We decorate the kindergarten area in winter. Project “Design of a winter walking area for children in the preparatory group”

Valentina Ilyasova

The winter holidays are over, and the children rushed to kindergarten with great pleasure and joy. We really miss our friends and toys. And of course we were looking forward to the walk. After all, our plot during winter holidays changed a lot and became very bright and colorful. We teachers have transformed, colorfully registered their plot and cheered up their guys.

Invite you Dear colleagues for a tour of your own site.

All plot they decorated the perimeter like this multi-colored balls. IN Balloons poured cold water and carried out into the street. Not difficult at all, but very beautiful.

On every there is a slide in the area. We decorated our slide with colorful flowers.

A multi-colored flower bed was made from the sandbox. Flowers were cut out from multi-colored fabric and decorated with flowers. We also decorated the flowerbed with multi-colored balls. Using this flower bed we fix the color.

A bee flies to the flowerbed, wants to collect nectar and treat everyone delicious honey. And you can throw silver cones into the barrel that the bee holds in its paws.

A horse is grazing near a flowerbed. Yes, the horse is not simple, it is decorated with elements of Dymkovo painting. You can crawl under the horse.

And the turkey is among plot: ball - ball - ball. This is such a handsome, proud man standing behind order looks at the site.

There's a chicken nearby: ko – ko – ko…. You can climb onto a chicken and go on a long journey.

All your crafts issued elements of Dymkovo painting. It became bright and beautiful area.

We also made a house out of snow for playing with dolls: built a sofa and a table.

And next to it is a slide for dolls. The dolls really want to ride on the mountain.

To us at plot bullfinches and titmice also flew by.

And of course we prepared takeaway material for labor (shovels, scrapers, tampers, sleds for transporting snow).

We prepared takeaway material for outdoor games, experimentation, and observation.

We heard words of gratitude from parents, grandparents. In the evening, picking up the children from kindergarten, they are in no hurry to go home. Go to plot, play, ride the slide, take pictures and take care of our buildings.

Publications on the topic:

The leading goals of the preschool educational institution are to create favorable conditions for a child to fully enjoy preschool childhood and prepare for life in the modern world.

The teachers invited parents to help in decorating kindergarten areas to organize a walk in winter time. Snow on the site.

Beautiful and comfortable areas are the joy of any kindergarten. But in winter it is much more difficult to make the area look aesthetically pleasing.

In the spring, together with our parents, we decided to decorate our area in the kindergarten and prepare it for summer! After all, summer is favorite time of the year.

My kindergarten is like a second home for me, and for the students too. And you always want to make your home warm and cozy. A lack of.

Kindergarten is a second home for our children. And we wanted to make something original out of an ordinary gray area. We would like to introduce you.

Hello, Dear Colleagues and friends! Every winter we (the group’s teachers and parents of the students) try to transform our area.

Amazing snow colored fortresses and houses, characters from cartoons and fairy tales by Pushkin, New Year characters, cars, fancy slides... I can’t even believe that all this splendor was created from snow. With a shovel, bucket, paint and creative imagination you can turn a piece of the garden yard into a spaceport, an African savanna or an exhibition of huge Dymkovo toys. In this section we have collected for you numerous ideas for decorating a site in winter. And of course, detailed master classes on creating snow figures.

We invite you to the MAAM winter sculptors’ workshop!

Contained in sections:

Showing publications 1-10 of 1505.
All sections | Snow figures, buildings made of snow. Design of winter areas

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Image library "MAAM-pictures"

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As winter approaches, there are fewer and fewer bright colors left in the garden. Green bright summer behind, behind us is autumn, delighting us with yellow-crimson hues. Nature has stood still. But winter is also a magical time, fabulous, beautiful. One has only to look out the window and look at the unusual shapes of trees, bushes, hedges, and sculptures. After all, we will not hibernate, but will admire the beauty of the magnificent winter garden!

Year-round beauty of the garden

To make your garden beautiful even in winter, you don’t need to special effort. When asked how to decorate it, we answer that suitable plants will help you with this. The most important are the evergreen fluffy pines and spruces, juniper, and yew. They will decorate your garden not only in winter, but throughout the rest of the year. The Christmas tree can be decorated with toys, funny and bright garlands, and regardless of the number in winter calendar.

In addition to conifers, plants with contrasting patterns of stems and bark are ideal. For example, thin birch trees with black and white trunks, turf with multi-colored shoots. Bright accents they can arrange berry bushes, whose fruits do not lose their juiciness even in severe frosts: rowan, hawthorn, viburnum, euonymus, sea buckthorn, barberry.

Landscape winter design

Winter landscape design in winter - it is diverse garden sculpture. The lack of colors is compensated by attractive shapes and some designer details. For example, garden furniture will add comfort and peace, significantly enlivening the picture of the garden. In winter there is very little light, so you need to add more artificial lighting: bright and original garlands lanterns and lamps hung on bushes, trees, and lamps along the paths will add a special charm.

The most interesting element winter garden There will be hand-made snow and ice sculptures, as well as various decoration toys. The whole family can create them. Making snowmen different sizes and with different elements- not only an option creative decoration garden, but also providing fun family leisure. Various toys and decorations will become real “magic” objects that open roads to other worlds, and will be very useful for children’s games and performances.

To add bright colors you can use interesting idea:

  • collect air balloons different forms, sizes;
  • fill them with water and dye;
  • tie the balls and leave them in the cold.
  • When freezing, remove the film.

As a result, you will get amazing, as if glass decorations, which can be placed throughout the garden or made into an interesting composition.

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Slide captions:

Winter decoration walking area

Our site is simply amazing! Everything is decorated beautifully!

The scientist cat lies here and guards the feeding trough

The hare and the wolf became friends and settled down near the swing!

Kolobok meets the guys and invites them to play!

Bunny is also happy with children, he loves children very much!

Our fish is not simple, beautiful and golden!

Three bears live here and invite everyone to visit them!

There is a boat for the kids, anyone is happy to take it for a ride!

Our slide is a treasure! The best fun for kids!

We also have a labyrinth, it is simply decorated!

There is a walking path! And wide and stitch!

A hedgehog is made from a snowdrift, where else can you find a hedgehog?

This is a corner for girls, come and visit my friend

We tried for the children, We involved parents! We conjured magic together for a long time, And fought with the snow! But our work was not in vain, " A winter's tale"The site's name is!

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