Photo session: the best solutions in the design of jewelry store windows. Display of jewelry in the store

At the same time, it is important to adhere to certain principles for laying out jewelry.

1. The principle of matching the type of display to the format of the store and the cost of products
The closer the store format is to the mass market, the greater the percentage of the total demonstration area will be occupied by the mass display: 80% of the tablet display of mass-produced goods and 20% of the composite display in the departments of expensive goods with precious stones. This ratio is recommended for mass sales stores. And vice versa, 80% composition display and 20% tablet display (wedding rings, chains, bracelets) characterize the exposition of a luxury salon offering high value products. In brand stores and designer boutiques, there is 100% compositional display, since each product is unique in its own way and requires a special presentation.

The principle is simple: the more expensive, unique, exclusive products you demonstrate, the more effective the use of compositional layout will be. Conversely, the presence of a tablet display visually signals to the buyer that the store offers goods at affordable prices.

What is the role of such a strict adherence to the law of compliance with the format? It is clear to the buyer at a glance what kind of store is in front of him. Thus, a stream of target buyers is formed. In addition, when applying this law, the buyer can easily find out in which place of the trading floor there are cheap consumer goods, and where expensive exclusive products are presented.

2. The space of any showcase is read by the buyer from left to right (in Arab countries, on the contrary, from right to left - be careful when analyzing the layout in exotic countries!)
In the "hot" zones - the center and the upper right corner - you should display specially promoted product groups. In the "coldest" zone of the showcase - the lower left corner - you need to put the goods priority demand, products that attract attention with their design, large according to the size of the goods, information plates.

Rice. 1. Location in the "hot" zone of specially promoted goods (trade residues as a "soloist". The rest of the space is occupied by a flatbed display

Rice. 2. The location of the "soloist" in the "cool" zone, in the "hot" zone - a tablet with a specially promoted group of goods. The rest of the space is a tablet layout

3. The law of division of exposition areas

Each product group in the showcase should have clearly defined boundaries surrounded by free space (emptiness).

Excessive amount of goods in the shop window makes it impossible to allocate free space for demonstrating product groups expressively and separately, and the desire to show everything at once destroys the clarity of the layout. It is important to strike a balance between exposure and emptiness, remembering that crowded windows are the most unpleasant sight that we can present to the buyer. The look is simply lost in the visual chaos! Emptiness is a tool with which we can calm and focus the eyes of the buyer. Please note that high jewelry fashion salons are very actively using this: the more expensive the item, the greater the percentage of emptiness left around it. And we see showcases that feature only a few, if not one, unique product that feels like a queen on a throne in the showcase!

4. The most effective layout is simple
Simple decisions are perceived by the human subconscious as the most correct. Remember the phrase "Everything ingenious is simple"? This rule also works when creating a layout.
The layout should be clear, simple, with a clearly identified central semantic element, so that the viewer can understand which product is the main one here. It is important that the seller can easily get into the depth of the showcase, and the buyer can clearly see all the corners of the showcase. Products should not overlap each other, it is important to observe the principle of readability of each decoration.

5. The more expensive the product, the higher it is placed in its product group
The most expensive products are placed, as mentioned earlier, in the semantic center of the showcase, above other products, for this they use additional coasters and podiums, sometimes even in a contrasting color. In vertical showcases and niches, expensive products are placed at eye level. They form the image of the store, as they are in the areas of the most active perception.

6. All jewelry is exhibited on display equipment
The point of using demonstration equipment is to show all the highlights of the jewel as advantageously as possible. Raising the product on the equipment, we emphasize its value, we attach special importance to it. That is why the display of jewelry at the bottom of the counter or shelf is absolutely unacceptable!

The place of information plates is the lower left corner of the showcase or showcase zone.
The decorative filling of the showcase should not be too complicated, one, maximum two decorative elements are enough to perform the function of an impulse attraction of attention.


1. Basic principles and advantages of high-quality jewelry display.

2. Types of layout and principles of working with it:

- compositional; - tablet; - mixed.

3. Basic principles of calculation. Designing the layout - the algorithm of work.

Jewelery is very delicate and does not tolerate careless attitude - elegantly and correctly presented products play a decisive role in the buyer's desire to purchase jewelry. Jewelry belongs to the category of luxury items and is purchased quite rarely, most often in connection with some significant events in life. Therefore, the style of the store, and the design of the showcase, and the display of goods must correspond to the form and content: nothing bright, flashy, noisy, that distracts attention.

A potential buyer should be able to slowly examine the product from all sides. The most rational solution in this case is. By correctly laying out jewelry on it, the seller provides the buyer with the maximum information that is required to make a decision.

What principles to follow?


In this case, this principle works 100%. Since jewelry in jewelry stores is represented by budget models of mass demand and exclusive ones, it is necessary to determine the ratio of these groups of goods and start from this when laying out products. For the budget line of products, special frills are not needed, the display is made on tablets. For exclusive jewelry, a compositional layout is required so that the client can appreciate the proposed item. If it will be usedstand for ringsto demonstrate products in all their glory, the buyer will be able to focus on this particular product. Also, if a client needs earrings, it makes no sense for him to consider other jewelry - a specialstand for earringswill allow you to examine the product in detail and push you to buy.

The correct layout of goods on tablets or special stands will form a certain image of the store:tablets will show the mass consumer the variety and availability of the products offered;special coasters will indicate the exclusivity and value of the goods.

2. Showcase hot zone

As a rule, it turns out to be the upper right corner of the display case. Here it is necessary to place the promoted group of goods. In the lower left part, you can lay out designer products that already attract attention with their appearance.

3. Rational division of display area

First: in no case should you make “assorted” jewelry by mixing chains, earrings, rings. Second: you need to find a balance of free space and the number of decorations, which should not be too much. This applies to shop windows and product display on tablets. If, for example, an expensive chain or necklace is placed on a separatestand for chains, then such questions do not arise, there is enough free space around for the best acquaintance with the model.

But in any case, there should not be an excessive supply and an abundance of products in which a potential client will simply be confused.

4. Ease of laying out

Everything is done simply and clearly. You should not fantasize and get carried away with design solutions: elegantstand for braceletspresent the product in the best possible way.

5. Optimum product display height

The showcase itself should not have a height of less than 0.9 m or more than 1.6 m. The visitor to the showroom should not bend or stretch to view the product. Expensive jewelry should be placed higher, on special podiums or stands.

6. Demonstration Equipment

The use of tablets and stands for jewelry will help to present them in the most favorable way, emphasizing the sophistication of the jewelry. There should be no distracting details - jewelry in itself attracts attention. The use of decorative elements should be kept to a minimum. Equipment and promotional materials are also just a side element: everything focuses on decorations.

Organization of acceptance of jewelry goods in terms of quantity and quality

The procedure and terms for acceptance, as well as the rules for its documentation are defined in the instructions ""On the procedure for accepting industrial and technical products and consumer goods by quantity"", "On the procedure for accepting industrial and technical products and consumer goods by quality "". These instructions apply only in cases where it is provided for in the sales (delivery) contract and when a different acceptance procedure is not established by standards, specifications or other mandatory rules.

When accepting jewelry, attention is paid to the general requirements for them: appearance, shape, size, quality of mounting, soldering and finishing, serviceability of locks, pins and hinged joints, correct fastening of jewelry inserts, integrity of the stone, clarity of marks. precious metals.

In addition, they pay attention to the specific features characteristic of a particular group of jewelry, for example: when accepting table setting items - engraving, clarity of the pattern, quality of the enamel coating, chasing; when accepting amber products - for the quality of surface treatment, the selection of beads by size and tone, the correctness of their shape, the strength of setting amber products on a metal or wooden frame;

Appropriate inventory and tools are used for quality acceptance of goods: for jewelry goods - technical scales and gram and milligram weights for them, 4-, 6- and 10-fold magnifiers, a caratometer, ring gauge, caliper, millimeter ruler, suede or flannel cloth;

When accepting, they use the current GOSTs, industry standards, specifications, technical descriptions and other regulatory and technical documentation (NTD).

The room in which quality acceptance is carried out should be sufficiently lit by daylight, and in the evening - artificial. The desktop should be smooth or covered with linoleum.

In the sale of jewelry, one of the key roles is played by their correct presentation in the window. This is an expensive product, a luxury item that is bought as a gift for significant dates or solemn events. Therefore, a spectacular appearance of the goods and a beautifully designed showcase are of great importance.

So, let's look at the basic rules for displaying jewelry in a store:

1) The store should have good lighting so that the buyer can see the jewelry well. The light should be diffused and cold, not dazzle the eyes of visitors, and at the same time illuminate the shop window well.

2) Since the jewelry is small, it is important that the buyer can see it.

3) In order not to mislead the buyer, it is necessary to place jewelry with precious and non-precious stones on different shelves. The same rule applies to products made of gold, silver and platinum. Each layout must have a plate with the name of the stone, metal and jewelry sample. Costume jewelry should be located separately from products made of precious metals.

4) Price tags should not cover the product itself. You can remove them so they don't get in the way. In this case, a price tag should be placed next to each decoration.

5) It is important to choose the right stands and presentations for jewelry, given their size. High stands should be placed at the back of the counter, while lower and flat ones should be placed closer to the customer. This will provide a good overview of all products.

6) Jewelry should look bright and spectacular. To do this, it is best to use a contrasting substrate in black or any dark color.
7) Chains should be divided into groups depending on the length and type of weaving.

8) The rings must be placed on the plates in size within each group. Rings with large stones should be placed on separate presentations.

9) Novelties and kits should be placed on separate stands. The presentation of the set should be in the form of a triangle: a tall item (chain, necklace) should be in the center of the composition and slightly in depth, smaller and lower elements (earrings, rings, brooches, bracelets) on the sides and closer to the buyer.

10) And, of course, every successful jewelry store should have a mirror so that customers can try on the piece they like.

Jewelry, as a rule, is beautiful and self-sufficient in itself. However, in the techniques of selling jewelry, the display of jewelry plays a significant role. Properly selected position of decorations and the general appearance of the "picture" - the contents of the stand attract the eye, attract attention. This helps to attract a potential buyer and is the first step to successful sales.

Of course, not only beautifully arranged goods affect the choice. An important role in the choice of jewelry is played by the quality of the product. The reliability of the elements of the composition and many other factors. Including competent, professional presentation of information about precious jewelry.

How to properly display jewelry

Let's look at the example of displaying jewelry on the stands of the Golden Fashion trademark. We constantly take part in exhibitions and sales of jewelry products. And a large part of the work is to effectively present new collections and individual models of jewelry. The photo shows several examples of laying out jewelry made of gold and silver.

Rings, rings and pendants assembled into a single composition (collection) can be made of gold or silver. Have inclusions of elements of precious and semi-precious stones.

On a separate tier there are decorations - brooches, pendants, etc., made in an elegant, thin "monogram" style. Jewelry items are grouped into the collection not only on this basis, but also on the basis of the precious metal used in jewelry - gold 585.

Compositions of chains, earrings, clones and brooches demonstrate well the harmony and mutual compatibility. Evaluating the decorations located on this stand, you can immediately imagine a picture - how the products will be combined. It is convenient and practical for the buyer.

Tiered above are gold and silver earrings with semi-precious stones. The lighting of the booth is not very bright, but sufficient to allow you to fully explore the aesthetic qualities of the jewelry. To see the "play" of light on the edges of stones and on the elements of earrings.

Explore the range of jewelry in our retail store "Golden Fashion"

The retail online store "Zolotaya Moda" presents more than 7,500 jewelry made of precious metals - gold and silver. All products have a quality guarantee. We carefully form the assortment list of jewelry offered for sale. Our store currently offers decorations in categories.

layout- this is a method of displaying goods on special demonstration equipment, developed individually for each store, in order to attract the attention of customers to the product and then sell it. A good display makes an immediate impression and sets a deep hypnotic contact of the buyer with the goods! The results are noticeable almost immediately, buyers see the product well, it is convenient for them to navigate the assortment and they respond to signals that are laid out for display.

1. Showcases, shelves of cabinets where jewelry is displayed should be wiped every morning before displaying the goods;

2. Tablets should be periodically cleaned of contaminants using alcohol-based detergents; also, every time the price tag is removed from the tablet (if it was pasted on it), the tablet should also be cleaned of those traces that it may leave;

3. Products also tend to get dirty, so contaminated products should be periodically cleaned with special cleaning products for silver and gold (gilded silver products are undesirable to clean in such solutions, it is better to clean them with a flannel cloth);

4. In departments, goods should be presented by product categories. A product category is a collection of products that have a general purpose, for example, the category “chains”, “rings”, “earring + ring sets”, “wedding rings”, etc. Some product categories complement each other well and may be presented not far from each other, such as chains and bracelets or chains and pendants;

5. Among the huge number of disparate products, it turns out that one can find unifying moments and group products, thereby stopping the chaos in the windows and pleasing the eye of the buyer with a harmonious and logical presentation of goods. Those. in the store it is necessary to sort diamonds, products with zircons, colored stones (for example: we sort diamond earrings, zircons, Swarovski, Congo, children's, threading, hanging ...). On a tablet representing pendants in the form of crosses, signs of the zodiacs, icons, pendants of only these categories should be presented, fantasy pendants must be placed in a separate tablet;

6. At the showcase level, we select the main product group or product, which becomes the central element of the showcase, the so-called “soloist”. "Soloists" are visually presented in the most profitable way and have a priority for sale. The central group can be made up of the most expensive items, garnished by design and purpose (for example, a necklace and a group of partner rings and earrings). Also, the "soloist" can be represented from the commodity residues that need to be sold urgently;

7. Use individual stands to display products with inserts of precious, semi-precious stones, sets, or to display other products in order to attract the attention of the buyer.

8. The format of the store is close to the mass market, so a larger percentage of the total area of ​​​​the demonstration will be occupied by a mass display. 80% tablet display of mass-produced goods and 20% - composite - in the departments of expensive goods with precious stones.

- it is necessary to organize the correct compositional calculation.

Composition requirements:

Integrity in shape and color:

The presence of a dominant - a compositional center. A useful rule of thumb for composition is to work from the center, the main group or "soloist";


For accuracy and orderliness, use a symmetrical layout, can be combined with a row composition. Individual coasters with items with inserts of semiprecious stones, which are smaller, should be placed in the foreground, and coasters with a large size in the background, and also grouped into sets;


10. Items should be placed neatly, symmetrically to each other;

11. All product tags must be neatly tucked in;

12. All products must be displayed on tablets, or if they are not available, then it is possible to put products in cases (they must be of the same color, silver looks better in blue cases);

13. If on stripe-type plates the displayed rings do not occupy the entire plate, it is recommended to set the rings in a checkerboard pattern, or combine them into one plate.

Three rings must be displayed on one strip, a maximum of four:

14. Chains that are long should be positioned so that they do not cover the price tags with the price of products;

15. Arrange rings according to size. Group items by type (weight of the item, content and type of inserts, or their absence), for example: first, let the tablet contain items of the same size without inserts, then items with inserts of zircon and cubic zirconia, and then items with inserts of colored stones and etc;

16. The layout of wedding rings is carried out according to the article, it should have the following form: rings are set in size (in ascending order);

17. When laying out chains, it is recommended to form separate plans along the length of the products. I especially want to draw your attention to the fact that inside the tablet you can select product groups according to the type of weaving; inside the product groups, the chains are laid out from left to right, starting with thinner models with a gradual transition to larger ones;

18. Laying out chains and bracelets carried out as follows: bracelets are attached to the tablet with one hook, and the chain with 2a hooks; you can not hang chains and bracelets for locks, because. this leads to their destruction.

Below, in the left corner, a price tag containing information about the size of the product is glued, price tags with a crossed out price and a price tag with the real price of the goods are glued below, All price tags must be glued on the same level.;

19. Cross out the discounted price in one direction:

20. The tablet space is read by the customer from left to right. The most easily read "hot" zone is the center and upper right corner of the tablet. The “coldest” zone is the lower left corner, so you need to put products of non-standard design, large sizes, or information plates about the size and weight of the product there. Plates indicating "585" and a discount on the shelf should also be placed in the lower left corner;

21. It is unacceptable to leave gaps or fill voids with goods from other product groups and categories. Close empty cells in the tablets with products (it is not necessary to display the entire range of goods, you can close the voids formed in the tablet with goods in stock); With an extremely small amount of goods, use a composite layout;

22. Stamped bracelets should be displayed in a window separately from the rest;

23. In order to use the upper shelves of the cabinets, you can put on them some tablets with chains, breasts with necklaces, large earrings (congo earrings, pearl earrings), etc .;

24. It is recommended to separate sets from the total mass by placing them in a separate tablet or on individual stands (in case of a shortage of individual stands, the sets should be displayed in cases, they must be of the same color);

25. Individual coasters with a smaller size should be placed in the foreground, and coasters with a larger size in the background;

26. It is possible to form a separate shelf in the closet, on which a men's assortment of goods made of silver or gold will be displayed;

27. Do not allow decorative elements to block the view of jewelry; The decorative filling of the showcase should not be too complicated, one, maximum two decorative elements are enough to perform the function of impulsive attraction of attention;

28. The lower the shelf on which the tablet stands, the greater the angle of inclination should be: