New Year with friends, try diversifying your meetings with such an original approach.

We go out into the street

On the most magical night of the year, it is not at all necessary to sit in the apartment all the time. If the weather allows and there is no severe frost, then be sure to go to the yard. The point is not to go somewhere far, but to allow yourself something that you usually do not do. Agree, at any other time you would not go out after midnight.

How to have fun in the New Year outdoors? There are many options that allow you to please yourself and your guests. You can hold a glass of champagne in your hands and, while the chimes are chiming, think of the most Boldly go for a ride on a hill - on a festive night you can not be shy about children's fun and have fun to the fullest.

So, you have decided where to have fun in the New Year. Now is the time to start realizing your intentions. Invite friends in advance or arrange with your family how and what will happen. At the same time, it is wiser not to immediately give out all the surprises in order to save a little intrigue. Thus, the question of how to have fun in the New Year is solved by your creative approach to business. Happy holidays to you!